HomeMy WebLinkAbout12- Morrison-Maierle, Bozeman Swim Center Structural Assessment of the North and South Walls Project Professional Services AgreementBOZEMAN SWIM CENTER STRUCTURAL ASSESSMENT OF THE NORTH AND SOUTH WALLS PROJECT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS IS AN AGREEMENT made as of October 8, 2012, between THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Municipal Corporation, P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman, Montana, 59715 (OWNER) and Morrison - Maierle, Inc., P.O. Box 1113, Bozeman, Montana, 59718, (ENGINEER). Whereas the accomplishment of the work and services described in this Agreement is essential to the OWNER'S public works improvement program. Whereas the OWNER intends to and has selected the ENGINEER to provide necessary and professional engineering and surveying services for the project. Whereas the ENGINEER represents that it is willing and qualified to perform the professional engineering and surveying services for this project described in this Agreement. Therefore, in consideration of the foregoing recitals and the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, the parties agree as follows: The conditions and provisions set forth in the attached L vu1B rT A - ENI, EEW S ST A T- -S DURING CONSTRUCTION, -EXHIBIT B A LISTING F HE DUTIES - RESPONSIBILITIES ITIES Ai irIT rTrO rS OF AUTHORITY - F T 4-E RESIDENT PRO�j G z r Dom€ ITATIVB.� EXHIBIT C - ENGINEERING FEE PROPOSAL AND SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR BOZEMAN SWIM CENTER STRUCTURAL ASSESSMENT OF THE NORTH AND SOUTH WALLS and EX HIBIT D BNGRI EERIN � BBB ESTIMATE are hereby incorporated in and made part of this Agreement ARTICLE 1 - ENGINEERING SERVICES 1.1. The detailed description of the specific project components is described as follows: Development of a report outlining the findings associated with the structural assessment of the existing north and south masonry walls at the Swim Center. The purpose of the assessment is to measure the current out -of -plumb nature of the walls and analyze them to determine if they need to be reinforced or if connections to the roof and/or adjacent walls need to be enhanced to preserve the structural safety and integrity of these walls. 1.2. The scope of services under this contract are set forth in this agreement and the attached EXHIBITS. ARTICLE 2 - ENGINEER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1. ENGINEER shall perform for OWNER professional engineering services in all phases of the Project to which this Agreement applies as hereinafter provided. These services will include, but not be limited to, serving as OWNER's professional engineering representative for the Project, providing professional engineering consultation and advice and furnishing customary structural engineering services incidental thereto. 2.2. The ENGINEER shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, supplies, and incidentals necessary to conduct and complete the ENGINEER'S portions of the Project and to prepare and deliver to the OWNER all data, reports, plans, specifications, and recommendations as designated herein. 2.3. The ENGINEER shall ascertain such information as may have a bearing on the work from local units of government, public, and private organizations and shall be authorized to procure information from other authorities as to the extent of these contacts and the results thereof. 2.4. The ENGINEER'S work shall be in accordance with the standards of sound engineering practices. 2.5. The ENGINEER shall name a Principal -In- Charge for the duration of the project. The Principal -In- Charge shall be Kurt W. Keith, P.E. 2.6. The ENGINEER shall name a Project Manager who shall be the liaison between the ENGINEER and the OWNER. The Project Manager shall be Kurt W. Keith, P.E. The OWNER may name a Task Director who would be the liaison between the ENGINEER and the OWNER during the design segment of the Project. 2.7. The ENGINEER shall submit an estimated progress schedule at the beginning of the work, and monthly progress reports thereafter until the project is completed. 2.8. The ENGINEER shall Febid the projeet as needed, and redesign elements of the pfejeet, should bids eerrie in Ave the eentraetbudget. This service will be at no cost to OWNER. ARTICLE 3 - OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 The OWNER shall name a Task Director who shall be the liaison between the ENGINEER and the OWNER during DESIGN segment of the Project. The Task Director designated shall be Dan McCarthy. 32 The OWNER shall have the right of review and examination of the ENGINEER'S work at all times. 3.3 The OWNER shall make available all records (as -built drawings, construction records, etc.) indicating the existing configuration of the city utilities. 3.4 The OWNER will be Fespensible b Bid Openings. 1...1. --- ». _ .....—. I-- ........... ..........b,,, ................ ......t....a. v.. .. vksa. a. aay.... as..v ­­ Ycr ARTICLE 4 - BASIC ENGINEERING SERVICES The ENGINEER shall render professional Engineering Services as follows: 4.1 PRE - DESIGN INVESTIGATION PHASE 4.1.1 Consult with OWNER to clarify and define OWNER's requirements for the Project and review available data. 4.1.3 Identify and analyze requirements of governmental authorities having jurisdiction to approve the design of the Project and participate in consultations with such authorities. 4.1.4. Provide analyses of 03AWER's needs, pimning sun,eys, site evaluations and GempaFative studie5--&f prospective sites and solutions. 4.1.6 Assist in foFmation of Speeial imprEwement Distr-iots by alternatives. distFiet desoriptions and maps, (SID) preparing boundary costs based an the b teehnieal information b PFCUeet assessment hearings, ub , if applicable ­t estimates, layouts, and providing design hibits to indioate clearly b the sketelies involved and eanceptual eensiderations (including b NER and setting b findings following, b A,hioh will be sepai:ak4y b b -osts and eentingeneies, and (on the basis of and eensultants, for the cost of land and rights b interest and chafges and for- otheF to be 'ded b), for- QwneF. b , such 4.1.8. easts, Furnish allawanee, b etc copies are of hereinafter the Study and son,ices ealled Repert "fetal dowments Pwee" Eels". others them in with The total of all QVINWR The Pre design investigatien _ Phase voill be eempleted and aFid FeN,iew person days lowing auther-ization ffem OWNER to ENGINEER to prooeed with submitted that phase within ef sei.N,.*--- ealeiidaF fe wriften 42 PRELIMINARY DESIGN PHASE — NOT PART OF INITIAL SCOPE OF SERVICES Phase, ENGINEER slialk 4.2.1. in eensultation With OWNER deteffilinegenffal scope, . . 4.2.2. ENGINEER shall then prepare a PFeliflninaiy Design RepoFt, pFeliminaiy plans and speeifleations an4-a ..:t+en desert .tion Fnr the PrE. eet 4.2.3. Pr-eliniinaFN'Design 8_2ep_g_!j: Specifie items to be addressed in the design report will include, but H&t4e li te t.. rm-iccd o -c am bidding. These approvals will be coor-difiated with the 03AINER and will be Riade on easement and perff+4 design doGuments approved by the OWNER. informatien and easement deseriptions provided in the Basio EngineefH+9 Sen,iees will be based on data available from • 426 >r.,...1,,..,t:a.,, and Analysis: The €NGDiEg R shall Gandaet such geatechn I design bidding. geoteehnic-al repeft will be prepared with Feeofflinendations S to conditions PeFtinent to the design and eanstmotion of the Project. StibsuFfitc-e informafien will be obtained b) S S geateohnical data available and using test pits and sail borings b The ENGINEER shall fumish eopies of a geoteohnieal repert as requested to OWNER for use by QAq,4ER alld meeting. The repef4 is ta-be prepaFed faf: design purposes; ENC;INEER will not be Fesponsible if it is used by others for other ptiFpeses. 4.2.7. Preli . 1, Plans and Sver-ifiea4ien�-. Prepare prelif:ninaf�, c-onstruetion plans and spec-ifioations .,f., a.t: „h:..l, addresses the speei I features Y J f h t task. 4.2.8. Based on the inf-afmatien Gentained in the pfeliminaFy r' design opinion ef:p eba.hle Total Drn:o..t (`., r to the OWNER. 4.2.9. ENGINEER shall prepaFe and furnish eamplete eopies ef preliminafy bidding daeuments and repoA as requested We 0- ALM-2.R and at the same time furnish copies as directed by QAqs4ER to S b parties haviRg regulatery responsibilities or direot �Pnaneial paftiraipation in any part of the Prajeet; provide any teGhnical rmiter-ia, written descfiptieRs and design data iieeessaFy fqF s or- approval from authorities havingjurisdietion to revie", and appWve the design, and assist o sueb approvals; and- d-o-ounients with OWNER d iew aid Fil•9Ht ie and, if :.,..,ess ....'aUGt a plan in hand site review. ill changes agreed to between ENGINEER and OWNER Will be .el .,.d..w. fforA the ii GINEcn t„ the OWNER and : f:a,te,d into the final plans and spevifieatispl- The Preliniinary Design Phase will be eempleted and -r*bi il{ within j4 - alenda .. T�r� written uthorizatie f+om _ WAINER t'. ENGINEER to .. veal ..,:th that phase of sew 4.3 FINAL DESIGN PHASE — NOT PART OF INITIAL SCOPE OF SERVICES After written autharization to r with ith the Final Design Dh > ENGINEER shall: ■ . •_ 4 . 4.4 BIDDING OR NEGOTIATING PHASE — NOT PART OF INITIAL SCOPE OF SERVICES A4eF written authefization to preeeed with the Bidding OF b obtaining 4.4.1. Assist OWNER in adveftising for and bids or negotiating oontraet(s) and reeord prospeotive bidders to whom Bidding Documents have been issued, Feceive and pFoc-es-s deposits C Bidding Do nts and d t l.•d F pre 4.4.2. PFovide interpretation or GlaFifieatiea to prospnti-ve bidders regarding the Bidding Docufflents, and addenda as :..t., 4.4.3. Consult with and advise OWNER as to the areeptability of the er, subeoatrac-t&rs-, 4.4.4. Consult with OWNER and determine the aeGeptability of substitute Fflatffiak and equipment proposed by C-entfaestar-(s) when substitution pFioF to the awaFd of eentracts is allowed by the b �s. b � opening, 4.4.5. Attend the Bid prepare bid tabuWien, evaluate bids, assess biddeFs' -apA :b:l :ty and make n ..rd recemmendation to 0- MiNFER mateFials, equipment and sen,iees. Furnish Owner two eFiginal b �inc-luding design dFawifigs, .fed nt. ..t d,. nts and n to tls e€eafl . 