HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddendum #1 2013 Sewer Rehabilitation Project HELENA PO Box 4817 a 2501 Belt View Drive Helena, MT 59604 406.449.8627 Fax 406.449.8631 44f2FdRl�0��,'11&rCuF'tYdIG�Iif�t;�i�TlflNItL't107ii�i Iti4tlii�iftltl�ItllT�t�VttYtlh11t111�itlt�Viit 1141 @S��l�� fittii�til�lVltl tittil�t� u�„ � a �`�� �Sti't�� 11i1�1�11Ti engineering � ADDENDUM#1 CITY OF BOZEMAN, MT 2013 SEWER REHABILITATION PROJECT DATE OF ADDENDUM: May 1,2013 BID DUE DATE: May 6,2013 TIME BID 1S DUE: 2.00 PM MAIL BID RECEIPT LOCATION: City Clerk's Office City Hall P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 HAND DELIVER BID RECEIPT LOCATION: City Clerk's Office City Hall 121 North Rouse Avenue Bozeman„ MT 59771 TO ALL PLANHOLDERS: This addendum shall serve to modify the Project Manual and Construction Plans for the City of Bozeman 2013 Sewer Rehabilitation Project as follows; CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS 1. Section 00300—Bid Form Remove SDR 35 from bid items 14, 15, 108, 109, 208, 209, 308,and 309, provide sewer service pipe per City of Bozeman Standard Specifications, Section 00950. Remove all references to Special Fuel User Permit, 2. Section 00910—Special Provisions Delete Special Provision 24—Special Fuel User's Permit 3. A endix D—,MDT Utility Occu anc Permit Replace the entire current appendix with the attached Encroachment Permit and approved traffic control plans. These traffic control plans will be required during construction. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF ADDENDUM#1 All bidders shall acknowledge receipt of Addendum#1 on the Bid Form and on the outside of the envelope containing the Bid. Sincerely, Great West Engineering, Inc. Amy M. Deitchler, PE BILLINGS Project Engineer 115 N Broadway Suite 500 Enclosure: Plan Holders List Billings,&65 -5000 ti Pre-Bid Meeting Minutes&Sign In Sheet 406.652.'aQ4o Fax 406.248.1363 Montana Department of Transportation, Encroachment Application And Permit P APPROVED Printed on; Aptil 19, 2013 APPLICANT INFORMATION: Name: AMY DEITCHLEF Address- CITY OF BOZEMAN City: BOZEMAN State: MT Zip. 59771-1236 Corporation Name: CITY OF BOZEMAN Phone:406-682 Nature of Permit Desired: �J I�Z SEWER MAINTENANCE APR (9 2�)113 ENCROACHMENT LOCATION INFORMATION: Sign Route: Corridor: Beginning Reference Ending Reference us 191 CO00050 088+1 .000 County: Township: Range: Section: Qrtr. Qrtr- Qrtr, GALLATIN 2S 7 Comments- 1.PERMITTEE SHALL SUBMIT AN APPROVED DETAILED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN THAT MEETS MDT AND MTITCD REQUIREMENTS. 2.PERIMITTEE SHALL FOLLOW THE APPROVED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN 3-PERMITTEE SHALL PROVIDE MDT A 24-HOUR EMERGENCY CALL LIST 4,I)KRMITTEB SHALL NOT DELAY TRAFFIC MORE THAN 10 MINUTES 5-PE."ITTEE SHALL MAINTAIN ONE LANE OF TRAFFIC DURING WORK HOURS AND TWO I:kNES DURING NIGHT AND WEEKEND WHEN WORK IS NOT PRESENT, 6,PERMITTEE SHALL REPAIR ANY DAMAGE DONE TO I✓DT?S RIGHT OF WAY, CULVERT, AND/OR ROADWAY As A RBST7LT OF THE SEWER. ALL REPAIRS WILL BE DONE IN-KIND AND WILL BE DONE IMMEDIATELY, 7-IF PEPJ41TTEE DOES NOT REPAIR DAMAGE DOME TO MDT ROADWAY OR RIGHT OF WAY WITHIN A REASONABLE TIMRFRAI�IE, THE PRRMTTTEE WILL PF, INVOICED FOR, MDT?S PERSONNEL, MATERIALS, AND EQUIPMENT REQUIRED MAKING THE RE PAIRS. pjj R8. B.PERMITTBE IS REOUIPED TO HACKFILT, THE TRENCH TO BP,' FILLED W12,H NO SHRINK 9.ALL REPAIRS DONE TO MDT ROADWAYS SHALL BE DONE IN KIND. (EXP14PLE: 4 INCHES OF PLANT MIX IS REMOVE,), 4 INCHES OF PLANT' MIX WILL BE INSTALLED.) 