HomeMy WebLinkAbout12- AE2S, Inc. Amendment 1 to Professional Services agreement for basic engineering services Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement AE2S, Inc. THIS AGREEMENT is made as of this 10"'day of Sei)tember,2012,between THE CITY OF BOZEMAN,a Municipal Corporation,PO Box 1230,Bozeman,MT 59715 (OWNER)and Advanced Enf4incerimi and Environmental Services,Inc.,with offices at 300 15'h Street South, Suite 107,Great Falls,MT 59405 (CONSULTANT). WHEREAS,the Parties have entered into a Professional Services Agreement dated February 6.2012 herein referred to as Original Agreement for professional consulting services;and WHEREAS,the Parties desire to further amend the provisions of the Original Agreement. NOW,THEREFORE,IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS CONTAINED HEREIN,the Parties agree as follows: 1. TASK ORDER A is added to Article 4—Basic Engineering Services detailing specific scope and project related expenses necessary to provide additional water conservation planning scenarios, provide more detailed technical input to allow the Technical Advisory Committee (Task 9) involvement in ranking of alternatives, and provide services for up to three additional TAC(Task 9) meetings. Note that the third meeting will be only as necessary. Except as specifically amended herein,the Original Agreement shall remain in full force and effect, and the Parties shall be bound by all terms and conditions therein. Aniendment No.I to Professional Semices Agreement for the IWRP Project with AMS,Inc. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto do make and execute this Agreement can the day and year first above Written.. CITY OF BOZEMAN,MONTANA CONSU T BY: ., BY: 1 (Cire?Iai� e r, e Its: M ATT ESX:^ :'_,_ ATTEST: BY. (Ct C r 4�e � APPRO t7 D AS K//or, BY: W (Cit ttorney) An'iendment No.1 to Professional Services Agreement for the TWRP Project with AE2S,Inc. TASK ORDER A Scope of Services The following scope of work describes additional services by AE2S (and subconsultant, Cf12M HILL) to be provided under the contract between the City of Bozeman and AE2S for completion of an Integrated Water Resource Plan(IWRP). Additional work has been detailed under current task numbers for the base agreement. TASK I PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND MEETINGS Project Management tasks include: • Contract Amendment Coordination and Development. Assumptions/Clarifications: The original level of effort for this task assumed a 13-month project delivery schedule(estimated at March of 2013). An additional two months (May of 2012) will accommodate all additional services necessary to complete the project. Deliverables: • No additional deliverables TASK 2 DATA COLLECTION No additional work required under this task. TASK 3 WATER RIGHTS EVALUATION No additional work is required wider this task TASK 4 WATER CONSERVATION PLAN Provide a high level benchmarking assessment of other communities with a similar customer profile (e.g, mix of commercial and residential customers, climate, demographic mix and similar aspects). Using information from the benchmarking assessment and a high-level analysis of the city's water use characteristics, prepare an estimate of potential water use if a very aggressive (termed "Best in the West" by the TAC) water efficiency/conservation program were established. The evaluation will also include a suite of potential conservation measures, a range of potential costs and a summary of potential benefits and challenges associated with various measures. Assumptions/Clarifications: • Data on the city's water use and characterization of their existing customer base will be provided based on water use characterization provided as a component of the Original Agreement of the IVTRP project. • Benchmarking assessment will be conducted based on existing research, publically available information and professional knowledge(utility surveys will not be a part of this project) • Cost-estimations will be conducted at a conceptual level based on existing research, publically available information and professional knowledge(no market research in the region will be conducted) • A technical writeup will be delivered electronically and be incorporated into a larger technical memorandum included as the deliverable for Task 4 under the Original Agreement, Deliverables: • Brief technical writeup including tabular and narrative summary of the evaluation Amendment No.I to Professional Services