HomeMy WebLinkAboutSILD 695 Contract withNorthWestern Energy 08/2/2006 10:18 55602 27 � -PAGE 02/a3 x10/1 ,/2UX, 17:'26 14065879758 GHENr3INEEP1r1-a PAGE 02/0 0 10-G8i T:45AM,MFC 5vztnen,MT ;4 0u 539 W4 tc Cf LIEURTING AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMM- T made and c-mcmd into this 25th day of,4VI 2006 by and betwcen Wor0)W=tnm Energy, berelnafter COMPANY,and Frast} e/TT bra of P0,Do%1 I1 i., A'IT.LZU hereinafter CUST0111ER. W;iMSSETH WHWAS,the wrt?stomer desires 4 strcct lighting sy,rein,bctrtinafter a 3yMM,In be installed in E�nsa Suh ik`i?iyr:.F'Ir2M t&.._tomic�1 in$Ozernan TF, WHEREAS,Vic CornpAtty is willing ro construct, install and own tltp System ajtd to malntain,opsrAte and StApply electric angr8y w the System upon the terms and cnnditians contained 13ereln,�u1d: WHE .�S,zha-Customer Is willing,ra pay the asseciatcd costs to tlra Company for providing said Systzrn; l<FQW..THFREFORE,in cousidrratlon of 1ho pr0mises zod mumal CVefta nw lt=ffi speclfcd,the.Parties heroin tR.Qree as#nRows: I1,STALLr+rV(y N AND 0VVN RS)itP ThE Company of ree to comet atwd in�tall a System w1AicI1 tall crrnsisc of the following: Fixt'ura iypc End z nw6er sore sodium Sl�ocl�o 5t le ztures•S nt X f10 watts&.2 tit 2 #,ts. Pole tyyr,MH and nuts'*;Twq u.Ns_af 35'Mounting freight an Taut oles at 25�metro m nci�ht �� Ll�,br QH:tyt�teszi: Under>rrnrrn.r�. t Spod y-Core lighting=d'or Spoolal(non-core)ligbring: tr o P. Other: '1i)ris AQreemynt�s onlLin effect until such elme that tlr suf 13ozCrit��i erzatrS SCI. TmnT_wiveAr! i;fy.,MlnP DL�Lrfct(;gTLb,)for Rosa Stt�hd vii n_ When the$ILD is ere_titq h911in for this strectilzbt system will he tun-It dram Rota Lunr trrrCtiert�rtthe_CitY pf$o�etnnrr. iyMAINTENA.NCU AND OPERATION 1)Location and nwi lbors Of uni s inly be ruadifaed Only by mutna7,roment of the pm-Lies_ ?l Tile Company will mititalo a aupp�v of teplacemca:r.parh includ"ag 4indards,fi. rims and lamps for maint-manor or enre H Minh cystertt€.• .)if th,,e Custw Ror elects to recei.vP service ftnm speoial or non-cure lhellitics,the CiWomer shall rrr*tain on tbou! rmmfse(4).arid provide upon Company inquest,all replacArtrerrtuniquc T10100re facility corlponents(srnndDX0S, fixtures,lamps,rte.)neceSsray to kcmp Stich uniquo neti- Grp r3eil;tic5 operabin.Upon qtk jj7at3arr o{compone$t9, compaty will 3reimbu7"e Cw;tomer the cant f sues companmrwzs within thirty(30)days after ret:elpt of evidence, sorlaFeator;y to the Company,of such oast_d)'Elwe Comp&Vy ogr¢CS to rnainmin,op---MM anal,sc?p,Ply electric energy t4 the Svstrm for charties hcrsa*cr �� ceecified. 5)The Cvmpuny shall li tvo no obiigxtion m patrol the System to datormine that the System is it Operating cemdi fora at all times,but VV Jl mal, repsixs and replace Jnrg5 wifl;in a rmmon blc time after notice of,arty outage, G)it is understood End armed ihm the Company shall not be lilblc for f4altlry to comply with array oftlikk tertm mu conditions of this AgrceMent wlao Av4 fallure Is cauccd by acts of Qod,gavernmental rcgufatians or 4rder.p,stripes,ar tabor difficuitfcs,Fir$,floods,draughts,riots,destruction of property:or without being li�flted by the fomgplrrg,by sty other cause beyond thft reasonable control offhe Company_ '7)Cwtonicr vuderstands the System may not meet the flluminatifi7 Enginx,irizo L17306ety(IE5)Codc. Page 1 of 2 08/23/2006, 10: 18 5560227 PA-5E 03/03 09'/1402MS 17:26 140E.56717S8 CHEHGINEEPIIO PAGE X33/03 5-15-95' 7'45AV:MP.' Bozwrla 1,t ;40b 585- 5694 a 51 a a 1 l aKRG ES I) The 0_ustomer understarlos and 2greCS to PAv the:Company for-airntaisling and operatln�the System I Wind For Clectrjc energy thereto,Pr follows: 1 UNITS WATTS TyrE UNU CHARGE iP/i► ONTIA TOTAL CHARG-ES PER lY ONTR 1 Two Esc# fIT� �4' S36.36 _ --....