10.PERMITTEE SHALL CEASE ALL OPERATIONS WHEN INCLEMENT WEATHER CREATES HAZARDOUS Poj,_DV,,Ay C NS 11,PERMITTEE IS RESPONSIBLE OF ALL ASPECTS OF THE SEWER INCLUDING THE PIPE, RISERS, AND MAMHOLE CO-VE.qS. 12,PBRMITTE8 SHALL ACCEPT ALL RESPONS12TLi,ry ANiD LIAJ5TLITY OF ANY FAILURE OF THY ROAD OR RI r1'1" ?A-WAY FOR TWO YEARS AFTER THE PROTECT IS COMPLETE DUE TO PLACING THE SEWER LINE, 13.CITY OF B0ZEM.PLV IS RFSVIONSIBLE :'OR ALL O"ERAT10N, MAINTENANCE, OWNERSHIP AND ANY FUTURE RELOCA.-TON OF TjjF.' SEWER MAIN 14.TH:,q PER1411' IS POP, MATNTENA.NCS OF SEWER LINE ON MAIN ST. IND SEVENTH ST. Permit number 4501 Page I of"4 11� ENCROACHMENT PERMIT INFORMATION: MU't ILCU ict of i ranuporlamun Encroacnment Appkation And Permi( printed on: April 19,2013 E,M21ication Date _Xsrue Date_ Encl Date Class type Maintenance )ivisj*-,j 18-APR-13 19-APR-I3 0 1-RA:Z-14 A TE.MPORA.Py BOZEPLaN, Approved by. KYLE DEMAPS L Alul If f I A� f, (Approval Signature) (Applicaxxt Signature) Permit number 4301 Page 2 oi 4 Montana Department of Transportation Encroachment Application And Permit h � ntedmn: April 19, 2013 SPECIAL FACILITIES INFORMATION Name Address SLate ST Plane E ST Plane N Type Mine mdeg id Mize Description Well Designation � :�22rvl Dt Approval Recommended By Spill DescEj2tio Coniment i TERM.This permit shall uein full force and effect from the date hereof unfit revoked au herein provided, x FEE. The fee for issuance of this permit is......__� s REVOCATION. This permit myhorevoked by State upon giving 4s days notice mPenm|ucvuy ordinary mail,sent m the address xhmwnovmin However,the State may revoke this permit without notice mPounim:e violates any or its conditions xterms. 4 COMMENCEMENT OFWORK, No work shall be commenced until Permittee notffies the Maintenance Chief shown in application the date the,mno/nvv proposes to commerce work, s CHANGES INHIGHWAY. o State highway changes necessitate changes in structures or Installations installed under thivn�nnit r="=/m=e°womaxenmc="a�o»an9es°ivho�expenw*mStae. ' o STATE SAVED HARMLESS FROM CLAIMS. ^sa consideration of being issued this permit,thePenmxne'its successors n, assigns,agrees to protect the State and save x harmless from 8U claims,actions vr damage m every kind and description which muyanoruetu ovbusu0emd by,any person m persons, o performance of any such work,character of materials used,or manner of installations,maintenance and operation,or by the improper occupancy of said highway right-of-way,and in case any suit or action is brought against the State and arising out of,or by reason of any of the above causes,the Permittee,its successors or eissigns,will,upon notice to them of the commencement of such actimn,defend the same at its sole cost and expense and satisfy any judgment which may be rendered against the State in any such suit or action. r P*oTFCroOmVFrn*FF/C. The Permittee shall protect the work area with traffic control devices that comply With the Manual of unh"nmTrofficcon,np|Dovues. Twepermwve may be required w submit a traffic control plan m the Maintenance Chief for approval prior,ontamnnwork. During work,the Maintenance Chief or designee may require the Permittee to use additionai traffic control devices m protect traffic o,the work area. No road closure shall occur Wimoutprior approval from the District Engineer, u HIGHWAY AND DRAINAGE. V the work done under this permit interferes in any way with