HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2231 Levying and assessing SID 587, sanitary sewer in Bomont/Industrial Props: 10-29-80 --. - --~ --128 COvtv1ISSICN RE.SQLurICN NO. 2231 A RESOLUTICN (F THE <:IJvM:SSION CF THE CI1Y CF OOZaWJ, M)NTANA, LEVYING AND ASSF.sSI~ A SPECIAL ASSESStvENT CF TAXES UFCN ALL THE PROPERlY IN SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 587 IN THE CITY CF roZEMAN, CDUNIY CF GALlATIN, STATE CF M::JNI'ANA, TO DEFRAY '!HE <DST CF CDNSTROCTING AND MAKING WE Ilv1PRDVF1v1ENrS WITHIN SAID SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRIcr 00. 587. w-IEREAS, the Ci ty Cannission of the Ci ty of Bozeman, did on the 1st day of February, 1978, I duly and regularly pass Commission Resolution No. 1944 entitled: (I1vtvlISSION RF..80LUI'ICN NO. 1944 A RESOLlJrIOO CF THE CI1Y CO.MSSION CF THE CITY CF PDZFJ..1AN, M)NI'ANA, DEClARIN3 IT TO BE THE INTENTION CF THE CI1Y CF BOZEMAN, ~.mrANA, TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVfl"lliNT DISTRICT TO BE KNCW'T AS SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRIcr NO. 587 FCR THE Pt.1RIOSE OF mNsrROCTICN AND INSTALIATICN OF SANITARY SFWER IATERAL MAINS AND APPlRT:ENAN::ES 'IO SERVE THE ADJOINIRJ PROPFRTIFS MRE SPECIFICAILY AS FOILCMS: AN EIGIT (8) INGI lATERAL MAIN AND APPlRT~ES CN BRYANT SIRFEr, roND SI'REEI', AND OOill AVENUE, AND EASflENI'S NCRTH CF SAME IN THE CITY CF OOZEMAN. THE cn;JSTRta'IOO AND INSTALUlTIrn ro Il'LLUIE ALL 1RE.t\CH EXCAVATIaJ AND BACKFIlL, BEDDING MATERIAlS, SEWER PIPE, MANHOLES, WYES, LAtvfFHOLES, SERVICE LINES AND OJ:'HBE NELESSARY APPlRTENAN:::ES. and thereafter, after due and legal proceedings, the C~ission of the City of Bozeman did on the 1st day of March 1978, duly pass Camrrdssion Resolution No. 1949 entitled: CI:M\lISSICN RESOLUI' 1m !'D. 1949 A RFBOLUI'ICN CF THE CITY CO,MISSION CF THE CI1Y CF roZFJ.1AN, M)NTANA, CREATINJ A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE ~ AS SPECIAL IMPROVE- MENT DISTRlCI' IV. 587 OF THE CITY OF roZEMAN FOR THE PlRroSE CF mN- STRlCI'IC1'J AND INSTALlATION CF SANITARY S:E'\WR lATERAL MAINS AND APPUR.- TENI\N::ES TO SERVE THE ADJOINI~ PROPERTIFB MJRE SPECIFICALLY AS FOI.J..CWS: AN EI GIT (8) INGI lATERAL MAIN AND APPrnTENAK:ES CN BRYANT SIREEI', roND STREEl', AND OOLD AVENUE, AND EASFMENI'S OORIH (1i' SAME IN THE CI1Y (1i' OOZEMAN. 1HE mNSTRucrIoo AND INSTALIATION 10 INCLUDE ALL TREm! EXCA- VATICN AND BACKFIU" BEDDI~ M\TERIALS, SEWER PIPE, MANHOLES, WYES, IAMPIDLES, SERVICE LINES AND aIHER NECESSARY APPURTENAN::ES. I which O:mnission Resolution Nos. 1944 and 1949, passed as aforesaid, are hereby referred to and made a part of this resolution for further particulars in respect to the boundaries of said district, the Character of i~ovement to be constructed therein, the cost of said improvements and the method of assessing the cost against the property vnthin said district; and WHERFAS, said improvements as contemplated in said Commission Resolution Nos. 1944 and 1949 have been constructed and completed in accordance with the terrrE and conditions of Commission Resolution Nos. 1944 and 1949, and the cost of said improvements so constructed is the sum of Seventy-Seven Thousand Five Hundred Ninety Three and Eighty-Two/lOO ($77,593.82) Dollars. NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the provisions of Section 7-12-4201 and Section 7-12-4223, and all other applicable provisions of Title 7, Mbntana COde Annotated, and amendments there- to: BE IT RFIDLVED AND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED BY THE cn,wSSra--T CF THE CITY CF OOZEMAN, STATE CF ~mrANA Sect ion 1. That to defray the cost and expense of constructing and making the irrprovements in said Special ilnprovement District No. 587, there be, and there is hereby levied and assessed a tax arrount ing to the Surrl of Seventy-Seven Thousand Five Hundred Ninety-Three and Eighty-1\vo/lOO ($77,593.82) Dollars upon all the property in said Special hnprovement District No. 587, that a particular description of each lot and parcel of land with the name of the owner and the sum assessed against him or it for such improvements and the armunt of eaCh partial payrrent to be made and the day When the same shall be delinquent is set forth in detail in the assessment list hereto attached, rmrked Schedule IIAII, and rmde a part hereof; that the several suns set I opposite the names of the owners and the described lots and parcels of land be, and the same are hereby respectively levied and assessed upon and against said described lots and parcels of land to defray the