HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommunity Alcohol Concerns and DUI Task Force ReportDUI Citations for Gallatin County Bozeman PD Gallatin SO MHP Manhattan MSU Belgrade Three Forks West Y Total DUI Citations ACT Enrollments MSU enrollment/ACT Alcohol and/or Drug Related Fatalities Alcohol-related crashes YNP 2001 (not included in the total) 813 818 2002 same as above 910 813 2003 534 210 138 7 26 48 2 17 982 863 5 out of 23, 21% 2004 511 206 218 8 58 54 0 20 1075 823 5 out of 16, 31% 48 2005 388 185 220 8 65 47 18 12 943 876 5 out of 11, 45% 62 2006 376 220 216 10 65 32 19 30 968 861 8 out of 22, 36% 57 2007 384 213 198 9 65 60 30 27 986 n/a 7 out of 25 155 66 2008 504 206 203 20 33 43 14 7 1030 n/a 1 out of 10 182 2009 599 198 218 10 28 82 16 8 1159 884 1 out of 6 179 2010 412 162 191 6 64 81 10 10 936 n/a 4 out of 10 161 2011 332 115 168 8 68 71 8 11 781 700 176 2 out of 10 164 2012 274 107 122 11 18 67 12 21 632 2012 Average BAC Bozeman Municipal Court 0.152 2012 Average BAC Justice Court 0.138 Bozeman PD DUI Citations, comparison 2005-2012 5 PD 2005 PD 2006 PD 2007 PD 2008 PD 2009 PD 2010 PD 2011 PD 2012 Jan 28 26 33 32 72 46 34 27 Feb 42 29 43 45 65 40 28 32 Mar 45 33 35 37 59 36 29 28 Apr 34 35 48 39 57 40 37 15 May 35 30 26 41 58 33 22 16 June 19 26 31 48 43 31 22 23 July 34 29 13 35 42 24 23 16 Aug 36 39 24 48 41 35 22 23 Sept 33 26 39 31 36 26 16 23 Oct 19 40 23 51 44 46 42 20 Nov 39 31 28 47 33 19 32 27 Dec 24 32 41 50 49 36 25 24 Total 388 376 384 504 599 412 332 274 As reported by BPD 612 442 373 274 Total traffic citations 7912 6914 5916 6780 8542 Alcohol- related crashes 2002-06 = 234 2007-11 = 297 6 Year Bozeman PD Gallatin SO MHP Man- hattan MSU Belgrade Three Forks West Y Total DUI Citations ACT Enrollments MSU enrollment/ ACT Alcohol and/or Drug Related Fatalities Alcohol- related crashes YNP 2001 (not included in the total)813 818 2002 same as above 910 813 2003 534 210 138 7 26 48 2 17 982 863 5 out of 23, 21% 2004 511 206 218 8 58 54 0 20 1075 823 5 out of 16, 31%48 2005 388 185 220 8 65 47 18 12 943 876 5 out of 11, 45%62 2006 376 220 216 10 65 32 19 30 968 861 8 out of 22, 36%57 2007 384 213 198 9 65 60 30 27 986 n/a 7 out of 25 155 66 2008 504 206 203 20 33 43 14 7 1030 n/a 1 out of 10 182 2009 599 198 218 10 28 82 16 8 1159 884 1 out of 6 179 2010 412 162 191 6 64 81 10 10 936 n/a 4 out of 10 161 2011 332 115 168 8 68 71 8 11 781 700 176 2 out of 10 164 2012 274 107 122 11 18 67 12 21 632 Prepared by Jenna Caplette, Gallatin County DUI Task Force 2012 Average BAC Bozeman Municipal Court 0.152 2012 Average BAC Justice Court 0.138 7 4% 43% 29% 12% 8% 3% 1% Age of Offenders Cited for DUI 2005-11 (April-May) 15-18 19-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ 8 74% 26% % of Men vs Women with DUI 2009-2011 (April-May) Male Female 9 5% 57% 1% 37% 0% Total % of Cases by Court 2004-2011 Belgrade Muni District Justice MAN 10 Gallatin County DUI Task Force Annual Report, Fiscal 2012 1 Gallatin County DUI Task Force 104 East Main, Ste 313 . Bozeman, 59715 406-585-1492 www.gallatinduitaskforce.us info@gallatinduitaskforce.us November 2011 To: Gallatin County Commissioners CC: Montana Department of Transportation, Highway Traffic Safety Division, Lorelle Dumont; RE: Gallatin County DUI Task Force Fiscal 2012 Annual Report, Prepared by Task Force Coordinator, Jenna Caplette The Gallatin Co DUI Task Force has fulfilled its fiscal 2012 reporting responsibilities:  Approved minutes from all fiscal 2012 DUI Task Force meetings are posted to the DUI Task Force website.  Department goals for fiscal 2012 were set as part of the Task Force strategic planning process and the county budget process. Approved by the County Commissioners and by the Montana Department of Transportation. Accomplishments for Fiscal 2012 include:  One of the nine Task Forces nationally chosen to be featured in the NHTSA report, “A Guide for Local Impaired- Driving Task Forces.”  Compiled and reported extensive DUI Data for 2005 through 2011.  Reported on calendar 2011 DUI data.  Initiated important conversations about DUI in the Media and among professionals in the field.  Hosted a fall 2011 DUI Task Force Regional Meeting and a spring 2012 educational forum with Becky Sturdevant on Driving Impaired, Drugs.  Sponsored the 9th Annual Swimming Upstream Awards.  Progressed on goals related to the 3 year strategic plan.  