HomeMy WebLinkAboutBertelli-Bowers Remodel and CoA with Deviations, 5 Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Allyson Brekke, Associate Planner Tim McHarg, Planning Director SUBJECT: Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness with four deviation requests to remodel the existing residence at 702 South Grand Avenue, including construction of a new porch and an addition to the rear of the existing home. Deviations are requested to permit construction of the front porch in the required side yard setback, as well as construction of the rear addition in the required side and rear yard setbacks. The property is zoned R-1 (Residential Single-Household, Low Density District), contributes to the Bon Ton Historic District on the National Register of Historic Places and lies within the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District. MEETING DATE: August 20, 2012 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action RECOMMENDATION: Staff is recommending conditional approval of the Bertelli/Bowers Remodel and Addition Certificate of Appropriateness with Deviations application because it is found to meet all applicable standards and criteria of Section 38.16.050 and 38.16.070 of the Bozeman Municipal Code as described in the staff report. The recommended conditions and code provisions are listed on pages 3 and 4 of the staff report. RECOMMENDED MOTION: I move to approve Certificate of Appropriateness with Deviations application Z-12154 as described in the staff report and subject to the conditions therein, based on a finding of compliance with all applicable criteria. BACKGROUND: The Certificate of Appropriateness application proposes the following alterations to the subject property: 1) the remodel of the existing house, 2) the addition of a corner-wrapped covered porch to the existing house, and 3) a rear addition to the existing house. Four deviations from the Bozeman Municipal Code are required for the proposed project: • The first and second are requested from Section 38.08.050.A.1.c, “Yards,” to allow the new corner-wrapped porch and the rear addition to encroach into the required 15-foot corner side yard setback; • The third is from Section 38.08.050.A.2, “Yards,” to allow the rear addition to encroach into the required 20-foot rear yard setback; and • The fourth is from Section 38.08.050.A.4, “Yards,” (and cross-referenced in Section 38.21.060.C.1, “Yard and height encroachments, limitations and exceptions”) to allow a vehicle garage entrance oriented towards Alderson Street to be closer than 20 feet to the property line. 124 The applicants, Paul Bertelli and Jillian Bowers, first submitted a COA/DEV application on June 26, 2012. Staff determined the application to be incomplete and requested additional materials to make it complete. The applicants responded with the required materials and a revised application on July 18, 2012 that Staff determined to be complete and scheduled for City Commission review on August 20, 2012. Public noticing for the project occurred during the week of July 30, 2012 and included posting on site, listed in the legal section of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, and the notification of adjoining neighbors within 200 feet of the property. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: There are no unresolved issues at this time. ALTERNATIVES: The City Commission has the following alternative actions available: 1. Approve the application with modifications to the Staff recommended conditions; 2. Deny the application based on a finding of non-compliance with applicable criteria; or 3. Open and continue the public hearing on the application, with specific direction to Staff or the applicant to supply additional information. FISCAL EFFECTS: None identified at this time. Report compiled on: August 13, 2012 Attachments: Staff Report Application materials 125 #Z-12154 Bertelli/ Bowers House Remodel and Addition COA/DEV Staff Report 1 City Commission Staff Report for Bertelli/ Bowers Remodel and Addition COA/DEV File #Z-12154 Item: A Certificate of Appropriateness application to remodel the existing residence at 702 South Grand Avenue, including construction of a new porch and an addition to the rear of the existing home. Deviations are requested to permit construction of the front porch in the required side yard setback, as well as construction of the rear addition in the required side and rear yard setbacks. The property is zoned R-1 (Residential Single-Household, Low Density District), contributes to the Bon Ton Historic District on the National Register of Historic Places and lies within the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District. Owners: Paul Bertelli and Jillian Bowers, 702 South Grand Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59715 Date: City Commission meeting on August 20, 2012, in the City Commission Meeting Room, Bozeman City Hall, 121 North Rouse Avenue, Bozeman, Montana. Report By: Allyson Brekke, Associate Planner and Courtney Kramer, Assistant Planner Recommendation: Conditional Approval Recommended Motion: I move to approve application Z-12154 as described in the staff report and subject to the conditions therein, based on a finding of compliance with all applicable criteria. ______________________________________________________________________________ Project Location The subject property is located at the southeast corner of South Grand Avenue and West Alderson Street and is legally described as Lots 19 and 20, Block 11, Fairview Addition, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. See below for a property map. Proposal and Background 126 #Z-12154 Bertelli/Bowers House Remodel and Addition COA/ DEV Staff Report 2 The Certificate of Appropriateness application proposes the following alterations to the subject property: 1) the remodel of the existing house, 2) the addition of a corner-wrapped covered porch to the existing house, and 3) a rear addition to the existing house. Four deviations from the Bozeman Municipal Code are required for the proposed project: • The first and second are requested from Section 38.08.050.A.1.c, “Yards,” to allow the new corner-wrapped porch and the rear addition to encroach into the required 15-foot corner side yard setback; • The third is from Section 38.08.050.A.2, “Yards,” to allow the rear addition to encroach into the required 20-foot rear yard setback; and • The fourth is from Section 38.08.050.A.4, “Yards,” (and cross-referenced in Section 38.21.060.C.1, “Yard and height encroachments, limitations and exceptions”) to allow a vehicle garage entrance oriented towards Alderson Street to be closer than 20 feet to the property line. The applicants, Paul Bertelli and Jillian Bowers, first submitted a COA/DEV application on June 26, 2012. Staff determined the application to be incomplete and requested additional materials to make it complete. The applicants responded with the required materials and a revised application