HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-26-12 Minutes, City Commission 'Cti���Cfl.�O�Rt MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA March 26,2012 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in the Commission Room, City Hall at 121 North Rouse on Monday, March 26, 2012. Present were Mayor Sean Becker, Commissioner Cyndy Andrus, Commissioner Jeff Krauss, Commissioner Chris Mehl, Commissioner Carson Taylor, City Manager Chris Kukulski, City Attorney Greg Sullivan and Deputy City Clerk Aimee Kissel. These minutes are not word for word and should be considered along with the audio recording. 0:00.03 A. Call to Order- 6 p.m. - Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse 0:00:13 B. Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence 0:00.57 C. Changes to the Agenda Mayor Becker asked if there were any changes to the agenda. City Manager Chris Kukulski stated there were not. 0:01:04 D. Minutes - February 13, 2012 0:01:06 Motion and Vote to approve the minutes of February 13, 2012. It was moved by Cr. Mehl seconded by Cr. Taylor to approve the minutes of February 13 2012. Those voting Aye bein Crs. Mehl Taylor, Krauss Andrus and Mayor Becker. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 0:01:26 E. Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims (LaMeres) 2. Authorize City Manager to sign a Notice of Award with Knife River in the amount of$103,365.25 for the Downtown Streetscape Improvements Project (Johnson) 3. Authorize City Manager to sign a Notice of Award and Purchase 1 of 12 Bozeman Commission Minutes for March 26, 2012 Agreement with Teestone Granite in the amount of$31,081 for an 80- niche Columbarium with bench, slab and sidewalk(White) 4. Authorize City Manager to sign a Contract Agreement with Metal Works of Montana, Inc. d/b/a Missoula Sheet Metal & Roofing in the amount of $62,181 for re-roof of the Professional Building at 20 East Olive (Goehrung) 5. Approve Mayoral Proclamation declaring March Brain Injury Awareness Month (Kissel) 0:01:35 Public Comment on consent Mayor Becker opened public comment on consent. No person commented. Mayor Becker closed public comment. 0:01:58 Motion and Vote to approve Consent items E. 1-5 as submitted. It was moved by Cr. Taylor, seconded by Cr. Krauss to approve consent items E. 1-5 as submitted. Those votiniz Ave being Crs. Taylor, Krauss, Andrus, Mehl and Mavor Becker. Those votine No beine none. The motion passed 5-0. 0:02:20 F. Public Comment Mayor Becker opened general public comment. 0:02:44 Derick Grotheir, Public Comment Mr. Grotheir (no address slated) brought tubes of oothpaste with him stating the tube with fluoride says that if you ingest too much you must call poison control. 0:03:42 Trenton Hancock, Public Comment Mr. Hancock of 229 North Broadway spoke regarding the article in the paper on Sunday with recommendations from professionals to keep fluoride in the water. Mr. Hancock questioned the ability of dentists to make recommendations on health. He further stated that he is being medicated against his will from fluoride within the water supply. 0:04:48 Joan Stanley,Public Comment Ms. Stanley of Three Forks said she is here with the group Fluoride Free Bozeman_ She asked why fluoride is placed in city water. She said the Commission should take the city core values to heart. 0:06:14 Michael Weix, Public Comment Mr. Weix of 629 East Mendenhall is against fluoride in the water as it is a volatile chemical. 0:06:54 Steven L. McNeal, Public Comment Mr. McNeal of 257 East Baxter Lane, provided a document that says 4000 professionals have called for an end to fluoridation. He does not think the Commission should listen to dentists when the EPA has said that fluoride is a toxin and a poison. Mr. McNeal said that cows are fed fluoride in feed lots to keep them tranquilized. Mr. McNeal said the city is knowingly adding 2of12 Bozeman Commission Minutes for March 26, 2012 fluoride to the water even though it is a known toxic. He further spoke regarding his views regarding fluoride. 0:09:40 Patricia Hawkins,Public Comment Ms. Hawkins of 2745 Cattail Street, Unit B spoke in opposition of fluoride in city water. She read aloud from an article regarding a water plant accident when fluoride was spilled. Crews had to use a number of difficult measures to stop the leak. This same fluoride is added to drinking water across the nation. Ms. Hawkins spoke further about her views and said the toxic spill she referred to is proof that fluoride should not be added. 