HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2257 Levying and assessing SID 619 for improvements on Lea Avenue: 11-12-80 _ ""7 - .--. .~-,._,.~ ~--- _ r ~ ..~rr"'._7~_'_._.__________...,.. _ __ _~._,._~..~_ _'~.,~_.....-__~_~~~ "~'~_ .. --- ~'---_.- --..----. .,.~~--'_. 223 crMvlISSICN RESOLUTICN 00. 2257 A REroLUTION CF THE CI::MAISSION CF THE CITY CF BJZEMAN. MJNTANA. LEVYIN:; AND ASSESSIm A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT CF TAXES URJN ALL THE PROPER'lY IN SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 00. 619 IN THE CITY Qi' BJZEMAN. CDUN'lY CF GALlATIN. STATE CF M:NI'ANA. TO DEFRAY 1HE a:sr OF crNSTRlCI'ING AND MAKING THE ThAPROVH1ENI'S WITI-lIN SAID SPECIAL IMPROVEHF.NT DISTRICT NO. 619. I WHEREAS. the City Cbrrnrlssion of the City of Bozeman. did on the 2nd day of July. 1980. duly and regularly pass COmmission Resolution No. 2212 entitled: ([II,MISSION RESOLUTIrn 00. 2212 A RESOLUTICN CF TI-IE CI1Y ffit-.fiSSION CF THE CITY CF BJZFJ.1AN. ~DNrANA. DECI.ARINJ IT TO BE 1HE INI'ENI'ION OF THE CITY CF BOZEMAN. Ml'ITANA. TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVH1ENI' DISTRICT 10 BE KNa~,N AS SPECIAL IMPROVH1ENr DISTRICT NO. 619 FCR THE PURFOSE OF crnSTRlCI'ICN AND INSTALlATICN OF WATER LATERAL ~~INS AND APPlRTE.NAl\K:ES TO SERVE THE ADJOINING PROPFR- TIES limE SPECIFICALLY AS FD~S: A lATERAL MAIN AND APPlRIENAI\CES ON LEA AVENlE. IN THE CI1Y CF BJZEMAN. TI-IE crnSTRlCI'Irn AND INSTALlATION TO INCLUDE ALL TRENC1-r E)CAVATION AND BACXFILL. BEDDING MATFRIALS. WATER PIPE. VALVES. FITII!'JJS. SER- VICE LINES AND OTHER NOCESSARY APPURTENAI\CES. and thereafter. after due and legal proceedings. the CArttnission of the City of Bozeman did on the 6th day of August. 1980. duly pass COmmission Resolution No. 2218 entitled: m.fllISSION RESOLUI'IOO 00. 2218 A RESOLUrrctT C'F THE CITY mt.fiSSION CF TI-IE CI'IY CF BJZFJ.WT. l\Df\ITANA. CREATING A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE I<NC.M AS SPECIAL IMPROVE- MENT DISTRICT NO. 619 OF THE CI1Y CF roZE1vfAN FOR THE PffiPOSE OF CDN- STRt.crIrn AND INSTALlATION CF WATER LATERAL MAINS AND APPURTENMLFB TO SERVE THE ADJOINING PROPERTIES ~()RE SPECIFICALLY AS FOLI1J~JS: A LATERAL MAIN AND APPlRTENMCES CN LFA AVENUE. IN 1HE CITY CF BOZEMAN THE CDNSTRlCTIOO AND INSTALLATICN TO INA.,UDE ALL TRFl'Uf EXCAVATICN AND BACKFIlL. BEDDINJ MATERIALS. WATER PIPE. VALVES. FITTINGS. SER- VICE LINES AND OTHER NECESSARY APPlJRTFNAi'CES. I which C~ission Resolution Nos. 2212 and 2218. passed as aforesaid. are hereby referred to and made a part of this resolution for further particulars in respect to the boundaries of said district. the character of improvement to be constructed therein. the estimated cost of said improvements and the method of assessing the cost against the property within said dis- trict; and WHEREAS. said improvements as contemplated in said C~ission Resolution Nos. 2212 and 2218 have been constructed and completed in accordance with the terrrs and conditions of CaITr mission Resolution Nos. 2212 and 2218. and the estimated cost of said improvements so con- structed is the sum of Twenty-Four Thousand Three Hundred and No/I00 ($24.300.00) Dollars. Na~. THERE80RE. pursuant to the provisions of Section 7-12-4201 and Section 7-12-4223. and all other applicable provisions of Ti tIe 7. Mmtana Code Annotated. and arnendtrents thereto: BE IT RFOOLVED AND IT IS HEREBY OODERED BY THE Cll,flISSIrn CF THE CITY CF OOZEMAN. STATE CF MJNI'ANA Sect ion 1. That to defray the cost and expense of constructing and making the improvements in said Special Improvement District No. 619. there be. and there is hereby levied and assessed a tax amounting to the sum of TWenty-Four Thousand Three Hundred and No/I00 ($24.300.00) Dollars upon all the property in said Special Lmprovement District No. 619. hereby abated. and that a particular description of each lot and parcel of land with the name of the owner and the sum assessed against him or it for suCh improvements and the amount of each partial payment to be I made and the day When the same shall be delinquent is set forth in detail in the assessment list hereto attached. marked Schedule "A". and made a part hereof; that the several sum:; set opposite the names of the owners and the described lots and parcels of land be. and the same are hereby respectively levied and assessed upon and against said described lots and parcels of land to defray the cost and expense of constructing and making the improvements within said District; that the several sums so assessed be collected from the respective owners of said lots and parcels of land described in said assessment list. SChedule "A". as required by law; CO~AISSIOO RF..soLUTICN NO. 2257 .