HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2261 Levying and assessing garbage districts FY80: 11-19-80 ." ~ ~ -" - - -. - --- - ... _n ___. -.' ~ ."".. -- .~, __ ........... -'" - r..... '''.--~-- - -- -~ '. -- --.. - '- .. ~ . 236 CThtl/fISSION RESa...urICN NO. 2261 A RESOLUTICN CF THE CDvt-llSSION CF THE CITY (Ii' IDZEMAN, M)NI'ANA, LEVYIN:; AND ASSESSINJ A SPECIAL ASSESEMENT (Ii' TAXES URJN ALL REAL PROPER'lY IN THE CIIT CF roZF1.1AN, CDlNIY CF GALLATIN, STATE CF ~DNTANA, SERVICF.D AND FRCM WUClI GARBAGE WAS CDILECTED AND RF.M:>VED DURIm '!HE YEAR 1980, TO DEFRAY THE CDST AND EXPENSE CF CDUECfHl; AND DISFOSINJ CF GARBAGE UNrER THE PROVISlOOS OF ORDINAOCE NO. 696 OF 'mE CIIT (Ii' OOZEMAN MJNICIPAL CODE . I WHEREAS. the City CbrrnUssion of the City of Bozeman did on the 8th day of January, 1940, and regularly pass ~dinance No. 696, entitled: AN rnDlNANCE DEFININJ GARBAGE FOR THE PURPOSE CF TIUS rnDINANC::;E PRO- VIDING FOR THE CDLLECI'ION AND DISrosITICN TH.ERF.CF BY AND UNDER TI-IE SUPERVISICN AND CDNrn.OL CF THE DEPAR1MENT OF PffiLIC ~'\1ELFARE AND FOR DEFRAYINJ lliE msr OF StnI CDLLECI'ION AND DISRJSITION BY SPECIAL ASSESS- MENT AGAINST '!HE PROPERlY OF wurn Slrn SERVICE IS RENDERED, AND PROVIDINJ PENALTIFS FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINAN:::E. which Ordinance No. 696, passed as aforesaid is hereby referred to and rrade a part of this Reso- lution for further particulars in respect to the basis and ~thod of assessing the cost against property herein assessed, and WHEREAS, said expense incurred by said City in the collection and disposition of garbage and landfill in accordance with said Ordinance is hereby estirmted by the City of Bozman to be the sum of Two Hundred Eighty-TWo Thousand Eight Hundred TWenty-Two and 82/100ths ($282,822.82) Dollars for the year 1980, over and above all rroneys collected fram business and profes- sional concerns, or combined residence and business or residences and professional business concerns. in accordance with said ~dinance 696, and the Bozeman MUnicipal COde, and WHEREAS, in order to raise said sum to defray the said cost, it is necessary to establish the basic uni t rate, as defined in said Bozemm Mmicipal COde for Garbage in the arrount of Two Hundred Twelve Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty-Seven and 09/l00ths ($212,937.09) Dollars, Residential Landfill in the arrount of Eight Thousand Two Hundred Thirty-Three and 79/100ths ($8,233.79) Dollars, and Cam.ercial Landfi 11 in the arrount of Sixty-One Thousand Six Hundred I Fifty-One and 94/100ths ($61,651.94) Dollars, making a total of Two Hundred Eighty-Two Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty-Two and 82/100ths ($282,822.82) Dollars - Basic Unit Rate Forty-One and 40/100ths Dollars ($41.40). R.W, THEREFORE, pursuant to the provi sions of said Ordinance No. 696 and the Bozerm.n ~,funicipal COde and the laws of the State of Mbntana, BE IT RESOLVED AND IT IS HEREBY ORDFBED BY THE ro,fl,fiSSICN CF TI-IE CI'IY OF POZEMAN, STATE OF ~rnrANA Sect ion 1. That to defray the estimated cost and expense of collecting and disposing of garbage in the Ci ty of Bozerm.n. for the year 1980, there is hereby levied and assessed against the property and the several lots, pieces and parcels of land thereof within the City of Bozeman as set forth in Schedule "An. mich is attached hereto and made a part of, a tax that of a particular description of each lot and parcel of land with the name of the owner and/or owners and the