0:12:58 Kelly Ste_yens, Public Comment Ms. Stevens of 119 Julia Martin Drive spoke against fluoride in the city water. She said she is an advocate for her children and should be able to decide what medication her children,ingest. Ms. Stevens spoke further about her views to make decisions for her children. 0:14:22 Matt Kelley,Public Comment Mr. Kelley, Health Officer with Gallatin City-County Health Department and parent of two said the City-County Board of Health voted unanimously on Thursday to send a letter to the City Commission in strong support of the current policy of the city to fluoridate the water. Mr. Kelley said there is overwhelming scientific evidence that water fluoridation is a safe and effective means of oral health. Mr. Kelley read from one of a number of reports issued by the US Surgeon General that says community water fluoridation is an affective, safe and ideal public health measure. He also read from the American Dental Association review of evidence that says after 60 years of research the preponderance of the evidence says that fluoridation of the water supply is safe and effective. Mr. Kelley referred to studies that show fluoridation of water reduces tooth decay by at least 20 to 40%, mostly in children. Studies also show that$1 in fluoridation results in$26 in savings on medical costs. 0:18:19 Peggy Layman,Public Comment Ms. Layman from Gallatin Gateway, Box 324 said she is against fluoridation in the water. She said that Europe does not allow fluoridation in the water. She referred to studies that compare fluoridated cities with non-fluoridated and she says there is not a difference in cavities. She also spoke regarding the source of the fluoride in the water and asked where is it mined and what the results are of testing for any impurities. She firmly believes that we have the right to access to un-medicated drinking water. If someone wants to fluoridate,why can't they take it in a vitamin? 0:20:57 Erin.Robbins, Public Comment Ms. Robbins of 620 East ? said the awareness of fluoridation in the Country is growing. This is not something you can dose, and exposure is all over the map. Ms. Robbins asked who would be held accountable if someone gets sick. 0:22:20 Tyler Waltston, High Street,Public Comment Mr. Waltston of 285 High East Street in Belgrade said he appreciated all the people here giving their time to bring this issue to a debate. Fluoridation was passed in the '50s and '60's but he asked how many of the studies were in conjunction with fluoride in toothpaste. He asked if this is a medication for medical reasons, shouldn't medical grade fluoride be used. 99.5% of the water 3 of 12 Bozeman Commission Minutes for March 26, 2012 that we do not drink is fluoridated and he asked where that fluoride goes. Mr. Waltston spoke further about his views on this issue. 0:25:36 Dr. Bill Fraser, Public Comment Dr. Fraser of? is a dentist that practiced in Bozeman from 1975 to 2011. He spoke regarding raising his children on the Bozeman water supply and being very happy as that benefitted them greatly. Fluoridation of water has been used in the United States for 60 years and has proven out to be a very effective and safe product. He spoke regarding a large number of professional organizations that endorse fluoridation. He said two-thirds of the United States water supply is fluoridated. Dr. Fraser said when he was president of the Montana Dental Association he sponsored a forum addressing the issue of access to care and rampant dental decay. They found that education and nutrition along with fluoridation helped to greatly decrease the amount of decay. He spoke further about his views in support of fluoridation in the water. 0:28:13 Dr. Danielle Sweeterman, Pub_lic Comment Dr. Sweeterman of 3201 Laredo Drive is a Bozeman dentist and spoke in favor of public water fluoridation. She said she has been doing school screenings at a number of the areas in Bozeman and outside of Bozeman in Montana and there is an appreciable notice in the condition of the teeth of children in Bozeman with fluoridated water and condition of teeth of children who do not have public fluoridated water with much more decay happening in children outside of the Bozeman water supply. 