HomeMy WebLinkAboutWork Session February 11, 2013.pdf LEADERSHIP TEAM WORK SESSION February 11, 2013 s/23/82 1 X zt "Look! Look, gentlemen ! Purple mountains! Spacious skies! Fruited plains! ... Is someone writing this down?" Leadership Team Discussion February 11, 2013 Meetiny- Obiectives A. Build a Cohesive Leadership Team — Enhance Teamwork 1. Determine what expectations and obligations we have of each other. 2. Review The Advantage - Organizational Health Model 3. The Advantage: Teamwork Model - "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team" B. Create Clarity 1. Create Clarity by answering six questions 2. Review Matrix used to help set Department and Director Team Priorities 3. Review Director Team Priorities 4. Review Department Priorities 5. Review City Manager's proposed City Commission Work Plan A. Build a Cohesive Leadership Team — Enhance Teamwork 1. Determine what expectations and obligations we have of each other. a. Review the Wilmarth summary from January 2012 b. Review the chant as defined by City of Bozeman c. Review the model relationship d. Revise the chart and commitment as necessary 2. The Advantage: Organizational Health Model a. Review and apply The Advantage — The case for Organizational Health (Please review the book and/or City Manager Kukulski's notes) • Two Requirements for Success • Smart as the baseline - where do we stand as a team of 17? • Organizational Health as the trump card - it is messy and must be maintained on an ongoing basis Why don't most organizations focus on "organizational health" - most believe it is beneath them. - Patrick Lencioni I've become absolutely convinced that the seminal difference between successful companies and mediocre or unsuccessful ones has little, if anything, to do with what they know or how smart they are, it has everything to do with how healthy they are. - Patrick Lencioni Discipline 1: Build a Cohesive Leadership Team • dysfunction and lack of cohesion at the top inevitably lead to a lack of health throughout Discipline 2: Create Clarity (to be discussed in the second meeting objective) • Creating clarity by answering the six questions Discipline 3: Over-Communicate Clarity • Clearly, repeatedly, enthusiastically & repeatedly • No such thing as too much communication when it comes to repeating the priorities Discipline 4: Reinforce Clarity • Every policy, program and activity should be designed to remind employees what is really important 3. The Advantage: Teamwork Model- "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team" - Patrick Lencioni (A guide for our director team since 2005) a. Building Trust • Refer back to chart and conin itinents developed in 2012 b. Mastering Conflict • When there is trust, conflict becomes nothing but the pursuit of truth, an attempt to find the best possible answer. What does mastering conflict look like for this team? c. Achieving Commitment • A team cannot achieve commitment if they do not engage in conflict. If people don't weigh in, they can't buy in. d. Embracing Accountability Even well intentioned members of a team need to be held accountable e. Focusing on the Results • Achievement of results is the ultimate point of building greater trust, conflict, commitment and accountability. City of Bozeman Commission/Staff Retreat Water Reclamation Facility Conference Room January 30, 2012 Attendees — Mayor Sean Becker, Deputy Mayor Jeff Krauss, Commisioner Cyndy Andrus, Commissioner Carson Taylor, Commissioner Chris Mehl, Debbie Arkell, Chris Kukulski, Ron Dingman, Brit Fontenot, Trisha Gowen, Tim McHarg, Ron Price, Anna Rosenberry, Brendan Steele, Greg Sullivan, Chuck Winn, Mark Willmarth (facilitator) Objectives for the Day 1. Further develop the Commission/Staff Partnership 2. Increase Successes/Decrease Failures 3. Draft 2012-2013 Work Plan What expectations and obligations do we have of each other? Mayor and Commission were in one group and the Staff were split into two group. STAFF Expectations of Commission by Staff(Group 1) • Being Prepared. o Packets are out to the Commission and Public 6 days in advance of meeting o Exchange of information prior to meeting. Clear communication. • Open two way dialogue. This has been increasing. • Resources and realistic expectations. We need the time and operation to get the job done well. • Mutual respect • Collective Commission direction/Clear direction o The Commission as a "body." o Majority Expectations of Commission by Staff(Group 2) • Clear direction/clear expectations • Acknowledge work/workload/professional perspective • Opportunity for constructive dialogue/feedback • Minimize surprises/frontload questions when possible Obligations of Staff to the Commission (Group 1) • Provide accurate and complete information • Sound recommendations with highest probability of success • Mutual respect • To be available and to listen • Carry out whatever decision is made Obligations of Staff to the Commission (Group 2) • Anticipate issues and provide options/solutions • Maximize our resources • Providing good and thorough information—candid advice • Coordination amongst our staff Commission —� Expectations of Staff by Commission o Diligence/Preparedness o Ability to communicate simply/thoroughly o Ethical/objective o Dedication • Creativity and Risk Taking o Expertise/Ability to implement Obligations of Commission to the Staff o Act in a transparent, ethical, respectful manner o Preparedness/ask good questions o Respect constraints o Set policy, goals and priorities—then fund What will we commit to do to strengthen the relationship? As Staff, we will ... ® Be more collaborative, strategic, thoughtful and thorough in our processes and appropriately communicate that to the public and the commission. o Communicate the expectations and obligations within our own departments. o Be forgiving. Don't take it personal. o Be willing to engage in the dialogue when appropriate. As the Commission, we will ... Commit to asking questions ahead of time. o Contact the director or staff directly. o cc the City Manager or Director to let them know we have contacted a staff member. o When staff are doing what we expect, we will treat them with respect in public. What expectations and obligations do we have of each other? As identified during the 2012 city commission retreat with staff What the Commission expect from the What the Staff expect from the Staff? Commission? • Be diligent and prepared • Provide clear direction - speak as a • Communicate simply and thoroughly "body" • Be ethical and objective • Realistic expectations — time & • Be dedicated resources to do a good job • Be creative and take risks • Acknowledge work; workload; • Be experts in your field professional perspective • Implement policy skillfully • Provide the opportunity for constructive dialogue and feedback • Minimize surprises and frontload questions when possible. • Provide mutual respect • Be prepared What is the Commission obligated to What is the Staff obligated to contribute to the Staff? contribute to the Commission? • Act in a transparent, ethical, respectful • Anticipate issues and provide manner options and solutions • Be prepared and ask good questions • Maximize our resources • Respect constraints • Providing accurate and complete • Set policy, goals and priorities — then information - candid advice fund • Coordination amongst our staff • Provide sound recommendations with highest probability of success • Mutual respect • Be available and to listen • Carry out whatever decision is made The Model Relationship between the Commission and Staff What the Commission expects from the What the Staff expects from the Staff? Commission? • No surprises • Broad policy direction as opposed • Communicate in lay terms • to involvement in day-to-day • Be conscious of community values • decisions and sensitive to them • Respectful consideration for • Make sound recommendations professional judgment and the (reliable, professional, factual, staff personally unemotional) • Trust that staff s motives are • Demonstrate commitment to the oriented towards the public good organization and the community • Provide freedom and resources to • Understand the value of citizen trust carry out our mission of our local government • Speak as a body What is the Commission obligated to What is the Staff obligated to contribute to contribute to the Staff? the Commission? • Back up the staff • Do our job skillfully and with integrity • Trust staffs recommendations • Provide the best professional • Respect staff expertise, training, and recommendations • Encourage community input goals knowledge . Educate the community • Provide latitude in carrying out . Communicate our priorities as a body • Do our job skillfully and with . Maintain a professional demeanor integrity • Demonstrate our commitment to the city • Provide the best professional and community recommendations • Identify policy issues and take them to the governing body • Encourage community input goals . Be responsive to governing body needs • Educate the community and requests • Communicate our priorities as a • Provide best practices and benchmark body with high quality peer institutions • Provide a range of options and explain consequences of policy recommendations • Educate the council POLITICS AND ADMINISTRATION IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT John Nalbandian The Advantage Outline (Kukulski) November 10, 2012 The Case for organizational Health Why don't most organizations focus on 'organizational health"— most believe it is "beneath them" Integrity— an organization has integrity when it is whole, consistent and complete; when its management, operations, strategy and culture fit together and make sense. Two requirements for success Smart Healthy Strategy Minimal politics Marketing Minimal confusion Finance High morale Technology High productivity Low turnover (good employees) "'I've become absolutely convinced that the seminal difference between successful companies and mediocre or unsuccessful ones has little, if anything, to do with what they know or how smart they are it has everything to do with how healthy they are." Healthy Trumps Intelligence "an organization that is healthy will inevitably get smarter over time." • They learn from one another • Identify critical issues • Recover quickly from mistakes • Cycle through problems • Rally around solutions quickly • They create culture in which employees do the same "Leaders who pride themselves on expertise and intelligence often struggle to acknowledge their flaws and learn from peers. They aren't as easily open and transparent with one another, which delays recovery from mistakes and exacerbates politics and confusion." "People who work in unhealthy organizations eventually come to see work as drudgery." 1 • The only reason a person should be on a team is that they represent a key part of the organization or brings truly critical talent or insight to the table. "If an organization is led by a team that is not behaviorally unified, there is no chance that it will become healthy." Is our team behaviorally unified? What needs change? 1. Disrespect of teammates? Other city employees 2. Feel confident in carrying out their responsibilities • Must invest time and energy into making the team cohesive • A real team is more like a basketball team vs. a golf/track/cross country team • Teamwork is not a virtue—it is a choice. Two critical ways you must communicate 1) Advocacy—stating your case and making your point 2) Inquiry— (more important than advocacy) ask questions to seek clarity about another person's statement of advocacy Collective responsibility • Selfless and shared sacrifices from team members Can anyone think of an example in our leadership team? • Spend many hours working together on issues that often don't fall directly within their responsibility • Enter into difficult uncomfortable discussions, even bringing up thorny issues with colleagues about their short comings, in order to solve problems. "while there will always be a need for division of labor and departmental expertise, leadership team members must see their goals as collective and shared when it comes to managing the top priorities of the greater organization." Behavioral principals that every team must embrace: Behavior 1: Building Trust - Members of a truly cohesive team must trust one another • Vulnerability based trust—completely comfortable being transparent and honest. o Acknowledge mistakes they make o Acknowledge when others have better ideas o Apologize 3 Conflict avoidance "When leadership team members avoid discomfort among themselves , they only transfer it in far greater quantities to larger groups of people throughout the organization they're supposed to be serving," • Individuals participate in conflict in different ways Why would team members who don't engage in conflict start to resent one another? • When people fail to be honest, their disagreements fester and ferment over time until it transforms into frustration around the person. • When individuals fail to share their disagreement with a team member's opinion,they allow themselves to quietly lose respect for their colleague. o Frustration sets in o They tend to tolerate vs trust o Facial expressions and body language become problematic o Hurtful and disrespect The Conflict Continuum �`de0i corf f it$ Fv 6 YNf Constructive Destructive I Artificial Harmony ; Mean-Spirited - Personal Attacks • In any team, someone at some point is going to step over the line and say or do something that isn't constructive, rather than fearing this, accept that it will happen and learn to manage it. • Mining for conflict o always suspect there is unearthed disagreement lurking o Gently demand people come clean "When team members aren't comfortable being vulnerable, they aren't going to feel comfortable or safe engaging in conflict. If that's the case,then no amount of training or discussion around conflict is going to bring it about. Trust must be established if real conflict is to occur." 