HomeMy WebLinkAboutCapelli's Salon Conditional Use Permit and Certificate of Appropriateness Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Allyson Brekke, Neighborhood Planner Wendy Thomas, Director of Community Development SUBJECT: Capelli’s Salon CUP/COA File #Z-13055 MEETING DATE: May 13, 2013 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action - Quasi Judicial RECOMMENDATION: That the City Commission approves the Conditional Use Permit and Certificate of Appropriateness application #Z-13055 to allow the permanent establishment of personal and convenience uses in Building #2 and related parking, landscaping and drive access improvements for the entire property at 1401 Gold Avenue. RECOMMENDED MOTION: “Having reviewed the application materials, considered public comment, and considered all of the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application #Z-13055 and move to approve the Conditional Use Permit and Certificate of Appropriateness with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions.” BACKGROUND: The Capelli’s Salon Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) application was submitted to the Department of Community Development on March 12, 2013 by property owner Gold Properties, LLC and architect representative Springer Group Architects for the property located at 1401 Gold Avenue. Two buildings exist on the property and are known as Buildings #1 and #2. Building #1 contains warehouse space for HKM Engineering and Montana Fish and Company businesses. The CUP/COA application is requesting the permanent establishment of the Capelli’s salon and spa (personal and convenience uses) in Building #2 and related parking, landscaping and drive access improvements for the entire property. The CUP is required for the establishment of personal and convenience uses, which are conditional uses within the light industrial zoning district. The COA is required for the proposed site improvements proposed within the Class 1 Entryway Overlay District. The Capelli’s Salon personal and convenience uses were originally permitted by the City on April 22, 2002 through a Special Temporary Use Permit (STUP). The City’s original approval was only for a portion of Building #2, represented as Unit C. Several extensions to the STUP were granted by the City with the last extension ending on March 15, 2012. In March 2012, the Building Division became aware of Capelli’s Salon making interior building changes without obtaining a building permit. The City corresponded with the property owner several times throughout the remainder of the year indicating the March 15, 2012 expiration of the extended 42 STUP. The City worked with the applicant to ensure a CUP application would be submitted by January 2, 2013. After receiving notification from the property owner’s legal representative that the business owner would be unable to submit the CUP by the agreed upon deadline, the City granted the applicant an extension to the submittal date until March 11, 2013. On April 24, 2013, the Development Review Committee (DRC) recommended conditional approval of the Capelli’s Salon CUP/COA application and their recommended conditions and comments are included in this report. Conditions of approval can be found on page 2 of the staff report and code provisions can be found on page 5. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None at this time. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the application with the recommended staff conditions; 2. Approve the application with modifications to the recommended staff conditions; 3. Deny the application based on the Commission’s findings of non- compliance with the applicable criteria contained within the staff report; or 4. Open and continue the public hearing on the application, with specific direction to staff or the applicant to supply additional information or to address specific items. FISCAL EFFECTS: No significant fiscal effect has been identified. Attachments: Staff Report, Applicant’s submittal materials The full application and file of record can be viewed at the Community Development Department at 20 E. Olive Street. Report compiled on: May 3, 2013 43 Capelli’s Salon CUP/COA #Z-13055 Staff Report Page 1 City Commission Staff Report for the Capelli’s Salon CUP/COA File #Z-13055 Item: A Conditional Use Permit and Certificate of Appropriateness application for the property addressed as 1401 Gold Avenue requesting the permanent establishment of a salon and spa (personal and convenience uses) in Building #2 and related parking, landscaping and drive access improvements for the entire property. Owner: Gold Properties, LLC, 145 Jeana Lei Court, Bozeman, MT 59715 Applicant: Springer Group Architects, c/o Lowell Springer, 201 South Wallace Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59715 Date: City Commission Meeting, May 13, 2013 at 6:00 p.m., in the City Commission Meeting Room, Bozeman City Hall, 121 North Rouse Avenue, Bozeman, Montana Report By: Allyson Brekke, Neighborhood Planner Recommendation: Conditional Approval ______________________________________________________________________________ Project Location The subject property is located at 1401 Gold Avenue, south of Bond Street, and is a part of the industrial “Bomont Center” subdivision platted in the late 1970s. It is legally described as Lot 8A, Northeast Annex, Bomont Center Subdivision, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana (as shown in detail on Plat J-41-A0. The property is located within the Interstate-90 Class 1 Entryway Overlay District and is zoned as M-1 (Light Manufacturing District). Please refer to the vicinity map below. Map 1 Project Proposal & Background A Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) application was submitted to the Department of Community Development on March 12, 2013 by property owner Gold Properties, LLC and architect representative Springer Group Architects for the property located at 1401 Gold Avenue. Two buildings exist on the property and are known as Buildings #1 and #2. Building #1 contains warehouse space for HKM Engineering and Montana Fish and Company businesses. The 44 Capelli’s Salon CUP/COA #Z-13055 Staff Report Page 2 CUP/COA application is requesting the permanent establishment of a salon and spa (personal and convenience uses) in Building #2 and related parking, landscaping and drive access improvements for the entire property. The CUP is required for the establishment of personal and convenience uses, which are conditional uses within the light industrial zoning district. The COA is required for the proposed site improvements proposed within the Class 1 Entryway Overlay District. Staff is considering the property as a legal non-conforming property. The Capelli’s Salon personal and convenience uses were originally permitted by the City on April 22, 2002 through a Special Temporary Use Permit (STUP). The City’s original approval was only for a portion of Building #2, represented as Unit C. Several extensions to the STUP were granted by the City with the last extension ending on March 15, 2012. In March 2012, the Building Division became aware of Capelli’s Salon making interior building changes without obtaining a building permit. The City corresponded with the property owner several times throughout the remainder of the year indicating the March 15, 2012 expiration of the extended STUP. The City worked with the applicant to ensure a CUP application would be submitted by January 2, 2013. After receiving notification from the property owner’s legal representative that the business owner would be unable to submit the CUP by the agreed upon deadline, the City granted the applicant an extension to the submittal date until March 11, 2013. On April 24, 2013, the Development Review Committee (DRC) recommended conditional approval of the Capelli’s Salon CUP/COA application and their recommended conditions and comments are included in this report. Recommendation The DRC, including planning and engineering staff members, reviewed the Capelli’s Salon CUP/COA and recommend to the City Commission approval of said application with the conditions outlined in this staff report. The applicant must comply with all provisions of the Bozeman Unified Development Code, which are applicable to this project, prior to receiving final site plan approval. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or State law. Recommended Conditions of Approval Based on the subsequent analysis, the DRC and Staff find that the application, with conditions and code provisions, is in general compliance with the adopted Growth Policy and the City of Bozeman Unified Development Code. The following conditions of approval are recommended. 1. Required parking spaces, as described in Section 38.25.040 of the Unified Development Code, must be provided for all uses existing and proposed on the property. Recommended Planning Department Conditions: 2. A van accessible parking space shall replace the existing accessible parking space and shall have an aisle eight feet wide (rather than five feet), shall be signed "van accessible,” and shall be located as near as practical to an entrance of the salon. 3. A clear and accessible path of travel shall be provided from the van accessible parking space to an entrance of the salon. 4. Two bicycle parking spaces shall be provided on the property in an accessible and convenient location. 5. A minimum of 15 landscape points, as described in Section 38.26.060 of the Unified Development Code (UDC), shall be provided on the property and shown in a separate landscape plan with the Final Site Plan submittal. If the applicant can demonstrate that 15 points are not possible due to the existing site constraints they shall work with staff to obtain the closest conformance possible. 45 Capelli’s Salon CUP/COA #Z-13055 Staff Report Page 3 6. Concrete pindown wheel stops shall be provided for all parking spaces located in front of the buildings on the property. 7. A trash enclosure shall be provided on the property in a location that is approved by the City’s Solid Waste Superintendent, Kevin Handelin (khandelin@bozeman.net). 8. All improvements required with this site plan review may be phased upon the submittal a development phasing plan and an Improvements Agreement. The plan must describe the type of improvement, its location on the property and the expected completion date. All of the required parking improvements must be prioritized in the plan and completed within six months of final plan approval. All additional improvements must be completed within a year of final plan approval unless an extension by the Community Development Director (maximum of one additional year) is received. 