0:29:11 Mary Cates Public Comment Ms. Cates of 125 Sypes Canyon Road, said she is a survivor of the Grand Rapids Michigan Fluoridation Study. She says she was poisoned in the 1950's and her uncle was one of the primary administrators of the Public Health Department giving credence to the study. Ms. Cates said the experiment was to see how much poisonous fluoride a population could absorb and not have immediate affects. She said her uncle felt guilty when he saw the physical ramifications of the study in his own family. Ms. Cates listed health problems her family has experienced. She spoke in detail regarding this study and the political campaign she says was used to cover things up. Ms. Cates asked that the Commission consider their ability to stop fluoridating in Bozeman. 0:33:12 Leslie Crotheir,Public Comment Ms. Grotheir, ?Michael Grove Road spoke regarding other factors that go into dental health besides fluoride in the water such as diet, access to dental care, fluoride in toothpaste and education. She spoke regarding redirecting the cost of fluoridation towards other dental health efforts for children and lower income populations that does not violate the constitutional rights of citizens of Bozeman. She listed other cities in Montana that do not fluoridate. She also spoke regarding the lack of dosage control with fluoride in the water. She says she cannot put a system in her home that will 100%remove fluoride from the water and mentioned that there are other ways to get fluoride. 0:35:50 Jeremy Wilson Public Comment Mr. Wilson of 3131 ? in Bozeman said he and his wife own their own business affiliated with a Japanese health care technology company and he has put a great deal of research into health and wellness. He advocates for Healthy Child, Healthy World whose mission is to educate communities about toxins in the environment. He spoke regarding a World Health Organization 4of12 Bozeman Commission Minutes for March 26, 2012 report that babies are born with over 2,000 chemicals in their body in the United States on Average. Mr. Wilson then spoke further about studies from the EPA that says many pharmaceuticals are in the drinking supply. He asked what is being done to prevent those pharmaceuticals from entering the water supply. Mr. Wilson's main concern is that we are already being administered pharmaceuticals and we are adding more chemicals to it. He spoke regarding absorption of chemicals through skin contact and spoke further about pharmaceutical use. 0:39:36 Rvbert_Branson,Public Comment Mr. Branson of 403 South 3rd spoke regarding leaders trying to do the best they know how for their community but that sometimes further scientific study has shown some decisions to not be in the best interest of the community. He spoke regarding differences between studies done by corporations and those not done by corporations. Mr. Branson spoke regarding other chemicals that we thought were safe that we learned later were not safe. Mr. Branson shared his views further saying the idea is not whether fluoride is good or bad but whether the city has a right to force fluoride on individuals. 0:42:42 Ellen Visser, Public Comment Ms. Visser of 307 South Black, a recent college graduate with an interest in science and public health spoke in favor of fluoridation in the water and said it would be a major disappointment if Bozeman decided to take it out of the water supply. 0:43:13 Dr. Susan Daniels,Public Comment Dr. Daniels is a pediatrician at Acorn Pediatrics, 280 West Kagy Boulevard. Dr. Daniels said she was speaking on behalf of herself, all the pediatricians and nurse practitioners in their group and the 4,000 kids in the Gallatin Valley that call their practice their medical home. She spoke in favor of fluoridation in the water saying that every time they see kids for well child appointments they check their oral health. They see a very stark difference between those children that drink Bozeman fluoridated water and those who do not have access to fluoridated water. The kids that have fluoridation in the water have much less tooth decay and much less severe tooth decay. Tooth decay in small children causes a lot of suffering. She spoke further about what they are seeing. She spoke in favor of fluoridation in the water supply. 