5 • The more comfortable the leader is holding team members accountable, the less likely they have to do it. • To hold someone accountable is to care about them enough to risk having them blame you for pointing out their deficiencies • There is nothing noble about withholding information that can help an employee improve Behavior vs Measurable Confronting someone about their behavior is much more difficult than confronting measurable performance. It involves a judgment call that is more likely to provoke a defensive response. • Behavioral problems almost always proceed—and cause—a downturn in performance and results. • Conflict is about issues and ideas, while accountability is about performance and behavior. • It is much harder for most people to hold on another accountable because it involves something of a personal, behavioral judgment. Although every case is unique, generally accountability is handled with the entire team unless you're dealing with a serious issue (in this case it should be handled privately). The leader needs to communicate that the issue is being dealt with to avoid unproductive and dangerous speculation. Behavior 5: Focusing on Results—The ultimate pointe of building greater trust, conflict, commitment and accountability is one thing: the achievement of results • No matter how good a leadership team feels about itself, and how noble its mission might be, if the organization it leads rarely achieves its goals, then, by definition, it's simply not a good team. • One of the greatest challenges to team success is inattention to results. • Too many leaders have a greater affinity for and loyalty to the department they lead rather than the team they're a member of and the organization they are supposed to be collectively serving. • Other distractions include, individual career development, budget allocations, status and ego—all prevent teams from being obsessed with results. • Cohesive teams share goals across the entire team • Great teams ensure that all members, in spite of their individual responsibilities and areas of expertise, are doing whatever they can to help the team accomplish its goals. 7 o Leadership o Service o Teamwork • Are the city's core values still relevant/correct? • Core values vs aspirational values • Permission-to-play values— minimal behavior standards that are required o Doesn't serve to define or differentiate the city: honesty, integrity, respect o Integrity—what do we do with this? • Every activity, every employee we hire & promote, every policy must reflect our core values Question 3: What do we do? • Can the leadership team describe the nature of our business clearly and accurately? • No adverbs or qualifiers, no unnecessarily detailed descriptions Question 4: How will we succeed? • "An organizations strategy is nothing more than the collection of intentional decisions a company makes to give itself the best chance to thrive and differentiate from competitors." • Strategic anchors • Strategic branding • See page 116 Strategic Schools • "Many leadership teams struggle with not wanting to walk away from opportunities. Strategic anchors give them the clarity and courage to overcome these distractions and stay on course." Question 5: What is most important, right now? • This will have the most immediate and tangible impact • Avoids organizational ADD and silos • Most organizations have too many top priorities —almost always results in mediocrity & failure to accomplish what matters most • "every organization, if it want to create a sense of alignment and focus, must have a single top priority within a given period of time." • The thematic goal o Singular o Qualitative o Temporary—achievable within 3 — 12 months 9 Discipline 4: Reinforce Clarity An organization has to institutionalize its culture without bureaucratizing it! • Make sure every human system and process is designed to reinforce the answers to the six questions. • The best human systems are simple and lack sophistication —there purpose is to keep employees focused on what is important NOT avoiding lawsuits or emulating someone else • Human systems give an organization a structure for tying its operations, culture, and management together, even when leaders aren't around to remind people. Recruiting & Hiring • Too many organizations have not defines exactly what the right and wrong people look like • Too much emphasis on technical skills • Gut Feel vs Structure—processes that are overly structured tend to diminish the role of judgment in selecting good people • Goal of any hiring process—find people who fit the culture and have the best chance to succeed • The best approach to hiring is to put just enough structure in place to ensure a measure of consistency and adherence to core values—and NO MORE. • Too much structure almost always interferes with a person's ability to use their common sense. Hiring for Fit • Without a clear understanding of what a culture fit or misfit looks like, and without the active involvement of the leadership team, even the most sophisticated hiring process will fail. Orientation • The biggest impact, are in the first days and weeks on the job • The value of bringing in new employees with clarity, enthusiasm, and a sense of their importance is critical and should never be wasted 11 • More often they are boring, unfocused, wasteful & frustrating • Don't try to eliminate or reduce time in meetings by combining or cutting short The Four Meetings • Administrative Daily Check—in 5-10 minutes • Tactical Weekly staff 45-90 minutes • Strategic Adhoc topical 2-4 hours • Developmental Quarterly off-site 1-2 days Daily Check In 5-10 minutes • No agenda, quick resolution to minor issues— primarily an exchange of info • Stand don't sit • Helps to avoid confusion and busywork • Will take several weeks to get used to • "do you realize how busy we are trying to solve problems that result from our lack of communication? We can't possibly spend ten minutes every day preventing them!" Tactical staff meeting 45-90 minutes • Real-Time agenda • Every member takes 30 seconds to report 2 or 3 key activities that are top priorities for the week. Adhoc Topical Meeting 2-4 hours Quarterly off-site Reviews • Stepping back to get a fresh perspective • Review strategic anchors &thematic goal • Assess the performance of key employees • Discuss industry changes and competitive threats • Revisit—team, clarity, communication and human systems • Less frequently usually means people forget what was last discussed and make continuity and progress unlikely. Too Much Time in Meetings? Productive meetings are a great use of time. 13 PATRICK LENCIOt`II _ Advantage: I THE Organizational Health Model ADVANTAGE 6 WH•ORGANISATIONAL NE4:TN rRUNPS FVFRYTNING Ft;E IN eus:YESS • ORGANIZATIONAL HEALTH G • 0 0 Discipline 1: Build a Cohesive Discipline 3: Over-Communicate Clarity Leadership Team Healthy organizations align their employees around organizational Cohesive teams build trust.eliminate politics.and increase clarity by communicating key messages through . efficiency by... r Repetition:Don't be afraid to repeat the same message. ■ Knowing one another's unique strengths and weaknesses again and again ■ Simplicity:The more complicated the message,the more ■ Openly engaging in constructive ideological conflict potential for confusion and inconsistency r Holding one another accountable for behaviors and actions ■ Multiple mediums:People react to information in many ways: ■ Committing to group decisions use a variety of mediums ■ Cascading messages Leaders communicate key messages Discipline 2: Create Clarity to direct reports.the cycle repeats itself until the message is heard by all Healthy organizations minimize the potential for confusion by clarifying... Discipline 4: Reinforce Clarity ■ Why do we exist? Organizations sustain their health by ensuring consistency in . r How do we behave? ■ What do we do? r Hiring r r How will we succeed? Managing performance •What is most important.right now? ■ Rewards and recognition r Who must do what? r Employee dismissal the table group -- _ �£-� -,.• I_ P n: i..., 8 Patrick lent ion, tump;,ny Simple 1organizations PATRICK L[NCIONI THE Advantage: Teamwork Model ADVANTAGE WNv ONGANIZA1104AL NEALTN TAUxxS EYENY1xING[LSE IN Nu51NESS Focusing on... - - Embracing... Achieving... Mastering... Building... i #1: Building Trust #4: Embracing Accountability Team members who[rust one another are comfortable being After commitment is established,team members must be willing open,even exposed.to one another about their failures, to hold one another accountable and remind each other when weaknesses.and fears. actions are counterproductive to the team. #2: Mastering Conflict #5: Focusing on Results When trust is present.teams are able to engage in unfiltered Collective team results must supersede any departmental or ideological debate around ideas,issues and decisions that personal objectives or pursuits. must be made. #3: Achieving Commitment The ability to engage in conflict and provide input enables team members to buy-in or commit to decisions. t _ ' . . -. I the table group 10 rr. . I k,. T I; a pan,CK I A C 10n cc np�r,y Simple wisdom for organizations. B. Create Clarity 1. Create Clarity by answering the following six questions (review DRAFT City of Bozeman Playbook) a. Why do we exist? b. How do we behave? c. What do we do? d. How will we succeed? e. What is most important right now? f. Who must do what? 2. Review Matrix used to help set Department and Director Team Priorities (matrix to be provided and reviewed during the meeting) a. Discuss Criteria Developed b. Create imperfect but deliberate measurable tools to differentiate initiatives. 3. Review Director Team Priorities (matrix to be provided and reviewed during the meeting) 4. Review Department Priorities 5. Review City Manager's proposed City Commission Work Plan a. Mayor and Commissioners Stated Goals b. Input received by Boards/Committees c. Consideration of what is not on the list and other initiatives Draft City of Bozeman Poaybook (Create Clarity) February 7, 2013 Why do we exist? To exercise our mandate to self govern honestly and efficiently. How do we behave? Integrity — Be honest, hardworking, reliable, and accountable to the public. Leadership — Take initiative, lead by example, and be open to innovative ideas, improve every day. Service — Work unselfishly for our community and its citizens. Teamwork — Respect others, welcome citizen involvement, and work together to achieve the best result. What do we do? Provide for the health and safety of our community and facilitate prosperity. How will we succeed? • Ensure services or initiatives are based on community needs. • Determine if we have the capacity and resources available to do it well and in a timely manner. What do we need to stop doing? • Make sure the initiative is a priority of the community, city commission, and city manager • Focus on our core services and the health of our organization Who must do what? Name Title General Responsibilities Sean Becker Mayor Leader of the policy body, presides over meetings, represents city in intergovernmental relationships, ceremonial head of the city Jeff Krauss Deputy Mayor Serves as Mayor whenever the Mayor is unavailable, member of the policy body Cyndy Andrus City Commissioner Elected member of the policy body; representative of the public; and advisory board liaison Chris Mehl City Commissioner Elected member of the policy body; representative of the public; and advisory board liaison Carson Taylor City Commissioner Elected member of the policy body; representative of the public; and advisory board liaison Chris Kukulski City Manager Executive Team Leader, facilitator between City Commission and Leadership Team. Chuck Winn Assistant City Manager % of City Management Team, responsible for initiatives that cannot fail. Greg Sullivan City Attorney Legal advice, risk management, counsel and consulting, education, documents (contracts, reports, etc. Ron Price Chief of Police Provide expertise and services in law enforcement and community safety. Provide for order over chaos. Greg Megaard Acting Fire Chief Public safety, public education/safety, inspections, plan reviews, emergency reports. Mitch Overton Director of Parks and Public health and wellness, facilities and Rec programs to enhance community quality of life. Brit Fontenot Director of Economic Facilitate prosperity. Development Anna Rosenberry Administrative Human resources systems, financial Services Director systems, information technology systems, risk management, counsel and consulting. Craig Woolard Director of Public Physical infrastructure, construction, Works operations and maintenance. Executive team member, community/public outreach Team Profile Name Type Strengths and Areas for Improvement Sean Becker Jeff Krauss Cyndy Andrus Chris Mehl Carson Taylor Chris Kukulski ESTP Strength— Practical, adaptable, sensitive to inaction, will ignore policies and procedures to creatively adapt to problems or situations Improve—Clearly define priorities, must focus on completing what I start Chuck Winn ESTJ Strength—Organization, accountability, anticipate problems and participate in solutions. Improve— More patience, more forgiving, let things go. Greg Sullivan ENTP Strength— Resolve problems/solve issues, complete a project, supporting others. Improve— Managing my time, prioritizing, supporting others. Ron Price ENTP Strength—Willing to bring ideas or offer alternatives. Risk —Both ways tempered. Improve— Lack patience—get it done and get out. Can be "flighty'/ lack organization. Greg Megaard ESTJ Strength—Structure,follow through, work well with others, ownership in team (loyal). Improve— Learning to say no and realize it is ok. Mitch Overton ENFP Strength —Vast array of experience in my field,the ability to overcome challenges with a positive attitude, vision for my department and for the City. Improve— Be less defensive when I feel my department is being undervalued. Brit Fontenot ENTJ Strength— Hard work and positive attitude, problem solver, project leadership, believe in what I do,thoughtful. Improve— Professional development/skills/ Expertise, can't be everything to everyone. Anna Rosenberry ISTJ Strength— Fact based and organized, can help build and carry out organized plans. Improve—Very frustrated by chaos which leads me to be negative. Craig Woolard ISTP Strength—Good at interfaces between disciplines, strong analytical skills, clear thinking problem solver, sense of urgency, good judge of people. Improve—Jump to conclusions without bringing others along, easily bored —disengage, under communicate with workforce, over analyze/micromanage. BO Friday, February 08,2013 V 9�, 9:35:09 AM _* Director Team Priorities 7• �2� !Initiative Titl. : Improve Asset Management Program Utilizing GIS for Decision Making and Customer Service for each PW Division Project Leader: cwoolard@bozeman.net Department ID: PW-02 Total Score: 33 Completed? Current Status: Collecting current CoB asset information. Developing workplan for updating asset information and developing project prioritization methodology. Evaluating options for upgrading Cityworks to provide enterprise access. Initiative Develop the asset condition assessment systems and level of service/risk of failure measures to to accurately Description: plan and fund the maintenance and replacement of street, park, recreation, and city-owned building infrastructure. Key Staff: Woolard, Rosenberry,Winn Timeframes: Initial condition assessment complete and integrated into GIS by Q3 for public works assets. CityWorks in use for Streets by Q2. Level of service/risk tolerance measures documented by Q4. 