HomeMy WebLinkAboutBozeman Tourism Improvement District 2013 Marketing Plan and Budget
Bozeman Chamber of Commerce Tourism Division Marketing Plan
An aligned marketing plan of the Bozeman Convention and Visitors Bureau and
the Bozeman Tourism Business Improvement District
Fiscal Year July 1, 2012- June 30, 2013 (FY13)
Bozeman Chamber of Commerce Tourism Division
Marketing Plan FY13
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The purpose of the Bozeman Chamber of Commerce Tourism Division, consisting of the
Bozeman Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) and the Bozeman Tourism Business
Improvement District (TBID), is to enhance the economic vitality of Bozeman by
promoting tourism through effective sales and marketing strategies, building collaborative
partnerships and promoting Bozeman as a year round visitor, convention and event
destination .
Sustaining Bozeman’s g eographical character, environment, aesthetics, heritage, and the
well -being of its residents will a l l be key consideration s in these efforts.
The Bozeman Convention and Visitor Bureau’s marketing strategy will be executed in
alignment with Bozeman Touri sm Improvement District to increase organizational
efficiencies and leveraging of available funds. TBID dollars used in conjunction with the
CVB will be used to promote overnight stays in the Bozeman lodging properties.
Bozeman’s unique set of attributes set it apart from all other regional destinations to form
an identity very well positioned to cap italize on the many efforts out lined in this plan as
well as the Montana Brand Platform.
Proximity to Yellowston e National Park - Bozeman is conveniently located a
short drive from one of Montana’s natural wonders and main visitor attractions. In
2011, Yellowstone had it 2nd highest visitation on record , over 3.4 million visitors .
A growing vibrant downtown that is being upgraded regularly, and is home to
dozens of restaurants, art galleries and retail establishments.
World Class Recreation - Three nationally recognized ski areas, blue ribbon fly -
fishing waters, dozens of near by trails and 360 degrees of surrounding national
forest make Bozeman a grand escape for vacationers and outdoors people alike .
Air Service - Bozeman/Yellowstone International Airport leads the state in
boarding s during the busy seasons, and now has 13 direct flights including new
service from New York .
Montana State University - MSU brings dozens of strengths to Bozeman,
resulting in a sophisticated and university town feel that visitors enjoy.
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Bozeman offers year -round cultural opportunities , from the Museum of the
Rockies , to the surrounding area’s registered historic sites and Montana State
University. These cultural attractions, along with numerous festivals, concerts, live
theater and rodeos are key to visitors who choose Bozeman as a destination .
Lodging Facilities - Bozeman currently has 2 ,0 17+ rooms offering a wide variety
of accommodations from hotels/motels, bed & breakfasts, vacation homes, to both
private and public campgrounds.
Boz eman has become the technology hub of the region with many in Biomedical,
Laser, Software and web based companies basing operations in and around the
city .
Bozeman’s central location in the state of Montana and on interstate 90 make s it
a popular town for visitors requiring those attributes.
Seasonality of leisure tourism result s in a short high occupancy period of July and
August, while nine months remain well below national averages.
Significant weather events and patt erns and fire seasons can cause sudden large
reductions in leisure tourism .
Lack of year round meeting facility for group s of 400 + people. Many large groups
wanting to meet in Bozeman continue to utilize other destinations.
Limited sport/event fields an d facilities. Lack of large outdoor athletic field
complex limits the ability for soccer, baseball, football, rugby and other outdoor
tournaments to take place in Bozeman . Lack of independent event center limits
indoor events to MSU’s schedule or shift to Belgrade event c enter . Lack of
improved fairgrounds facility limits the options for large rodeo events. Lack of
improved swim center limits the option for regional competitive swimming events.
Lack of multiple sheet s of ice limit hockey tou rnament potential . Lack of
performing art center limits the options for large indoor musical and cultural
events. Lack of large outdoor performing arts venue limits options for outdoor
music festivals.
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Leisure Travel Goals (CVB and TBID Focus)
Build and maintain a consistent image of Bozeman as southwest Montana’s premier
vacation destination through all marketing efforts. This includes the implementation
of the M ontana brand, the focus on the geotraveler as the target audience and
cooperative effort s with other regions, CVBs, TBID s, and priva t e businesses to
leverage funds.
Work with the state through co -ops and other opportunities to best leverage funds
and state branding efforts.