0:45:31 Amy Kevin,Public Comment Ms. Kevin of 213 North Plum Avenue said she is a holistic health and nutrition student. She spoke regarding differences between sodium fluoride which is what is placed in the water supply and the essential mineral calcium fluoride which is present in hard water. She said sodium fluoride is a bi-product of fifty industries including mining and the nuclear industry. She spoke regarding accumulation of sodium fluoride in the body causing toxicity and listed associated diseases and symptoms and risks within society. She said calcium fluoride is found naturally in nature and is more soluble and less toxic than sodium fluoride. She spoke regarding cities that have ended their fluoride programs. She listed the cities in Montana that are fluoride free. She asked that the Commission discontinue the fluoride program. 0:48:43 Doctor Jason Tanzuay, Public comment Dr. Tanguay of 72 Kimball Avenue thanked the Commission for listening. Dr. Tanguay spoke regarding the question of concentration. Fluoride is naturally occurring in Bozeman's water 5of12 Bozeman:Commission Minutes for March 26, 2012 supply and what we are adding is even less than what is naturally occurring in some communities in Gallatin County and the city is just boosting the fluoride level to a level for optimum health. Dr. Tanguay said he is a father and is thankful his daughter can grow up in a fluoridated community. He further spoke regarding growing up in a community without fluoridation and having a mouthful of dental decay. He is one of the few providers that sees children in the Bozeman area that have Medicaid insurance and does work under general anesthesia on children with rampant tooth decay on all their teeth. He spoke about the suffering they go through and said that tooth decay is the number one reason for school absences. Dr. Tanguay spoke regarding the risks of general anesthesia, and how these surgeries could be completely avoidable with a minor public health effort(fluoridation). 0:51:15 Richard Shafsky,Public Comment Richard Shafsky of? Sypes Canyon Road read from the Merck manual and Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine which refers to sodium fluoride as a poison. Mr. Shafsky referred to and submitted 50 peer reviewed articles that have citations to sodium fluoride. Mr. Shafsky said the articles say sodium fluoride is dangerous to our health. He then spoke regarding drug facts posted on fluoride toothpaste packages. Mr. Shafsky asked the Commission to reconsider water fluoridation. 0:54:59 Chrissie Deboer,Public Comment Ms. Deboer of?Michael Grove said she is against fluoridation in the Bozeman water system saying fluoride is a medication and she should be able to choose what she puts into her body. She said she has the condition hypoadrenalism. For this condition she must drink pure water free of fluoride as the heavy medals in fluoride make her medical condition more severe. She spoke regarding a study from the Journal of the American Dental Association from 2009 that she says proves there is no significant difference in rates of tooth decay. She believes whether the Commission members are for or against fluoridation she would like all the citizens to be able to choose for themselves. 0:57:49 Mara Boustadt,Public Comment Ms. Boustead of 4239 East Baseline Road, Belgrade began by quoting Martin Luther King Jr. She then spoke saying that fluoride does not prevent, stop or cure disease. She provided the symptoms and medical problems of skeletal fluorosis and spoke regarding the different stages of the disease. Ms. Boustead said that early stages are hard to recognize and cases are often misdiagnosed as other diseases. She read further about this disease. Ms. Boustead referred to the high sugar content in American diets. She said teeth can be fixed, but arthritis cannot. She spoke further about being forced to drink fluoride and wanting to make her own choices. 1:02:15 Dr. Jane Gillette,Public Comment Dr. Gillette of 108 Village Downtown Blvd said she is representing the American Dental Association,the Montana Dental Association the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and herself. She is a scientific consultant and health policy consultant to the organizations mentioned along with several others. As a clinical dentist she takes care of the most vulnerable persons in society primarily outside of Bozeman because of the healthy population here, in part due to community water fluoridation. Dr. Gillette explained what her day is like working on severe dental decay in babies and small children in places like Glendive where the water is not fluoridated. She said that simple things like brushing, reducing sugar and community water 6of12 Bozeman Commission Minutes for March 26, 2012 fluoridation can greatly improve the health of these vulnerable children. She also spoke regarding visiting