15 year capital program established for CIP budget process in 2 Desired Commision Involvement: Review of condition assessment findings. Review and approval of major level of service/risk of failure policies. .datN,e Title: New Police Station Design and Construction Im Project Leader: cwinn@bozeman.net Department ID: PD-01 Total Score: 31 Completed? ❑ Current Status: Efforts to engage the County on a joint design have not yielded positive results.We have sent a letter requesting permission to proceed independently on a Municipal Courts and Police building. Initiative Begin the design and plan for construction of a new Police and Municipal Courts facility as described in the City's Description: adopted CIP.The project includes negotiations with Gallatin County for the site location and collaboration for shared spaces with the Gallatin County Sheriff. Key Staff: Price,Winn, Kukulski, Rosenberry,Sullivan Timeframes: February 15 County Commission action on our request for property Desired Commision Involvement: Commission Approval of: property purchase(Spring 13), project budget and bond election approval (late spring 13) Page 1 of 6 Initiative Title: ;Advance Phase II of the Recreation and Aquatics Feasibility Study Project Leader: moverton@bozeman.net Department ID: PR-01 Total Score: 31 Completed? Current Status: Next Steps-Off List and to Parks and Recreation work plan Initiative Determine the future of Bogert Pool Description: Implement recommended Option in Study Key Staff: Overton,Winn, McCarthy,Saitta Timeframes: March 25=key recommendations to Commission Desired Commision Involvement: Commission will have to accept and/direct staff to proceed with initiative Initiative Title: Story Mansion Plan Project Leader: ckukulski@bozeman.net Department ID: CM-02 Total Score: 30 Completed? Current Status: Initiative Prepare to respond to the Expiration of the Friends Of Story Purchase Agreement on 2/28/2013. Develop sound Description: staff recommendations on how to proceed. Key Staff: Kukulski Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Contract and Procurement Manual and Contract Templates Project Leader: gsullivan@bozeman.net Department ID: CA-01 Total Score: 30 Completed? Current Status: Engineering and architectural professional services generally have completed templates; bid-purchase template generally complete; misc. pro service template complete; need procurement/purchasing policy and docs for risk transfer& insurance/indemnification Initiative Develop and implement a comprehensive policy and educational manual and program for contracting and Description: purchasing of goods and services to include mandatory contract requirements, contract/bidding templates,and required procedures; clarify authority for entering into contracts; integrate current purchasing policy; integrate buy local policy Key Staff: Sullivan, Cooper; Engineering; Facilities;Admin.Services Timeframes: Winter - Spring 2013 Desired Commision Involvement: Approval of a resolution on the purchasing policy that delegates some contract approvals to CM; buy local . Page 2 of 6 liut'r:ir ril' : Complete Integrated Water Resource Plan and Develop Implantable Solutions to Achieve Long Term Water Security ject Leader: cwoolard@bozeman.net Department ID: PW-01 Total Score: 29 Completed? Current Status: In process.TAC meeting to finalize options and conduct portfolio analysis will be completed on March 1. Report will be completed in Q3 of 2013 Initiative Complete a plan to secure adequate water resources for community growth over the next 50 years Description: Key Staff: Woolard, Rosenberry, Kukulski Timeframes: Report completed in Q3 of 2013. Project integrated into 15 year capital program Desired Commision Involvement: Approval of IWRP report,Approval of CIP Initi :u ; TI'I : Parks and Trails Bond Implementation Project Leader: moverton@bozeman.net Department ID: PR-02 Total Score: 27 Completed? Current Status: Phase II: Initial Implementation; Provisional Adoption Scheduled for February 25,2013 Commission Initiative Execution of 15 million general obligation Parks,Trails,and Open Space Bond passed Nov. 2 2012 Description: .yStaff: Overton,Sullivan, Rosenberry, Kukulski Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Adopt ordinance establishing PTORC. Pass resolution establishing scoring/evaluation criteria. i Initiative Title: Refinance SRF Loans Project Leader: arosenberry@bozeman.net Department ID: AS-01 Total Score: 25 Completed? Current Status: In process. DNRC is checking to see whether the newest WTP loan can be issued with the lowered rates right now. All other loans need to be closed before the lower rate can be granted. Just Closed WTP - Loan A; Working on closing the FINAL WRF-Digester Loan right now. Initiative Work with the State of Montana DNRC to refinance the WRF and WTP loans to achieve a lower interest rate. Description: Key Staff: Rosenberry,Accountant Timeframes: Not defined sired Commision Involvement: Adoption of Bond/Loan Resolutions Page 3 of 6 Initiative Title: Battalion Chief Hiring Strategy Project Leader: cwinn@bozeman.net Department ID: FD-01 Total Score: 25 Completed? FI Current Status: Developed and assigned the task list and team. Adopted new Delegation of Authority order.Acting Fire Chief is developing the recruitment and selection plan and finalizing the hiring schedule. FD team is drafting the FY14 budget justification. Initiative Develop a strategy to effectively integrate Battalion Chiefs into the Bozeman Fire Department administration Description: team. Key Staff: Megaard,Winn,Sullivan,Jorgenson Timeframes: Prepare for April 1st hire Desired Commision Involvement: FY14 authorization of 2 new BC's. Initiative Title: Impact Fees Update Project Leader: bfontenot@bozeman.net Department ID: ED-02 Total Score: 24 Completed? ❑ Current Status: 3/4 of the IF program is approved (water, sewer and fire).January 28th the commission will discuss the final IF program piece,transportation.Additionally,the CC will discuss ED incentives rooted in the IF program,funding for which is currently unknown. Based on discussion on January 28th,the commission would like to see the framework for a Bozeman EDIFM program, refine the targeted sectors and propose at least 3 mills to fund an EDIF program and additional ED activities. Initiative Update to the impact fee methodology and discuss implementation of the IF policies in the context of the larger Description: economic development goals. NOTE: Risk/Return is measured in dollars so the score below will be low.There may be other returns not measured in precisely the same way. Key Staff: Saunders, Fontenot, Rosenberry,Woolard,Sullivan Timeframes: January 28, 2013 Desired Commision Involvement: January 28, 2013 Commission approval and implementation of the transportation IF program.The Commission approved the ord. providing the authority to create a deferral program.Approval of the ordinance setting the%of fees charged for trans IF was tabl Page 4 of 6 Initiative Title: Implement Reform of the Community Development System with Enhanced Focus on Customer Service Project Leader: ckukulski@bozeman.net Department ID: CM-01 Total Score: 24 Completed? r .Trent Status: Initiative Develop a customer service culture; implement the recommended improvements to the development review Description: process; hire development review manager; build trust and an effective working relationship with the CD staff Key Staff: Kukulski, Worthington Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Initiative Title: Records and Information Management Plan (RIM) Project Leader: cwinn@bozeman.net Department ID: CM-03 Total Score: 23 Completed? Current Status: Regroup and break initiative into smaller achievable goals. Engage new IT Manager in the varied efforts to date and assign action steps and tasks to accomplish. Initiative Develop a plan to manage and improve the City's records retention, information management and public access Description: to records programs.This initiative is inclusive of all forms of municipal records including physical records, electronic records and electronic mail using Laserfiche as our information management platform. -y Staff: Ulmen, Winn, McMahan, Timeframes: To be determined Desired Commision Involvement: Possible adoption of City's IT Plan Iriiti::ti. Tiil;:: Diversify the Local Economy and Support the Creation and Expansion of Mid to High Paying Jobs Project Leader: bfontenot@bozeman.net Department ID: ED-01 Total Score: 22 Completed? Current Status: ongoing Initiative The organizational goal is to encourage the CoB team to consider their role in the org. in the context of economic Description: development and creating mid-to high paying jobs and diversifying the economy through support of the sectors identified by the EDC; 1)manufacturing and fabrication, 2) bio-science and bio-technology, 3) high technology,4) photonics,and 5)the outdoor industry. *NOTE: Financial Risk/Return score is low however,this category ignores other potential, much more difficult to define longterm value, i.e.job creation and diversification. Key Staff: Fontenot and Director Team Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: None at this time Page 5of6 Ti:i�: Negotiate with Riverside Subdivision on Potential Annexation. Project Leader: Woolard Department ID: PW-14 Total Score: Completed? Current Status: Responding to inquires from Riverside board Initiative Work with Riverside to define business case for annexation. Description: Key Staff: Woolard, Kukulski,Worthington Timeframes: Q2 2013 Desired Commision Involvement: Approval of final annexation agreement Page 6 of 6 0 �`S4 • !tj� Thursday. February 07,2013 v` 9:48 =* Administrative Services y`. ZC Initiative Title: Refinance SRF Loans Project Leader: arosenberry@bozeman.net Department ID: AS-01 Department Priority High Total Score: 25 Current Status: In process. DNRC is checking to see whether the newest WTP loan can be issued with the lowered rates right now. All other loans need to be closed before the lower rate can be granted. Just Closed WTP - Loan A; Working on closing the FINAL WRF-Digester Loan right now. Initiative Work with the State of Montana DNRC to refinance the WRF and WTP loans to achieve a lower interest rate. Description: Key Staff: Rosenberry,Accountant Playbook Item 66 Completed? Timeframes: Not defined Desired Commision Involvement: Adoption of Bond/Loan Resolutions Initiative Title: i'Personnel Handbook Update Project Leader: bjorgenson@bozeman.net Department ID: AS-07 Department Priority High Total Score: 22 ..urrent Status: Have beginning Scope of Work; Have understanding of when In-House Legal review will take place; Have recommendation from MMIA on who to solicit vendor bid from. Initiative Comprehensive update to city's employment policies and handbook. Including integration of adopted Description: administrative orders. Key Staff: Rosenberry,Jorgenson,Sullivan Playbook Item Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Potentially None. However, I'm not certain,since they said they wanted to approve changes to our Hiring Policies. CM will need to determine. Page 1 of 4 Initiative Title: Complete Information Technology Plan Project Leader: smcmahan@bozeman.net Department ID: AS-02 Department Priority High Total Score: 2 Current Status: In Development Initiative Work with departments to develop the first city-wide Strategic Information Technology Plan. Description: Key Staff: Scott McMahan Playbook Item Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Possibly None. The capital items identified in this item will become the source of CIP requests in the future. The operating items will become the source of budget requests. Initiative Title: !Pay System Evaluation(pay and benefits) Project Leader: bjorgenson@bozeman.net Department ID: AS-06 Department Priority High Total Score: 18 Current Status: Under contract with PSPC for an update. Conference Call scheduled for 2/1/2013. Initiative Work with consultant to study and recommend non-represented pay system changes for July 1, 2013 Description: compensation. Key Staff: Winn, Rosenberry,Jorgenson Playbook Item ❑ Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Nothing specific. The outcomes will be incorporated into FY14 Budget recommendations. 