on July 18, 2012 that Staff determined to be complete and scheduled for City Commission review on August 20, 2012. Public noticing for the project occurred during the week of July 30, 2012 and included posting on site, listed in the legal section of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, and the notification of adjoining neighbors within 200 feet of the property. Recommended Conditions of Approval and Code Provisions Planning Staff has reviewed the Bertelli/Bowers Remodel and Addition proposal and recommends conditional approval of the application. Based on the subsequent analysis, Staff finds that the application, with conditions and code provisions, is in general compliance with the adopted Growth Policy and the City of Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. Staff includes the following recommended conditions of approval and code provisions: Conditions of Approval 1. The following changes shall occur to the proposed building design and shall be shown in revised building elevation drawings submitted to the Department of Planning prior to approval of a building permit and subject to the review and approval of the Planning Director: a. The proposed balustrade on the second story of the porch shall either be removed or substantially decreased in length. b. The proposed first floor replacement window on the west elevation (facing South Grand Avenue) shall preserve the size and proportion of the historic window opening. c. The proposed replacement windows on the south elevation shall preserve the size and proportion of the historic window openings, with flexibility for the second floor window to provide adequate egress. d. All proposed replacement windows shall match the design of the original windows, including the number and position of glass panes. e. The proposed replacement front door shall match the original proportion of the existing door. f. The proposed exterior siding for the garage and master bedroom portion of the rear addition shall appear similar in scale, proportion, texture and finish to those materials used traditionally in the Bon Ton Historic District. g. The proposed metal roof for the garage and master bedroom portion of the rear addition 127 #Z-12154 Bertelli/Bowers House Remodel and Addition COA/ DEV Staff Report 3 shall have a matte, non-reflective finish, and the seams shall be low profile. h. The proposed garage door and side entrance door in the rear addition shall appear similar in scale, proportion, texture and finish to those materials used traditionally in the Bon Ton Historic District. 2. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant will work with Planning Staff to determine the gentlest means possible for removing the paint applied to the historic brick. 3. Prior to issuance of a building permit, one onsite parking space, which conforms to all applicable parking space standards included in Section 38.25 of the Bozeman Municipal Code, shall be shown on a revised site plan drawing; OR, one bedroom shall be eliminated on the proposed floor plan drawings. Code Provisions • Per Section 38.01.080 & 38.34.110, the proposed project shall be completed as approved and conditioned in the Certificate of Appropriateness application. Any modifications to the submitted and approved application materials shall invalidate the project's legitimacy, unless the applicant submits the proposed modifications for review and approval by the Department of Planning prior to undertaking said modifications. The only exception to this law is repair. • Per Section, the applicant shall obtain a building permit within one year of Certificate of Appropriateness approval, or said approval shall become null and void. Please call the Building Department at 406-582-2375 for more information on the building permit process. • Per Section 38.21.050.F, “Accessory Buildings and Equipment,” ground-mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from public rights-of-way with walls, fencing or evergreen plant materials and shall not encroach into required setbacks. • Per Section 38.25, “Parking,” the proposed development shall abide by all parking standards. The applicant must comply with all provisions of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or State law. Zoning Designation and Adjacent Land Uses The subject property is a single-household residence, zoned R-1 (Residential, single household, low density). The intent of the R-1 zoning district is to provide for primarily single-household residential development and related uses within the city at urban densities, and to provide for such community facilities and services as will serve the area's residents while respecting the residential character and quality of the area. The following land uses and zoning are adjacent to the subject property: North: Single Household Residential, zoned R-1; South: Single Household Residential, zoned R-1; East: Single Household Residential, zoned R-1; and West: Single Household Residential, zoned R-1. Adopted Growth Policy Designation 128 #Z-12154 Bertelli/Bowers House Remodel and Addition COA/ DEV Staff Report 4 The Future Land Use Map of the Bozeman Community Plan designates the subject property to develop as Residential. This category designates places where the primary activity is urban density dwellings. Other uses which complement residences are also acceptable such as parks, low intensity home based occupations, fire stations, churches, and schools. High density residential areas should be established in close proximity to commercial centers to facilitate the provision of services and employment opportunities to persons without requiring the use of an automobile. Implementation of this category by residential zoning should provide for and coordinate intensive residential uses in proximity to commercial centers. The residential designation indicates that it is expected that development will occur within municipal boundaries, which may require annexation prior to development Review Criteria & Staff Findings Section 38.16.050 “Standards for Certificates of Appropriateness” Section 38.16.050 specifies the required standards for granting Certificate of Appropriateness approval. In the discussion below, Administrative Design Review (ADR) Staff evaluated the applicant's request in light of these standards. A. All work performed in completion of an approved Certificate of Appropriateness shall be in conformance with the most recent edition of the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties with Guidelines for Preserving, Rehabilitating, Restoring and Reconstructing Historic Buildings (Published 1995), published by U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Cultural Resource Stewardship and Partnerships, Heritage Preservation Services, Washington, D.C. (available for review at the Department of Planning). The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines have been incorporated into the COA criteria evaluated below. B. Architectural