HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2260 Levying and assessing sprinkling and sweeping districts FY80: 11-19-80 ~._. ~_~_._ .'n . ,_ n_-.-.., .~T .~~ ._~_~.._.~_ 239: CThMISSIOO REroLUTICN NO. 2260 A RESJLUTlOO CF THE cnWSSlOO CF THE CI1Y CF BJZEMAN LEVYI~ AND ASSESSINJ A SPECIAL ASSESfMENT CF TAXES UFON ALL THE PROPER1Y IN SI'RF.El' SWEEPING DIsmrcrS CF THE CI1Y CF roZEMAN, mlNlY CF GALLATIN, STATE CF M)Nl'ANA, TO DEFRAY SEVENTY-FIVE PERCENT CF THE msr OF SWEEPIKG SlREETS WITHIN SAID STREET &JEEPI~ DISIRIcrS CF THE CI1Y CF rozaMN FOR THE YEAR 1980. I w-IEREAS, the Ci ty G>unci I and the O:mni ssion of the Ci ty of Bozeman have heretofore duly and regularly passed Council and COmmission Resolutions creating Street Sweeping Districts within the City of Bozeman and defining the boundaries thereof and providing for the assessment of the cost of sweeping the sarre as set forth in Resolutions hereinafter referred to; and WHEREAS, the streets within the boundaries of said Street Sweeping Districts have been swept during the year 1980, as contemplated in said Resolution, in accordance with the terrrs and conditions thereof; and WHEREAS, the Street Sweeping Districts and the Resolutions creating the same, the total frontage of the property within said district to be assessed, the total cost of said sweeping within said districts and the proportion thereof chargeable to the property therein is herein- after set forth. ~l, THERE~RE, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 7-12-4333 to 7-12-4338, inclusive, Mmtana G>de Annotated, 1978, the Bozamn Mmicipal Code and said Counci 1 and Qmnission Resol- ution creating said Street Sweeping Districts. BE IT RFIDLVED AND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED BY THE a:U\lISSIOO CF THE CI'IY OF OOZEMAN, STATE CF M:NI'ANA: Sect ion 1: That for the year 1980, the City of Bozeman has waived the sweeping assessments of all Street Sweeping Districts except Street Sweeping Districts No.'s 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9; for the year 1980, the City of Bozeman has defrayed the cost of $10,037.99 of sweeping streets in the several Street Sweeping Districts pursuant to Resolution creating the same, and SEVENTY-FIVE PERCENT (75%) of the entire cost thereof of $30,114.12 exclusive of the cost of sprinkling parks I and public areas, the total number of linear feet or property to be assessed, and the rate per linear foot, is as follows: Sweeping District No. 5, created by Ccmnission Resolution No. 1642, parts and portions of North Seventh Avenue in the Ci ty of Bozeman, a total frontage of 9,620.40 feet, the sum of $6,636.50, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of rrain or side street frontage of $0.689. Sweeping District No.6, created by Cbmnrlssion Resolution No. 1743, parts and portions of Main Street in the City of Bozeman, a total frontage of 23,764.78 feet, the SWTI of $11,298.48, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of main and side street frontage of $0. 475. Sweeping District No.7, created by Ccnmission Resolution No. 1644, parts and portions of East and West ~ndenhall, North Wallace Avenue, North Black Avenue, North On.trch Avenue, North Rouse Avenue, North Bozeman Avenue, North Grand Avenue, North Third Avenue, North Fifth Avenue, North Willson Avenue, North Tracy Avenue, West Beall Street, and West Lamre Street in the Ci ty of Bozeman, a total frontage of 18,114.86 feet, the sum of $4,611.44, being 75% of the entire armunt, or at an approximate rate per front foot of main and side street frontage of $0.25. Sweeping District No.8, created by COmmission Resolution No. 1645, parts and portions of East and West Babcock Streets, South Wallace Avenue, South Gmrch Avenue, South Rouse Avenue, South Bozeman Avenue, South Third Avenue, South Fifth Avenue, South Seventh Avenue, South Eighth Avenue, South Black Avenue, South Tracy Avenue, South Willson Avenue, South Grand Avenue and East and