Showcase Bozeman’s pr oximity to one of our state’s premier natural wonders,
Yellowstone National Park. Promote Bozeman as a “home base” while planning day
trips into Yellowstone and other points of interest around the area.
Showcase Bridger Bowl to surrounding in-state citie s , regions and key out-of-state
markets to grow winter visitation.
Collaborate with Big Sky Resort, Moonlight Basin, and Bridger Bowl to present
Bozeman as a world class ski town to a regional and national audience.
Present Bozeman to the I -90 drive thro ugh traveler as the ideal overnight location .
Continue to support and work with private and public entities to manage Bozeman’s
natural, historic and cultural assets with balanced sustainable levels of resident
and nonresident visitor use in order to enhance and preserve Bozeman’s sense of
Enhance awareness and support for tourism and recreation among Bozeman
residents and elected officials.
Showcase Bozeman to international tour operators /travel agents as the entry and
exit point for international travelers.
Showcase Bozeman to domestic group tour operators as a key destination in their
tour bus itineraries.
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Meetings Goals (TBID Focus)
Support the promotion of Bozeman as a meeting destination throu gh CVB
partnerships with the TBID, Montana State University, the City of Bozeman and
private businesses.
Support the promotion of Bozeman as a meeting destination for 400 people or less
and educate planners about Bozeman’s amenities, including cultural, recreational
and technological opportunities, as well as dining and shopping.
Educate conference attendees about the number of family, recreational and
cultural activities available in the area.
Facilitate discussion about the need of future meetings faci lities in Bozeman.
Film Production Goals (CVB Focus)
Promote Bozeman as one of Montana’s premier filming locations and develop
partnerships with the state, other regions and CVBs and private businesses in an
effort to leverage funds.
Support legislation to maintain or increase the Big Sky on the Big Screen Film
Incentive .
Educate production companies about the state’s film incentive program and the
variety of locations available for filming in the Bozeman area .
Inform production companies about the var iety of services available in the
community from accommodations and dry cleaners to hardware stores.
Increase the number of productions by utilizing locations within the Bozeman area
or using a variety of equipment and services from the local Bozeman comm unity.
Sport Tournaments and Events Goals (TBID Focus).
Collaborate with organizations in Bozeman that have the capacity to bring and
execute large events in Bozeman that produce overnight stays.
Continue to develop relationships with local and state youth sports organizations
to foster state wide, regional and national youth tournaments in Bozeman.
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Work with the City of Bozeman, stake holders and local athletic organizations to
better understand and prioriti ze future sport complex expansion.
Work with the Gallatin Valley Tournament Committee to increase the amount of
Montana High School Association tournaments. (TBID only)
(CVB marketing plans are required to show how they support the Montana Tourism Strategic Plan)
This marketing plan supports the Montana Tourism and Recreation Strategic Plan 2008 -
2012 through the implementation of the marketing strategies outlined below. Specifically
the Bozeman CVB marketing plan focuses on the following sections o f the statewide
strategic plan.
Goal 1: Increase four-season tourism revenues statewide through effective marketing and
promotions, focusing on the high-value, low-impact visitors. (Page 49).
Action 1.1 Implement highly targeted consumer advertising and promotion
campaigns, based on strategic marketing plans, and track/report
“Coordinate highly effective promotion efforts among state, regional, local and
pri vate partners to maximize reach to s pecific target and niche markets…” This will
be accomplished particularly through:
1.1.a Expand public -private marketing partnerships with tourism
businesses and attractions
1.1.b. Continue winter marketing.
1.1.c Attend consumer travel shows targe ting high value, low
impact visitors.
1.1.d Conti n ue Marketing to international travelers.
1.1.e Enhance tracking and reporting of results and return on
investment (ROI) from state, regional and CVB advertising
efforts (Page 50).
Action 1.2 Promote Montana to targeted groups and events, emphasizing
off-peak season .
1.2.a Amplify targeted sales and marketing to attract groups,
meetings, and conferences to Montana .
1.2.b Work with local sports groups to attract sport events in off -
peak season.
1.2.c Continue to promote Montana as a film location (Page 51)
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1.2.d Target travel media to increase visibility of MT as a leisure
travel destination.
1.2.e Continue to target tour operators to bring tours to Montana.
Action 1.3 Work collaboratively with oth er tourism -marketing partners to plan
and implement priority marketing efforts.