senior citizens that grew up before fluoridation and who now do not have any teeth and how debilitating that can be. Dr. Gillette said fluoride is safe and effective and said 3000 large, independent population health studies back that up and that it naturally occurs in the water. If you are strongly against community water fluoridation there are affective filters you can install in your home. 1:05:27 Hans Dec, Public Comment Mr. Dec (no address stated) said he would like to help motivate the Commission to make the correct decision. Mr. Dec read statements from the city of Bozeman website about safe drinking water and livability, saying those statements was laughable. He then read out of the Montana Constitution, article 2, section 3. He does not feel the issue is teeth or fluoride. Mr. Dec said the issue is that the Commission is responsible to operate under the constitution. He read the Montana Recall Act from the Constitution and said he would hold the Commissioners accountable. 1:09:14 Chanae Hole,Public Comment Ms. Hole of 816 North 17th said she is a registered nurse in the state and she does not give medications to people that do not want them. The choice is up to the patient. Fluoride is a medication and she personally does not want it in her water and she should be respected to make her own choice. Each individual should have the right to say no. She spoke further regarding these views. 1:11:28 Joy Baker,Public Comment Ms. Baker of North 4th Avenue said we are not talking about naturally occurring fluoride that is being added to the water but rather hydrofluosilicic acid, a toxic waste compound. She said water filters do not take fluoride out of water. Ms. Baker said that many dental authorities disagree with each other on this topic. She read a statement from the website of a local dentist that says fluoride is only helpful topically. Ms. Baker further spoke about fluoride as a toxic poison and said the bottom line is that the city does not have the right to mass medicate citizens and spoke further about these views. 1:14:40 Neil,Public Comment Neil (did not state last name or address) said in relation to fluoride,the issue is beyond drinking and was used in the 30's for hyper thyroidism as a bath. He said the American Dental Association is against using fluoridated water in formula for babies. He read statements from several groups and cited studies regarding fluoride. 1:18:12 Wolf. Public Comment Wolf(did not state last name or full address) of Rifle Road said over 400 communities have stopped putting fluoride within water. He then spoke regarding the Nazi Germany Nuremberg Trials referring specifically to the Doctors Trial that found fluoridation as poisoning. Wolf then said the city is violating the Code of Federal Regulations issued by the US Dept. Health and Public Services by forcing water on the citizens that is fluoridated and are therefore committing a crime against the Department of Health and Public Services. Mr. Wolf referred to the ten great public health achievements from 1900 to 1999. Mr. Wolfe said the CDC has changed the level of fluoride down. He quoted statements from the CDC website about long term, high exposure to 7of12 Bozeman Commission Minutes for March 26, 2012 fluoride and statements against using fluoridated water in baby formula. Mr. Wolf said the World Health Organization has said high doses destroy teeth and accumulate in bones leading to crippling skeletal diseases. He then spoke regarding the level of fluoride in the water and further stated his views on this issue. 1:22:39 Public Comment Closed Seeing no further public comment, Mayor Becker closed public comment. 1:22:49 Mayor Becker Mayor Becker said the Commission is looking forward to having a noticed discussion on this item, but it is not noticed on this evening, so they will not be discussing it from the Commission dais. He thanked everyone for coming and said he appreciates their time. 1:24:04 G. Action Items 1:24:05 1. Spring Creek Village Resort Lot 4 Zone Map Amendment Request for Continuation,Application No. Z-11002, Iocated northeast of the intersection of Huffine Lane and Resort Drive (Saunders) 1:24:09 Chris Saunders, Planning Department Mr. Saunders provided the staff presentation on this item saying he would request that this item be opened and continued to June 4th. 1:25:37 Public Comment Mayor Becker opened public comment on this item. Seeing none, he closed public comment. 