HomeMy WebLinkAboutHARVEST CREEK PH 7-J358ry*,4N %.A,..l L0 00 SURVEY REQUESTED BY HOMELANI')'S DEVIE-LOPMENT CO., L.L.C. TO CREATE 43 LOTS, OWNER: HOMELANDS DEVELOPMENT CO., L.L.C. L. E_- C-D E r-J D (R-) RECORD DISTANCE OR AZIMUTH k /M) ) MEASURED DISTANCE OR AZIMUTH 9 FOUND 5/8 INCH REBAR WITH 1 1/4 INC H PLASTIC CAP MARKED (C &H ENGR. #9518ES) 0 SET 5/8 INCH REBAR WITH 1 i V4 INCH PLASTIC CAP MARKED (C&H ENGR. #91508F-S) 282.,T, DENOTES CENTERLINE LENGTH OR 'FIE TO CENTERLINE BASIS FOR AZIMUTHS FROM NORTH: THE SOUTH LINE OF' SW '11/4 OFF SECTION 2, T. 2 S., R. 5 E., BEING 26627'06" [N4900'0V'E] BEARING COMPIL)TED FROM AZIMUTH SHOWN Mi 2010 � Lily Drive R;:n28.00 Lj e"N A 'r" I — PLAT OF -9 LOGAir- D IN '1rL7JE SW 114 OF SEC. 2, T. 2 S., OF P.M.M". ^ A , A4 ON TA NA J-358 , CITY OF BOZEMAN, ALL TIN COUNTY TEMPORARY 90' HAMMERHEAD 'FURNAROUNI) EASEMENT CERTIF! CATS OF- DEC)ICATIQ-)N the undersigned property owner, do hereby certify that I have caused to be surveyed, subdivided and platted into lots, blocks, streets and alleys, and other divisions and dedications as shown by the plat hereunto included, the following described tract of land, to wit: LEGAL DESCRIPTION That part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 2 South, Range 5 East of P,M M_ o11 0if0tin County, Montana, described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest Corner of said Section 2; thence easterly 089 27' 06% assumed azimuth from north, 165.07 feet along the south line of said Southwest Quarter, thence northerly 001* 13' 17" azimuth 615.52 feet along the west line of Harvest Creek Subdivision Phoses 5 and 6, to the point of beginning of the property to be described; thence northerly 001' 13' 17" azimuth 270.13 feet. thence easterly 089' 27' W azimuth 886,62 feet; thence easterly 081' 041 447 azimuth 185.39 feet; thence easterly 071' 01' 53" azimuth 101.63 feet; thence easterly 072° 01' 49" azimuth 15.00 feet; thence easterly 071* 09' 36' azimuth 70 61 feet; thence easterly 071* 26' 39' azimuth 285.00 feet; thence southerly 161' 26' 3T azimuth 280.00 feet, thence westerly 251* 264 39" azimuth 439,60 feet, thence westerly 254! 10' ff azimuth 98..63 feet; thence westerly 264' 47' 2Cr azimuth 192,94 feet; thence westerly 269* 27' 06' azimuth 908,24 feet, to the point of beginning. Area = 435,735 square feet. 10,0031 acres or 40,481.1 square meters. Subject to existing easements. the above described tract of land is to be known and designated as HARVEST CREEK SUBDIVISION -- PHASE 7, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana- and the ionds included in all streets, avenues, alleys and parks or public squares shown on said plot ore hereby granted, donated, and dedicated to the City of Bozeman for the public use and enjoyment,. The undersigned hereby grants unto each and every person. firm or corporation, whether public or private, providinj or offering to provide telephone, electric power, gas, cable television, water or sewer service to the public, thw:-, right to the joint use of an easement for the construction, maintenance, repair and removal of their lines and other- facilities, in, over, under and across each area designated on this plot as 'Utility Easement' to have oqd. to hold forever. HOMELANDS DEVELOPMENT Im. L Dated this day of STATE OF MONTANA Wait Wolf, Managing COUNTY OF GALLATiN 0 ETA L.- A PUBUC ACCESS WEMEW On this Alfi�,-,_dcy of �n the year &X� -00.3., before me Notary Pub4c �or -6e I"=50' State of Montana, personally appeared Wait Wolf, Monaging Member d I s Development Co., L.L.C., '15,00' WME OPEN SPACE PARK ACCESS--- a Montano Limited Liability Company, known to me to be ,.he person whose name is subscribed CORRIDOR BETWEEN LOTS 16 AND 17 to withip this inotru ient and acknowledged ',.