HomeMy WebLinkAboutRocky Mountain Vein Clinic Conditional Use Permit Public Hearing Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Allyson Brekke, Neighborhood Planner Wendy Thomas, Director of Community Development SUBJECT: Rocky Mountain Vein Clinic Conditional Use Permit/Certificate of Appropriateness File Z13082 MEETING DATE: June 17, 2013 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action - Quasi Judicial RECOMMENDATION: That the City Commission approves the Conditional Use Permit with Certificate of Appropriateness Application, File Z13082, for the Rocky Mountain Vein Clinic that proposes a medical office use on the ground floor of 822 Stoneridge Square. RECOMMENDED MOTION: “Having reviewed the application materials, considered public comment, and considered all of the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application Z13082 and move to approve the conditional use permit with certificate of appropriateness with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions.” Staff report page references: conditions of approval, page 2; conditional use permit criteria, page 3; site plan criteria, page 4; code provisions, page 4. BACKGROUND: A Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) application was submitted to the Department of Community Development on April 25, 2013 by representative CTA Architects and Engineers, representing property owner Kit Yan Chu and applicant Dr. James Johnson, for the property located at 822 Stoneridge Square. This property is a part of a larger collection of buildings that comprise a portion of the Stoneridge Square Subdivision development, previously reviewed by the City through a Planned Unit Development (PUD) and conform to City requirements. The CUP/COA application is requesting medical office use on the ground floor of 822 Stoneridge Square. The conditional use permit is required for the establishment of medical office use, which is a conditional use when located on the ground floor in B-1 (Neighborhood Business District) zoning. The certificate of appropriateness is required for the addition of an exterior door and due to the building’s location within the N. 19th Avenue Entryway Corridor Overlay District. 84 On May 22, 2013, the Development Review Committee (DRC) recommended conditional approval of the Rocky Mountain Vein Clinic CUP/COA application and their recommended conditions and comments are included in this report. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None identified at this time. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the application with the recommended staff conditions; 2. Approve the application with modifications to the recommended staff conditions; 3. Deny the application based on the Commission’s findings of non- compliance with the applicable criteria contained within the staff report; or 4. Open and continue the public hearing on the application, with specific direction to staff or the applicant to supply additional information or to address specific items. FISCAL EFFECTS: No significant fiscal effect has been identified. Attachments: Staff Report; Applicant’s submittal materials The full application and file of record can be viewed at the Department of Community Development at 20 E. Olive Street. Report compiled on: June 6, 2013 85 Rocky Mountain Vein Clinic CUP/COA Z13082 Staff Report Page 1 City Commission Staff Report for the Rocky Mountain Vein Clinic Conditional Use Permit and Certificate of Appropriateness File Z13082 Item: An application was submitted to the Department of Community Development requesting a Conditional Use Permit and Certificate of Appropriateness to allow a medical office use on the ground floor of 822 Stoneridge Square. Owner: Kit Yan Chu, 12230 Gooch Hill Rd., Gallatin Gateway, MT Applicant: Dr. James Johnson, 125 W. Yellowstone Ave., Cody, WY Representative: CTA Architects and Engineers, c/o Ted Conover, 411 E. Main St., Bozeman, MT Date: City Commission Meeting, June 17, 2013 at 6:00 p.m., in the City Commission Meeting Room, Bozeman City Hall, 121 North Rouse Avenue, Bozeman, Montana Report By: Allyson Brekke, Neighborhood Planner Recommendation: Conditional Approval ______________________________________________________________________________ Project Location The subject property is located at 822 Stoneridge Square and is a part of the Stoneridge Square Subdivision which was originally processed as a Planned Unit Development (PUD) by the City of Bozeman. It is legally described as Lot 7, Phase 2A, Stoneridge Subdivision, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. The property is located within the North 19th Avenue Class 1 Entryway Overlay District. Please refer to the vicinity map below. Map 1 Project Proposal & Background A Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) application was submitted to the Department of Community Development on April 25, 2013 by representative CTA Architects and Engineers, representing property owner Kit Yan Chu and applicant Dr. James Johnson, for the property 86 Rocky Mountain Vein Clinic CUP/COA Z13082 Staff Report Page 2 located at 822 Stoneridge Square. This property is a part of a larger collection of buildings that comprise a portion of the Stoneridge Square Subdivision development, previously reviewed and conform to City requirements. The CUP/COA application is requesting medical office use on the ground floor of 822 Stoneridge Square. The conditional use permit is required for the establishment of medical office use, which is a conditional use when located on the ground floor in B-1 (Neighborhood Business District) zoning. The certificate of appropriateness is required for the addition of an exterior door and due to the building’s location within the N. 19th Avenue Entryway Corridor Overlay District. On May 22, 2013, the Development Review Committee (DRC) recommended conditional approval of the Rocky Mountain Vein Clinic CUP/COA application and their recommended conditions and comments are included in this report. Recommendation The DRC, including planning and engineering staff members, reviewed the Rocky Mountain Vein Clinic CUP/COA and recommend to the City Commission approval of said application with the conditions outlined in this staff report. The applicant must comply with all provisions of the Bozeman Unified Development Code, which are applicable to this project, prior to receiving final site plan approval. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or State law. Recommended Conditions of Approval Based on the subsequent analysis, the DRC and Staff find that the application, with conditions and code provisions, is in general compliance with the adopted Growth Policy and the City of Bozeman Unified Development Code. The following conditions of approval are recommended. Recommended Planning Department Conditions: 1. Required parking spaces, as described in Section 38.25.040 of the Unified Development Code, must be provided for all uses existing and proposed on the property and demonstrated as such in the Final Site Plan application. 