appearance design guidelines used to consider the appropriateness and compatibility of proposed alterations with original design features of subject structures or properties, and with neighboring structures and properties, shall focus upon the following: 1. Height; Modifications to the existing residence: No alterations to the height or roof of the existing residence are proposed with this application. Proposed porch: The proposed porch includes a covered area on the main floor and a second floor balcony space defined by a railing (Staff is unsure if the second floor space is intended for use or if the second floor railing/balustrade is just for decoration). The height of the porch’s covered area is typical of those found in the neighborhood and is appropriate. Proposed rear addition: The proposed rear addition is attached to the existing residence through a connector designed to emulate a breezeway. The connector and breezeway are lower in height than the existing residence, which helps separate the massing of the proposed two-story addition from that of the historic residence. The height of the addition is at no point taller than the height of the existing residence and is appropriate for an addition to the rear of a historic structure. 2. Proportions of doors and windows; Modifications to the existing residence: The application proposes to expand the size of the first-floor window facing South Grand 129 #Z-12154 Bertelli/Bowers House Remodel and Addition COA/ DEV Staff Report 5 Avenue, which appears currently to be in its original size, though not the original window unit. The replacement window is much larger than the original window opening and increases the amount of glass on the primary front façade. With recommended Condition #1, Staff recommends this window size remain unchanged and a replacement window unit fit the original window opening. The application proposes to modify the historic window openings seen from the public right of way on West Alderson Street by removing a double-hung window on the second floor in the gable end and a set of paired double hung windows on the first floor in the gable entry. These window openings are likely original, though the window units are not. These windows will be replaced by a fireplace running vertically in this gable, flanked on either side by double hung windows. A true “restoration” of this residence would leave the historic window openings intact, even if the units are to be replaced with historically-appropriate new windows. However, Staff finds the replacement windows to be appropriate in size and proportion for the West Alderson Street elevation and the wall-to-window ratio is similar to what is found on historic structures in the Bon Ton Historic District. Therefore, Staff finds the window replacements on the building’s north elevation as appropriate. The application proposes to modify two of the three historic window openings on the building’s south elevation (the remaining windows are covered by the proposed sunroom). These window openings are likely original, though the window units are not. These windows are proposed to be replaced by larger windows, greatly increasing the amount of glass on the north building elevation. Both are too large for the side building elevation and not similar to what is found on historic structures in the Bon Ton Historic District, negatively affecting the historic wall-to- window ratio. With Condition #1, Staff is requiring the replacement windows to fit within the original window openings. (NOTE: Staff expects the second floor window on the gable end to be increased for bedroom egress requirements, as that is a window for a proposed bedroom, so will be willing to be flexible in the size of that window so adequate egress can be provided). The rear addition will cover the remaining original window openings on the building’s east elevation. Greater flexibility is permitted to rear elevations, so Staff finds the changes to the west elevation as appropriate. The basis for the window recommendations in Condition #1 are established by Bozeman’s Design Guidelines, which state in Chapter 1 “Rehabilitation Guidelines for Historic Properties,” C “Individual Building Features- Windows” (page 26): 2. “Preserve the position, number and arrangement of historic windows in a building wall. • Enclosing a historic window opening in a key character-defining facade is inappropriate, as is adding a new window opening. This is especially important on primary facades where the historic ratio of solid-to-void is a character-defining feature. • Greater flexibility in installing new windows may be considered on rear walls. 3. Preserve the size and proportion of a historic window opening. • Reducing an original opening to accommodate a smaller window or increasing it to receive a larger window is inappropriate. 4. Preserve the historic ratio of window openings to solid wall on a primary facade. • Significantly increasing the amount of glass on a character-defining facade will negatively affect the integrity of the structure.” Proposed porch: N/A 130 #Z-12154 Bertelli/Bowers House Remodel and Addition COA/ DEV Staff Report 6 Proposed rear addition: The primary mass of the rear addition is in the garage and the space above the garage. This garage block is attached to the historic residence through a connector designed to give the appearance of a historic breezeway. Thus, the breezeway connector includes large expanses of glass which helps to transition and differentiate the historic residence from the new construction to the rear. This design is slightly contemporary in design, but Staff finds it as appropriate because the large expanses of glass are divided into smaller panes, typical of a historic structure, and it incorporates materials typically found in the Bon Ton Historic District (cedar shakes/shingles). The proposed north elevation, second floor window on the garage/master bedroom portion of the addition is larger than what would be typically found on a historic accessory/carriage house type of structure (which the addition is trying to resemble in form). Though it is a slight departure from the historic pattern and more contemporary in design, Staff finds the window to be appropriate because it is broken into smaller modules, giving the appearance of smaller panes as seen traditionally. The COA Standards encourages contemporary, nonperiod and innovative design of new structures and additions to existing structures shall be encouraged when such new construction or additions do not destroy significant historical, cultural or architectural structures or their components. Staff finds the contemporary design elements as appropriate for the new addition. Windows proposed for the east, south and west elevation of the proposed addition are within the range of sizes found within the neighborhood, and are therefore, found to be appropriate. 