__._~-,., ..........~,~_.,,~..- _.........-...._--, -.......-- - ..._~._.,_.._,... .. ...",.,-_...".~"..._.. --...I,~,.,.~ ,_.................~..~_._.._~ ...J....,.,_..___." ~-_...............~~.__,.. _ ~.~___ .~.__.~. _-----......-..._~.__,~._,_., ~.,._ .~...........~__........__..._...~___._. _._..~ ...,',._ .., _~_........._._~,__"_......__~.... ...,_'_..........._____~~L"_......._~~_._~_~_~____ _~.u__..~ .~____ _ ~__........' __.". . _, _ _~ _ ~_._~ "n_~ _ n _. . ~.. ... ~...., .~__~_~r. _ __. _ .__ _. . _~. ...... __ - ~__r_...............~~ __.... ,_. - ----_" u. ~ ~ ,. _ ~. .~ _..~-~ ."-"'--" ..- -- - .. 224 that the payment of said sums shall be made in 20 installments and the payment of said install- ment shall extend over a period of 19 years; that the payment of the respective annual install- ment shall be made on or before the 30th day of November of each year until payment of all installments together with the interest thereon, shall be made; that said sums shall be paid and the collection thereof shall be made in the manner and in accordance with the law govern- ing the collection of special improvement taxes; that failU. re to pay such assessments When I the same became due and payable shall rrake such persons and said lots and parcels of land liable to the penalties provided by law relative to delinquent taxes. Section 2. That the regular session of the Ccnrnission of the Ci ty of Bozetmn to be held in the COmmission Chamber in the City Hall of said City on the 19th day of November, 1980. at 1:15 o'clock p.m.. be. and the same is hereby designated as the time and place at Which objec- tions to the final adoption of this Resolution will be heard by said COmmission. Section 3. That the Clerk of the lArnnission of the City of Bozetmn be. and she is hereby ordered and directed to publish in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper printed and published in the said City of Bozeman. a notice signed by the Clerk of the C~ssion and stating that a Resolution levying and assessing a special assessment of taxes to defray the cost and expense of constructing and rraking the improvements in the said Special ilTIprovement District No. is on file in the office of the Clerk of the COmmission subject to inspection for a period of five (5) days; that said Notice shall state the time and place at Which ob- jections will be heard by the CArnnission for the final adoption of this Resolution; that it shall be published at least five (5) days before the day set by the l~ission for the hearing of objections and the final adoption of this Resolution. Provisionally passed and adopted by the COrrnrlssion. of the City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 12th day of Novenber. I 8. (IN"-; 1h1 ~ Mayor I ATTEST: f? ,/ Z..../.-...../ ~ .. /' L.. . h.//~ ;;::? . /Z-~ - 7 Clerk of the Cit~ COmmiss' Finally passed and adopted by the CArcrnission of the City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 19th day of November. 1980. ~~>1t-- Mayor ATTEST: T" ,/'/ <".:)' ~ 6 ?n/t.--' /: ~ ?Z:/~nF Clerk of the Ci t~ Canni lon NOTICE ------ HEARIN3, FINAL ADOPTICN (Ii' <D-rUSSION RESJLUTICN ro. 2257 LEVYH-D AND I ASSESSIr:G SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 619 CITY CF OOZEMAN FCR TI-IE PlRIDSE CF CD.NSrRl.cTICN AND INSTALLATIrn CF WATER IATER.AL MAINS AND APPURTENAraS 10 SERVE THE ADJOINING PROPERTIES MEE SPECIFICALLY AS FOLllW3: A lATERAL MAIN AND APPlRTFNAI'CES rn LEA AVENUE. IN THE CITY CF OOZEMAN. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at a regular session of the lAXnTIission of the City of Bozeman. held on the 12th day of November. 1980, COmmission Resolution No. 2257 was provisionally passed and adopted: That said C~ssion Resolution levies and assesses an estimated Special Improve- rotllISSION RFIDLUTICN rD. 2257 _. _~_~_.....-....--......_ _.& .___~_......___.~.._.~.--,,---,-__...._._ _.~_~.__,... .~....._.__~__.~~._._~~._.......-........... .._ ~_ ,._. ._~.~_....~.~..~......~_~ ._A ~_ ....__.__~_~_._n~..... ............._ _...& ._._ ._~_~.~.~._._,.&~......_"._,..... ,,~_.~_~......_......._~._~. ..._ ..._~~..~_... ..~.. ~.._~&~-_... ._..L . -. .._................~.-...-......._._--~._~~.. ~._-~. --...... .-. .. - .--...-.., 'r~-~~---...-.