“By partners working together to plan strategically and leverage resources,
Montana can maximize its effectiveness.” (Page 52)
1.3 .a Host an annual marketing plan meetin g to coordinate the
marketing planning process.
1.3.b Implement the new tourism brand.
Action 1.4 Improve Montana’s Visitor Information System to extend visitor stays
and spending
“…other components of a comprehensive visitor information system are needed
such as free Wi -Fi, podcasts, RSS feeds, video downloads, etc.”
1.4.d Use technology to enhance Montana visitor information and
marketing efforts .
1.4.e Expand displays of Monta na destinations and products (Page
Goal 2: Attain public policy and citizen support for sustainable tourism and
recreation. (Page 55)
Action 2.1 Build awareness through statewide publicity efforts about the new
Montana Tourism Charter, geotourism, tourism benefits/impacts,
tourism and recreation partner initiatives, and allocation of lodging
facility use taxes.
“…show benefits to residents (e.g. jobs, taxes, support for State
Goal 3: Address management and access issues for sustainable recreation on
private, state, and federal lands. (Page 57)
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Action 3.1 Educate Montana visitors, suppliers, and residents about ethics and
responsibilities on public and private lands, and use t echnology to
encourage re creation in appropriate areas.
Action 3.2 Coordinate state, regional, and local tourism marketing efforts with
state/federal land management strategies, to ensure that promotion
messages are consistent with public land uses and available
Goal 4: Enhance and preserve Montana’s cultur e and history (historic sit es,
museums, art, music, etc). (Page 59)
Action 4.1 Promote Montana’s existing historic and culture assets for the
enjoyment of residents and visitors.
4.1.a Use historic/cultural as venues for conferences, events, and
seminar s.
Goal 5: Support appropriate tourism business growth, including new tourism
products and services, for target customer markets. (Page 63)
Action 5.1 Cultivate opportunities to leverage private and public dollars to
create tourism products and attract new tourist markets.
5.1.a. Create vacation packages, and develop theme itineraries,
designed for off -peak season niche markets targeted by
promotion efforts.
5.1.b Expand winter tourism products/activities to draw visitors
(spas, arts/culture, learning vacations, tribal activities).
5.1.c Encourage use of Montana products by restaurants, markets,
retail shops, and suppliers, to add value to local businesses
and traveler experiences
Action 5.2 Provide information about technical/financial assistance a vailable for
tourism business.
5.2.a Distribute assistance information via tourism meetings,
websites , newsletters, etc.
Goal 6: Address tourism and recreation professional development, workforce
availability, and affordable housing issues.
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Action 6.1 Enhance professional development opportunities and requirements
for staff and board members of Montana tourism and recreation -
related organizations.
6.1.a Encourage Montana CVB’s to join either the Destination
Management Association International or th e Western
Association of Convention and Visitors Bureau.
6.1.c Enhance higher education programs for tourism and
recreation careers, including continuing education for existing
tourism and recreation professionals.
Goal 7: Improve Montana’s transportation system for both residents and visitors.
(Page 68)
Action 7.1 Increase air service capacity to and from Montana cities.
Action 7.4 Increase use of passenger rail and transit service in Montana.
7.4c Encourage/expand intercity transit service to hi gh traffic v
isitor locations .
Goal 9: Increase funding to maintain sustainable tourism and recreation. (Page 75)
Action 9.1 Seek increases in state funding sources for targeted tourism
marketing, and for tourism and recreation -related programs and
“Support changes in state law…in order to generate additional tourism and general tax
Action 9.2 Foster opportunities to pool public and private marketing dollars.
Action 9.3 Enhance funding for region and CVB marketing effort s.
“…evaluate the use of the Tourism Business Improvement District (TBID) funding
option to enhance operations and marketing budgets.”
Goal 10: Build an effective “team” to implement the Strategic Plan, and report
results (and all of the Actions associ ated with this goal). (Page 76)
Action 10.1 Recognize Travel Montana as “team captain” to
communicate/coordinate regularly with partners.
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Action 10.2 Create public and private partnerships for cooperative project
Action 10.3 Implement St rategic Plan discussion/reporting to align activities with
goals and actions.
Action 10.4 Submit updates on S trategic Plan implementation for annual report
to TAC.
Action 10.5 O btain strategic research to inform tourism marketing, development,
and policy decisions.
10.5.c Continue to monitoring of Montana’s opin ions about tourism
and recreati on.
