HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/28/2013 City Commission AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 307424 828432 STATE OF MONTANA ) )SS. LEGAL#2841 CITY OF BOZEMAN County of Gallatin PO BOX 1230 BOZEMAN MT 59771 being duly sworn, deposes and says; that he/she is legal ad clerk of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and THE VTY COMMISSION published in Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana; MEETING OF BOZEMAN, and that the notice here unto annexed MONTANA 1128/13 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING Monday,januaty 2$,2013 has been correctly published in the regular and pp entire issues of every number of said paper for I X Call to Order - j$ p.m, c6mm'is'sion Hoom,'City Hall, , I insertions. 121 North Rduse S. Pledge of'Alleglance and , a Moment of,,$Ilance C.ChangestotheAgenda D.Ooheent 1. Authorize Payment of Ac- counts Payable Claims , (LaMores) Said notice was published on: 2. Auth ofte City Manager to, siqp_,south,University Districi! 01/27/2013 EaSenlent$and Irrevocable of. for of Dedication(Johnson) 3. Accept the Building Inspec Lion Division Second Quarter 1 Report for Fiscal Year 2013 , (Risk) 4 Appoint ' Deputy Mayor Krauss=and Commissioner An- drus to Apprpve Depository Subscribed and sworn to before me this Bonds,aodSecurlfies as of D' e- 31st day of January , 2013 oember 31,2012(Plark) S. Approve Resolution No. 4417, annexing Tract B-1A Certificate of Survley No. 23928 as amended, fa y the right-of-way highway acquisi- Not ubtibc for the State of Montana tion and authorize City Manag. -Residing at Bozeman, Montana ,er to sign the related DMon An- nexation Agreement, Applica- tion A-1 200$,(Skelton) DAB GLENNDA BURTON, troy NOTARY PUBLIC for the SEAL State of Montonq Residing of Bozeman.MT My Commission Expires June 28,2016