HomeMy WebLinkAboutJarvi Administrative Project Decision Appeal, C-12002, 41 Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Courtney Kramer, Planner I Tim McHarg, Planning Director Chris Kukulski, City Manager SUBJECT: Jarvi Administrative Project Decision Appeal No. C-12002 MEETING DATE: August 20, 2012 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action RECOMMENDATION: That the City Commission act on the Jarvi appeal based on whether the Brown/ Charles garage project (No. Z-12108) complies with the “Standards for Certificates of Appropriateness” (BMC Section 38.16). Staff Recommended Motion: Having reviewed the application materials, heard public comment, and considered all of the information presented, I move to uphold the Brown/ Charles Administrative Project Decision, thereby denying the Jarvi Administrative Project Decision Appeal application No. C-12002. BACKGROUND: On May 18, 2012, the Department of Planning received a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) application from property owner Elissa Brown and representative Graham Goff requesting COA approval for demolition of a non-original porch on the west façade of the residence at 603 South 3rd Avenue in order to enable construction of an attached garage with storage space in the loft. The residence contributes to the Bon Ton Historic District, on the National Register of Historic Places. The COA application was reviewed by Planning Staff under the applicable provisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code Chapter 38 “Unified Development Ordinance.” During the review process, the adjoining property owner to the west, Jeffery Jarvi, requested information about the proposed project. Planner Courtney Kramer and Assistant Planning Director Chris Saunders met with Mr. Jarvi on Tuesday, May 29 to present the project applicable Municipal Code sections and review criteria. On June 4, 2012 Mr. Jarvi submitted to the Planning Department an affidavit raising questions about the project and stating his opposition to potential Planning Department approval of the COA. Planning Staff worked with the City Attorney’s office to evaluate the four points raised in Mr. Jarvi’s affidavit and incorporate them into the Planning Department’s review of the application. The four points include: 15 2 1. The location of the required 20 foot rear yard setback for residential properties on a corner lot. Mr. Jarvi’s affidavit asserts that as the property is addressed to South 3rd Avenue, the “rear yard” must be opposite the front yard, to the west of the existing residence at 603 South 3rd Avenue. In evaluating this point, Staff found that given its location on the corner of South Third Avenue and West Dickerson Streets, the residence at 603 South Third Avenue is located on a lot presenting a “second or subsequent front yard or corner side yard,” as defined by Bozeman Municipal Code Section 38.42.2780: A yard on a corner lot the area of which is bounded by a line extending from the front of the principal building (the front building line) to a point intersecting the side street right-of-way line (side lot line), then along the side lot line to a point intersecting the rear lot line, then along the rear lot line to a point intersecting the line formed by extending the wall of the nearest principal building paralleling the side lot line. Bozeman Municipal Code Section 38.08.050 A “Yards” requires a minimum 15 foot front yard setback for properties in this R-1 zoning designation, which in this case would apply to both the South Third and West Dickerson corners of the property. This situation is illustrated as follows in Figure 38.42.2650 “Required Yard:” 16 3 Bozeman Municipal Code Section 38.08.050 A “Yards” further delineates a minimum 5 foot side yard setback and a minimum 20 foot rear yard setback. Bozeman Municipal Code, however, does not prescribe where these minimum yards shall be located in relationship to the lot or configuration of the residence upon that lot. Planning Staff has been of the opinion that when presented with a corner-side yard lot, the property owner may choose to locate the rear yard area along either interior lot line, and delegate the other interior lot line as a side yard, as long as at least one rear yard area is provided. This is illustrated in Figure 38.21.060 C Special Yard Setbacks, which clearly illustrates a corner-side residence with the rear yard setback located adjacent to the front yard, while the side yard setback is behind the front door of the house: One Municipal Code Section does give guidance for the location of rear yards. BMC Section 38.08.050 C notes that “When a lot has one or more principal buildings which are oriented to place the functional rear of a building adjacent to a side lot line a setback from the property line equal to that for a rear yard shall be provided.” The key phrase in this sentence is “functional rear of a building,” which Bozeman Municipal Code does not define. This code section arose following the design and construction of a multi- building apartment complex which stacked multi-tenant buildings along the side property line. The front yard setback was satisfied, however due to the design of the residential units; tenants 17 4 would walk out their “back” door and have a minimum 5 foot side yard setback in which to do functional “back yard things” like barbeque, store recreational equipment, recreate, etc. This code provision was enacted to ensure that when the functional rear of a building was designed against a side yard setback, the residents would be provided sufficient back yard space with a minimum 20 foot setback. In the case of 603 South Third Avenue, the sale of the western half of the lots in the mid 20th century caused the residents to begin using the yard along the southern property line as a rear yard. An exterior door and deck was added to the southern façade of the residence sometime in the late 1990’s, further reinforcing use of the southern half of the property as the rear yard space. The area to the west of the residence has been largely unused. Given the built environment of the residence at 603 South Third Avenue, Staff found the southern façade of the residence as the “functional rear,” and that the adjacent southern yard provided sufficient area for a rear yard setback. With this in mind, portion of the lot to the west of the residence was determined to be a side yard and any new construction in this area subject to a minimum 5 foot side yard setback. 