sum assessed against the same is set forth in the assessment list in Schedule "A"; that the several sums set opposite the names of said owners and the described lots and parcels of land, be. and the same are hereby levied and assessed upon and against said lots and parcels of land for said purpose; that the several sums be collected from the respective owners of said lots and parcels of land described in said assessment list and owned by them; that the said sums shall be paid and the collect ion thereof be made in the rmnner and in accordance wi th Ordinance No. 696 of the City of Bozeman, Mbntana, and the laws of the State of Mbntana governing the collection of Special Irrprovement Taxes; that failure to pay such assessment men the same shall becorre due and payable shall make such persons and such lots and parcels of land liable to the I penalties provided by law relative to delinquent taxes. Section 2. That the regular session of the COmmission of the City of Bozeman. ~bntana, to be held in the Ccmnission Chamber in the Ci ty Hall of said Ci ty on the 26th day of Noverrber, 1980, at 1:15 o'clock p.m., and the same 1S hereby designated as the tirre and place at which objections to the final adoption of the Resolution will be heard by said Carmission. Section 3. That the Clerk of the COmmission of the City of Bozeman, be, and she is hereby CThf.r1ISSICN REOOLUTICN roo 2261 ,__",,__ ______ _____ _____"__,___~___,____ __._______."~___,.__..________..~._ ___0__"____ ________,__"_"_"_ ..__.___~__o_~___ _ ___ ____ __"__..._J..~__ _________ ___"___ .,. _. -.- _ "". _"'7..... .. __~ n._~. _ _ _. _~ ___ ._ _ _. .__ "." ..---.'. _ ___. ".__.. _" __._ .... _..."". _'" .,,_ 231 ordered and directed to publish in the Bozeman Daily Olronic1e. a daily newspaper printed and published in said City of Bozeman a Notice signed by the Clerk of the COmmission, stating that a Resolution levying and assessing a special assessment of taxes to defray the cost and expense of collection and disposition of garbage in the City of Bozeman for the year 1980. against the property of which suCh service was rendered, is on file in the office of the Clerk of the C~ I mission subject to inspection for a period of five (5) days; that said NOtice shall state the tine and place at which objections will be heard by the C~ssion to the final adoption of this Resolution, and, that said Nbtice shall be published at least five (5) days before the date set - by the Connrlssion for hearing of objections and the final adoption of this Resolution. Provisionally passed and adopted by the Cannission of the Ci ty of Bozamn at a regular session thereof held on the 19th day of NOVerrbe2~.- ~ _ Mayor ATTEST : (5 - /// ~ L. ~r .,.'~ ~',/ L' , ~ tt<.- ;:, -;1z.d-- f( , d- dC ---~:;t-if Clerk of the Ci ty 'Cannissi~ Finally passed and adopted by the Camn ssion of the Ci ty of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 26th day of November. 1980. . I ~~r ATTEST: C~::~th~~~ NOTICE ------ HF.ARII\r.;. FINAL AIXPrICJI1 (])"MISSIa-J RFSOLUI'ICN NO. 2261 LEVYIN:; A SPECIAL ASSES9.1ENI' TO DEFRAY THE cn;r (]i' 'IHE CDLLECI'ION AND DISrosITICN OF GARBAGE FOR '!HE YEAR 1980 AGAINST ALL PRG>ER'IY IN THE CI'IY CF roZE1I1AN 10 NUCB SlOi SERVICE WAS RENDERED. NerICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at a regular session of the C~ssion of the City of Bozeman held on the 19th day of November. 