cost and expense of constructing and rraking the improvements within said District; that the several sums so assessed be collected fran the respective owners of said lots and parcels of land described in said assessment list, Schedule IIAII, as required by law; that the payrrent of said suns shall be made in 20 instal Irrents and the payrrent of said cx:M>lISSION RESOLurIa.J NO. 2231 129 installrrent shall extend over a period of 19 years; that the payrrent of the respective annual installment shall be trade on or before the 30th day of Noverrber of each year unt i1 payrrent of all installrrents together ~th the interest thereon, shall be made; that said sums shall be paid and the collection thereof shall be made in the manner and in accordance with the law governing the collection of special improvement taxes; that failure to pay such assessments I Vihen the sarre bec~ due and payable shall make such persons and said lots and parcels of land liable to the penalties provided by law relative to delinquent taxes. Section 2. That the regular session of the COrrnrlssion of the City of Bozeman to be held in the Commission Chamber in the City Hall of said City on the 5th day of November, 1980 at 1:15 o'clock p.rn., be, and the sarre is hereby designated as the titre and place at mich objections to the final adoption of this Resolution will be heard by said COrrnrlssion. Section 3. That the Clerk of the COmmission of the City of Bozeman be, and she is hereby ordered and directed to publish in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper printed and published in the said City of Bozeman, a notice signed by the Clerk of the COmmission and stating that a Resolution levying and assessing a special assessment of taxes to defray the cost and expense of constructing and making the itrproverrents in the said Special Irrproverrent District No. 587 is on file in the office of the Clerk of the COrrnrlssion subject to inspection for a period of five (5) days; that said Notice shall state the time and place at Which objections will be heard by the Corrnrlssion for the final adoption of this Resolution; that it shall be published at least five (5) days before the day set by the COrrrrrlssion for the hearing of objections and the final adoption of this Resolution. Provisionally passed and adopted by the C..am1ission of the Ci ty of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 29th day of OctOber.l.~. ~ ---., Mayor I AT'l'E..-ST: J / ;;, . .// L- - g.. ..'l'~f''' //. ;;:l::.~~ l. Clerk of the Ci ty Ccnmi---ss"lon Finally passed and adopted by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 5th day of Noverrber, 1980. Mayor A'ITESf: /~~ :; (~ !,-t:~/ ... .. - t::-;?y Clerk of the City ssion NOTICE ------ HEARIN:;, FINAL AlXPI'ICN CF rot/ITSSION RFroLUl'ICN 00. 2231 LEVYING AND ASSESSIK; SPECIAL IMffiOVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 587 CI'IY CF OOZEMAN FOR TIlE PlRRJSE OF CONSI'R.t.CTICN AND INSTALI.ATICN CF SANITARY SEWER LATrnAL MAINS AND APPlRTENMCFS 10 SERVE '!HE ADJOINING PROPERTIES MJRE SPECIFI- CALLY AS FOI.J...CWS: AN EIGIT (8) IN:H LATrnAL MAIN AND APPlRTEN\N::ES CN BRYANT STREET, B:ND Sl'REEI', AND <DID AVENUE, AND FAsamrs OORTH OF SAME IN THE CI'IY CF OOZEMAN. 'IRE CDNSTRlCI'ICN AND INST/lLUTICN 10 IN- I CLUDE ALL TRENCH EXCAVATICJ\f AND BAC1<FIIL, BEDDIN3 MATERIALS, SF..WER PI PE, MANOOIES, WYES, LAMH-IOLES, SERVICE LINFS AND OIHER NEX:ESSAAY APPlRTENAl"LES. . NOTICE IS HEREBY GTVEN, that at a regular session of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, held on the 29th day of October, 1980, COmmission Resolution No. 2231 was provisionally passed. and adopted: That said Carrnission Resolution levies and assesses Special Inprovement District ~~. 587, in said City, to defray the cost and expense of constructing and meking the improve- trents wi thin said di strict, to wi t: rot"USSICN RE9JLUl'ICN 00. 2231 .- - --..".. ,. . .---- ---,~.- _.- .