3. Relationship of building masses and spaces; Modifications to the existing residence: This application proposes only minimal modifications to the masses and spaces of the existing residence. A single-story sunroom addition is proposed to south façade of the existing residence, and is setback substantially from the South Grand Avenue public right of way. This sunroom addition is an appropriate modification of the historic residence’s existing massing and spatial layout, as it preserves the large side yard setback between this residence and the residence to the south. It responds appropriately to Bozeman’s Design Guidelines, which state in Chapter 1 “Rehabilitation Guidelines for Historic Properties,” (page 39): 10. Place an addition at the rear of a building or set it back from the front to minimize the visual impacts. • This will allow the original proportions and character to remain prominent. • A roof top addition should be set back at least 10 feet from a primary facade. Proposed porch: The proposed porch replaces a heavily modified porch, likely added in the mid- 20th century. The removal of the modified porch is encouraged. Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps indicate that the original porch stretched only the width of the front façade. The proposed porch wraps the northwest corner of the residence to incorporate space along West Alderson Street. Though the proposed porch is not a reconstruction of the historic porch, it is in keeping with porches seen in the surrounding Bon Ton Historic District. Porches on corner properties often wrapped the corner of the residence to address both streets. The porch clearly defines the front façade of the residence along South Grand Avenue as the entry to the residence and is found as appropriate. Staff does have concern with the railing/balustrade proposed on the second level of the covered porch, which is discusses in the “Architectural Details” section. 131 #Z-12154 Bertelli/Bowers House Remodel and Addition COA/ DEV Staff Report 7 Proposed rear addition: As previously noted, the proposed rear addition is designed to appear as a historic carriage house or accessory structure along an alley, which has been attached to the principal residence through an enclosed breezeway. This design approach strives to break up the massing of the proposed addition, and responds appropriately to the following, from Bozeman’s Design Guidelines: Chapter 1 “Rehabilitation Guidelines for Historic Properties,” (page 39): 10. Place an addition at the rear of a building or set it back from the front to minimize the visual impacts. • This will allow the original proportions and character to remain prominent. • A roof top addition should be set back at least 10 feet from a primary facade. 11. A new addition should respect the mass and scale of the original structure. • While a smaller addition is visually preferable, if the addition would be significantly larger than the original building, one option is to separate it from the primary building, when feasible, and then link it with a smaller connector. • In some cases, adding vertically, through construction of dormers, will help to minimize the impacts of additions and preserve rear yards. • A new addition should fit within the range of stories that help define the character of the neighborhood. • For a larger addition, break up the mass of the addition into smaller modules that relate to the historic house. • An addition should be simple in design to prevent it from competing with the primary facade. And from Bozeman’s Design Guidelines Chapter 3 “Guidelines for Residential Character Areas,” (p. 58): 3. On larger structures, subdivide larger masses into smaller “modules” that are similar in size to single household residences seen traditionally. • Other, subordinate modules may be attached to the primary building form. The massing and spaces of the proposed rear addition are appropriate as an addition to the historic residence, as the bulk of the addition (the garage/master bedroom suite) is separated from the historic residence by a smaller “breezeway” connector 30 feet 6 inches in length, rather than attached directly to the historic residence. This definitively separates the new construction from the historic residence, and does so in a manner which minimizes the damage to the historic building. The massing of the garage/master bedroom suite is also within the range of height and size of neighboring accessory structures. 4. Roof shape; Modifications to the existing residence: No roof modifications to the existing residence are proposed. Proposed porch: The application proposes a predominately flat roof form over the covered porch, with a balustrade/railing on the second level. Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps only indicate the footprint of the building’s historic porch and at this time no photographic evidence exists to illustrate the design of the original porch. The style of the original house closely resembles the “Free Classic” style, which is a vernacular form of classical architecture. The balustrade proposed on the second level of the porch is more typical of a “Colonial Revival” style. See the images below which show a “Free Classic” house with a single- story porch and no balustrade and a “Colonial Revival” porch with balustrade. 132 #Z-12154 Bertelli/Bowers House Remodel and Addition COA/ DEV Staff Report 8 As a recommendation in Condition #1, Staff is requiring the removal of the second floor balustrade OR a decrease in length of the balustrade so that it is subordinate to the first floor portion of the covered porch. The basis for the balustrade recommendation in Condition #1 is established by Bozeman’s Design Guidelines, which state in Chapter 1 “Rehabilitation Guidelines for Historic Properties,” A “Character-Defining Features” (page 21): 2. Avoid adding elements or details that were not a part of the original building. • For example, details such as decorative millwork or shingles should not be added to a building if they were not an original feature of that structure. Proposed rear addition: The roof shapes seen in the proposed rear addition are identical to those found in the existing historic residence, and are therefore appropriate. 5. Scale; Modifications to the existing residence: The application proposes no modifications to the scale of the existing residence. Proposed porch: Though wider along South Grand Avenue than the historic porch, the proposed porch does not overwhelm the existing residence. The scale of the proposed porch is appropriate. Proposed rear addition: The addition proposes with this application proposes significant modifications to the West Alderson Street façade of the residence. Though broken into modules, as suggested by Bozeman’s Design Guidelines, and further differentiated by a variety of material choices, the residence will present an unusually long façade to the West Alderson right of way. The architectural detailing and proposed layout of spaces of the proposed addition, however, diminish the potential adverse impact of this modification of scale, and create an addition which does not 133 #Z-12154 Bertelli/Bowers House Remodel and Addition COA/ DEV Staff Report 9 overwhelm the existing historic residence. With this in mind, Staff finds the scale of the proposed addition appropriate. 