HomeMy WebLinkAboutContinuation Certificate for American Medical Response, INC. P'latte River Insurance Company 1600 Aspen Coininons, Middleton, W153562 CONTINUATION CERTIFICATE Platte River Insurance Company (hereinafter called the Company) hereby continues in force its Bond No.41164267 in the sum of Two Hundred Fitt Thousand and No/100 Dollars($R§Q&OQ,0_0),on behalf of American Medical Response, Inc.in favor of,C11yof Bozeman for the(extended) term beginning on the Xt day of January, 2011 and ending on the I at day of January, 201 2,subject to all the covenants and conditions of said Bond. This continuation is executed upon the express condition that the Company's liability under said Bond,and this and all continuations thereof, shall not be Cumulative and shall in no event exceed the sum of Two Hunted Fifty Thousand and No/1 0_0 Dollars 0250,000�.00 . IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Company has caused this instrument to be signed by Its officers proper for the purpose and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed this�15"'dift,of October 2010, Matte ns ranc Company Attest (Seal) By; Kristin L Tennien,Attorney-in-fact(Title) SGE 011 (10-06) Page 1 of 1 b {IV " IIiYI Y w e A r k Cllir vtl YIY ' u^U b',Jer q v V fill r w{uPi' ,rY ' 4'b•V Ye Ibvl;`X wt Xr, d 11V m ' "M" .I ° 41 1 u4lp die °ivi r ul l4 ul' I Y A• A X,tll ills li A CIIV Atl.4111v b f YI X9 i!bb xp p`,i duvruq Iroipy �utl Yd ko¢olo-.°4, 'nflM1Nr ri"e6r r Ft utull. E{Y VNU.Eir Y,u ono n,1,1{ !Y"i flk a II91 aif1, frrHr,uure,MUp�BH'erok0l; iI1,pyXe, iTiiur4fPgriw aV�ll{ladld^,ufiarf ' 90! ui f'Ilr,uli a i, fir{It,`i „uu,f { ` JPI.Ht d¢IID. etV,BU, Ari+Peep„^tlpNtl$tl4r etrY9,rMr,.,JVlu Vql flibVtluf �VYid}V(,iXl�-.iVlRkha6 iY1al➢IIP 4GIErJHt III Ihl{, !tg ` a PLNI-IT RIVER INSURANCE COMPANY 4 1. �,3 '7�3 /I ICNONVALL NIIiN IIY TIFESE PRESENTS,Thal the 111,N]"l C RIit'ER INSURANCE COMPANY,a coiltoralion of the State of"Ncbraskn,Inawnng Sts princilml offices in the City of h1Sddlcton,Wismisin,cities make,coniitute raid appoint P FOAN ARMS`IRONQ DOUGLAS BAESLI R;JI\d 13ELL---__.., _._-----, .-..-___., .,_.--._._,..._.. � i its trot. 11acl lawful Attorrney(s)-Sil-fact,to Iurike, execute, seal anti deliver for and oil its belialf,as surely, and as its act and decd,any anti all bonds, rraderlakiri gs mad colliraicts of surer shi , arovi dcd thM no bones or undertaking or contract of snret,yshilt executed under this authority shall exccetl S11 amount.the",11111 or G 1 ___________________ALL kYRI IT N IN"STRUMEN'TS IN AN A\FOUNT NOT TO EXCEED:53.5tltl.000,tr0 -- -......._ 1 edit r This Pottier ofAllorney is gr anted and is signed acid se rled by faresintite.lender anal by the authority of the fbllowvili,g'Rcsohrtioxl adopted by the Board of Direciors of PLAff`',R.IVER INSURANCE CMIMNY at a meeting duly cirlied and held alt the 8th day ofJannary,2002, i "RESOLVED,shat the President,and Viec-President,the 5eeretiny or Tleastirer,acting individitally or otlictwvisel,be and they hereby are graiited the power and aotholir.;rtion to appoint by a Poww~er ofAttorney for the pinposes o111y of executing and atleslialg bonds and nnlcatakings roil ntlier%rrifings obligatory iii the nature thereof one or more vice-presidents,assistant secrular cs iuld attolney(s)-in-lyact,eacin apirointee to have the