4.5 CONSTRUCTION PHASE — NOT PART OF INITIAL, SCOPE OF SERVICES The Fespo sibil:t :es or the ENGINEER duFing the Geas�FuGt:,,n P4ase are summarized v 11 as •_ ! • .I. _ - ! • ! - ! MMUMNIM .. MeM WIN Weill - e r • r . �. ' .. . .. 4.6. PROJECT DOCUMENTATION — NOT PART OF INITIAL SCOPE OF SERVICES containing ENGINEER shall flir-flish OWNER with (a) efie mylar eopy and two paper eopies of the Pr-ojeGt Reoerd Drawings ("As documentation as requested bY O�W;ER. 4.7. CONSTRUCTION TESTING — NOT PART OF INITIAL SCOPE OF SERVICES The inspeetion son,ioes shall inolude material testing and veFifieation plans and spec-ifi cations. of eentract oemplianee with job site requiFemefi4s, testing: I�Conerele strength, air cement and slu ip 2) Embankment, t:eHGh bael(fill and gravel and payement densities b 4)- Nant m4E strength, flo;nlld asphalt content ARTICLE. -5 - ADDITIONAL SERVICES 5.1. If OWNER wishes ENGINEER to perform any of the following Additional Services, OWNER shall so instruct ENGINEER in writing, and ENGINEER shall perform or obtain from others such services and will be paid therefor as provided in the Agreement: 5.1.1. Legal land surveys performed to obtain data for preparing easements and rights -of -way descriptions 5.1.2. Preparation of applications and supporting documents for governmental agencies in addition to those required under Basic Services; preparation or review of environmental studies and related services; and assistance in obtaining environmental approvals. 5.1.3. Services resulting from significant changes in the general scope, extent or character of the Project or major changes in documentation previously accepted by OWNER where changes are due to causes beyond ENGINEER's control. 5.1.4. Providing renderings or models. 5.1.5. Preparing documents for alternate bids requested by OWNER for work not executed or for out -of- sequence work. 5.1.6. Providing other services not otherwise provided for in the Agreement, including services normally furnished by the OWNER as elsewhere herein described. J 5.1.7. Furnishing the services of independent professional associates or consultants for other than Basic Services. I 5.2. When required by the Contract Documents in circumstances beyond ENGINEER's control, ENGINEER shall perform or obtain from others any of the following Additional Services as-circumstances require during construction and without waiting for specific instructions from OWNER., and ENGINEER will be paid therefor as provided in this Agreement: 5.2.1. Services in connection with work directive changes and change orders to reflect the changes requested by OWNER if the resulting change in compensation for Basic Services is not commensurate with the additional services rendered. 5.2.2. Services in making revisions to Drawings and Specifications occasioned by the OWNER'S acceptance of substitutions proposed by Contractor(s); services after the award of each contract in evaluating and determining the acceptability of an unreasonable or excessive number of substitutions proposed by Contractor; and evaluating an unreasonable or extensive number of claims submitted by Contractor(s) or others in connection with the work. 5.2.3. Services resulting from significant delays, changes or price increases occurring as a direct result of materials, equipment or energy shortages. 5.2.4. Additional or extended services during construction made necessary by (1) work damage by fire or other causes during construction, (2) a significant amount of defective or neglected work of any Contractor, (3) acceleration of the progress schedule involving services beyond normal working hours, (4) default by any Contractor. ARTICLE 6 - COMPENSATION FOR ENGINEERING SERVICE 6.1 LUMP SUM AGREEMENT FOR BASIC SERVICES AND EXPENSES OF ENGINEER (NOT APPLICABLE) 6.1.1 FT�9�. The OWNER shall feF design phase sef-vioes performed as BasiG Fingineering Serviees und-er seetieR 4.1,with the exeeption of Task 6which is ifieluded under- seetion 6.3, pay a total sum in the amount-af $ 106,854 fdbr sdeh servie-es: 6.1.2 Payment Sehedule. Total eumulative payments fbF the pFe design phase efigineering sei:vices (see 4.1) shall not exeeed the fellewing g: o of pre design fee) until the pre design repeft has been submitted te the OWNER. 