HomeMy WebLinkAbout12- IT Director Recruitment Professional Services Agreement with Prothman -PRACYMA44N January 30, 2012 May 17, 2012 - REVISION Mr. Chris Kukulski City Manager City of Bozeman 121 North Rouse Avenue - P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 Dear Mr. Kukulski, Thank you for your confidence in Prothman to assist the City of Bozeman in the recruitment for its next IT Director. The following represents a scope of work for this search and associated professional fees and expenses. f SCOPE OF SERVICES - Sourcing Only, Plus Screening & Final Interviews Project Review The first step will be to review the following topics: ♦ Review the scope of work and design the recruitment to fit your needs Review the project schedule ♦ Identify the geographic scope of the search (local, regional or national) ♦ Review the compensation package and decide if a salary survey is needed Information Gathering and Research (Soliciting Input) Our goal is to thoroughly understand the preferred candidate qualifications, as well as the values and culture of Bozeman. To accomplish this we will: ♦ Meet with city manager& staff via telephone conference Review all documents related to the IT Director position Position Profile Development (Identifying the Ideal Candidate) Once we have a firm understanding of the preferred candidate qualifications and the values, culture and challenges of your organization, we will develop a profile of your ideal candidate. Profiles include the following: ♦ A description of the ideal candidate's qualifications ♦ Organization-specific information ♦ Community-specific information ♦ Compensation package details ♦ Information on how to apply Recruitment and Advertising Strategy (Locating Qualified Candidates) We will design an effective recruitment and advertising strategy to identify and reach the candidates who are best suited for the position. Our recruitment strategy involves the following: 206,368.0050 4 371 NE Gilman Blvd., Suite 350 Issaquah,WA 98027 a www.prothman.com ♦ Print and Internet-based Ads placed in professional publications, journals and on related websites ♦ Direct Mail Recruitment Brochures sent directly to hundreds of highly qualified IT Directors who are not actively searching ♦ Direct Contact Calls placed directly to IT Directors that we personally know ♦ Posting the Position Profile on the Prothman website Deliver Application Pack is VVe will review the appiiGatieRS f9F MiRiMHM G[UallfiGatiGHS and sort them iRte 3 Pi!8S� Re'S, yes's & maybe's. We will then shop all appliGatiGR materials to BezemaR- vVeWill GGRt@Gt the appliG@RtS ef their status UpeR PeGeiViRg that inferFnation from BezemaR- Candidate Screening The screening process has 3 key steps: 1) Application Review: Using the Position Profile as our guide, we will screen the candidates for qualifications based on the resumes, applications, and supplemental questions (to determine a candidate's writing skills, analytical abilities and communication style). 2) Personal Interviews: We will conduct videoconference or in-person interviews with the top 8 to 15 candidates and we will also conduct a publication search on these candidates. 3) Work Session: We will prepare a detailed report on each candidate which will include all application materials and the results of the personal interviews and publication search. We will advise you of the candidates meeting the qualifications, our knowledge of them, and their strengths and weaknesses relative to fit within your organization. We will give you our recommendations and then work with you to identify the top 4 to 6 candidates to invite to the final interviews. We will discuss the planning and design of the final interview process. Final interview Process The Final Interview Process includes the design of the process as well as completing key steps before the actual interviews take place. Each of these steps is described below: ♦ Design of the Final Interviews The design of the final interviews is an integral component towards making sure that all stakeholders have the opportunity to learn as much as possible about each candidate. Elements of the design process include: • Deciding on the Structure of the Interviews • Deciding on Candidate Travel Expenses • Identifying Interview Panel Participants (if desired by the City) • Identifying Panel Facilitators Background Checks Prior to the final interviews, we will conduct a background check on each of the finalist candidates. If a "red flag" is found, we will work diligently to either verify that the issue is serious enough to eliminate the candidate from further consideration or be able to fully explain the issue to your satisfaction. Background checks include the following: MAN • References • Education Verification • Criminal History, Driving Record Check and Sex Offender Check * Candidate Travel Coordination For those candidates who will be traveling to the final interviews, we will coordinate the travel arrangements. ♦ Final Interview Binders Final Interview Binders are the tool that keeps the final interview process organized and ensures that all interviewers are "on the same page" when it comes to evaluating each candidate. ♦ Interviews with Candidates The interview process usually begins with a morning briefing where schedule and process will be discussed with all those involved in the interviews. Each candidate will go through a series of 1 hour interview sessions, with an hour break for lunch. Panelist & Decision Makers Debrief: After the interviews are complete, we will facilitate a debrief with all panel participants where each panel facilitator will report the panel's view of the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate interviewed. The decision makers will also have an opportunity to ask panelists questions. ♦ Candidate Evaluation Session: After the debrief, we will facilitate the evaluation process, help the decision makers come to consensus, discuss next steps, and organize any additional candidate referencing or research if needed. ♦ Facilitate Employment Agreement: Once the top candidate has been selected, we will offer any assistance needed in developing a letter of offer and negotiating terms of the employment agreement. ♦ Repeat the Recruitment (if needed): Should a top candidate not be chosen, we will repeat the recruitment as many times as necessary to find you the "perfect" candidate. The only cost to you would be the expenses related to the additional search. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE FEE Q it fee fnr nrnfarainnnl onrviGeS in $7 C)CK) plus Cvrti �. Expenses are the responsibility of the City @Rd will be d'SGUBr,8d--'TV'iTirr�IT---'Clr'T�-;�C;'ty prior te expeRditure. Expense items include bHt are nGt limited e. ` Direct rw;ailjnRReu Ge%Rts Delivnry eXPeRSac Drinfinn of doGu.n;ents and materials a Anv nlinnf Feq iiFed IiGeRGeS fees er taXen ��' -rp--arrcn r-r�urrcazrvcn acT,-rcc a--in--ccmc� Professional Fee The professional fee for a full recruitment services is $15,000. Expenses Expenses vary depending on the design of the recruitment. We work diligently to keep expenses at a minimum and keep records of all expenditures. All expenses incurred for conducting the recruitment are the responsibility of the City. Expense items include but are not limited to: ♦ Newspaper, trade journal, websites and other advertising (approx. $1,000 - 1,600) ♦ Direct mail announcements (approx. $1,400 - 2,200) Delivery expenses (approx. $100 - 250) ♦ Final Interview Binders & printing of materials (approx. $300 - 700) ♦ Consultant travel and related expenses (approx. $700 - 1,200) ♦ Background checks performed by Sterling (approx. $75 per candidate) ♦ Any client-required licenses, fees or taxes ♦ Candidate travel expenses to the final interviews cannot be approximated because they vary depending on the number of candidates, how far the candidates travel, length of stay, if spouses are included, etc. We will coordinate and forward to the City the candidate's travel receipts for direct reimbursement to the candidate. A 3% charge will be added to all expenses which reflect city and state B&O tax obligations. Tlie ^RQeliveFy of the 2ppliGatieRs. Professional fees are billed in three equal installments during the course of the search. Expenses are billed monthly. GUARANTEE If the selected finalist is terminated for cause or resigns within one year from the employment date, we will conduct a replacement search with no additional professional fee. Cancellation You have the right to cancel the search at any time. Your only obligation would be the fees and expenses incurred prior to cancellation. *Prothman agrees not to discriminate in the fulfillment of the Agreement on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability. Accepted by: CITY OF BOZEMAN PROTHMAN - � -IS" 12 5/17/2012 Mr. Chris Kukulski Date Gre Prothman Date City Manager President -PWkYTHA4AN