the drainage n,the State highway affected,penniuee shall,mt the pmnnittemu expense,make such provisions uothe State may direct to remedy the interference, 9 RUBBISH AND DEBRIS. Upon completion of work contemplated under this permit,ad rubbish and debris shall be immediately removed and the roadway and roadside left in a neat and presentable condition satisfactory to the State. zn INSPECTION. Tominoud|aoon b /�nnpwith mpaumo�w±m�na�/m ionsnf�� permit. The Prnnu�e may unn������n�o� ���is����x�|��om,a,sole expense vfp��i,�� Yr����ouuuudoes "utm`n�m^"»mmrn:ommmen�vrmwponmxormaauar*eo�ao "="'"" `^ STATES RIGHT NOT Toee INTERFERED WITH, All changes,reconstruction nr relocation`xm|uu done uype,niuu*,nonto MontanaDepa*tmentof Transpottat^on Encroachment ach nt Application And Permit Printed on: April 13, 2O13 reason n/any such work by the State,its agents,contractor v,representatives,o,uv the excercioeor any rights wx the State upon the highways mv the installations*r structures placed under this permit. ze REMOVAL OF INSTALLATIONS omSTRUCTURES. on|oas waived the State,upon termination^/this permit, the po,m/nm «svaxmm^ve*r/=staxauoonmmmcm,,sinxtauegvnov,m/spennuat nn cost m the State and restore the premises w the prior existing condition,reasonable and ordinary wear and tear and damage uv the elements,or by circumstances over which the Pv,cnev has nn control, excepted, �a MAINTENANCE AT EXPENSE orPERw/TTEEP=nniuee shall maintain,a[imouieovpenuo'theinstamat/nnsmnuwruntu structures z^ STATE NOT LIABLE FOR DAMAGE roINSTALLATIONS. m accepting this permit the P"nm/om=agrees that anyu *0u�done m said ioata|aornoorx/�x�res»vacont�cm,wpn«n��r the ota/u onz any sm�omp�y=n*°oapz��»g«»' cmnouom/on.nnerubvn.�oa/,.mam�nr""oo,impmvnmao,n,mvam�mgnwa`— '|b�a�m=mm��p�nu�o'vovm highway,shall mvpunamvm. /s STATE TQBE REIMBURSED FOR REPAIRING ROADWAY Upon being billed,therefore,Pem,ioee agrees/opromptly reimburse State for any incurred i surface o fmouwaym"ewo*mlementmi^a,mxau**'n,�'e^vnm e'damage za The Permillee shall not discharge or cause discharge of any hazardous or solid waste by the installation or operation of the facility 17 The Permittee wiH control noxious weeds within the disturbed installation area for two(2)years. 18 /n accordance with wm,[.Code Ann, 76-3-403( =nniuoe shall,atpe"n/«peo expense,employ the services ofu Montana Licensed Professional Land Surveyor m re-establish all ax|sn"ooumeymnnumen�~~~''wwuy~n,xcpn�mp|��ovuo�rmi m nvrmi/. as The use oY explosives ivprohibited for the inoumIa/iom. 20 Any condition of this permit shal�not be waived without written approval of the appropriate District Engineer, zz OTHER CONDITIONS AND/OR REMARKS: Permit oomzez 4501 Page 4 of 4 2009 Edition Page 645 Figure 611-6. Shoulder,Work with Minor Encroach,meni, (TA-6) .- auu "WK, Note.Note: See Tables 6H-2 and 6H-3 forthe meaning of the symbols and/or Vetter codes used in this figure. Work vehicle Truck-mounted attenuator loft (optional)Ae MIN Buffer space (optional) A viom O;Z ROAD N NOW ANtAD Typical Application 6 Decernner x009 Sect.6H.01' 20119 Edition Page 663 Figure 61.1-15.. Work in the Center of a Road with Low Traffic Volumes (TA-15) 'dog, Note:See Tables 6H-2 and 61-1-3 A for the meaning of the sYmbols and/or letter cosies used in thls figure. 