-~'~. ~.._.., '_'.'. _. ._._. ...___.~... .._~_....--. ._. ~ 225 rrent District No. 619, in said Ci ty, to defray the cost and expense of constructing and making the improverrents within said district, to wit: The boundaries of said Special Improvement District No. 619 are described as follows: A tract of land located in the southeast one quarter of Section Thirty Six, Township One South, Range Five East, ~~ntana Principal ~{eridian, Gallatin County, l\bntana, and being Lots 22 and 25 of the Gordon Mandeville I State School Section Subdivision as recorded at the Gallatin County Court- house and more precisely described as follows: Beginning at a found iron pin taken to be the southeast Section corner of Section 36; Thence North 34045'41" West a distance of 812.37 feet to a found pin at the r~rthwest corner of said Lot 22, being the true point of beginning; Thence North 89045'00" East a distance of 230.04 feet; Thence South 00014'4011 East a distance of 625.24 feet to the new north right of way of Griffin Drive; Thence South 89042'53" West on and along said new right of way a distance of 230.10 feet; Thence North 00014'23" West a distance of 625.38 feet to the true point of beginning. The above tract of land contains 3.30 acres, more or less. That, said C~ssion Resolution No. 2257 is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the City COmmission, subject to inspection for a period of five (5) days by any persons inter- ested. Tha t Wednesday, the 19th day of November, 1980, at 1:15 o'clock p.m. of said day at a regular session of the COmmission of the City of Bozeman, at the Commission Roam in the City Hall Building of said City has been designated as the time and place ~ere the said COmmission will hear and pass upon any and all objections that may be made to the final adoption of said Resolution No. 2257, and the levying of a said estimated assessment, and that said Resolution I will finally be passed and adopted at the said regular session. All persons interested are referred to CAnnrlssion Resolution No. 2212 declaring it to be the intention of the COmmission to create Special Improvement District No. 619 and COmmission Resolution No. 2218 creating Special Improvement District No. 619 for the purpose of construc- tion and installation of a water lateral main on Lea Avenue. Dated the 12th day of November, 1980. /~~ - /( / . %'?;1~ /'~A/_;~ ERNA V. HARDING / Clerk of the Ci ty Ccmnission State of MOntana ) County of Gallatin: Ci ty of Bozeman ) I, Erna V. Harding, Clerk of the C..arrnission of the City of Bozeman do hereby certify that the foregoing Notice was published at length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City, in the issue dated the 13th day of I November, 1980, and due proof of such publication is on file in ~ office. IN WITNFBS ~HERECF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 24th day of November, 1980. /*L ?-t:'fV<--O / _--- c:2 - --r:.~ Clerk of the Ci ty Ccnmiss~ mNISSION RESOLUTICN !'D. 2257 '.'.~""'---~~~...~""""""""""""''''''''''''''''~'' - ...J......._.. ...~._..~....._____~__...~........._~. .~...............................................~__..........__..~. _.~~, . .._ _~___~_~.~ .__... ~.._.__.._ ..._.----..-......11_.__. ~._.._~....~__~ .... _.. .~~................___~.~__.__._.~~ __ __... ..._.. .._~~~.____.______. ~..._ -, -.-- --~ ~"--- ._.,_.-~'~._-. _.,.,- -~---~..-.- - -~,,-~..'--~---_. .-- '~'-- ,. 226 State of ~bntana ) COunty of Gallatin: Ci ty of &zeman ) I, Erna V. Harding, Clerk of the C',cmnission of the Ci ty of &zeman do hereby cert ify tha t the foregoing Resolution No. 2257 was published by tit Ie and nurrber in the BozffiBn Dai ly Qu-on- icle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City, in the issue dated the 23rd day of November, 1980, and due proof of such publication is on file in rry office. I IN WITNESS \\HERECF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 24th day of November, 1980. ~ /,/1// ~ ::f'/ ( ,/' · .,/;7-za--- / ~?? .... c.:~'~ Clerk of the Ci ty Crnm~n I I m,f,lISSION RES)LUfICN 00. 2257 .~_,_,._............_~,.~~~_~......_. _... . _ __ ~.....~_.~......._~~...............~.~,~_~__.............~.~~ .__.............-.,.~,. .,_~ .,~.,_.___.___ ~,__~~~_~_..~,._ ~_,_~_~ ~.............._................~__,__.,',",_.._ ..,~. ,..............__&.......................~.........' ,_........_..,._,~~.., ___........._~_._,~_,~...._ __...~,~_.____ .. ~_........_~_ ,...__.........................,...a.........-.~_,__~.,.____.,_~..._