0 of design fee) until the PFeliminary Plans and Speeifiea4ions have been submitted4e the OWNER and review authorities O of design fee) until the Final Plans and Speeifieations have been submitted to OWNER and uthoi:it:er 6.1.3 QetieE�1. Engineer shall subinit menthly statements f9F sen,ices rendeFed. The statements sha!4--be based upon Engineer's estimate of the propoi4ion of the tetal serviees aetually eampleted at the time of: 5> subjeGt to any limitations on Payments based on eempletion of tasks or- spec-ifie retainage FeElUirements PHFSuant ttoI the payment. ,. .. .,f tt.e n „t C, A— Reiniba sicble expenses. Only those expenses .roeiffic-all ',i ntom f�rpay*ien4 under ,.tiefl of thisAgFeement aF,- reimbuFsable. All othei: design related expenses are in6l d in the Lump Stim Paymeiit fef the gasipsewiees (42) and are net separately Feimbarsable. Additional SeFviees spesifle 14- 7 ident i€>ed anderth seepe of .designs c p e.,f un der66M w — wparately F .,-1.,.rsable 6.2 DIRECT LABOR COST PAYMENT FOR BASIC SERVICES AND EXPENSES OF ENGINEER. Design, bidding, construction and project documentation services performed as Basic Engineering Services under sections 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5 including preliminary design, & :ial design, bidding phase, and GeneFal AdministFatien of C t g, shall be compensated in accordance with the following: 6.2.1 The OWNER shall pay for Construction Phase and Project Documentation Services an amount not to exceed $2800 except as provided under and 6.2.4. Costs Compensation. Compensation for these services shall be based on the ENGINEER's Direct Labor Cost times a factor of 3.15 for services rendered which shall cover Direct Labor, Direct Labor Overhead, General & Administrative Overhead and Profit, plus reimbursable expenses as provided in 6.2.2. Notification. At any time during the construction that it becomes apparent that the Construction Phase and Project Documentation Services rendered under this Agreement will exceed the negotiated compensation for these services, and prior to performing services in excess of the contract ceiling, the ENGINEER shall give OWNER written notice thereof. Promptly thereafter OWNER and ENGINEER shall review the scope and progress of the project work. ENGINEER shall obtain written authorization from OWNER, prior to any additional costs being incurred under paragraph If it is determined that due to a change in project scope under paragraph 5.2.1, the ENGINEER is entitled to additional compensation, OWNER and ENGINEER may negotiate terms as provided under The amount and terms of any additional compensation under or shall be negotiated and agreed in writing pursuant to 9.16. Costs Exceeding Estimated Compensation. Except as allowed under 5.2.1, when the total cost of the original scope Construction Phase and Project Documentation Services exceeds the negotiated compensation for these services, the OWNER shall pay only for the direct costs incurred in excess of the estimated compensation. These costs consist of an amount equal to the ENGINEER'S Direct Labor Cost times a factor of 2.74 for services rendered which shall include Direct Labor, the federally audited payroll Direct Labor Overhead, and General & Administrative Overhead costs, but shall not include any allowance for profit. 6.2.2. Reimbursable Expenses, as defined in section 7.4 of this Agreement, for Basic Services and Approved Additional Services shall be paid to the ENGINEER by the OWNER in the actual amount of the costs incurred up to an amount not to exceed $2800 which includes $ 0 for consultants employed by the Engineer and $0 for all other reimbursable expenses. The a timatad raim6u =;Role a peRses are identified in Exhibit "E 2." 6.2.3. Failed Test Expenses. The ENGINEER shall maintain and provide to the OWNER, a record of the costs associated with failing quality control tests performed for the OWNER during the course of the construction of the project and recommend an amount the OWNER deduct from the contractor(s) payments. 6.2.4 The OWNER shall pay an amount for Additional Services rendered by the ENGINEER and approved in writing by the OWNER on the basis of the ENGINEER'S Direct Labor Costs times a factor of 3.15, or an amount otherwise negotiated at the time such services are requested and approved by the OWNER. ARTICLE 7 - MEANING OF TERMS 7.1 AGREEMENT As used herein the term "this Agreement" refers to the contents of this document and its Exhibits attached hereto and referred to as if they were part of one and the same document. 7.2 CONSTRUCTION COSTS The construction cost of the entire Project (herein referred to as "Construction Cost ") means the total cost to OWNER of those portions *of the entire Project designed and specified by ENGINEER, but it will not include ENGINEER's compensation and expenses, the cost of land, rights , of - -way, or compensation for or damages to, properties unless this Agreement so specifies, nor will it include OWNER's legal, accounting, insurance counseling or auditing services, or interest and financing charges incurred in connection with the Project or the cost of other services to be provided by others to OWNER. 