pow%•ers and elation ustiat to such off ices to Ilie basiness of the('olporatio¢I;the signature of such officers and the seal of the Corporation nay be affixed to such powvcr of t ;tloraey or to arty cerlilicate relating thereto by fiicsimile,and,illy Sneh powver of attorney er certif Bate bearing such.facsimile signnlres or Iilcsiunile seal shall be valid altd binding,upolt the Corporation in [lie fixture with respect to any bond or undcrlakSng or other writing obligatory in the;nature. p I thereof to which it is attached.Any drab gappoi"ntinent may be revoked.for cause,or%wnithout cause,by slily oP said oflicars,al any rinse" tl INWI NI'SS 1YHLRFOP,the PLATTE RIVER INSURANC191 COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its officer undersigned and its G eorporate sci11 to be hereto ail'ixccl duly attested,this Ist day of Jarllrary,2tltl7. \ttesr; PLATTE RI'S'ER INSURANCE COMPANY k "i David F.Anuly 'a Chairman&CEC7 ,` Jaines 9. chtyro "r p President STATE OF 11'ISCONSIN :r:K:<'r. 'f COUN Y CIF DANE �� f La On the 1 ct day of I iim Iry, 2007 before lie petsonally came Jalnes 1.1vlclntyre,tome kno%wrn,whu being by me dilly s%vorn,did depose acrd say:that he � resides 111 the County^of Dana,State of 1Yiscousin;that Sic is President of PLAT'Is RIVER INSUPtANCE COMPANY,the corporation describell in and Which executed Ilie above instrument,that he knows the seal of the said corporalioni that Ilia seal affixed to said ills(,1lrinent is such corliocate scars: ; illit it%vas so aCV"Ssed by order of°the Board of Directors of said corporattion Gird that he signers Iris name thereto by like order. � DAMEL eiy, k 6 1 M !P KIWECER � STATE OF WISCONSIN] Ditties 111;Krucgar S.S.: Notary 1 ublic,Dane Co.,1Y1 «r CO UNTY Uf DANE CERTIFIC;'ATE MY C'onnnission Is Permanent 1,the undersigned,dilly clectcd to the olFiee slated below,nowv Ilia inetnnbcrit in PLATTE RISER INSURANCE C OM PANY,a Nebraska(;orporat on, authorized 10 make this certificate,DO HEREBY CERTIFY lilt the foregoing attached Power of Attorney rertt,aiiis in hill force,lid has not been L revoked;and flnthermore,that the Resalulioli of the Board of Directors,set forth in 111c Power ofAttorney is now i1t force, Signed mad sealed at the City of Middleton,State of Wisconsin this day ofi SEAL Alan S.Ogilvie, Secretary 8.� y "fII1S DOC'U,'vfINT l5 11"C)T VALID UNLCSS P1tFNT'fiu CIN CItF.FN SIIADFD I3ACI;.GROUND 11'1THA RL•D SI<RTAI.NUI;rBEIt(N"N`IIF[Jl'PFIt j- RIGHT HAND CORNER.IF YOU HAVE ANY C,IULSTIONS CONCk,itNINCi TFfF AUTIIC;NTIC:ITY OFTHIS DOCU�%PENT CALL 800.475-�1a5(1. PH-1100(s 07) r ud iP ulq"¢g161 Y'..Y.191i1Y r Ill(Maur+rPY iNilll 1 111 4o1 Pwi s.yI ltlPttl ;iVblPtir "!IgYIPeP-....�Vl°IpW"'"IPxIYIIi 'tlltrkPl .„JI!11Vf„`^IWf II” "i1P Yrf.„y(11aItl1 yd(SIdNYt Y9i''9li PBE tYN,...._ +..:.... -. P. P....., ,...I` ,.^.... ¢hu1P{, rXXr9rf lF r Ieo-tlll�r�lu{both rll{6 d dIt"Xa Bt t V141'plXp 'YUUbII�111 Iltltrl 4 k nl q L'. v,{ 4 t f I, X INOI i9?v Mild', fa414d iy fy19C plruv., 61YIPIIpi. "!II{IUp XVI 9df Y egg 9l�ill ;yI I 4 1 4!111114 11911 V�1t j{It�l V YV II PPBi FI NV UY,01t:>N7Y1 b X1411149”�IVIOV4 V r�Xi by Ili X�I 11X{IV IiI PP slid ttl 891 Y 1 lPtl tll r 414¢YV v 4 fl OIJ D t I 9 blvM1lt q Mbl df / 011 4W r u Y 0g BIQ 1. 4 it 1 PfllM1a 6 IV P Vtl¢Il A Ikfi 8:111 t a If tlV. OEIV VItl111 A A YYI ll ¢11 P M wF y4