West Olive Streets in the City of Bozeman, a total frontage of 19,234.44 feet, the swm of $6,362.90, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of main and side street frontage $0.33. I Sweeping District No.9, created by Cmmission Resolution No. 1646, parts and portions of West Mendenhall Street fran North Seventh Avenue to North Eleventh Avenue; North Eighth, North Ninth, North Tenth and North Eleventh Avenues from West Main Street to West ~ndenhall Street in the Ci ty of Bozeman, a total frontage of 4,401.00 feet, the sum of $1,204.80, being 75% of the entire arrount, or at an approxirrate rate per front of rrain and side street frontage of $0.27. Section 2. That to defray seventy-five (75%) percent of the cost of sweeping streets within said Street Sweeping Districts for the year, 1980, there be, and there is hereby levied CJ:MIllSSlOO REroLUI' ION !'D. 2260 ---"-,,.._"'---..~......._, ......... ~ -. ",- ......-.~ ---- _...~ ______ .d. ,~_ ~.. .....~.._... .~.'. _....._,._.,~.~... ,~. ........._._..,"- . , ..._. .... _ _. &. A_ ..._~, __.__. - _. .,'-. - ...-~- ,___~..' ,.-,.- ~', ,_.". ~-... ,.',&- ~.~.~". ----..-" -....~._..- .,~._----,.- ,_. ._." _'.... q.. ~-r... ... ~-'. .-...__..... __.._. -234 and assessed a tax, upon all property in front of and bordering on said Street Sweeping Districts as set forth in Schedule One (1) hereto attached and made a part hereof; that a particular description of each lot and parcel of land with the name of the owner of the sum assessed against him or it, is set forth in the assessment lists hereto attached, marked Schedule (be (1) and made a part hereof; that the several SUITS set opposite the names of the owners, and the described lots and parcels of land be, and the same are hereby levied and assessed upon and against said I lots and parcels of land; that the several SUITS be collected fram the respective owners of said lots and parcels of land described in the assessment lists, Schedule One (1) as required by law; that said sums shall be paid and the collection thereof shall be made in the manner and in accordance with the law governing the collection of special improvement taxes; that failure to pay such assessments ~en the same shall becane due and payable shall rmke such persons and such lots and parcels of land liable to the penalties provided by law relative to delinquent taxes. Section 3. That the regular session of the CCrrnrlssion of the City of Bozeman to be held on the 26th day of November, 1980, at the Commission Chamber, City Hall Building, be, and the same is hereby designated as the time and place at Which objections to the final adoption of this resolution will be heard by the Commission. Section 4. That the Clerk of the COmmission be, and she is hereby ordered and directed to publish in the Bozemm Dai ly Quooni cle, a dai ly newspaper printed and published in the said Ci ty of Bozeman a Notice signed by the Clerk of the COmmission, and stating that a Resolution levying a special assessment to taxes to defray seventy-five (75%) percent of the cost of sweeping streets in the said Street Sweeping Districts for the year 1980, is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission subject to inspection for a period of five (5) days; that said Notice shall state the time and the place at Which objections will be heard by the CAnnllssion to the final adoption of this resolution. Provisionally passed and adopted by the Cannission of the Ci ty of Bozeman at a regular I session thereof held on the 19th day of November, 1980. ATTEST: ,:;P .;:C'7Zcv Clerk of the City Finally passed and adopted by the Canni ssion of the Ci ty of Bozeman at a regular session held on the 26th day of November, 1980. ATTEST: NOTICE ------ HEARn~::;, FINAL. AlXPI'ICI'I CF CThMISSION R.E.SOLtITICN 00. 