HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-18-12 Draft Minutes_31 of 13 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA JUNE 18, 2012 ********************** The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in the Commission Room, City Hall at 121 North Rouse on Monday, June 18, 2012. Present were Mayor Sean Becker, Commissioner Cyndy Andrus, Commissioner Jeff Krauss, Commissioner Chris Mehl, Commissioner Carson Taylor, City Manager Chris Kukulski, City Attorney Greg Sullivan and Deputy City Clerk Aimee Kissel. 0:00:40 A. Call Meeting to Order 0:00:56 B. Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence 0:00:58 C. Changes to the Agenda Mayor Becker asked City Manager Chris Kukulski if there were any changes to the agenda. Mr. Kukulski said there were not. 0:01:16 D. Minutes - May 7, 2012 0:01:20 Motion and Vote to approve the minutes of May 7, 2012 as submitted. It was moved by Cr. Mehl, seconded by Cr. Taylor to approve the minutes of May 7, 2012 as submitted. Those voting Aye being Cr. Mehl, Taylor, Andrus, Krauss and Mayor Becker. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 0:01:20 E. Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims (LaMeres) 2. Accept the Building Division Monthly Report for May, 2012 (Risk) 3. Approve a Wine License for All Things Italian to sell off premises at 2622 West Main Street, Suite 1B (Neibauer) 4. Approve Certification of Delinquent City Assessments to Gallatin County (Rosenberry) 20 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission, June 18, 2012 2 of 13 0:01:25 Public Comment on Consent Items E. 1-4 Mayor Becker opened public comment on consent items E. 1-4. Seeing none, Mayor Becker closed public comment. 0:01:56 Motion and Vote to approve consent items E. 1-4 as submitted. It was moved by Cr. Taylor, seconded by Cr. Andrus to approve consent items E. 1-4 as submitted. Those voting Aye being Crs. Taylor, Andrus, Krauss, Taylor and Mayor Becker. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 0:02:08 International Visitors Leadership Program Mayor Becker announced that visitors from the International Leadership Program were present this evening. Participants from Sri Lanka, Nepal and other countries are visiting. 0:02:56 F. Public Comment Mayor Becker opened public comment. 0:03:10 Ben Alexander, Public Comment Mr. Alexander of 225 North Powder Park Court provided public comment in favor of the parks and trails bond. He provided several safety arguments saying neither of his daughters can make it to their school on trails or bike paths currently. Great trails nearby connect to nowhere. Mr. Alexander said the city has a good beginning of a trail system but missing links represent a safety hazard. 0:05:29 James Payden, Public Comment Mr. Payden of 3763 Potossi says he looks forward to having the armory developed. 0:05:59 Clark Finch, Public Comment Mr. Finch, former owner of Heebs Grocery and current owner of Heebs Center said he does not think the Cider House should be approved at the proposed location as it does not have parking as the current businesses are already struggling with parking. He is also concerned that the Cider House proposal is in the alley where Tire Rama and Heebs receive supplies. Mr. Finch said lack of parking is the most dangerous issue to a grocer's survival. 0:08:14 Dan Center, Public Comment Mr. Center of 409 North Bree Avenue provided public comment in support of allowing the voters to decide whether to invest in a parks and trails bond. 0:11:25 Alex Russell, Public Comment Mr. Russell of Brady Street spoke in favor of a parks and trails bond. 0:12:30 Tony Kaber on behalf of Mike Hope, Public Comment Mr. Kaber of 303 Golden Valley read a letter into the record on behalf of Mike Hope urging the city not to sell the Carnegie parking lot. 21 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission, June 18, 2012 3 of 13 0:13:56 Mitch Bradley, Public Comment Mr. Bradley, owner of Heebs Grocery spoke in opposition to the Yellow House Cider House in the location requested due to the lack of parking available in this location. He reported there is no side parking on Wallace and parking is already full in this location. He is also worried about the ability to receive deliveries if the Cider House were to open in this location. 0:16:16 Lance Travish Public Comment Mr. Travish, CEO of a printing company in town spoke in favor of the Armory development. He feels it would be very nice to have a boutique hotel at that location. He would encourage the Commission not to sell the Carnegie lot. 0:17:24 Conrad Anker, Public Comment Mr. Anker spoke in favor of placing a parks and trails bond measure on the ballot. 0:18:16 Dan Stevenson, Public Comment Mr. Stevenson of 3009 Westridge Drive spoke in favor of a parks and trails bond as it would allow planning for the legacy of open spaces that developers do not have the ability to affect themselves. 