HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommunity Food Co-op Growth Policy Amendment public hearing Page 1 of 2 Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Dave Skelton, Senior Planner Wendy Thomas, Community Development Director SUBJECT: P-13011, Community Food Co-op Growth Policy Amendment MEETING DATE: Monday, June 17, 2013 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action Item (Legislative) RECOMMENDATION: The City Commission adopts the staff findings and approves the growth policy amendment, as recommended by the Planning Board with the two contingencies listed on page three of the Staff Report, and directs staff to prepare a resolution for the growth policy amendment. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Having reviewed the application materials, considered public comment, and considered all of the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for file #P-13011 and Planning Board Resolution #P-13011, and move to approve the growth policy amendment from “Residential” to “Community Commercial Mixed Use” with the contingencies listed in the staff report, and direct Staff to prepare a resolution for the growth policy amendment. BACKGROUND: The City adopted its current growth policy in the summer of 2009. One of the elements of the document is the future land use map, Figure 3-1, which shows how the various types of land use designations are geographically located in the community. An application has been submitted to amend Figure 3-1 at the northeast corner of South 10th Avenue and West Babcock Street for approximately 0.380 acres. The property is currently planned as residential and the application requests a community commercial mixed use designation. The Commission adopted a resolution of intent to amend the growth policy on June 3, 2013 setting a public hearing date of June 17, 2013. The Planning Board conducted their public hearing on May 21, 2013 and voted to recommend approval to the City Commission in Planning Board Resolution P13011 with the two contingencies listed on page three of the attached staff report. The minutes of the Planning Board meeting are attached for the Commission’s review. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None FISCAL EFFECTS: None at this time ALTERNATIVES: 1) Approve the growth policy amendment as recommended by the Development Review Committee and Planning Board. 119 Page 2 of 2 2) Deny the growth policy amendment request. 3) Make alternate findings to the criteria for a growth policy amendment and decide an alternative land use designation. Per Section 38.37.030.D.2, to consider the alternative the City Commission must continue the application for at least one week to enable the applicant to consider options regarding the possible alternate designation. 4) Other as identified b the City Commission. Attachments: Community Development Staff Report Applicant’s submittal materials Planning Board minutes and Planning Resolution #P-13011 Report compiled on: June 4, 2013 120 Community Food Co-op GPA Staff Report #P-13011 Page 1 of 10 COMMUNITY FOOD CO-OP GROWTH POLICY AMENDMENT PLANNING BOARD STAFF REPORT FILE # P-13011 Item: An application to amend Figure 3-1 of the Bozeman Community Plan to change the future land use designation on 0.380 acres from Residential to Community Commercial Mixed Use. Owner/Applicant: Community Food Co-op, Inc., 908 W. Main St., Bozeman MT 59715 Representative: Comma-Q, 109 N Rouse, #1, Bozeman, MT 59715 Date/Time: Before the Bozeman Planning Board on Tuesday, May 21, 2013 at 6:00 PM in the Commission Meeting Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Avenue Bozeman, Montana; and before the Bozeman City Commission on Monday, June 17, 2013 at 6:00 PM in the Commission Meeting Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Avenue Bozeman, Montana Report By: Dave Skelton, Senior Planner Recommendation: Approval with contingencies. Recommended Motion for Growth Policy Amendment Application: “Having reviewed the application materials, considered public comment, and the staff analysis, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for #P-13011 and move to recommend that the City Commission approve the growth policy amendment requested in application #P-13011 changing Figure 3-1 of the Bozeman Community Plan from Residential to Community Commercial Mixed Use subject to the contingencies listed on page 3 of the staff report.” PROJECT LOCATION The subject property is located at the northeast corner of the intersection of West Babcock Street and South 10th Avenue. The site is commonly referred to as 917-921 West Babcock Street and is legally described as Lots 25 and Lot 26 of Block H and that part of vacated South 10th Avenue described in Document 