2. The style of the new door shall be similar in style and design as the existing doors installed in the building. 3. That the applicant upon submitting the final plan for approval by the Community Development Director and prior to issuance of a building permit, will also submit a written narrative outlining how each of the conditions of approval and code provisions have been satisfied. Zoning Designation & Adjacent Land Uses The property is zoned B-1 (Neighborhood Business District). The intent of the B-1 district is to provide for smaller scale retail and service activities frequently required by neighborhood residents on a day to day basis, as well as residential development as a secondary purpose, while still maintaining compatibility with adjacent residential land uses. Development Scale and pedestrian orientation are important elements of this district. The property is immediately surrounded by permitted neighborhood business uses, including a beauty retail store, doctor office, dentist office and mortgage office. The surround area is also zoned as B-1. Residential-office and residential zoning districts surround the B-1 zoned property. Please see below for a zoning map: 87 Rocky Mountain Vein Clinic CUP/COA Z13082 Staff Report Page 3 Growth Policy Designation The Future Land Use Map of the Bozeman Community Plan designates the subject property to develop as “Community Commercial Mixed Use.” The “Community Commercial Mixed Use” classification provides areas for basic employment and services necessary for a vibrant community. Establishments located within these categories draw from the community as a whole for their employee and customer base and are sized accordingly. A broad range of functions, including retail, education, professional and personal services, offices, residences, and general service activities typify this designation. Review Criteria & Staff Findings Section 38.19.110.E, “Conditional Use Permit” In addition to the review criteria of Section 38.19.100, “Plan review criteria,” (examined further below), the review authority shall, in approving a conditional use permit, determine favorably as follows: 1. That the site for the proposed use is adequate in size and topography to accommodate such use, and all yards, spaces, walls and fences, parking, loading and landscaping are adequate to properly relate such use with the land and uses in the vicinity; No unique needs for this medical clinic use were identified. The site is determined to be adequate in size and topography to accommodate such a use. 2. That the proposed use will have no material adverse effect upon the abutting property. Persons objecting to the recommendations of review bodies carry the burden of proof; and Staff and the DRC believe the Rocky Mountain Vein Clinic medical clinic use, with the recommended conditions of approval, can operate without any adverse effects to the adjacent industrial uses. As of the writing of this report, no public comments have been received in response to the required public noticing of the project. Any public comments received following this report will be forwarded to the City Commission prior to the public hearing. Following review of the proposed application with the inclusion of the recommended conditions of approval, staff generally finds that the proposed use can be operated with no material adverse effects upon abutting properties unless evidence presented at the public hearing proves otherwise and warrants any special conditions as deemed necessary by the City Commission. Map 2 Map Legend R-O : Residential Office R-1 : Residential Single-Household Low Density R-2 : Residential Two-Household Medium Density R-3: Residential Medium Density R-4: Residential High Density B-1 : Neighborhood Business District 88 Rocky Mountain Vein Clinic CUP/COA Z13082 Staff Report Page 4 3. That any additional conditions stated in the approval are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. Such conditions may include, but are not limited to: regulation of use; special yards, spaces and buffers; special fences, solid fences and walls; surfacing of parking areas; requiring street, service road or alley dedications and improvements or appropriate bonds; regulation of points of vehicular ingress and egress; regulation of signs; requiring maintenance of the grounds; regulation of noise, vibrations and odors; regulation of hours for certain activities; time period within which the proposed use shall be developed; duration of use; requiring the dedication of access rights; other such conditions as will make possible the development of the City in an orderly and efficient manner. Conditions of approval are recommended to address specific Unified Development Code requirements and to protect the public health, safety and general welfare as required under the CUP. Further clarification on the reasoning for the recommended conditions is included below: Recommended Condition 1 is recommended to ensure there is enough parking for the proposed use and the surrounding uses. Recommended Condition 2 is recommended to ensure consistency in building design since it is located within one of the City’s Entryway Corridor Overlay District. Recommended Condition 3 is included to ensure the required materials are submitted with the Final Site Plan application. Section 38.19.100, “Plan Review Criteria” In considering applications for plan approval under this title, the review authority and advisory bodies shall consider the following criteria: 1. Conformance to and consistency with the City’s adopted growth policy; This proposed land use and site design is consistent with the Community Commercial Mixed Use land use classification identified for this property in the City’s adopted growth policy (Figure 3-1; Future Land Use Map). This use is also permitted within the underlying B-1 zoning district with the approval of a CUP. 2. Conformance to this title, including the cessation of any current violations; The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. Staff has cited the following code provisions that shall also be included in the recorded CUP document and to assist and advise the property owner in regards to other City standards that must be adhered to in the operation of this business: Planning Department Cited Code Provisions: a. Section 38.19.110.F states that the right to a conditional use permit shall be contingent upon the fulfillment of all general and special conditions imposed by the Conditional Use Permit procedure. All special conditions and code provisions shall constitute restrictions running with the land, shall be binding upon the owner of the land, his successors or assigns, shall