0:19:46 Ray Rasker, Public Comment Mr. Rasker of 11 South Grand, spoke in favor of a parks and trails bond measure. He has seen more and more people use the trails over the years. Mr. Rasker said that from Costco to the Mall the trails do not link making that route a dangerous undertaking. 0:21:21 Amy Hukill, Public Comment Ms. Hukill of 208 Dawn Avenue spoke in favor of a parks and trails bond measure speaking regarding connecting the trails. 0:22:08 Julie Zichovich, Public Comment Ms. Zichovich of 109 East Grant spoke in support of the parks and trails bond and then spoke regarding the importance of keeping the public informed throughout the process regarding both the feasibility study and the bond issue and the differences between them. 0:23:05 Marianne Amsden, Public Comment Ms. Amsden of 5588 Patterson Road is the current President of the Gallatin County Planning Board although she is not speaking on behalf of the board. She spoke regarding how a parks and trails bond is related to the county wide park and trail plan that she and others have been working on since 2008. She would ask that as Bozeman and Belgrade are growing together we look into some way to preserve the wildlife corridor between the two. 0:25:03 Tom Keck, Public Comment Mr. Keck of 411 North 3rd spoke in support of a park and trails bond measure on the ballot so the citizens can decide for themselves. Mr. Keck said that safety should be a consideration in this decision as there are gaps among the trails. 0:27:02 Colette Kirchhoff, Public Comment Dr. Kirchhoff of 516 South 6th spoke in favor of a parks and trails bond measure saying as a doctor, getting plenty of exercise and seeing other people socially is very important for health. 22 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission, June 18, 2012 4 of 13 0:29:28 Steve Kirchhoff, Public Comment Mr. Kirchhoff of 516 South 6th spoke in favor of a park and trails bond measure. He applauds the originator of this idea. He said the community cherishes these resources and parks and trails are best done by the people. Private industry cannot provide what the community needs in a timely or coordinated fashion. The people should be allowed to decide whether they want to go forward with this bond. 0:31:43 Gary Weiner, Public Comment Mr. Weiner of 4030 Sourdough Road spoke as the coordinator of the Bozeman Creek Enhancement Project, saying they would like to see Bozeman Creek be the best amenity for the community and that this bond issue is integral to making that happen. They are making progress on Bogert Park but the bond would be a great opportunity to make a huge difference there. He also spoke about funders wanting to see local commitment to receive grants. 0:35:11 Rob Knapp, Public Comment Mr. Knapp of 1503 South Grand spoke in favor of a park and trails bond measure and said an interconnected system of trails with real planning and parks provides a great sense of community. 0:36:15 Allan Bay, Public Comment Mr. Bay of 419 Fillstone Drive, spoke as a representative of the Blittz Soccer Club in favor of a park and trails bond measure. They would love to work on a public, private partnership for a sports park complex that could accommodate soccer, lacrosse and rugby. There are over 3,000 kids and adults that play soccer in Bozeman. Mr. Bay said tournaments could come to Bozeman if we had space available and a sports complex would provide a huge opportunity to compete with our regional neighbors. 0:39:37 Pippin Wallace, Public Comment Mr. Wallace of 3226 Summerset spoke in support of a park and trails bond measure and asked what it will take to get this item passed by the Commission. 0:40:41 Molly Pickall, Public Comment Ms. Pickall of 407 South 14th spoke in favor of a park and trails bond measure. 0:41:35 Public Comment Closed Seeing no further public comment, Mayor Becker closed public comment. 0:41:53 G. Action Items 0:41:55 1. Yellow House Cider House On-Premise Consumption of Alcohol Conditional Use Permit and Certificate of Appropriateness at 549 East Babcock Street, Application No. Z-12086 (Quasi-Judicial) (Bristor) 0:42:40 Allyson Bristor, Planning Department Ms. Bristor provided the staff presentation on this item. 0:47:42 Cr. Mehl Cr. Mehl asked questions of staff regarding the height of the proposed building. 23 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission, June 18, 2012 5 of 13 0:48:48 Ms. Bristor Ms. Bristor continued the staff report. 0:50:00 The Commission began questions for staff. 0:50:12 Ms. Bristor Ms. Bristor explained that a bar and a restaurant are in the same category. 0:53:14 Mayor Becker Mayor Becker asked about an informal hearing that was previously heard by the Commission for this location. 