Re-structured the Task Force itself to improve the effectiveness of its work.  Designed & hosted DUI-related multiple public information & education campaigns.  Streamlined and clarified CEASE Awards (granting) process. Initiated four year look back for past funded projects when considering new applications.  Funded DUI overtime patrols, safety and compliance checks; DUI-related equipment purchases and DUI-prevention activities. For further performance measures visit page D-42 here: http://www.gallatin.mt.gov/Public_Documents/gallatincomt_Fiscal/Current_County _Budget/PS_DUI.pdf This report includes  “Plan at a glance” report compiled in July directly related to the fiscal 2012 plan. 11 Gallatin County DUI Task Force Annual Report, Fiscal 2012 2  A summary of all CEASE Awards given and overtime patrols funded in fiscal 2012. The applications for these awards are posted on the DUI Task Force website. In Fiscal 2012, the Task Force awarded about $22,000 from their own resources for projects in Gallatin County and an additional $4,500 from a grant given by the Montana Department of Transportation.  In calendar 2011, Gallatin County had 164 alcohol-related crashes; 94 injuries and two fatalities.  Research of April/May 2011 stats included, as well as court reports on DUI case convictions from Bozeman, Belgrade and Gallatin County Justice Court.  The Task Force continued its work in Strategic Planning. Jenna Caplette, Coordinator, Gallatin County DUI Task Force Index for report:  Plan at a Glance, pg 3 - 10  Public Information and Education Activities and plan, pg 11-12  CEASE Awards, pg 13  Swimming Upstream Awards Program: Addendum 1  Gallatin County DUI Stats, 2005 thru 2011: Addendum 2  MDT Crash Summary Totals for 2011: Addendum 3  DUI Conviction data: Addendum 4 12 Gallatin County DUI Task Force Annual Report, Fiscal 2012 3 DUI Task Force Plan at a Glance - 2012 GOAL 1 Task Force: In three years DUI Task Force will have an active and engaged Task Force of up to eleven members that guide and provide oversight for the Task Force in meeting its mission based on nonprofit best practices for board governance. Annual Objectives Responsible Party Timeline Status  Create a recruiting and orientation/training process and manual Jenna Fiscal 2013 goal This project needs to be carried over to Fiscal 2013, perhaps the September meeting.  Hold a membership drive for citizen members. Task Force Ongoing 01/12 Jenna drafted a letter to members reminding them of goals. Currently Jenna has contacted several people for membership, including an insurance rep –  Ty Elliot Belgrade is still considering membership.  FCCLA instructor at Three Forks referred Jenna to Andy Malby, new owner of the Three Forks Herald. Cannot attend Wednesday PM meetings.  Rozan Pitcher, Drugs and Society instructor MSU, 2012 Upstream Awardee, indicated interest but has not responded to inquires.  Captain Young, Salvation Army. Indicated interest. Needs in-person follow up visit.  Ryan Schwartzmeyer queried Susan. Need Task Force members to report on their outreach efforts.  Create an advisory council to assure input from specific individuals and agencies June 2012 Charter completed. Council will meet in July..  Develop internal financial reporting guidelines (what does the DUITF want to see in financial reports) including budgeting policies and allocation of funds Ongoing 02/ 8 Jenna met with Ed Blackman from Fiscal to create a clear presentation of budget updates. Easy to use Excel document created along with a draft of a Fiscal 2013 plan. 13 Gallatin County DUI Task Force Annual Report, Fiscal 2012 4 Identified new Treasurer, Glenn Barcus, and added the position to the Executive Committee. .  Revise by-laws Susan June Approved. Signed.  Meetings: What meetings need to be publicly advertised? How to handle minute-taking at meetings? What detail to include? Executive Committee June 01/18 Discussed with Executive Committee. All meetings will be posted on the website, most released to newspaper. Outlined in the new by-laws.  Work on how to organize/monitor new policies, requirements and committee activities. Jenna with Terry Profota June Carried over to Fiscal 2013. GOAL 2 - Staffing: In three years DUI Task Force will have a well-trained and competitively compensated up to ¾ time Coordinator and part-time Administrative Assistant that are charged with carrying out the strategic plan and documenting the results. Annual Objectives Responsible Party Timeline Status  Update the Coordinator’s job description Jenna HR Has been with HR since February Drafted, approved and submitted to HR. Waiting for final revision from them.  