2. Sewer line: Mr. Jarvi’s affidavit stated that Ms. Brown and Mr. Charles should not be allowed to build a driveway across the sewer line which exits his house and crosses the north west corner of 603 South 3rd Avenue’s property before connecting to the sewer main. While the sewer line from Mr. Jarvi’s property does run through the north west corner of Ms. Brown’s property, Mr. Jarvi has not provided the City with any type of utility easement guaranteeing his right to this use of the 603 South 3rd Avenue property. The City’s Municipal Code does not regulate easements between private property owners. Furthermore, the City’s Water and Sewer Superintendent permits “flatwork” construction like streets, sidewalks and driveways over sewer lines where in the public right of way. As Mr. Jarvi’s sewer line is on 18 5 private property, this is a private property issue in which the City of Bozeman has no jurisdiction. 3. Storage in side yard: Mr. Jarvi’s affidavit states that Ms. Brown and Mr. Charles should not be allowed to build a garage with storage space along the west wall which extends into the side yard setback area along the shared property line. The COA application proposes construction of a small eve to offer protection to recreational equipment stored along the western side of the garage. Bozeman Municipal Code Section 38.21.060 A 2 states: “Architectural features, which do not add usable area to a structure, such as chimneys, balconies, stairways, wing walls, bay windows, sills, pilasters, lintels, cornices, awnings, window wells and steps, provided such architectural features do not extend more than two feet into any required side yard, except that eaves and gutters may extend 2.5 feet into any required side yard.” The proposed eve encroaches 1 foot 6 inches into the required 5 foot side yard setback. Bozeman Municipal Code does not prohibit the storage of recreational equipment like bicycles, kyacks, lawn mowers, hammocks, dog houses and the like in the side yard setback. 4. Protection of existing trees: Mr. Jarvi’s affidavit states that Ms. Brown and Mr. Charles shouldnot to be allowed to build a garage and driveway that threatens the trees located on Mr. Jarvi’s property. Bozeman Municipal Code does not dictate the preservation of landscaping across property lines in a COA application. This is an issue between private property owners. In conclusion, Planning Staff found the proposed project satisfied the minimum regulations for yards as defined by Bozeman Municipal Code. Furthermore, Staff found the COA application to follow the applicable guidelines of the City’s Design Guidelines for Historic Preservation and the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District, as the addition is on a non-primary façade, subordinate to the historic residence, and generally in keeping with the historic architectural style. The project further fits the neighborhood character, as the proposed garage will share a property line with an existing garage attached to the residence to the west. Conditional approval of the Brown/ Charles COA application was recommended by Planner Kramer to the Planning Director ton June 25, 2012. Recommended conditions of approval included: 1. Care shall be taken to protect the sewer line of the adjacent residence at 310 West Dickerson Street, which crosses the north and west corner of this property, during the construction period. On July 9, 2012 Mr. Jarvi filed an Administrative Project Decision Appeal with the City Clerk’s office, and the appeal was scheduled to the City Commission in a timely manner. Public notice of the appeal was completed per Bozeman Municipal Code requirements. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None. ALTERNATIVES: Approve the appeal application with revised findings that the Brown/ Charles garage project (#Z-12108) does not comply with the “Standards for Certificates of Appropriateness” (BMC Section 38.16). 19 6 . FISCAL EFFECTS: None identified. Attachments: Appellant Application Materials Brown/ Charles Certificate of Appropriateness application materials (#Z-12108) Memo date: August 8, 2012 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 59 61 63 65 67 68 69 70 71 73 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 planning • zoning • subdivision review • annexation • historic preservation • housing • urban design CITY OF BOZEMAN DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive Street P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 phone 406-582-2260 fax 406-582-2263 planning@bozeman.net www.bozeman.net Memo to File From: Courtney Kramer Date: June 25, 2012 RE: Brown/ Charles Garage Addition, 603 South Third Avenue, Bozeman, File #Z12108 Staff has recommended approval of the above-referenced Certificate of Appropriateness application because the proposed project is consistent with the City of Bozeman’s Municipal Code as well as the Design Guidelines for Historic Preservation and the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District. The application proposes demolition of a non-original porch on the west façade of the residence at 603 South 3rd Avenue in order to enable construction of an attached garage with storage space in the loft. The residence contributes to the Bon Ton Historic District, on the National Register of Historic Places. Constructed ca. 1900 in the Colonial