0:54:48 Mr. Arnold, Architect with Stickworks LLC, Applicant Mr. Arnold spoke relative to the parking issue, saying they moved forward based on B-3 zoning that says parking onsite is not needed. This Cider House would be a great addition to the east end of downtown and they would like to target folks walking and riding their bikes to the facility. 0:56:35 Glenn Gale, Applicant Mr. Gale said he would be open to speaking with the owners at Heebs to cooperate with them and move forward. 0:57:09 Mr. Arnold, Applicant Mr. Arnold responded to an earlier question, saying the occupancy for the proposed tasting room is 37 people. 0:57:49 Cr. Andrus Cr. Andrus began questions for the applicants. 1:01:43 Public Comment Mayor Becker opened public comment. 1:02:28 Gary Gullickson, Public Comment Mr. Gullickson of 404 South Church read a letter to the Commission regarding the parking issue in this location saying that the Commission should open and continue the public hearing on this application with specific direction to staff or the applicant to supply additional information. 1:08:04 Public Comment Closed Seeing no further public comment, Mayor Becker closed public comment. 1:08:05 Applicant Response Mr. Gale says he understands the concerns of the neighborhood but would ask that the Commission not hold up this project, as the applicant did respond to the Unified Development Code. They are more than happy to sit down with the neighbors to work on signage and encouraging customers to not park on their property. 1:09:44 Ms. Bristor Ms. Bristor explained that restaurant parking is determined by the serving area only. If this was a restaurant larger than 3000 square feet, they would still receive a reduction in B-3 zoning. 24 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission, June 18, 2012 6 of 13 1:12:25 Commission questions for Staff. 1:12:29 Ms. Bristor Ms. Bristor explained the standard public notice requirement as well as what Ms. Bristor does to notify the neighborhood groups. 1:13:26 Motion to approve Conditional Use Permit and Certificate of Appropriateness application Z-12086 as described in the staff report and subject to the conditions therein, based on a finding of compliance with all applicable criteria. It was moved by Cr. Andrus, seconded by Cr. Krauss to approve Conditional Use Permit and Certificate of Appropriateness application Z-12086 as described in the staff report and subject to the conditions therein, based on a finding of compliance with all applicable criteria. 1:16:41 Commission discussion on the motion. 1:20:55 General discussion about color palette for a home that is not historic. 1:21:31 Amendment to the main motion to strike condition #16, the requirement for a color palette. It was moved by Cr. Mehl, seconded by Cr. Krauss to strike condition #16, the requirement for a color palette. 1:23:34 Vote on the Amendment to the main motion to strike condition #16, the requirement for a color palette. Those voting Aye being Cr. Mehl, Krauss, Andrus and Mayor Becker. Those voting No being Cr. Taylor. The amendment to the main motion passed 4-1. 1:23:47 Vote on the main motion as amended to approve Conditional Use Permit and Certificate of Appropriateness application Z-12086 as described in the staff report and subject to the conditions therein, based on a finding of compliance with all applicable criteria, striking condition #16, the requirement for a color palette. Those voting Aye being Crs. Andrus, Krauss, Mehl, Taylor and Mayor Becker. Those voting No being none. The main motion as amended passed 5-0. 1:24:06 2. Provisional Adoption of Ordinance No. 1832, amending the text of the Unified Development Code to allow a Master Site Plan as an alternative to the creation of a Planned Unit Development for non-residential development within the North 19th Avenue/West Oak Street Entryway Corridor, Zone Code Amendment Z-12050 AND consideration of Resolution No. 4384, modifying the Bozeman Design Objectives Plan to achieve this purpose (Riley) 25 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission, June 18, 2012 7 of 13 1:24:23 Doug Riley, Planning Department Mr. Riley provided the staff presentation on this item. 1:30:38 The Commission began questions for staff. 1:34:43 Don Cape Jr., Cape Enterprises, Applicant Mr. Cape Jr. began the applicant presentation comparing the process of going through a planned unit development versus a master site plan and said the PUD has outlived its usefulness as a requirement, but not as a tool. 1:37:44 Kevin Cook, Applicant Mr. Cook of 1276 North 15th Avenue continued the applicant presentation on this item, speaking regarding experiences in the past in going through a planned unit development. 1:39:30 Public Comment Mayor Becker opened public comment on this item. Seeing none, Mayor Becker closed public comment. 