2260 IEVYING ASSE&'MENl' CF SEVEN'IY-FIVE PERCENT CF rosr OF 5V\EEPIt\G SIREETS, SIREET SWEEPINJ DISTRICTS FOR THE YEAR 1980. N~ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at a regular session of the C~ssion of the City of Bozeman held on the 19th day of November, 1980, Commission Resolution No. 2260 was provisionally passed I and adopted; that said CCnnUssion Resolution No. 2139 levies and assesses a special assessment of taxes upon all the property in Street Sweeping Districts of said Ci ty of Bozamn to defray seventy-five percent (75%) of the cost of sweeping streets within said Street Sweeping Districts for the year 1980. That said street Sweeping Districts, and the Resolution creating the name and the amount of the assessments are as follows: O:Jvt-1ISSICN REOOLUTICN 00. 2260 - ~.. .-.-.-..... .-._.~....-'............_., -...........".- .......~,_... -". ...-..... ..... .".,-~-_. -- ..,~,.... ~....~.._._.,-- .- ._,~................ ._,~...~..- ..~ - .~'''~- -'._'''_~'. . .__'.~\J._._ ~,.. _."~'.~"'_,,,,,. '....,_.~.~_~'..______._ .__ ~ ...... . ,.1 __ .__,~ ._.~"_ . .,. ,___........... n. _~,.,........._._. " - ,___,_""'_._ .....'__._.. _, _" ..._ __ ._~'_r_..'~. ____ .- __~ ...... __'r._.........~..~~"~" "_'~- _ "W .~-'.. ~,._...........___._ ~ 235 Street Sweeping District No.5, created by Resolution No. 1642, in the arrount of $6,636.50. Street Sweeping District No.6, created by Resolution No. 1643, in the arrount of $11,298.48. Street Sweeping District No.7, created by Resolution No. 1644, in the aaount of $4,611.44. I Street Sweeping District No.8, created by Resolution No. 1645, in the arrount of $6,362.90. Street Sweeping District No.9, created by Resolution No. 1646, in the arrount of $1,204.80. That said Resolution No. 2260 is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the City lAXnnission of said City of Bozeman subject to inspection for all persons interested for a period of five days; that Wednesday, the 26th day of November, 1980, at 1:15 o'clock p.m. of said day at a regular session of the Cannission of the Ci ty of Bozemn, Ccmnission Roan, Ci ty Hall Bui lding, has been des igna ted as the titre and p lace men and mere sa id Ccmni ss i on wi 11 hear and pass upon any and all objections that may be made to the final adoption of said Cannission Resolution No. 2260 and the levying of said assessment; and that said Resolution will be finally passed and adopted at said regular session of said Ccmnission, subject to such corrections and arrendrrents as rmy be rmde upon objections rrade and filed within five (5) days limit as provided by law. Dated this 19th day of November, 1980. - A'/~ /. $ c#~<--", . -'~~;7!,# Clerk of the Ci tY Ccmn~n State of ~bntana ) County of Galla tin ) I Ci ty of Bozeman ) I, Erna V. Harding, Clerk of the Ci ty Ccmnission of the Ci ty of Bozeman, do hereby certi fy that the foregoing Notice was published at length in the Bozemn Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City, in the issue dated the 20th day of Novem- ber, 1980, and due proof of such publication is on file in ITo/ office. IN WITNFBS "'HEREDF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 1st day of Decerrber, 1980. "Y "~~L / ."/ c' ~. . ./...' ..,/ /1 > 6,--/-(orf.-J /: d': ~ .' . . ~ Clerk of the Ci ty iSS~ State of MOntana ) County of Gallatin) Ci ty of Bozeman ) I, Erna V. Harding, Clerk of the CA:tmlission of the City of Bozeman do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2260 was published by nmber and ti tIe in the Bozamn Dai ly Qu-on- icle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City, in the issue dated the 30th day of Noverrbe1", 1980, and due proof of such publication is on fi Ie in my office. IN WITNFSS WIF..RFXF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 1st day of December, 1980. I ~. / /!? ../ ~l.d ---' /~// ~z.t""'C; -;?~. . Clerk of the City Cdmmissio~ CXMv1ISSIOO REOOLUTICN NO. 2260 _~",""'___"'_"""""""__"".,_."",_,_.___. .._i.. . __ _~~'_'_""'_"""~_"'~'___~"--""_""_'_"'~_"'.__'" __"~"~" ~. ...._ ,~_._ ... ~._. .. ~,~,..__""~ '_"_ '.......~ .-1-.....--_..._.-"",_ _....._,.~........~._~_