Revival style, the Callaghan Residence is addressed to South Third Avenue with the original rear of the property along what is now South Fourth Avenue. The residence first appears on a 1904 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map 1 , which gives an indication of the structure’s original form: 1904 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map 1 (Sanborn Fire Insurance Company 1904) 116 Page 2 The 1912 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map 2 indicated the addition of a porch to the west-facing façade of the residence. This porch remains intact through all of the Sanborn Maps for Bozeman, with enclosure of the south-west corner occurring in time to be recorded in the 1943 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map.3 1912 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map In the middle 1950’s, the property was divided along the north-south axis to create a secondary residential lot addressed to West Dickerson Street. Records on file at the City of Bozeman indicate connection to Water 4 and Sewer 5 utilities in June of 1960, with the property owner listed as Earl Barton. Given these connections, it is likely the residence at 310 West Dickerson was constructed at this time. Division of the lot and construction of 310 West Dickerson left 603 South Third Avenue without access to the “alley” on South 4th Avenue. The residence of 603 South 3rd Avenue lacks a garage. This application proposes removal of the 1904-1912 porch addition in order to construct an attached single car garage with storage space above. From a historic preservation standpoint, removal of the 1904-12 porch is not an issue, as this is a secondary porch not of the original construction time period located on a non-primary façade. Further, the project proposes to return the north-facing porch to its original construction. Given its location on the corner of South Third Avenue and West Dickerson Streets, the residence at 603 South Third Avenue is located on a lot presenting a “second or subsequent front yard or corner side yard,” as defined by Bozeman Municipal Code Section 38.42.2780: A yard on a corner lot the area of which is bounded by a line extending from the front of the principal building (the front building line) to a point intersecting the side street right- of-way line (side lot line), then along the side lot line to a point intersecting the rear lot 2 (Sanborn Fire Insurance Company 1912) 3 (Sanborn Fire Insurance Company 1943) 4 (City of Bozeman 1960) 5 (City of Bozeman 1960) 117 Page 3 line, then along the rear lot line to a point intersecting the line formed by extending the wall of the nearest principal building paralleling the side lot line. Bozeman Municipal Code Section 38.08.050 “Yards” A requires a minimum 15 foot front yard setback for properties in this R-1 zoning designation, which in this case would apply to both the South Third and West Dickerson corners of the property. This situation is illustrated as follows in Figure 38.42.2650 “Required Yard:” Bozeman Municipal Code Section 38.08.050 “Yards” A further delineates a minimum 5 foot side yard setback and a minimum 20 foot rear yard setback. Bozeman Municipal Code, however, does not prescribe where these minimum yards shall be located in relationship to the lot or configuration of the residence upon that lot. Planning Staff has been of the opinion that when presented with a corner-side yard lot, the property owner may choose to locate the rear yard area along either interior lot line, and delegate the other interior lot line as a side yard, as long as at least one rear yard area is provided. This is illustrated in Figure 38.21.060 C Special Yard Setbacks, which clearly illustrates a corner-side residence with the rear yard setback located adjacent to the front yard, while the side yard setback is behind the front door of the house: 118 Page 4 One Municipal Code Section does give guidance for the location of rear yards. BMC Section 38.08.050 C notes that “When a lot has one or more principal buildings which are oriented to place the functional rear of a building adjacent to a side lot line a setback from the property line equal to that for a rear yard shall be provided.” The key phrase in this sentence is “functional rear of a building,” which Bozeman Municipal Code does not define. This code section arose following the design and construction of a multi-building apartment complex which stacked multi-tenant buildings along the side property line. The front yard setback was satisfied, however due to the design of the residential units; tenants would walk out their “back” door and have a minimum 5 foot side yard setback in which to do functional “back yard things” like barbeque, store recreational equipment, recreate, etc. This code provision was enacted to ensure that when the functional rear of a building was designed against a side yard setback, the residents would be provided sufficient back yard space with a minimum 20 foot setback. In the case of 603 South Third Avenue, the sale of the western half of the lots in the mid 20th century caused the residents to begin using the yard along the southern property line as a rear yard. An exterior door and deck was added to the southern façade of the residence sometime in the late 1990’s, further reinforcing use of the southern half of the property as the rear yard space. The area to the west of the residence has been largely unused. 