HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-21-13 InterNeighborhood Council MinutesTHE INTER-NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL (INC) MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA DRAFT MEETING MINUTES Thursday, Feb. 21, 2013 Attending: Jennifer Rockne (SCAN) moderator, Gary Gullickson (BPNA), Charlotte Kress (NHVN), Kirk Johnson (MarLin), Bob Wall (SENA), Allyson Brekke (Neighbor- hood Coordinator), Capt. Mark Johnson (BPD), Officer Charley Gappmayer (BPD) 7:00 Jennifer convened the meeting Reviewed minutes from Jan. Charlotte requested that the responses on neighborhood is- sues that had been submitted via email prior to the meeting be included in the minutes. Bob moved to approve minutes from Oct., notes from Nov. and Dec. Charlotte seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Gary moved to approve minutes from Jan. with requested changes. Jennifer seconded. Motion passed unanimously. No Public Comment 7:10 Police Report –Officer Charley Gappmayer There were a number of vehicle break-ins the end of Jan. An individual was apprehended and subsequently confessed to 24 of 28 incidents. Most were at residences west of 19th Ave. Last weekend, there were 25 instances of criminal mischief, mostly vandalized vehicles. Information was released on social media channels. There were also four recent burglaries of business in the area near City Hall. They are be- lieved to be related. Officer Gappmayer and Capt. Johnson can take anonymous reports through Crimestoppers. The BPD Support Division is organizing security checklists for businesses and residenc- es. Officer Gappmayer provided handouts, and the information will also be available online. There is also a property identification list, which he strongly encouraged people to complete, so that if property is stolen, it can be identified. The BPD will help people to go through the security checklist and evaluate their homes or businesses. We discussed drug problems in the area – a big issue is prescription drug abuse. It was noted that there is a prescription drug drop-off at the Law & Justice center where people can leave drugs that they no longer need. Gary requested a follow-up on his inquiry about leaving the Library trail lights on later on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. He said the neighbors had agreed to it. Mark has a message in to John Vandelinder about increasing the size of the speed zones on Church, or posting additional signs. 7:45 Recap the State of Neighborhoods address This was a special presentation on the City Commission agenda. Jennifer presented a prioritized list of issues, including suggestions and opportunities. Gary suggested that it would be beneficial for INC have some face-to-face time with the Commission and/or City staff during the city work planning process. Discussed working on future agendas to focus on inviting the appropriate City staff to fo- cus on priority issues. Allyson has been doing that during the past year, and we would like to continue. 8:00 Review of INC bylaws The City Attorney has discouraged the idea of proxy votes. This seems to be primarily an issue with people who have been appointed by the City Commission relegating their votes to other people. We discussed whether this is the same issue with the INC, since members are appointed by the neighborhood associations. One item we would like to revisit is the length of terms for INC officers. In the last meet- ing, Gary had suggested that the group would have more continuity if the Chair served a two-year term. Gary suggested forming a subcommittee to do a detailed review of the bylaws. This sub- committee would review whether any changes to the bylaws would be required to allow INC representatives’ terms to not overlap with the terms of officers in the neighborhood associations. It was suggested that the bylaws are overly specific on elections, officer terms. Jennifer suggested that we should update the non-discrimination clause to include sexual orientation. This is a standard part of most non-discrimination clauses now. We discussed the issue of proxy delegates. The committee expressed a desire to retain the ability for members to designate proxies. We also reviewed the attendance requirements; these may be too stringent, and we have not been enforcing them. The subcommittee should also review the language regarding timing of elections, the number of terms, and the length of terms for officers. The subcommittee will include Gary, Jennifer, and Allyson. Their goal is to have draft changes ready for the next meeting. Bob moved to shift the March Meeting to Mar. 21, to allow the subcommittee more time to prepare the draft. Charlotte seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Bob moved to shift discussion of Cascade Association of Neighbors’ membership in the INC to next meeting. Jennifer seconded. There was subsequent discussion about whether to just vote now. Bob moved to direct Allyson to deliver notice to CAN that we are terminating their membership in the INC, in accordance with the requirements of the Neighborhood Recognition Ordinance. Gary seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Other Items The South Towne Square Conditional Use Permit application hearing is on the City Commission agenda for next Monday. There is some movement on securing more funding for the neighborhood program. The program may expand to encompass the TIF district and the landlord-tenant association. 8:40 Kirk moved to adjourn, Charlotte seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Minutes recorded by Bob Wall.