HomeMy WebLinkAbout70- Land Fill Agreement with Bozeman Refuse Disposal District LAWD TkIIS AG[U�EMLNT, Z&Ada and In torad into this- a Y, f of as a 0 19,20, by and baatvletjn =,,vy oF aozEmpa%t, muNTmA, p 111;y 0,L The first.part, axul R1,TUSE' DISPICXS,,�L DISTRICCT, pax-ty uf the second par t,,; MEREAS. the Hazoaan Refuse Diapo,,sa�L DiTitrict. vjcLs created unaer the provisions of Qap. 69 of t1ja l�evj�se,a of r,Iontana' 2144 for the purpose of acquiring a land U1.1 cw-mp fox, the City of BoZenach; 1r4H2,1?J.,,A6, Uxe City of dozeman has heretofor ente't%'�d intcj an agreament With Alton Ja McI3 hattan and Katherin(a (3. KcIlhattan to purchase certain lands situate in Gallatin Cousityp MOXI'Lanao for the purpose of maintaining and aperating thereon as 1@uid fill dump, a copy of which agreement, marked ExhilAt ",%" is attached, hexeto and, by this refvrenc wade a, part hereof; WkILIL,',4S, the City of Oozeman has assigned Lts interest in an option contract to purahase a land fill dIlimp to a0zeman T!Iefuse &M.sposal LUstrict; at-ul, WHEREAS. the City of Bozeman, has t1ia aenpaiprent, facilitivas and wanj,ower to operate and maintain. said land fill dump, to, collect refuse within the City of Bozeman and thm a. "ea of Said, dis tars(:.'tr axv,,L t;a lovy arW collect fees for c ot locti.on and disposztl 3ey,.-vice., 1100, Tli! RZFORL, It is hereby mutually i-uaderstood and agreed by aa,,aMaa be0;ween t"'I") part"I'as he as follcxrls- 1. 'fhe City of Bozeman will operate and maintain sald, land fill ('iuiay. p. The City of W1.11, oulL.act all, garbage an6l refuse within tho Bazaman Refuse Di,,,jposal, ;,)j,r;trict. 3. The Cit:y u,E Dozemain uvill. rraxvice lavied and assessed the B<Izevaan Refuse 1.1istrict for the Malectiork t:;urld aft spl'x,,ta], of garbage -tnd, :tat oat the praceedu thereof pay the cost of acquiring and operat..'L.ng said land dispusal and the cost of garbage c.ollection. 4 That Bozeman, Roftxse Disposal District, in consideration 01."' the servic�es to bu J')Oxforwed by the City (.xI Bozeman as herein set fc.)rth, heraby aqrees;r a To pay thc.� cost of acquiring said land fill disj?�,.)sal durup by paying the monthly installments due to Alton J. Ptcllhattan atid Natherine 0. Plollhattan under toe terats of calf-I opition cw tract of purabase, out of the, moneys rec�aived from the service fix- levieli pu,Vsuant to Chapter G9 of the Revised Codes of Montana, 1947. h. To iwke, execute and depoaiL in esarow at First National Bank in Bozeman a dead conveying a.id land fill dwR) to the City of Bozeman, Montana, to be deli •ered out of esctow uP0.11 fina,l PaY=21't Of ol.,)'Lion c can cract balance to J. Alton, Mallhattan and KdtWriwo at ?WlMattan. IN WITNILSS 'a,R-K.REOF, the parties hereto have, through their duly appointed, and qualified officers executed this Afjweeinent, in triplicate the day and year first above written CITY 0.7, p ar t Of the firs ',rkart ATTESO By_ Q— MY r 44 iMPUSE DlbPOSAL I)IS/ihIqTIP part of the e cailld ATTESW: Secre.