-a me that he executed the some. for and on behalf of soWk�41 had uobi )r ay *#dr. F N 0 -1 '4 kY'E I li�f Ilcom;y, y. witness whereof, I have hereundo, so', my hand and affixed my official seat the d 1,6415 Sq Ft 11. in t' s rtificote st above written. C�0378 Acre 07ZOI'49" r"iding at- A&& 15.6o (m) 8 .1 k fo�&* 'NO my commission expires [N7'1'09'36"E1 Ok 0. :.:THE OF MONTANA CA -rGAG E E A0r: CONSENT OF moR PH I' 071*09"3fr (M) bo Tempora - [N71'01'5S'E] it 70.61 C' LOT 1 1, the undersigned mortgagee or encumbrancer, do hereby join in and consent to the described plot, releasing my ry -.a (a.4 liens., claims or encumbrances as to any protion of said [ends now being platted into streets, avenues, Temporary Cut De Sac 071o01*53r .100 -, J� . .. respective I I Cul De Sac 101.63 (M' ) cl, -- parks or other public uses which are dedicated to the City of Bozeman for the public use and enjoyment. R=-50-00 O_ U 1. %`% :Pt OF' OOTANA ZZ R=50.00 I 14P .9 A AMERICAN A Angle Point in Boundory Line I / . . — 64 Use NW Cor. of Lot 13, X - !,f , .rl '�a :;k - t-. Ae �_4 Pf M Dated this day of Block 18, es 27.04' VC, r)4' 0-3. T4 2003. b, 41 SJOQ X STATE OF MONTANA 1* LA_ ;W* '27'06'E] COUNTY QFK GALLAT N N89 �Jrl;;A i he or , -..A, .4. IV E .01 . �z On this 'lay of Notary Fublic for the (D 08727'01r -V� � (M) UTiLITY EASFMENT (TYP.) 423 t.14 (V lo-nitono, pil 7red of State of �r a oily oppeo hose name -is subscribed to the within instrument and arknowled ecl to ma that he /she executed the sae, fivr and on behalf the perso w 886.62 Fio n� known r -60.0 C, 1, ri Nit, - 1q, 6� rporo on n witness whereof, affixed F ave hereunto se my an an a i my affix Cr &0 C-4 is certificcite first above written. iii QC} 00 Cr cn CX Ln lcn esiding at tsy V) V10 .X LO _g C>:-LC if) bN ;_ S commission 15r- — LN ;�l dt aq _9 ;�p p I "UCIC� FOR -OF-MONT-4114' my A r A-i 9�:e U-i 9 C r-j" �2 expires I I _J00 o _ EJ . 1 T L 00 C), Poo C) ,i P it 'q 0- 4, C�S 7"' % CONSEN7 OF M 0 R-1-GAG E E 0i U 0 R:v9 110 h linu 7 26T 0 P WA the undemigned mortgagee or encumbrancer, do hereby join in and consent to the described plot, releasing my 26V27'0� 264.94 - C)! iT q, 96 �Lily Drive 213.95 . .......... ... respective fiens, claims or encumbrances as to any protion of said lands now being platted into streets, avenues, • 12' UTILITY EN Av ----- - PfM I_ �rl 3k&, 10 &-015�411'A - . i-Q, Ci to 528.25 089*27'W 116- parks or other public uses which are dedicated to the City of Bozeman for the public use and enjoyment. -��154.94 08 tv-_ .00-- Lei � I- LARGE SKY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP _Y21" I.S19 (_)T All- Cq 0 4,5 go LV of 200— !141 �11 Dated V day Temporar Cq i-- � W_ W ;" , f.-i C V Li .,c — '4 . - 1:) �1 n I . " �)9 \ L0 00 W)i WAI Q, -(X :,-- -(X :7- 3 1 111-T-00 __2 N\ V) i�-). W) =1 00 !�_ P.) ct) :- -,A -(X 0) S-TATE OF MONTANA '-ts: 90' Hamme& a C9 t. .", . � ,- IR, U C> CD C>, br, CD or, 00 COUNTY OF GALLATIN i urnaround Eas 9 T- 3r- Ci Public for the C� - 2 Notary Z!5 . , - ­,T I ec " 1�0 ftoily__ 4� --64� State of Montana, personally appi Lq� 42 On t his 1_(4&ay of before me or �It8 5fono in r.0 r ro 4 -ared of SEE DETAIL 64,56-- - 00�- I I A ed Partnership., known to me to be the person whose name is -75.ki 60,05 75TP� -40, '92.94 44,94--, 1 r LARGE SKY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, 0A)AA2cAA&m, L mill rl 'be the cknowled(ed to me that he/she exerciAed the same, for and on behalf of U CREEK SU affixed my official seat the day and yea, .24 F. 10, Ulu 7-y EASEMLI s b to 0 thin instrument and a, f-.1W Cor. HARVES1 BDJ.VISION PHASE 61 si'l, ITYP 26 2"47 OT 213 ai imited Partne ship. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand one, li 27'06 7 E�447"`0"W-- s 267 is i ot above written. Angle oint in Boundar Li Pe -- ­_0T 22 in h s certificate r. I 'Wr POINT' OF BEGINNING 1 "06" W1 1. of� Lot, -1 . ..... -esid 01 10IT 2 Lc) IF .3' 1 LOT­ 4 i , y i k - - ---- AA 1 1 Use 4 Cor. LJ,j. i ing at jL .4. a 5 -)T 4 . L 1 " -111 2 0 my commission expires v) IT M Block 17, a4s� 5;04." W.C. LO L "' I L. .;I 9�1 6 L'_ PHA01: I OF MONTARA 00 L 0, LO 1, '? -',AT E OF' S t-) R V E:-,'O R _J C E R TI F 1 C PUBUC ACCESS EASEMENT cr MON,7, < 1, Mark A. Chandler, Professional Engineer and Land Surveyor No. 9518-ES, do hereby certify that between 0, 4-f PHA S % LE 6 15.W WIDE OPEN SPACE PARK ACCVS, Rose Street \-\- 0 \\ Jan. 15, 2000 and Apr. W, 200A, I surveyed HARVEST CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASE 7, and platted 8i .1 011, -61*11-, 0* 0 71. 0 ,7r- 4, A M��L N d M 1 the same as shown on the accompanying plot and as described, in accordance Montana Subdivision and Platting LOT b CORRIWR BOWEEN L01'S 13 AND 14 A. LZI �0 1 65 4 S q f"t. Ik Act, Sections 76-3-101 through 76-3-625 M.C.A., and the Bozeman Area Subdivision Regulations. DLR _T_ 6-- h I L.OT '16' dmw Acre k 110T 17 No. 951 KS • L il Dated this LOT 118 IV day of 200A. 3,T 0-F OT I t 19 �OT 9 6 1 yr- (D T 14 ll 15 L_ ! � c 1 Mark A. Chandler I L01- 12 1 1_0 I 1LOT 2 1 L 2 L I Montana Registration No. 9518ES L-0-1- 8 1 LOT 7 LO T 6 LOT 5 1 —woo 80ale Irt. Feet 0.0 0 100 30 0 30 Soles III, Meters AND SURVEYING INC. Civil Snoncering 4 Structural Engineering -land Surveying 205 Edelweiss Drive Bozeman, Montana 59718 406) 587-1115 "Fax.: (406) 587-9768 - info4ehengineers.coffi ' E RTI F1 CA-r'E ' 0 F D I R E 7'0 R OF PUBLIC SERVICE K Z 1 IJ U ui K ing plat H W- MINMI V 'A 10115MM a APOINW, V 17 1, Director of Public Service, City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the accompany' now W �w t"FAM 0- a am"* mw Tk-4WftW* a a VS111010 1W-W miow has been duly examined and has found the some to conform to low, approves it, and hereby accepts the dedication to the City of Sozernan for the public use of any and all lands shown on the plot as 6 R F being dedicated to such use. . .. ......... Dated this d of 0 Li'ic1Y irector of Public' Servite City of Bozeman, Montano 4 ac; - E CERTIFICATE OF FXCL_L_SI0N FROM MONTANA rERARTMEN7 OF ENVIRONNAENTAL, C�UALI-1-Y REVIEW U) C14 -C'4 PHASE 7, Gallatin County, Montano, is within the City of Bozeman, Montcnu; &ap" ity Plan, a orowth HARVEST CREEK SUBDIVISION first-class municipality, and within the planning area of the Bozeman 2020 Community E PHA SIF 45W policy adopted pursuant tee Section 76--1 -601 et seq., M,C.A.,, and can be provided with adequate r3 I C4 Therefore, under the provisions of Section -id adeq storm water drainage oi uate municipol facilities. __-_..76-4-1.25(2)(d) M.C.A., ths. subdivision is excluded from the requirement for Montano Department of c,: Environmental Quality review. Dated this :� day of 2007 dire or of Pub r7 Service _11__ City of Bozeman, Montana CER"T'IFICATE OF COMRL.E`T'ION OF IMPROVENAENTS 1, Walt Wolf, Managing Member of Homelands Development Co., L.L.C., and 1, Mork A. Chandler, a registered 089'2706 S line of SW 1/4, Sec. 2 engineer licensed to practice in the State of Montana, do hereby certify that the following improvements, required 165,01 . ......... as a condition of approval of HARVEST CREEK SUBDIVISION - PHASE 7, have been installed in conformance with 2563.75 the approved plans and specifications-, v ovements I - Mains end Services, Water Mains and Services, Storm Drainage Improvements, and Street Impr SW CoI­_Se__C.