2337846, Story’s Addition to City of Bozeman located in the NE 1/4 of Section 12, T2S, R5E, PMM, Gallatin County, Montana. Please refer to the vicinity map on the following page. 121 Community Food Co-op GPA Staff Report #P-13011 Page 2 of 10 ZONING DESIGNATION AND LAND USES The site being considered is currently occupied by two single-household dwellings and accessory structures. It is located in the West Main Entryway Corridor Overlay District and is currently zoned for R-4 (Residential High Density District) development. The intent of the R-4 district is “to provide for high-density residential development through a variety of housing types within the city with associated service functions. This will provide for a variety of compatible housing types to serve the varying needs of the community's residents. Although some office use is permitted, it shall remain as a secondary use to residential development. Secondary status shall be as measured by percentage of total building area.” Community Food Co-op, Inc. presently owns and occupies approximately 75% of the entire City block that also includes the requested growth policy amendment. The remaining 25% of the block is owned and operated by Aspen Motors car dealership. Exclusive of the applicant’s current operation and associated off-street parking, their remaining portion of the City block is occupied by the two single-household dwellings and accessory structures, and a third dwelling located at the intersection of West Babcock and South 9th Avenue. The third dwelling functions as an administration office for the Community Food Co-op store. West Babcock Street, a collector road, serves as a physical demarcation between the commercial block occupied by the Community Food Co-op store and the Aspen Motors dealership, and the residential development to the south. The City block immediately to the south of the growth policy amendment request is zoned for R-4, high density residential development, and contains a mix of single-household dwellings and multi-household structures. One-half block further west, developed property zoned R-O (Residential Office District) exists, and to the east the property is zoned B-2 (Community Commercial District). Immediately to the north is the vacant Safeway store and of the B-2 commercial entryway corridor for West Main Street. Urgent Care occupies the City block to the west and mirrors the development patterns of the Food Co-op store with the commercial building facing onto the West Main Street entryway corridor and off-street parking lot facilities orientated towards West Babcock Street. The Lewis and Clark Motel occupies the north half of the block to the east with the south half containing an Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses North: Developed commercial lands zoned B-2 (Community Commercial District). South: Developed residential lands zoned R-4 (Residential High Density District . East: Developed commercial lands zoned B-2 (Community Commercial District). West: Developed commercial lands zoned B-2 (Community Commercial District). 122 Community Food Co-op GPA Staff Report #P-13011 Page 3 of 10 eclectic mix of residential land use types. Both City blocks to the east and west are zoned B-2 and designated for development as “Community Commercial Mixed Use” on the Future Land Use Plan of the Bozeman Community Plan. RECOMMENDED CONTINGENCIES Based upon review and consideration by the Development Review Committee and Department of Community Development, and after evaluation of the proposed amendment against the criteria set forth in Chapter 17, Bozeman Community Plan, the Department of Community Development recommends approval of the requested amendment with the two contingencies listed below. Staff recommends the following contingencies to be included with any recommendation or action of approval: 1) The applicant shall submit, within forty-five (45) days of approval by the City Commission, an 8½- x 11-inch or 8½- x 14-inch exhibit entitled “Community Food Co-op Growth Policy Amendment” to the Department of Community Development containing an accurate description of the property for which the growth policy designation is being amended. The exhibit must be acceptable to the Community Development Department. 