Leisure Travel Measurable Objectives (CVB and TBID Focus)
Increase year -round visitation to Bozeman by 2% over FY 12 bed tax collections .
Increase total revenue brought into the Bozeman community by 4% over FY 12
numbers .
Increase inquiries that are directly attributable to the CVB’s Consumer Advertising
campaign by 5%.
Increase CVB website visits by 10% from 141/day (FY12 first nine months) to 1 55.
Meetings Measurable Objectives (TBID Focus)
Continue to upgrade the Meeting and Convention portion of the website as needed .
Book two future citywide conventions.
Book four multi -hotel meetings.
Provide 60 market segment leads to district hotel meeting properties.
Execute on Familiarization tour for national conventions .
Film Production Measurable Objectives (CVB Focus )
Assist the Montana Office of Tourism with at least one media/film tour per fiscal
year that will showcase Bozeman and the surrounding area and generate a variety
of story ideas .
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Increase the amount of revenue brought into the Bozeman community through f ilm
production to $1,500,000 .
Help m aintain the Big Sky on the Big Screen film incentive.
Work with the Montana Office of Tourism to encourage media writers/editors and
film producers/directors/scouts to visit Bozeman on at least one scout a year.
Sport Tournaments and Events Measurable Objectives (TBID Focus)
Help facilitate the creation of 1 new city wide non-tournament event.
Add 2 future non -MHSA city wide tournaments.
Leisure Travel Target Geographic Markets (CVB and TBID Focus)
Key markets that are supported by the state which currently include Chicago,
Seattle , Salt Lake and Minneapolis.
Markets that Yellowstone Country may support such as Seattle and New York.
Regional drive markets from surrounding states such as Bismar c k, Rapid City,
Dickenson, Fargo, Idaho Falls, Pocatello.
In state markets which may include Billing s , Missoula, Helena , Butte and Great
Other markets that are supported by direct flights to Bozeman Yellowstone
International airpor t which may include Oakland/San F rancisco, New York,
Atlanta, Denver, Salt Lake, Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle, Atlanta, Las Vegas,
Mesa and Portland.
Meetings Target Geographic Markets (TBID Focus)
Denver, Chicago, Salt L ake, Seattle and Washington D.C. house many of the
targeted planners. Meeting planner events rotate through all of the major cities
in t he U.S.
Helena Montana will be the focus of in state efforts.
Film Production Target Geographic Markets (CVB Focus )
Production companies located throughout the United States and Internationally.
Production companies that have filmed in Montana befor e.
Sport Tournaments and Events Target Geographic Markets (TBID Focus)
Regional tournament rights holders in Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota,
Wyoming and Idaho.
National tournament rights holders in sports such as skiing, mountain biking, fly
fishing that have a particular interest in Bozeman.
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Leisure Target Demographics (CVB and TBID Focus)
The CVB continues to focus more of its advertising dollars on the consumer
market. In FY1 3 , the CVB plans to continue efforts that focus on the Geotraveler.
This audience includes the following characteristics:
Target Demographics include : Adults 25 -64, college graduates , $50K HHI
Attitudes - Falls into at least one of the following vacation segments:
Active Adventurer – Frequently choose active vacations with many things to do.
Their ideal vacation is full of activities, exercise, and sightseeing. They do not,
however, favor guided tours and do not find group tours attractive.
Tour Groupies – Prefer guided tours and packaged deals, mainly because of the
convenience. Prefer to do a lot of sightseeing during vacation.
Behaviors - Domestic travelers who participate in one or more while on
Visiting national parks
Other outdoor sports or recreation
Bicycle riding
How Geotravelers Choose Travel Destinations
The ability to customize their experiences and create personal connections while
The opportunity to make the most of every moment due to lack of time in day -to-
day lives
The use of technology to plan their travels and explore their destinations before
they arrive
An interest in immersing themselves in the culture
The ability to get off the beaten path
The capacity to get out of their comfort zone
Their desire to live on a healthy planet
Travel Habits of the Geotraveler
Less conventional and more independent, adventurous and active when it comes
to travel
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Prefer to book trips via airline specific sites or by way of genera l Internet travel
Take on a do -it-yourself attitude while planning and researching future vacations
More likely to travel domestically by train and plane
Less likely to stay close to home when traveling
Prefer trips longer in duration instead of op ting for numerous shorter weekend
Spouse or mates have very strong influence when deciding destination
Meetings Target Demographics
Size: Meetings of 500 people or less, with the exception of June 1 –August 10.