119 Page 5 Given the built environment of the residence at 603 South Third Avenue, Staff finds the southern façade of the residence as the “functional rear,” and that the adjacent southern yard provides sufficient area for a rear yard setback. With this in mind, portion of the lot to the west of the residence is a side yard and any new construction in this area is subject to a minimum 5 foot side yard setback. The proposed project satisfies the minimum regulations for yards as defined by Bozeman Municipal Code. The proposed project also satisfies the requirements of a Certificate of Appropriateness, as the addition is on a non-primary façade, subordinate to the historic residence, and generally in keeping with the historic architectural style. The project further fits the neighborhood character, as the proposed garage will share a property line with an existing garage attached to the residence to the west. 120 Elissa Brown 603 South 3rd Avenue Bozeman, MT 59715 City of Bozeman Planning and Community Development P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 121 planning • zoning • subdivision review • annexation • historic preservation • housing • grant administration • neighborhood coordination CITY OF BOZEMAN DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive Street P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 phone 406-582-2260 fax 406-582-2263 planning@bozeman.net www.bozeman.net June 25, 2012 Elissa Brown 603 South 3rd Avenue Bozeman, MT 59715 RE: Certificate of Appropriateness application to enable the following alterations at 603 South Third Avenue, a property located within the Bon Ton Historic District, on the National Register of Historic Places: 1) construction a garage addition to the west façade of the residence; 2) modifications to the north-facing porch; and 3) related site improvements (#Z-12108 COA/ADR). Dear Ms. Brown: The Bozeman Department of Planning & Community Development is pleased to award conditional approval of your Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) application with no deviations for the project referenced above. Please read the following paragraphs carefully, so that you fully understand what is required of you and what procedures follow COA approval. Administrative Design Review (ADR) Staff reviewed your application materials to ensure the proposal maintains the underlying and desirable characteristics of structures and areas within the Conservation Overlay District. Following design review, ADR Staff forwarded any recommended conditions of approval to the Planning Director who is responsible for the final decision. Given the historic appropriateness of the proposal and its compatibility with the Conservation Overlay District, the project is approved with the following conditions: Conditions of Approval 1. Care shall be taken to protect the sewer line of the adjacent residence at 310 West Dickerson Street, which crosses the north and west corner of this property, during the construction period. Please be aware that as the applicant you must comply with all provisions of Chapter 38 of the Bozeman Municipal Code that are applicable to this project, including but not limited to, the following: Code Provisions  Per Section 38.01.080 & 38.34.110, the proposed project shall be completed as approved and conditioned in the Certificate of Appropriateness application. Any modifications to the submitted and approved application materials shall invalidate the project's legitimacy, unless the applicant submits the proposed modifications for review and approval by the Department of Planning prior to undertaking said modifications. The only exception to this law is repair. 122 Encl: COA & Notice CC: Building Inspection Division For office use only DATE OF FINAL DECISION ______________________ DIRECTOR’S SIGNATURE _____________________________________ Page 2  Per Section, the applicant shall obtain a building permit within one year of Certificate of Appropriateness approval, or said approval shall become null and void. Please call the Building Department at 406-582-2375 for more information on the building permit process.  Per Section 38.21.050. F, all Rooftop mechanical equipment should be screened. Screening should be incorporated into the roof form when possible. Ground mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from public rights-of-way with walls, fencing or evergreen plant materials. Mechanical equipment shall not encroach into required yard setbacks.  Per Section 38.23.150 F “Lighting Specifications for All Lighting, In all light fixtures, the light source and associated lenses shall not protrude below the edge of the light fixture, and shall not be visible from adjacent streets or properties. For lighting horizontal areas such as roadways, sidewalks, entrances and parking areas, fixtures shall meet IESNA “full-cutoff” criteria (no light output emitted above 90 degrees at any lateral angle around the fixture). The COA notice (pink copy) is enclosed with this letter. Recognize that COA approval is valid for one calendar year. Additionally, understand that the pink notice must be displayed in a conspicuous location on the site while the project work is underway and after you obtain the needed building permit(s) from the Building Department. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Planning Director pursuant to the provisions of Article 38.35 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. Please note that this decision is also subject to appeal by other aggrieved parties as defined by Sec. 38.42.080 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. Such appeals must be filed pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 38.35.030 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. An appeal must be filed within 10 business days following the date of this decision. If a valid appeal is filed, no further action on the project may proceed until a decision on the appeal is made by the City Commission, and the Planning Department and Building Division will not able to approve any building permits or to perform any inspections related to this COA. If you have any more questions, or if the Department of Planning can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 406-582-2260. Thank you for your participation in the design review process and good luck with your project. Sincerely, Courtney Kramer, Assistant Planner 123