112 L (optional) oil PO0tirlr^��l$ 10 feet MIN.to edge M of pavement or outside edge of paved shoulder A Wk aVti BROAD; fIIQ3 tow 'IR kk MAD Typical Application 15 Daatynber 2009 Stet,raH.O] 2009 Edition Page 679 Figure 66-23. C eft-Hari La me Closure may the Far Side of n Intersection (T A-23) , ) H d c� �a (optional) Ail m , " an A j 100#t w LEFT LANE' L MUST TURN LEFT tlAl3 a B Note.See Tables 6N-2 and 6H-3 ..... i for the meaning of the {.tiSfD' symbols and/or letter � �N, b codes used in this figure. G ROAD' DORIC AH A `Typical Appiicalion 23 December 2009 Sect.M01 2009 Edition Pale b$3 Figure 61-1-25. Multiple Late Closures at an Intersection (TA-25) :a A Eflt? D /.I A (aptlonal) py � rr w it a, `�---�' 112 L i �t I (aptlonal) A LEFT LANE LUST TURN LEFT B Note:See Tables 6H-2 and 6H-3 for the meaning of the symbols and/or letter SERGE codes used in this figure. RlGR'( } Typical Application 25 AHW Derembtr 2009 Seca.6H 0] 2009 Edition Page 685 Figure 61-1-26. Closure in the Center of an Intersection (TA-26) a� cnro !��1j� +6 K A ig ud 1/2 L loft +-112 L A _I �TI MIN. 4 101t1MIN. o 10 ft MIN, } , ._ ._p - o_...........1/2 L , MIN. 1/2L (optional) ZI. A clr�� Note: See Tables 6H-2 and 6H-3 „ for the meaning of the Symb ols and/or letter codes used in this figure. Typical Application 26 Decenibtr=9 sect.6H.01 2009 Edition Page 693 F'igurte 6-H-30. Interior Lane Closure on a Multi-Lane Street (TA-30') B A R L (optional) o cs i Buffer space ` (optional) o !r Track-mounted allenuator (optionai) puffer space (optional) Work vehicle 0 Q (optional) L A A, A Note: See Tables 6H-2 and 6H-3 B for the meaning the symbols and/or letter ROJ4D, codes used in this figure. , ARK, _ _--' AFI�#D Typical Application 3O Dreeniber 2009 Seca.6ai.01 CITY OF BOZEMAN 2013 SEWER REHABILITATION PROJECT PRE-BID CONFERENCE MEETING MINUTES April 30, 2013 1. Introduction of all parties a. Amy Deitchler: Great West Engineering b. Bob Murray, Project Engineer, City of Bozeman c. John Alston, Water/Sewer Superintendent, City of Bozeman d. Al Rominger, Assistant Water/Sewer Superintendent, City of Bozeman c. Matt Workman, Foreman Water/Sewer Superintendent, City of Bozeman f. Andy Kerr, Assistant Engineer, City of Bozeman 2. General discussion of the project schedules a. Temporary By-Pass Pumping b. Sewer Line Cleaning i. Clean all lines prior to CCTV inspection. ii. Existing flows shall not be interrupted for periods longer than one hour. c. CCTV Inspection i. Pre-construction ii. Post-construction iii. All recordings on DVDs. d. Dye Tests i. Only active services shall be reinstated. e. Sewer Line and Manhole Cleaning i. Sewer line walls shall be cleaned adequately to provide for a camera used in internal inspection to identify structural defects, misalignments, and infiltration/inflow sources. f 6", 8", and 10" CIPP Sewer Main Rehabilitation i. Confirm all sizes of pipe g. Implementation of a public notification program i. Notify all property owners 48 hours in advance of their services being unusable. ii. Notify them when their service is restored. iii. Provide a telephone number which property owners can call for information during work. Superintendent is expected to keep voicemail box open to receive messages. iv. Project Website—Update website weekly(See SP-42) Provide link to City to include on their website. h. Business Work Hours i. In the business district,special hours will be required.