HomeMy WebLinkAboutSleepy Eye LLC Purchase of 411 East Main Street (former City Hall).pdfCLOSING P.NSTRUCTIONS T'O SECURI IY TITLE COMPANY Of ^* ONIANA DATE. 6;2212010 CLOSING OFFICER: Kars I1airiman FILE: 6100452 SEI IFR: City of Bozeman, Montana, a municipal coiporation LWYER, Sleepy Eye, LLC The Seller and Buyer listed hereinabove, employ SECURII Y TITI E COMPANY, a Montana Corporation to act as Closing Agent in connection with a sale by Seller to Buyer based upon the termsandconditionstofollowherein. I 'hc property herein referred to is situated in Gallatin Courtly, Montana, and is described as follows to wit hots 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 in Block F of Rouse's First Addition to Bozeman, Gallatin County, Nlontana, according to the official plat thereof on file and of record in the office of County Clerk and Recorder, Gallatin County, :1'Iontana. The transaction to which the Setter and Buyer have entered into is controlled by an Earnest Money ReceiptandAgreementtoSellandPurchaseorsimilarcontractualdocumentdated: January 14, 2010 SECURITY TITLE COMPANY is hereby instructed to carry forth the terms of said agreement which ismorespecificallysetforthbetebelow: GFNERAI. INSTRUCTIONS. I . The Total Sales Price to be paid by Buyer is $ h1tl,IltYtl.tl0 2. Earnest Money has been collected from the Buyer in the amount of. S N;A 3. The Closing fee charged by closing agent is To be paid by: 112 Buyer and 1!2 Seller 4 Title Insurance fees are to be paid as follows: Seller: Owner 's Tide Insurance Buyer: Mortgagee's Title Insurance 5. The recording fees are to be paid as follows: Buyer To transfer title and loan documents 6, The Real Estate Commission is to be paid By: Seller To: Grubb & Ellis, Montana. Commercial, I I.0 7 Date of Proration shall be: &'22, 10 I "he Following are to be prorated: a) 200910 City of Bozeman special assessments 8. Buyer and Seller acknowledge receipt ofa copy of the Preliminary Commilment for Title Insurance, 0200452. The closing agent shall cause the following exceptions asset forth in said commitment to be cleared from the public record: Exceptions No. 8 -11 regarding the 2009'10 City assessments will be released from the final titlepolicy, 9 The parties also acknowledge that Security Title Company= is not responsible for the transfer or reservation of any water, or water rights Sea^lg Gallatin sand Aladison Counties NI Oni R[ 9'.11 Ri.tpda I' .t ]' wwv 600 South 141h Ae 21102 Numi 22nd.4ve , Ste. ? 198 Stadamn. DrnL, Sae I7 i ] L j , qa,y Borcrsian, Nl mtaaa ti 7tk Birctra,un, Muntal7a SID7I6 Bozeman, Nlont,ana 59'7156d' Fix: 40(, 522 9oj Faz. 406 S h;ax: 40h.52, 5177 P 0 Box 6550, Bozcrnall, NIT 59771 -6550 - Phone 406 522.3500 • www seculle, coin 10 The Seller hereby guarantees to Security Title Company that there are no other liens and encumbrances or other debts against the subject property other than those disclosed in the Prelmanary Commitment for Title Insurance, G 100452 , to which the Seller has knowledge. 11. The closing agent shall disburse all monies received In a timely manner after all documents have been properly executed; recorded and all closirig costs are paid III full [lit! disbursement of monies is to be shown on a separate disbursement schedule prepared by the closing agent inregardstothistransaction. 12. The closing agent reserves the right to amend the disbursement schedule to reflect any changes in payoff figures, prorations, etc. should the actual date of disbursement be other than anticipated. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: NOTE: SECURITY TITLE COMPANY, assumes no responsibility or liability for the condition of the subject real property at the urne of closing nor dots SECURITYY TIT LE COMPANY, guarantee The condition or existence of any furniture, fixtures, appliances or improvements to the property which is being transferred by this sale. Sellers and Buyers hereby acknowledge that all Contingencies and conditions of the Buy and any Addendums, thereto, hate been either satisfied or negotiated outside of closing. SHLER: City ctf Bozeman, — W.ta.a, . municipal c. rpuratioil BITYER: 4,Uf—Z rt Sleepy Eye, LLC Buyer's Mailing Address After Closing; Correspondence to be sent to) Seller's Mailing Address After Closing, Correspondence to be sent to) G --) W 56V i Serving Gallatin tind Mtiefist)n C h 00 South 11)(11 '%e 200 N1 22"d 'e , Ste 2 1992 Stadium DriNe, SteSec -r 7tyTi q any 59719 BOzc"a0u. Montana 5971tleCq_ Fax 4065 581)1 Fax 4(16 S' ) 5566 Fix 406 'i—, 597' P-0 Box (.6%, Bozeman, MT 5977 t-6s90 • Phone 406 522.5500 w Nectitle com 10 The Seller hereby guarantees to Security Title Company that there are no other liens and encumbrances or other debts against the subject property other than thuse disclosed in the Prelir unary Commitment for Title Insurance, G100452 , to which the Seller has knowledge 11. The closing; agent shall disburse all nmmes received in a timely manner after all documents have. been property executed; recorded and all closing costs are paid to full 'fire disbursement of monies is to be shown on a separate disbursement schedule prepared by the closing agent in regards to this transaction. 