9. Unless currently filed with the property, the applicant shall provide and file with the County Clerk and Recorder's office executed Waivers of Right to Protest Creation of SIDs for Street improvements to Gold Avenue including paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage. Recommended Engineering Department Conditions: 10. All designated parking areas shall be paved. Zoning Designation & Adjacent Land Uses The property is zoned M-1 (Light Manufacturing District). The intent of the M-1 district is to provide for the community’s needs for wholesale trade, storage and warehousing, trucking and transportation terminals, light manufacturing and similar activities. The district should be oriented to major transportation facilities yet arranged to minimize adverse effects on residential development, therefore, some type of screening may be necessary. The property is completely surrounded by permitted light manufacturing uses, including a health and exercise establishment, auto repair shop, a food processing facility and several warehouses. The surround area is also zoned as M-1. Please see below for a zoning map: Growth Policy Designation The Future Land Use Map of the Bozeman Community Plan designates the subject property to develop as “Industrial”. The “Industrial” classification provides areas for the heavy uses which support an urban environment such as manufacturing, warehousing and transportation hubs…Although use in these areas is intensive, these areas are part of the larger community and should meet basic standards for landscaping and other site design issues and be integrated with the larger community. In some Map 2 46 Capelli’s Salon CUP/COA #Z-13055 Staff Report Page 4 circumstances, uses other than those typically considered industrial have been historically present in areas which were given an industrial designation in this growth policy. Careful consideration must be given to public policies to allow these mixed uses to coexist in harmony. Review Criteria & Staff Findings Section 38.19.110.E, “Conditional Use Permit” In addition to the review criteria of Section 38.19.100, “Plan review criteria,” (examined further below), the review authority shall, in approving a conditional use permit, determine favorably as follows: 1. That the site for the proposed use is adequate in size and topography to accommodate such use, and all yards, spaces, walls and fences, parking, loading and landscaping are adequate to properly relate such use with the land and uses in the vicinity; The Capelli’s Salon personal and convenience uses have existed at 1401 Gold Avenue since 2002 and no complaints have been received by the public within that time period. This is an indication to the City that the property is adequate in size and topography to accommodate the uses. However, the City does have a desire to remedy several of the existing non-conformities on the property and require the parking, landscaping and drive access conditions meet the Unified Development Code. Staff is ensuring the physical site layout of the property is adequate to properly relate the use with the land and the uses in the vicinity. 2. That the proposed use will have no material adverse effect upon the abutting property. Persons objecting to the recommendations of review bodies carry the burden of proof; and Staff and the DRC believe the Capelli’s Salon personal and convenience uses, with the recommended conditions of approval, can operate without any adverse effects to the adjacent industrial uses. As of the writing of this report, no public comments have been received in response to the required public noticing of the project. Any public comments received following this report will be forwarded to the City Commission prior to the public hearing. Following review of the proposed application with the inclusion of the recommended conditions of approval, staff generally finds that the proposed use can be operated with no material adverse effects upon abutting properties unless evidence presented at the public hearing proves otherwise and warrants any special conditions as deemed necessary by the City Commission. 3. That any additional conditions stated in the approval are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. Such conditions may include, but are not limited to: regulation of use; special yards, spaces and buffers; special fences, solid fences and walls; surfacing of parking areas; requiring street, service road or alley dedications and improvements or appropriate bonds; regulation of points of vehicular ingress and egress; regulation of signs; requiring maintenance of the grounds; regulation of noise, vibrations and odors; regulation of hours for certain activities; time period within which the proposed use shall be developed; duration of use; requiring the dedication of access rights; other such conditions as will make possible the development of the City in an orderly and efficient manner. Several conditions of approval have been recommended to address specific Unified Development Code requirements and/or to protect the public health, safety and general welfare as required under the CUP. Further clarification on the reasoning for the recommended conditions is included below: Recommended Conditions #1, #2, #6 and #10 are recommended to bring the property into better parking conformance. The conditions will ensure the required number of parking spaces, including accessible spaces, is provided as clearly striped and signed areas. The application materials demonstrate how the parking will be generally laid out on the property. 47 Capelli’s Salon CUP/COA #Z-13055 Staff Report Page 5 Recommended Condition #3 is recommended to ensure a clear path of travel from the accessible parking space to the primary entrance of the business. Recommended Condition #4 is included to provide bike parking on the property, as it doesn’t currently exist. Recommended Condition #5 is recommended to bring the property into better landscaping conformance as required by the Unified Development Ordinance. The condition is requiring the property to meet the minimum 15 performance points or to the closest possible extent. No parking lot landscaping is required for this property. The immediate surrounding Bomont Center Subdivision does not contain interior parking lot landscaping. Recommended Condition #7 is included to provide adequate trash collection on the property and an enclosure. Recommended Condition #8 is recommended to provide Staff more information on the intended phasing of the project and to have the property owner enter into an Improvements Agreement with the City. Recommended Condition #9 is included to address future improvements to the street network immediately adjacent and in proximity to the project. The SID waivers will ensure future participation in an SID, if established by the City Commission, to upgrade Gold Avenue to a city-standard local street. Section 38.19.100, “Plan Review Criteria” In considering applications for plan approval under this title, the review authority and advisory bodies shall consider the following criteria: 1. Conformance to and consistency with the City’s adopted growth policy; This proposed land use and site design is consistent with the Industrial land use classification identified for this property in the City’s adopted growth policy (Figure 3-1; Future Land Use Map). This use is also permitted within the underlying M-1 zoning district with the approval of a CUP. 2. Conformance to this title, including the cessation of any current violations; The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. Staff has cited the following code provisions that shall also be included in the recorded CUP document and to assist and advise the property owner in regards to other City standards that must be adhered to in the operation of this business: a. Section 38.17.060, “Design criteria and development standards in entryway corridors,” requires the setback from any entryway corridor roadway right-of-way to be landscaped, including the screening or buffering of parking areas, through the use of berms, depressed parking, native landscape materials surrounding and within parking areas, or other means in order to preserve the area's natural views. Planning Department Cited Code Provisions: Please demonstrate with the Final Site Plan submittal that the code requirement has been addressed. b. Section 38.19.110.F states that the right to a conditional use permit shall be contingent upon the fulfillment of all general and special conditions imposed by the Conditional Use Permit procedure. All special conditions and code provisions shall constitute restrictions running with the land, shall be binding upon the owner of the land, his successors or assigns, shall be consented to in writing by the applicant prior to commencement of the use and shall be recorded as such with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder’s Office by the property owner prior to the final site plan approval or commencement of the use. All of the conditions and code provisions specifically stated under any conditional use listed in this title shall apply and be adhered to by the owner of the land, successor or assigns. 48 Capelli’s Salon CUP/COA #Z-13055 Staff Report Page 6 To obtain final plan approval, all conditions and provisions a part of the final approval of this property shall be recorded at the Gallatin County’s Clerk and Recorder’s Office. c. Section 38.19.110.I Termination/ Revocation of Conditional Use Permit approval: 1. Conditional use permits are approved based on an analysis of current local circumstances and regulatory requirements. Over time these things may change and the use may no longer be appropriate to a location. A conditional use permit will be considered as terminated and of no further effect if: a. After having been commenced, the approved use is not actively conducted on the site for a period of two continuous calendar years; b. Final zoning approval to reuse the property for another principal or conditional use is granted; c. The use or development of the site is not begun within the time limits of the final site plan approval in Section 18.34.130, BMC. 2. A conditional use which has terminated may be reestablished on a site by either, the review and approval of a new conditional use permit application, or a determination by the Community Development Director that the local circumstances and regulatory requirements are essentially the same as at the time of the original approval. A denial of renewal by the Community Development Director may not be appealed. If the Community Development Director determines that the conditional use permit may be renewed on a site then any conditions of approval of the original conditional use permit are also renewed. 3. If activity begins for which a conditional use permit has been given final approval, all activities must comply with any conditions of approval or code requirements. Should there be a failure to maintain compliance the City may revoke the approval through the procedures outlined in Section 18.64.160, BMC. Please note how this conditional approval can be revoked in the future. d. Section 38.19.120 requires the applicant to submit eight (8) copies a final plan application within six months of preliminary site plan approval containing all of the conditions, corrections and modifications to be reviewed and approved by the Department of Community Development. Please note this requirement of the final plan application. e. Section 38.19.160 states that a Building Permit must be obtained prior to the work, and must be obtained within one year of final plan approval. Building Permits will not be issued until the final plan is approved. All necessary building permits must be obtained. f. Section 38.21.050.F requires all mechanical equipment to be screened. Rooftop equipment shall be incorporated into the roof form or screened in an enclosure and ground mounted equipment shall be screened with walls, fencing or plant materials. No ground mounted mechanical equipment, including, but not limited to utilities, air exchange/conditioning units, transformers, or meters shall encroach into the required yard setbacks and will be properly screened with an opaque solid wall and/or adequate landscape features. All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be incorporated into the roof form or screened in an approved rooftop enclosure. It was unclear to Staff if mechanical equipment existed on the property. If it does, it must be adequately screened according to these provisions. g. Section 38.23.150, “Lighting” All lighting on the property must be full cut-off in style and design. h. Section 38.25.020.D “Backing Requirements” An adequate 26 feet of backing distance must be provided for all parking spaces within the proposed parking lot. 49 Capelli’s Salon CUP/COA #Z-13055 Staff Report Page 7 i. Section 38.25.020.F “Surfacing” Some of the proposed parking is shown in an unpaved area. Parking areas shall be