(See Special Provision SP- 34 and SP-36.) i. Construction Water i. Obtain construction water from the City at no charge. Water will be available to the Contractor at the automatic filling station located at 1812 North Rouse Ave. Contractor will coordinate requirements with the City Water/Sewer Superintendent (SP-28). Water will be available Monday thru Friday lam to 5 Page 1 of 4 pm at the fill station. For work that must be completed to accommodate work,at other times, the Contractor will be issued a gate opener. j. Noise Control i. Minimize construction noise within residential areas. Contractor shall use equipment with noise-suppression devices. (SP-41) k. By-pass Pumping (SP-43) i. By-pass pumping will be required. Ramp systems will be part of this requirement to protect the by-pass system from vehicle traffic. ii. By-pass pumping not meeting project specifications will be grounds for halting construction until by-pass pumping operations meet project requirements. Inspection of Upstream Manhole (SP-44) iii. Once the by-pass plug is removed, CCTV inspection and DVD record of the upstream line will be required to ensure that the line has not been damaged 1. Special Fuel User's Permit (SP-24) i. Law has been repealed and will be eliminated in the addendum m.Construction Sequencing (SP-34) i. Main Street must be completed first. Open cut work to be completed in August. 1. Two lanes of traffic must remain open at all times, one lane to the east and one lane to the west. ii. Mendenhall St will be required to start next. Coordination with the water main contractor will be required. iii. Scheduling will be critical to ensure that the two projects are not in conflict with one another. If a conflict arises, the sewer rehabilitation Contractor will be required to relocate until the conflict is resolved. iv. Special attention shall be paid to the events listed in SP-34. Liquidated damages will be assessed for not meeting the requirements of this SP. n. Traffic Control i. Main Street and 7`h Ave traffic control plan included in Addendum. This must be followed exactly with no exceptions,as it is an MDT requirement. Work will not be allowed to commence until actual traffic control meets the requirement of the approved plan. ii. City of Bozeman traffic control plans included in Section 00950 of the project specifications. These plans must be followed exactly with no exceptions,as it is the City of Bozeman's standards. Work will not be allowed to commence until actual traffic control meets the requirement of the approved plan. iii. Contractor will be required to submit traffic control plans to the Engineer and City for approval prior to commencing work. 3. Collection System Open Cut Repairs(SP-40) a. All known open cut repairs based on CCTV have been identified in the project drawings. b. All services shall be SDR 26 sewer pipe. The addendum will clarify this as the bid form states SDR 35 pipe. A new bid form will not be issued. c. Notify Engineer immediately if an additional area needs to be repaired prior to lining. 4. Preventative Maintenance a. It is pertinent that all CIPP debris is thoroughly cleaned from the pipe and caught at the downstream manhole. The cut-out pieces cannot be allowed to reach the lift stations or Page 2 of 4 wastewater treatment plant headworks. 