12. The closing agent reserves the right to amend the disbursement schedule tai reYleel any chances in payofffigures, prorations, etc. should the actual date ofdisbursement be other than anticipated SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: NOTE: SECURITY TITLE COMPANY, assumes no responsibility or liability for the condition of the subject real property at the time ofclosing nor does SECURITY TITLE COMPANY, guarantee the condition ar existence of any furniture, fixtures, appliances or improvements to tine property which is being transferred by this sale. Sellers and Buyers hereby acknowledge that all contingencies and conditions of the Buy /Sell Agreement and any Addendums, thereto, liw e been either satisfied or negotiated outside afclosing. SELLER: J ITS cccl M& Qf" City of B .,---- a— Montana, a municipal corpo anon BL YER: Sleepy Eye, LLC Buyer's Mailing Address After Closing: Correspondence to be sent to) Seller's Mailing Address After Closing: Correspondence to be sent tol 1.2 C___ 12—e— 5s1 ~r 7 1 30 Seim GctI[Win cirri! 1'f ztdismz Cotentae,s 6 600 S1.01 E t l3rii11 ( •. ••• .— 84r to t"rn ti— 2fl62 funrtli '_ nd Ant Ste 7 I N St;ra1tuln C3 i.. SL, , iSect Ti any 3o¢cir ri Mont on t `r97 t 5 B zcman 1nt n s i a71k Y3i z n.arr M,min i i 7t • e -., J !I]G.5?? fel Fax. aOC, 1,_ itiG em ti %folitan' t i9 PO Bax 6550, Bozeman, %TT 59771 -05) • Aorie dub 522 5500 • wwc sccuilc curt Janice K. Whetstone Janice K, Whetstone, P.C. 202 W. Main Street, Suite 201 Bozeman, MT 59715 City of Bozeman, Montana, a municipal corporation P.O. Box 1.230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 191 Sleepy Eye, LLC 425 E. Main, Apt, 5 Bozeman, MT 59715 FOR VALUE RECEIVED, Grantor does hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey, and confirm unto Grantee, as tenants in common, the following described premises, in Gallatin County, Montana, to-wit: Lots 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 in Block F of Rouse's First Addition to Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, according to the official plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder, Gallatin County, Montana. Also included as part of this conveyance are all surface parking spaces physically located on the above-described real property, and twelve and forty-five hundredths (12.45) of the twenty-four and 9/10 (24.9) "air" spaces associated with the above-described real property. TOGETHER with all and singular tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any way appertaining and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, issues and profits thereto, and also all the estate, right, title and interest, possession, claim and demand whatsoever, as well in law and in equity, of the Grantor, of, in or to the premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all the above-described premises unto Grantee, and to Grantee's successors and assigns forever. The Grantor, and its successors and assigns, does hereby covenant that it will warrant and defend all right, title and interest in and to the said premises and the quiet and peaceful possession thereof, unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, against all and every person or persons, whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same. DATED this ?_?_ day of June, 201 GRANTOR: City of Bozeman, Montana, a Municipal By: Chris A. Kukulski, City Manager STATE OF MONTANA County of Gallatin On this day of 201 before me, a notary public in and for said State, personally appeared kris A. Ku,kulski, known to me to be the City Manager of the City of Bozeman, Montana, and acknowledged to me the execution of this document. IN WITNESS WHERE0Feh5 hereunp ret my hand and seal the date first above written. ubl 6th_e - Stafe — of Montana Printed Name— S E A L) Residing at- My commission expires'l 2 AGREEMENT FOR THE SHARING AND SEVERENCF OF UTILITIES AND SYSTEMS AT TIDE FORMER BOZEMAN CITY HALL This agreement made this _U_- day of i_kaq _1_ 201 between the City or Bozeman (hereinafter referred to as the "City"), a self-governing Montana local government, with an address of 121 N. Rouse Ave., Bozeman, MT 59715 and Sleepy Eye, LLC (hereinafter referred to as "Sleepy Eye"), with an address of 425 E. Main, Apt. 5, Bozeman, MT 59715. WHEREAS, The City and Sleepy Eye entered into a Commercial Buy-Sell Agreement, dated March 3, 201 wherein Sleepy Eye agreed, under certain conditions, to purchase the former Bozeman City Hall, located at 41 East Main St., Bozeman, MT (hereinafter referred