paved with concrete or asphaltic j. Section 38.25.020.G “Striping” Some of the existing parking in the site is not striped. All parking shall be striped according to the provisions in this section. k. Section 38.25.020.J “Parking lot curbing” The existing parking lot does not currently have perimeter curbing. It shall be provided per the Engineering Staff’s direction. l. Section 38.25.040.A.4 “Disabled accessible parking spaces” A van accessible parking space isn’t shown on the proposed plans and shall be added. A sign marking the accessible parking space shall be added to the site according to these provisions and an accessible path of travel must be provided between the accessible parking space and an entrance to the salon. m. Section 38.25.040.A.5 “Bicycle parking” Bicycle parking is not currently provided on the property. A minimum of two bicycle parking spaces shall be added to the site. n. Section 38.26.060 “Landscape Performance Standards” A minimum of 15 landscape points and street trees as described in this section must be provided on the property. A separate Landscape Plan will be required with the Final Site Plan submittal. o. Section 38.23.170 discusses trash enclosures. Temporary storage of garbage, refuse and other waste materials shall be provided for every use in every zoning district. The size of the trash receptacle shall be appropriately sized for the use and approved by the City Solid Waste Division. Accommodations for recyclables must also be considered. All receptacles shall be located inside of an approved trash enclosure. A copy of the site plan, indicating the location of the trash enclosure, dimensions of the receptacle and enclosure and details of the materials used, shall be sent to and approved by the City Solid Waste Superintendent, Kevin Handelin (khandelin@bozeman.net) prior to final plan approval. A trash enclosure must be added to the property. q. Section 38.28.060 outlines the amount of permitted signage for the building. A Sign Permit shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Community Development prior to the construction and installation of any on-site signage. All final building elevations and site plans shall show the signage allowed in compliance with this section. If any signage is proposed it must obtain a Certificate of Appropriateness and sign permit. r. Section 38.34.100 states that a building permit shall be obtained within one year of final approval, or said approval shall become null and void. Prior to the lapse of one year, the applicant may seek an extension of one additional year from the Community Development Director. All improvements must be completed within one year of final plan approval. s. Section 40.02.750 “Protective Devices,” the Water/Sewer Superintendent is requiring an inspection of your water service to determine whether the water service has backflow protection and if such protection is installed that the device is appropriate for the level of use for the facility. If the service has been found without backflow protection, the applicant will have a preventer and expansion tank installed. If the existing device does not provide adequate protection, the applicant will be required to replace the preventer with a preventer that is designed to provide adequate protection. Please call the Water 50 Capelli’s Salon CUP/COA #Z-13055 Staff Report Page 8 Department’s Backflow specialist at 582-3200 to arrange an inspection of the water service. This ensures adequate backflow protection for the existing construction. a. The Final Site Plan shall be adequately dimensioned. A complete legend of all line types used shall also be provided. Engineering Department Cited Code Provisions: b. Sewer and water services shall be shown on the FSP and approved by the Water and Sewer Superintendent. c. Drive approach and public street intersection sight triangles shall be free of plantings which at mature growth will obscure vision within the sight triangle. d. The drive approach shall be constructed in accordance with the City's standard approach (i.e., concrete apron, sidewalk section and drop-curb) and shown as such on the Final Site Plan. A City Curb Cut and Sidewalk Permit shall be obtained prior to Final Site Plan approval. e. Typical curb details (i.e., raised and/or drop curbs) and typical asphalt paving section detail shall be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. Concrete curbing shall be provided around the entire new parking lot perimeter and adequately identified on the Final Site Plan. f. Adequate snow storage area must be designated outside the sight triangles, but on the subject property (unless a snow storage easement is obtained from the Engineering Division for a location off the property and filed with the County Clerk and Recorder's office). 3. Conformance with all other applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations; Following CUP and Final Site Plan approval, the plans will be further evaluated against the requirements of the International Building Code at the time application is made for a building permit for the facility. 4. Relationship of site plan elements to conditions both on and off the property; The improved parking lot will be located in the existing parking area on the property, but will expand to the south into the property’s rear yard area. The building footprints of Building #1 and #2 remain unchanged. Staff is expecting to see the addition of landscaping along the northern edge of Building #2 and the northwestern corner of the property. 5. The impact of the proposal on the existing and anticipated traffic and parking conditions; Conditions #1, #2, #6 and #10 are recommended to bring the property into better parking conformance. The conditions will ensure the required number of parking spaces, including accessible spaces, is provided as clearly striped and signed areas. The application materials demonstrate how the parking will be generally laid out on the property. Two bike parking spaces are required with Condition #4 because no bike parking currently exist on the site. 6. Pedestrian and vehicular ingress and egress; Recommended Condition #3 is recommended to ensure a clear path of travel from the van accessible parking space to the primary entrance of the business. Engineering staff reviewed the site and the surrounding neighborhood and found that sidewalks will not be required with this CUP application. The site is located in an industrial subdivision that contains no sidewalk on any of the neighboring lots. Any sidewalk installed with this application would not connect to any other sidewalk or to any other pedestrian facilities. 7. Landscaping, including the enhancement of buildings, the appearance of vehicular use, open space, and pedestrian areas, and the preservation or replacement of natural vegetation; 51 Capelli’s Salon CUP/COA #Z-13055 Staff Report Page 9 As an industrial property without residential adjacency, the Unified Development Code requires 15 landscaping performance points to be achieved for the project. A landscaping plan is required with the Final Site Plan submittal. 8. Open space; As a commercial/industrial project, there is no specific on-site open space requirement for the project. 9. Building location and height; The building location and height of Buildings #1 and #2 remain unchanged. 10. Setbacks; The building setbacks of Buildings #1 and #2 remain unchanged. 11. Lighting; All existing building lighting appears to be full cut-off in design. 12. Provisions for utilities, including efficient public services and facilities; Several recommended code provisions have been cited to address the final site plan for these services. 13. Site surface drainage; Adequate snow storage area must be designated outside the sight triangles, but on the subject property (unless a snow storage easement is obtained from the Engineering Division for a location off the property and filed with the County Clerk and Recorder's office). 14. Loading and unloading areas; Not applicable as the structures are not large enough to require dedicated loading areas.15. Grading; Typical curb details (i.e., raised and/or drop curbs) and typical asphalt paving section detail shall be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. Concrete curbing shall be provided around the entire new parking lot perimeter and adequately identified on the Final Site Plan. 16. Signage; No specific signage was detailed or requested as part of this CUP application. Any future signage will require a separate sign permit and compliance with current code standards as noted in the cited code provisions. 17. Screening; Recommended Condition #9 is recommended to provide adequate screening for the improved parking area as required for the Class 1 Entryway Overlay District. 18. Overlay district provisions; The proposed development if found to comply with all applicable design standards and guidelines, including the design objectives plan for entryway corridors. 19. Other related matters, including relevant comment from affected parties; Public noticing for the project occurred during the week of April 23, 2013 and included posting on site, listing in the legal section of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle and the notification of neighboring property owners within 200 feet. No public comment has been received by the Department of Community Development for this project. If public comment is received prior to the City Commission public hearing, Staff will forward it to the Commission for their consideration. 20. If the development includes multiple lots that are interdependent for circulation or other means of addressing requirement of this title, whether the lots are either: 52 Capelli’s Salon CUP/COA #Z-13055 Staff Report Page 10 Configured so that the sale of individual lots will not alter the approved configuration or use of the property or cause the development to become nonconforming or The subject of reciprocal and perpetual easements or other agreements to which the City is a party so that the sale of individual lots will not cause one or more elements of the development to become nonconforming; Not applicable. 21. Compliance with Article 8 of Chapter 10, BMC (Workforce Housing); and Not applicable. 22. Phasing of Development. Recommended Condition #8 is recommended to provide Staff more information on the intended phasing of the project and to have the property owner enter into an Improvements Agreement with the City. Conclusion The DRC, including planning and engineering staff members, reviewed the Capelli’s Salon CUP/COA and recommend to the City Commission approval of said application with the conditions outlined in this staff report. The applicant must comply with all provisions of the Bozeman Unified Development Code, which are applicable to this project, prior to receiving final site plan approval. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or State law. BECAUSE THIS APPLICATION INCLUDES A REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, THE BOZEMAN CITY COMMISSION SHALL MAKE THE FINAL DECISION ON THIS APPLICATION. THE DECISION OF THE CITY COMMISSION MAY BE APPEALED BY AN AGGRIEVED PERSON AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 38.35.080.A OF THE BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL CODE. Attachments: Applicant’s Submittal Materials Report Sent to: Gold Properties, LLC, 145 Jeana Lei Court, Bozeman, MT 59715 Springer Group Architects, c/o Lowell Springer, 201 South Wallace Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59715, lowell@springergroup.net 53 Page 1 Appropriate Review Fee Submitted CITY OF BOZEMAN FEE APPLIES- $ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive Street P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 phone 406-582-2260 fax 406-582-2263 planning@bozeman.net www.bozeman.net DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION 1. Name of Project/Development: Cappelli’s (a conditional use permit for continued existing use) 2. Property Owner Information: Name: Gold Properties, LLC E-mail Address: Dan Alexander [dana@storydist.com] Mailing Address: 145 JEANA LEI CT BOZEMAN, MT 59715-7849 Phone: 406 587 0702 FAX: na 3. Applicant Information: Name: Lowell Springer, NCARB, Springer Group Architects E-mail Address: lowellspringergroup.net Mailing Address: 201 South Wallace Avenue, Suite A-1, Bozeman, Montana Phone: 406 5095 2400 FAX: na 4. Representative Information: Name: Springer Group Architects, Lowell Springer, NCARB E-mail Address: lowell@springertgroup.net Mailing Address: 201 south Wallace Avenue, Bozeman, Montana 59715 Phone: 406 585 2400 FAX: na 5. Legal Description: BOMONT CENTER SUB, S06, T02 S, R06 E, Lot 8A, ACRES 0.425, NORTHEAST ANNEX, PLAT J-41-A 6. Street Address: 1401 Gold Avenue 7. Project Description: A continuation of an existing business (Catteli’s Salon) occupying the same continued space as has been the case for approximately eleven (11) years. No changes other than some improvements to the site such as parking stripes, signage and landscaping are proposed or anticipated. 8. Zoning Designation(s): M-1 9. Current Land Use(s): Warehouses and personal care (solon) 10. Bozeman Community Plan Designation: Industrial 54 Page 2 (Development Review Application – Prepared 11/25/03; Amended 9/17/04, 5/1/06; 9/18/07, revised 11/14/11) 11. Gross Area: Acres: .425 Square Feet: 18,518 12. Net Area: Acres: .425 Square Feet: 18,518 13. Is the subject site within an urban renewal district? Yes, answer question 13a No, go to question 14 13a. Which urban renewal district? Downtown Northeast (NURD) North 7th Avenue 14. Is the subject site within an overlay district? Yes, answer question 14a No, go to question 15 14a. Which Overlay District? Casino Neighborhood Conservation Entryway Corridor 15. Will this application require a deviation(s)? Yes, list UDC section(s): No 16. Application Type (please check all that apply): O. Planned Unit Development – Concept Plan A. Sketch Plan for Regulated Activities in Regulated Wetlands P. Planned Unit Development – Preliminary Plan B. Reuse, Change in Use, Further Development Pre-9/3/91 Site Q. Planned Unit Development – Final Plan C. Amendment/Modification of Plan Approved On/After 9/3/91 R. Planned Unit Development – Master Plan D. Reuse, Change in Use, Further Development, Amendment /COA S. Subdivision Pre-application E. Special Temporary Use Permit T. Subdivision Preliminary Plat F. Sketch Plan/COA U. Subdivision Final Plat G. Sketch Plan/COA with an Intensification of Use V. Subdivision Exemption H. Preliminary Site Plan/COA W. Annexation I. Preliminary Site Plan X. Zoning Map Amendment J. Preliminary Master Site Plan Y. Unified Development Ordinance Text Amendment K. Conditional Use Permit Z. Zoning Variance L. Conditional Use Permit/COA AA. Growth Policy Map Amendment M. Administrative Project Decision Appeal BB. Growth Policy Text Amendment N. Administrative Interpretation Appeal Other: This application must be accompanied by the appropriate checklist(s), number of plans or plats, adjoiner information and materials, and fee (see Development Review Application Requirements and Fees). The plans or plats must be drawn to scale on paper not smaller than 8½- by 11-inches or larger than 24- by 36-inches folded into individual sets no larger than 8½- by 14-inches. The name of the project must be shown on the cover sheet of the plans. If 3-ring binders will be used, they must include a table of contents and tabbed dividers between sections. Application deadlines are Wednesdays at 5:00 pm. This application must be signed by both the applicant(s) and the property owner(s) (if different) before the submittal will be accepted. As indicated by the signature(s) below, the applicant(s) and property owner(s) submit this application for review under the terms and provisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code. It is further indicated that any work undertaken to complete a development approved by the City of Bozeman shall be in conformance with the requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code and any special conditions established by the approval authority. I acknowledge that the City has an Impact Fee Program and impact fees may be assessed for my project. Further, I agree to grant City personnel and other review agency representatives access to the subject site during the course of the review process (Section 38.34.050, BMC). I (We) hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my (our) knowledge. Applicant’s Signature: Date: 03/08/2013 Applicant’s Signature: Date: 03/08/2013 55 Page 3 (Development Review Application – Prepared 11/25/03; Amended 9/17/04, 5/1/06; 9/18/07, revised 11/14/11) Property Owner’s Signature: Date: 03/08/2013 Property Owner’s Signature: Date: 03/08/2013 56 Page 3 (Site Plan Checklist – Prepared 12/05/03; revised 9/22/04; revised 7/24/07, revised 11/14/11) SITE PLAN CHECKLIST These checklists shall be completed and returned as part of the submittal. Any item checked “No” or “N/A” (not applicable) must be explained in a narrative attached to the checklist. Incomplete submittals will be returned to the applicant. A. Design Review Board (DRB) Site Plan Review Thresholds. Does the proposal include one or more of the following: Design Review Board (DRB) Site Plan Review Thresholds Yes No 1. 20 or more dwelling units in a multiple household structure or structures 2. 30,000 or more square feet of office space, retail commercial space, service commercial space or industrial space 3. 20,000 or more square feet of exterior storage of materials or goods 4. Parking for more than 90 vehicles B. General Information. The following information shall be provided for site plan review: General Information Yes No N/A 1. Location map, including area within one-half mile of the site 2. List of names and addresses of property owners according to Chapter 38.40, BMC (Noticing) 3. A construction route map shall be provided showing how materials and heavy equipment will travel to and from the site. The route shall avoid, where possible, local or minor collector streets or streets where construction traffic would disrupt neighborhood residential character or pose a threat to public health and safety 4. Boundary line of property with dimensions 5. Date of plan preparation and changes 6. North point indicator 7. Suggested scale of 1 inch to 20 feet, but not less than 1 inch to 100 feet 8. Parcel size(s) in gross acres and square feet 9. Estimated total floor area and estimated ratio of floor area to lot size (floor area ratio, FAR), with a breakdown by land use 10. Location, percentage of parcel(s) and total site, and square footage for the following: a. Existing and proposed buildings and structures b. Driveway and parking c. Open space and/or landscaped area, recreational use areas, public and semipublic land, parks, school sites, etc. d. Public street right-of-way 11. Total number, type and density per type of dwelling units, and total net and gross residential density and density per residential parcel 12. Detailed plan of all parking facilities, including circulation aisles, access drives, covered and uncovered bicycle parking, compact spaces, handicapped spaces and motorcycle parking, on- street parking, number of employee and non-employee parking spaces, existing and proposed, and total square footage of each 57 Page 4 General Information, continued Yes No N/A 13. The information required by Section 38.41.060.L, BMC (Streets, Roads and Alleys), unless such information was previously provided through a subdivision review process, or the provision of such information was waived in writing by the City during subdivision review of the land to be developed, or the provision of such information is waived in writing by the City prior to submittal of a preliminary site plan application 14. Description and mapping of soils existing on the site, accompanied by analysis as to the suitability of such soils for the intended construction and proposed landscaping 15. Building design information (on-site): a. Building heights and elevations of all exterior walls of the building(s) or structure(s) b. Height above mean sea level of the elevation of the lowest floor and location of lot outfall when the structure is proposed to be located in a floodway or floodplain area c. Floor plans depicting location and dimensions of all proposed uses and activities 16. Temporary facilities plan showing the location of all temporary model homes, sales offices and/or construction facilities, including temporary signs and parking facilities 17. Unless already provided through a previous subdivision review, a noxious weed control plan complying with Section 38.41.050.H, BMC (Noxious Weed Management and Revegetation Plan) 18. Drafts of applicable supplementary documents as set forth in Chapter 38.38, BMC (Supplementary Documents) 19. Stormwater Management Permit Application required C. Site Plan Information. The location, identification and dimension of the following existing and proposed data, onsite and to a distance of 100 feet (200 feet for PUDs) outside the site plan boundary, exclusive of public rights-of-way, unless otherwise stated: Site Plan Information Yes No N/A 1. Topographic contours at a minimum interval of 2 feet, or as determined by the Planning Director 2. Adjacent streets and street rights-of-way to a distance of 150 feet, except for sites adjacent to major arterial streets where the distances shall be 200 feet 3. On-site streets and rights-of-way 4. Ingress and egress points 5. Traffic flow on-site 6. Traffic flow off-site 7. Utilities and utility rights-of-way or easements: a. Electric b. Natural gas c. Telephone, cable television and similar utilities d. Water e. Sewer (sanitary, treated effluent and storm) 8. Surface water, including: a. Holding ponds, streams and irrigation ditches b. Watercourses, water bodies and wetlands c. Floodplains as designated on the Federal Insurance Rate Map or that may otherwise be identified as lying within a 100-year floodplain through additional floodplain delineation, engineering analysis, topographic survey or other objective and factual basis d. A floodplain analysis report in compliance with Chapter 38.31, BMC (Bozeman Floodplain Regulations) if not previously provided with subdivision review 58 Page 5 Site Plan Information, continued Yes No N/A 9. Grading and drainage plan, including provisions for on-site retention/detention and water quality improvement facilities as required by the Engineering Department, or in compliance with B.M.C. Chapter 40 Article 4 storm drainage ordinance and best management practices manual adopted by the City 10. All drainageways, streets, arroyos, dry gullies, diversion ditches, spillways, reservoirs, etc. which may be incorporated into the storm drainage system for the property shall be designated: a. The name of the drainageway (where appropriate) b. The downstream conditions (developed, available drainageways, etc.) c. Any downstream restrictions 11. Significant rock outcroppings, slopes of greater than 15 percent or other significant topographic features 12. Sidewalks, walkways, driveways, loading areas and docks, bikeways, including typical details and interrelationships with vehicular circulation system, indicating proposed treatment of points of conflict 13. Provision for handicapped accessibility, including but not limited to, wheelchair ramps, parking spaces, handrails and curb cuts, including construction details and the applicant’s certification of ADA compliance 14. Fences and walls, including typical details 15. Exterior signs. Note – The review of signs in conjunction with this application is only review for compliance with Chapter 38.28, BMC (Signs). A sign permit must be obtained from the Department of Planning and Community Development prior to erection of any and all signs. 