7.3 DIRECT LABOR COSTS Direct Labor Costs used as a basis for payment mean the actual salaries and wages paid to all ENGINEER's personnel engaged directly on the Project, including, but not limited to, engineers, architects, surveyors, designers, drafters, specification writers, estimators, other technical and business personnel; but does not include indirect payroll related costs or fringe benefits. For the purposes of this Agreement the principals and employees of the ENGINEER maximum billable Direct Labor Costs are: Principals Supervising Engineer III Supervising Engineer II Supervising Engineer I Senior Engineer II Senior Engineer I Design Engineer II Design Engineer I Engineer Technician 11 Engineer Technician I Engineer Intern Senior Survey Manager Land Surveyor III Land Surveyor II Land Surveyor I Survey Technician III Two Person Survey Crew $ 57.00 /hour $ 49.00 /hour $ 45.00 /hour $ 40.00 /hour $ 37.50 /hour $ 36.00 /hour $ 31.50 /hour $ 29.00 /hour $ 28.50 /hour $ 24.50 /hour $ 24.00 /hour $ 40.50 /hour $ 30.50 /hour $ 29.00 /hour $ 26.00 /hour $ 21.50 /hour $ 48.00 /hour Administrative Specialist II $ 17.00 /hour Administrative Specialist I $ 15.50 /hour * Non professional classified employees subject to time and one -half over time rates. 7.4 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES Reimbursable Expenses mean the actual expenses incurred by ENGINEER or ENGINEER's independent professional associates or consultants directly in connection with the Project, such as expenses for: transportation and subsistence incidental thereto; obtaining bids or proposals from Contractor(s); subsistence and transportation of Resident Project Representatives and their assistants; toll telephone calls and telegrams; reproduction of reports, Drawings, Specifications, Bidding Documents and similar Project- related items; and if authorized in advance by OWNER, overtime work requiring higher than regular rates. In addition, when compensation for Basic Services is on the basis of Direct Labor Costs method of payment, Reimbursable Expenses will also include the amount billed to ENGINEER by special consultants employed by ENGINEER and authorized by OWNER (other than as an authorized Additional Services) and will also include expenses incurred for computer time and other specialized equipment, including an appropriate charge for previously established programs and expenses of photographic production techniques. ARTICLE 8 - PAYMENT PROVISIONS 8.1 TIMES OF PAYMENTS. ENGINEER may submit monthly statements for Basic Services and approved Additional Services rendered and for Reimbursable Expenses incurred; however, payments shall not exceed the ceilings provided in 6.1 and 6.2. Final payment shall be made only after acceptance of the project by the OWNER. If OWNER disputes the amount of the billing, OWNER will notify the ENGINEER in writing within ten (10) calendar days of the receipt of bill of the dispute. 8.2 REQUESTS FOR PAYMENT. Each request for payment shall include a documentation summary of the period incremental man hours incurred, direct labor rates and billed rates, detail of reimbursable costs. total period billing, and total cumulative billing. When requesL-ed by OWNER services for distinct project segments shall be accounted and billed separately. 8.3 PAYMENT UNDER TERMINATION. In the event of termination by the OWNER upon the completion of any phase of the Basic Services, progress payments due ENGINEER for services rendered through such phase shall constitute total payment for such services. In the event of such termination by OWNER during any phase of the Basic Services, ENGINEER also will be reimbursed for the charges of pre- approved independent professional associates and consultants employed by ENGINEER to render Basic Services, and paid for services rendered during that phase on the basis of the payment provisions of the Agreement. In the event of any such termination, ENGINEER will be paid for unpaid pre- approved Additional Services and unpaid Reimbursable Expenses which are authorized under this agreement. ARTICLE 9 - GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 9.1 TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT 9.1.1 The sole right is hereby reserved to the OWNER to terminate this Engineering Agreement for any and all causes or for its convenience at any time upon fifteen (15) days written notice to the ENGINEER. 9.1.2 If termination for default is effected by the OWNER, an equitable adjustment in the price provided for in this Agreement shall be made, but (1) no amount shall be allowed for anticipated profit on unperformed services or other work, and (2) any payment due to the ENGINEER at the time of termination may be adjusted to cover any additional costs to the OWNER because of the ENGINEER's default. If termination for convenience is effected by the OWNER, the equitable adjustment shall include a reasonable profit, as determined by owner, for services or other work performed. The equitable adjustment for any termination shall provide for payment to the ENGINEER for services rendered and expenses incurred prior to the termination, in addition to termination settlement costs reasonably incurred by the ENGINEER relating to commitments which had become firm prior to the termination. 9.1.3 Upon receipt of a termination action under paragraph 9.1.2, the ENGINEER shall (1) promptly discontinue all affected work (unless the notice directs otherwise), and (2) deliver or otherwise make available to the OWNER within ten (10) days copies of all data, design drawings, specifications, reports, estimates, 10 summaries and such other information and materials as may have been accumulated by the ENGINEER in performing this Agreement, whether completed or in process. 