Conference business to Bozeman focuses on the following industries:
environmental, conservation, agriculture, education, financial services/banking,
government, healthcare, insurance, nonprofit, professional associations, trade
associations, spiritual and technology.
Film Production Target Demographics
Independent film companies. In addition production companies seeking to film
but not limited to commercials, television, music videos and documentaries, as
well as companies producing print advertising, collateral material and still
photograph ers.
Sport Tournaments and Events Target Demographics (TBID Focus)
“Geotour istic ” types of tournaments such as skiing, mountain biking, running,
and fly fishing.
Traditional sport tournaments that occur on a statewide and regional basis.
Family based athletic tournaments that may benefit from the proximity of
Yellowstone National Park in relation to Bozeman .
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The Chamber Tourism Division believes in continued partnerships with the Montana
Office of Tourism, other Montana Tourism Re gions and CVBs, our sense of place partners
and private businesses to leverage marketing dollars and increase consumer travel, film
production and meetings.
The marketing methods of the Bozeman CVB will be greatly enhanced by the recent full
funding of th e Bozeman Tourism Business Improvement District. By combing resources,
the CVB will double its leisure advertising budget, allowing for economies of scale,
combined themes and branding, and a more powerful marketing message. The Bozeman
TBID will also co ntinue newer efforts in the tournament, event and meeting market
Leisure Travel Marketing Methods (CVB and TBID Focus)
Continue marketing campaigns that target the Geotraveler. Continue to explore
advertising opportunities with the Montana Office of Tourism as it pertains to co -
op opportunities (including specific niche marketing opportunities). Explore joint
ventures and branding opportunities with the Big Sky and West Yellowstone
CVBs and Yellowstone Country and also continue cooperative e fforts with the
Bozeman TBID and private businesses.
Contract with a marketing agency to place advertising with media such as
Facebook, Budget Travel, Tripadvisor, Alltrips, Madden Media, National
Geographic, in -flight magazines an d other potential media outlets.
Collaborate with Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport to market incoming
flights .
Partner with Bozeman International Airport to help incent ivise direct flights from
new markets. (TBID focus)
Continue to expand, update and make modifications to evolve the Bozeman CVB
website to speak to the potential Bozeman visitor . This will include seasonal
updates, photography , new content development, and the expansion of current
sections of the site with an emphasis on search engine optimization, videos,
social media opportunities and optimizing for mobile use and QR codes.
Continue the distribution of the Historic Walking Tour Brochure/Maps (and reprint
as necessary). Distribution of these brochures is t hrough the Visitor Information
Center, the Chamber of Commerce, the Downtown Business Association, the
Gallatin Pioneer Museum and targeted rack placement with local tourism
providers in the community. It is also available as a PDF on the Bozeman CVB
websi te.
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Use the research from the Montana Office of Tourism and ITRR’s research to
continue to focus on the Geotraveler.
Participate in Media Tours.
Continue to inform visitors arriving in Bozeman via airline about the area with
Seasonal Airport Informati on Panels. These panels welcome visitors to the
community as well as serve as outlets for the distribution of the Bozeman
Visitors Guide and Bozeman Brochure.
Continue to support and staff the Visitor Information Center as well as the
Chamber office.
Continue to stock the brochure display case for the Montana Department of
Transportation at the 19 th Street Exit Rest Area and the Yellowstone Country
Kiosk at the Bozeman Chamber of Commerce.
Contract with an outside vendor to answer all phone and e -mail i nquiries
received through the Bozeman CVB 800 number and visitbozeman.org. By
working with this vendor, we are able to provide information to our potential
visitors through customized software, pertaining to our area while also being
able to measure the ef fectiveness of our marketing efforts.
Fulfill consumer requests with Bozeman Community Guide and Live Chat on the
Develop an advertising campaign with Bridger Bowl utilizing print and the
internet to pull winter visitors from the region.
Develo p an advertising campaign for feeder cities to promote Bozeman as a
world class ski destination with Bridger Bowl, Big Sky and Moonlight Basin ski
Participate in Rocky Mountain International (RMI), the National Tour Association
(NTA), and the Inter national Pow Wow (USTA) to showcase Bozeman to
international and group tour travelers
Meeting Marketing Methods (TBID Focus)
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Attend 3 -6 national conferences directed at group organizers to generate
qualified leads. FY12 examples are Destination Showcase (DMAI), Meet
National (HSMAI), Connect and Collaborate (Collision Media)
Maintain Membership and training with Destination Marketing Association
International (DMAI).