Create an employee evaluation process that is based on goals and objectives Jenna HR June and Fiscal 2013 Presented first proposed process to Executive Committee, 1/18. Sent proposed time line/process to HR in March requesting an April 6th reply and have not received one. Suggestion per Terry Profota is to move forward this year with the job evaluation process as it as been and plan to start new system in the next fiscal year. The new job evaluation process will be presented to the Task Force at the May meeting. Task Force took action on the Coordinator Evaluation in June and it has been submitted to HR.  Assess compensation. Susan & June Letter to HR sent regarding proposed raise in wages 14 Gallatin County DUI Task Force Annual Report, Fiscal 2012 5 Task Force discussed by the Executive Committee. In discussion with them. A fiscal note for a wage increase was added to the Fiscal 2013 budget.  Evaluate the need for an administrative support from volunteers, interns or use a temp help for assistance. Create job descriptions. Jenna Fiscal 2013 Jenna will re-apply with RSVP.  Attend at least 4 trainings and workshops to increase skills in running a nonprofit organization and providing DUI education. Jenna Social Media class completed; Autumn 2011. Non-profit conference, Autumn 2011. Regional DUI Task Force meeting, Autumn 2011. Ethics Training, City of Bozeman, April 2012. Presented on stats collection at the June Regional DUI Task Force meeting in Thompson Falls. GOAL 3 – Education: In each of the next three years the DUI Task Force will have developed and implemented two consistent and well-thought-out educational campaigns. One campaign is targeted to prevent or reduce the alcohol-related traffic crashes in the Gallatin County (external); the other is to educate stakeholders on the purpose and programs of the DUI Task Force (internal). Annual External Educational Objectives Responsible Party Timeline Status  Enlist the Public Information & Education Task force to create a written plan that targets education to each identified audience: PI&E Committee June Planning meetings: January 17th and February 1st, April 3, May 15 and June 27. Created PI&E Plan at A Glance for this calendar year. Began work on internal education goals and finalized summer project goals.  High risk drinkers & their friends/family/colleagues – If you drink, don’t drive; plan ahead PI&E Committee Completed in June. Bozone and Exponent ads for Late Night Streamline. Increased ridership averaging 60% in the time frame when the ads ran.  Minors after the DARE program/ Underage Drinkers PI&E High School Rodeo Finals project River take out – education 15 Gallatin County DUI Task Force Annual Report, Fiscal 2012 6 Committee project, no action Summer Fair, banners ordered  Taverns and Servers CEASE Award Committee Fiscal 2013 “Overservice” and Compliance Checks funded for Bozeman PD, Fiscal 2013.  Insured and Insurers PI&E Committee Fiscal 2013 Create and educational handout/cost card type item for insurance agencies.  Create new task forces to help implement the plan No action. Pending.  Develop 1 “post-certification” DUI- related workshops for those in the law enforcement field At this time the state has been sponsoring these. Removing this from the Fiscal 2013 plan.  Host a half-day event that brings together various groups that work within the alcohol-reduction/abuse sector. Coordinator September 2012 Hosted the Regional DUI Task Force meeting 9/11.  Host the Ninth Annual Swimming Upstream Awards Upstream Committee 4/12/2012 Expanded focus to alcohol and other drugs. Nominees list started. Awardees to be selected February 23rd. April 12th date. ADSGC co-hosted. Over 100 people in attendance. Media coverage included: Bozeman Magpie; Belgrade news; KBZK news; Madisonian; Chronicle guest column and Sunday Business page. Annual Internal Educational Objectives Responsible Party Timeline Status  Confirm and Identify the people with whom the Task Force should be regularly communicating PI& E Committee Fiscal 2013. Goal for Fiscal 2013.  