HomeMy WebLinkAboutRewuest within SILD 295, Resolution 2819 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2819 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA; REQUESTING THAT THE STREET LIGHTS LOCATED WITHIN SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 295 NOT BE CONVERTED TO HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM VAI}OR LIGHT FIXTURES. Y WHEREAS, on the 6th day of September, 1935, after due and legal At proceedings, .the City Commission adopted Commission Resolution No. 305, creating Special Improvement Lighting District No. 295; and WHEREAS, said SIL o.N 29, was created for the purpose of lighting South Willson Avenue from the south line of West Main Street to the north line of West Cleveland Street; and WHEREAS, that portion of South Willson Avenue has historic significance, being listed on the National Register of Historic Places. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman that the existing mercury vapor street lighting fixtures in Special Improvement Lighting District No. 295 located along South Willson Avenue, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, be retained and not converted to high pressure sodium vapor lighting. The Commission and resi- dents believe that the mercury vapor lighting is more in keeping, with the District's historfc character than is high pressure sodium vapor. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Commission generally supports the conversion of street lighting fixtures for greater energy efficiency. It Is only in situations of great historic importance that the Commission deviates from its general support of energy efficient street lighting. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman at a regular meeting thereof held on the 5th day of November 1990. ATTEST: I�0 6 NS U L V Clerk of the Commission AP Ro ED AS TO 0R : 2� BRUCE E. BECKER City Attorney THE CITY OF BOZEMAN 411 E. MAIN 5T, P.O. BOX 1407 PHONE (406) 586-2366 BOZEMAN. MONTANA 59715 TO; Property Owners within Special Improvement Lighting Districts 2$4 and 295 FROM: Harold A. Fryslie--City Manager DATE: February 14, 1974 As you are undoubtedly aware, the last year has produced major problems maintaining the lights on South Willson Avenue and West Cleveland Street. This problem is the result of the deterioration of the underground elec- trical cables which were installed in 1931 and 1934 respectively. This deterioration results in the cable shorting out; and since these lights are wired in series, the entire area is without light until the short is located and repaired. It is our opinion that this approach cannot continue due to the limited manpower within our Street Department which is tasked with this maintenance. After considering many alternatives, the following proposals are presented for your consideration and information: Alternative No. 1---continue the existing districts as originally formed and replace the underground cable. '"he estimated cost of this alternative will be approximately $29,000 to be paid in the first year. Cost of power and maintenance will be an annual cost which is estimated to remain at the previous rate of assessment (approximately $1,000/year). Because of the differing size of lot ownership in this area,, this alternative would necessitate a first-year payment ranging from a low of approximately $30 to a high of over $1,200 with an average of approximately °300. Alternative Plo. 2--transfer physical ownership of the existing installa- tions to Montana Power by forming a new Special Improvement Lighting District and assess all property fronting on South Willson Avenue and West Cleveland Street on an annual basis based on a flat cost per light which would include electricity, maintenance, and amortization of the cost of rewiring. Under this alternative Montana Power would retain the existing ornamental poles and globes and undertake rewiring the lights into a better system. Based on costs furnished by Montana. Power and assuming a frontage method of assessment, the annual costs would range from a low of about $11 to a high of $85 or approximately 25 cents/front foot. Alternative No. 3--abandon and remove the existing concrete poles and or- namental lights and instruct Montana Power to install underground 240- volt circuits and 175•-watt mercury vapor lights mounted on 16--foot steel poles. A typical installation of this type is located at the corner of Koch and Willson. The costs of this proposal will also be based on a flat cost per light and on frontage assessment. This results in an annual estimated cost ranging from a low of $13 to a high of $95 or approximately 30 cents/front foot. HOME OF MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY GATEWAY TO YELLOWSTONE PARK February 14, 1974 Page 2 The above listed costs represent 75 percent of the total costs of these proposals with the remaining 25 percent borne by the general property tax City-wide. Z realize that the information given in this letter is far from complete or comprehensive and is merely intended to inform you of the various al- ternatives available. An informal meeting has been scheduled for Wednes- day, February 27, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Commission Room at the Municipal Building at which meeting various staff members and representatives of Montana Power will be present to answer questions you may raise and to inform you of your individual estimated costs under each alternative. HAF/smb City of Bozeman Street Light District South Willson - Writ Cleveland Ex i 43 t ins,I f, s tern 68 - x;500 luwn 6. 6 amp series underground circuit on 10 ft. and 12 ft. concrete ornamental posts. Pine lights per block. Approximate staggered spacing 75 ft. Montana Power Company cost to City. $ .82 Energy "' .35 Maintenace (relamp, replace globes) 1.17 Cost per light per month. Cost to the district - add city cost for maintenance of posts and circuit. Proposal To upgrade the system for adequate and proper street lighting. Due to recent circuit problems, because of cable failures, the circuit ha^ been in trouble on several occasions. I City of Bozeman to replace all of the exiting underground cable. II City of Bozeman and the Street Lighting District will transfer ownership of the existing posts, fixtures and circuit to the Montana Power for the purpose of rebuilding and upgrading the street lighting. • 'Phis work will be done in April - May 1974. Montana Power Company will: 1. Abandon the existing series circuit. 2. Install a 240 volt underground circuit to each light. 3. Install a ballast or any necessary conversion equipment to in- stall a 100 watt mercury vapor lamp in the existing fixture. It is conceivable that the present fixture will not accommodate a, ballast in which event an acceptable new luainaire will be installed, The cost to the City of Bozeman will be $3.44 per light per month. Total 68 lights. Total cost per month $233.92. III Sam conditions as in proposal II except that Montana Power Company twill: 1 . Abandon the entire existing system including the circuit, ornamental posts and fixtures. 2. Install new 240 volt underground circuits to serve 54 - 175 watt mercury vapor street lights mounted on 16 ft. high steel poles as demonstrated on South Willson Ave. and Koch St. These poles will be staggered at four per block. 2 Cost per light per month `a 5.13 Total cozy t per' month 277.02 C. L. ISe1 cGen September 28, 1373