1:40:15 Motion that having heard and considered public testimony, materials presented and the review criteria for adoption of a Zone Code Amendment, I find that the text of Ordinance 1832 is consistent with the review criteria and move to provisionally adopt ordinance 1832. It was moved by Cr. Krauss, seconded by Cr. Mehl that having heard and considered public testimony, materials presented and the review criteria for adoption of a Zone Code Amendment, I find that the text of Ordinance 1832 is consistent with the review criteria and move to provisionally adopt ordinance 1832. 1:42:16 Commission discussion on the motion. 1:43:41 Vote on the motion that having heard and considered public testimony, materials presented and the review criteria for adoption of a Zone Code Amendment, I find that the text of Ordinance 1832 is consistent with the review criteria and move to provisionally adopt ordinance 1832. Those voting Aye being Crs. Krauss, Mehl, Taylor, Andrus and Mayor Becker. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 1:44:37 Break Mayor Becker called for a break. 1:56:24 Back to Order Mayor Becker called the meeting back to order from break. 1:56:57 3. Potential Parks and Trails Bond Policy Discussion (Commissioner Mehl) 26 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission, June 18, 2012 8 of 13 1:57:18 Cr. Mehl Cr. Mehl provided the presentation on this item. 2:16:12 Mayor Becker began questions. Mayor Becker asked about why we would not have a six mill levy instead of a bond. 2:19:58 Dan Simons, Dorsey and Whitney, Bond Counsel Mr. Simons answered questions regarding bonds. 2:41:09 Public Comment Mayor Becker opened public comment on this item. 2:41:21 David Cook, Public Comment Mr. Cook of 701 South 7th Avenue spoke on behalf of the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board. He explained that there is a backlog of parks and playing fields and that the time is now to take care of this issue. He would urge that the Commission place the bond issue on the ballot. 2:43:58 Amy McNamere, Public Comment Ms. McNamere of 419 South 9th Avenue voiced her strong support for the parks and trails bond issue as a way to help keep our trails safe especially since this community uses the parks and trails as heavily as they do. 2:45:53 Steve Schnee, Public Comment Mr. Schnee of 108 Silverwood Drive spoke in favor of a parks and trails bond measure speaking regarding quality of life. 2:47:59 Terry Cunningham, Public Comment Mr. Cunningham of 3224 Hidden Springs Lane spoke regarding past private/public projects that he was involved in, saying the same energy would be used for future parks and trails project. 2:50:07 Cathy Costakis, Public Comment Ms. Costakis of 140 Village Crossing Way spoke regarding her use of the trails within town and that everyone should have the ability to use the trails. She would like everyone to be able to have within a quarter mile of their home trail access they can reach safely via walking, biking or in a wheelchair. She spoke regarding a conference she recently attended called, "Weight of the nation." 2:53:20 Matty Pope, Public Comment Ms. Pope of 1508 South Willson asked the Commission to support a $15 million park and trails bond initiative. 2:54:28 Chris Pope, Public Comment Mr. Pope of 1508 South Willson spoke about social welfare and said that taxpayers would like the opportunity to take a vote to tax ourselves. 2:55:52 Deb Love, Public Comment Ms. Love of 1013 South Black Avenue said she is the Northern Rockies Director for the Trust 27 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission, June 18, 2012 9 of 13 for Public Land. She spoke regarding a public opinion poll they conducted asking voters whether they would support a bond. The majority said they would. 2:59:11 Chris Naumann, Public Comment Mr. Naumann of 603 South 10th Avenue spoke on behalf of the Lacrosse League in support of a bond measure for parks and trails. The city only has one legal size lacrosse field for 200 players and cannot host the state tournament because of the lack of athletic fields available. 3:02:18 Hal Stanley, Public Comment Mr. Stanley of 7327 Canyon Drive commended Cr. Mehl for bringing this bond issue forward. He was attracted by the revitalized downtown and the trails here in Bozeman. He emphasized that parks and trails are democratic as it does not cost anyone to use them. 3:04:30 Swiven McGrath, Public Comment Ms. McGrath spoke on behalf of the Bridger Ski Foundation saying that public / private partnerships have been integral to the Foundation. They support this bond initiative. 