Agreement for Water Rights Solutions Inc, TASK 5 HYDROLOGIC FIRM YIELD No additional work required under this task. TASK 6 CHARACTERIZE WATER USE PATTERNS No additional work required under this task. TASK 7 WATER DEMAND MODEL No additional work required under this task. TASK 8 ALTERNATIVES EVALUATION The TAC(Task 9)has requested ranking of alternatives,rather than portfolios, a step that will be completed in advance of portfolio development. This process will require that AE2S complete up to 12 additional alternative technical information handouts. The Original Agreement was based on developing 8 portfolio technical information handouts that would be included in the 1WRP report deliverable (Task 10). An additional 12 handouts will provide the TAC with necessary information to participate in the scoring and ranking of alternatives and a revised approach that will combine alternative scores into an overall portfolio score will be developed. TASK 9 TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE The following additional TAC meetings are proposed: 1) Water Rights Management, Aggressive Conservation Planning, Alternatives Refinement and Scoring Approach Review a, Length,4 firs. b. Timeframe,September 2012. c. One CH2M HILL staff in person. d. Two AE2S staff in person. e. One AE2S staff on telephone. 2) Selection of portfolios for modeling evaluation and pricing a. Length,4 lirs. b. Timeframe,October 2012. c, One CH2M HILL staff by phone. d. Two AE2S staff in person. e. One AE2S staff on telephone. 3) Additional TAC Meeting(As Requested by the TAC) a. Length,4 hrs. b. Timeframe,To Be Determined. c. Two AE2S staff in person. & One AE2S staff on telephone. e. One CH2M HILL staff on telephone, Assumptions/Clarifi cations: • The role of the TAC and the requirements to meet their interests has expanded beyond the Original Agreement. In addition to attendance at TAC meetings,an allowance has been included in the budget of 24 hours of consulting time from AE2S subconsultant CH2M HILL,and 15 hours of consulting time for AE2S for additional meeting#1 listed above. An additional 15 hours of consulting time for AE2S and 8 hours for CH2M HILL for TAC meeting #2 will also be provided. A third TAC meeting, conducted only upon request by the TAC and approval by the City of Bozeman, currently is of unknown scope,but will include up to 24 hours additional consulting time for CH2M HILL and 15 hours additional consulting time for Amendment No. I to Professional Services Agreement for Water Rights Solutions Inc. AE2S (beyond travel and meeting attendance) to prepare for the potential of a third TAC meeting as requested and approved. The additional hourly allowance is proposed to allow for the development of support materials such as handouts, presentations, agendas, and meeting minutes, including additional communication needs with TAC members throughout the interim time period between each TAC meeting. • Travel for TAC #3 (listed as meeting #1 above) for CH2M HILL was included into the Original Agreement, Participation, in person, at the other TAC meetings by CH2M HILL staff will be over the telephone. • TAC 43 (listed as meeting#1 above) is proposed as a Scope Adjustment as an alternative addition to the Original Agreement- This Task Order A would not be in addition to the proposed Scope Adjustment, but rather,as an alternative, Deliverables: • Meeting Minutes, handouts, presentation materials, and response to comments, as appropriate, based on the addition of the above identified TAC meetings, TASK 10 1WRP REPORT No additional work required under this task. Compensation AE2S will perform Task Order A at. direct labor costs consistent with those included in the Original Agreement. Additionally, reimbursable expenses associated with travel and deliverables will be billed consistent with the Original Agreement as well. The total for Task Order A is $41,350, excluding the third 'TAC meeting. The third TAC meeting is estimated at$12,900, Consultant's Initial*. 4 Client's Initial- K Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services AgTceraent for Water Rights Solutions Inc. U o r p s C lQ, UT V1.V1 VT V}V}Vp Vi L H . o : m m N p ° Q O m N vs. -�%i N v1 ry & 1`i <n h - re �. n q 0 Ui 4rev M m N ,II u q ro m ° r7em ° Hmmmr-4 n to E U N co vi w co na m -4.. ... ct F v 017 m wi ° M m W r, M.. v a � u>+n ar>Vn xn art N m ° m us ° 00 06 v Ch ^T m U, r, ko m n ko m v sn oo 'T sn m M. 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