5. General a. Submit all questions to the Engineer in writing. Not responsible for any oral confirmation of questions. (Section 00200, Article 4, 4.08) b, All Contractor's must have an active City of Bozeman business license (Section 0:0200, Article 28) 6. Warranty a. There is a two year warranty requirement. b. Bonds must extend two years after the completion date. 7, Bid Date/Addendum a. May 6, 2013 until 2,00 PM, then read aloud b. Bids to be submitted at City Clerk's Office, 121 North Rouse c. Addendum will be published May 1, 2013 d. Acknowledge Addendum on Bid Form 8. Bonding Requirements a. Bid Security in amount of 10% of total maximum bid. b. See Section 00100 Instructions to Bidders 9. Bid Proposal a. Submit bidding documents, non-discrimination affirmation form, bid security b. Complete ALL bid sheets and signature page c. Remaining documents completed by successful contractor following the bid opening 10. Contract Time a. 125 calendar days 11. Funding a. City of Bozeman 12. Utilities a. One Call 1-800-424-5555 b. Telephone c. Cable TV d, Propane c. Electrical 13. Operational/Service Requirements a. Maintain Sewer Service 14. Easements a. City of Bozeman streets (asphalt limits) b. Some service connection repairs may be required. This will allow the Contractor an casement to the property line. Page 3 of 4 I5. Testing Responsibilities a.. See Specification Section 00910, SP-32 for open cut testing requirements b. See Specification Section 02955, 3.2 for CIPP testing requirements 16. Payment Procedures a. MPW Standard within 30 days after approval b. Instructions to bidders (Section 00200, Article 25) 17. Compliance with State Labor Standards a. Montana Prevailing Wage Rates —Heavy Construction 18. City of Bozeman Business License a. Contractor awarded work must have a City of Bozeman Business License prior to commencing construction. 19. Other/Questions a. Non-shrink backfill is required on all open cut work in Mendenhall St, Main St, or 7`h Ave. b. All Contractors' must bid the base bid plus additive alternates. Page 4 of 4 Z, IL < ol: C.) LLJ N C\j 0 0 a c ) LL (D 0 7 2 I.- Co 0- 0) (D CL z Nz- oD *2 CO UJ N C:' 0 4c— C� U) Co �O C:> 0 rY 72 -E Co QJ CO (D IL (Y) T— 10 4-4 0 PLANHOLDERS LIST CITY OF BOZEMAN 2013 SEWER REHABILITATION MAY 6, 201,3 City of Bozeman PO Box 1230 Layne Christensen, LLC Bozeman, MT 59771 Bob Biggs 7915 Cherrywood Loop Bozeman Plan Exchange Kiowa, CO 80117 1105 Reeves Rd. West, Suite 800 Phone!303-6461200 Bozeman, MT 59718 Qob,bia q jg yne.cgin -§P— _ Phone.406-586-7653 Fax: 406-586-4062 Reed Construction Data exchanoe5.bozema n plan room.co m Debi Scarpelli 333 East Butterfield Helena Copy Center Lombard, IL 601-48 1530 Cedar St., Suite C Phone:630-288-7980 Helena MT 59601 Debi_scar pf ljifcbreedbusiness,qom Phone:406-457-2679 Fax: 406457-0226 McGraw-Hill Construction/Dodge planex(d)heienacopvceniter,co�m Jake Meszaros 7265 Kenwood Road, Suite 201 Planned and Engineered Cincinnati, OH 45236 Construction, Inc. Phone:513-763-3612 Mike Vetsch Qodge reocrnw me ravat 1,19'9 corms 3400 Centennial Drive Helena, MT 59601 Repipe California, LP Phone:406-447-5050 Joy Lopez yetsch @0jtjjqjt 12771 brown Avenue Riverside, CA 92509 Insituform Technologies, Inc. Phone:951-213-3711 Robin Smith j1opez(q_)teaMipjcom 7333 Monroe Road Houston, TX 77061 Southwest Pipeline & Trenchless Phone:713-845-3002 Corp. rsrnLth@insituform.coni Rob Bolger cevqns_pinsituforrj�,corn 22118 S. Vermont Avenue Torrance, CA 90502 The Blue Book Building & Phone:310-329-8717 Construction Network rbolg�g�sw�ieflne�.coni 800 E. Main Street Jefferson Valley, NY, 10535 Phone:800-431-2584 dpetersCd_)theb1uebook,qom iSqFt Planroom 2781 Freeway Blvd Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 Phone:800-364-2059 montanapj_a -n ,!]rocm(a_isqft.coi' F:\1-11275 2012 City of Bozeman Sewer Rehab\Project\Project Manual - Bidding File\Mailouts& Planholders\PLANHOLDERSLIST.doc