16. Permanent and construction period exterior refuse collection areas, including typical details 17. A site plan, complete with all structures, parking spaces, building entrances, traffic areas (both vehicular and pedestrian), vegetation that might interfere with lighting, and adjacent uses, containing a layout of all proposed fixtures by location and type. The materials required in Section, BMC (Lighting Plan), if not previously provided 18. Curb, asphalt section and drive approach construction details 19. Landscaping - detailed plan showing plantings, equipment, and other appropriate information as required in Section 38.41.100, BMC (Submittal Requirements for Landscaping Plans). If required, complete section C below 20. Unique natural features, significant wildlife areas and vegetative cover, including existing trees and shrubs having a diameter greater than 2.5 inches, by species 21. Snow storage areas 22. Location of City limit boundaries, and boundaries of Gallatin County’s Bozeman Area Zoning Jurisdiction, within or near the development 23. Existing zoning within 200 feet of the site 24. Historic, cultural and archeological resources, describe and map any designated historic structures or districts, and archeological or cultural sites 25. Major public facilities, including schools, parks, trails, etc. 26. The information necessary to complete the determination of density change and parkland provision required by Chapter 38.27, BMC, unless such information was previously determined by the City to be inapplicable and written confirmation is provided to the applicant prior to submittal of a preliminary site plan application. If a new park will be created by the development, the park plan materials of Section, BMC shall be provided. 27. Describe how the site plan will satisfy any requirements of Article 8 Section 10, BMC (Affordable Housing) which have either been established for that lot(s) through the subdivision process or if no subdivision has previously occurred are applicable to a site plan. The description shall be of adequate detail to clearly identify those lots and dwellings designated as subject to Article 8 Section 10, BMC compliance requirements and to make the obligations placed on the affected lots and dwellings readily understandable. 59 Page 6 D. Landscape Plans. If a landscape plan is required, the following information shall be provided on the landscape plan: Landscape Plan Information Yes No N/A 1. Date, scale, north arrow, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of both the property owner and the person preparing the plan 2. Location of existing boundary lines and dimensions of the lot 3. Approximate centerlines of existing watercourses, required watercourse setbacks, and the location of any 100-year floodplain; the approximate location of significant drainage features; and the location and size of existing and proposed streets and alleys, utility easements, utility lines, driveways and sidewalks on the lot and/or adjacent to the lot 4. Project name, street address, and lot and block description 5. Location, height and material of proposed screening and fencing (with berms to be delineated by one foot contours) 6. Locations and dimensions of proposed landscape buffer strips, including watercourse buffer strips 7. Complete landscape legend providing a description of plant materials shown on the plan, including typical symbols, names (common and botanical name), locations, quantities, container or caliper sizes at installation, heights, spread and spacing. The location and type of all existing trees on the lot over 6 inches in caliper must be specifically indicated 8. Complete illustration of landscaping and screening to be provided in or near off-street parking and loading areas, including information as to the amount (in square feet) of landscape area to be provided internal to parking areas and the number and location of required off-street parking and loading spaces 9. An indication of how existing healthy trees (if any) are to be retained and protected from damage during construction 10. Size, height, location and material of proposed seating, lighting, planters, sculptures, and water features 11. A description of proposed watering methods 12. Location of street vision triangles on the lot (if applicable) 13. Tabulation of points earned by the plan – see Section 38.26.060, BMC (Landscape Performance Standards) 14. Designated snow removal storage areas 15. Location of pavement, curbs, sidewalks and gutters 16. Show location of existing and/or proposed drainage facilities which are to be used for drainage control 17. Existing and proposed grade 18. Size of plantings at the time of installation and at maturity 19. Areas to be irrigated 20. Planting plan for watercourse buffers, per Section 38.23.100, BMC (Watercourse Setbacks), if not previously provided through subdivision review 21. Front and side elevations of buildings, fences and walls with height dimensions if not otherwise provided by the application. Show open stairways and other projections from exterior building walls 60 NEIGHBORHOOD RECOGNITION ORDINANCE COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE On December 10, 2007 the Bozeman City Commission adopted the Neighborhood Recognition Ordinance as part of the Bozeman Municipal Code. This new ordinance contains the following requirement: Section 2.05.1230, Responsibilities of Individuals or Entities Submitting an Application to the Department of Planning and Community Development. A. In order for the City Liaison to effectively perform their duties executing the intent and purpose of this chapter, as defined in 2.05.1230, the following shall be performed: 1. As part of any application to the Department of Planning and Community Development, the applicant shall provide written notice via certified mail, e-mail, facsimile transmission, and/or personal delivery to the City Liaison if notification guidelines (BMC 38.40) require that notice be posted “on-site”, published in the local newspaper or mailed first class. 2. Such notice shall contain a complete set of application materials as submitted to the Department of Planning and Community Development. B. Failure to provide proof of such mailing via certified mail, e-mail and/or facsimile transmission report to the most recent City Liaison address, e-mail address and/or fax number of record, or an affidavit attesting hand delivery, shall result in an incomplete application. I, Lowell Springer , hereby certify that I have delivered via certified mail, e-mail, facsimile transmission or hand delivery written notice and a complete set of application materials for the project known as Conditional Use Permit—Cappelli’s Salon at 1401 Gold Avenue in compliance with Section 2.05.1230 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. I further understand that failure to comply will result in this application being deemed incomplete and may result in a delay in the review of this project. 03/08/ 2013 Signature Date (Neighborhood Recognition Ordinance Compliance Certificate – Prepared 1/7/08, revised 11/14/11) NEIGHBORHOOD RECOGNITION ORDINANCE COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE On December 10, 2007 the Bozeman City Commission adopted the Neighborhood Recognition Ordinance as part of the Bozeman Municipal Code. This new ordinance contains the following requirement: Section 2.05.1230, Responsibilities of Individuals or Entities Submitting an Application to the Department of Planning and Community Development. A. In order for the City Liaison to effectively perform their duties executing the intent and purpose of this chapter, as defined in 2.05.1230, the following shall be performed: 1. As part of any application to the Department of Planning and Community Development, the applicant shall provide written notice via certified mail, e-mail, facsimile transmission, and/or personal delivery to the City Liaison if notification guidelines (BMC 38.40) require that notice be posted “on-site”, published in the local newspaper or mailed first class. 2. Such notice shall contain a complete set of application materials as submitted to the Department of Planning and Community Development. B. Failure to provide proof of such mailing via certified mail, e-mail and/or facsimile transmission report to the most recent City Liaison address, e-mail address and/or fax number of record, or an affidavit attesting hand delivery, shall result in an incomplete application. I, Lowell Springer , hereby certify that I have delivered via certified mail, e-mail, facsimile transmission or hand delivery written notice and a complete set of application materials for the project known as Conditional Use Permit—Cappelli’s Salon at 1401 Gold Avenue in compliance with Section 2.05.1230 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. I further understand that failure to comply will result in this application being deemed incomplete and may result in a delay in the review of this project. 03/08/ 2013 Signature Date (Neighborhood Recognition Ordinance Compliance Certificate – Prepared 1/7/08, revised 11/14/11) 61 201 South Wallace Avenue, Suite A-1 Bozeman, MT 59715 Ph: (406) 585-2400 – Fx: (406) 585-7446 March 5, 2013 Tara Hastie, Planning Technician Department of Planning and Community Development City of Bozeman Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive Street P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 RE: Request for Conditional Use Permit Capelli’s Salon, 1401 Gold Avenue Bozeman, Montana Dear Tara, On April 22, 2002, the City of Bozeman, Department of Planning and Community Development approved the Temporary Use Permit Application for Capelli’s Salon at the same location and condition as it exists today. The decision on the application was based on the fact that, with conditions and code provisions, the request complied with the requirements of Title 18 of the BMC, that the intended use would not be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the community, and is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Bozeman Community Plan. Over the eleven plus years following that approval, virtually no changes have been made in the operation of that business, and the property has not changed in use or intensity other than the interior non-structural improvements to the interior. On various occasions, as required by the original agreement, Kim Alexander, the owner/operator has requested and received renewal/extension of that permit. Now, due to changes in the policy of Temporary Use Permits and the ordinances of the City of Bozeman (first the UDO and now the UDC) The owner / operator must apply for and be approved for a more permanent Conditional Use Permit to be able to continue the business which she relies on. As a result of changes in the jurisdictional ordinance, rather than any change in her circumstance, I am submitting this application for a conditional use permit on behalf of Kim Alexander, the original and present owner/operator of Capelli’s Salon. As part of that required application, the following is our response to applicable articles of the new Uniform Development Code (UDC) and the specific criteria required for the Conditional Use review and approval in the order they occur in the UDC : 62 ARTICLE 19. - PLAN REVIEW Sec. 38.19.100. - Plan review criteria. Sec. 38.19.110. - Conditional use permit. Sec. 38.19.150. - Improvements to existing developed sites independent of site plan review. Sec. 38.19.010. - Introduction. B. Special development proposals (e.g., PUDs, CUPs, variances, etc.) require other information to be submitted in conjunction with plans and are subject to requirements specific to the type of proposal. These additional submittal requirements and review procedures are outlined in section 38.19.030 We have complied with the requirements of Sec. 38.19.030 in the drawings and responses to criteria D. Conditional uses. Certain uses, while generally not suitable in a particular zoning district, may, under certain circumstances, be acceptable. When such circumstances can be demonstrated by the applicant to exist, a conditional use permit may be granted by the review authority. Conditions may be applied to the issuance of the permit and periodic review may be required. No conditional use permit shall be granted for a use which is not specifically designated as a conditional use in this chapter. No changes have occurred in the use of these premises or in the condition of the property, additionally, this use is a listed conditional use of the property in Sec. 38.12.020. - Authorized uses for industrial zoning designations E. Approval shall be granted for a particular use and not for a particular person or firm. The applicant agrees that the conditional use will lbe specific to continued use as a solon. Sec. 38.19.020. - Classification of plans.