1:25:52 Motion to continue the public hearing for a zone map amendment on application Z- 11002 until June 4, 2012 as alternatives addressing concerns requires additional time. It was moved by Cr. Krauss, seconded by Cr. Andrus to continue the public hearing for a zone map amendment on application Z-11002 until June 4 2012 as alternatives addressin concerns requires additional time. Those voting Aye being Crs. Krauss, Andrus, Mehl, Taylor and Mayor Becker. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 1:26:55 2. Resolution No. 4370, declaring the Powder Horn Sporting Goods signs at 35 and 37 East Main Street as historically significant, Application No. Z12014 (Kramer) 1:27:10 Courtney Kramer, Historic Preservation Officer Ms. Kramer provided the staff presentation on this item. 1:34:14 The Commission began questions for staff. 1:34:21 Ms. Kramer Ms. Kramer responding to a question from Cr. Ands listed the signs in Bozeman that are historically significant. 8of12 Bozeman Commission Minutes for March 26, 2012 1:36:46 Charlie Franklin, on behalf of the Applicant Mr. Franklin from Prugh and Lenon Architects provided the presentation on behalf of the applicant. 1:37:39 The Commission began questions for the applicant. 1:39:45 Public Comment Mayor Becker opened public comment. Seeing none, he closed public comment. 1:40:03 Motion to approve Rcsolution 4370, declaring two Powder Horn Sporting Goods signs as historically significant and exempt from the sign area requirements of the Sign Code and authorizing issuance of a sign permit. It was moved by Cr. Andrus, seconded by Cr. Mehl to approve Resolution 4370, declaring two Powder Horn Sporting Goods signs as historically significant and exempt from the sign area requirements of the Sign Code and authorizing issuance of a sign permit 1:40:23 Commission discussion on the motion. 1:44:37 Cr. Taylor Cr. Taylor provided findings on the motion. 1:54:18 Vote on the motion to approve Resolution 4370, declaring two Powder Horn Sporting Goods signs as historically significant and exempt from the sign area re uirements of the Sign Code and authorizing issuance of a sin permit. Those votine Ave being Crs. Andrus,Mchl, Taylor, and Mayor Becker. Those voting No being Cr. Krauss. The motion passed 4-1 with Cr. Krauss opposed. 1:54:38 Motion to direct staff to come back to the Commission addressing the issues that Ms. Kramer spoke about specifically the criteria when it comes to historic signage. The definition of historical. It was moved b Cr. Andrus seconded by Cr. Taylor to direct staff to come back to the Commission addressing the issues that Ms. Kramer spoke about specifically the criteria when it comes to historic signage. The definition of historical. 1:54:51 Commission discussion on the motion. 2:03:58 Vote on the motion to direct staff to come back to the Commission addressing the issues that Ms. Kramer spoke about specifically the criteria when it comes to historic signage. The definition of historical. Those voting Aye being Crs. Andrus Taylor, Krauss and Mayor Becker. Those votinst No being Cr. Mehl. The motion passed 4-1 with Cr. Mchl opposed. 9of12 Bozeman Commission Minutes for March 26, 2012 2:04:18 Break Mayor Becker called for a break. 2:20:45 Meeting Called back to order. Mayor Bccker called the meeting back to order after break. 2:21:51 3. Montana Ale Works Restaurant at 611 East Main Street Outdoor Patio Seating Area/On-Premise Consumption of Alcohol Conditional Use Permit Application No. Z-12017 (Quasi-Judicial) (Bristor) 2:21:54 Allyson Bristor, Planning Department Ms. Bristor provided the staff presentation on this item. 2:27:30 The Commission began questions for staff. 2:30:11 Albert McDonald Applicant Mr. McDonald, General Manager and one of the owners of Montana Ale Works, and partner in MTH Partners spoke on behalf of the applicant. 2:33:00 Commission questons for staff. 2:38:44 Public Comment Mayor Becker opened public comment, seeing none, the Mayor closed public comment. 2:38:57 Motion, discussion and vote. 2:39:06 Commission questions for staff. 2:42:09 Motion to approve Conditional Use Permit application Z-12017 as described in the staff report omitting condition number 2 and subject to the revised conditions therein, based on a finding of compliance with all applicable criteria. It was moved by Cr. Mehl, seconded by Cr. Taylor to approve Conditional Use Permit application Z-12017 as described in the staff report omitting condition number 2 and subiect to the revised conditions_therein, based on a finding of compliance with all applicable criteria. 