to as "Former City Hall"); and WHEREAS, as required by law, the City adopted Ordinance 1779 authorizing the sale of the Former City Hall under a specific condition requiring that "prior to release of contingencies, an agreement, acceptable to the Bozeman City Commission, shall be signed by the purchaser and the City regarding ownership, and maintenance of all infrastructure within the building including the tunnel and that infrastructure related to beating and other utilities shared with Fire Station No. I and for payment of related utility services," and WHEREAS, EREAS, this Agreement shall constitute the agreement required by Ordinance 1779;and WHEREAS, the consideration for this Agreement is expressly understood by the Parties to be the transfer of fee title to Sleepy Eye from the City in exchange for the purchase price as stated in the Commercial Buy-Sell Agreement, and WHEREAS, when the Former City Hall was constructed several utilities and certain infrastructure were designed and constructed to be shared with the property known as Fire Station #1 (hereinafter referred to as FS 1) which is located to the north of the Former City Hall at 34 N. Rouse Ave., Bozeman, MT; and WHEREAS, the sharing and severance of utilities and infrastructure that is to be addressed in this Agreement includes the following: domestic water and hot water supply; well water for cooling; electricity; emergency back-tip electricity; and stream for beat; and NOW THEREFORE, upon all the mutual, good and valuable consideration agreed to and together with all the terms, conditions, covenants, representations, requirements, recitals, obligations, promises, and performance stated herein and in furtherance of the Commercial Buy- Sell Agreement between the Parties and Ordinance 1779, the Parties specifically agree asfollows: Agreement for the Sharing and Severance of Utiliti and SystenLs GSC Family Limited Partnership and the City of Bozeman, MT Page 1 of 10 Ownership of Utility Lines and Infrastructure UpQn Closing: All utility lines and any other physical infrastructure located within the perimeter walls of the Former City Hall building, as described herein, shall immediately upon execution of the sale of the Former City Hall and transference of a grant deed (the "Closing"), become the property and responsibility of Sleepy Eye. Any utility line or physical infrastructure that serves the Former City Hall not located on the Former City Hall properties including those located in the tunnel shall remain under the ownership of the City. The following utilities and/or infrastructure are located solely within the perimeter walls of the Former City Hall and have no connection of any kind to FSI: a. Sewer service; b. Air exchanger located within the Former City Hall; c. The air conditioning unit (except for cooling water); d. All phone, internet, and cable/hroadband lines of any kind; and e. The landscape irrigation system. 2. Utilities to be Shared After Closing/Separation: The costs to sever all utilities or to install appropriate metering devices as described herein for utilities which are to be shared after Closing shall be the sole responsibility of Sleepy Eye. The following requirements and timelines apply to the sharing and ultimate separation of utilities: a. Boiler and Steam Supply- The City shall complete severing of the steam supply lines to the Former City Hall, at the City's sole cost and expense, within thirty (30) days after Closing. The severing should be at the perimeter of the Former City Hall building and the City shall provide Sleepy Eye with written certification that the severing work has been completed within the required time fame. Sleepy Eye Will be solely responsible for removal of the pipes and other equipment associated with the stream supply which is located within the confines of the basement of the Fortner City Hall. b. Domestic Water Sp: The Parties recognize the Water supply for both9p . domestic uses and for fire suppression in the Former City Hall are supplied through FS1. Within six (6) months of Closing Sleepy Eye shall install within the Former City Hall property a water meter on the water line(s) that runs from FS I to the Former City Hall. At the same time Sleepy Eye installs the water meter the City shall install a backflow preventer. Within 36 months after Closing, Sleepy Eye shall have connected the Fortner City Hall water supply directly to the City's municipal water main located under North Rouse Ave. thus completely severing the water supply for both domestic and fire suppression uses. The City shall provide Sleepy Eye with documentation showing the location of the municipal water main located under North Rouse Avenue prior to Closing. The costs of maintaining the water supply line within the Fortner City Hall shall be borne entirely by Sleepy Eye. The above is specifically subject to the limitations and requirements in Section 3, below. Agreement for the Sharing and Severance of Utilities and Systems CSC Family Limited Partnership and the City of Bozeman, MT Page 2 of 10 c. Electrical: Sleepy Eye shall, at its sole cost and within six (6) months of Closing, install electrical meters in appropriate locations to ensure its electrical supply is no longer connected in any way to FS 1. The above is specifically subject to the limitations and requirements in Section 3, below. 