6. Directional expression; Modifications to the existing residence: The application proposes no modifications to the directional expression of the existing residence. Proposed porch: The proposed porch includes steps connecting the residence’s front door to South Grand Avenue, and reinforces the South Grand façade as the “front” of the house. The directional expression of the proposed porch is appropriate. Proposed rear addition: The proposed rear addition does not modify the directional expression already in existence. A garage, to be demolished, accessed off of West Alderson Street rather than the alley is present in the location of the proposed rear addition. Additionally, the rear addition is occurring behind the historic structure which is the preferred location. 7. Architectural details; Modifications to the existing residence: Because the historic house is similar to a “Free Classic” style, the classical architectural detailing is minimal and not exaggerated. Natural brick arches above the window openings remain and are included in the design proposal for all window modifications on the existing residence. The window designs are simple one-over-one and are conditioned by Staff to be retained in all proposed window replacements. The preservation of the minimal architectural details is what is most appropriate for the remodel of the historic house. Proposed porch: Architectural detailing for the proposed porch reflects a “Free Classic” style and includes Doric columns and a simple railing design. The porch roof supports an uncovered second story balcony enclosed by the same railing/balustrade as the first floor. Very little architectural detailing remains on the original house and it is unclear if such stylistic features existed on the house. The balustrade proposed porch, therefore, may add a conjectural element of style which is in excess of the rather simple historic house constructed. With recommended Condition of Approval #1 Staff recommends removing the proposed second floor balustrade from the porch OR to decrease the balustrade in length so that is subordinate to the first floor portion of the covered porch. This recommendation is reflected in Bozeman’s Design Guidelines, Chapter 1 “Rehabilitation Guidelines for Historic Properties,” (p. 21): 2. Avoid adding elements or details that were not part of the original building. • For example, details such as decorative millwork or shingles should not be added to a building if they were not an original feature of that structure. Proposed rear addition: Much of the architectural detailing for the proposed rear addition stems from the application of exterior cladding materials, which strive to differentiate the historic brick residence from the proposed rear addition. Please see comments under COA criteria 9 “Materials and Color Scheme.” 8. Concealment of non-period appurtenances, such as mechanical equipment; and The applicant has been notified that screening of mechanical equipment is required (see recommended code provisions on page 3 of this report). 134 #Z-12154 Bertelli/Bowers House Remodel and Addition COA/ DEV Staff Report 10 9. Materials and color scheme. Modifications to the existing residence: The application proposes to remove the paint from the existing historic brick. Though it is unlikely the brick was painted originally, paint was likely applied to arrest some type of brick deterioration. Staff is generally wary of removing paint from bricks, as only the gentlest methods remove the paint without damaging the top layer of the brick. Damage to the top layer of brick usually results in “melting” brick. Staff has requested further information about the method of paint removal to be used as recommended condition of approval #2. This recommended Condition of Approval responds to Bozeman’s Design Guidelines Chapter 1, “ Rehabilitation Guidelines for Historic Properties:” A. Character Defining Features (p.22) 6. Use technical procedures for cleaning, refinishing and repairing architectural details that will maintain the original finish. • Consult with the City of Bozeman for techniques that are generally considered appropriate. • When choosing preservation treatments, use the gentlest means possible that will achieve the desired results. • Employ treatments such as rust removal, caulking, limited paint removal and reapplication of paint or stain. B. Historic Building Materials (p. 23) 6. Repoint mortar joints where there is evidence of deterioration. • Duplicate the old mortar in strength, composition, color and texture. • Avoid using mortar with a high portland cement content, which will be substantially harder than the original. • Duplicate the mortar joints in width and profile. 7. Use the gentlest means possible to clean the surface of a structure. • Perform a test patch to determine that the cleaning method will cause no damage to the material surface. Many procedures can actually have an unanticipated negative effect upon building materials and result in accelerated deterioration or a loss of character. • Harsh cleaning methods, such as sandblasting, can damage the historic materials, changing their appearance. Such procedures are inappropriate. • If cleaning is appropriate, a low pressure water wash is preferred. Chemical cleaning may be considered if a test patch is first reviewed and negative effects are not found. The application also proposes to replace most of the windows in the residence, which are not original, with aluminum clad wood interior windows of one-over-one design. Staff has included a condition to ensure all replacement windows are the same design as the originals. Proposed porch: The application proposes to construct a new front porch of wood, which is an appropriate material in the Bon Ton Historic District. Proposed rear addition: The proposed breezeway connector will be clad in cedar shakes to be stained grey, with either a cedar shake or asphalt roof. Windows will be metal clad that resemble the style of traditional wood windows. These are appropriate material choices within the context of the neighborhood. The proposed garage/ master bedroom suite will be clad in reclaimed lumber applied in a vertical fashion and a standing seam metal roof. The exterior siding is considered an alternative material to what is traditionally is seen in the Bon Ton Historic District. In order to ensure the 135 #Z-12154 Bertelli/Bowers House Remodel and Addition COA/ DEV Staff Report 11 appropriateness of this alternative material, Staff is including a condition to have the alternative material “appear similar in scale, proportion, texture and finish to those materials used traditionally in the Bon Ton Historic District. Bozeman’s Design