- -. -. - 130 The boundaries of said Special Irrproverrent District No. 587 are described as follows: Beginning at the NOrthwest corner of Lot I, Barront, Center; thence North 88055'33" East a distance of 105.78 feet; thence North 00013'33" East a distance of 100.00 feet; thence South 88055'33" West a distance of 210.00 feet; thence North 00013'33" East a distance of 193.70 feet; thence North 88055'33" East a distance of 209.04 feet; thence North 00013'33" East a distance of 140 feet; thence South 88055'33" East a distance of 209.03 feet; thence North 00013' 33" East a distance of 278.2 feet; to a line commn to Tracks 10 and II, Northeast Annexation; thence North 89050' East a distance I of 189.8 feet; thence North a distance of 51.80 feet; thence North 88055'33" East a distance of 385.21 feet; thence South 00013'33" West a distance of 330.00 feet to the North line of Industrial Properties; thence North 880 55' 33" East a distance of 85.00 feet; thence South 27025'29" West a distance of 82.00 feet; thence South 24003'33" East a distance of 55.53 feet; thence South 61020'15" East a distance of 187.55 feet; thence South 15012'24" West a distance of 122.19 feet; thence South llo 43'2311 East a distance of 87.61 feet; thence South 60018'31" West a distance of 29.18 feet; thence South 88055'33" West a distance of 39.03 feet; thence South48050'5111 West a dis- tance of 94.04 feet; thence South 79046'03" East a distance of 59.03 feet; thence South 07052'3811 West a distance of 50.84 feet; thence South 69013'43" East a distance of 87.89 feet; thence South 40055'31" East a distance of 154.86 feet; thence South 03000'59" East a distance of 103.76 feet; thence South 41019'20" East a distance of 82.62 feet; thence South 55052'50" West a distance of 160.17 feet; thence South 45020'35" West a distance of 56.59 feet; thence South 09044'25" West a distance of 254.66 feet to the North right of way of Interstate 90; thence North 70035'22" West a distance of 499.29 feet; thence North 00013'33" East a distance of 405.32 feet; thence South 88055'33" West a distance of 167.88 feet; thence North 00013 '33" East a distance of 213.30 feet to the point of beginning and containing 26.73 acres more or less. Included wi thin the above described bCHmdary are Lots 1 though 14, Baront Center, Lots 2 through 9, Industrial Properties, and 4.13 acres of Tract 10, Northeast Annexation. That, said Carrnrlssion Resolution No. 2231 is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the City Connrission, subject to inspection for a period of five (5) days by any persons interested. Tha t Wednesday, the 5th day of November, 1980, at 1:15 o'clock p.m. of said day at a regular session of the COmmission of the City of Bozeman, at the COmmission Roam in the City Hall Build- I ing of said City has been designated as the time and place Where the said Commission will hear and pass upon any and all objections that may be made to the final adoption of said Resolution No. 2231, and the levying of a said assessment, and that said Resolution will finally be passed and adopted at the said regular session. All persons interested are referred to CAXnnission Resolution No. 1944 declaring it to be the intention of the Commission to create Special Lnprovement District No. 587 and Commission Resolution No. 1949 creating Special ilnprovement District No. 587 for the purpose of construction and installation of sanitary sewer lateral mains and appurtenances to serve the adjoining proper- ties I1Dre spcifically as follows: An eight (8) inch lateral main and appurtenances on Bryant Street, Bond Street, and Gold Avenue, and easements north of sarre in the city of ~zeman. The construction and installation to include all trenCh excavation and backfill, bedding materials, sewer pipe, manholes, wyes, lampholes, service lines and other necessary appurtenances. Dated the 29th day of ~tober, 1980. [~A~~ /~ a~4 ~ ERNA V. HARDIN::; Clerk of the City COmmission I CXJvt.lISSICN RESOLUTION NO. 2231 ,--.- .. -- ... . -- -..- - -- .. ""- ~ .n -~ - - ".... . -,.. - 131 State of ~~ntana ) Gmnty of Gallatin : Ci ty of Bozeman ) I, Erna V. Harding, Clerk of the COnnrlssion of the City of Bozeman do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2231 was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chron- I icle. a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City, in the issue dated the 9th day of November, 1980. and due proof of such publication is on file in ~ office. IN WITNESS w-IEREa' I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 10th day of November, 1980. /~/L ~ ./ C' · Z;n4Jd-- # ~ Cl~rk of the di ty ssion State of ~~ntana ) County of Gallatin: Ci ty of Bozeman ) I. F~na V. Harding, Clerk of the CArttnission of the City of Bozeman do hereby certify that the foregoing Notice was published at length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City, in the issue dated the 30th day of October. 1980, and due proof of such publication is on file in ITo/ office. IN WI'INFSS \^l-IERECF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 10th day of November. 1980. / /~~ "c... , 1, .. /~ /: . .h" . oY...# Clerk of the Ci ty Ccmrilssion I I CI:Ml1ISSION RF..BOLUTICN 00. 2231 -... --".'.