2) The resolution for the growth policy amendment shall not be drafted until the applicant provides an exhibit of the area to be re-designated, which will be utilized in the preparation of the resolution to officially amend Figure 3-1, the Future Land Use Map of the Bozeman Community Plan. PROPOSAL The property owner, Community Food Co-op, Inc., has made application to the Department of Community Development for a Growth Policy Amendment to amend Figure 3-1 of the Bozeman Community Plan on approximately 0.380 acres located at the northeast corner of the intersection of West Babcock Street and South 10th Avenue. The subject property is located within the corporate limits of the City of Bozeman and does not involve a request for annexation. If the City Commission votes to approve the amendment; the applicant will then proceed with submitting a Zone Map Amendment application to the Department of Community Development to amend the City of Bozeman Zone Map from “R-4” (Residential High Density District) to B-2 (Community Commercial District). The applicant’s intent with processing both amendments is to establish the necessary land use and zoning designations to proceed with the growth and expansion of the existing Food Co-op store. Please refer to maps provided on page 4 illustrating the vicinity of the Figure 3-1 Future Land Use Map being considered with this application, overlaid with the existing land use and zoning designations, and a vicinity map with the current land uses. 123 Community Food Co-op GPA Staff Report #P-13011 Page 4 of 10 Vicinity Map – Growth Policy Future Land Use and Zoning Vicinity Map – Current Land Use 124 Community Food Co-op GPA Staff Report #P-13011 Page 5 of 10 REVIEW CRITERIA A change in the growth policy is a legislative act to set policy relating to future development proposals. There are no statutory criteria for evaluation of a growth policy amendment other than the general purposes for a growth policy. The City of Bozeman has locally established through its growth policy four specific criteria for amendment. The Bozeman Department of Community Development has reviewed the application against the locally established criteria of the Bozeman Community Plan, and as a result offers the following summary-review comments for consideration. 1. The proposed amendment must cure a deficiency in the growth policy, or improve the growth policy, to better respond to the needs of the general community; This growth policy amendment is being sought to facilitate the expansion of an existing business within the City of Bozeman. Therefore, a change in the subject property’s land use designation would satisfy several goals and objectives of the Bozeman Community Plan, including: Economic Goals and Objectives: • Goal ED-1 (Page 8-4): Promote and encourage the continued development of Bozeman as a vital economic center. • Objective ED (Page 8-4): Support business creation, retention, and expansion. Emphasize small businesses, “green” businesses, and e-businesses. • Goal ED-2 (Page 8-4): Support balanced policies and programs to encourage a durable, vigorous, and diverse economy. • Objective ED-2.4 (Page 8-5): Foster a diverse economy that will protect the economic climate for existing businesses and maintain opportunities for business expansion. As noted previously, the applicant is requesting an amendment to the current land use designation to “Community Commercial Mixed Use” to grow and expand the existing B-2 commercial business. Development of the subject property as B-2 would be consistent with the current commercial land use patterns situated along the West Main Street entryway corridor. Please refer to Attachment “A” for a list of permitted principal (P) and conditional uses (C) allowed in the B-2 district. 2. The proposed amendment does not create inconsistencies within the growth policy, either between the goals and the maps or between different goals and objectives. The proposed change does not appear to cause any material inconsistencies in the growth policy. As discussed in criterion #1 above a number of economic goals and objectives would be accomplished with approval of the amendment. 3. The proposed amendment must be consistent with the overall intent of the growth policy; There are seven basic ideas which form the foundation for many of the land use policies contained in the Bozeman Community Plan (page 3-3 to 3-6), one of which is the concept of “neighborhoods”. There is strong public support for the preservation of existing neighborhoods that includes the strengthening and support through adequate infrastructure, availability, maintenance and other actions. In this case the site is part of a commercial neighborhood situated along West Main Street. Therefore, it also a part of the public streetscape and entryway corridor that supports a sense of place created by such landmarks as the downtown business core that is encouraged by the Bozeman Community Plan. With the concept of “sustainability” allowances to facilitate the expansion of existing businesses are also consistent with the intent of the growth policy where development should be based on 125 Community Food Co-op GPA Staff Report #P-13011 Page 6 of 10 neighborhoods, including commercial neighborhoods. Sustainability is a holistic issue and should be interwoven through the City’s operations and regulations. 