Develop a data base Coordinator Fiscal 2013. Same  Identify topics of interest and prioritize for articles and workshops Coordinator November 2012; ongoing Presented stats to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council. Discussed 2011 stats with Connie at CMC. She will gene3rate charts and 16 Gallatin County DUI Task Force Annual Report, Fiscal 2012 7 comparisons again for $250. Met with County Attorney to discuss his staff researching and reporting data on felony DUIs.  Continue to develop the website and increase usage of social media for communication Coordinator; PI&E Committee Ongoing  Set up Hootsuite in December to allow to schedule Tweets. Schedule Tweets at least bi-monthly.  Reserved the name, Swimming Upstream 4 Change for Facebook that would include information relevant to that topic  Website has been updated with new links suggested by students who emailed; with current stats; and current Upstream award information CEASE Awards pages were updated in January and April and June. .  Develop a newsletter or e-letter template and timetable for publishing Goal for Fiscal 2013. GOAL 4 – Provide statistical data collections. The Task Force will serve as a source for data about DUI in Gallatin County as required by MCA 61-2-106. Data is made available to the public on the Task Force website and utilized in guest columns/editorials.. Annual Objectives Responsible Party Timeline Status  Complete 2005 through 2010 April/May comparison  Over next two months, work in filling “holes” in the data.  Address how to better research District Court cases Jenna Initial goal completed. Presented to the CJCC in November, 2011. Posted to website December 2011. Complete. Need to fill data holes – Fiscal 2013. Met with County Attorney’s Office to decide how to better address research in District Court and to determine what other data needs to be included. His staff will research felony DUIs for the past three years. 17 Gallatin County DUI Task Force Annual Report, Fiscal 2012 8 Discussed cost for data support with Connie at CMC.;  Collaborate with the Kalispel Court Watch project to produce data that can be compared between the two counties Jenna Complete Incorporated some new data categories in the 2010 research.  Complete annual citation comparison through 2011  Discuss data with a few departments before releasing it. Jenna Complete, January 2012 Significant drop in citations for this year – the lowest since I began tracking data in 2001. Received additional data from the state showing a statewide drop in DUI citations. GOAL 4 –Networking & Partnerships: In three years the DUI Task Force will have strong and formalized partnerships and alliances with key stakeholders in Gallatin County in order to support each other’s programs and avoid duplication of services and programs. Annual Objectives Responsible Party Timeline Status  Identify stakeholders (who we have and who we need?) Fiscal 2013 Needs further work.  Identify 1-3 new or key groups and develop a plan to strengthen the relationship that includes DUITF members regularly Fiscal 2013 Needs further work.  Attend the board meetings of select other organizations Fiscal 2013 Move goal to Fiscal 2013. GOAL 5 – CEASE Awards: In three years the DUI Task Force will have a formalized awarding process that includes mechanisms to solicit applications for awards, make awards, and evaluate outcomes achieved by the awardee. Annual Objectives Responsible Party Timeline Status  Develop a system for tracking awards in-office Jenna Complete June. 01/12 Developed cover sheet check list for file folders .Will begin use in Fiscal 2013. Fiscal 2012 projects filed and closed out.  Develop a process for soliciting applications CEASE Committee Fiscal 2013 Complete The CEASE Committee opted to not promote Awards this Fiscal year but to roll unused funds forward. Will help augment a smaller budget for next year and allow more time to clarify funding priorities for Fiscal 2013. 18 Gallatin County DUI Task Force Annual Report, Fiscal 2012 9 Revamped website instruction sheet and the applications themselves.  CEASE Committee membership updated, new chair elected. CEASE Committee Complete Met February 7th. Room for 2 additional members. Gordon is Committee Chief. April. Committee filled. Orientation held with Terry Profota. Charter updated with clearer ethics line item; job description updated and all applications and instructions updated and strengthened. Approved at May DUI Task Force meeting. Change in Charter: no limit on award size to be approved by the committee. Approved at June DUI Task Force meeting.  