9.1.4 In the event this Contract is terminated prior to completion, the original copies of the ENGINEER'S data, recommendations, plans, specifications, analysis and other related documents prepared by the ENGINEER prior to said termination shall be delivered to and become the property of the OWNER. 9.1.5 Upon termination, the OWNER may take over the work and may award another party an Agreement to complete the work under this Agreement. 9.1.6 OWNER'S right to terminate is in addition to any other remedies OWNER may have under the law 9.2 INSPECTION AND AUDIT All books, papers, records, payrolls, vouchers and invoices relating to costs and expenditures incurred as to the performance of the services by the ENGINEER hereunder shall be made available to the OWNER, or their authorized representatives for audit and review, at the ENGINEER'S respective offices at all reasonable times during the contract period and for three years from the date of final payment. 9.3 EMPLOYMENT The ENGINEER warrants that he has not employed or retained any company or persons, other than a bona fide employee, working solely for the ENGINEER, to solicit to secure this contract, and that he has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than bona fide employees working solely for the ENGINEER, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gifts or any other considerations contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Contract. For breach or violation of this warranty, the OWNER shall have the right to annul the Contract without liability or in its discretion to deduct from the price or consideration or otherwise recover the full amount of such fee, commission. perpentage, brokerage fee, gift or contingent fee. All employees of the ENGINEER or other persons while engaged in the performance of work or services required by the ENGINEER shall be considered employees of the ENGINEER only and not of the OWNER. 9.4 NONDISCRIMINATION The ENGINEER will have a policy to provide equal employment opportunity in accordance with all applicable state and federal anti - discrimination laws, regulations, and contracts. The ENGINEER will not refuse employment to a person, bar a person from employment, or discriminate against a person in compensation or in a term, condition, or privilege of employment because of race, color, religion, creed, political ideas, sex, age, marital status, national origin, actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental disability, except when the reasonable demands of the position require an age, physical or mental disability, marital status or sex distinction. The ENGINEER shall be subject to and comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Section 140, Title 2, United States Code, and all regulations promulgated thereunder. The ENGINEER shall require these nondiscrimination terms of its sub - consultants providin; services under this agreement. 9.5 SUBLETTING OR ASSIGNING OF WORK The ENGINEER shall not sublet or assign any of the work covered herein without prior written approval of the OWNER. 9.6 STANDARD OF CARE In providing services under this agreement, the ENGINEER will perform in a manner consistent with the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the same profession currently practicing under similar circumstances. If any service should be found to be not in conformance with this standard, the ENGINEER shall, at the OWNER's request, re- perform the service at its own expense. Engineer shall also, at its own expense, make such changes, modifications or 11 additions to the project which are made necessary as a result of the initial non - performance or the re- performance of services. The OWNER's rights herein are in addition to any other remedies the OWNER may have under the law. 9.7 LEGAL RELATIONS: 9.7.1 The ENGINEER shall, consistent with the standard care, comply with those Federal, State, and Local laws and ordinances applicable to the work to be done. 9.7.2 The ENGINEER agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the OWNER, its officers, directors, agents and employees from and against any suit, cause of action, claim, cost, expenses, obligation and liability of any character, including attorney's fees, which is brought or asserted for any bodily injury, death, or physical damage to property received or sustained by any person, persons, property, business or any other entity, arising out of or resulting froth, or in connection with the ENGINEER'S negligent performance of the work specified in this agreement. 9.7.3. The ENGINEER agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the OWNER, its officers, directors, agents and employees, should OWNER, its officers, directors, agents or employees be named as a defendant in any action where the OWNER'S alleged liability arises from the negligent performance of the ENGINEER'S work herein described. The obligations of the ENGINEER to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the OWNER will apply to any suit, cause of action, claim, cost or obligation including, without limitation, those alleged under the common law or pursuant to a federal or state statute or regulation including those arising in tort, trespass, nuisance, and strict liability. 