1980, COmmission Resolution No. 2261 was provisionally passed and adopted; that said Resolution levies and assesses a special assessment of taxes to defray the cost of collection and disposition of garbage in the City of Bozeman for the year 1980, upon all property to mich such service was rendered. That said CQnnrlssion Resolution No. 2261 is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Cbcrrrrlssion of the City of Bozeman, subject to inspection of all persons interested, for a period of five (5) days; that wednesday. the 26th of November, 1980, at 1:15 p.m. of said day at a I regular session of the Cbcrrrrlssion of the City of Bozeman. in the COmmission Roam, in the City }all Building. has been designated as the time and place when and where said COrrnrlssion will hear and pass upon any and all objections that may be made to -the final passage and adoption of said C<rnnission Resolution No. 2261 and the levying of said assessment; and that said Resollltion will be finally passed and adopted at said regular session of said Commission, subject to such corrections and amendrents that rmy be rmde upon objections made and filed with the Clerk of the COmmission within five (5) days limit as provided by law. CD,cMISSICN RESOLurICN 00. 2261 - _u ".,,~_.__.~_..._ __ _ "_ '___ .________,___~__._._.._,,____ "_"__.."__.~. __.__.~..__ ___._ _.__.____._ ,,__,._, _ ~___'_. _ ._ _._._. _,," _____ ____.__ ___".____ _ __._ _ _'_ .-. ~---- ~-'- .~- ~_ ~ 'n.,'_ ,.._ __ .......__ _ ,'''_ . ~ _,.~ ...- -~--"'- -' ..-' .-~ -.-,.". -'. '''''-'- ......_. ."~' __ - ""T' u" -238 Dated this 19th day of November, 1980. "' ~/~4 I,~;/~/ / ~ .. ( Clerk of the City COmmIssion State of MOntana ) I County of Gallat in ) Ci ty of Bozeman ) I, Erna V. Harding, Clerk of the C~ssion of the City of Bozeman do hereby certify that the' foregoing Notice in Re was published at length in the Bozem.n Dai ly Olronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City, in the issue dated the 20th day of November, 1980, and due proof of such publication is on file in Uo/ office. IN WI'INFBS WIERECF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 1st day of December, 1980. .f /c/ ~6 CI'0-~ .0 ( .~ _ .' Clerk of the Ci ty issio State of M::mtana ) County of Gallatin) Ci ty of Bozeman ) !, Erna V. Harding, Clerk of the (,...amrlssion of the City of Bozeman do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2261 was published by nunber and ti tie in the Bozman Dai ly Olronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City, in the issue dated the 30th I day of November, 1980, and due proof of such publication is on fi Ie in ITrf office. IN WITNESS WffiRECF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 1st day of December, 1980. ct:'(~h~~ I cr:M"rrSSICN RESOLUTICN NO. 2261 ',a..,~ "._....~"__........__ _' .~,_...._..,.....L....~_.....""'-'... .......,...'_._......" ~..,.......... ..,.... _.,~~,............. _........_..".,_.."'.,.:0. ,.~__.............J...,.~~.._ .,_.......,,'.__ ___., . ......~........... _"._~_._ ~...,~ .~,~..,.....__ -, .' ._' '_._ "~_ - - -........... ........... ,............... ~,-~ "'-'~ INTERIM CIERK OF THE COMMISSION I S NOTE: I THE FOr.r..avING RESOLUTIONS WERE APPROVED BY THE CITY CCMMISSIQN AND SIGNED BY THE MAYOR AS APPROVED 00 THE DA'IE AND YEAR INDICA'IED. THEN CLERK OF THE CITY CQ\1MISSION, ERNA V. HARDING, PASSED AWAY ON APRIL 11, 1981, LEAVING THE FOIJ..DWING RESOLUTIONS UNSICNED BY HER. THE RESOLUTION NO.S, 2262 THroUGH 2313 HAVE BEEN SIGNED BY THE INTERIM CLERK OF THE CITY COMMISSION WITH THE FDREGOING PROVISION. 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