Maintain membership with Montana Society of Association Executives and attend
a nnual convention. Support conference hotels’ efforts to bring instate meetings
to Bozeman
Pursue contacts within organizations that are likely candidates for large
conventions and meetings here in Bozeman.
Continue to implement communication plan develope d by Flying Horse
Build web presence with appropriate internet portals.
Fil m Production Marketing Methods (CVB Focus)
Continue to partner with the Montana Film Office promoting Bozeman as a
premier destination for film productions.
Encoura ge local businesses to submit information to the Montana Film Office for
inclusion in the Film Production Guide and on the website (montanafilm.com).
Act as liaison between the production company and the community. This includes
everything from assistance with location scouting to providing information on
office space and equipment.
Consider promoting Bozeman as a film production destination at Sundance Film
Sport Tournaments and Events Marketing Methods (TBID Focus)
Continue to develop relations hips with local and state youth sports organizations
to foster state wide youth tournaments in Bozeman .
Collaborate with Montana State University to increase the number of national
level concerts.
Contact and collaborate with local and regional event promoters and
Research successful event concepts in other cities.
Support the Gallatin Valley Tournament Committ ee,
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(International and domestic) Leisure Promotion Strategy (Branding, 3 year strategy) X X
Hire Marketing Agency X X
Leisure Creative’s X X
Leisure Promotion Project Management X X
Leisure Promotion Media Placement X X
Website Redevelopment
Website Updates
Participate in Media Tours
Distribute print information to the Airport, VIC, YC Kiosk and rest area.
Manage Visitor Information Center
Hire fulfillment company for consumer email, mailings and 1-800 #
Rocky Mountain International trade show(International Tours) X
National Tour Association trade show (Domestic Tours) X
International Pow Wow trade show(International Tours) X
Reprint walking tour guides (cemetery, historic neighborhood, historic downtown)
Participate International Tour Operator Fam Tour X X
Maintain Unites States Travel association membership
Market incoming direct flights X X
Incentivise new incoming direct flights X
Film Partner with Montana Film Office
Advertise in film production publications and websites
Trade shows and other promotion
Meetings Attend 3-6 national trade shows directed at meeting planners X
Maintain Membership with DMAI X
Maintain Membership with Montana Society of Association Executives X
Build web presence with appropriate web portals X
Sport Tournament and Event Finance and oversee event/tournament grant process X
Help finance and collaborate with the Gallatin Valley Tournament Committee X
Partner with Montana State University and local sport organizations X
Partner with non-sport event organizers X X
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Bozeman TBID and CVB aligned budget July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013 (FY13)
Increase interest and bookings for Attend Meeting Planner Conventions
meetings and conventions in Bozeman Connect Market Place $3,500
Collaborate Market Place $3,500
Meet Midwest $5,000
Destination Showcase $5,500
Montana Society of Association Executives $300
Built Web presence
Meeting website presentation $7,000
Maintain Meeting Planner Website $1,000
Meeting Incentives $5,000
DMAI $900
MSAE $300
PCMA $1,000
LEISURE Category
Marketing Company Services Branding/Unification/Strategy $15,000 $15,000 $160,000 leisure marketing
Winter $37,500 $27,500
Summer $10,000 $35,000
In-State Promotion $15,000
Marketing Airlines $2,500 $2,500
Other Activities CVB Website Maintenance/Rebuild $3,000 $10,000
Photo Library $5,000
Phone/Mail/Email Fulfillment Company $16,300
National Tour Association (NTA) Event $5,000
International Pow Wow $8,000
Rocky Mountain International $1,000
International Tour Operator Fam Tour $2,500
Promotional Video $15,000
Puiblications $2,000
Press Tours $1,000
Marketing Plan Development $1,100
Airlines Airline Incentives $15,000
Tournaments and Events
Gallatin Valley Tournament Committee $72,000
Event Grant Program $30,000
Film Industry Promotion $6,500
Film Industry Trade Shows $200
Marketing Support
Administration $100,000 $25,000
Opportunity $2,000
Joint Venture $25,000 $1,400
Governors Conference, TAC meetings $1,000
Strategy $18,000
TOTAL Budgets $410,000 $149,000
FILM $0 $6,700
TOTAL Budgets $410,000 $149,000