1Initiative Title: Compete 2015-2020 Capital Improvement Plan Project Leader: arosenberry@bozeman.net Department ID: AS-12 Department Priority High Total Score: Current Status: No Started. Initiative Regular update to CIP. Description: Key Staff: Anna Rosenberry Playbook Item Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Adoption of all parts of the plan. Page 2 of 4 Initiative Title: Complete 2014 Fiscal Year Budget ,oject Leader: arosenberry@bozeman.net Department ID: AS-11 Department Priority High Total Score: Current Status: Budget Calendar is out. Budget Level is created and open. Budget Entry Training was held on 1/24/2013 - with 12 staff members trained. Initiative Begin and complete FY14 Budget Process Description: Key Staff: Anna Rosenberry, Directors Playbook Item El Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: See the Budget Calendar. Next Commission involvement is annual Work Plan adoption. Then, option attendance of Department Budget Presentations(Feb 19-22nd) Initiative Title: iBuild the Administrative Services Team Project Leader: arosenberry@bozeman.net Department ID: AS-08 Department Priority High Total Score: Current Status: Underway. All positions have been filled, except Accountant. Accountant recruitment closes for applications on 1/31/2013. Initiative Sucessfully hire and integrate new accountant into the Finance Department. Effectively train 4 new staff Description: members into the department; HR Manager, HR Specialist, IT Manager,Accountant Key Staff: Rosenberry Playbook Item Completed? Ll Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: None. Initiative Title: Water and Sewer Cost of Service Studies Project Leader: arosenberry@bozeman.net Department ID: AS-05 Department Priority Low Total Score: 23 Current Status: Not Started. Will be undertaken in Fall 2013 at the earliest. Initiative Contract for cost of service studies update for both utilities, after completion of Plant constructions. Description: Key Staff: Accountant, Woolard, Rosenberry Playbook Item ❑ Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Adoption of Studies; Policy Changes for Rate/Cost Methodologies. Page 3 of 4 InitiativeTitle: Risk Management Program/MMIA Analysis Project Leader: aoosenberry@bozeman.net Department ID: AS-03 Department Priority Low Total Score: 2' Current Status: Essentially, not even started. Will come after we complete the Employee Handbook, FY14 Budget and IT Plan, Have had brief conversations with MMIA reps about a possible Risk Management Program outline. Initiative Document and assign responsibilities for distinct areas of Risk Management. Develop a strategy/RFP for Description: insurance coverage consultant in the areas of liability and property insurance. 1. Document the different risk profiles for each of our operations2. Strategically decide what needs to be addressed with our limited resources Key Staff: Rosenberry, Sullivan,Jorgenson Playbook Item Completed? U Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Unknown at this point. Initiative Title: Human Resource Information System Project Leader: bjorgenson@bozeman.net Department ID: AS-04 Department Priority Medium Total Score: 19 Current Status: During Jan 2013 HR office held a live demonstration of Sungard HRis, Online Application portals. Initiative Choose and implernent/migrate to use of an HRiS for applicant,training, and evaluation, compliance tracking. Description: Key Staff: Jorgenson, Rosenberry Playbook Item J Completed. Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Page 4 of 4 o�DO ��4:• Thursday, February 07,2013 p. City Attorney 13:39 +: ....11883_ i O..'60 i Initiative Title: Criminal Justice System Analysis Project Leader: gsullivan@bozeman.net Department ID: CA-03 Department Priority Total Score: 19 Current Status: Not started; major initiate that may not happen until 2014 or beyond Initiative Initiate and complete a cross-departmental evaluation of the city criminal justice function. Identify areas of Description: compliance/non-compliance and potential for increases of efficiency and service delivery; Key Staff: Legal, Police, Courts Playbook Item Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: !Initiative Title: iContract and Procurement Manual and Contract Templates Project Leader: gsullivan@bozeman.net Department ID: CA-01 Department Priority High Total Score: 30 Current Status: Engineering and architectural professional services generally have completed templates; bid-purchase template generally complete; mist. pro service template complete; need procurement/purchasing policy and dots for risk transfer& insurance/indemnification Initiative Develop and implement a comprehensive policy and educational manual and program for contracting and Description: purchasing of goods and services to include mandatory contract requirements, contract/bidding templates,and required procedures; clarify authority for entering into contracts; integrate current purchasing policy; integrate buy local policy Key Staff: Sullivan, Cooper; Engineering; Facilities;Admin. Playbook Item LJ Completed? Services Timeframes: Winter- Spring 2013 Desired Commision Involvement: Approval of a resolution on the purchasing policy that delegates some contract approvals to CM; buy local . Page 1 of 9 Initiative Title: Ethics Program Project Leader: Department ID: CA-18 Department Priority High Total Score: Current Status: Initiative Provide staff support to Ethics Board;assist in development of ethics training curriculum; complete ethics code Description: revisions(ordinance)to conflict of interest provisions Key Staff: Sullivan, Kukulski Playbook Item Completed? F1 Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Initiative Title: Parks and Trails Bond Project Leader: gsullivan@bozeman.net Department ID: CA-21 Department Priority High Total Score: Current Status: Initiative Consult on process; devolop code amendments when necessary(e.g. ordinance for committee); participate in Description: bond sale where necessary; be proactive on real property acquisitions and construction Key Staff: Sullivan,Overton, Rosenberry Playbook Item 0 Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: !Initiative Title: (Close on sale of Story Mansion Project Leader: gsullivan@bozeman.net Department ID: CA-22 Department Priority High Total Score: Current Status: Initiative If no sale,consult on options and procedures for moving forward Description: Key Staff: Sullivan, Kukulski, Rosenberry Playbook Item Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Page 2 of 9 Initiative Title: 'Battalion Chiefs 'roject Leader: cwinn@bozeman.net Department ID: CA-23 Department Priority High Total Score: Current Status: Initiative Consult on various aspects of the creation of positions Description: Key Staff: Sullivan, Winn,Jorgenson, Megaard, Outside Counsel Playbook Item Completed? -� Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Initiative Title: !Maintain accessibility for day to day legal consultations Project Leader: gsullivan@bozeman.net Department ID: CA-07 Department Priority High Total Score: Current Status: Initiative Description: Key Staff: Sullivan, Legal Department Playbook Item Completed? ❑ imeframes: On-going Desired Commision Involvement: ;Initiative Title: Water Reclaimation Facility Project Leader: gsullivan@bozeman.net Department ID: CA-16 Department Priority High Total Score: Current Status: Initiative Work with outside counsel, public works director, and staff to address completion of construction Description: Key Staff: Sullivan, Woolard Playbook Item El Completed? El Ti meframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Page 3 of 9 Initiative Title: iCurrent and Pending Litigation Project Leader: gsullivan@bozeman.net Department ID: CA-02 Department Priority High Total Score: Current Status: Initiative Description: Key Staff: Sullivan, Legal Staff, Outside Counsel as appropriate Playbook Item L-1 Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: f Initiative Title: j2013 Legislature Project Leader: gsullivan@bozeman.net Department ID: CA-15 Department Priority High Total Score: Current Status: Initiative Monitor legislation and the activities of the 2013 Legislature and provide input as needed Description: Key Staff: Direcors Playbook Item U Completed? U Timeframes: Winter and Spring of 2013 Desired Commision Involvement: Staff will update the Commission on Monday nights as needed. Commission to provide staff policy direction as needed. 'Initiative Title: Build City Attorney's Office Team Project Leader: gsullivan@bozeman.net Department ID: CA-14 Department Priority High Total Score: Current Status: Initiative Continue to develop capacity of legal department(staff/budget/technology) Description: Key Staff: Sullivan, Legal Team Playbook Item ❑ Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Page 4 of 9 Initiative Title: Issues tied to Community Development: Improvements Agreements; bankruptcies; building restrictions, etc. ~oject Leader: gsullivan@bozeman.net Department ID: CA-13 Department Priority Low Total Score: 22 Current Status: Initiative Description: Key Staff: Sullivan, CD Director Playbook Item C-1 Completed? L Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Initiative Title: 'Buy Local Initiative Project Leader: Department ID: CA-11 Department Priority Low Total Score: 10 Current Status: Initiative Conduct research on a buy local initiative; after Commission policy adoption incorporate into Description: Contract/Procurement Manual Key Staff: Playbook Item Completed? rneframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Initiative Title: Codification Part II Project Leader: Department ID: CA-12 Department Priority Medium Total Score: 22 Current Status: Initiative Continue to review and reform the Bozeman Municipal Code to ensure the code meets all legal requirements and Description: that current practices are reflected in the code.This is an extension of the 2011 codification project and will resolve dozens of issues identified as needing reform during codification. Key Staff: Playbook Item El Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Page 5 of 9 Initiative Title: !Options to prevent unnecessary demolition of historic structures Project Leader: gsullivan@bozeman.net Department ID: CA-05 Department Priority Medium Total Score: 2.' Current Status: Initiative Evaluate alternative policy and regulatory requirements to address preservation of historic structures such as the Description: fagade of the Lehrkind Brewery. Key Staff: Legal, Planning Playbook Item Completed? j Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Initiative Title: Inventory for Park Maintenace Obligations Project Leader: gsullivan@bozeman.net Department ID: CA-26 Department Priority Medium Total Score: Current Status: Initiative Description: Key Staff: Sullivan, Overton Playbook Item Completed? LJ Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Initiative Title: !Armory Armory Hotel Project Leader: gsullivan@bozeman.net Department ID: CA-19 Department Priority Medium Total Score: Current Status: Initiative Consult on various aspects including parking agreements(lease/permits), FTA, etc. Description: Key Staff: Sullivan, Fontenot Playbook Item Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Page 6 of 9 Initiative Title: Impact Fees ,oject Leader: Department ID: CA-20 Department Priority Medium Total Score: Current Status: Initiative Consult and provide legal guidance; create deferral program documents Description: Key Staff: Playbook Item j Completed? Ti meframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Initiative Title: Claims and Ligigation Policy Project Leader: gsullivan@bozeman.net Department ID: CA-10 Department Priority Medium Total Score: Current Status: Initiative Develop a clai ns and litigation manual/policy; purchase litigation hold software and implement procedures Description: Key Staff: Sullivan, Legal Staff Playbook Item Completed? .meframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Initiative Title: Noise Ordianance Review and Enforcement Training Project Leader: gsullivan@bozeman.net Department ID: CA-09 Department Priority Medium Total Score: Current Status: Initiative Review existing noise code; provide guidance document to BPD Description: Key Staff: Sullivan, Legal Staff Playbook Item n Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Page 7 of 9 Initiative Title: (Complete a RFP for insurance consulting services and retain consultant Project Leader: gsullivan@bozeman.net Department ID: CA-25 Department Priority Medium Total Score: Current Status: Initiative Description: Key Staff: Sullivan Playbook Item I Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: 'Initiative Title: Exemption Report Project Leader: gsullivan@bozeman.net Department ID: CA-27 Department Priority Medium Total Score. Current Status: Initiative Initial analysis compete; prepare final report for Commission Description: Key Staff: Sullivan Playbook Item Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Inur _i. :Tiiic-: IWRP/Water Rights Project Leader: gsullivan@bozeman.net Department ID: CA-17 Department Priority Medium Total Score: Current Status: Initiative Participate in IWRP process; participate in strategy for reforming cash-in-lieu of water rights; develop and Description: implement process for purchase of additional water rights/shares;various issues related to water rights; participate in administrative order to implement 38.23.280.D, BMC Key Staff: Playbook Item J Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Page 8 of 9 Initiative Title: SAT grant contracts for the Rialto Theater and the Caird Street Lamp project oject Leader: gsullivan@bozeman.net Department ID: CA-06 Department Priority Medium Total Score: Current Status: Initiative Description: Key Staff: Sullivan Playbook Item Completed? j Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Initiative Title: ;Employee Handbook Project Leader: gsullivan@bozeman.net Department ID: CA-24 Department Priority Medium Total Score: Current Status: Initiative Consult and review upon completions Description: Key Staff: Sullivan,Jorgenson Playbook Item �7J Completed? f -neframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Page 9 of 9 BOz� Friday, February 08,2013 '_ 9x City Manager's Office 10:06 r t9�.Ngg3�o�•C Initiative Titl•.: Story Mansion Plan Project Leader: ckukulski@bozeman.net Department ID: CM-02 Department Priority High Total Score: 30 Current Status: Initiative Prepare to respond to the Expiration of the Friends Of Story Purchase Agreement on 2/28/2013. Develop sound Description: staff recommendations on how to proceed. Key Staff: Kukulski Playbook Item '� Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Initial. Titl-: Implement Reform of the Community Development System with Enhanced Focus on Customer Service Project Leader: ckukulski@bozeman.net Department ID: CM-01 Department Priority High Total Score: 24 Current Status: ,itiative Develop a customer service culture; implement the recommended improvements to the development review Description: process; hire development review manager; build trust and an effective working relationship with the CD staff Key Staff: Kukulski, Worthington Playbook Item Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: LInitiative Title: Records and Information Management Plan (RIM) Project Leader: cwinn@bozeman.net Department ID: CM-03 Department Priority High Total Score: 23 Current Status: Regroup and break initiative into smaller achievable goals. Engage new IT Manager in the varied efforts to date and assign action steps and tasks to accomplish. Initiative Develop a plan to manage and improve the City's records retention, information management and public access Description: to records programs.This initiative is inclusive of all forms of municipal records including physical records, electronic records and electronic mail using Laserfiche as our information management platform. Key Staff: Ulmen,Winn, McMahan, Playbook Item '`!' Completed? Timeframes: To be determined asired Commision Involvement: Possible adoption of City's IT Plan Page 1 of 4 I n i*�ia r;i!tl- : Implement Climate Action Plan Project Leader: nmeyer@bozeman.net Department ID: CM-04 Department Priority High Total Score: 1F Current Status: All first-tier priorities are in progress. Most second-tier priorities have not been initiated. Initiative First-Tier Priorities: 1)Communications: Promote the new Bozeman Climate Partners website, maintain quarterly Description: newsletters, and participate in community events throughout the year. 2) Complete the outreach program for Idle Free Bozeman,track progress, and finalize activities for an ongoing annual outreach campaign. 