Guidelines Chapter 2 “Design Guidelines for all Areas,” (p. 50) suggests: 1. New materials that are similar in character to traditional materials may be acceptable with appropriate detailing. • Alternative materials should appear similar in scale, proportion, texture and finish to those used traditionally. C. Contemporary, nonperiod and innovative design of new structures and additions to existing structures shall be encouraged when such new construction or additions do not destroy significant historical, cultural or architectural structures, or their components, and when such design is compatible with the foregoing elements of the structure and the surrounding structures. The proposed addition is of contemporary and innovative design, and does not destroy significant historic architecture. The proposed addition is also within the range of sizes, locations and detailing of accessory structures found in the neighborhood. D. When applying the standards of subsections A-C, the review authority shall be guided by the Design Guidelines for the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District which are hereby incorporated by this reference. When reviewing a contemporary, non-period, or innovative design of new structures, or addition to existing structure, the review authority shall be guided by the Design Guidelines for the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District to determine whether the proposal is compatible with any existing or surrounding structures. Bozeman’s Design Guidelines for Historic Preservation and the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District, which apply the Secretary of the Interior’s guidelines to Bozeman’s unique built environment, were consulted in reviewing the proposed project. E. Conformance with other applicable development standards of this title. Four deviations from the Bozeman Municipal Code are required for the proposed project: • The first and second are requested from Section 38.08.050.A.1.c, “Yards,” to allow the new corner-wrapped porch and the rear addition to encroach into the required 15-foot corner side yard setback; • The third is from Section 38.08.050.A.2, “Yards,” to allow the rear addition to encroach into the required 20-foot rear yard setback; and • The fourth is from Section 38.08.050.A.4, “Yards,” (and cross-referenced in Section 38.21.060.C.1, “Yard and height encroachments, limitations and exceptions”) to allow a vehicle garage entrance oriented towards Alderson Street to be closer than 20 feet to the property line. The required criteria for granting deviations are examined in the following section. Section 38.16.070 “Deviations from Underlying Zoning Requirements” Section 38.16.070 specifies the required criteria for granting deviations from the underlying zoning requirements. In the discussion below, ADR Staff evaluated the applicant's request in light of these criteria. 136 #Z-12154 Bertelli/Bowers House Remodel and Addition COA/ DEV Staff Report 12 Deviation #1, requested from Section 38.08.050.A.1.c, “Yards,” to allow the new corner-wrapped porch to encroach into the required 15-foot corner side/front yard setback. A. Modifications shall be more historically appropriate for the building and site in question, and the adjacent properties, as determined by the standards in § 38.16.050 of this chapter, than would be achieved under a literal enforcement of this title; The new front porch proposed with this application does not exactly match the footprint of porches historically present on this residence, which were oriented solely to front South Grand Avenue. The proposed porch, however, is in keeping with the character of residential porches constructed on corner lots in the Bon Ton Historic District, which often wrapped the corner of the building to address both the primary and secondary street frontages. It is the determination of ADR Staff that with the recommended conditions of approval this application creates a project which will be more historically appropriate for the site and surrounding neighborhood in question and thus fulfills Criteria A of Section 38.16.070 “Deviations from Underlying Zoning Requirements,” of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. B. Modifications will have minimal adverse effect on abutting properties or the permitted uses thereof; The new front porch proposed with this application will primarily impact the West Alderson Street public right-of-way, from which a seven foot setback will be provided. However, the porch is an essential element of the streetscape: It provides human scale to the house; it offers interest to pedestrians; and it is a catalyst for personal interaction. It is the determination of ADR Staff that with the recommended conditions of approval this application creates a project which will have minimal adverse effect on abutting properties and thus fulfills Criteria B of Section 38.16.070 “Deviations from Underlying Zoning Requirements,” of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. C. Modifications shall assure the protection of the public health, safety and general welfare. The new front porch proposed with this application is outside of the street vision triangle for the South Grand and West Alderson Street right of Way. It is the determination of ADR Staff that with all the recommended conditions of approval and code provisions, that the protection of health, safety and general welfare is assured and thus fulfills Criteria C of Section 38.16.070 “Deviations from Underlying Zoning Requirements,” of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. Summary: Based on a finding that the deviation request meets all applicable criteria, Staff recommends approval of the first deviation request with recommended conditions of approval. Deviation #2, requested from Section 38.08.050.A.1.c, “Yards,” to allow the new the rear addition to encroach into the required 15-foot corner side/front yard setback. A. Modifications shall be more historically appropriate for the building and site in question, and the adjacent properties, as determined by the standards in § 38.16.050 of this chapter, than would be achieved under a literal enforcement of this title; 137 #Z-12154 Bertelli/Bowers House Remodel and Addition COA/ DEV Staff Report 13 A portion of the rear addition is similar to a traditional accessory structure, or “carriage house,” as it is located close to the rear and side property lines and adjacent to the rear alley. This full two-story portion of the rear addition is the only part that encroaches into the 15-foot corner side yard setback. The guidelines discourage replication of history that didn’t exist on a property. However, the “carriage house” portion is a part of a larger rear addition to the house. So it is distinguished as new construction. Overall, the placement of the two-story portion in the corner side yard setback allows a greater distance between the historic residence and the larger portion of the new construction, which