9.7.4 In the event the OWNER is found proportionately responsible for any damages ultimately awarded to a plaintiff or plaintiffs in any lawsuit, the ENGINEER will be responsible for only those damages, costs, or liabilities as are attributable to the ENGINEER'S percent of fault as compared with 100% of the fault giving rise to the damages. Should the OWNER be found responsible for negligence by its own officers, directors, agents or employees, then in that event the OWNER agrees to reimburse the ENGINEER for the reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred in any defense of the OWNER in an amount proportional to the fault attributed to the OWNER. The indemnity required herein shall not be limited by reason of the specification of any particular insurance coverage in this Agreement. 9.7.5 Should either OWNER or ENGINEER be held responsible, for any damages, costs or liabilities resulting from intentional misconduct by any officer, director, agent or employee in connection with the work specified in this Agreement, then in that event, that party shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the other as to any damages, costs or liabilities that result from or arise out of that intentional misconduct, including reasonable attorney's fees and costs which shall include costs and salary of the city attorney or other in -house counsel. Further, notwithstanding the obligations set forth in paragraphs 9.7.2 and 9.7.3 above, the ENGINEER agrees to defend OWNER where the OWNER'S alleged liability arises from intentional misconduct by the ENGINEER. Should the OWNER be found responsible for intentional misconduct by its own officer, director, agent or employee, then OWNER agrees to reimburse ENGINEER for the reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred in any defense of the OWNER. 9.7.6 The ENGINEER shall perform this agreement as an independent contractor, and as such, is responsible to the OWNER only as to the results to be obtained in the work herein specified, and to the extent that the work shall be done in accordance with the terms, plans and specifications. The ENGINEER shall have and maintain complete control over all of its employees, subcontractors, agents and operations, being responsible for any required payroll deductions and providing required benefits, such as, but not limited to worker's compensation with statutory limits, and unemployment insurance. 9.8 INSURANCE The ENGINEER shall secure and furnish to the OWNER certificate of insurance, therein, naming the OWNER as an additional insured, to include thirty (30) days notice of cancellation or non - renewal. 12 Without limiting any of ENGINEER's obligations hereunder, ENGINEER shall secure and maintain, until the work is completed and accepted by the OWNER, insurance coverage naming the OWNER as additional insured with minimum insurance coverage as follows: Type of Coverage Limits Employers' Liability: $ 100,000 per accident General Liability: Bodily Iniury & PropertyDamage Single and combined: $1,000,000 per accident General Aggregate: $2,000,000 Excess Liability coverage (umbrella) $1,000,000 each occurrence Automobile: Bodilyllnjury covering all $1,000,000 each person automobiles, trucks,_ $1,000,000 each occurrence tractors, trailers, or other automotive equip- ment whether owned or rented by Engineer or owned by employees of Engineer. Property Damage coverinb $100,000 each occurrence all automobiles, trucks, tractors, trailers or other automotive equipment whether owned or rented by Engineer or owned by employees of Engineer M Bodily Injury & Property $1,000,000 each occurrence Dama a Single and combined In addition to the above insurance coverage, the ENGINEER shall secure and maintain, until the work is completed and accepted by the OWNER, and without naming OWNER as an additional insured, professional errors and omissions coverage as follows: Professional Errors & Omissions: $ 1,000,000 per claim and aggregate each occurrence 9.9 ENDORSEMENT The ENGINEER shall place his endorsement on all drawings and other data furnished by him. 9.10 OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS The parties admit and agree the documents produced under this agreement are not intended or represented to be suitable for reuse by OWNER or any other individual on any other project. Any reuse without written verification or adaptation by ENGINEER will be at OWNER's sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to ENGINEER, or to ENGINEER's independent professional associates or consultants. Files in electronic media format of text, data, graphics, or of other 13 types that are furnished by ENGINEER to OWNER are only for convenience of owner. Any conclusion or information obtained or derived from such electronic files will be at the user's sole risk. 9.11 PUBLIC INFORMATION The ENGINEER shall not issue any statements, releases or information for public dissemination without prior approval of the OWNER. 