3) Finalize program details for the residential Energy Smackdown competition,fundraise, launch program in spring 2013, and administer competition for duration of the year. 4) Develop first phase of the Renewable Energy Plan. 5) Using completed street lighting inventory, develop recommendations for a LED street light replacement program. 6) Provide resources and recommendations for energy performance standards for newly constructed city-owned buildings. 7) Re-calculate municipal emissions baseline and corresponding reduction goal. If necessary,consider updatingthe Municipal Climate Action Plan.8) Provide quarterly building,fleet, &water consumption usage reports to Facilities Services&departments.Second-Tier Priorities: 1)Complete life-cycle assessment of hybrid versus internal combustion engine and make appropriate recommendations. 2) Develop proposal for Solar Hot Water incentive program. 3)Continue promoting Rideshare Montana for City employees and assess participation. 4)Work with Parks and Public Works to investigate water conservation strategies for the cemetery. Key Staff: Chuck Winn, Craig Woolard,Jon Vandelinder, Dustin Playbook Item I 1 Completed? (-Ji Johnson,James Goehrung Timeframes: 12-18 months Desired Commision Involvement: Working Group Commission Liaisons(Cyndy Andrus, Carson Taylor)and maybe needed to approve Renewable Energy Plan, LED Streetlight Replacement Program, Building Energy Performance Standards Initiative Title: Legislative Agenda for 2013 Project Leader: Department ID: CM-09 Department Priority High Total Score: 12 Current Status: ongoing Initiative Create a list of legislative initiatives that, if passed or defeated, have an impact on the City of Bozeman, i.e.TIF Description: legislation. Key Staff: Kukulski, Sullivan Playbook Item L Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Page 2 of 4 Initiative Titl, : Build the Administrative Team ?ject Leader: ckukulski@bozeman.net Department ID: CM-06 Department Priority High Total Score: Current Status: Initiative Hire Community Development Director Description: Use the skills of each team member to maximize their benefit to the City Integrate Public Works, Parks and Recreation and Community Development directors into the team Key Staff: Kukulski, Winn Playbook Item — Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: InitiativeTitle: Define and communicate goals and priorities for each department,the director team and City Commission Project Leader: ckukulski@bozeman.net Department ID: CM-05 Department Priority High Total Score: Current Status: Developing Access Database to track individual departmental and director team goals Initiative Create, prioritize, and communicate clear goals and priorities for the City. Develop a system that tracks and Description: updates our progress on our internal and external initiatives. Key Staff: Kululski Playbook Item Completed? n neframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Initiative Title: Integrate Ethics Program Into City of Bozeman Culture Project Leader: ckukulski@bozeman.net Department ID: CM-07 Department Priority Medium Total Score: 20 Current Status: Initiative Continue development of the city's ethics program with a greater focus on integration of ethical principles and Description: training into department work flow. Key Staff: Kukulski Playbook Item Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Page 3 of 4 Initiative Title: Advisory Boards Project Leader: Ckukulski@bozeman.net Department ID: CM-08 Department Priority Medium Total Score: 1' Current Status: Initiative Evaluate Board operations and functions and look at more effective ways to facilitate community participation. Is Description: there a different model for citizen participation than the Advisory Board model? Key Staff: Kukulski, Brunchorst Playbook Item I I Completed? Ll Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Page 4 of 4 BOZO' Thursday,February 07,2013 U` x Community Development 16:38 7�,. :'2 9?.N co.tA0 Initiative Title: Utilize technology in order to improve project management and customer service Project Leader: Department ID: CD-03 Department Priority Total Score: 21 Current Status: Initiative All CD staff are now required to use the Sunguard system so that projects can be managed and tracked. We are Description: also analyzing the benefits of purchasing software upgrades that will allow the community to submit their projects electronically. Both efforts improve management oversight and customer service. Key Staff: Playbook Item Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Initiative Title: Build the Community Development team Project Leader: sworthington@bozeman.net Department ID: CD-05 Department Priority High Total Score: Current Status: Steve Worthington has been hired to implement this new design structure and culture shift as an interim director to improve these systems prior to the arrival of the permanent community development director. The recruitment for the development review manager closes on February 15. Initiative Create a culture of customer service; implement improvements to the development review process and hire a Description: development review manager Key Staff: Steve Worthington,Craig Woolard, Chris Kukulski, Playbook Item L Completed? Ll Bob Rick and Chris Saunders Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: support ;Initiative Title: Adopt the International Building Maintenance Code Project Leader: Department ID: CD-04 Department Priority Low Total Score: 13 Current Status: Initiative Description: Key Staff: Playbook Item Completed? 1 ..ieframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Page 1 of 2 Initiative Title: Evolve our Historic Preservation program with a focus on listing significant properties with the outcome that the Overlay District will no longer be needed as a preservation tool. Project Leader: Department ID: CD-01 Department Priority Medium Total Score: 1., Current Status: Initiative Elimination of the COD and limiting HP to designated historic districts will reduce confusion,regulation and Description: streamline processes. Key Staff: Playbook Item Completed? J Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Initiative Title: Develop a rental unit safety program Project Leader: Brisk@bozeman.net Department ID: CD-06 Department Priority Medium Total Score: Current Status: The voluntary certification program has been drafted and industry professionals were invited to a meeting to provide their feedback prior to presenting the program being presented to the public and commission. Concerns were expressed and heard by our staff regarding the added cost of a voluntary inspection program and problems that may be caused between rental units that are certified versus those that are not. Next steps include detailing our education efforts and adjusting the voluntary certification program. We would again invite industry professionals and representatives of the tenant community to offer suggestions prior to moving the discussion officially into the public realm. Initiative Improve apartment safety by targeting a comprehensive education campaign towards tenants, landlords, property Description: managers and the real estate community. Analyze the benefits and challenges related to a volunteer rental unit certification prograrn. The goal is to increase safety, period. Key Staff: Risk,Worthington,Shrauger Playbook Item Completed? Timeframes: 2013 Desired Commision Involvement: Support(at this point we are not considering any regulatory changes) Page 2 of 2 of DO Thursday. February 07,2013 ;=Q Economic Development 9:50 ti''•.1883 Ai,Co,..;0� Initiative Title: I Impact Fees Update Project Leader: bfontenot@bozeman.net Department ID: ED-02 Department Priority High Total Score: 24 Current Status: 3/4 of the IF program is approved (water,sewer and fire).January 28th the commission will discuss the final IF program piece,transportation. Additionally,the CC will discuss ED incentives rooted in the IF program,funding for which is currently unknown. Based on discussion on January 28th,the commission would like to see the framework for a Bozeman EDIFM program, refine the targeted sectors and propose at least 3 mills to fund an EDIF program and additional ED activities. Initiative Update to the impact fee methodology and discuss implementation of the IF policies in the context of the larger Description: economic development goals. NOTE: Risk/Return is measured in dollars so the score below will be low.There may be other returns not measured in precisely the sarne way. Key Staff: Saunders, Fontenot, Rosenberry, Woolard,Sullivan Playbook Item Completed? Timeframes: January 28,2013 Desired Commision Involvement: January 28, 2013 Commission approval and implementation of the transportation IF program. The Commission approved the ord.providing the authority to create a deferral program.Approval of the ordinance setting the%of fees charged for trans IF was tabl Initiative Title: ;Technology District Project Leader: bfontenot@bozeman.net Department ID: ED-04 Department Priority High Total Score: 22 Current Status: The district was created and the base year certified (2012). Next steps include amending the BMC to create the TIF program and the TIF board, both of which can be folded into one ordinance. Initiative The creation for the South Bozeman Tech District facilitates development adjacent to the MSU Innovation Description: Campus and Montana State University.The expansion of the MSU Innovation Campus has the potential to create new medium to high paying jobs(supported by the Tech Link which assists with intellectual property commercialization) in the high-technology/bio-science/photonoics and prototype manufacturing/fabrication. Additional value is added if we can build a relationship between the MSU Innovation Campus and North Park. Key Staff: Fontenot with support from the legal dept. Playbook Item Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: The Commission will approve the ordinance creating the program and establishing the board and appoint the board. l Page 1 of 4 Initiative Title: Diversify the Local Economy and Support the Creation and Expansion of Mid to High Paying Jobs Project Leader: bfontenot@bozeman.net Department ID: ED-01 Department Priority High Total Score: 2 Current Status: ongoing Initiative The organizational goal is to encourage the CoB team to consider their role in the org. in the context of economic Description: development and creating mid-to high payingjobs and diversifying the economy through support of the sectors identified by the EDC; 1) manufacturing and fabrication, 2) bio-science and bio-technology, 3) high technology,4) photonics,and 5)the outdoor industry. *NOTE: Financial Risk/Return score is low however,this category ignores other potential, much more difficult to define long term value, i.e.job creation and diversification. Key Staff: Fontenot and Director Team Playbook Item Completed? ❑ Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: None at this time i Initiative Title: North Park Plan Development Project Leader: bfontenot@bozeman.net Department ID: ED-03 Department Priority High Total Score: 17 Current Status: The North Park Concept Land Use Plan was adopted by the Commission. Next steps include complete the PER, return to the commission with management and operation structure for a development authority/entity, install promotional signage at highly visible locations on the property, pursue as many funding opportunities as possible and secure an anchor tenant. Initiative Implementation of the North Park plan, in cooperation with the DNRC,for Job creation and industry diversification Description: *NOTE: Financial Risk/Return score is low however,this category ignores other potential, much more difficult tc define long term value, i.e.job creation and diversification. NOTE:The score in category 8 "part of a currently adopted plan" assumes that the north park plan is adopted on January 14, 2013, Key Staff: Fontenot, et al,continued support from planning, Playbook Item 71 Completed? ❑ engineering and finance(grants) Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: The commission will be involved in many aspects of the project as it develops overtime. lInitiative Title: Armory Hotel Project Leader: bfontenot@bozeman.net Department ID: ED-05 Department Priority High Total Score: 16 Current Status: On January 23,the Armory submitted an application for informal review. Initiative Facilitate development of a downtown hotel at the armory site Description: Key Staff: Fontenot, Krueger, D.Johnson, Risk, Lee,Alston Playbook Item El Completed? ❑ Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: The Commission