lessens the impact of the rear addition. Additionally, by encroaching into the required corner side yard setback required by the proposed rear addition aligns itself with the historic accessory structure across the alley to the east. It is the determination of ADR Staff that with the recommended conditions of approval this application creates a project which will be more historically appropriate for the site and surrounding neighborhood in question and thus fulfills Criteria A of Section 38.16.070 “Deviations from Underlying Zoning Requirements,” of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. B. Modifications will have minimal adverse effect on abutting properties or the permitted uses thereof; The two-story portion of the rear addition that encroaches into the 15-foot corner side yard setback is just 23 feet wide, which is a small part of the total rear addition. Because of its minimal width, there is minimal adverse effect on the public right-of-way and abutting properties. It is the determination of ADR Staff that with the recommended conditions of approval this application creates a project which will have minimal adverse effect on abutting properties and thus fulfills Criteria B of Section 38.16.070 “Deviations from Underlying Zoning Requirements,” of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. C. Modifications shall assure the protection of the public health, safety and general welfare. The proposed new construction is outside of the required street vision triangle for the rear alley. This calculation ensures an adequate line of vision for pedestrians traveling on the Alderson sidewalk to see traffic in the alley, as well as traffic in the alley to see pedestrians and additional traffic in the Alderson public right-of-way. It is the determination of ADR Staff that with all the recommended conditions of approval and code provisions, that the protection of health, safety and general welfare is assured and thus fulfills Criteria C of Section 38.16.070 “Deviations from Underlying Zoning Requirements,” of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. Summary: Based on a finding that the deviation request meets all applicable criteria, Staff recommends approval of the second deviation request, with the recommended conditions of approval. Deviation #3, requested from Section 38.08.050.A.2, “Yards,” to allow the rear addition to encroach into the required 20-foot rear yard setback. A. Modifications shall be more historically appropriate for the building and site in question, and the adjacent properties, as determined by the standards in § 38.16.050 of this chapter, than would be achieved under a literal enforcement of this title; This project proposes to locate an addition of substantial size to the rear of the historic residence. This 138 #Z-12154 Bertelli/Bowers House Remodel and Addition COA/ DEV Staff Report 14 requested deviation improves the appropriateness of the addition, by physically separating the addition as much as possible from the massing of the historic residence. It is the determination of ADR Staff that with the recommended conditions of approval this application creates a project which will be more historically appropriate for the site and surrounding neighborhood in question and thus fulfills Criteria A of Section 38.16.070 “Deviations from Underlying Zoning Requirements,” of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. B. Modifications will have minimal adverse effect on abutting properties or the permitted uses thereof; The proposed addition is separated from the adjoining property to the east by an alley and from adjoining property owners to the north by West Alderson Street. It is the determination of ADR Staff that with the recommended conditions of approval this application creates a project which will have minimal adverse effect on abutting properties and thus fulfills Criteria B of Section 38.16.070 “Deviations from Underlying Zoning Requirements,” of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. C. Modifications shall assure the protection of the public health, safety and general welfare. With the requested deviation, the proposed addition should have no effect on the public health, safety and general welfare as it is located outside of the required site vision triangle area. It is the determination of ADR Staff that with all the recommended conditions of approval and code provisions, that the protection of health, safety and general welfare is assured and thus fulfills Criteria C of Section 38.16.070 “Deviations from Underlying Zoning Requirements,” of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. Summary: Based on a finding that the deviation request meets all applicable criteria, Staff recommends approval of the deviation request with the recommended conditions of approval. Deviation #4, requested from Section 38.08.050.A.4, “Yards,” (and cross-referenced in Section 38.21.060.C.1, “Yard and height encroachments, limitations and exceptions”) to allow a vehicle garage entrance oriented towards Alderson Street to be closer than 20 feet to the property line. A. Modifications shall be more historically appropriate for the building and site in question, and the adjacent properties, as determined by the standards in § 38.16.050 of this chapter, than would be achieved under a literal enforcement of this title; The proposed garage addition takes access from West Alderson Street. Taking access from the alley is the more usual historic configuration. The alley, however, is only 14 feet wide and Municipal Code requires a minimum of 26 feet of backing distance. If access were to be taken perpendicular from the alley, the entire addition would have to be located 12 feet from the rear (east) property line. This would push the bulk of the proposed addition closer to the historic residence; to the detriment of the appropriateness of the addition which benefits from a strong physical separation from the historic residence. Side-loaded access from the alley could be created on the southern façade of the proposed addition; however this would dramatically reduce the amount of rear-yard space. In the context of these considerations, taking vehicular access from West Alderson Street is the most prudent site configuration. 