Continue to fund & promote: Statute gives “equal weight” to enforcement; education and prevention. CEASE Committee Fiscal 2013 The priority for Fiscal 2013 funds is Overtime Patrols/Contracted Service.  Consistent identification and arrest of DUI drivers by law enforcement Applicants Ongoing MHP overtime; Three Forks Rodeo overtime; NPS Safety Checks; WYPD overtime.  Bar checks for over service to obviously intoxicated persons Applicant Fiscal 2013. June: approved CEASE Application for Bozeman PD Overservice/Compliance Checks for Fiscal 2013.  Equipment purchases & other law enforcement/criminal justice projects as consistent with DUI Task Force mandate and final Fiscal 2011 budget Applicants Pending. Voted at May 8th meeting for final equipment purchase, Fiscal 2012. First votes for Fiscal 2013 applications were in June.  Compliance checks as agreed on in the supplemental funding contract with Montana Highway Traffic Safety Jenna 01/12 In conversation with the GCSO on this. 02/12 Have not heard back. 05/12 Received query about checks and sent application. Bozeman PD application approved.  Safe ride home programs/projects PI&E Committee Through May Supported more consistent promotion of Latenight Streamline 19 Gallatin County DUI Task Force Annual Report, Fiscal 2012 10 though marketing in the Exponent and the Bozone.  Multi-jurisdiction DUI patrols and/or safety checks Applicants As projects are presented to the CEASE Committee. MHP overtime contract is complete. NPS Safety Checks completed in June. GOAL 6 - Advocacy: In three years the DUI Task Force will have effectively engaged in changing DUI-related policy at the local and state level by monitoring/providing educational advocacy. Annual Objectives Responsible Party Timeline Status  Public Policy and Advocacy Committee formed. Jenna June 10/11 Charter is complete. Pull committee together, discuss at May meeting. Doug Lieurance and Jenna met with Becky Sturdevant from the Montana Common Sense Coalition in June.  Work with Montana Common Sense Coalition Jenna & Advocacy Committee Fiscal 2013 The Montana Common Sense Coalition has prioritized legislation (Susan contributed ideas). and is looking for sponsors: http://www.montanacsc.org/  Work with the Bozeman Community Alcohol Coalition Jenna Continuing. Current focus is a Social Host Ordinance but this is also a strong networking group.  Presentations to the county and city commissions Jenna 12/11 County Commission: Jenna and K.C. for 3D month; Jenna on resolution to reform and on annual report. 02/12 Jenna presented on the Amendment to the Resolution and presented 2011 DUI Citation statistics. 06 Jenna attended two County Commission meetings to present on the Fiscal 2013 plan and to be a resource for any questions on the amended Resolution and the new by-laws. 20 Gallatin County DUI Task Force Annual Report, Fiscal 2012 11 Membership: The list is available on the DUI Task Force website at all times. http://www.gallatin.mt.gov/Public_Documents/gallatincomt_dui/task_force Task Force Officers Officers are shown on the website membership list. Meetings The Gallatin County DUI Task Force meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month, five months of the year. Meeting dates and times are easily accessible on the county website: http://www.gallatin.mt.gov/Public_Documents/gallatincomt_duical/?formid=158 Agendas are posted online 48 hours before each meeting. Press releases are sent to the Chronicle announcing each meeting and inviting the public. 2012 Public Information and Education Highlights  See also charts on pages 5 through 7  Press releases sent to the Bozeman Daily Chronicle and Belgrade News before each Task Force meeting. July  Update DUI Task Force logo so it can be used in larger formats like the movie ads  Ordered new key chains for use with new drivers at the Department of Motor Vehicles: Be Bright. Drive Safe and Sober Tonight. Long term Task Forcer project -- 12+ years.  Movie ad running through August August  Letter to the editor: how to make citizen calls about DUI, Mark Allen  Brochure to educate drivers on DUI law and how to call in DUI. Project with ASMSU. Distributed on campus, including University Police and the Dean’s office. September 2010  DUI educational brochure produced and inserted in city water bills.  