` E. Uses identified inC of this chapter shall be reviewed according to the standards and regulations contained in article 22 of this chapter, in addition to this article. The use requested in this application is not addressed in article 22. Sec. 38.19.050. - Application of plan review procedures. D Unless a deviation or variance is explicitly sought and granted in association with a plan, all standards of this chapter apply whether explicitly mentioned in the record of the review or not. An omission or oversight of a nonconformity with the standards of this chapter in the site plan shall not constitute approval of such nonconformance. Any nonconformance which was not the subject of an explicitly approved deviation or variance may be required to be cured at such time the city becomes aware of the nonconforming condition's existence. No deviation or varience is being requested in this application 63 Sec. 38.19.100. - Plan review criteria. A. In considering applications for plan approval under this chapter, the review authority and advisory bodies shall consider the following criteria. When considering the criteria for future phases of a master site plan, other than those for criteria 1—3, the evaluation shall be of a more generalized demonstration of compliance, recognizing that a subsequent site plan shall be submitted in the future which shall provide evidence of specific compliance. The level of detail submitted and review conducted shall be equal with the level of entitlement being sought with the application. See article 41 of this chapter for required submittal materials. 1. Conformance to and consistency with the city's adopted growth policy. Ths application is in conformance with the requirements of this chapter in that the requested use is a listed conditional use in Sec. 38.12.020. - Authorized uses for industrial zoning designations, and is a continuation of an existing approved Temporary Use which meets the spirit and intent of Sec. 38.19.150. - Improvements to existing developed sites independent of site plan review. In granting this request, an administrative approval of the continuation of this use could be accompanied by an agreement to make improvements determined to be necessary for such approval over a period of three years. 2. Conformance to this chapter, including the cessation of any current violations; 3. Conformance with all other applicable laws, ordinances and regulations; 4 Relationship of plan elements to conditions both on and off the property, including: a. Compatibility with, and sensitivity to, the immediate environment of the site and the adjacent neighborhoods and other approved development relative to architectural design, building mass and height, neighborhood identity, landscaping, historical character, orientation of buildings on the site and visual integration; b Design and arrangement of the elements of the plan (e.g., buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) so that activities are integrated with the organizational scheme of the community, neighborhood, and other approved development and produce an efficient, functionally organized and cohesive development; c Design and arrangement of elements of the plan (e.g., buildings circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) in harmony with the existing natural topography, natural water bodies and water courses, existing vegetation, and to contribute to the overall aesthetic quality of the site configuration; and 5 The impact of the proposal on the existing and anticipated traffic and parking conditions; 6 Pedestrian and vehicular ingress, egress and circulation, including: A Design of the pedestrian and vehicular circulation systems to assure that pedestrians and vehicles can move safely and easily both within the site and between properties and activities within the neighborhood area; B Non-automotive transportation and circulation systems design features to enhance convenience and safety across parking lots and streets, including, but not limited to, paving patterns, grade differences, landscaping and lighting; 64 C Adequate connection and integration of the pedestrian and vehicular transportation systems to the systems in adjacent developments and general community; and D Dedication of right-of-way or easements necessary for streets and similar transportation facilities; 7 Landscaping, including the enhancement of buildings, the appearance of vehicular use, open space and pedestrian areas, and the preservation or replacement of natural vegetation; 8 Open space, including: A The enhancement of the natural environment; B Precautions being taken to preserve existing wildlife habitats or natural wildlife feeding areas; c. If the development is adjacent to an existing or approved public park or public open space area, have provisions been made in the plan to avoid interfering with public access to and use of that area; d Is any provided recreational area suitably located and accessible to the residential units it is intended to serve and is adequate screening provided to ensure privacy and quiet for neighboring residential uses; e Open space shall be provided in accordance with article 27 of this chapter; f Park land shall be provided in accordance with article 27 of this chapter; 9 Building location and height; 10 Setbacks; 11 Lighting; 12 Provisions for utilities, including efficient public services and facilities; 13 Site surface drainage and stormwater control; 14 Loading and unloading areas; 15 Grading; 16 Signage; 17 Screening; 18 Overlay district provisions; 19 Other related matters, including relevant comment from affected parties; and 21 Compliance with article 8 of chapter 10 of this Code; Sec. 38.19.110. - Conditional use permit. A The person applying for a conditional use permit shall fill out and submit to the planning department the appropriate form with the required fee. The request for a conditional use permit shall follow the procedures and application requirements of this article. B. In consideration of all conditional use permit applications, a public hearing shall be conducted by the review authority. Notice of the public hearing shall be provided in accordance with article 40 of this chapter. C If a rezoning is required prior to approval of a conditional use permit, the application for rezoning and the conditional use permit may be filed and acted upon simultaneously, however the conditional use permit shall not be effective until the rezoning has been implemented by ordinance. D The review authority, in approving a conditional use permit, shall review the application against the review requirements of section 38.19.090 65 E. In addition to the review criteria of section 38.19.100, the review authority shall, in approving a conditional use permit, determine favorably as follows: 1 That the site for the proposed use is adequate in size and topography to accommodate such use, and all yards, spaces, walls and fences, parking, loading and landscaping are adequate to properly relate such use with the land and uses in the vicinity; 2 That the proposed use will have no material adverse effect upon the abutting property. Persons objecting to the recommendations of review bodies carry the burden of proof; 3 That any additional conditions stated in the approval are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. Such conditions may include, but are not limited to: a. Regulation of use; b. Special yards, spaces and buffers; c. Special fences, solid fences and walls; d. Surfacing of parking areas; e. Requiring street, service road or alley dedications and improvements or appropriate bonds; f. Regulation of points of vehicular ingress and egress; g Regulation of signs; h Requiring maintenance of the grounds; i. Regulation of noise, vibrations and odors; J Regulation of hours for certain activities; K Time period within which the proposed use shall be developed; L Duration of use; M Requiring the dedication of access rights; and n. Other such conditions as will make possible the development of the city in an orderly and efficient manner. F. In addition to all other conditions, the following general requirements apply to every conditional use permit granted: 1. That the right to a use and occupancy permit shall be contingent upon the fulfillment of all general and special conditions imposed by the conditional use permit procedure; and 2. That all of the conditions shall constitute restrictions running with the land use, shall apply and be adhered to by the owner of the land, successors or assigns, shall be binding upon the owner of the land, his successors or assigns, shall be consented to in writing, and shall be recorded as such with the county clerk and recorder's office by the property owner prior to the issuance of any building permits, final plan approval or commencement of the conditional use. G. Applications for conditional use permits may be approved, conditionally approved or denied by motion of the review authority. If an application is denied, the denial shall constitute a determination that the applicant has not shown that the conditions required for approval do exist. H The applicant shall be notified in writing of the final action taken within seven working days of the action. If the conditional use permit has been granted the notification shall include any conditions, automatic termination date, period of review or other requirements. If the conditional use permit has been granted, the permit shall be issued upon the signature of the planning director after completion of all conditions and final plan. 66 I. Termination/revocation of conditional use permit approval. 1. Conditional use permits are approved based on an analysis of current local circumstances and regulatory requirements. Over time these things may change and the use may no longer be appropriate to a location. A conditional use permit will be considered as terminated and of no further effect if: a. After having been commenced, the approved use is not actively conducted on the site for a period of two continuous calendar years; b. Final zoning approval to reuse the property for another principal or conditional use is granted; c The use or development of the site is not begun within the time limits of the final site plan approval in 38.19.120 2. A conditional use which has terminated may be reestablished on a site by either, the review and approval of a new conditional use permit application, or a determination by the planning director that the local circumstances and regulatory requirements are essentially the same as at the time of the original approval. A denial of renewal by the planning director may not be appealed. If the planning director determines that the conditional use permit may be renewed on a site then any conditions of approval of the original conditional use permit are also renewed. 