be consented to in writing by the applicant prior to commencement of the use and shall be recorded as such with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder’s Office by the property owner prior to the final site plan approval or commencement of the use. All of the conditions and code provisions specifically stated under any conditional use listed in this title shall apply and be adhered to by the owner of the land, successor or assigns. To obtain final plan approval, all conditions and provisions a part of the final approval of this property shall be recorded at the Gallatin County’s Clerk and Recorder’s Office. b. Section 38.19.110.I Termination/ Revocation of Conditional Use Permit approval: 89 Rocky Mountain Vein Clinic CUP/COA Z13082 Staff Report Page 5 1. Conditional use permits are approved based on an analysis of current local circumstances and regulatory requirements. Over time these things may change and the use may no longer be appropriate to a location. A conditional use permit will be considered as terminated and of no further effect if: a. After having been commenced, the approved use is not actively conducted on the site for a period of two continuous calendar years; b. Final zoning approval to reuse the property for another principal or conditional use is granted; c. The use or development of the site is not begun within the time limits of the final site plan approval in Section 18.34.130, BMC. 2. A conditional use which has terminated may be reestablished on a site by either, the review and approval of a new conditional use permit application, or a determination by the Community Development Director that the local circumstances and regulatory requirements are essentially the same as at the time of the original approval. A denial of renewal by the Community Development Director may not be appealed. If the Community Development Director determines that the conditional use permit may be renewed on a site then any conditions of approval of the original conditional use permit are also renewed. 3. If activity begins for which a conditional use permit has been given final approval, all activities must comply with any conditions of approval or code requirements. Should there be a failure to maintain compliance the City may revoke the approval through the procedures outlined in Section 18.64.160, BMC. Please note how this conditional approval can be revoked in the future. c. Section 38.19.120 requires the applicant to submit eight (8) copies a final plan application within six months of preliminary site plan approval containing all of the conditions, corrections and modifications to be reviewed and approved by the Department of Community Development. Please note this requirement of the final plan application. d. Section 38.19.160 states that a Building Permit must be obtained prior to the work, and must be obtained within one year of final plan approval. Building Permits will not be issued until the final plan is approved. All necessary building permits must be obtained. e. Section 38.21.050.F requires all mechanical equipment to be screened. Rooftop equipment shall be incorporated into the roof form or screened in an enclosure and ground mounted equipment shall be screened with walls, fencing or plant materials. No ground mounted mechanical equipment, including, but not limited to utilities, air exchange/conditioning units, transformers, or meters shall encroach into the required yard setbacks and will be properly screened with an opaque solid wall and/or adequate landscape features. All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be incorporated into the roof form or screened in an approved rooftop enclosure. It was unclear to Staff if mechanical equipment existed on the property. If it does, it must be adequately screened according to these provisions. f. Section 38.23.150, “Lighting” All lighting on the property must be full cut-off in style and design. g. Section 38.28.060 outlines the amount of permitted signage for the building. A Sign Permit shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Community Development prior to the construction and installation of any on-site signage. All final building elevations and site plans shall show the signage allowed in compliance with this section. If any signage is proposed it must obtain a Certificate of Appropriateness and sign permit. h. Section 38.34.100 states that a building permit shall be obtained within one year of final approval, or said approval shall become null and void. Prior to the lapse of one year, the applicant may seek an extension of one additional year from the Community Development Director. All improvements must be completed within one year of final plan approval. 90 Rocky Mountain Vein Clinic CUP/COA Z13082 Staff Report Page 6 i. Section 40.02.750 “Protective Devices,” the Water/Sewer Superintendent is requiring an inspection of your water service to determine whether the water service has backflow protection and if such protection is installed that the device is appropriate for the level of use for the facility. If the service has been found without backflow protection, the applicant will have a preventer and expansion tank installed. If the existing device does not provide adequate protection, the applicant will be required to replace the preventer with a preventer that is designed to provide adequate protection. Please call the Water Department’s Backflow specialist at 582-3200 to arrange an inspection of the water service. This ensures adequate backflow protection for the existing construction. 3. Conformance with all other applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations; Following CUP and Final Site Plan approval, the plans will be further evaluated against the requirements of the International Building Code at the time application is made for a building permit for the facility. 4. Relationship of site plan elements to conditions both on and off the property; No changes are proposed to the existing site plan elements of the building’s surrounding property. 5. The impact of the proposal on the existing and anticipated traffic and parking conditions; Conditions 1 is recommended to ensure there is adequate parking for the proposed use and the existing surrounding uses. 6. Pedestrian and vehicular ingress and egress; Recommended Condition 2 is to ensure the new pedestrian door is a style similar to the existing doors on the building. 7. Landscaping, including the enhancement of buildings, the appearance of vehicular use, open space, and pedestrian areas, and the preservation or replacement of natural vegetation; Landscaping was addressed with the original site development and appears to be in conformance with the originally approved plan. 8. Open space; None required for this project. Overall open space was addressed during the original PUD review. 