will be involved in most aspects of the entitlement process.The two sticky wickets are parking(desire approx.80 spaces in the basement of the garage, 6 out front)and th, desire for a height variance(proposing 110'currently allowable 7 Page 2of4 Irutiatite Title: Increasing the City's economic development resources for incentives,staffing and programming oject Leader: bfontenot@bozeman.net Department ID: ED-10 Department Priority High Total Score: Current Status: Nascent Initiative Based on desired commission outcomes, i.e. a more robust ED program, design and recommend more Description: programming, potential incentives and increased staffing that will increase the scope of the city's economic development activities and identify potential funding sources for these proposed activities. Key Staff: Fontenot Playbook Item El Completed? L] Timeframes: This issue will be discussed during the budgeting process(Spring of 2013) Desired Commision Involvement: Support increased scope, activities and staffing for economic development and authorize a funding increase to address commission's desired outcomes. Initiative Title: Town and Gown Relationship Improvement Opportunities Project Leader: bfontenot@bozeman.net Department ID: ED-06 Department Priority Medium Total Score: 17 Current Status: ongoing Initiative This is an ongoing effort at improving municipal/university relations.These relationships are created by both Description: ongoing efforts at communication between leaders of each org. (breakfast with the univ. pres., board and committee appointments)and through project specific work between staffs of MSU and CoB(creation of tech district, etc). ley Staff: Fontenot, Kukulski, Bristor et al Playbook Item ❑ Completed? U Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: None at this time. Initiative Title: Expand and improve outreach to local,state and national business communities Project Leader: bfontenot@bozeman.net Department ID: ED-09 Department Priority Medium Total Score: Current Status: Due to limited ED resources and the multitude of ongoing and competing priorities,very little effort has been put forth on this initiative. If the Commission approves funding(3 - 5 mills?)for increasing ED resources and activities the effort placed in this area can be increased. Initiative Recruiting/Retention/Expansion Description: Key Staff: Fontenot Playbook Item Completed? ❑ Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: None at this time. Page 3of4 Initiative Title: Assume Management Responsibilities for All Existing Tif's Project Leader: bfontenot@bozeman.net Department ID: ED-08 Department Priority Medium Total Score: Current Status: Consideration is being given to consolidating the management of all CoB TIFs under economic development. Currently there is no capacity to manage all the TIFs with existing ED resources. Initiative North 7th URD, NE URD, Downtown URD Mandeville Industrial TIF,South Bozeman Technology TIF Description: Key Staff: Fontenot, CD staff, Finance Playbook Item 0 Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: None at this time. (Initiative Title: f Improve Broadband/Fiberoptic Connectivity Project Leader: bfontenot@bozeman.net Department ID: ED-07 Department Priority Medium Total Score: Current Status: We hosted a Metronet workshop in November 2011 and we(City,County, MSU and private sector technology companies) continue to meet to discuss and strategize on this issue. Initiative This initiative is focused on understanding the fiber optic capabilities in Bozeman and beyond.The City has Description: determined that supporting the high-technology industry is important for job creation and industry diversification. A robust fiber optic network is as important a piece of infrastructure as pipes and streets to a growing number of high tech businesses in Bozeman and the valley.We need to understand what is currently available juxtaposed tr the needs of the sector and whether or not the local service providers are meeting those needs or are there oth( options, i.e. Metronet. Key Staff: Fontenot, McMahan Playbook Item Completed? ❑ Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: None at this time Page 4 of 4 o Thursday, February 07,2013 :* Fire Department 9:51 7 f 2� 9jj188 N,Co..�0� Initiative Title: Battalion Chief Hiring Strategy Project Leader: cwinn@bozeman.net Department ID: FD-01 Department Priority High Total Score: 25 Current Status: Developed and assigned the task list and team. Working with outside counsel to review job descriptions and hiring strategy.Adopted new Delegation of Authority order. Acting Fire Chief is developing the recruitment and selection plan and finalizing the hiring schedule. FD team is drafting the FY14 budget justification. Initiative Develop a strategy to effectively integrate Battalion Chiefs into the Bozeman Fire Department administration Description: team. Key Staff: Megaard,Winn, Sullivan,Jorgenson Playbook Item Completed? Timeframes: Prepare for April 1st hire Desired Commision Involvement: FY14 authorization of 2 new BC's. ;Initiative Title: ;Complete Review of Adminstrative Guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures Project Leader: gmegaard@bozeman.net Department ID: FD-05 Department Priority High Total Score: urrent Status: Currently in the process of reviewing all Fire Department SOP"s Initiative This is a work in progress that we have been working on for the last 6 months and will continue well into 2013 Description: Key Staff: Megaard, Fire Playbook Item U Completed? —� Timeframes: Hope to complete review by the end of 2013 Desired Commision Involvement: N/A Initiative Title: jCreate an Inspections Bureau for the Department or Transfer the Duties to the Building Division Project Leader: gmegaard@bozeman.net Department ID: FD-04 Department Priority High Total Score: Current Status: Looking to post PVA this Friday Initiative Currently working with HR on PVA for internal posting Description: Key Staff: Megaard Playbook Item L1 Completed? El Timeframes: Posting of PVA this Friday, close next Friday @ 17:00 Desired Commision Involvement: N/A Page 1 of 2 Initiative Title: Successfully spec, bid and purchase new ladder truck Project Leader: gmegaard@bozeman.net Department ID: FD-03 Department Priority High Total Score: Current Status: City Attorney Review for bid Initiative Bid documents have been put together by the apparatus committee and currently is with the City Attorney for Description: review. Key Staff: Megaard, Fire Team Playbook Item Completed? ❑ Timeframes: Re Desired Commision Involvement: Budget Amendment after bid process is completed Initiative Title: Team Building Project Leader: gmegaard@bozeman.net Department ID: FD-02 Department Priority High Total Score: Current Status: This will be a process that no date can be given for completion. A great deal of time and dedication by all members of Labor Management team will have to continue to work on creating a stronger Labor/Management relationship. Initiative Strengthen Labor/Management Relationship Description: Key Staff: Megaard, Fire Playbook Item ! Completed? Timeframes: N/A Desired Commision Involvement: N/A Page 2of2 DO �4°�' Z•.!t� Thursday, February 07, 2013 Parks and Recreationg:51 *_ •*:=e rC 1883 CO. Initiative Title: Advance Phase II of the Recreation and Aquatics Feasibility Study Project Leader: moverton@bozeman.net Department ID: PR-01 Department Priority High Total Score: 31 Current Status: Next Steps-Off List and to Parks and Recreation work plan Initiative Determine the future of Bogert Pool Description: Implement recommended Option in Study Key Staff: Overton,Winn, McCarthy,Saitta Playbook Item Completed? U Timeframes: March 25=key recommendations to Commission Desired Commision Involvement: Commission will have to accept and/direct staff to proceed with initiative Initiative Title: Parks and Trails Bond Implementation Project Leader: moverton@bozeman.net Department ID: PR-02 Department Priority High Total Score: 27 Current Status: Phase IL Initial Implementation; Provisional Adoption Scheduled for February 25, 2013 Commission iitiative Execution of 15 million general obligation Parks,Trails, and Open Space Bond passed Nov. 2 2012 Description: Key Staff: Overton,Sullivan, Rosenberry, Kukulski Playbook Item J Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Adopt ordinance establishing PTORC. Pass resolution establishing scoring/evaluation criteria. (Initiative Title: Revise Fee-in-Lieu of Parkland Dedication Standards Project Leader: moverton@bozeman.net Department ID: PR-05 Department Priority High Total Score: Current Status: Active Initiative 1. Create and equitable appraisal process Description: 2. Increase Options for Facility Development or Improvement Key Staff: Overton Playbook Item Completed? Timeframes: `)esired Commision Involvement: Adopt policy updates. Page 1 of 2 Initiative Title: Departmental Team Building Project Leader: moverton@bozeman.net Department ID: PR-04 Department Priority High Total Score: Current Status: Active Initiative 1. Determine structure as it relates to the two temporary managers Description: 2. Efficiently manage increased work related to the Parks and Trails Bond Item book Completed? l� Key Staff: Overton,White,Saitta Playbook pleted? Tirneframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Commit to funding alterations if necessary Initiative Title: Analyze the Creation of a Parks Maintence District Project Leader: moverton@bozeman.net Department ID: PR-03 Department Priority Medium Total Score: 24 Current Status: Law Office Intern Working to Complete Inventory and Contact Data Base Initiative 1. Assess risk management of City and HOA parks and open spaces Description: 2. Match resources with maintenance needs for current and future facilities Key Staff: Overton,White, Eisenman, Sullivan Playbook Item Completed? C� Timeframes: June 2013 Desired Commision Involvement: Initiative Title: Enhance Bozeman Creek Project Leader: moverton@bozeman.net Department ID: PR-06 Department Priority Medium Total Score: 20 Current Status: Plan adopted by Commission, pending 100k grant approval from RRGL. Initiative Restore stream and water quality through Bogert Park. Description: Key Staff: Overton Playbook Item Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Will apply for PTOB Funds which if qualifies will require Commission approval. Page 2 of 2 802 Thursday,February 07,2013 V. 9� Police Department 9:51 oce*: :* 7�t''•. 18 3::•.�� 9T�ry co�T�°d Initiative Title: New Police Station Design and Construction Project Leader: cwinn@bozeman.net Department ID: PD-01 Department Priority High Total Score: 31 Current Status: Efforts to engage the County on a joint design have not yielded positive results. We have sent a letter requesting permission to proceed independently on a Municipal Courts and Police building. Initiative Begin the design and plan for construction of a new Police and Municipal Courts facility as described in the City's Description: adopted CIP.The project includes negotiations with Gallatin County for the site location and collaboration for shared spaces with the Gallatin County Sheriff. Key Staff: Price, Winn, Kukulski, Rosenberry, Sullivan Playbook Item D Completed? U Timeframes: February 15 County Commission action on our request for property Desired Commision Involvement: Commission Approval of: property purchase (Spring 13), project budget and bond election approval (late spring 13) Initiative Title: Quality of Life/Code Compliance Initiative Project Leader: rprice@bozeman.net Department ID: PD-06 Department Priority High Total Score: 14 k;urrent Status: Sworn officer has been selected and assigned. Class spec has been completed for the civilian position. Waiting for authorization to recruit and hire. Most code issues remain in other areas till that position is filled. Initiative Transition of Code Enforcement functions from Planning/Engineering to Police with great emphasis on public Description: education and compliance Key Staff: Johnson Playbook Item �j Completed? El Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Page 1 of 3 Initiative Title: iTraining Design Project Leader: rprice@bozeman.net Department ID: PD-05 Department Priority High Total Score: Current Status: We have identified and categorized the appropriate training events for different stages and assignments within the department. Expanded our leadership training outside the current promotional ranks to give more exposure for future leaders. Initiative In-service, Leadership, Succession Description: Key Staff: Price Playbook Item [A Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Initiative Title: Complete and Begin the Implementation of Department's Strategic Plan Project Leader: rprice@bozeman.net Department ID: PD-04 Department Priority High Total Score: Current Status: Group meeting sporadically for past 15 months. Identified five core areas and still to drill down to action items. This initiative has stalled and needs some time and fire to get it going again. Initiative Establish written strategic plan to guide the priorities of the police department for the next 3-5 years. Description: Key Staff: Price Playbook Item Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: (Initiative Title: j Police/Protocol Review and Revision Project Leader: rprice@bozeman.net Department ID: PD-03 Department Priority High Total Score: Current Status: All policies have been assigned to leadership personnel for initial review. Initial report out in January. Tracking process completed along with protocols pulled out into separate area. Approx 30%complete. Initiative Review all policies of the police department. Identify changes to current policy and needs that are not addressed. Description: Establish consistent, readily accessible access to protocols. Key Staff: Price Playbook Item Completed? 