HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-25-13 Further Develop the 2013-14 City Commission Work PlanDraft City of Bozeman Playbook (Create Clarity) February 19, 2013 Why do we exist? To exercise our citizen mandate to self govern honestly and efficiently. Suggestions • Incorporate the “public” into this phrase; discuss “services”; read the documents created at the time of incorporation; clarify the mandate flows from the citizens; CITY OF BOZEMAN CHARTER PREAMBLE We, the people of the City of Bozeman, under the constitution and laws of the State of Montana, in order to secure the benefits of local self-government and to provide for an honest and accountable commission-manager government, do hereby adopt this charter and confer upon the city the following powers, subject to the following restrictions, and prescribed by the following procedures and governmental structure. By this action, we secure the benefits of home rule and self-governance and affirm the values of representative democracy, professional management, strong political leadership, citizen participation, and regional cooperation. How do we behave? Integrity – Be honest, hardworking, reliable, and accountable to the public. Leadership – Take initiative, lead by example, be innovative and pursue excellence. Service – Work unselfishly for our community and its citizens. Teamwork – Respect others, welcome citizen involvement, and work together to achieve the best result. Suggestions: • Transparency and accountability: where do they fit in? • Leadership: succession planning • Inspire staff to pursue excellence (coaching, etc.) 8 What do we do? Provide for the health and safety of our thriving community for current and future generations. Suggestions: • Future oriented (planning work in all aspects of city business as a framework for the future) • Protect the rights of citizens (e.g. “all are welcome here” issues) • Health, safety, and well-being of the community; “facilitate commerce”; prosperity? Don’t pick the winners; provide legal and physical infrastructure to allow for prosperity; How will we succeed? • Verify that the initiative represents a priority of the community, city commission, and city manager. • Guarantee that management focus on professional delivery of core services and the health of the organization. • Use strong leadership to ensure services and initiatives are sustainable or have a specific life cycle. Suggestions: • planning into the future; mentorship and development of the organization (continuity and leadership); identify needs (planning), determine priority, provide resources (capacity); live within means and set priorities; collaborative leadership 9 Who must do what? Name Title General Responsibilities Sean Becker Mayor Leader of the policy body, presides over meetings, represents city in intergovernmental relationships, ceremonial head of the city Jeff Krauss Deputy Mayor Serves as Mayor whenever the Mayor is unavailable, member of the policy body Cyndy Andrus City Commissioner Elected member of the policy body; representative of the public; and advisory board liaison Chris Mehl City Commissioner Elected member of the policy body; representative of the public; and advisory board liaison Carson Taylor City Commissioner Elected member of the policy body; representative of the public; and advisory board liaison Chris Kukulski City Manager Executive Team Leader, facilitator between City Commission and Leadership Team. Chuck Winn Assistant City Manager ½ of City Management Team, responsible for initiatives that cannot fail. Greg Sullivan City Attorney Legal advice, risk management, counsel and consulting, education, documents (contracts, reports, etc. Ron Price Chief of Police Provide expertise and services in law enforcement and community safety. Provide for order over chaos. Greg Megaard Acting Fire Chief Public safety, public education/safety, inspections, plan reviews, emergency reports. Mitch Overton Director of Parks and Rec Public health and wellness, facilities and programs to enhance community quality of life. Brit Fontenot Director of Economic Development Facilitate prosperity. Anna Rosenberry Administrative Services Director Human resources systems, financial systems, information technology systems, risk management, counsel and consulting. Craig Woolard Director of Public Works Physical infrastructure, construction, operations and maintenance. Executive team member, community/public outreach 10 City Manager Proposed City of Bozeman 2013 – 2014 Priorities (What is most important, right now?) Draft February 12, 2013 Mayor’s proposed ranking 1-11 (#11 came out of the discussion on the 11th and #12- #20 are other ideas pulled from each individual commissioners list 1. Implement the 2012 parks & trails bond to expand the capacity of our parks, trails and open spaces. (Overton/Rosenberry/Sullivan) (PR-02) (Mayor: 1) 2. Complete design of the police station & municipal court and educate the public on the necessity for, and passage of, a bond measure for the November 2013 election. (Winn/Price) (PD-01) 3. Diversify the local economy and support the creation and expansion of mid to high paying jobs. (Fontenot/Kukulski) (ED-01) 4. Enhance Downtown Development Opportunities (2012 work plan) • Collaborate with the Downtown Partnership, Montana Department of Transportation and Transportation Coordinating Committee to finalize design and implement the Downtown Urban Route Transformation Project. • Facilitate development of a downtown hotel as identified in the downtown development plan. 5. Implement financial plans and asset management systems to properly maintain and replace the city’s infrastructure and facilities (Rosenberry/Woolard) (PW-02) 6. Complete the Integrated Water Resource Plan and develop solutions to achieve long term water sustainability (Woolard/Sullivan) (PW-01) 7. Determine the future of Bogert Pool and next steps for aquatics & Recreation (Overton/Kukulski) (PR-01) 8. Assist Gallatin College in securing regional funding. (City Commission) 9. Implement reform of the community development system with an enhanced focus on customer service. (Worthington/Woolard) (CM-01) 10. Complete analysis of advisory boards and alternatives for public involvement (City Commission/Kukulski) (CM-08) 11. Continue implementation of the Climate Action Plans (City Commission/Winn) (CM-04) 11 12. Demolition by Neglect (Adopt the International Building Maintenance Code) (2012 work plan) 13. Park Maintenance 14. EDC to do outreach/marketing 15. Informal town hall type meeting, twice per year 16. Facilitate REMU 