9. Building location and height; The building location and height of the building remain unchanged. 10. Setbacks; The building setbacks remain unchanged. 11. Lighting; If any new lighting is added to the building, it must be shown on the final site plan submittal. 12. Provisions for utilities, including efficient public services and facilities; Verification of back flow prevention is a code requirement as noted under item 2 above. No other items have been identified. 13. Site surface drainage; No changes proposed or required. 14. Loading and unloading areas; The proposed use will not impact loading and unloading areas. 15. Grading; 91 Rocky Mountain Vein Clinic CUP/COA Z13082 Staff Report Page 7 No change proposed. 16. Signage; No signage is requested as part of this application. Signs presently exist at the site. Sign permits will be required for any new signs. 17. Screening; All proposed mechanical equipment shall be screened and shown on the final site plan submittal. 18. Overlay district provisions; The proposed development if found to comply with all applicable design standards and guidelines, including the design objectives plan for entryway corridors. 19. Other related matters, including relevant comment from affected parties; Public noticing for the project occurred during the week of May 13, 2013 and included posting on site, listing in the legal section of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle and the notification of neighboring property owners within 200 feet. No public comment has been received by the Department of Community Development for this project. If public comment is received prior to the City Commission public hearing, Staff will forward it to the Commission for their consideration. 20. If the development includes multiple lots that are interdependent for circulation or other means of addressing requirement of this title, whether the lots are either: Configured so that the sale of individual lots will not alter the approved configuration or use of the property or cause the development to become nonconforming or The subject of reciprocal and perpetual easements or other agreements to which the City is a party so that the sale of individual lots will not cause one or more elements of the development to become nonconforming; Not applicable. 21. Compliance with Article 8 of Chapter 10, BMC (Workforce Housing); and Not applicable. 22. Phasing of Development. Not applicable. Conclusion The DRC, including planning and engineering staff members, reviewed the Rocky Mountain Vein Clinic CUP/COA and recommend to the City Commission approval of said application with the conditions outlined in this staff report. The applicant must comply with all provisions of the Bozeman Unified Development Code, which are applicable to this project, prior to receiving final site plan approval. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or State law. BECAUSE THIS APPLICATION INCLUDES A REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, THE BOZEMAN CITY COMMISSION SHALL MAKE THE FINAL DECISION ON THIS APPLICATION. THE DECISION OF THE CITY COMMISSION MAY BE APPEALED BY AN AGGRIEVED PERSON AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 38.35.080.A OF THE BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL CODE. 92 Rocky Mountain Vein Clinic CUP/COA Z13082 Staff Report Page 8 Attachments: Applicant’s Submittal Materials Report Sent to: Kit Yan Chu, 12230 Gooch Hill Rd., Gallatin Gateway, MT Dr. James Johnson, 125 W. Yellowstone Ave., Cody, WY CTA Architects and Engineers, c/o Ted Conover, 411 E. Main St., Bozeman, MT 93 g:\rmvc\stoneridge\zoning\application\t01_cityofbozeman cup.doc Page 1 1143 Stoneridge Drive Bozeman, Montana 59718 406. 556. 7100 Fax: 406. 585. 3031 http://www.ctagroup.com E-mail: info@ctagroup.com TRANSMITTAL LETTER PROJECT: Rocky Mountain Vein Clinic - Bozeman 822 Stoneridge Drive Bozeman, MT 59718 TO: City of Bozeman Department of Planning 20 East Olive Street PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 FROM: Ted Conover PROJECT REF.: RMVC_BZMN DATE: April 24, 2013 If enclosures are not as noted, please inform us immediately. If checked below, please: Acknowledge receipt of enclosures. Return enclosures to us. WE TRANSMIT: herewith FOR YOUR: REVIEW & COMMENT THE FOLLOWING: DRAWINGS OTHER PRELIMINARY CUP APPLICATION COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION ACTION 20 4/24/13 Development Review Application, Site Plan Checklist with Narrative, and COA Checklist 1 with Narrative E 1 4/24/13 Application Fee – check for $2125.00. Includes $1,500 + $100 (overlay) + $125 (non-res.) + $200 (3,500 sf) + $200 (Adv) E 1,2 4/24/13 (1) Signed Neighborhood Certificate, (2) CDs with complete documents E 1,20 4/24/13 (1) Signed Adjoiner’s Certificate, (1) Map of Adjoiners, (1) Adjoiners List, (20) Adjoiner’s Addressed /Stamped/#10 Unsealed Envelopes E 20 4/24/13 Map of adjacent zoning E 20 4/24/13 Covenant existing drawings – site plan, floor plan, building elevations E 20 4/24/13 Overall, demo, and new floor plans E Action A. Action indicated on item transmitted. D. For signature and forwarding as noted below under REMARKS. Code B. No action required. E. See REMARKS below. C. For signature and return to this office. COPIES TO: (with enclosures) CTA (1) Project File MD James Johnson REMARKS: Thank you for the opportunity to submit this Application for Conditional Use Permit w/COA. If you have any additional concerns or questions about the submittal, please contact me at your earliest convenience. Thank you, Ted Conover (tedc@ctagroup.com) 94 95 96 SITE PLAN CHECKLIST These checklists shall be completed and returned as part of the submittal. Any item checked “No” or “N/A” (not applicable) must be explained in a narrative attached to the checklist. Incomplete submittals will be returned to the applicant. A. Design Review Board (DRB) Site Plan Review Thresholds. Does the proposal include one or more of the following: Design Review Board (DRB) Site Plan Review Thresholds Yes No 1. 20 or more dwelling units in a multiple household structure or structures 2. 30,000 or more square feet of office space, retail commercial space, service commercial space or industrial space 3. 