-_2.___ Tm F" Durston Road 089*27'06" Sanitary Sewer including curb, gutter, gravel base courses, and pavement on New Holland Drive, Lillie Drive, Springbrook Avenue Fad 5/9' Rebor with (R&M) and within the Public Park Lands. Z' Alum, Cap in pavement f AA �'t The subdivider hereby warrants against defects in these improvements for a period of one year from this dote. The following improvements have NOT been completed, but are guaranteed by an Improvements Agreement: Pedestrian romps, signoge., road striping, trail improvements, sidewalks, and street light improvements on New Holland VICINIT'T' MAP Drive, Lillie Drive, Springbrook Avenue, and within -the Public Park Lands. The subdivider hereby certifies that he will war-rant against defects in these improvements for a period of one year from from the date the improvements are accepted b� the OR The subdivider grants possession of oil public infrastructure rovements to the City of Bozeman, and the ity h,�e%� accepts possession of all public infrastructure improvements, Ir, sn9ject to the abote, indicated completion and warranty. 2 115087 U T I L_ 11-1" EASEMENTS tiIll1 Page: I of i J L 0711112003 02:62P Dated this day of 200_�?' a4ze� I r Mark A. Chandler Shelley Vance-Gallatin Co MT PLAT 26.50 F, 12' FRONT AT ALL STREETS N OTES Montano Registr tion No. 9518ES I 10 HOMELANDS DEVELOPMENT 'CO 1_1 C. R ' EAR -i was annexed to the City of Bozeman pursuant to Annexation Agreement dated 12/1/97, by: 1, Property shown hereoi A@aalr,t . 'if, Managing Member ctor Service Awff --I wait Wo ;84.. and recorded on Film 179, Page 2095, and Commission Resolution No. 3217 recorded art Film 179, P. 2107. NJ C11 of Bozeman, Montana 2. Due to relatively high ground water table within the areas of the subdivsion, it is not recommended that CERTIFICATE OF COUN REASUREFL residential dwellings with full basements be constructed without first consulting a professional engineer. 1, Anna Rosenberry, Treasurer of Gallatin d;unly, Montana, do hereby certify that the accompanying If daylight basements are incorporated in the construction of re sidential dwellings, they should not have lot has been duly examined and that oil real property taxes and special assessments p r a depth greater than three feet below the top of the curb of the street from which it is served. assessed and levied on the land to be subdivided are paid. AREA TABULATION -2 3. All lot accesses shall be built to the standards contained in Section 16.16.060.B.1 of the Bozeman Dated this day of--DUAJ, _A� �L::j I HHE 200-3 By: 513511[ Area Subdivision Regulations. Depuly Treasurer of Gall tin County -IJ W. M in Cos t. AREA OF LOTS 3' 1,678 SID Fl 7.1551 ACRES AND iRECORDER 00 1 i9ation ditches CERTIFICATE OF CLERK 4. Development of each phase will not interfere with any agricultural water user facility or !E]r A-REA OF PARK 'ACCESS CORRIDOR 3,300 SO FT 0,,0758 ACRE'S for downstream water user rights. 1, Shelley Vance, Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County Montana, do hereby C }Cfa the foregoing instrument was filed in my office at 0 AREA OF STREET 120,757 SO FT 2.7722 ACMES i-i-loo'clock M. this day F -3 A.D., 200-1, and recorded in Book 6, Property shown her-eon lies in Zo _IRM i Ir Zane X (Outside the 500 year flood zone) according to F 5. Existing Zoning: R2-A I r1l, r IL of plats, Rage [A 10- It 6"; - TOTAL AREA 435,735 SO FT 10.0031 ACRES Community Panel No. 300028 0007C (panel not printed). records of tAe Clerk and Recorder, Gallatin County, Montana. NOT TO SCALE Number By. Document Deputy Clerk and Recorder #022368(