3. Proration of Costs of Utilities to Be Shared After Closijig: For each utility shared after Closing, the following provisions shall control the proration of the costs of the utilities and their shared maintenance. All payments shall be paid by Sleepy Eye within 30 days after invoice by the City, a. Potable Water. Until the time Sleepy Eye installs a water meter on the water line running from FS] to the Former City Hall (six months) Sleepy Eye-shall pay the City one-third (1/3) of the City's total water charges as calculated for both FS and the Former City Hall. After installation of a water meter as required in Section 2.b, above, Sleepy Eye shall pay to the City the actual costs of water supplied to the Former City Hall until such time as Sleepy Eye installs its own water supply feed from the water main in North Rouse Ave, which time frame shall not exceed 36 months from the date of Closing. b. Electrical: Until such time as Sleepy Eye installs an electrical meter on the electrical supply line running from FS] to the Former City Hall Sleepy Eye shall pay the City one-third (1/3) of the City's total electrical charges calculated for both FS I and the Former City Hall. After installation of an electrical meter as required in 2.c, above, Sleepy Eye shall pay to the City the actual costs of electricity supplied to the Former City Hall supply until such time as Sleepy Eye completely severs electrical supply and obtains service directly from NorthWestern Energy, which shall occur no later than three (3) years after Closing. c. Maintenance on Shared Utilities: Unless otherwise provided for herein, the City shall be responsible for maintaining any system that supplies utilities t the Former City Hall and which is located within FS 1. The City shall keep detailed records regarding maintenance costs and Sleepy Eye agrees it shall be obligated to pay the City one-third (1/3) of all maintenance costs as billed by the City within 30 days of the date of invoice. 4. Maintenance and Security RE: Tunnel between Former- Ci y Hall and FS 1: The Parties acknowledge the existence of a tunnel located beneath the public right-of-way that is the alley to the north of the Forrner City Hall. This section shall control the ownership, use, and maintenance of said tunnel. a. The City of Bozeman shall own the tunnel including its walls and interior space as well as all infrastructure and utilities located within the tunnel but in no case shall the City's ownership of any utilities or infrastructure cross the Agreement for the Sharing and Severance of Utilities and Systems GSC Family Limited Partnership and the City of Bozeman MT Page 3 of 10 perimeter o f the Former City I lal I building, b. Sleepy Eye shall have unrestricted access to the tunnel solely for the purpose of maintenance of any utility lines or infrastructure located within the tunnel. Upon severance of all shared utilities located within the tunnel this access shall be terminated and Sleepy Eye has the right to permanently block off the entryway into the Fortner City Hall. c. Neither Party shall store any materials of any kind in the tunnel. d. The City shall be responsible for maintaining the interior of the tunnel in a safe condition. e. Each Party shall maintain a door on its side of the tunnel locked from the interior of each Party's respective building but readily accessible t the other Party from the interior of the tunnel for emergency access only. f. Upon severance of all utilities described in this Agreement or 36 months after Closing, whichever is sooner, Sleepy Eye specifically agrees it shall no longer have any right, title, or interest to the use of the tunnel or the infrastructure located within the tunnel. The City may, at its sole discretion and cost, abandone4 and fill in or remove the tunnel; in such a case, Sleepy Eye agrees to cooperate fully with the City's efforts to abandon and/or fill in said tunnel If any work or activity by the City results in any adverse impact or damage to the parking at the Former City Hall, the City shall, at its sole cost and expense, and in a timely manner, return the parking to the same condition as it existed immediately prior to the City's activities, 5. Miscellaneous: a. Parkin : Sleepy Eye shall obtain ownership of all surface parking spaces physically located on the tracts or record being transferred