4. The proposed amendment will not adversely affect the community as a whole or significant portion by: Significantly altering land use patterns and principles in a manner contrary to those established by this plan, The requested Growth Policy Amendment should not impact the residential development to the south, finding that West Babcock Street presents a physical separation from the existing and future commercial development to the north. Approval of the amendment would complete the foresight along the West Main Street corridor to offer sustainable opportunities for the growth and expansion of commercial activities and a viable community. As the subject property is located in the West Main Street entryway corridor overlay district, the final character of the site’s development will be subject to review to the City’s design standards, including standards to address the interface between residential and non-residential development. Requiring unmitigated larger or more expensive improvements to streets, water, sewer, or other public facilities or services, thereby impacting development of other lands, The street improvements and related infrastructure to service the subject 0.380-acre site are currently in place and available with minimum expense. Development of the site will improve the public streetscape along this section of West Babcock Street, if not the condition of street curbing and boulevard sidewalks. The evaluation by the Development Review Committee (DRC) indicates that adequate sewer and water can be made available to the site. Other services such as police and fire are already provided to the entire area. Adversely impact existing uses because of unmitigated greater than anticipated impacts on facilities and services, or No extraordinary impacts on facilities or services are anticipated from the potential change in land use. Negatively affect the livability of the area or the health and safety of the residents. The development of this site will be subject to the standards of the adopted land use regulations. These will be adequate to address concerns of health and safety. Based on existing residential development in the area, the livability of the area is unlikely to be materially affected by the change finding that the predominant land use types in the area is residential. The same “Residential” land use category is already present to the west, north and south for development lying west of North 27th Avenue. PUBLIC COMMENT No written comment on the matter of the requested growth policy amendment has been submitted as of the writing of this report. SUMMARY & CONCLUSION The Department of Community Development and the Development Review Committee have reviewed the application and have provided summary review comments as outlined above in the staff report; and as a result, recommend approval of the application with said contingencies. The recommendation of the Planning Board will be forwarded to the Bozeman City Commission for consideration at its public hearing scheduled for Monday, June 17, 2013. The City Commission will make the final decision on the application. 126 Community Food Co-op GPA Staff Report #P-13011 Page 7 of 10 Report Sent To: Community Food Co-op, Inc., 908 W. Main St., Bozeman MT 59715 Comma-Q, 109 N Rouse, #1, Bozeman, MT 59715 Attachments: Applicant’s GPA Application and Submittal Material 127 Community Food Co-op GPA Staff Report #P-13011 Page 8 of 10 Exhibit “A” Growth Policy Amendment Vicinity Map 128 Community Food Co-op GPA Staff Report #P-13011 Page 9 of 10 Attachment “A” Permitted Principal and Conditional Uses in the B-2 District Table of Commercial Uses Authorized Uses B-1 B-2 B-3 Ambulance service — P P Apartments and apartment buildings6, as defined in this chapter P P1/C P3 Arts and entertainment center, as defined in this chapter P P P Automobile fuel sales or repair, as defined in this chapter C C C Automobile parking lot or garage (public or private) P P P Automobile washing establishment C P C Banks and other financial institutions P P P Business, technical or vocational school — C P3 Bus terminals — C C Community centers P P P3 Community residential facilities with eight or fewer residents P P1/C P3 Community residential facilities serving nine or more residents — C — Convenience uses C P C Convenience use restaurant P P P Day care centers P P P Essential services (Type I) P P P Essential services (Type II) — P P Extended-stay lodgings — P P Food processing facilities — C — Frozen food storage and locker rental — P — Health and exercise establishments P1/C P P Hospitals — P C Hotel or motel — P P Laboratories, research and diagnostic — P P3 Laundry, dry cleaning — C C 129 Community Food Co-op GPA Staff Report #P-13011 Page 10 of 10 Light goods repair, as defined in this chapter — C A Lodginghouses — C C3 Manufacturing, light and completely indoors — C — Mortuary — C C Museum — C C Medical and dental clinics P1/C P P Meeting hall — P P Offices, as defined in this chapter P1/C P P3 Other buildings and structures typically accessory to permitted uses A A A Parking facilities P P P3 Personal and convenience services, as defined in this chapter P P P Pet grooming shop P P P Printing offices and publishing establishments — — C Private club, fraternity, sorority or lodge — P P Public buildings P P P Refuse and recycling containers A A A Research laboratories — P P Restaurants P5 P P Retail uses, as defined in this chapter P2 P2 P2 Retail, large scale — P — Sales of alcohol for on-premises consumption7 C C C Sign paint shops (not including neon sign fabrication) — P C Upholstery shops (excluding on site upholstery service for cars, boats, trailers, trucks and other motorized vehicles requiring overnight storage) — P P3 Veterinary clinic — C — Wholesale distributors with on-premises retail outlets, providing warehousing is limited to commodities which are sold on the premises — C — Wholesale establishments that use samples, but do not stock on premises — P P Any use, except adult businesses and casinos approved as part of a planned unit development subject to the provisions of article 20 of this chapter C C C 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 Page 1 of 4 City of Bozeman Planning Board Minutes of May 7, 2013. PLANNING BOARD MINUTES TUESDAY, May 21, 2013 ITEM 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ATTENDANCE President McSpadden called the regular meeting of the Planning Board to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Avenue, Bozeman, Montana and took attendance. Members Present: Staff Present: Trever McSpadden, President Brian Krueger, Development Review Manager Adam Fruh Dave Skelton, Senior Planner Erik Garberg Julien Morice Guests Present: Paul Neubauer C.V. Soper Carl Tange G. Kulka Carson Taylor Susan Riggs, Intrinsik Architecture George Thompson Rob Pertzborn, Intrinsik Architecture Dave Crawford, TD&H Engineering Members Absent: Kelly Wiseman, General Manager of the Food Co-op Ben Lloyd, Comma-Q Architecture ITEM 2. PUBLIC COMMENT {Limited to any public matter within the jurisdiction of the Planning Board and not scheduled on this agenda. Three-minute time limit per speaker.} No public comment. ITEM 3. MINUTES OF MAY 7, 2013 Corrections: Top of page 2 should read: Mr. Neubauer strongly opposed to increasing the use of treated water for irrigation. Page 5 Mr. Carson Dwellings unit per acre. Mr. Krueger’s answer should be separate. Mr. Taylor moved to accept the minutes as corrected. Mr. Morice seconded. Motion carried unanimously. ITEM 4. PROJECT REVIEW 1. Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat - #P-13010 (Block M) – A Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat application as requested by the property owner Kenyon Noble Lumber Co., PO Box 1109, Bozeman, MT 59771, applicant Block M, LLC, c/o Intrinsik Architecture, Inc., 111 North Tracy Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59715 and representatives Intrinsik Architecture, Inc., 111 North Tracy Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59715 and TD & H Engineering, 234 E. Babcock, Suite 3, Bozeman, MT 59715, requesting the subdivision of 1.01 acres into 20 lots for townhouse construction. The subject property is legally described as Block M in the Plat of Bozeman City and Portions of 140 Page 2 of 4 City of Bozeman Planning Board Minutes of May 7, 2013. Abandoned Beall Street located in the NW ¼ of Section 7, T2S, R6E, PMM, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana and is bound by North Tracy and North Black Avenues and East Lamme and East Beall Streets. (Riley) Development Review Manager (DRM) Krueger presented the project summary in lieu of Planner Riley. Planning Staff recommended conditional approval of the application (see Staff Report). The Planning Review Board queried DRM Krueger on the following issues: • Stormwater retention • Parkland requirements • Undergrounding utility lines • B-3 requirement for minimum lot size • Intersection of Lamme & Tracy offset • Garages and number of stories • Street parking • Angled parking instead of parallel parking on the street Applicant Susan Riggs from Intrinsik Architecture addressed the following issues: • Block size and width • Layout options/density • Parking • Parkland/open space • Unit flexibility • Phasing Project Engineer Dave Crawford addressed: • Stormwater retention • Underground utility placement • Coordinating lighting fixtures with those used downtown Public Comment: Project neighbor Charlie Soper spoke on parking, and zero setback on the front and sides. Mr. Taylor moved to recommend the approval of Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat #P-13010 (Block M) application, noting that it is in compliance with the City of Bozeman’s adopted Growth Policy. Motion seconded by Mr. Morice. The motion passed unanimously. 