139 #Z-12154 Bertelli/Bowers House Remodel and Addition COA/ DEV Staff Report 15 It is the determination of ADR Staff that with the recommended conditions of approval this application creates a project which will be more historically appropriate for the site and surrounding neighborhood in question and thus fulfills Criteria A of Section 38.16.070 “Deviations from Underlying Zoning Requirements,” of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. B. Modifications will have minimal adverse effect on abutting properties or the permitted uses thereof; Staff believes there is less adverse effect on abutting properties, especially for the adjoining property owners to the south and west, by allowing the tallest part of the addition to be located closer to West Alderson Street rather than in the middle of the property. Six feet is provided as the setback for the garage entrance. Because of West Alderson Street’s classification as a local street, Staff finds this setback as an appropriate backing distance. It is the determination of ADR Staff that with the recommended conditions of approval this application creates a project which will have minimal adverse effect on abutting properties and thus fulfills Criteria B of Section 38.16.070 “Deviations from Underlying Zoning Requirements,” of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. C. Modifications shall assure the protection of the public health, safety and general welfare. The addition is located outside of the required street vision triangle. The applicant should be aware that the space between the garage door and the public right of way is insufficient for stacking vehicles in front of the garage door. For example, vehicles cannot park in front of the garage door and overhang into the public right of way of the sidewalk or boulevard, to interrupt pedestrian use of the sidewalk. It is the determination of ADR Staff that with all the recommended conditions of approval and code provisions, that the protection of health, safety and general welfare is assured and thus fulfills Criteria C of Section 38.16.070 “Deviations from Underlying Zoning Requirements,” of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. Summary: Based on a finding that the deviation request meets all applicable criteria, Staff recommends approval of the fourth deviation with the recommended conditions of approval. Public Comment Public noticing for the project occurred during the week of July 30, 2012 and included posting on site, listed in the legal section of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, and the notification of adjoining neighbors within 200 feet of the property. No public comment has been received by the Department of Planning for this project. If public comment is received prior to the City Commission public hearing, Staff will forward it to the Commission for their consideration. Staff is aware of the applicant’s efforts in meeting with their neighbors to explain and describe their project. Conclusion The Staff has reviewed the Bertelli/Bowers Remodel and Addition Certificate of Appropriateness application with four deviation requests and recommends approval of the application with the conditions and code provisions outlined in this staff report (listed on pages 3 and 4). In addition to the specific 140 #Z-12154 Bertelli/Bowers House Remodel and Addition COA/ DEV Staff Report 16 project conditions of approval, the applicant must comply with all provisions of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or State law. Based on a finding that the deviation requests meet all applicable criteria, Staff recommends approval of the four deviation requests. AS THIS APPLICATION INCLUDES A REQUEST FOR FOUR DEVIATIONS, THE CONCURRING VOTE OF THREE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION IS NECESSARY TO EFFECT THE DEVIATIONS. THE DECISION OF THE CITY COMMISSION MAY BE APPEALED BY AN AGGRIEVED PERSON AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 38.35.080 OF THE BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL CODE. Attachments: Applicant’s Application Materials Report Sent to: Paul Bertelli and Jillian Bowers, 702 South Grand Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59715 141 142 143 144 145 146 • • • • • • • 147 • • • 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 5’-0” side yd setback 15’-0” side yd setback 20 ’ - 0 ” r e a r y d s e t b a c k 170 171 172 173 174 7’-0” side yd setback 15’-0” side yd setback 2’-6” from setback connector 6’-0” side yd setback 20’-0” from prop line sunroom porch chimney sunroom 175 garage laundry entry sunroom kitchen living parlor porch foyer dining 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 DR A W N : CH E C K E D : DA T E : RE V I S I O N S 70 2 S O U T H G R A N D A V E N U E B O Z E M A N , M T 5 9 7 1 5 PA U L B E R T E L L I & J I L L I A N B O W E R S CE R T I F I C A T E O F A P P R O P R I A T E N E S S A P P L I C A T I O N 06 . 2 2 . 1 2 SITE PLAN WITH ADDITION 1/20”=1’-0” VISION TRIANGLE NTS SANBORN MAP - 1927 NTS SECOND FLOOR PLAN 1/8”=1’-0” master bedroom bedroom 2bedroom 3 bedroom 4 storage master bath GROUND FLOOR PLAN 1/8”=1’-0” garage 3’-0” lower than main laundry entry sunroom kitchen pantry dining room living room parlor foyer front porch 7’-0” side yd setback 15’-0” side yd setback2’-6” from setback connector 6’-0” side yd setback 20’-0” from prop line sunroom porch chimney EXISTING SITE PLAN WITH SETBACKS 1/20”=1’-0” 5’-0” side yd setback 15’-0” side yd setback 20 ’ - 0 ” r e a r y d s e t b a c k sunroom GROUND FLOOR PLAN 1/8”=1’-0” garagelaundry entry sunroom kitchen pantry dining room living room parlor foyer front porch 187 DR A W N : CH E C K E D : DA T E : RE V I S I O N S 70 2 S O U T H G R A N D A V E N U E B O Z E M A N , M T 5 9 7 1 5 PA U L B E R T E L L I & J I L L I A N B O W E R S CE R T I F I C A T E O F A P P R O P R I A T E N E S S A P P L I C A T I O N 06 . 2 2 . 1 2 NORTH ELEVATION 1/8”=1’-0” EAST ELEVATION - VIEW FROM ALLEY 1/8”=1’-0” SOUTH ELEVATION 1/8”=1’-0” WEST ELEVATION 1/8”=1’-0” EAST ELEVATION AND SECTION THROUGH CONNECTOR 1/8”=1’-0” 7’ - 0 ” s e t b a c k 7’ - 0 ” s e t b a c k 15 ’ - 0 ” s e t b a c k or i g i n a l s t r u c t u r e so u t h p r o p e r t y l i n e fe n c e 5’ - 0 ” s e t b a c k so u t h p r o p e r t y l i n e so u t h p r o p e r t y l i n e ea s t p r o p e r t y l i n e 6’ - 0 ” s e t b a c k no r t h p r o p e r t y l i n e no r t h p r o p e r t y l i n e Alderson sunroom beyond existing carriage house existing historic carriage house existing alley connector original house with new windows and brick fireplace added original house with new windows and wrap around porch original house with new windows new wood porch original house with new windows new sun roomcontrasting connector beyondnew 1 1/2 story garage and master bedroom new 1 1/2 story garage and master bedroom existing historic carriage house new 1 1/2 story garage and master bedroom si d e w a l k 6’ - 0 ” s e t b a c k 15 ’ - 0 ” s e t b a c k new wooden front porch white alum clad 2’-4” x 2’-6” white alum clad 2’-4” x 2’-6”white alum clad 2’-4” x 5’-0” white alum clad (3) 2’-6” x 5’-0” white alum clad (3) 2’-6” x 5’-0” white alum clad (pair of 2) 2’-6” x 4’-0” replace existing vinyl double hung with white alum clad replace existing vinyl double hung with white alum clad replace existing vinyl double hung with white alum clad replace existing metal door with wood door white alum clad 2’-4” x 5’-0” revised new connector floor level revised stairway ridge revised office ridge (east) previous stairway ridge revised plate elevation 6’-0” revised connector clg elevation 7’-8” existing main house floor level 188