17. Solve infill conundrum 18. Franchise signs are not franchise architecture 19. Fix the “conflict of interest” rule for sole proprietors 20. Fix solar array issue – no regulations 21. Story Mansion - Attach the proposed 2013/14 city commission work plan Top 5 priorities as provided by: Commissioner 1 1. PD & Muni Court 2. Park & Trail Bond utilization 3. Bogert Pool 4. Economic Development a. North Park b. Gallatin College c. Downtown d. CD office 5. IWRP Commissioner 2 1. Economic Development 2. Downtown 3. Successfully start implementing parks and trails bond 4. Continue work on maintenance 5. Gallatin College Commissioner 3 1. Finish IWRP 2. Parks Acquisition, begin focus on park maintenance 3. Climate Action Plan---Next pieces 4. Continue new police station 5. North Park/Economic Development—more clarity Honorable mention 6. IBMC—demolition by neglect and others 7. Story Mansion---if necessary 12 Commissioner 4 1) Continue to fund deferred maintenance 2) Next steps in IWRP 3) Continued implementation of the climate action plans 4) Police/Court facility 5) Continue North Park discussion/work 6) Consolidate/eliminate boards/committees as necessary Commissioner 5 1. Funding Gallatin College county wide but maintain city funding until that happens 2. Use budget for Bogert pool to jumpstart a conversation about a new pool 3. Change culture of CD & engineering to customer service 4. EDC to do outreach/marketing, Brit to report to the Commission 5. Informal town hall type meeting, twice per year 6. Facilitate REMU 7. Get armory hotel built 8. Solve infill conundrum 9. Get Sullivan the help he needs 10. Franchise signs are not franchise architecture 11. Fix the “conflict of interest” rule for sole proprietors 12. Fix solar array issue – no regulations 13. Make sure the downtown hotel goes thru without the staff loading all of the traffic and engineering problems downtown onto the price tag. 13 City of Bozeman Commission/Staff Work Session NOTES The Madison Room – City Hall February 11, 2013 Attendees – Mayor Sean Becker, Deputy Mayor Jeff Krauss, Commissioner Cyndy Andrus, Commissioner Carson Taylor, Commissioner Chris Mehl, Chris Kukulski, Brit Fontenot, Ron Price, Anna Rosenberry, Greg Sullivan, Greg Megaard, Chuck Winn, Craig Woolard, Mitch Overton, Susan Gregory, Steve Worthington, Stacy Ulmen. Objectives for the Day 1. Build a cohesive leadership team – enhance teamwork 2. Create Clarity - Draft 2013-2014 Work Plan What will we commit to do to strengthen the relationship? We reviewed these statements from our 2012 retreat and made a few updates. As Staff, we will … • Be more collaborative, strategic, thoughtful and thorough in our processes and appropriately communicate that to the public and the commission. • Communicate the expectations and obligations within our own departments. • Be forgiving. Don’t take it personal. • Be willing to engage in the dialogue when appropriate. As the Commission, we will … • Commit to asking questions ahead of time. o Contact the director or staff directly. o cc the City Manager or Director to let them know we have contacted a staff member. • We will treat the staff with respect. We reviewed the expectations and obligations charts from 2012 and made a few updates. What expectations and obligations do we have of each other? As identified during the 2013 city commission retreat with staff 14 2013 Leadership Team Expectations & Obligations Quad What the Commission expect from the Staff? • Be diligent and prepared • Communicate simply and thoroughly • Minimize surprises • Be ethical and objective • Be dedicated • Be creative and take risks • Be experts in your field • Implement policy skillfully • Understand the value of citizen trust of our local government What the Staff expect from the Commission? • Provide clear direction - speak as a “body” • Realistic expectations – time & resources to do a good job • Acknowledge work; workload; professional perspective • Provide the opportunity for constructive dialogue and feedback • Minimize surprises and frontload questions when possible. • Provide mutual respect • Be prepared What is the Commission obligated to contribute to the Staff? • Act in a transparent, ethical, respectful manner • Be prepared and ask good questions • Respect constraints • Set policy, goals and priorities – then fund • No ad hoc decisions What is the Staff obligated to contribute to the Commission? • Anticipate issues and provide options and solutions • Maximize our resources • Providing accurate and complete information - candid advice • Coordination amongst our staff • Provide sound recommendations with highest probability of success • Mutual respect • Be available and to listen • Carry out whatever decision is made 15 The Model Relationship between the Commission and Staff What the Commission expects from the Staff? • No surprises • Communicate in lay terms • Be conscious of community values and sensitive to them • Make sound recommendations (reliable, professional, factual, unemotional) • Demonstrate commitment to the organization and the community • Understand the value of citizen trust of our local government What the Staff expects from the Commission? • Broad policy direction as opposed • to involvement in day-to-day • decisions • Respectful consideration for professional judgment and the staff personally • Trust that staff’s motives are oriented towards the public good • Provide freedom and resources to carry out our mission • Speak as a body What is the Commission obligated to contribute to the Staff? • Back up the staff • Trust staff’s recommendations • Respect staff expertise, training, and knowledge • Provide latitude in carrying out • Do our job skillfully and with integrity • Provide the best professional recommendations • Encourage community input goals • Educate the community • Communicate our priorities as a body What is the Staff obligated to contribute to the Commission? • Do our job skillfully and with integrity • Provide the best professional recommendations • Encourage community input goals • Educate the community • Communicate our priorities as a body • Maintain a professional demeanor • Demonstrate our commitment to the city and community • Identify policy issues and take them to the governing body • Be responsive to governing body needs and requests • Provide best practices and benchmark with high quality peer institutions • Provide a range of options and explain consequences of policy recommendations • Educate the council POLITICS AND ADMINISTRATION IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT John Nalbandian 16