and twelve and forty five one hundredths (12.45) of the twenty-four and 9/10 (24.9) "air" spaces associated with the Former City Hall property at Closing. Any other air" parking spaces having been paid for by the City shall remain property of the City. Subject to the requirements of the City of Bozeman's Unitedied Development Ordinance, if the designated use of the Former City Hall does not change to something other than "office" the City agrees it will not require any additional parking spaces to be added and/or purchased by Sleepy Ey until such time as the designated use changes for all or a portion of the Former City Hall. Sleepy Eye specifically agrees, that should the designated use of all or a portion of the Former City Hall change to a use other than "office," or if the building is remodeled to increase the square footage of usable space, as determined by the City, additional parking spaces may be required prior to commencement of the new use pursuant to the City of Bozeman's Unified Development Ordinance. Agreement for the Sharing and Severance of Utilities and Systems GSC Family Limited Partnership and the City of Bozeman, MT Page 4 of 10 b. Fire Suppression Systern: The Parties recognize the water supply for the fire suppression system located in the Former City I lall is located within FS 1. Sleepy Eye recognizes certain legal requirements exist for the provision of a fire suppression system and agrees it is solely responsible for the maintenance of all components of the fire suppression system which are located within the Fortner City Hall. The City and Sleepy Eye recognize that the fire suppression system has been supplied by domestic water while the Former City HallbuildingwasundertheownershipoftheCity. Under the terms of this Agreement, Sleepy Eye will be severing the FSI supply line and hooking upitsownfiresupplywaterlinebutSleepyEyewillhavethirty-six (36) months after Closing to complete such severing and installation of a new fire supplywaterline. However, if Sleepy Eye changes the historical use of the Fortner City Hall building after Closing, such change to the historical use may requireSleepyEyetoinstallthenewfiresupplywaterlinepriortotheendofthe thirty-six (36) month period. The City shall use its best efforts to maintain a sufficient water supply to the Former City Hall for all water uses until such time as the water supply is severed as required by Section 2.b, above. c. Well Water from FS 1. The Parties recognize the evaporator cooling bundle on the Fortner City Hall air conditioner currently uses well water from a well located in FS I for its cooling medium and the well water is pumped from the basement well house located in FSI through the tunnel to the air conditioning compressor unit in Fortner City Hall- The City shall complete severing of the well water line to the Former City Hall, at the City's sole cost and expense,within thirty (30) days after Closing. The City shall work with Sleepy Eye to ensure severing of this line shall occur at a location that best serves SlEye. The City shall provide Sleepy Eye with written certification the severingworkhasbeencompletedwithintherequiredtimeframe. d. Form e City Hall Door Locks: Sleepy Eye recognizes the interior and exterior dock locks at the Fortner City Hall are included within the City's overallsecuredadecokeysystem. As such, Sleepy Eye recognizes the City shall remove the lock cores from all interior and exterior doors. Prior to Closing,the City will work with Sleepy Eye to ensure adequate secure locks are provided at the City's expense. e. Former Citv Hall Elevator Sleepy Eye recognizes the elevator located in the Fortner City Hall has not been maintained since the City vacated the Former City Hall in October, 2008. As such, the Parties agree the City makes no expressed or implied warranty of any kind regarding the elevator. All costs associated with licensing and ensuring the elevator is in proper working ordershallbeborneexclusivelybySleepyEye. f. Legal Non= eonfortnin The City recognizes the FCH was used for several purposes including, but not limited to, offices and limited Agreement for the Sharing and Severance of Utilities and Systems GSC Family Limited Partnership and the City of Bozeman, MT Page 5 of 10 public assembly. The City also recognizes these uses that existed on the property may have been legal non - conforming uses under Title 18 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. As such, the City agrees that uses similar to the uses of the FCH under the City's ownership may continue in perpetuity. Sleepy .Eye would have the right to the FCH as mixed use of offices and other permitted uses and such mixed use would not change the historical right to have offices in the FCH building. Nothing in this section waives any other matter related to building, fire, or other codes of the City or the