9.12 PROPRIETARY RIGHTS If patentable discoveries or inventions should result from work required herein, all rights accruing from such discoveries or inventions shall be joint property of the ENGINEER and the OWNER. Provided that the OWNER, state agencies or political subdivisions and the United States Government shall have the irrevocable, nonexclusive, nontransferable and royalty -free license to use each invention in the manufacture, use and disposition, according to law, of any article or material, and in the use of any method that may be developed as part of the work described and contemplated herein. 9.13 RECORDS The ENGINEER shall maintain accounting records and other evidence pertaining to the cost incurred and to make the records available at all reasonable times during the Contract term and for one (1) year from the date of final payment. Such accounting records and other evidence pertaining to the cost incurred will be made available for inspections by OWNER. 9.14 SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST The covenants, agreements and all statements in this Contract apply to and shall be binding on the heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns of the respective parties. 9.15 ATTORNEY'S FEES AND COSTS That in the event it becomes necessary for either Party of this Contract to retain an attorney to enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Contract or to give any notice required herein, then the prevailing Party or the Party giving notice shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs, including fees, salary, and costs of in -house counsel to include City Attorney. 9.16 MODIFICATIONS AND AMENDMENTS That any amendment or modification of this Contract or any provisions herein shall be made in writing or executed in the same manner as this original document and shall after execution become a part of this Contract. In witness Whereof, the Parties hereto do make and execute this Agreement. CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA ENGINEER BY: ` (City Manager) DATE: �d- I= rY�t-�' 07 41 • 7 ATTEST: ' BY . * = ° (City le _ ` C 1c83 N: \0417\.Swim Center LTG acid Pump projeet\Contracts \City of Bozeman PSA.doc 14 (Vice - Presid�—ent) DATE: 10-8- 12. EXHIBIT A (REMOVED) TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND ENGINEER FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ENGINEER'S STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION A -1 EXHIBIT B (REMOVED) TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND ENGINEER FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES C -2 EXHIBIT C FEE PROPOSAL AND SCOPE OF SERVICES C -2 MOMSON L;i® MAIERLE, iw. An Employee -Owned Company October 3, 2012 Dan McCarthy City of Bozeman P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 -1230 ENGINEERS SCIENTISTS SURVEYORS PLANNERS 2880 TECHNOLOGY BLVD W • BOZEMAN, MT 59718 • 406- 587 -0721 • FAX 406- 922 -6702 Re: Proposal for Engineering Services — City of Bozeman Swim Center Structural Assessment of North and South Walls Dear Dan: We understand there are concerns with movement of the north and south walls at the natatorium area of the City's Swim Center. As requested, the following is our understanding of the scope of services required in the structural assessment of these walls: • Draft and submit the City's Standard Agreement for approval. • Travel to the Swim Center and perform a visual observation of the existing north and south wall conditions, including observation of the above ceiling areas and connections of the walls to the roof structure. • Take measurements to determine the vertical alignment of these walls using a plumb bob or similar device. • Perform calculations using current building code gravity and lateral loading to check the structural stability and strength of the existing walls, using record drawings provided by the City as the basis for this analysis. • Based on the results from the above tasks, develop a report documenting the findings of the assessment and provide a recommendation for what the next steps will need to be to address deficiencies identified in the assessment (Note: because we do not know specifically what issues need to be addressed prior to conducting this assessment, specific solutions will not be provided in this report). • Present the report results to City representatives. For the scope of services outlined above, we have estimated a not to exceed fee of $2800. Do to the nature of these assessments dealing with unknown conditions, we are agreeable to charge for these services on an hourly, not to exceed basis so if the effort is less than estimated the City will only be charged for the work performed. Please call us directly if you have any questions or concerns with this proposal. Sincerely, Morrison - Maierle, Inc. Kurt W. Keith, P. E. Structural Engineer "Providing resources in partnership with clients to achieve their goals"