HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-28-12 Minutes, City Commission MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA December 28, 2012 The Commission met in the City Commission Room, City Hall at 121 North Rouse on Friday, December 28, 2012. Present were Deputy Mayor Jeff Krauss, Commissioner Cyndy Andrus, Commissioner Carson Taylor, Commissioner Chris Mehl, City Manager Chris Kukulski, City Attorney Greg Sullivan, and City Clerk Stacy Ulmen. *These minutes are not wordfor word and should be considered along with the audio recording, 0:07:26 A. Call to Order—NOON — Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Deputy Mayor Krauss called the meeting to order. 0:07:32 B. Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence 0:08:11 C. Changes to the Agenda Deputy Mayor Krauss asked City Manager Chris Kukulski if there were any changes to the agenda. Mr. Kukulski stated that Mayor Becker's absence will need to be authorized. 0:08:24 D. Public Service Announcement—No City Commission meeting on Monday December 31st and City Offices Closed January 1, 2013 (Ulmen) City Clerk Stacy Ulmen gave the PSA regarding No City Commission meeting on Monday December 31st and City Offices Closed January 1, 2013. 0:09:44 E. Authorize Absence of Commissioner Taylor and Mayor Becker 0:09:44 Motion and Vote to authorize the absence of Cr. Taylor and Mayor Becker. It was moved by Cr. Andrus, seconded by Cr. Mehl to authorize the absence of Cr. Taylo and Major Becker. Those votinp_.Aye being Crs. Andrus, Mehl and De ly Ma or Krauss. Those voting No being none. Page 1 of 4 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting,December 28,20.1.2 The motion passed 3-0. 0:10:05 F. Minutes—September 17,2012 Executive Session Minutes, November 5, 2012, November 19, 2012 and December 3, 2012 0:10:07 Motion and Vote to approve the Minutes from September 17, 2012 Executive Session Minutes, November 5,2012, November 19, 2012 and December 3, 2012 It was moved by Cr. Mehl, seconded by Cr. Andrus to approve the minutes from September 17, 2012 Executive Session Minutes, November 5,2012, November 19, 2012 and December 3, 2012 Those voting Ale being Crs. Mehl,Andrus and Deputy Mayor Krauss. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 3-0. 0,10.27 G. Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims(LaMeres) 2. Authorize City Manager to sign Bozeman Deaconess Hospital Release and Reconveyance and Water Pipeline Easement (Johnson) I Authorize City Manager to sign a: Professional Services Agreement with Nishkian Monks, PLLC for a Structural,Assessment and Condition Report for Fire Station 1 at 34 North Rouse Avenue (Goehrung) 4. Authorize City Manager to sign a Memorandum of Agreement with the Montana Department of Transportation to identify responsibilities for luminaire construction, operation and maintenance on North Seventh Avenue (Johnson) 5. Approve Resolution No. 4428, annexing Cresent Cross Application A-12006 at the SE corner of Huffine Lane and Cottonwood Road and Authorize City Manager to sign the related Annexation Agreement(Saunders) 6. Provisionally Adopt Ordinance No. 1852, establishing an initial zoning of Community Business District (B-2)for the Cresent Cross annexation at the SE corner of Huffine Lane and Cottonwood Road (Saunders) 7. Approve the attached list for Renewal of Liquor or Beer and Wine Licenses for Calendar Year 2013 (Neibauer) 8. Continue the consideration of Commission Resolution 4424 adopting an updated impact fee study to January 28, 2013 (Saunders) 9. Acknowledge Annual Report from the Board of Ethics(Brunckhorst) 0:10:37 Public Comment Deputy Mayor Krauss opened public comment on the Consent agenda. No person commented. Deputy Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 0:10:48 Motion and Vote to approve Consent items G. 1-9 as submitted. Page 2 of 4 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting,December 28,2012 It was moved by Cr. Andrus, seconded by Cr. Mehl to apTrove Consent items G. 1-9 as submitted. Those voting Me bein2 Crs. Andrus,Mehl and Deput_y Mayor Krauss, Those voftngNo being none. The motion assed 3-0. 0:11:03 H. Public Comment Deputy Mayor Krauss opened general public comment. No person commented. Deputy Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 0:11:16 1. Action Items 0:11.17 1. Presentation of Audit on Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 2012 (LaMeres) 0:11:23 Brian LaMeres, City Controller Mr. LaMeres began the staff presentation of Audit on Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 2012. 0:12:3 Merrilee Glover, Junkermeir, Clark, Campanella & Stevens, PC Ms. Glover gave the presentation for the financial statements. She highlighted the Certificate of Achievement, the Independent Auditor's report, assets and liabilities, the litigation strategy, management discussion analysis, statement of net assets and activities, the changes in net assets, the Governmental balance sheet, the Auditor's report on internal control and compliance, the results of federal grants and awards, proprietary funds and statement of cash flows. 0:25:13 Commission questions for Staff The Commission and Staff discussed the accumulative fund balance, decrease in Auditors, accounting rule requirements, switching auditors, courteous tickets and the judgment liability, savings in debt service payments, statutory limits, and a strategy for technology to improve efficiency. 0:42:02 Motion and Vote to accept the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and results of the financial audit for fiscal year 2012 along with accompanying reports. It was moved !a Cr. Mehl, seconded by Cr. Andrus to accept the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and results of the financial audit for fiscal year 2012 along with accompanying reports. Those voting Aye being Crs. Mehl, Andrus and De ly Mayor Krauss. Page 3 of 4 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting,December 28,2012 Those voting no being none. The motion passed 3-0. 0:42:25 J. FYI/Discussion 0:42:28 1. Northeast Urban Renewal Board Survey results 0:42:47 2. Packets for the January 7th Commission Meeting 0:44:56 3. Voluntary Certification Inspection Program for Rental Units 0:46:10 4. Commission Meeting scheduling 0:49:35 K. Adjournment Deputy Mayor Krauss adjourned the meeting at 12:46 p.m. C "a ...... , Sean A. Becker, Mayor ATTE§'i� Stacy U1, City Clerk PREPARED Stacy Ulmen, CN��, ity Clerk Approved on Page 4 of 4