State of Montana regarding occupation and use of the FCI I. 6. Agre Not Final Until Closing: This Agreement is not effective nor binding on the parties until the Parties execute the Closing wherein the City issues a grant deed to Sleepy Eye for the Former City Hall. This Agreement shall be recorded in the records of the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder along with the grant deed. Binding Agreement[Utilities Severed Prior to Subsequent Transfer: At Closing, this Agreement shall be binding on the successors in interest of both Par However, should Sleepy Eye transfer ownership of the Former City Hall to another entity all utilities shared between FS I and the Former City Hall shall be severed prior to Sleepy Eye transferring ownership and in such a case the City shall no longer be obligated to provide any service to the entity taking ownership. Furthermore, the Parties agree the rights under this Agreement shall not benefit or transfer to any of Sleepy Eye's lessees, renters, or licensees but shall only be for the benefit of Sleepy Eye. Indemnify and Fold Harmless: a. Recognizing the City is providing certain utility services to the Former City Hall for the benefit of Sleepy Eye, Sleepy Eye specifically agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City its employees, directors, agents and subcontractors against any and all liability, losses or damages or any expenses whatsoever to the City as a result of any claims, demands, damages, costs or judgments against it including, without limitation, personal injury, death, property damage, loss of use, and attorney's fees that may arise in connection with or as a result of fulfilling the City's obligations under this Agreement. 9. Severability: If any provision of this Agreement is held to be void or unenforceable by a court, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected and the rights and obligations of the Parties shall be construed and enforced as if the Agreement did not contain the particular provision held to be void or unenforceable. 10. Venue and - Choice of Law: This Agreement shall be construed under the laws of the State of Montana and the Parties agree venue shall be the Eighteenth Judicial District,Gallatin County, Montana. 11. Insurance: Sleepy Eye shall maintain adequate liability and property insurance on the Former City Hall from the date Of Closing until termination of this Agreement. The insurance declaration shall name the City of Bozeman as an additional insured and contain no less than $750,000 per claim and $1,500,000 per occurrence, Sleepy Ey Agreement for the Sharing and Severance of Utilities and Systems GSC Family Limited Partnership and the City of Bozeman, hIT Page 6 of 10 shall provide a copy of the insurance declaration to the City prior to the Closing, 12. Remedies in Case of Breach: Should either Party assert the other is in breach of any obligation under this Agreement the Party asserting a breach must inform the other in writing of the alleged breach and provide the accused Party with 30 days to cure the alleged breach. If the Party alleging a breach determines the cure is inadequate that Party may seek redress through any means available at law or in equity. 13. Attorney Fees: That in the event it becomes necessary for either Party of this Agreement to retain an attorney to enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement or to give any notice required herein, then the prevailing Party or the Party giving notice shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs, including fees, salary, and costs of in-house counsel to include the Bozeman City Attorney. 14. Termination of Ageement: This Agreement shall continue in full force in effect until all obligations of the Parties or any successor in interest have been satisfied. The Parties specifically understand that upon 36 months after Closing, the sharing of all utilities shall be terminated. 15. No 'Warranty/Waiver: Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create an express or implied warranty in the condition of any shared infrastructure or utility lines or in the condition of any infrastructure or utilities located solely within the Former City Hall. Sleepy Eye recognizes it has inspected all systerns and infrastructure located with the Former City Hall prior to Closing and hereby waives any claim it may have regarding the status or condition of any infrastructure or utility lines shared or otherwise located on the Former City Hall property or located in FSI. 16. Notice: If either Party is required to give notice under this Agreement to the other Party for non-emergency circumstances, the Parties shall provide such notice as follows: All such notices shall be in writing and shall be delivered personally or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the addresses set forth below. All