20,000 or more square feet of exterior storage of materials or goods 4. Parking for more than 90 vehicles B. General Information. The following information shall be provided for site plan review: General Information Yes No N/A 1. Location map, including area within one-half mile of the site 2. List of names and addresses of property owners according to Chapter 38.40, BMC (Noticing) 3. A construction route map shall be provided showing how materials and heavy equipment will travel to and from the site. The route shall avoid, where possible, local or minor collector streets or streets where construction traffic would disrupt neighborhood residential character or pose a threat to public health and safety 4. Boundary line of property with dimensions 5. Date of plan preparation and changes 6. North point indicator 7. Suggested scale of 1 inch to 20 feet, but not less than 1 inch to 100 feet 8. Parcel size(s) in gross acres and square feet 9. Estimated total floor area and estimated ratio of floor area to lot size (floor area ratio, FAR), with a breakdown by land use 10. Location, percentage of parcel(s) and total site, and square footage for the following: a. Existing and proposed buildings and structures b. Driveway and parking c. Open space and/or landscaped area, recreational use areas, public and semipublic land, parks, school sites, etc. d. Public street right-of-way 11. Total number, type and density per type of dwelling units, and total net and gross residential density and density per residential parcel 12. Detailed plan of all parking facilities, including circulation aisles, access drives, covered and uncovered bicycle parking, compact spaces, handicapped spaces and motorcycle parking, on- street parking, number of employee and non-employee parking spaces, existing and proposed, and total square footage of each Page 3 (Site Plan Checklist – Prepared 12/05/03; revised 9/22/04; revised 7/24/07, revised 11/14/11) 97 Page 4 General Information, continued Yes No N/A 13. The information required by Section 38.41.060.L, BMC (Streets, Roads and Alleys), unless such information was previously provided through a subdivision review process, or the provision of such information was waived in writing by the City during subdivision review of the land to be developed, or the provision of such information is waived in writing by the City prior to submittal of a preliminary site plan application 14. Description and mapping of soils existing on the site, accompanied by analysis as to the suitability of such soils for the intended construction and proposed landscaping 15. Building design information (on-site): a. Building heights and elevations of all exterior walls of the building(s) or structure(s) b. Height above mean sea level of the elevation of the lowest floor and location of lot outfall when the structure is proposed to be located in a floodway or floodplain area c. Floor plans depicting location and dimensions of all proposed uses and activities 16. Temporary facilities plan showing the location of all temporary model homes, sales offices and/or construction facilities, including temporary signs and parking facilities 17. Unless already provided through a previous subdivision review, a noxious weed control plan complying with Section 38.41.050.H, BMC (Noxious Weed Management and Revegetation Plan) 18. Drafts of applicable supplementary documents as set forth in Chapter 38.38, BMC (Supplementary Documents) 19. Stormwater Management Permit Application required C. Site Plan Information. The location, identification and dimension of the following existing and proposed data, onsite and to a distance of 100 feet (200 feet for PUDs) outside the site plan boundary, exclusive of public rights-of-way, unless otherwise stated: Site Plan Information Yes No N/A 1. Topographic contours at a minimum interval of 2 feet, or as determined by the Planning Director 2. Adjacent streets and street rights-of-way to a distance of 150 feet, except for sites adjacent to major arterial streets where the distances shall be 200 feet 3. On-site streets and rights-of-way 4. Ingress and egress points 5. Traffic flow on-site 6. Traffic flow off-site 7. Utilities and utility rights-of-way or easements: a. Electric b. Natural gas c. Telephone, cable television and similar utilities d. Water e. Sewer (sanitary, treated effluent and storm) 8. Surface water, including: a. Holding ponds, streams and irrigation ditches b. Watercourses, water bodies and wetlands c. Floodplains as designated on the Federal Insurance Rate Map or that may otherwise be identified as lying within a 100-year floodplain through additional floodplain delineation, engineering analysis, topographic survey or other objective and factual basis d. A floodplain analysis report in compliance with Chapter 38.31, BMC (Bozeman Floodplain Regulations) if not previously provided with subdivision review 98 Page 5 Site Plan Information, continued Yes No N/A 9. Grading and drainage plan, including provisions for on-site retention/detention and water quality improvement facilities as required by the Engineering Department, or in compliance with B.M.C. Chapter 40 Article 4 storm drainage ordinance and best management practices manual adopted by the City 10. All drainageways, streets, arroyos, dry gullies, diversion ditches, spillways, reservoirs, etc. which may be incorporated into the storm drainage system for the property shall be designated: a. The name of the drainageway (where appropriate) b. The downstream conditions (developed, available drainageways, etc.) c. Any downstream restrictions 11. Significant rock outcroppings, slopes of greater than 15 percent or other significant topographic features 12. Sidewalks, walkways, driveways, loading areas and docks, bikeways, including typical details and interrelationships with vehicular circulation system, indicating proposed treatment of points of conflict 13. Provision for handicapped accessibility, including but not limited to, wheelchair ramps, parking spaces, handrails and curb cuts, including construction details and the applicant’s certification of ADA compliance 14. Fences and walls, including typical details 15. Exterior signs. Note – The review of signs in conjunction with this application is only review for compliance with Chapter 38.28, BMC (Signs). A sign permit must be obtained from the Department of Planning and Community Development prior to erection of any and all signs. 16. Permanent and construction period exterior refuse collection areas, including typical details 17. A site plan, complete with all structures, parking spaces, building entrances, traffic areas (both vehicular and pedestrian), vegetation that might interfere with lighting, and adjacent uses, containing a layout of all proposed fixtures by location and type. The materials required in Section, BMC (Lighting Plan), if not previously provided 18. Curb, asphalt section and drive approach construction details 19. Landscaping - detailed plan showing plantings, equipment, and other appropriate information as required in Section 38.41.100, BMC (Submittal Requirements for Landscaping Plans). If required, complete section C below 20. Unique natural features, significant wildlife areas and vegetative cover, including existing trees and shrubs having a diameter greater than 2.5 inches, by species 21. Snow storage areas 22. Location of City limit boundaries, and boundaries of Gallatin County’s Bozeman Area Zoning Jurisdiction, within or near the development 23. Existing zoning within 200 feet of the site 24. Historic, cultural and archeological resources, describe and map any designated historic structures or districts, and archeological or cultural sites 25. Major public facilities, including schools, parks, trails, etc. 26. The information necessary to complete the determination of density change and parkland provision required by Chapter 38.27, BMC, unless such information was previously determined by the City to be inapplicable and written confirmation is provided to the applicant prior to submittal of a preliminary site plan application. If a new park will be created by the development, the park plan materials of Section, BMC shall be provided. 