HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 94- 1395, amending section 10.32.395 MSU ORDINANCE NO. 1395 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, AMENDING THE BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 10.32.395.A, PERTAINING TO THE AREA DESIGNATED AS THE MSU RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO ENLARGE THE AREA TO BE INCLUDED WITHIN SAID DISTRICT PURSUANT TO SECTION 10.32.395.M OF THE BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL CODE, WHICH CREATES THE PROCEDURE FOR REVISING THE BOUNDARIES OF AN ESTABLISHED RESIDENTIAL ON-STREET PARKING PERMIT REGULATION PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the Bozeman City Commission has adopted Ordinance No. 1345 and Ordinance No. 1376 creating a procedure for the establishment of a residential on-street parking permit regulation program; and WHEREAS, the Bozeman City Commission has adopted Ordinance No. 1377 creating a residential on-street parking permit regulation program in the vicinity of Montana State University and providing a procedure for revising the boundaries of this program; and WHEREAS, the Bozeman City Commission has received petitions requesting the revision of the boundaries of this program, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA: SECTION 1: That the Montana State University Residential On-Street Parking Permit Regulation Program is hereby amended by extending the boundaries of the Residential Parking Permit area as provided in Section 2 below, and the Bozeman City Commission hereby finds that the annexed residential area is: 1. predominantly residential in character; 2, an area the streets of which are regularly congested with vehicles parked by persons not residing in the area; and 3. an area where limiting the parking of vehicles along the public streets better provides adequate motor vehicle parking for residents of the area; and the Bozeman City Commission further finds that the extension of the Montana State University Residential Parking Permit Area in the amended residential area described in Section 2 below would further the following objectives: 1. promote tranquility among commuters and residents; 2. reduce noise; 3. reduce traffic hazards; and 4. reduce litter. SECTION 2: That oandnn 10.32.385(A) of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended an that such section shall read aufollows: "Section 10.32.395 MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY RESIDENTIAL ON-STREET PARKING PERMIT REGULATION PROGRAM. A. The area designated, pursuant tothis Chapter' as the Montana State Univnmhyraoidmn\ia|on'otroetpurkinQpennitprugram' andhoroinaftormforredtuam ~K4SU Residential District", shall beasfollows, and ao depicted on Exhibit "A", attached hereto (listed otvootm and avenues include the full right-of-way unless specifically noted): Beginning at the northwest corner of the inzomooziun of South 1 2t Avenue and West Dickerson Street, thence southerly to West Alderson Street, thence westerly to South 13th Avenue, thence southerly nn the centerline of West College Street, thence easterly along the centerline of VVoot College Street to the centerline of South 8th Avenue, thence southerly along the centerline of South 8th Avenue tothe centerline of West Harrison Street, thence easterly along the centerline of West Harrison Street to the con/orfino of South 6th Avenue' thence southerly u|unQ the centerline of South 8th Avenue to the oentodina of West Grant Street, thence easterly along the centerline of West Grant Street to the alley between South 5th Avenue and South 8th Avenue,thence southerly to the south /ight-of-vvoy boundary uf West Grant Street, thence easterly along the south right-of-way boundary ofWest Grant Street to South 5th Avenue' thence southerly to the north boundary of the Lincoln Street right-of-way, thence easterly along the north boundary ofthe Lincoln Street right-of-way to the centerline of South Third Avenue, thence southerly along the centerline of South Third Avenue tuthe intersection of South Third Avenue, Greek Way and South Grand Avenue' thence easterly tu the east right-of-wuy boundary of South Grand Avenue,thence northerly to the north right-of-way boundary of Lincoln Street, thence easterly along the north right-of-way boundary of Unou|n Street tothe west right-of-way boundary of South Willson Avenue, thence northerly along the vvoot right-of-way boundary nfSouth Willson Avenue to West Arthur Street, thence westerly to South Grand Avenue, thence northerly tn West Cleveland Street, thence westerly to South 3rd Avenue, thence northerly to West Harrison Stnoo1. thence easterly to the west right-of-way boundary of- South Grand Avenue, thence northerly to the north right-of-way boundary of West Harrison Street, thence westerly to South 4th Avenue, thence northerly to West College Street, thence vvmutedy to the centerline of South 5th Avenue, thence northerly along the centerline of South 5th Avenue to West Alderson Street, thence easterly to the east 'ight'of-wayboundary of South 5th Avenue, thence northerly toWest Dickerson Street Thence westerly to South 12th