notices shall be deemed effective at the time of personal delivery or three (3) days after deposit in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid.ZD City of Bozeman Attn: City Manager P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59715 Sleepy Eye, LLC Attn: Steve Kleimer 425 E. Main, Apt, 5 Bozeman, MT 59715 Agreement for the Sharing and Severance of Utilities and Systems GSC Family Limited Partnership and the City of Bozeman, Kr Page 7 of 10 For emergency communications, the City contact shall be the Bozeman Fire Chief and/or the senior officer on duty at FS1. Sleepy Eye's emergency contact shall be Steve Kleimer. The Parties shall provide each other with a current emergency phone number including backup contacts. For communications regarding maintenance or billing of shared costs the City's contact shall be James Goehrung, Director of Facility Services; Sleepy Eye's contact shall be Steve Kleimer. 17. Public Document: The Parties agree this document is a public record under the laws of the State of Montana and neither Party has any expectation of privacy nor trade secretes regarding the contents herein. 18. Entire Agreement: This written Agreement contains the entire understanding between the Parties hereto in connection with the subject matter and it supersedes and replaces any and all prior negotiations, agreements and representations, whether oral or written. The Parties acknowledges that neither Party, nor any agent or attorney of any of either Party, has made any promises, representations or warranties whatsoever, express or implied, not contained herein, concerning the subject matter hereto, to induce each other to execute this Agreement, and both Parties acknowledge that they have not executed this Agreement in reliance upon any promises, representations, or warranties not contained herein. Sleepy Eye further acknowledges that it has had a full and complete opportunity to independently investigate all facts material hereto, and has done so. 19. AmendineptModification: That any amendment or modification of this Contract or any provisions herein shall be made in writing or executed in the same manner as this original document and shall after execution become a part of this Contract. 20. lnte ret and Construction. This Agreement has been jointly drafted and/or reviewed by the Parties hereto following negotiations between them. it shall be construed according to the fair intent of the language as a whole, and not for or against either of the Parties. 21. Independent Review/Authority to Sign: The Parties acknowledge that they have been advised by independent legal counsel, not retained or paid by the other, regarding this Agreement, and have entered it freely, without duress or coercion. Each Party represents to the other that the person signing below on its behalf has authority to bind their respective entities to this Agreement. Agreement for the Sharing and Severance of Utilities and Systems GSC Family Limited Partnership and the City of Bozeman, MT Page 8 of 10 City of Bozeman, Montana: JEF KIK USSOMa01. 1, ATTEST B0 s APPROVED AS TO FORM: Rq SULLIVAN City ttomey Agreemem for the Sluiring and Scverancc of Utiliti 111( S ) ,, sjcjjj , GSC Fllllli I PI "Al [P alid the City of Bonman, NJI Page 9 of 10 Sleepy Eye, LLC: Gretchen V. Kleimer, Member M. STATE OF MONTANA County of Gallatin On this day of 0 20 10, before me, a notary pub in and for said State,personally appeared Gretchen leimer, known to me to be a Member of Sleepy Eye, LLC,1 the limited liability company that executed this document, and acknowledged to me that such limited liability company executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the date first above written. Illjj 4 / SEAL) ------- C Print narne) Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing at: My commission expires: C." Agreement for the Sharing and Severance of Utilities and Systems CSC Family Limited Partnership and the City of Bozeman, MT Page 10 of 10 Sec' rity Tide COil I any Serving GaffaDfi nd Madison Counties t szz -so1 SELLER'S CLOSING STATEMENT Escrow Number: G100452 Escrow Officer: Kris Harriman BitycriBorrower: Sleepy Eye, LLC Seller: City of Bozeman, Montana, a municipal corporation Property: 414 East Main Street, Bozeman, MT 59715 Title Order Number. G100452 Date: 0612112010 Closing Date: 05122r201U DESCRIPTION DEBITS CREDIT'S TOTAL CONSIDERATION 510,000.00 PRORATIONSIAD.IUSTM -NTS: 2009x10 Ci A=nt. r? 833.82 per 12 mouth(s) 5127/2m to 7101/2010 91.38 COMMISSION(S): Listuae Broker: Grubb & Ellis, Montana Commercial, LLC -34,300.0 Sefl: Gene Cook Real Estate 24,300. TITLE CHARGES honer s Premium for 810.090.00: SmwIty Title Compaav Of Montana Owner's Prermum 2,077.0 Lender /Mori =a ee Prenuum: Security Title Company Of Montana ESCROW CHARGES TO: Security Title Cnm and Of Montana Escrow Fee 125 ff.. LENDER CHARGES New to First Security Bank: ADDITIONAL, DISBURSEMENTS: Attorney Fee: City Attorney Fee: Janice K. Whetstone, RC. BALANCE DUE YOU 759,289,3 TOTALS --510,0911 510,091.38 City of Bozeman, Montana, a municipal corporatrau 6! ..,...,....