3:05:39 Blake Maxwell, Public Comment Mr. Maxwell of 516 West Lamme Street spoke regarding the timing and scale of a parks and trails bond, speaking regarding the poverty level in this community and saying the assets of parks and trails are not translating to economic development. Mr. Maxwell asked about the math for the bond issue and spoke with concerns that many residents cannot afford the extra tax. 3:09:04 Paul Rubright, Public Comment Mr. Rubright, President of the Blittz Soccer Club spoke in favor of a parks and trails bond measure and emphasized the economic benefits that could follow. In talking with soccer, lacrosse and other groups, there may be the possibility of a non-profit coalition that could eventually take over maintenance. They are attempting to model a coalition off of Kalispell’s. 3:10:37 John Catton, Public Comment Mr. Catton of 624 South Third thanked Cr. Mehl and staff for the research done on this item and then spoke regarding his experiences with a 'Hello Walk' and how uplifting it was. He would support a bond measure as trail systems and parks are why a lot of people have moved here and stayed here. 3:13:53 Kelly Pohl, Public Comment Ms. Pohl of 860 Rogers Way, said she works for the Gallatin Valley Land Trust, and is a parent and homeowner. She spoke in favor of a park and trails bond measure referring to the benefits of parks and trails including raising property values, lowering rates of obesity and attracting employers. She said the current system of developing parks is not working. The current lull in development can be a unique opportunity. Ms. Pohl would urge the Commissioners to let voters decide about the bond in November. 3:16:33 Penelope Pierce, Public Comment Ms. Pierce, Executive Director of Gallatin Valley Land Trust spoke in favor of a parks and trails bond measure speaking regarding the many years they have been working on trails in this community. They see this bond as a great opportunity right now while land value is down. Ms. Pierce said thank you for the hard and thoughtful work that has been put into this. 28 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission, June 18, 2012 10 of 13 3:18:54 Public Comment Closed Seeing no further public comment, Mayor Becker closed public comment. 3:19:02 Cr. Mehl Cr. Mehl spoke to questions that arose during public comment. 3:36:35 Motion to direct staff to prepare a motion to be considered in July for the City Commission to place a referendum on the November ballot authorizing the City to sell bonds to acquire money for purchase and improvement of parks, trails, recreation fields, and preserving water quality along creek and stream corridors. It was moved by Cr. Mehl, seconded by Cr. Taylor to direct staff to prepare a motion to be considered in July for the City Commission to place a referendum on the November ballot authorizing the City to sell bonds to acquire money for purchase and improvement of parks, trails, recreation fields, and preserving water quality along creek and stream corridors. 3:37:20 Discussion on the motion. 3:54:29 Suspension of the Rules of Procedure Mayor Becker suspended the rules of procedure to allow the meeting to extend to 11 p.m. 4:01:11 Vote on the motion to direct staff to prepare a motion to be considered in July for the City Commission to place a referendum on the November ballot authorizing the City to sell bonds to acquire money for purchase and improvement of parks, trails, recreation fields, and preserving water quality along creek and stream corridors. Those voting Aye being Crs. Mehl, Taylor, Andrus and Mayor Becker. Those voting No being Deputy Mayor Krauss. The motion passed 4-1 with Deputy Mayor Krauss opposed. 4:01:39 Questions for Commission. Cr. Mehl asked clarification questions of the Commission. 4:13:54 4. Update on the Carnegie Parcels Hotel Development Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Process, Direction to Carnegie Parcels RFQ Preliminary Review Panel Regarding the Scheduling of Respondent Interviews and Preparation of a Final Recommendation (Kukulski) 4:14:00 Chris Kukulski, City Manager Mr. Kukulski referred to the memorandum provided to the Commission. 4:15:40 Public Comment Mayor Becker opened public comment on this item. 4:15:53 Don Cape Jr, JWT Capital, Public Comment Mr. Cape, a respondent on the RFQ said while he is enthusiastic about the prospect of being a 29 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission, June 18, 2012 11 of 13 developer on a downtown hotel, as a private citizen he would urge the Commission to slow down and think about the implications of interfering in a private sector project that is valid. 4:17:56 Loren Acton, Public Comment Mr. Acton of 8490 Overlook Lane said he is concerned because he does not want to see city land sold unless there is an extremely compelling reason. He also said that just because the city started a request for qualifications process does not mean we need to carry it through completion. 4:21:21 Jerry Pape, Public Comment Mr. Pape of 15 North 25th spoke representing both First Interstate Bank and Kelryco, respectively the sellers and buyers of the Bozeman Armory. Mr. Pape handed out a letter to the Commission from Kelryco regarding their qualifications to get the armory project accomplished for the benefit of the community. 