�..m,_-_-573.72 �� Eight I Od., . HMNI.. 53Mq 5260.48 2) The unit clxmQe for,envier 511OWr1 above is subject to amtodment or ycvtsiun by tho public 6crvice I commissfatt of MQT).fana ' ?} The cixargas apccffled ahvs are based vn rmrtnal conditions erld cia not raver chn' CS r'ar cxtrnordin2ry rCpnir ancft r'Lplix CcMont aysts, 4) The Umpauy rhalt have t�e rightld Mae an additioxiat charge to the Customwr at tho oust orzuateriai ltd tabor=(itMuaingapp€i(*Mega}'toll avcThcadAj far mpaim to Prix-rmpta�ement.olehe.sstam-c ,•,- .-L:-r. I dam.Va*mused by tbirrt parties and not paid for by such Nrd pardes � 'fVF—A-2 AND CHANGE OF QWNtRST;IP I.} This agrcernar,Tt Gixatt tZe and�etttain in full N=and W ect UT101 the City of F D-Lam In compl'tas tho crcnd n of the sl��far Rosa Subdivision 8treetlit the g,ateir vibich tim-,tube Cite�fEozcr�an slIall be omintl ed the CUSTOMr-t. 2) if the Companx no)onper desires own,, Ystrip of the system nicr tlxe eYpimt:cm v#'t2tis a reemeta#� Custmwr shalt zeimbij;m?tho tbn value ofthe System es dctermined-oslztr;standard aacaunting depreciation calculations. =� Tills mmenment matcs A CIMnant which ru0t with the land and kag be bindrtig upon and 5t1�11 i#till' to the benefit of tho heirs,legal mpresertat€ves,svcctsaor wid assigens of the parties. NQR.TJr'WFW-F,N l=NFRQ'Y rM By- Fly vlel T•;otrar Titic:C118tomer A.d mon to John.R of Rom Construe ion P�ntN Title Dal,r,:061761M T ZOO; Flage 2 of 2. Cascade Development, Inc. 1627 'West Main #223 Bozeman, MT 59715 May 3, 2007 Mel Kotur Northwestern Energy P.O. Box 490 Bozeman, MT 59771-0409 Re: West Winds Subdivision Phase 3 Street Lighting District Dear Mr. Kotur: This letter is to inform you that Cascade Development, Inc., developers of West Winds Phase 3 Subdivision, will guarantee the installation costs and/or the Special Improvement Lighting District (SILD) monthly payments. The purpose of this guarantee is to facilitate the ordering and installation of the street lights in a timely manner and provide safety and security within the subdivision street network. It is our understanding that the guarantee will only be in effect until such time that it will take the city of Bozeman to complete the forination of the SILD. Please address the lighting agreement to: Cascade Development, Inc. 1627 West Main St. Ste. 223 Bozernan, MT 59715 Thank you for your assistance with this project. Cascade Devel ent, In . J . Dunlap, Pr s dent LIGHTING AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 1st day of May 2007 by and between NorthWestern Energy, hereinafter COMPANY, and Cascade Development,Inc.of 1627 West Main Street Suite 223 Bozeman NIT hereinafter CUSTOMER. WITNESSETH WHEREAS,the customer desires a lighting system,hereinafter a System,to be installed at West Winds Subdivision,Phase 3 in Bozeman,MT. WHEREAS,the Company is willing to construct,install and own the System and to maintain,operate and supply electric energy to the System upon the terms and conditions contained herein,and; WHEREAS,the Customer is willing to pay the associated costs to the Company for providing said System;NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the promises and mutual covenants herein specified,the parties hereto agree as follows: INSTALLATION AND OWNERSHIP The Company agrees to construct and install a System which shall consist of the following: Fixture type and number: 6 Gardco Gultwing Metal Halide Fixtures;4 at 100 watts and 2 at 250 watts. Pole type,MH and number: 4 at 25' mounting and 2 at 38' mounting. All poles are round steel on concrete bases. UG or OH system:Underground. Specify-Core lighting and/or Special(non-core)lighting: Special non-core see item 3 below. Other: This agreement is only in effect until such time that the City of Bozeman creates a Special Improvement Lighting District(SILD)for West Winds,Phase 3. When the SILD is created,the billing for this streetlight system will be transferred to the Citv of Bozeman as per the attached memo from Cascade Development. These monthly charges do not include the costs associated with installing the concrete bases. The developer will suppiv the concrete bases. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION 1)Location and numbers of units may be modified only by mutual consent of the parties. 2)The Company will maintain a supply of replacement parts including standards,fixtures and lamps for maintenance on core lighting systems. 3)If the Customer elects to receive service from special or non-core facilities,the Customer shall maintain on their premise(s)and provide upon Company request,all replacement unique non-core facility components(standards, fixtures,lamps,etc.)necessary to keep such unique non-core facilities operable.Upon utilization of components, Company will reimburse Customer the cost of such components within thirty(30)days after receipt of evidence, satisfactory to the Company,of such cost. 4)The Company agrees to maintain,operate and supply electric energy to the System for charges hereafter specified. S)The Company shall have no obligation to patrol the System to determine that the System is in operating condition at all times,but will make repairs and replace lamps within a reasonable time after notice of any outage. 6)It is understood and agreed that the Company shall not be liable for failure to comply with any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement where failure is caused by acts of God,governmental regulations or orders,strikes,or labor difficulties, fire, floods,droughts,riots,destruction of property, or without being limited by the foregoing,by any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the Company. 7)Customer understands the System may not meet the Illuminating Engineering Society(IES)Code. Page 1 of 2 CHARGES 1) The Customer understands and agrees to pay the Company for maintaining and operating the System and for delivering electric energy thereto, as follows: UNITS WATTS TYPE UNIT CHARGE PI MONTH TOTAL CHARGES PER MONTH Two 250 MR $46.67 $93.34 Four 100 MH $41.33 $165.32 2) The unit charge for service shown above is subject to amendment or revision by the Public Service Commission of Montana. These costs do not include the cost of the concrete bases 3) The charges specified above are based on normal conditions and do not cover charges for extraordinary repair and/or replacement costs. 4) The Company shall have the right to snake an additional charge to the Customer at the cost of material and labor(including applicable payroll overheads)for repairs to and replacement of the System for damages caused by third parties and not paid for by such third parties TERM AND CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP 1) This agreement shall be and remain in full force and effect until the City of Bozeman completes the creation of the SILD for West Winds Streetlighting,after which time,the City of Bozeman shall be considered the CUSTOMER. 2) If the Company no longer desires ownership of the System after the expiration of this agreement, Customer shall reimburse the Company for the value of the System as determined using standard accounting depreciation calculations. 3) This Agreement creates a covenant which runs with the land and shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the heirs,legal representatives,successors and assigns of the parties. ST RN ENERGY S ER ,PZ By: By: eY otur J Yo'Title:Customer Advocate Prin ame Title: Date:0510112007 Date: 49 T Page 2 of 2