HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 12- 1839, amending BMC 38.23.180 modifying how water rights are determined Co. ORDINANCE NO. 1839 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROZEMAN, MONTANA, PROVIDING THAT THE BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL CODE BE AMENDED BY AMENDING SECTION 38.23.180 MODIFYING HOW WATER RIGHTS ARE DETERMINED AS ACCEPTABLE BY THE CITY AND THE TIMING OF WHEN THEY MUST BE PROVIDED. WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman has adopted a Unified Development Code (UDC) which establishes standards and procedures for land use and development under the City's authority to zone established in Title 76, Chapter 2, Part 3, MCA and procedures and standards for review and processing of divisions of land as required by Title 76, Chapter 3, MCA; and WHEREAS, the proposed UDC text amendment application has been properly submitted, and reviewed, and all necessary public notice was given for all public hearings; and WHEREAS, the Bozeman Zoning Commission and Planning Board held a joint public hearing on July 31, 2012 to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request fora UDC text amendment; and WHEREAS, no members of the public offered comment on the proposed ordinance; and Page 1 of 5 WHEREAS, as shown in Resolution Z-12163, the Bozeman Zoning Commission and Planning Board recommended to the Bozeman City Commission that the proposed UDC text amendments be approved; and WHEREAS, after the public hearing it was determined beneficial to separate the amendments to Section 38.23.180 from the other amendments in draft Ordinance 1830 and a separate Ordinance 1839 was crafted; and WHEREAS, after proper notice, the City Commission held a public hearing on August 27, 2012, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a text amendment to the UDC; and WHEREAS, the City Commission reviewed and considered the relevant UDC text amendment criteria established by Section 76-2-304, M.C.A., and found the proposed UDC text amendment to be in compliance with the purposes of the title as locally adopted in Section, BMC, and that the amendments would yield a superior outcome for the community than the text as presently exists; and WHEREAS, at its public hearing on August 27th, the City Commission found that the proposed UDC text amendment would be in compliance with Bozeman's adopted growth policy and applicable statutes and would be in the public interest. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana,that; Section 1 Section 38.23.180 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that such section shall read as follows: Sec. 38.23.180. - Water rights. A. Prior to a final approval of all development reviewed as a site plan, conditional use permit, Page 2 of 5 planned unit development, or subdivision and prior to an annexation of any land, one of the following must occur: 1. Payment shall be made to the city of a payment-in-lieu of water rights calculated based on the annual demand for volume of water the development will require multiplied by the most current annual unit price; or 2. The cily may elect to accept a A transfer to the city of ownership of water rights if the water rights proposed to be transferred are legally,and physically adequate as determined,by the ci to provide the annual volume of water the development will require. A transfer of ownership of water rights must be in a form and manner suitable for municipal purposes and as approved by the review authority4ir-����. B. If adequate water rights or a payment-in-lieu was previously provided to the city for the subject property, evidence of those rights or payment-in-lieu may be offered to demonstrate compliance with this section. If the expected demand for water by the proposed development increases by more than one acre-foot over that for which water rights or payment-in-lieu of water rights were previously provided, additional water rights or payment-in-lieu of water rights pursuant to subsection A equal to the difference between the previously provided water rights or payment-in-lieu and the estimated current demand or payment-in-lieu price shall be provided. C. Provision of water rights or payment-in-lieu may be deferred: LI Bby phase for phased developments., eT- 2. Ffor annexations of vacant land when the phase or-annexation is in excess of ten acres. 3.For annexation of parcels of ten acres or less or for an size parcel if development exists on the area being annexed prior to the annexation and provision of water rights or pa ymenl-in- lieu pursuant to subsection A provided at the time of annexation for the uses present on the site at the time of annexation. Subsequent development is subject to the provisions of subsection A. 4.For additional developmenLbeyand one dwelling unit.,.-per lot for lots zoned residential within a subdivision if water rightLpr pffment-in-lieu is provided pursuant to subsection A prior to final plat for at least one residential unit on that lot. Additional development requires compliance with the this section. A notice of restriction on future development in a form acceptable to the city shall be recorded with the Gallatin CojLnq Clerk and Recorder rior to the ci1y granting a waiver under this subsection, D. The city manager may adopt administrative procedures to implement this section. The director of public services shall adopt standards for the calculation of demand for water use. The city eemmissieii shall establish the unit cost for payment-in-lieu shall be established by resolution. E. The amount paid for a payment-in-lieu shall be calculated using the per unit price in effect on the date the payment-in-lieu of water rights is to be made to the city. Section 2 Page 3 of 5 Repealer All provisions of the ordinances of the City of Bozeman in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other provisions of the ordinances of the City of Bozeman not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Section 3 Savings Provision This ordinance does not affect the rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred or proceedings that were begun before the effective date of this ordinance. All other Provision of the Bozeman Municipal Code not amended by this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Section 4 Severability That should any sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal, or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole, or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Bozeman Municipal Code as a whole. Section 5 Codification The provisions of Section I shall be codified as appropriate in Chapter 38 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. Section 6 Effective Date This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after final adoption. PROVISIONALLY PASSED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on first reading at a regular session held on the 27"' day of August,2012, Page 4 of 5 'EAN A. BECKER Mayor ATTEST: S N#,, NM� . C ty c k . APPR kD A TO FORM: MGR G SULLIVAN City orney FINALLY PASSED,ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana on second reading at a regular session thereof held on the 10`x' day of September, 2012. The effective date of this ordinance is October 1.0, 2012. w SEAN A. BECI&R Mayor ATTEST: ZuX` ST C City-Cle <�1 APPR�ED FORM: G... SULLIVAN C1ty ttorney Page 5 of 5