2. Growth Policy Amendment - #P-13011 (Community Food Co-op) – An amendment to Figure 3-1 of the Bozeman Community Plan that would change the future land use classification from Residential to Community Commercial Mixed Use upon property located at the northeast corner of the intersection of West Babcock Street and South 10th Avenue as requested by the property owner and applicant Community Food Co-op, 801 W Main Street, Suite 3B, Bozeman MT 59715 and representative Comma-Q Architecture, 109 N Rouse, #1, Bozeman, MT 59715. The proposal would affect ~0.380 acres of land. The property is legally described as Lots 25 and Lot 26 of Block H and that part of vacated South 10th Avenue described in Document 2337846, Story’s Addition to City of Bozeman located in the NE 1/4 of Section 12, T2S, R5E, PMM, Gallatin County, Montana. (Skelton) 141 Page 3 of 4 City of Bozeman Planning Board Minutes of May 7, 2013. Senior Planner Skelton presented the project summary. No public testimony had been received on the project. The DRC recommended approval of the application, as did the Department of Community Development with the contingencies listed on page 3 of the Staff Report. Discussion of possible zoning board versus planning board conflict of interest (there is no conflict of interest). Applicant Kelly Wiseman (General Manager of the Food Co-op) presented his summary, including site history, an overview of the co-op, ownership of the two houses in question, and parking. Applicant Ben Lloyd (Comma-Q Architecture) addressed land use patterns (delivery trucks) and parking, and a community meeting about traffic and parking. Questions: None. Public Comment: None Mr. Fruh moved to adopt the findings in the Staff Report the Growth Policy Amendment #P-13011 (Community Food Co-op), and recommended that the City Commission approve the GPA to Figure 3-1 of the Bozeman Community Plan that would change the future land use classification from Residential to Community Commercial Mixed Use upon property located at the northeast corner of the intersection of West Babcock Street and South 10th Avenue as requested by the property owner and applicant Community Food Co-op subject to the contingencies listed on pages 2 and 3 of the Department of Community Development Staff Report. Motion seconded by Mr. Morice. Discussion: None. The motion passed unanimously. 3. Growth Policy Amendment - #P13012 (Cattail Creek/Hamilton) – An amendment to Figure 3-1 of the Bozeman Community Plan that would change the future land use classification from Community Commercial Mixed Use to Residential upon property located west of North 27th Avenue between Catron Street and Cattail Street as requested by the property owner and applicant Sandra Hamilton, Trustee, 115 Middle Creek Lane, Bozeman, MT 59718 and representative Intrinsik Architecture, Inc., 111 North Tracy Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59715. The proposal would affect ~1.788 acres of land. The property is legally described as Lot 2, Block 7, Cattail Creek Subdivision, Phase 1 located in the NW 1/4 of Section 35, T1S, R5E, PMM, Gallatin County, Montana. (Skelton) President McSpadden thanked Senior Planner Skelton for his 28 years of public service. Senior Planner Skelton presented the project summary. The DRC recommended approval of the application, as did the Department of Community Development with the contingencies listed on page 3 of the Staff Report. 142 Page 4 of 4 City of Bozeman Planning Board Minutes of May 7, 2013. The Planning Review Board discussed the following item: • Possible future development (commercial/residential) of adjacent parcels Ms. Susan Riggs spoke representing Sandy Hamilton, one of the original developers, about the residential status of the parcel to the south of the proposed project. Public Comment: None. Mr. Fruh moved to adopt the findings in the Staff Report for #P-13012 Growth Policy Amendment - #P13012 (Cattail Creek/Hamilton), and recommended that the City Commission approve the GPA to amend amendment to Figure 3-1 of the Bozeman Community Plan that would change the future land use classification from Community Commercial Mixed Use to Residential subject to the contingencies listed on page 3 of the Staff Report. Mr. Garberg seconded the motion. Discussion: Commercial node can still exist on three legs. The motion passed unanimously. ITEM 4. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Taylor also thanked Senior Planner Skelton for his service. Deputy City Clerk will provide future ethics training at an upcoming meeting, cursory Robert’s Rules of Order review, and a model draft set of by-laws created by the City Clerk’s office. Meeting with the Future Water Plan to occur sometime after next week’s TAC meeting, and the Sonora Institute Envision Tomorrow software meeting. ITEM 6. ADJOURNMENT President McSpadden adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m. Trever McSpadden, President Brian Krueger, Development Review Manager Planning Board Department of Community Development City of Bozeman City of Bozeman 143 Community Food Co-op Growth Policy Amendment 1 RESOLUTION #P-13011 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN PLANNING BOARD REGARDING AN AMENDMENT TO FIGURE 3-1, FUTURE LAND USE MAP, BOZEMAN COMMUNITY PLAN FOR APPROXIMATELY 0.380 ACRES BEING LOT 25 AND LOT 26 OF BLOCK H AND A PART OF VACATED SOUTH 10TH AVENUE DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENT 2337846, STORY’S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 12, T2S, R5E, PMM, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA AND GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF WEST BABCOCK STREET AND SOUTH 10TH AVENUE. WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman has adopted a growth policy pursuant to Section 76-1- 601, M.C.A.; and WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman Planning Board has been created by ordinance by the Bozeman City Commission as provided for in Title 76-1-101, M.C.A.; and WHEREAS, the property owner, Community Food Co-op, Inc., and their representative, Comma-Q Architecture submitted a growth policy amendment to change the future land use designation depicted on Figure 3-1, Bozeman Community Plan on 0.380 acres located at the northeast corner of the intersection of West Babcock Street and South 10th Avenue from Residential to Community Commercial Mixed Use; and WHEREAS, the proposed Growth Policy Amendment Application has been properly submitted, reviewed, and advertised in accordance with the required procedures; and WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman Planning Board held a public hearing on Tuesday, May 21, 2013, to review the application and any written public testimony on the application; and WHEREAS, no members of the general public provided written testimony on the matter of the growth policy amendment application; and WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman Planning Board reviewed the application against the criteria for amendments established in Chapter 17 of the Bozeman Community Plan; and WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman Planning Board voted 8-0 to forward a recommendation of approval to the City Commission for the growth policy amendment request with the two contingencies recommended by the Community Development Department; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, having heard and considered public comment, application materials, and staff findings the City of Bozeman Planning Board voted 8-0 to 144 Community Food Co-op Growth Policy Amendment 2 officially recommend to the Bozeman City Commission approval of growth policy amendment application #P-13011 to amend Figure 3-1, Future Land Use Map, Bozeman Community Plan from Residential to Community Commercial Mixed Use for approximately 0.380 acres described as Lot 25 and Lot 26 of Block H and a part of vacated South 10th Avenue described in Document 2337846, Story’s Addition to the City of Bozeman located in the NE1/4 of Section 12, T2S, R5E, PMM Gallatin County, Montana subject to the following contingencies: 1) The applicant shall submit, within forty-five (45) days of approval by the City Commission, an 8½- x 11-inch or 8½- x 14-inch exhibit entitled “Community Food Co-op Growth Policy Amendment” to the Department of Community Development containing an accurate description of the property for which the growth policy designation is being amended. The exhibit must be acceptable to the Community Development Department. 2) The resolution for the growth policy amendment shall not be drafted until the applicant provides an exhibit of the area to be re-designated, which will be utilized in the preparation of the resolution to officially amend Figure 3-1, the Future Land Use Map of the Bozeman Community Plan. DATED THIS DAY OF , 2013 Resolution #P-13011 _____________________________ ____________________________ Wendy Thomas, Trever McSpadden, President Community Development Director City of Bozeman Planning Board 145