3. If activity begins for which a conditional use permit has been given final approval, all activities must comply with any conditions of approval or code requirements. Should there be a failure to maintain compliance the city may revoke the approval through the procedures outlined in section 38.34.160 Sec. 38.19.120. - Final plan. A. No later than six months after the date of approval of a preliminary plan, the applicant shall submit to the planning department a final plan with accompanying application form and review fee. The number of copies of the final plan to be submitted shall be established by the planning director. The final plan shall contain the materials required in sections 38.41.080 and 38.71.090 and whatever revisions to the preliminary site plan or master site plan are required to comply with any conditions of approval. Prior to the passage of six months, the applicant may seek an extension of not more than an additional six months from the planning director. B. In addition to the materials required in subsection A of this section, the owner shall submit a certification of completion and compliance stating that they understand any conditions of approval and the submitted final plans have complied with any conditions of approval or corrections to comply with code provisions. C In addition to the materials required in subsections A and B of this section, the owner shall submit a statement of intent to construct according to the final plan. Such statement shall acknowledge that construction not in compliance with the approved final plan may result in delays of occupancy or costs to correct noncompliance. D. Following approval of a final site plan, the final site plan shall be in effect for one year. Prior to the passage of one year, the applicant may seek an extension of not more than one additional year from the planning director. In such instances, the planning director shall determine whether the relevant terms of this chapter and circumstances have significantly changed since the initial approval. If relevant terms of this chapter or circumstances have significantly changed, the extension of the approval shall not be granted. 67 E. Following approval of a final master site plan, the final master site plan shall be in effect for not less than three but not more than five years with the initial duration to be specified during the final action of the review authority. Owners of property subject to the master site plan may seek extensions to not exceed five years in a single extension. Approval of an extension shall be made by the planning director. Approval shall be granted if the planning director determines that the criteria of subsection F of this section are met. F Any request for an extension must be in writing and be dated and signed by the owner of the undeveloped area or incomplete development for which the extension is sought. More than one extension may be requested for a particular development. Each request shall be co`nsidered on its individual merits. An extension of the development approval under this article does not extend other city or non-city agency approvals, e.g. for design of infrastructure extensions, necessary to complete the project. When evaluating an extension request, the city shall consider: 1. Changes to the development regulations since the original approval and whether the development as originally approved is compliant with the new regulations; 2. Progress to date in completing the development as a whole and any phases; 3. Phasing of the development and the ability for existing development to operate without the delayed development; 4. Dependence by other development on any public infrastructure or private improvements to be installed by the development; 5. For extensions of approval greater than one year, the demonstrated ability of the developer to complete the development; 6. Overall maintenance of the site; 7. Whether mitigation for impacts of the development identified during the preliminary plan review remain relevant, adequate, and applicable to the present circumstances of the development and community. Sec. 38.19.140. - Reuse, change in use or further development of sites developed prior to the adoption date of the ordinance from which this chapter is derived. A. It is the policy of the city to work with owners of property during the reuse, change in use, or further development process to correct existing violations of the city's and other agency's regulations, to encourage reinvestment and renewal of existing developed sites, and to move existing sites toward compliance with current standards while recognizing the limitations that may exist in relation to an existing site. B. 68 Sites legally developed prior to the adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter (September 3, 1991 — Ordinance 1332) shall be considered to have developed under an approved plan. Proposals for refuse, change in use or the further development of sites legally developed prior to the adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter may be approved by the review authority upon determining that no significant alteration of the previous use and site are proposed, and upon a determination that adequate access and site surface drainage are provided. All such proposals shall be shown on a plan drawing as required by 38.41.110 C. The criteria for determining that no significant alteration of the previous use and site will result from the proposed reuse, change in use or further development of a site shall include but not be limited to the following: 1. The proposed use is allowed under the same zoning district use classification as the previous use, however replacement of nonconforming uses must comply with the provisions of article 32 of this chapter; 2. Changes proposed for the site, singly or cumulatively, do not increase lot coverage by buildings, storage areas, parking areas or impervious surfaces and/or do not result in an increase in intensity of use as measured by parking requirements, traffic generation or other measurable off-site impacts; a. By more than 20 percent for developments not meeting one or more of the criteria of section 38.19.040.C; or b. By more than ten percent for developments meeting or exceeding one or more of the criteria of section 38.19.040.C; 3. The proposed use does not continue any unsafe or hazardous conditions previously existing on the site or associated with the proposed use of the property. D. If it is determined that the proposed reuse, change in use or further development of a site contains significant alterations to the previous use and/or site, the application shall be resubmitted as a new application and shall be subject to all plan review and approval provisions of this article. E. When proposals for reuse, change in use or further development of a site are located in the neighborhood conservation or entryway corridor overlay districts, review by ADR staff or the DRB may be required to determine whether resubmittal as a new application is necessary. ) Sec. 38.19.150. - Improvements to existing developed sites independent of site plan review. The continued improvement of existing developed sites is desired to increase the level of compliance with the provisions of this chapter and to encourage maintenance and viability of the site. An applicant may propose improvements, not in association with a plan review, to increase conformity with the standards of this chapter for landscaping, lighting, parking or similar components of a site to occur over a defined period of time, not to 69 exceed three years. Such improvements shall be depicted on a site plan drawn to scale and which shall be sufficiently detailed to clearly depict the current conditions, the intended end result of the proposed improvements and any phasing of work. Such improvements shall be reviewed by and approved at the discretion of the review authority which may require surety in accordance with the terms of article 39 of this chapter for work performed. A certificate of appropriateness may be required if the site is located within the entryway overlay district or the neighborhood conservation overlay district. If you have any questions regarding any of the items in this response, please feel free to contact me at any time. Sincerely, Lowell W. Springer Principal Architect 70 201 South Wallace Avenue, Suite A-1 Bozeman, MT 59715 Ph: (406) 585-2400 – Fx: (406) 585-7446 This Site 71 201 SOUTH WALLACE AVE., STE. A-1BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715PH: 406-585-2400ABBREVIATIONSSYMBOLSSPRINGER GROUP, P.C.PROJECT INFORMATIONGENERAL NOTESSTREET ADDRESSOWNER / DEVELOPERWPINSULATE(ION)INSULGRAVELMASONRYMETALCONCRETEEARTHLLINTJTLAMJOINTLIVE LOADINTERIORLAMINATE-----WOWWFW/W-----RADEQUALEQFINISH FLOORGYPSUM BOARDGAGE, GAUGEHOLLOW METALHOLLOW COREINCLUDE(ING)HEATING/VENT./AIR COND.GENERAL CONTRACTORFURNISHED BY OTHERSFOOTINGFTGGYP BDHVACHMHRINCLHCGAFBOGCHOUR---------FFFINFLRFPEXPEXTEXGFCFLOORFINISH(ED)FIREPROOF-----EXPOSEDEXTERIOREXISTINGFIRE CODE-----SQTYPVCTVBWC---T&GSYSSTRTHK-----SCSIMSPKSPEC-----RERFGREFRO------ARCHITECT(URAL)CERAMIC TILEELECTRIC(AL)CONSTRUCTIONCONCRETE MASONRY UNITCLEARCLRCONSTDTLDWGEAELECEFCONCCMUCOLDETAILEACHDRAWINGEACH FACE-----COLUMNCONCRETE----BLKGCLGCTBLDGBDAPPDARCHBSMTBRGBLOCKINGCEILINGBOARDBUILDING-----APPROVEDBASEMENTBEARING-----OHPLPSIPSFPVCPLWD-----PBDPNLPLFPVMT----NICOPGODOCNTS -----NATNOMNRNO-----ARCHITECTS LAND USE PLANNERSAIR CONDITIONINGALTERNATIVEACOUSTICALABOVE FINISHED FLOORACOUSTICAL CEILING TILEACTA/CADJALTALACAFFADJACENTALUMINUM-------MTLMMMINMAXMECH-----MASMFR --WATERPROOF(ING)PERIMETER WHEN IN CLOSED POSITION.SHALL BE DESIGNED TO LIMIT AIR LEAKAGE AROUND THEIRALL EXTERIOR DOORS, OTHER THAN FIRE-RATED DOORS,GASKETED, OR WEATHERSTRIPPED TO LIMIT AIR LEAKAGE.CORNER BEADS AND TRIM.NOTES:ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2009 IBC (OR 2009 IEBC),2009 IMC, 2009 IFGC, 2009 IECC, 2009 UPC, AND 2008 NEC.THE BUILDER ACKNOWLEDGES THESE CODES ARE APPLICABLE TO ALLSHEETS, NOTES AND TABLES IN THESE PLANS AND ASSURES THE LOCALJURISDICTION HE OR SHE WILL COMPLY WITH ALL CURRENT AND LOCALCODES.COVER SURFACES BEHIND SHINGLES AND WHERE INDICATEDTO BE INVISIBLE AFTER FINISHED, INCLUDING ALL METALIN COMPLIANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS PRINTED DIRECTIONS.JOINT COMPOUND SYSTEM MIXED, APPLIED AND FINISHED97-1 FOR THE "APPLICATION AND FINISHING OF WALLBOARD"MATERIALS SHALL MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS OF ANSI NO. AINDICATED ON DRAWINGS. GYPSUM BOARD WORK ANDJOINTS 3", 6" AT VERTICAL JOINTS, AND CARRY INTO OPG'S.FELT WITHOUT WRINKLES OR BUCKLES. LAP HORIZONTALON DRAWINGS WITH ASPHALT SATURATED NON-PERFORATED,PROVIDE GYPSUM WALLBOARD OF TYPE AND THICKNESSBATT INSULATIONRIGID INSULATIONFINISH WOODACOUSTIC TILELEGAL DESCRIPTIONROUGH WOODWELDED WIRE FABRICWIDE, WIDTHWITHOUTWITHDESIGN CRITERIACONTRACTOR IS TO SUPPLY AND INSTALL A 4'-0" x 8'-0"BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SIGN WHICH STATES THE FOLLOWING:ADDRESS & PHONEADDRESS & PHONEOF ALL HEAT TRANSFERRING VENT STACKS.ALL COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS TO BE A MINIMUM OF 1" CLEARALL PARTITION DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF FRAMING OR TO CENTER-LINE OF PARTITIONS, STRUCTURAL COLUMNS, AND BEAMS U.N.O.INTO UNHEATED SPACES SHALL BE SEALED, CAULKED,INTO THE BUILDING ENVELOPE, INCLUDING ACCESS PANELSWALLS, FLOOR, AND ROOFS, AND ALL OTHER SUCH OPENINGSOPENINGS AT PENETRATIONS OF UTILITY SERVICES THROUGHWALLS AND ROOF AND BETWEEN WALLS AND PANELS,OPENINGS BETWEEN WALLS AND FOUNDATIONS, BETWEENEXTERIOR JOINTS AROUND WINDOWS AND DOOR FRAMES,AND ABOVE ALL EXTERIOR DOOR AND WINDOW OPENINGS.WALL-TO-ROOF INTERSECTIONS, AROUND ALL ROOF PENETRATIONS,APPROVED FLASHING TO