2:42:13 Discussion on the motion. 2:43:34 Vote on the motion to approve Conditional Use Permit application Z-12017 as described in the staff report omitting condition number 2 and subject to the revised conditions therein, based on a finding of compliance with all applicable criteria. Those voting Aye being Crs. Mehl, Taylor, Krauss,Andrus and Mayor Becker. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 10 of 12 Bozeman Commission Minutes for March 26, 2012 2:44:13 4. Bridger Industrial Park at 2304 North Seventh Avenue Zoning Sign Variance Application No. C-12001 (Quasi-Judicial) (Krueger) 2:44:43 Brian Krueger, Associate Planner in the Department of Planning and Community Development Mr. Krueger provided the staff presentation on this item. 2:53:49 The Commission began questions for staff. 2:55:28 Kevin Black,Applicant Mr. Black spoke on behalf of the applicant. 3.00:23 Commission questions for the Applicant. 3:02:02 Public Comment Mayor Becker opened public comment. Seeing none, Mayor Becker closed public comment. 3:02:23 Motion that having reviewed the application, considered public comment and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application C-12001 and move to approve the requested zoning variances to Sections 38.28.060.A.1 and 38.28.060.A.1.a with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. It was moved by Cr. Taylor, seconded by Cr. Krauss that having reviewed the application, considered public comment and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application C-12001 and move to approve the requested zoning variances to Sections 38.28.060.A.1 and 38.28.060.A.1.a with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. 3:03:01 Commission discussion on the motion. 3:06:20_Vote on the motion that having reviewed the application, considered public comment and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application C-12001 and move to approve the requested zoning variances to Sections 38.28.060.A.1 and 38.28.060.A.1.a with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. Those voting Ave being Crs. Taylor, Krauss Andrus, Mehl and Mavor Becker. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 3:06:36 5. Appointments to the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board (Kissel) 3:06:39 Motion to appoint Karen Milledge Farr and Alan En_gelbart to the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board. It was moved by Cr. Taylor, seconded by Cr. Andrus to appoint Karen Milledge Farr and Alan Engelbart to the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board. 11 of 12 Bozeman Commission Minutes for March 26, 2012 3:07:05 Discussion on the motion. 3:08:32 Vote on the motion to appoint Karyn Milledge Farr and Alan Engelbart to the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board. Those voting Ave being Crs. Taylor,Andrus Krauss Mehl and Mayor Becker. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 3:08:49 G. FYI I Discussion 3:08:50 1. Public Works Title versus Public Services Director Title City Manager Kukulski asked for feedback from the Commissioners about this title as the city recruits for a new Public Works Director. 3:10:17 2. Fluoride Discussion The Commission and staff discussed agenda dates that may be available to discuss the issue of community water fluoridation. The Mayor placed this agenda item on the draft agenda of April 23rd. 3:21:16 3. Storm Water Utility Assistant to the City Manager Chuck Winn announced that during budget presentations the staff will be presenting.a Storm Water Utility. Mr. Winn would like a policy discussion with the Commission scheduled for sometime in April. 3:22:13 4. Economic Development Summit Successful Economic Development Director Brit Fontenot announced that the 2nd annual Economic Development Summit was a success. He explained this Economic Development Council event was co-sponsored with the Rocky Mountain Economic Development District, Gallatin County and Prospera. They had 15 panel members and over 100 participants. Mr. Fontenot said the Summit was recorded and will be posted on the website. 3:23:22 5. TEDX Conference Cr. Andrus said she went to the TEDX Conference which was a very good event. 3:23:50 H. A' " ' mgnt Mayor Becker adjoi dd e` e 'rrg at 9:27 p.m. ean A. Becker, Mayor ATTEST: e � 4 Stacy Ulmen, M ' i CieY,,%O ' N CO PREPARED BY: �p Aimee Idissel, Deputy Ci Clerk Approved on qC-)AAa 12 of 12