HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 4449, Funds for Various Budget Units for FY2014, Public hearing Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Anna Rosenberry, Administrative Services Director Chris Kukulski, City Manager SUBJECT: Resolution No. 4449 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR VARIOUS BUDGET UNITS, AND FURTHER ESTIMATING REVENUE NECESSARY TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN SERVICES OF MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2014. MEETING DATE: July 1, 2013 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Public Hearing RECOMMENDATION: Take public comment, make further revisions, and adopt Resolution No. 4449 – Appropriation Resolution for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2014 (FY14.) BACKGROUND: During presentations and work sessions held in May and June, the Commission has been considering making changes to the City Manager’s Recommended Budget, (available at http://www.bozeman.net/Smarty/files/c0/c0924980-a1b9-4e26-8852- ff8648703aaa.pdf , so that a Final Budget can be adopted for FY14. Based on feedback during this work session, and the other work sessions held this spring, we have prepared the Appropriation (Final Budget) Resolution.  May 13th – CM Recommended Budget – Overview.  June 3rd - Business Improvement Districts and Tax Increment Financing Districts.  June 10th – General Fund & Planning Fund.  June 17th – Special Revenue Funds.  June 24th – Enterprise Funds. Tonight has been advertised as the hearing for adoption of the Final Budget. The Appropriation Resolution that is attached comes from the City Manager’s Recommended Budget, with the following change: 1. The Building Inspection Division budget has been increased by $140,000 in personnel expenditures, for the hiring of two additional staff members, as discussed at the June 17, 2013 budget work session. The Appropriation Resolution DOES NOT CONTAIN: 1. Community Housing Survey – Community Housing Fund – Update to Rental Survey, estimated to cost $5,000 - $7,000. If you would like to include this or any other items in the Final Budget, please include them specifically in your motion to adopt the Resolution. Property Taxes: The property tax levy proposed by the City Manager’s Recommended Budget was estimates an increase of 12.14 mills; costing the median residence an additional $45.00 per year. (This amount can vary slighting, depending on the Certified Taxable Value of the city, as received in August.) Typical Resident: Assessment/Charge CM Recommended Budget Street Assessments $12.52 Forestry Assessments - Property Taxes $45.00 Water Services $14.40 Sewer Services $15.84 Storm Water Services $0 .96 Annual Increase $88.72 Monthly Increase $7.39 Other fee changes required by the Appropriation Resolution are: 1. Increase in Street Assessments of 11%, to be adopted in August. 2. No Change in Forestry Assessments. 3. Water Service increases of 3%, to be adopted in July. 4. Sewer Service increases of 3%, to be adopted in July. 5. Storm Water Service increases of ~4.5%; already adopted. FISCAL EFFECTS: The Final Budget adoption has far-reaching fiscal effects, which are describe in the CM Recommended Budget, in the numerous materials prepared for budget work sessions, and in the information above. The specific effect on a typical resident is described in the table immediately above. The budget estimates revenues and approves spending as outlined in the Appropriation resolution. Attachments: Appropriation Resolution No. 4449. Draft Approved Budget Financial Summary Report compiled on: June 21, 2013 1. Community Housing Survey – Community Housing Fund – Update to Rental Survey, estimated to cost $5,000 - $7,000. If you would like to include this or any other items in the Final Budget, please include them specifically in your motion to adopt the Resolution. Property Taxes: The property tax levy proposed by the City Manager’s Recommended Budget was estimates an increase of 12.14 mills; costing the median residence an additional $45.00 per year. (This amount can vary slighting, depending on the Certified Taxable Value of the city, as received in August.) Typical Resident: Assessment/Charge CM Recommended Budget Street Assessments $12.52 Forestry Assessments - Property Taxes $45.00 Water Services $14.40 Sewer Services $15.84 Storm Water Services $0 .96 Annual Increase $88.72 Monthly Increase $7.39 Other fee changes required by the Appropriation Resolution are: 1. Increase in Street Assessments of 11%, to be adopted in August. 2. No Change in Forestry Assessments. 