4:23:16 Matt Johnson, Public Comment Mr. Johnson of 3113 Garden Brook Lane spoke about a long affiliation between Kelryco and First Interstate and his confidence in Kelryco. 4:24:23 Steve Rodderick, Public Comment Mr. Rodderick of 111 East Mendenhall spoke on behalf of his downtown business regarding the continued need for the Carnegie parking lot. 4:26:16 Bill Bryan, Public Comment Mr. Bryan of 1220 South Tracy, spoke as one of the founders of the business 'Off the Beaten Path' which is about meaningful travel and connections. He would recommend that this RFQ be suspended to provide support for related actions within the private industry. 4:29:14 Dick Hart, Public Comment Mr. Hart of 2511 Ricky Rock Lane said parking is economic development and he does not know where additional parking would come from if this lot were removed. 4:30:14 Ashley Ogle, Public Comment Ms. Ogle with Kenyon Noble would ask the Commission to rescind the RFQ and let the Carnegie lot remain a parking lot. 4:31:16 Kyle Dornberger, Public Comment Mr. Dornberger of 211 North 10th asked that the RFQ process be terminated and spoke to the Armory as a more sustainable site. He provided arguments for the Armory Hotel project. 4:34:22 Cory Lawrence, Public Comment Mr. Lawrence of 4510 Morning Sun Drive spoke to the Armory redevelopment project as the developer. They intend to bring a project that will be unique but reflective of the community. If the city moves forward with the RFQ process, they will exit this proposal as downtown cannot support two downtown boutique hotels. 4:37:36 Michael Delaney, Public Comment Mr. Delaney of 101 East Main Street spoke in favor of the Armory redevelopment project. He 30 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission, June 18, 2012 12 of 13 also spoke regarding the vitalization going on right now in downtown Bozeman. They are convinced that the Carnegie parking lot is necessary. 4:40:36 Public Comment Closed Seeing no further public comment, Mayor Becker closed public comment. 4:40:38 Discussion on the motion. 4:53:50 Rules of procedure Suspended. Mayor Becker suspended the rules of procedure to allow the meeting to continue until 11:10 p.m. 4:59:37 Motion that the Carnegie parcels RFQ process be suspended for a period of 180 days pending with the understanding that the process will remain suspended or eliminated on the armory project. Progress includes but is not limited to action towards purchase of a liquor license, purchase of the armory property and or design work on the proposed hotel. It was moved by Cr. Taylor, seconded by Cr. Andrus that the Carnegie parcels RFQ process be suspended for 180 days with the understanding that the process will remain suspended or be eliminated as long as there is continued progress on the armory project. Progress includes but is not limited to action towards purchase of a liquor license, purchase of the armory property and or design work on the proposed hotel. 5:01:39 Discussion on the motion. 5:02:54 Vote on the motion that the Carnegie parcels RFQ process be suspended for 180 days with the understanding that the process will remain suspended or be eliminated as long as there is continued progress on the armory project. Progress includes but is not limited to action towards purchase of a liquor license, purchase of the armory property and or design work on the proposed hotel. Those voting Aye being Crs. Taylor, Andrus, Mehl and Mayor Becker. Those voting No being Deputy Mayor Krauss. The motion passed 4-1 with Deputy Mayor Krauss opposed. 5:03:16 H. FYI / Discussion 5:03:16 1. Upcoming Ordinance revising the Code of Ethics City Attorney, Greg Sullivan said the Commission will be seeing an Ordinance during next week's meeting regarding revisions recommended by the Board of Ethics. 5:03:32 2. Parks and Recreation Director City Manager, Chris Kukulski said he will be announcing tomorrow who will serve as the new Parks and Recreation Director. 5:04:02 3. Letter regarding Kohl's and the EIS process Commissioner Carson Taylor said he would like to discuss writing a letter about Kohl's regarding the EIS process. 31 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission, June 18, 2012 13 of 13 5:04:23 4. Color Palette discussion Cr. Taylor said he would like to have a discussion with the other Commissioners regarding color palette as Cr. Mehl has said he is committed to taking that out of every proposal in the future. 5:04:59 I. Adjournment Mayor Becker adjourned the meeting at 11:11 p.m. ____________________________________ Sean A. Becker, Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________________ Stacy Ulmen, CMC, City Clerk PREPARED BY: ______________________________________ Aimee Kissel, Deputy City Clerk Approved on ___________________________ 32