171 Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Page 2of3 Initiative Title: ,Complete Implementaion of Electronic Ticketing ,,oject Leader: rprice@bozeman.net Department ID: PD-02 Department Priority High Total Score: Current Status: Software on ticket is complete and has been tested in vehicle. Small software glitch remains. Hardware installed in one vehicle as test. Narne exchange and crash report forms have been returned for revisions. Hardware for 4-6 additional vehicles ordered and will be installed as vehicle computer OS get upgraded. Test with data push to courts successful. Liaison with IT continues. Initiative Provide for automated gathering and printing of information on ticketing and other police-based forms. Allows for Description: direct transfer of data into courts and legal. Key Staff: Price, Winter, Protz Playbook Item Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Page 3 of 3 of DO Thursday. February 07,2013 V. x Public Works 9:51 iy•. I883 Initiative Title: Improve Asset Management Program Utilizing GIS for Decision Making and Customer Service for each PW Division Project Leader: cwoolard@bozeman.net Department ID: PW-02 Department Priority High Total Score: 33 Current Status: Collecting current CoB asset information. Developing workplan for updating asset information and developing project prioritization methodology. Evaluating options for upgrading Cityworks to provide enterprise access. Initiative Develop the asset condition assessment systems and level of service/risk of failure measures to to accurately Description: plan and fund the maintenance and replacement of street, park, recreation,and city-owned building infrastructure. Key Staff: Woolard, Rosenberry,Winn Playbook Item Completed? n Timeframes: Initial condition assessment complete and integrated into GIS by Q3 for public works assets. CityWorks in use for Streets by Q2. Level of service/risk tolerance measures documented by Q4. 15 year capital program established for CIP budget process in 2 Desired Commision Involvement: Review of condition assessment findings. Review and approval of major level of service/risk of failure policies. itiative Title: ;Complete Integrated Water Resource Plan and Develop Implantable Solutions to Achieve Long Term Water i Security Project Leader: cwoolard@bozeman.net Department ID: PW-01 Department Priority High Total Score: 29 Current Status: in process.TAC meeting to finalize options and conduct portfolio analysis will be completed on March 1. Report will be completed in Q3 of 2013 Initiative Complete a plan to secure adequate water resources for community growth over the next 50 years Description: Key Staff: Woolard, Rosenberry, Kukulski Playbook Item C Completed? ❑ Timeframes: Report completed in Q3 of 2013. Project integrated into 15 year capital program Desired Commision Involvement: Approval of IWRP report,Approval of CIP Page 1 of 5 Initiative Title: JWRF Construction Closeout Issues Project Leader: cwoolard@bozeman.net Department ID: PW-09 Department Priority High Total Score: 2 Current Status: Technical resolution for final three issues(leaking tank,gas system, heating system) have be proposed and are being executed. Claim analysis completed by outside counsel. We will need to resolve construction clairns/liquidated darnages issue once construction is complete. Initiative Complete construction and accept all improvement to the WRF Description: Key Staff: Woolard, Cooper,Sullivan, Rosenberry Playbook Item C 1 Completed? F1 Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Initiative Title: ilmplement Cityworks throughout the organization as appropriate Project Leader: cwoolard@bozeman.net Department ID: PW-05 Department Priority High Total Score: 15 Current Status: Evaluating enterprise solutions for providing CityWorks to all depts. Focusing on application in Streets. Initiative Utilize citywork work management system in operations throughout the city Description: Key Staff: Woolard,VanDelinder, Henderson Playbook Item Ll Completed? F Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Initiative Title: !Develop Strategy for WRP Permit and East Gallatin Water Group Project Leader: cwoolard@bozeman.net Department ID: PW-13 Department Priority High Total Score: Current Status: Money budgeted for East Gallatin science. Outreach to stakeholders initiated. Initiative Develop multi-year watershed plan for East Gallatin river in cooperation with other stakeholders to improve water Description: quality and protect permit conditions Key Staff: Woolard Playbook Item El Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Page 2 of 5 Initiati\r- Title: Complete Construction of the WTP on time and on budget roject Leader: cwoolard@bozeman.net Department ID: PW-11 Department Priority High Total Score: Current Status: on schedule and on budget Initiative Complete plant construction and startup on time and budget Description: Key Staff: Woolard, Moroney Playbook Item U Completed? f] Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Initiative Title: Departmental Team Building Project Leader: cwoolard@bozeman.net Department ID: PW-10 Department Priority High Total Score: Current Status: Search underway for WRF super. Determing requirements for replacing Hudson Initiative Hire a WRP Superintendent Description: Integrate Community Development changes into public works Key Staff: Woolard Playbook Item Completed? !meframes: Desired Commision Involvement: (Initiative Title: Develop and Implement Stormwater Assessment Methodology Project Leader: cwinn@bozeman.net Department ID: PW-04 Department Priority Medium Total Score: 32 Current Status: GIS data model complete for pipe system,surface stormwater infrastructure data model being developed. Camera truck in route. Interns for field support being hired. Background info on rate models being collected. Initiative Complete work necessary and propose equitable and fair assessment method for Stormwater charges beginning Description: Sept 1, 2014 Key Staff: Winn, Woolard, Rosenberry,Johnson, Henderson Playbook Item ❑ Completed? ❑ Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Page 3 of 5 Initiative Title: f Solvent Site Project Leader: cwoolard@bozeman.net Department ID: PW-08 Department Priority Medium Total Score: IF Current Status: Property access issued resolved. Remediation proceeding. Initiative Initiate remediation activities at solvent site. Requires resolution of outstanding complaints and property issues Description: Key Staff: Woolard, Cooper, Hixson Playbook Item Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: (Initiative Title: Kash in Lieu of Water Rights Project Leader: Department ID: PW-07 Department Priority Medium Total Score: 17 Current Status: Template for process to transfer of water rights has been developed. Amount of cash payment will need to be evaluated based on outcomes of IWRP Initiative Develop methodology for determining payments for water rights or water rights transfer for new developments Description: Key Staff: Woolard, Sullivan, Rosenberry Playbook Item Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Update on progress. Approval of final payments. Initiative 1111r.: Negotiate with Riverside Subdivision on Potential Annexation. Project Leader: Woolard Department ID: PW-14 Department Priority Medium Total Score: Current Status: Responding to inquires from Riverside board Initiative Work with Riverside to define business case for annexation. Description: Key Staff: Woolard, Kukulski, Worthington Playbook Item C Completed? Timeframes: Q2 2013 Desired Commision Involvement: Approval of final annexation agreement Page 4 of 5 Initiative Title: Solid Waste: Implement New Rates. Reevaluate how we conduct recycling. Evaluate the efficacy of a transfer station ,roject Leader: cwoolard@bozeman.net Department ID: PW-12 Department Priority Medium Total Score: Current Status: Initiative Description: Key Staff: Woolard Playbook Item -! Completed? Timeframes: Desired Commision Involvement: Page 5 of 5 City Manager Proposed City of Bozeman 2013 — 2014 Work Plain (what is most important, right now?) Draft February 11, 2013 • Diversify the local economy and support the creation and expansion of mid to high paying jobs. (Fontenot/Kukulski) (ED-01) • Implement reform of the community development system with an enhanced focus on customer service. (Worthington/Woolard) (CM-01) • Complete design of the police station & municipal court and educate the public on the necessity for, and passage of, a bond measure for the November 2013 election. (Winn/Price) (PD-01) • Complete the Integrated Water Resource Plan and develop solutions to achieve long term water sustainability (Woolard/Sullivan) (PW-01) • Implement the 2012 parks & trails bond to expand the capacity of our parks, trails and open spaces. (Overton/Rosenberry/Sullivan) (PR-02) • Implement financial plans and asset management systems to properly maintain and replace the city's infrastructure and facilities (Rosenberry/Woolard) (PW-02) • Determine the future of Bogert Pool and next steps for aquatics & Recreation (Overton/Kukulski) (PR-01) • Complete analysis of advisory boards and alternatives for public involvement (City Commission/Kukulski) (CM-08) • Continue implementation of the Climate Action Plans (City Commission/Winn) (CM-04) • Assist Gallatin College in securing regional funding. (City Commission) Attach the proposed 2013/14 city commission work plan Top 5 priorities as provided by: Commissioner 1 1. PD & Muni Court 2. Park &Trail Bond utilization 3. Bogert Pool 4. Economic Development a. North Park b. Gallatin College c. Downtown d. CD office 5. IWRP Commissioner 2 1. Economic Development 2. Downtown 3. Successfully start implementing parks and trails bond 4. Continue work on maintenance 5. Gallatin College Commissioner 3 1. Finish IWRP 2. Parks Acquisition, begin focus on maintenance 3. Climate Action Plan---Next pieces 4. Continue new police station 5. North Park/Economic Development—more clarity Honorable mention 6. IBMC—demolition by neglect and others 7. Story Mansion---if necessary Commissioner 4 1) Continue to fund deferred maintenance 2) Next steps in IWRP 3) Continued implementation of the climate action plans 4) Police/Court facility 5) Continue North Park discussion/work 6) Consolidate/eliminate boards/committees as necessary City of Bozeman 2012 — 2013 Work-Plan Adopted February 27, 2012 (October 2012 update) 1) Implement the adopted economic development plan, integrating economic development principles throughout the organization (Fontenot/McHarg/Arkell) a) Implement community development service delivery system changes— ongoing, items c through 1 are connected to this priority b) Commitment to a business-friendly process with a focus on retention and expansion of existing local businesses—ongoing, items c through 1 are connected to this priority c) Expand Planning Director administrative approvals - 3 rounds of UDO amendments have been adopted d) Implement administrative deviation and alternative compliance process - 3 rounds of UDO amendments have been adopted e) Exempt small projects based on specific criteria (i.e. COAs) - 3 rounds of UDO amendments have been adopted f) Implement over the counter approvals— some have been implemented, more to come g) Simplify reuse application process— ongoing; parts are tied to the impact fee update h) Reduce conditional use permits—winter 2013 i) Consolidate regulatory structure of zone district standards and overlay zone guidelines (entryway corridor design standards)—UDO amendments have been approved, more to come;N. 7"' is being used as a test case j) Evaluate approaches for conversion of condominium lots to townhome—winter 2013 k) Adoption of a Mandeville Farm plan in collaboration with the Department of Natural Resources— draft completed, seeking funding for first phase implementation 1) Support MSU's innovation campus—Tech TIF set for adoption November 5, 2012; 1 have been appointed to the Innovation Campus board. 2) Adopt comprehensive strategies and financial plans to address deferred maintenance (W inn/Arkell/Rosenberry/Hixson) a) Street System— 15 year strategy to eliminate deferred maintenance • Support rate adjustments that finance the street replacement fund—2"' year of the 3 year rate model has been adopted • Support rate adjustments that finance the curb replacement program— 3`d year of the 5 year rate model has been adopted • Storm Water (see storm water utility) • Sidewalks/trails—completed College Street shared pathway; 2014 CIP to included over$500k in CTEP funding for ADA ramps b) Water distribution system—20 year strategy to eliminate deferred maintenance—implemented Support rate adjustments that finance the CIP pipe replacement program— 2"" year of the 5 • year rate model has been adopted c) Waste water collection system—20 year strategy to eliminate deferred maintenance - implemented • Support rate adjustments that finance the CIP pipe replacement program- 2"d year of the 5 year rate model has been adopted d) Facilities (Winn) • Complete design of the Police Station/Municipal Court—Think One architects have started the design; we are finalizing our partnership with the county • Implement facility condition assessment recommendations— completed each of the facility indexes, projects will be integrated into the CIP; several projects were included in the 2013 adopted budget. a) Bogert Pool—waiting to complete the recreation and aquatics facility feasibility study this fall 3) Improve Parks and Recreation Amenities (Winn/Dingman/Kukulski/Commission) a) Complete the recreation and aquatics facility feasibility study—the study is approx. 2/3 completed and will conclude this fall. b) Parks,trails and outdoor recreation bond- $15M bond is on the November ballot. Educational sessions are being held with each division of the city and Mitch and I are assisting with community education presentations. 4) Complete an Integrated Water Resource Plan (Arkell/Hixson)—this project is under contract with AE2S and we are making significant progress for completion in summer 2013 a) Develop a strategy to purchase additional water rights—combined with the IWRP 5) Create a storm water utility (Arkell/Hixson)— completed 6) Enhance Downtown Development Opportunities (Fontenot/Arkell/Hixson) a) Collaborate with the Downtown Partnership,Montana Department of Transportation and Transportation Coordinating Committee to finalize design and implement the Downtown Urban Route Transformation Project. —progress in 2013 b) Facilitate development of a downtown hotel as identified in the downtown development plan. — Significant time has been spent to help facilitate the reuse of the Armory into a hotel. 