Avenue, the point of boOinning. The district shall also include South 14th Avenue from Dickerson Street to College Street, South 15th Avenue from Dickerson Street to College Street, and West Alderson Street from South 13th Avenue toSouth 14th Avenue. SECTION 3 - REPEALER. All resolutions, ordinances,and sections of the Bozeman Municipal Code and parts thereof inconflict herewith are hereby repealed. If any provisions of this ordinance orthe application thereof tn any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this ordinance which may be given effect without the invalid provision or application and, to this end, the provisions of this ordinance are declared to be uov*rub|o. SECTION 5 - EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days after final adoption as provided by /uvv. PASSED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana on first reading this 5th day ofDecember, 1994. JOHN VINCENT, Mayor ATTEST: ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk ofthe Commission PASSED, ADOPTED and FINALLY APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana on second reading this ^l+kaynfDecember, 1994. JOHN VINCENT, Mayor ATTEST: ROBIN SULLIVAN Clerk nfthe Commission APPROVED AS TO FORM: PAUL J. LUVVE City Attorney 14 eX j~r�� 9 ° that the policy is bad; rather, it is important to recognize that the area continues uruv an ) <r attractive place to live,resulting in greater demand than supply. Mayor xi^"om ^omn mat. statistically, 70 percent a,those in avzvmo^ will move wxx/n�ewmm. Ho^��umat�*:vBozamu�o�*u�uononmmuo,mnmv�m�wvv=, N p~ u consistent and increasing demand on the housing market. no nmmnmu that w this trend ' continues,even with this policy,the housing situation will probably be the same in a few years a,itiutoday. Commissioner Youngman characterized this non"v as a mu^u starting point. She noted that it provides mechanism through which public and private entities, for profit and non-profit organizations can work together to help address the affordable housing crisis. She stated that n the Commission wants those who work in the community mue able",live/nthe community,It is important that starter housing be provided;and she feels this policy is a step m the right direction. Commissioner Frost stated rm also views this asa good first step,indicating»afeels — that improvements in the housing situation will be recognized as a result orthis^uucv. Neighborhood CoordinatovGr^nwne,,vnGv°x,unu,"mxm//xau the proposed revisions and additions m Policy Guideline No,7.and Goal Statement Nos.,o. ec.o, on,4o,and'w, based"^the discussion which has been completed uv the Commissioners. *m then requested that these changes be incorporated into adoption m the affordable housing policy. It was moved»v Commissioner Youngman,seconded uv Commissioner Stiff,that the Commission adopt Commission Resolution No.3037,establishing an affordable housing policy m,txvciw. r»*mvuvamrnau»vtx*mo"wmoxvoanuwuvom: muoevum"oxveu,/no Commissioner Youngman,Commissioner Stiff,Commissioner Stueck,Commissioner Frost and Mayor Vincent;those voting No,m*,. Ordinance No. 1395 - annexation of the 200 Neighborhood Parkirtg_a�i_strict This was the time and v/avo set for the final ouom/on' on movnu 'oaainy, of Ordinance No. 1395 as approved the City Attorney entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 1395 Am ORDINANCE op THE CITY COMMISSION op THE CITY oFanZsmam. MONTANA,AMENDING THE oozommw MUNICIPAL CODE avAMENDING 15 - SECTION 10,32.395.A.,PERTAINING TO THE AREA DESIGNATED AS THE MSU RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO ENLARGE THE AREA TO BE INCLUDED WITHIN SAID DISTRICT PURSUANT TO SECTION 10.32.395.M. OF THE BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL CODE, WHICH CREATES THE PROCEDURE FOR REVISING THE BOUNDARIES OF AN ESTABLISHED RESIDENTIAL ON- STREET PARKING PERMIT REGULATION PROGRAM, It was moved by Commissioner Stiff, seconded by Commissioner Stueck, that the Commission finally adopt Ordinance No. 1395, annexing the 200 block of West Harrison Avenue into the MSU Neighborhood Parking District. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Stiff,Commissioner'Stueck,Commissioner Frost and Commissioner;those voting No being Mayor Vincent. Renewal of Beer,Wine and Uguor licenses for Calendar Year 1995. This was the time set for renewal of the Beer, Wine and Liquor Licenses for the Calendar Year 1995. A total of 16 applications have been received, along with the required fees. Included in the Commissioners'packets was a list of the establishments which have made application and paid the required fee, as follows: APPLICATIONS FOR BEER,WINE AND LIQUOR LICENSES CALENDAR YEAR 1995 APPLICANT BEER WINE LIQUOR TOTAL Bozeman Town Pump#2 2607 West Main Street S 200 $ 200 $ $ 400 Casa Sanchez Restaurant 719 South 9th Avenue 200 200 400 Cenex Petroleum dbalBozeman Cenex 23 North 7th Avenue 200 200 Golden Goose Casino 726 North 7th Avenue 200 200 400 KO'S Club 1332 East Main Street 500 500 Kwik Way#32 401 East Peach 200 200 400 Little John's Bar, Inc. 515 West Aspen Street 500 500 Mr.T's Sinclair 1310 North 7th Avenue 200 200 12-19-q,l