3. Water Service increases of 3%, to be adopted in July. 4. Sewer Service increases of 3%, to be adopted in July. 5. Storm Water Service increases of ~4.5%; already adopted. FISCAL EFFECTS: The Final Budget adoption has far-reaching fiscal effects, which are describe in the CM Recommended Budget, in the numerous materials prepared for budget work sessions, and in the information above. The specific effect on a typical resident is described in the table immediately above. The budget estimates revenues and approves spending as outlined in the Appropriation resolution. Attachments: Appropriation Resolution No. 4449. Draft Approved Budget Financial Summary Report compiled on: June 21, 2013 300 - 1 - COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 4449 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR VARIOUS BUDGET UNITS, AND FURTHER ESTIMATING REVENUE NECESSARY TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN SERVICES OF MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2014. WHEREAS, the City Commission did, on the 13th day of May, 2013, receive and hear the City Manager’s Budget Recommendations for Fiscal Year 2013-2014 (Fiscal Year 2014); and WHEREAS, the City Commission did, on June 3rd, June 10th, June 17th and June 24th hold Budget Work Sessions that were open to the public to discuss the details of the Recommended Budget and make changes to the same; and WHEREAS, the City Commission did, on the 1st day of July, 2013, after due and proper legal notice, conduct a public hearing on the proposed municipal budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, to wit: Section 1 The City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, does hereby authorize and appropriate expenditures of governmental fund types (general fund, special revenues funds, debt service funds and capital project funds) and operating expenses for proprietary fund types (enterprise funds and internal service funds) and fiduciary fund types (permanent funds) for budget units and purposes set forth below, in the amounts designated herein, as follows. The City Commission further authorizes and re-appropriates the unexpended balance of Capital Improvement Program & repair and equipment items previously budgeted which have not been completed. Budget Unit Total/Fund General Fund $26,933,848 301 - 2 - Special Revenue Funds 14,742,544 Debt Service Funds 3,294,825 Capital Projects 5,041,380 Enterprise Funds 20,796,513 Internal Service Funds 4,505,998 Permanent Funds 0 GRAND TOTAL – Operating Budget $ 75,315,108 Section 2 The City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana does hereby estimate revenues for the various funds, as follows: General Fund $24,526,559 Special Revenue Funds 13,526,496 Debt Service Funds 3,135,420 Capital Projects 5,000,000 Enterprise Funds 19,349,034 Internal Service Funds 4,500,000 Permanent Funds 88,000 GRAND TOTAL – Estimated Revenues $ 70,125,509 Section 3 That budget information contained in the "City Manager's Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year 2013-2014" document pertaining to Policy Direction, Fiscal Policy, and the specific information concerning budgeting for each department, as may be subsequently amended prior to final adoption of the budget, are hereby incorporated into the document entitled "Approved Budget for Fiscal Year 2013- 2014" and are hereby adopted by reference. Section 4 Pursuant to Sections 7-6-4006 and 7-6-4012, M.C.A., the City Commission hereby delegates 302 - 3 - appropriation and budget amendment authority to the City Manager for the expenditures from the following funds: debt service funds; fee-based budgets; trust funds; federal, state and private grants accepted and approved by the City Commission; special assessments; monies borrowed during the year; proceeds from sale of land; and funds for gifts or donations. Section 5 Pursuant to Section 7-6-4030, M.C.A., this resolution, upon its passage, shall be in full force and effect on July 1, 2011. Section 6 That upon this resolution becoming effective, as provided in Section 5 above, all resolutions and parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 7 That should it be found by any court of competent jurisdiction that any section, clause, portion, sentence, word, or phrase of this resolution is deemed to be contrary to any existing law or regulations, that in this instance, it is the intent of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, that all other portions, sections, words, clauses, phrases, or paragraphs of this document shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 1st day of July, 2013. ________________________________________ SEAN BECKER Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________________ STACY ULMEN, CMC City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________________ GREG SULLIVAN City Attorney 303