- SELLER OR BORROWER AFFIDAVIT AND INDEMNITY This document must he completed in its entirety. Failure to do so may create a delay in closing. Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you are unsure of how to complete the document. Subject Property: Lots Ill, 11, 12,13 and 14 in Block F of Rouse's First Addition to Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, according to the official plat thereof can tike and of record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder, Gallatin County, Montana. Before me, the undersigned authority on this day personally appeared 1 <1 (, Personally blown to me to be the person whose name is subscribed hereto and upon his oath deposes and says that no proceedings in bankruptcy or receivership have been instituted by or against him and that the marital status of the affiant has not changed since the day of acquisition of said property and represents to the purchaser, lender and /or First American Title Insurance Company or Old Republic National Title Insurance Company in this transaction that: 1. No unpaid debts for plumbing fixtures, water heaters, floor furnaces, air conditioners, radio or television antennas, carpeting, rugs, lawn sprinkling systems, blinds, window shades, draperies, electric appliances, fences, street paving, or fixtures that are located on the subject property described above, and that no such items have been purchased on time payment contracts, and there are no security interests on such property secured by financing statement, security agreement or other -wise except the following:. Secured Party Approximate Amount 2 No loan or liens (including Federal or State Liens, Judgmen( Liens, Child Support Liens or Medical Assistance Liens) and no unpaid govemmental or association taxes or assessments of any kind on such property except the following: Creditor Approximate Amount 3. All labor and material used in the construction of improvements on the above described property have been paid for and there are now no unpaid labor or material claims against the improvements or the property upon which sarne are situated, and I hereby declare that all sums of money due for the construction of improvements have been fully paid and satisfied, In addition, all appropriate building permits have been obtained for the original structure and any additions or remodeling. True False 4. To be filled in if a sale — The Seller is not a non - resident alien, foreign corporation, foreign partnership, foreign estate, foreign trust or other foreign entity (as defined in the Internal Revenue Code and income Tax Regulations). Seller's U.S. employer identifica ion number (or social security number`) is: I BHT i 4 v 12.32) Seller's address is ry1( d e rvi pxe , cam = This affidavit may he disclosed to the Internal Revenue Service and is finushed to Buyer to inform that withholding of tax is not required under Section 1446 of the Internal Revenue Code. AS. Parties in possession other than affiant/s: Yes--- No If yes, Option to Purchase — Lease____ Contract for Deed INDEMNITY I agree to pay on demand to the purchasers, lender and/or First Amencall Title Insurance Company or Old Republic National Title Insurance Company in this transaction, their successors and assigns, all amounts secured by any and all liens not shown above, together with all costs, losses and attorney's fees that said parties may incur in connection with such unmentioned liens and not shown in accompanying commitment. Provided said liens either currently apply to such property, or a part thereof, or are subsequently established against said property mid are created by me, known by me, or have an inception date prior to the consummation of this transaction. I realize that the purchaser, lender and/or First Ainericari Title Insurance Company or Old Republic National Title Insurance Company in this transaction are relying oil the representations contained herein in purchasing same, lending money, insuring title thereon and would not purchase same, lend money or issue title insurance Luiless said representations were made. If seller or borrower is an entity,. I have authority to sign oil its behalf State of Montana County of Gallatin On this day fyof in the yeal - 2-011) before me personally appeared a S — f of City of Bozeman,Montana, a municipal corporation, known to me to bt the per, i name(s) is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he (she or they) executed the sarne, IN, WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto s d and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. set I — Printed My commission expires