27. Describe how the site plan will satisfy any requirements of Article 8 Section 10, BMC (Affordable Housing) which have either been established for that lot(s) through the subdivision process or if no subdivision has previously occurred are applicable to a site plan. The description shall be of adequate detail to clearly identify those lots and dwellings designated as subject to Article 8 Section 10, BMC compliance requirements and to make the obligations placed on the affected lots and dwellings readily understandable. 99 Page 6 D. Landscape Plans. If a landscape plan is required, the following information shall be provided on the landscape plan: Landscape Plan Information Yes No N/A 1. Date, scale, north arrow, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of both the property owner and the person preparing the plan 2. Location of existing boundary lines and dimensions of the lot 3. Approximate centerlines of existing watercourses, required watercourse setbacks, and the location of any 100-year floodplain; the approximate location of significant drainage features; and the location and size of existing and proposed streets and alleys, utility easements, utility lines, driveways and sidewalks on the lot and/or adjacent to the lot 4. Project name, street address, and lot and block description 5. Location, height and material of proposed screening and fencing (with berms to be delineated by one foot contours) 6. Locations and dimensions of proposed landscape buffer strips, including watercourse buffer strips 7. Complete landscape legend providing a description of plant materials shown on the plan, including typical symbols, names (common and botanical name), locations, quantities, container or caliper sizes at installation, heights, spread and spacing. The location and type of all existing trees on the lot over 6 inches in caliper must be specifically indicated 8. Complete illustration of landscaping and screening to be provided in or near off-street parking and loading areas, including information as to the amount (in square feet) of landscape area to be provided internal to parking areas and the number and location of required off-street parking and loading spaces 9. An indication of how existing healthy trees (if any) are to be retained and protected from damage during construction 10. Size, height, location and material of proposed seating, lighting, planters, sculptures, and water features 11. A description of proposed watering methods 12. Location of street vision triangles on the lot (if applicable) 13. Tabulation of points earned by the plan – see Section 38.26.060, BMC (Landscape Performance Standards) 14. Designated snow removal storage areas 15. Location of pavement, curbs, sidewalks and gutters 16. Show location of existing and/or proposed drainage facilities which are to be used for drainage control 17. Existing and proposed grade 18. Size of plantings at the time of installation and at maturity 19. Areas to be irrigated 20. Planting plan for watercourse buffers, per Section 38.23.100, BMC (Watercourse Setbacks), if not previously provided through subdivision review 21. Front and side elevations of buildings, fences and walls with height dimensions if not otherwise provided by the application. Show open stairways and other projections from exterior building walls 100 ROCKY MOUNTAIN VEIN CLINIC - BOZEMAN APRIL 24, 2013 CUP WITH COA SUBMITTAL CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA SITE PLAN CHECKLIST NARRATIVE A. Design Review Board (DRB) Site Plan Review Thresholds: 1. No dwelling units are provided. 2. The building is only 6,578sf, of which only 3,440sf is being leased for the Medical Office. 3. No exterior storage is provided. 4. The site is not being modified, existing parking has 37 stalls B. General Information: 1. General project description: a. The conditional use being applied for is a Medical Office use (a Vein Clinic) within the B-1 Zoning. b. This project is the interior renovation in part of an existing building. c. The only work that affects the exterior of the building is adding another exterior door in a section of existing windows since the current suite only has one exterior door to the leased suite. d. This project does not include any site work or other façade modifications (excluding the added exterior door). e. With no site work, the only site plan submitted is an existing site plan from the Covenants. f. The existing Covenant drawings include a small site plan, floor plan, and building elevations. g. Existing ADA parking stalls and ramps are used. Remodeled interior space is ADA compliant. 2. List of names and addresses of property owners is provided along with a signed Certificate of Adjoining Property Owners List, Neighborhood Recognition Ordinance Compliance Certificate, and (20) Stamped/unsealed/plain envelopes addressed with the names and addresses of property owners. C. Site Plan Information: 1. An existing site plan from the Covenants is redlined to show existing conditions of the site. No new site plan is provided since the project does not include site work. 25. This site is not in a historic district, nor has historic buildings. 101 ROCKY MOUNTAIN VEIN CLINIC - BOZEMAN APRIL 24, 2013 CUP WITH COA SUBMITTAL CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA D. Landscape Plan Information: 1. No Landscape Plan is provided since the project is an interior remodel. 3. No watercourse areas exist or are proposed on site. 102 Page 3 (Certificate of Appropriateness Checklist 1 – Prepared 11/24/03; revised on 9/8/04, revised 11/14/11) CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATNESS CHECKLIST 1 If a project is located in the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District or the Entryway Corridor Overlay District, and qualifies for review as a Sketch Plan; Reuse, Change of Use or Further Development of a Site Developed Before 9-3-91; or Amendment/Modification of a Plan Approved On or After 9-3-91, this checklist shall be used. See Section 38.19.050 (Sketch Plan Review), Section 38.19.150 (Amendments to Sketch and Site Plans) or Section 38.19.170 (Reuse, Change in Use or Further Development of Sites Developed Prior to the Adoption of the Ordinance Codified in This Title), BMC. These checklists shall be completed and returned as part of the submittal. Any item checked “No” or “N/A” (not applicable) must be explained in a narrative attached to the checklist. Incomplete submittals will be returned to the applicant. A. Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District. If a proposed development is located in the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District, information shall be provided to the appropriate review authority to review prior to granting or denying a certificate of appropriateness. The extent of documentation to be submitted on any project shall be dictated by the scope of the planned alteration and the information reasonably necessary for the appropriate review authority to make its determination. At a minimum, the following items shall be included in the submission: Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District Information Yes No N/A 1. One current picture of each elevation of each structure planned to be altered and such additional pictures of the specific elements of the structure or property to be altered that will clearly express the nature and extent of change planned. Except when otherwise recommended, no more than eight pictures should be submitted and all pictures shall be mounted on letter-size sheets and clearly annotated with the property address, elevation direction (N, S, E, W) and relevant information 2. Sketch plan, with north at the top of the page, including site boundaries, accurate lot and building area dimensions, street and alley frontages with names, and location of all structures with distances to the nearest foot between buildings and from buildings to property lines 3. Historical information, including available data such as pictures, plans, authenticated verbal records and similar research documentation that may be relevant to the planned alteration 4. Materials and color schemes to be used 5. Plans, sketches, pictures, specifications and other data that will clearly express the applicant’s proposed alterations 6. A schedule of planned actions that will lead to the completed alterations 7. Such other information as may be suggested by the Planning Department 8. Description of any applicant-requested deviation(s) and a narrative explanation as to how the requested deviation(s) will encourage restoration and rehabilitation activity that will contribute to the overall historic character of the community 9. Stormwater Management Permit Application required B. Entryway Corridor Overlay District. If a proposed development is located in the Entryway Corridor Overlay District, information shall be provided to the appropriate review authority to review prior to granting or denying a certificate of appropriateness. The extent of documentation to be submitted on any project shall be dictated by the scope of the planned alteration and the information reasonably necessary for the appropriate review authority to make its determination. At a minimum, the following items shall be included in the submission: Entryway Corridor Overlay District Information Yes No N/A 1. Sketch plan, with north at the top of the page, including site boundaries, accurate lot and building area dimensions, street and alley frontages with names, and location of all structures with distances to the nearest foot between buildings and from buildings to property lines 2. Plans, sketches, pictures, specifications and other data that will clearly express the applicant’s proposed alterations 3. Such other information as may be suggested by the Planning Department 4. If the proposal includes an application for a deviation as outlined in Section 38.35.050 (Deviations), BMC, the application for deviation shall be accompanied by written and graphic material sufficient to illustrate the conditions that the modified standards will produce, so as to enable the City Commission to make the determination that the deviation will produce an environment, landscape quality and character superior to that produced by the existing standards, and will be consistent with the intent and purpose of Chapter 38.17 (Entryway 103 Page 4 Corridor Overlay District), BMC. 5. Stormwater Management Permit Application required C. Reuse, Change of Use or Further Development of a Site Developed After 9-3-91. If an application is for Reuse, Change of Use or Further Development of a Site Developed After 9-3-91, the following items shall also be included on the sketch plan or as part of the submission: Reuse, Change of Use or Further Development Information Yes No N/A 1. Parking and circulation 2. Drainage patterns 3. Floor plans 4. Stormwater Management Permit Application required Length of time since current/previous use: Proposed use: D. Landscape Plans. If a landscape plan is required, the following information shall be provided on the landscape plan: Landscape Plan Information Yes No N/A 1. Date, scale, north arrow, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of both the property owner and the person preparing the plan 2. Location of existing boundary lines and dimensions of the lot 3. Approximate centerlines of existing watercourses, required watercourse setbacks, and the location of any 100-year floodplain; the approximate location of significant drainage features; and the location and size of existing and proposed streets and alleys, utility easements, utility lines, driveways and sidewalks on the lot and/or adjacent to the lot 4. Project name, street address, and lot and block description 5. Location, height and material of proposed screening and fencing (with berms to be delineated by one foot contours) 6. Locations and dimensions of proposed landscape buffer strips, including watercourse buffer strips 7. Complete landscape legend providing a description of plant materials shown on the plan, including typical symbols, names (common and botanical name), locations, quantities, container or caliper sizes at installation, heights, spread and spacing. The location and type of all existing trees on the lot over 6 inches in caliper must be specifically indicated 8. Complete illustration of landscaping and screening to be provided in or near off-street parking and loading areas, including information as to the amount (in square feet) of landscape area to be provided internal to parking areas and the number and location of required off-street parking and loading spaces 9. An indication of how existing healthy trees (if any) are to be retained and protected from damage during construction 10. Size, height, location and material of proposed seating, lighting, planters, sculptures, and water features 11. A description of proposed watering methods 12. Location of street vision triangles on the lot (if applicable) 13. Tabulation of points earned by the plan – see Section 38.26.060, BMC (Landscape Performance Standards) 14. Designated snow removal storage areas 15. Location of pavement, curbs, sidewalks and gutters 16. Show location of existing and/or proposed drainage facilities which are to be used for drainage control 17. Existing and proposed grade 18. Size of plantings at the time of installation and at maturity 19. Areas to be irrigated 20. Planting plan for watercourse buffers, per Section 38.23.100, BMC (Watercourse Setbacks), if not previously provided through subdivision review 104 Page 5 21. Front and side elevations of buildings, fences and walls with height dimensions if not otherwise provided by the application. Show open stairways and other projections from exterior building walls 22. Storm water Management Permit Application required 105 ROCKY MOUNTAIN VEIN CLINIC - BOZEMAN APRIL 24, 2013 CUP WITH COA SUBMITTAL CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATNESS (COA) CHECKLIST 1 NARRATIVE A. Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District: 1. This project is not in a Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District. B. Entryway Corridor Overlay District: 1. This project lies within the North 19th Avenue Entryway Corridor. 2. This project is a partial interior remodel to an existing one story building with the exception of adding a second exterior door for access to the leased suite (only one exterior door exists). The conditional use being applied for is a Medical Office Building. 3. The project does not include site work. As such, no new site or landscape plan is being submitted. 4. An existing site plan and floor plan from the Covenants is submitted for application review purposes. 5. Demolition and New interior floor plans are submitted to present the remodel work of Unit A-2. 106 107 108 109 Rocky Mountain Vein Clinic - Bozeman Preliminary CUP Application - Adjacent Owners List (within 200') Ted Conover, 4/24/13 Lot #Unit Owners Address City State Zip 2 G & H Commercial LLC 44 E Julie CT Bozeman MT 59718 1, 8 Bonnie Jane Workman PO Box 3485 Bozeman MT 59772-3485 2 John Roberts Evans 1008 Mountain Ash Ave Bozeman MT 59718-7003 3 Robert J Busselle Debra L Hill Busselle PO Box 10190 Bozeman MT 59719-0190 4,5,6 Stoneridge at Charlotte, LLC 607 Triple Tree Rd Bozeman MT 59715-7851 7a Michael J & Virginia San Souci 2135 Charlotte St, Ste. 1A Bozeman MT 59718-2741 7b Al Lieber 3159 Gardenbrook Ln Bozeman MT 59715 9 CTS Properties LLC 6945 Mogollon Dr Bozeman MT 59715 5 Contingea LLC 402 E Granite Ave Bozeman MT 59718 A-1 Sylvia Osterman 35098 County Rd. 129 Sidney MT 59270-4247 A-2 Shadow Investments, LLC 714 Stoneridge Dr., Ste. 2 Bozeman MT 59718-7046 A-3, D-1 John & Patricia McKenna 1711 W College St.Bozeman MT 59715-4913 A Kit Yan Chu 12230 Gooch Hill Rd Gallatin Gateway MT 59730-8505 A3 Charles R Soha 737 Summer Ridge Rd.Bozeman MT 59715-7796 B Randall D. McDowell 1230 Candelight Dr Bozeman MT 59718 8 Richard Thomson 456 Westlake Park Blvd.Bozeman MT 59718 A-1 June Fredrick LLC 1324 Chaffin Ln Corvallis MT 59828 A-2 Team Mc Properties LLC 2002 N 22nd Ave, Unit 2 Bozeman MT 59718 A-3 Victor & Allison Lograsso 390 Low Bench Rd.Gallatin Gateway MT 59730-9724 A-4 Kenneth C. Olson 2040 N 22nd Ave, Ste. 2 Bozeman MT 59718-2776 A-1 PNW LLC 2055 N 22nd Ave, Ste. 1 Bozeman MT 59718-2796 A-2A Jim Mc Leod, CMT LLC 2055 N 22nd Ave, Ste. 2A Bozeman MT 59718-2796 A-3 Wendy W. Chou 4479 W Babcock St.Bozeman MT 59718-6481 A-4 Charles R Soha 737 Summer Ridge Rd.Bozeman MT 59715-7796 B-5 J Victor & D Allison Lograsso 390 Low Bench Rd.Gallatin Gateway MT 59730-9724 B-6 Casselman California, LLC 2940 Chicago St.San Diego CA 92117-6157 B-7 MJD, LLC 2011 N 22nd Ave, Ste. 4 Bozeman MT 59718-2781 B-8 DT, LLC 2011 N 22nd Ave, Ste. 4 Bozeman MT 59718-2781 Bldg. A Dixie J Sabo 1627 W Main St., #242 Bozeman MT 59715-4011 Bldg. B Templar Investments 1627 W Main St., #242 Bozeman MT 59715-4011 Bldg. 2B KLT Properties, LLC 405 Henry Dr.Belgrade MT 59714-3116 15, 16 David E. & Janine S. Steel 2518 Daffodil St.Bozeman MT 59718 17 Jahner Maple Terrace LLC 804 N 19th Ave, Unit 1 Bozeman MT 59718 18 Jahner Investments, LLC 804 N 19th Ave, Unit 1 Bozeman MT 59718 19, 20 Carolyn Hubbard 715 Blackmore Pl Bozeman MT 59715 3,4 6 9, 10 Avardo Commercial Condos 11, 12 13 7 Montana Business Center Condo Northridge Professional Plaza Ridgeview Professional Plaza Condos 110 HighgateHouseHighgateHouseW OAK ST WHEELER DR MCCORMICK ST N 25TH AVE ROGER'SW A Y ROSECTWINDSORSTMOUN T A I N ASH A V E BRENTWOODAVEWOODLANDDR CHARLOTTE ST GOLDENROD LN HARRIS ST BLACKMORE PL WESTERN DR DURSTON RDW BEALL ST GREENWAYN 25TH AVE DAWS DR DAISY DR ANNIE ST LILY DR ROSE ST SNAPDRAGON ST DAFFODIL ST N 27TH AVE N22NDAVE EMILY DR STONERIDGE DRW STEVENS ST TERRACE AVE N 23RD AVE N 22ND AVE N 21ST AVE N 20TH AVE N 19TH AVE N 18TH AVE N 17TH AVE N 16TH AVE N 19TH AVE JUNIPER STJESSIE WAYROY STMATHESON WAYMAE ST DURSTON RD N 15TH AVEN 15TH AVEN 14TH AVEW OAK ST N 19TH AVE MAPLEWOOD ST N 15TH AVE N 14TH AVEN 12TH AVEMANZANITA DRCRABAPPLE DROAK PARK DRJUNIPER STB-1R-OR-1R-4R-2R-4B-1R-2R-3R-2R-1R-OR-4R-3R-OR-3PLIR-3R-3R-O111 ORIGINAL DOCUMENT MAY HAVE POOR PHOTOGRAPHIC QUALITY THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED WITHOUT BENEFIT OF A TITLE EXAMINATION. NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED FOR THE COMPLETENESS THEREOF. PLATS MAY OR MAY NOT BE A SURVEY OF THE LAND DEPICTED HEREIN. THE COMPANY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY FOR ALLEGED LOSS OR DAMAGE WHICH MAY RESULT FROM RELIANCE UPON THEM.112 ORIGINAL DOCUMENT MAY HAVE POOR PHOTOGRAPHIC QUALITY THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED WITHOUT BENEFIT OF A TITLE EXAMINATION. NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED FOR THE COMPLETENESS THEREOF. PLATS MAY OR MAY NOT BE A SURVEY OF THE LAND DEPICTED HEREIN. THE COMPANY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY FOR ALLEGED LOSS OR DAMAGE WHICH MAY RESULT FROM RELIANCE UPON THEM.113 ORIGINAL DOCUMENT MAY HAVE POOR PHOTOGRAPHIC QUALITY THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED WITHOUT BENEFIT OF A TITLE EXAMINATION. NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED FOR THE COMPLETENESS THEREOF. PLATS MAY OR MAY NOT BE A SURVEY OF THE LAND DEPICTED HEREIN. THE COMPANY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY FOR ALLEGED LOSS OR DAMAGE WHICH MAY RESULT FROM RELIANCE UPON THEM.114 ORIGINAL DOCUMENT MAY HAVE POOR PHOTOGRAPHIC QUALITY THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED WITHOUT BENEFIT OF A TITLE EXAMINATION. NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED FOR THE COMPLETENESS THEREOF. PLATS MAY OR MAY NOT BE A SURVEY OF THE LAND DEPICTED HEREIN. THE COMPANY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY FOR ALLEGED LOSS OR DAMAGE WHICH MAY RESULT FROM RELIANCE UPON THEM.115 116 117 118