BE INSTALLED AT ALL CHIMNEYS,GENERAL CONTRACTORRADIUSSQUAREVINYL COMPOSITION TILETONGUE AND GROOVEWATER CLOSETTYPICALVINYL BASESYSTEMTHICK(NESS)STRUCTURE(AL)ROUGH OPENINGSOLID CORESPECIFICATIONSPEAKERSIMILARROOFINGREINFORCINGREFERENCEOVERHANGPOLYVINYL CHLORIDEPOUND PER SQ. FOOTPOUND PER SQ. INCHPARTICLE BOARDPER LINEAR FOOTPLATEPLYWOODPAVEMENTPANELNOISE REDUCTIONNOT IN CONTRACTOUTSIDE DIAMETERON CENTEROPENINGNOT TO SCALENATURALNOMINALNUMBERARCHITECT DEVELOPMENT NAME& ADDRESSADDRESS & PHONEOWNER / DEVELOPERTHE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THEFIELD MEASUREMENTS PRIOR TO ORDERING MATERIALS & PRE-FABRICATING ITEMS. ANY NECESSARY ADJUSTMENTS IN FIELDMEASUREMENTS AND/OR BETWEEN FIELD MEASUREMENTS ANDDRAWINGS SHALL BE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DECISIONCONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE BACKING/BLOCKING AS REQUIREDFOR ALL WALL MOUNTED EQUIPMENT, FURNISHINGS, ETC.MINUMUMMILLIMETERMAXIMUMMECHANICALMETALMASONRYMANUFACTUREROF THE OWNER.AIR SPACE ABOVE THE INSULATION.ATTIC VENTILATION: THE NET FREE VENTILATING AREA SHALLBE NOT LESS THAN 1/150 OF THE AREA OF THE SPACEVENTILATED, WITH AT LEAST 50 PERCENT OF THE REQUIREDVENTILATING AREA PROVIDED BY VENTILATOR LOCATEDIN THE UPPER PORTION OF THE SPACE TO BE VENTILATEDAT LEAST 3 FEET ABOVE EAVES OR CORNICE VENTS WITHTHE BALANCE OF THE REQUIRED VENTILATION PROVIDED BYEAVES OR CORNICE VENTS. RAFTERS SPACES ENCLOSEDBY CEILINGS DIRECTLY APPLIED TO UNDERSIDE OF RAFTERSSHALL BE SIZED TO ALLOW A MINIMUM 1" CLEAR VENTEDOCCUPANCY TYPE: (SEE CODE INFO SHEET)BUILDING HEIGHT: (SEE CODE INFO SHEET)NO. OF STORIES: (SEE CODE INFO SHEET)SPRINKLED: (SEE CODE INFO SHEETFROST DEPTH: 48 INCHESBASIC GROUND SNOW LOAD: 46 P.S.F.DESIGN WIND SPEED: 90 MPH, EXPOSURE 'C'SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY: 'D'CURRENT ZONING: XXENTRYWAY CORRIDOR: XXVICINITY MAPCONSULTANTS:Copyright © 2010 Springer Group Architects, P.C.DRAWING LISTCONSTRUCTION ROUTE MAPRM - ROOM1401 GOLD AVENUE BOZEMAN, MOTNANA1401 GOLD AVENUEBOZEMAN, MOTNANA3/11/2013 7:20:56 PMa conditional use permit forCAPELLI'S SALON13-005a conditional use permit for CAPELLI'SSALONGOLD PROPERTIES, LLC3-08-13G000COVER SHEETGeneralG000 COVER SHEETG 001 EXTERIOR PHOTOSG 002 INTERIOR PHOTOSArchitecturalA100 SITE PLANA200 FIRST LEVEL FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 1A201 SECOND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 1A203 SECOND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 2A300 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS BUILDING 1A400 BUILDING SECTIONSA401 BUILDING SECTIONS BUILDING 2G0002PERSPECTIVE FROM STREET72 ARCHITECTS LAND USE PLANNERS406-585-2400201 SOUTH WALLACE AVE., STE. A-1BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715PH:STATUS:JOB NO.:CHECKED:DRAWN:SPRINGER GROUP, P.C.Copyright © 2010 Springer Group Architects, P.C.1401 GOLD AVENUE BOZEMAN,MOTNANA3/11/2013 7:21:01 PM3-08-13AuthorChecker13-005-G 001a conditional use permit forCAPELLI'S SALONEXTERIOR PHOTOSREVISION SCHEDULENO: DESCRIPTION: DATE: BY:73 ARCHITECTS LAND USE PLANNERS406-585-2400201 SOUTH WALLACE AVE., STE. A-1BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715PH:STATUS:JOB NO.:CHECKED:DRAWN:SPRINGER GROUP, P.C.Copyright © 2010 Springer Group Architects, P.C.1401 GOLD AVENUE BOZEMAN,MOTNANA3/11/2013 7:21:06 PM3-08-13AuthorChecker13-005-G 002a conditional use permit forCAPELLI'S SALONINTERIOR PHOTOSREVISION SCHEDULENO: DESCRIPTION: DATE: BY:74 2A40026' - 6"18' - 0"26' - 0"18' - 0"FIVE DECIDSUOUS TREES WILL BE PLACED ASSHOWN OVER THE THREE YEAR PERIODFOLLOWING APPROVAL OF THE CONDITIONAL USEPERMITPROPERTY LINELINE OF ASPHALT TO BE CUTFOR CLEAN LANDSCAPE LINEIN 3 YEAR AGREEMENTAREA TO BE SODDED IN3 YEAR AGREEMENTEEXISTING DUMPSTER TO HAVEENCLOSURE BUILT WITHIN 3 YEARAGREEMENT18' - 0"9' - 0"26' - 0"H/CARCHITECTS LAND USE PLANNERS406-585-2400201 SOUTH WALLACE AVE., STE. A-1BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715PH:STATUS:JOB NO.:CHECKED:DRAWN:SPRINGER GROUP, P.C.Copyright © 2010 Springer Group Architects, P.C.1401 GOLD AVENUE BOZEMAN,MOTNANA3/11/2013 7:20:25 PM3-08-13LWSChecker13-005-A100a conditional use permit forCAPELLI'S SALONSITE PLANREVISION SCHEDULENO: DESCRIPTION: DATE: BY: 1/8" = 1'-0"A100RE: 1/ A3001SITE PLANNPROJECT NORTHTOTAL AREA OF BUILDING 1 = 6,304 SQ FTTOTAL AREA OF BUILDING 2 = 3,569 SQ FTTOTAL BUILDING AREA = 9,873 SQ FTPARKING RFEQUIREDBUILDING 1 WAREHOUSE 6384 X .85 / 1000 = 5.4BUILDING 1 OFFICE (1 PER UNIT) = 3BUILDING 2 SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS 3569 X .85 / 300 = 10.11TOTAL PARKING SPACES REQUIRED = 19PARKING STRIPES TO BE ADDEDWITHIN THE 3 YEAR AGREEMENTTOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED = 1975 UPUPUPA3004A300A3002170' - 9"44' - 2"10' - 0"28' - 2"5"16' - 11 1/8"12' - 5 7/8"5' - 8"10' - 7"1' - 7"2' - 3"2' - 5"56822379101A4002A4001919191920212828WAREHOUSE101WORK AREA102ARCHITECTS LAND USE PLANNERS406-585-2400201 SOUTH WALLACE AVE., STE. A-1BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715PH:STATUS:JOB NO.:CHECKED:DRAWN:SPRINGER GROUP, P.C.Copyright © 2010 Springer Group Architects, P.C.1401 GOLD AVENUE BOZEMAN,MOTNANA3/11/2013 7:20:28 PM3-08-13AuthorChecker13-005-A200a conditional use permit forCAPELLI'S SALONFIRST LEVEL FLOOR PLANBUILDING 1REVISION SCHEDULENO: DESCRIPTION: DATE: BY: 1/4" = 1'-0"A200RE: 1/ A3001FIRST LEVEL FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 1AREA OF FIRST LEVEL 3726 SQ FTN PROJECT NORTH 76 DNDNDNA30021A4002A4002021222929Storage201WAREHOUSE202WAREHOUSE200Storage204Storage205Storage206AREA OF SECOND LEVEL = 2578ARCHITECTS LAND USE PLANNERS406-585-2400201 SOUTH WALLACE AVE., STE. A-1BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715PH:STATUS:JOB NO.:CHECKED:DRAWN:SPRINGER GROUP, P.C.Copyright © 2010 Springer Group Architects, P.C.1401 GOLD AVENUE BOZEMAN,MOTNANA3/11/2013 7:20:28 PM3-08-13AuthorChecker13-005-A201a conditional use permit forCAPELLI'S SALONSECOND LEVEL FLOOR PLANBUILDING 1REVISION SCHEDULENO: DESCRIPTION: DATE: BY: 1/4" = 1'-0"A201RE: 1/ A3001SECOND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 1NPROJECT NORTH 77 UPUPDW2A401A301131323334351A401A3013A301A30124LOBBY/RECEPT201WORK STATION AREA202WORKSTATION/SNACKAREA20311' - 2 3/16"ARCHITECTS LAND USE PLANNERS406-585-2400201 SOUTH WALLACE AVE., STE. A-1BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715PH:STATUS:JOB NO.:CHECKED:DRAWN:SPRINGER GROUP, P.C.Copyright © 2010 Springer Group Architects, P.C.1401 GOLD AVENUE BOZEMAN,MOTNANA3/11/2013 7:20:29 PM3-08-13XXXXXX13-005-A202a conditional use permit forCAPELLI'S SALONFIRST LEVEL FLOOR PLANBUILDING 2REVISION SCHEDULENO: DESCRIPTION: DATE: BY: 1/4" = 1'-0"A202RE: 1/ A3001FIRST LEVEL FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 2NPROJECT NORTHAREA OF FIRST LEVEL BUILDING 2 = 2500 SA FT78 DNDN2A401361A4013738394' - 4"404142A3014MASSSAGE201MASSSAGE20243Storage203ELECTROLYSIS206MEAZANINE2094' - 0 3/8"13' - 4 7/8"9' - 10 3/4"14' - 1 9/16"8' - 1 15/16"8' - 6 5/16"10' - 11"11' - 8 1/8"4' - 11 7/16"12' - 2 9/16"ELECTROLYSIS204MASSSAGE205Storage202-AHALL200335 SQ FT734 SA FTARCHITECTS LAND USE PLANNERS406-585-2400201 SOUTH WALLACE AVE., STE. A-1BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715PH:STATUS:JOB NO.:CHECKED:DRAWN:SPRINGER GROUP, P.C.Copyright © 2010 Springer Group Architects, P.C.1401 GOLD AVENUE BOZEMAN,MOTNANA3/11/2013 7:20:30 PM3-08-13AuthorChecker13-005-A203a conditional use permit forCAPELLI'S SALONSECOND LEVEL FLOOR PLANBUILDING 2REVISION SCHEDULENO: DESCRIPTION: DATE: BY: 1/4" = 1'-0"A203RE: 1/ A3001SECOND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN BUILDING 2NPROJECT NORTHAREA FO SECOND LEVEL = 1069 SQ FT79 2A400T.O.W. FIRST LEVEL8' - 1 1/8"FIRST LEVEL Building 0225' - 2 13/16"TOP OF EXTERIOR WALLS16' - 0"FIRST LEVEL Building 10' - 0"ROOF Building 126' - 1 3/4"T.O. FTG.-4' - 0"B.O. FTG.-4' - 8"SECOND LEVEL BUILDING 19' - 0"T.O.W. SECOND LEVEL17' - 1 1/8"T.O. FND.-0' - 4"2A400T.O.W. FIRST LEVEL8' - 1 1/8"TOP OF EXTERIOR WALLS16' - 0"FIRST LEVEL Building 10' - 0"ROOF Building 126' - 1 3/4"T.O. FTG.-4' - 0"B.O. FTG.-4' - 8"SECOND LEVEL BUILDING 19' - 0"T.O.W. SECOND LEVEL17' - 1 1/8"T.O. FND.-0' - 4"T.O.W. FIRST LEVEL8' - 1 1/8"TOP OF EXTERIOR WALLS16' - 0"ARCHITECTS LAND USE PLANNERS406-585-2400201 SOUTH WALLACE AVE., STE. A-1BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715PH:STATUS:JOB NO.:CHECKED:DRAWN:SPRINGER GROUP, P.C.Copyright © 2010 Springer Group Architects, P.C.1401 GOLD AVENUE BOZEMAN,MOTNANA3/11/2013 7:20:47 PM3-08-13AuthorChecker13-005-A300a conditional use permit forCAPELLI'S SALONEXTERIOR ELEVATIONSBUILDING 1REVISION SCHEDULENO: DESCRIPTION: DATE: BY: 3/16" = 1'-0"A300RE: 1/ A2002WEST ELEVATION 3/16" = 1'-0"A300RE: 1/ A2004NORTH ELEVATION 3/16" = 1'-0"A300RE: 1/ A2001SOUTH ELEVATION 3/16" = 1'-0"A300RE: 1/ G0013EAST ELEVATION80 FIRST LEVEL Building 10' - 0"T.O. FTG.-4' - 0"SECOND LEVEL BUILDING 19' - 0"T.O.W. SECOND LEVEL17' - 1 1/8"T.O. FND.-0' - 4"T.O.W. FIRST LEVEL8' - 1 1/8"1A401FIRST LEVEL Building 0225' - 2 13/16"TOP OF EXTERIOR WALLS16' - 0"FIRST LEVEL Building 10' - 0"T.O. FTG.-4' - 0"B.O. FTG.-4' - 8"SECOND LEVEL BUILDING 19' - 0"T.O.W. SECOND LEVEL17' - 1 1/8"T.O. FND.-0' - 4"2A401T.O.W. FIRST LEVEL8' - 1 1/8"FIRST LEVEL Building 0225' - 2 13/16"TOP OF EXTERIOR WALLS16' - 0"2A4011A401TOP OF EXTERIOR WALLS16' - 0"ARCHITECTS LAND USE PLANNERS406-585-2400201 SOUTH WALLACE AVE., STE. A-1BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715PH:STATUS:JOB NO.:CHECKED:DRAWN:SPRINGER GROUP, P.C.Copyright © 2010 Springer Group Architects, P.C.1401 GOLD AVENUE BOZEMAN,MOTNANA3/11/2013 7:20:52 PM3-08-13AuthorChecker13-005-A301a conditional use permit forCAPELLI'S SALONEXTERIOR ELEVATIONSBUILDING 2REVISION SCHEDULENO: DESCRIPTION: DATE: BY: 1/4" = 1'-0"A301RE: 1/ A2021FRONT ELEVATION BUILDING 2 1/4" = 1'-0"A301RE: 1/ A2022LEFT ELEVATION BUILDING 2 1/4" = 1'-0"A301RE: 1/ A2023RIGHT ELEVATION BUILDING 2 1/4" = 1'-0"A301RE: 1/ A2024REAR ELEVATION BUILDING 281 FIRST LEVEL Building 10' - 0"ROOF Building 126' - 1 3/4"T.O. FTG.-4' - 0"B.O. FTG.-4' - 8"SECOND LEVEL BUILDING 19' - 0"T.O.W. SECOND LEVEL17' - 1 1/8"T.O. FND.-0' - 4"2A400T.O.W. FIRST LEVEL8' - 1 1/8"TOP OF EXTERIOR WALLS16' - 0"FIRST LEVEL Building 10' - 0"ROOF Building 126' - 1 3/4"T.O. FTG.-4' - 0"SECOND LEVEL BUILDING 19' - 0"T.O.W. SECOND LEVEL17' - 1 1/8"T.O. FND.-0' - 4"1A400TOP OF EXTERIOR WALLS16' - 0"ARCHITECTS LAND USE PLANNERS406-585-2400201 SOUTH WALLACE AVE., STE. A-1BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715PH:STATUS:JOB NO.:CHECKED:DRAWN:SPRINGER GROUP, P.C.Copyright © 2010 Springer Group Architects, P.C.1401 GOLD AVENUE BOZEMAN,MOTNANA3/11/2013 7:20:53 PM3-08-13AuthorChecker13-005-A400a conditional use permit forCAPELLI'S SALONBUILDING SECTIONSREVISION SCHEDULENO: DESCRIPTION: DATE: BY: 1/4" = 1'-0"A400RE: 1/ A2001Section 1 1/4" = 1'-0"A400RE: 1/ A1002Section 282 FIRST LEVEL Building 10' - 0"T.O. FTG.-4' - 0"SECOND LEVEL BUILDING 19' - 0"T.O.W. SECOND LEVEL17' - 1 1/8"2A401T.O.W. FIRST LEVEL8' - 1 1/8"FIRST LEVEL Building 0225' - 2 13/16"TOP OF EXTERIOR WALLS16' - 0"11' - 2 3/16"FIRST LEVEL Building 10' - 0"ROOF Building 126' - 1 3/4"T.O. FTG.-4' - 0"SECOND LEVEL BUILDING 19' - 0"T.O.W. SECOND LEVEL17' - 1 1/8"T.O. FND.-0' - 4"T.O.W. FIRST LEVEL8' - 1 1/8"1A401FIRST LEVEL Building 0225' - 2 13/16"TOP OF EXTERIOR WALLS16' - 0"ARCHITECTS LAND USE PLANNERS406-585-2400201 SOUTH WALLACE AVE., STE. A-1BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715PH:STATUS:JOB NO.:CHECKED:DRAWN:SPRINGER GROUP, P.C.Copyright © 2010 Springer Group Architects, P.C.1401 GOLD AVENUE BOZEMAN,MOTNANA3/11/2013 7:20:53 PM3-08-13AuthorChecker13-005-A401a conditional use permit forCAPELLI'S SALONBUILDING SECTIONSBUILDING 2REVISION SCHEDULENO: DESCRIPTION: DATE: BY: 1/4" = 1'-0"A401RE: 1/ A2021Section 4 1/4" = 1'-0"A401RE: 1/ A2022Section 383