7) Support Gallatin College Programs (Commission/Kukulski) a) Approve 2013 fiscal year budget that includes 1.5 mills for Gallatin College programs. - completed b) Gain regional support and request a county wide levy for Gallatin College Programs (1.5 mills)— on going, I have been appointed to the Gallatin College Comprehensive Mission Strategic Implementation Plan Committee. 8) Implementation of the community climate action plan (Rosenberry/Meyer/NCAT Intern)— for more detailed information refer to the climate action report you received this summer a) Complete Branding and Outreach Plan (Community Working Group)—approx 80% complete b) Complete the Idle-Free Bozeman campaign(Community Working Group)—education materials have been developed and are at the printers c) Begin the Commercial Building Benchmarking program(Community Working Group) — e and d have been combined, one grant has been submitted and an additional grant application is in process d) Begin the 10%Energy Reduction Challenge(Community Working Group, 2013)—see c e) Work to bring LED Lighting to city streets,parks, and facilities— lighting inventory has been completed; pilot test has been installed and is being monitored to gage efficiency and cost savings f) Promote Recycling& Composting programs (partnerships with City/Schools/MSU)—compost bins are available for purchase from the city; solid waste provided recycling bins for each event held downtown in 2012. g) Scope Alternative Energy potential at City Facilities. (Energy Performance Contractors, WRF Co- generation, Solar Hot Water.)—this is tied to our recently completed facility index reports, discussions regarding implementation are ongoing as we make facility upgrades 9) Develop a legislative agenda for 2013 (Commission/Kukulski)—I serve on the MLCT legislative sub- committee, MLCT adopted the attached legislative agenda for the 2013 session Tier II 10)Research "Buy local" initiative—winter 2013 11)Enhance Bozeman Creek—the design is approx 30% completed, two grants have been applied for to help fund the project. 1. Bogert Park 2. Rouse Ave reconstruction 3. City Hall Parking 12)Adopt the International Building Maintenance Code—we are working this into several other code/quality of life organizational issues we are working to create a new system to address. 13)Address Senior Center parking—an agreement needs to be finalized with the adjoining property to allow an ADA accessible connection to between the apartment complex parking lot and the senior center. Appendix 1. Input received by Boards/Committees 2. 2012 State of the Neighborhoods Address 3. Work management matrix scoring tool A 'o W Q o jo rD rD n ^r f) (D n * LA'+ p' r0 .f fD n 't LA 0. Q rt rD ip m O a :33 v O O p r ( S pL O O Q o v co a' o v n S �' rD W p rD O O rD N• n O O OOi .�►. O p O' 3 r<c a ° tD �' _t3 -•' S y O S O Q d o v ^ O � 'n O y 73 O O H 13 O O O O v Ta C' n D rn * w v �, o c rD c �. 3 o O m = o a O n o ND D o N m p fD c^i rr = cn (D w ro op H 0 Q O s c n < D rD •O 0 'p W 0 O w * O O .� rD Q rt a O c< ED v O 3 n n� '< 3 -s ,�_. T D) A ro -0 S C. rD o o Q. pq' �- f"1 < Q -� c T rD p rD fD v n 0 m � rD o o CD °. a 0 v < O o' m 0 0 7 3 O N r3r 3 3 2t si N -S ^ c n V c # F.. rD QG rD '_! A D) rD rD Dl o F-� a d 7 R F f<D D v + 1 O :3 rr o < ani N `< r. c fD rD G O K S v N O O (D r-F C)' '� < N r+ D7 A 7 N1 < ° 3 O on C rD S o Q C n M ` cn fr. Dq d fD v, ❑r ((D C O N rD 3 0 c rD m v, Ga rn-r 70 .-r < O '0 N 3 r) Q 0 rD rD r rr O + v 00 O + 0 c O O_ 7r n p O n n N rD rt m < n O' -0 N ]. rD S r, a rD Z O cu rr rD 00 to N Dl O f0 0 p 0 nCC v N 7 < O C a rD o_ rp 3 p > O 0 3 o, 6 , D aj CCD c g rD s s 3 3 Q O (D < ° tA 0 0 0 a, O c 00 o N (D w 0 m n o ao .0 00 :3fD O nj 0 rD 0 �' �R -ZT 0 0 O- n rD 0 Q C �i L -o O C CD a�i D° -a_ Q a vci n' rD n S n I O O o c rD 0 ° �. 0- — Dn m n a O w 0 O07N 0 co a o ° M _ m n ° o D o s A TZ rt ° o ° w a � Mm a. T n ° "� r+ W y o m a. ° �, a s o o to C •v tp M m 4 (n (D CU a 3 (D ) 0 3 mrn O O O :< (D (D fl; p CD 0 m (D7 CD (ii D) 3 .a Q 7 H - O (Ni+ O a p 3 rD (D a, rD cr 3 o aq (D , I m - a° rs ri c a C N (D rD ID o, r« fD �. o C < n C < ^< fD O N n _41 n Q d p 0_ (D d d v C,rt a CL LA 7 to a C fD 0 0 0 � 'o '^ � a , 7' Q m 3 O 7 = (D C Oq r+ v E �_ N 0 m � N �o 0a (T O' C7 D) N m LT W C m N N Q w 3 N CL o C O O X (D N =. CL m C' .^< 'L 00, � o) - G) Q .^� ON O W (A N n N 3 '"* (D X n n C (D � �- (p n (D (p (p IA NN rh N -6 (D rt , = C 'D H ~' r•' 7� D) rD O j < (D z fn1 ,< 1 h o Na (D O S (D (n 3 � � C. CD (D IA q) ? (D or O CL l0 tOi> 0 O O O fD -. Dl y, ri 7 N M c C rr 0 3 6 d = ti, 3 7 3 - C O O o- m of 7 m n 01 S O =n O � d O_ y n 3 Q - -� Q. (D to rf O) ,••' W O O (D n = O O O N C o"Ez C Q. C O n O- 'C P 3 3 (l o o O O_ C O (Dv D n) _ n O �W rD , ,a, w 3 rD (�D "�O 3 N n W n' d a y vNi 7 ? 6rt, in v 30 rD CD C n -< Dj N �_ N m N '''' �' ,,• x• W '^ O ra rr D) in T N - to --n 7 'O C (p (D (D 'Z 00 �' 2 S 3 -, Qq 3 �i O (D a m r+ I O D) �. 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N n In ti, e�F < j <_. 3 P = (cD n (nD = rD oCo ° a a o 3' a p m ry -° •� n• 3 Dq <. 7 p m LA °� m O O• O ((n v r+ O- r+ � X (D Dq -h n < O :^ a n n (D in O_ ill N n (D O m `< m (D rt < L v O rD -a rD 4l < (A a a rD (D 3 O a rD O Dq 3 Dq w a m o o � O. 7 a (XD 7 N O C O m a, w Dq m a a 3 3 o O 3 D o rr aq v m o (D W m p s v (D m CL (<D to =ti m � ooq c (D a o m m N iao m n °o o Q sED p m -rD a 01 c O nci D3q CU , o a 3 3 a 0) a fD a O CL (D al r+ xk v p lJ7 w �+ a rD a N a 3' o 13 M � ? n rap O p o p o ` c 3 c -- a `�° o ` 3 a ' ? (D 3 v � �-► O y � 3 � O, � = D 1n � _ •v tp � � H Z. N '^ M Oq Oq n�tr o c 0 = n O O v N n fnn (D O 'O °O N O' _D y 0 Q Q C 7' ° C- 3 M H n ni 0, M' m n in n� 3 (D 3 O O CD N `" a 0 'ID ° 03 m nZI 3 r c � a n 3 m Q 3 E7 O m fl. o- a 3 3 o o a oo ^ Ircu (M *k m o -a 3 g o a ,D ID m o (D o O (D n 0 O n O D 0 (D M- c V•-� n N O 7 S O_ 3 ID 3 O ((DD 1 1 n N 0 U1 C 0 hD 0, n w .< ,< O_ O v rr (D n. (rD N :3 (9 0 O Q rfD 7 Mnv •° 0 v c c n w c c 3 c 3 Q 3 (A D ,C r-r z m (p (D 3 (CD -a Q w3 o3u < c d fD (o rt < O (D (D 3 3 rL CA CD 3 IA' w �• CD nt wr: m 0 y o N CD m o. c O t3i� N rt O to ^ = _O MO rD ^ n o CL (A o < s T N o - m Q" M m o y rD n M n (D N � (D 3 N' Q (ND obi ( 0, R n a 3 CD -3 3 fD '� s 'a a 3 0 °' •< O- O n O ( 3 j O n 0 - 7 � p1 0 'O H n M L K_ 7 oj _ 3 3 < CU w (D Q- 3 L o,' IF) � tOn r* (Xj N (D C 7 Q, -� O_ O (D N O 3. d rr (D m-Ls Q Q j N W 7' O N (D Q lu (o a 0 0 s c (D N (D r+ c D C n •D m D -1 (D - - S L o m n Q " C 0 _ 3 to 0 W n j O — 3 O n. " 5 -0 0 H (D X O n- CD - to 3 (D 3i -.•, N vim+ O O < vi w �. 0 (D m ET o < 3 � rt, C [D 3 N O W 3 3 h Oh O n Y n D) 3 FO rD T (D 3 (D U (D (D (D 77 3O lr N N n� O 7 0 K M N e•f ti; � 3 OJ' O 3 QO (D rr n Qq O CD `< CL n M (rD M N' 3 rD O_ -�+ 3 rr (D < p O to S C 3 O Gl m tL (D M n a O 0 3' W K N 0 a Ira n o o = A o v c o " � � �• a o c to (p 7 3 o O O D Ln y � a ooi 4 fp rr '^ po Gl C 3 (D (D (D 3 3 a of(3D (D � Q 3 0� ; O D u Q CLCL o, m a s n O O o Q rr -9 Q Er 3 1 a W 3 (Cis O (D m p Ol a O. m < (D m `C m 3• 3 oTi C y p m -� (D O n 3 0. CA 'a p m .t n '^ x' - 'C O n o a 3 = O 7 n UQ O O 3 (A NCL A (ND OC O• O C rt m (OA N r) w o (D O 3 ;a Q O j + cm < M of N 0! 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N ' 0 ;wrD a O m OD O_ a 7 n O m -� CD CL w' m C m rF mo N 2 c 3 o=a w m ° O n ^ o a 3 c rt h n m � o H CD O Q Q r m m m O c Oq rD N m v, n T v .� n M 'D '0 O1 Czr D Ol V� �. rD m m l a -° w d- -i h 0 3 0 0 0 �. a O Q c O_ (n CL O ti. -n -° m (D C < j �' o � = Q. D�1 d N 7 n O 3 n n n (D ^ r+ S < W (D Gq fD a- n 7 n (C O O ry °'. n ° Q. w o < r) _« 2 3 v v ° CD Q = ¢ -o v n� o -* o cu 3 O N O O w 'O (D CLO m l H m s t a m o m < o c o v+ v (D a < H ° oo m O m 6 <• n Of o0u oj S. ° 3 o a ° CL 3 m < `D fD 1 d � ao a � a m ° m o m Q d <• m 3 CL o O c n o c Q m Dl rD d. �' ,mn m n> m 3 n m 7 w fu m N y (D O O ,C - C a Cn O O_ CD W m O O m Oo N 7 _ m T. Q ". v d 7 ° •* w O ° v u a w D m D = m DO 00 O< CL 0 ( O p O c rr CL w X• m Do' o w � Ln m ° a c cr,CL m — CLm CD `° n m nSi O ° :3 N. <' CD 0 Z ? =� o ° o = o A rm n II 3 c o H v � � n 4 .•t "� rr O .V Q O ` •V rp tn' �• ,y fp rf y = rt cp Z O rD '0 fD ID 0 7 rt j rD rD 0 OR vo, 3 p '+ (D H °J v a>0 n v D N O o 0 ° (D O� .+ o3 ° C. (D ID O m n ° , ° m ID IDCL 0 u, orJ �<„ � � DO rt ° 3 Q p o o j o v' 3 w ° < O 4 3 3 0 3 " ° < x a S ° 0 3 a ,�.�. O O O < 3 O_ O < 7 n N. D3i � O D°o m N cr o rD (XD 'o (3D � rD 3 O c ° 3 0 'n O a S 0 7 3 O � n rt O (p v_ 7 n) 7 O (D Q N n 7 �^ O S Gl T = Cc:n a o � v DX ON O rD D \ oN ID o X33 � avfD � n C (� f► f�D (D m 3 m 3 o (D CD(M CDN n ° fD rt o \ ' (D ET o7 = G7 0 a3i 7 O (D � � 3 N � •< 7 n� r'i O n� 3 0 H 7 C 3 (n 'r 41 n O_ O _ ° — * ODi - 7 3 \ CD p fD N H p 7 ,=r N (D 0 �• N rD (D (D N (D W O m Dq O (D ? 'r N ? v 0 Di Q O. L O ? N (D — O (D OrQ O 0 O z N O �o a o m v a v o m (AH O n O1 1 O (D v � ? 3 < FD 3 ° m V cu or 3 c rt w ft 3 N rD 'r (D o r, o 3 T. 3 rD Z) O °- W 3 0 m ° Q a, ZI rD rD 0 = x a = o -a, a r a M rp ° o o a o a o �n `° rD w � n � H• � 3 -a rD m O E 0rD n f�D C" O �< fD O rD oQ O rD v zi m Do - o ; p Q- N CDrD O_ N OU Q. O fD rD 7 N maQ 'r 'B 7 \ < rD n a " rD rD m it rD m N 3 - ro L4 v - m m rt ru 7 3 m - Q N s .r 3 < B p '* r. 0 rD m s? 7 m z• •o :3 d :3 *C p N o v �. �, m III N O C N �i D ry g a T w o o o s Q. 3 = O N — <LA I 1 (D N < ED N , O rD '� -„ Vf 04 (D n ZI O" N n r rD ;4 ro �. n o 0 0 W c a -` O U l rD 0 7 O d _3' (u m p) a Obi 3 3 0 M p OS N W < nni. pp fD W N 7' j N O 7 rD rD of 3 < Ol 3 o d m 3 < T N o (D o °' " � ' 3 p O n v rD o c m 3 m m' r, m rnD p rD s 3 O M CD p- '< j O vCi O m O z ;7+ N _: a S =h 0 p a -p N o n fl. y L CD rD O O O N r�D o o N fD CrQ -0 � _ � n � 3 g 7 N - Qq p rD — r. 0 3 a v Z D rD f+ _ 'a rD T (D 7 != Xt O W Cto - .N-' n O p 0 ? S O Q CD S Q- rD < p Q a. p n 'O ,3y, m "O n 3 rD CL m H O Q n G O rD O r rD' �v O - N mDO N n S CD S O rD O R M (D N in y D� rD w 0' 3 O rD z Z o m r<D n C N rD O N G o D- n o Et �, w �. 3 rz $ Do O — Q K N 3 n m n M rD — Q N 'O O rt C n 1 O rD ? M3 < Q O n c N fD j m -Op m o cr rD 3 D a D3 m m 3 rD rD Q v D n N = rr O � ni ° m N _ .rt (D N Z3 3 mfl- h N N `�° fc, m a D fD D CL G� Co 0 0' m 0 . v rD Q' of v 0- 0' i," n D) 3 5• to m o m O m O x m 3 a �, c n o rmo ° ^* c S 3 o m O O 2 Q 0 o � � a N � O ni — Q N .� � °- O_ 3 � ri m 'O MR 3 cn z m n c `�° N n'• `�° rt °°' s o . ^� ° O A }+ oa a N c m 3 rr �� ^ m m • o m m (�D T 3 m o o 0 rm cmD O- °' 3 r<D o s 5 �- O 3 r' o 3 ° n c o (p O N .+ m fD 3 °- m O 3 n m o c ° m y °T 3 r+ � (D c 'D O n O O •O 0 S O CL > > N 0 m m W a N I N d rf o o<i ' p : o ° 0 ci n�i I -0 CL m 3 0 (o m ° 'm^ a n m x ° ° T m m< 6 O 3 c a a o a c 0, ° F+ fD 30 3 m ° O m m m 0 g a o OC °' �' r? v CD N r N n m m 7 C (D a 3 O r. _ 0 Qq to ID K Zr ID O 0- fD p^r a 61 G! 0 n N T a OQ m �! -n 0• Q. n N m p 0 O" W ° O ° j m rr (D Q �< N S T h 0 Dq m N N O n 0 (D T C 3 N d < O n m v m o m r. 0° v -0 n O . o s N 3 ri ° v� o (D c m S m -O mm OOq 0 W 3 m r' fl. N m v^i• m ° 7c ' nOx Cr n N o 0 - °' C Si a ? lD 7 n 3' o N CL a O — N a s �• N - N m 3 ID rr N � O < n o m 3 m * N o s m v o N - °+ 3 N m ° (�D 3 i m N N a. ,.. m g m Q °' m N 3 m v q N c o m a rD S < rD v m v c rr + - = m m -n S a 3 x o Q c m (<D o < a 0 v u� a m D rt O S — N N rD [D C O- O d 0' n 0 r-r m p N m ,•r < .� C 7 C C m C Vf < rt cC ° Q w < a o c _n o m ° a ° a ? 3 a O m O G m m -0 m 0 m m 0 < S , �* N M• 0 O o T 00 3 O W 0 �. N rt O D O W n O m 0 + N X Q CL ° 27 O O o m a -r m c � O- 3 °n m ° m O 3 a rr rf a ; 0 3 S m rt t 0 n m O rr N m O o r r 1 N o c m m a m rD ° 0 3 3 0 3 v O a m a c cr - `LA O o a D=i ° rNr 6 3. a m x- = a V1 a O a C N m m rrID * 3 N 7 C Q ^ O C 72• 7 r7*. Q- o ° Q 3 m 0 0- 000 N 00 m < O a N w p N < X c a m Q c. N o O 3 rND o ° S o m o O 5 CD 3 (D o m o ° rD '* N CL m c m w rmo CL z 0 3 ° O 3 m m O m 0, m m N -n 0 0 ° N r0r N 3 0 C 0 jO• � '* m r Wanm O K " D Q ° O W � ID O ' a v 3m 3°N 3 c: O a m°N N0 � d3 • O ttoo fD O C w 0 EL -0 O., m 0. r•• N '<. N 7 n -Ci t^. Q r3D m � � N � m . �, 0 Oq 3 - m o S DO -O O< m ^ O N .N•' o -0 m O 0 Zj (�D s �"' fp :D �n -a S 'CO ^ n 07 o r�o 0 O ^": -O C d ''+ a m m (P m ''* 3 N C S O_ S Q M N m M N °�' m m m s ; C m -i• N x rt °- (D Z rD m o 04 O a m O m o cmi O v < 70 O m m n, m o � 3 Di _« �. ° rrDD N (DIn rr :3 a, c 3. D EL a3i mmi N � D=U m m N m 3 mN 0 m n 0 "O Q. H O n it CL n CD M ° `" 3 3 3 v° m u, a CA < m m s Do m rr c r r o O 2. (�D s 3 c m m a rt '� r n 3 ^* o 3 N 3 0, o < (SD m 0. N (D � � N r« D . m D w ao + N Dw -0 � r* m 3 ° CD O W m O O 0 'O CD �'* m m m 0 'O OZI S 3 Ita 0 7 a o -0 rD O .a m •�, MCL A � -n D� ni n O Cn O m '. Zr 0 .N-r m Q n r+ �m c m N -0 W 1 n LA m ° C (D C v r^r N n 3 3 o T 0C rfl r+ c ° CD 0 o m 3 ? o C 01 r. a Tj° s o ° s A o a ° a ° o ° a s fb a o ° elf rho a ° o, o in 'V o a. n c Q o M ° o 3 D r` o s o rt m s c C. u C co Q � c o a �—,• C ° 4 ' O • to n a •V ,� !A G •V � V1 w C rD 01 r m m D p n mo m O O O — O O Q w 3 �. •C l N rr C N c m ,•+ O n 1 — -O 8 = Q D1 N 3' 7 ,O.r O K 3 r�•r O d m O O fn 3 of m 00 oQ o• oQ fn o C. 3 g �. m C. r� n rr r r M 3 - o m 3- uK+• O S ID C m C `(np - $ FL fn O m 3 rr 3 fuCL �# n - + D r. 0 3 ' m c F+ �; 0) o r CL D rho N s ,,, ? m g °' p � 0) O m d m (D m rr CL r: fD O rr O o o m � 0- m m m 0 y, O fn S n r� (A cu O � O m q N N 0- O c 1 :3N O 5 �{ m O N n � m fn j 0 p ry n -1 Oi S O. "'� j' O J � �+. cn (D C fn 'a C. 3- c 00 tOD 3 m w '' rD ai Vf m n D, m w— 3 v rr < m m s C C O SZ. C O O m O d 1 n m S O p O :3 OOQ m rD (D K fD N w c Q n (D M O (D X o - mO -O cu N ' m O 0 'O fn n. 5, d 00 in Q O 3 C d N O Q O Q (rD L w O m m O n n y n 3 (rD m 1 O O N xt m ° = C- m =3 aq m C. 70 N 1 ^' �• ry < o a cD cD n ' wfD <, *k o y � (D :3w NJ Vc1 N Q. °3. oa' o aQ O p- (D ?* 1 v d4 c c c fn 3 c n v �Or O O O CD N 0- O ' n rn O � m N p� O 7z D, 3 m h cr n fz - 7D m` v r* m r p 70 p '_^ 1 fCif w rN•r O fD n Di 0 K c O m C O O (D r•r d N O . p• n O O O Q m' 3 ffDD aQ 7 V O vni S 'Q O- fn fr m cm O O O fU m O O wO �+ - C = n OQ OQ fD fn O (D m 0 O 0 C. C O (D �' 3 M m rr n n M II. .G ID O' j m (D ,.t = 1 m = to N CC p m Q n O rF m 0- 'O 1 v rF O p G 'D -0 ;C O S N O `'� (D (rtp n O 3 of ((DD ZS < W 00 ffDD ,O-r W o x (D fn np m Y 3 n' '* 3' c 3 o o m n ? � S a) O, w C ,-r O rr -0 �o (p OQ (D :3 S_ :3m H N S m O C X 0 K O Q m Q (D CD m p N • OQ 1 -n O O f�if ,nr (D Q• d Q. 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