Host DUI Task Force Regional meeting: students from Drugs and Alcohol class attended along with law enforcement and policy makers.  Purchased Bobcat prevention-message t-shirts for distribution at MSU Football games by KMMS  Article, Dispute over “Catch and Release” DUIs arises, quotes Coordinator  Register URL: 2 years, 1 year. www.gallatinduitaskforce.us; www.mtduifacts.com 21 Gallatin County DUI Task Force Annual Report, Fiscal 2012 12 October  Coordinator and Task Force member present at Drugs and Society class  DUI cost banner to be used at MSU Football games  Article on Plea Bargaining in Belgrade News arises out of DUI stats researchi November:  Mark Allen radio interviews. Free!  CineMedia December:  Register URL www.duimyths.com for one year  CineMedia  Empty dinner party at ArtCraft Printers, downtown  DUI costs Guest column: Chronicle. Belgrade News. West Yellowstone News.  Group ad pages for New Years: Belgrade News and Chronicle.  Begin Late Night Streamline ad campaign in The MSU Exponent. January/February 2011:  Strategy meeting  Super bowl Campaign: “Stickers” went to both Bozeman Town and Country Warehouse grocery stores, Smith’s Grocery; along with Poppa Murphy and Poppa John Pizza stores. The grocery stores placed flyers in pizza and alcohol purchases over the Super Bowl weekend. The pizza businesses included flyers in pre-wrapped pizzas.  Discussed Social Media with specialist Chris Syme. Created a “Swimming Upstream for Change” page and saved it for future use if the Task Force decides to make Social Media a priority.  Begin working on the Swimming Upstream Awards, form committee  Many of the new driver key chains defective, don’t work. Jenna worked with manufacturer to replace half of them.  Coordinator and Task Force member present at Drugs and Society class  Press release, MSU Radar Units funded by DUI Task Force March:  Contact Bozeman PD about interest in DUI Prevention message t-shirts for Run for the Pub participants from their department. No interest from their runners.  Press release re: DUI Task Force inclusion in NHTSA report on DUI Task Forces April:  Becky Sturdevant, presented on Drunk and Drugged Driving at the Courthouse Community room.  2012 Swimming Upstream Awards: about 125 attended. Covered by Bozeman Magpie, KBZK, Bresnan live broadcast, saved and later played by City of Bozeman. Awardees announced in the Sunday Business Section of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle.  Extensive coverage of Megan’s Car in local media as well as Madison County. 22 Gallatin County DUI Task Force Annual Report, Fiscal 2012 13  Megan’s Car’s placed at the Beer Fest in Bozeman ; article on Megan’s Car in Belgrade News May/June:  ASMSU ad campaign for Late Night Streamline ends. Ads ran in the Bozone and in the MSU Exponent. There was a sixty percent increase in ridership over the months the ads ran.  Press release, DUI Task Force featured in NHTSA study.  Removed Screening and Brief Intervention as a priority for this committee. Not coming together here.  High School Rodeo finals t-shirts and photo booth funded by the CEASE Committee. And Tweets throughout. 2012 CEASE Awards Application packet posted on DUI Task Force website: http://www.gallatin.mt.gov/Public_Documents/gallatincomt_dui/grants Budget Item Balance Contracted Services $12,000.00 Overtime Patrols Three Forks Rodeo $1,725.00 $1,719 $0 Final payment made MHP Overtime $3,000.00 $3,000 $0 Balance of submission pending NPS overtime $3,000.00 $3,000 $6,000 Balances pending WYPD Overtime $235.00 $235 Total allocated $7,960.00 $7,954 Roll balance of $4040 in to the budget for Fiscal 2013 Other grants $16,000.00 includes MDT grant funds of about $5000 Bozeman PD Camera $4,459.00 $4,459 $0 Bozeman PD Camera, covered by MDT grant Empty Dinner Party $241.00 $241 $0 Childcare Connections for Empty Dinner Party Megan's Car $1,200.00 $1,200 $0 Megan's Car, Flatbed trailer Streamline Ads $960.00 $960 $960 Late Night Streamline Exponent ads, not yet reimbursed Streamline Ads $690.00 $690 $690 Late Night Streamline Bozone ads, not yet reimbursed High School Rodeo $1,500.00 $1,500 $1,500 High School Rodeo project Detention Center $3,079.13 $3,079 GCSO Detention Center Project; partial funding for project Belgrade PD Camera n/a n/a Funded 1/2 of purchase; funding not utilized Total allocated $12,129.13 $12,129 Roll balance of $3870 in to the budget for Fiscal 2013 23 Gallatin County DUI Task Force Annual Report, Fiscal 2012 14 24