HomeMy WebLinkAbout12- Energy Corps AmeriCorps Program Memorandum of Understanding Energy Corps NCAT Energy Corps AmeriCorps Program 2011-2012 Memorandum of Understanding The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)is to establish the basic guidelines, terms, conditions, and responsibilities for the participation of the Host Site in the National Center for Appropriate Technology's Energy Corps AmeriCorps Program. These guidelines and expectations are designed to ensure full coordination between Host Site organizations and the Energy Corps Program. Please review, print,complete,and sign two copies of this Memorandum of Understanding and return to the NCAT. Please address to NCAT,Attn: Holly Hill, 3040 Continental Drive, Butte, MT 59701. Host Site Organization: City of Bozeman Host Site Supervisor: Natalie Meyer Address: P.O. Box 1230, 121 N. Rouse, Bozeman, MT 59771 Telephone: 406-582-2317 Fax: 406-582-2344 E-mail: nmeyer @bozeman.net 1. Energy Corps Program Summary The purpose of the National Center for Appropriate Technology's (NCAT) Energy Corps program is to promote and create sustainable energy consumption, improve services to local communities, add value to organizations and agencies and provide Energy Corps members with a challenging and rewarding experience. Individuals committed to the concept of service in their communities and to the objectives of the Energy Corps program will be recruited to participate in the Energy Corps program and will be placed with approved host sites to carry out theirterm of service. IL The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) As primary funders and initiators of the Energy Corps program,the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) reserves the right to conduct program audits as needed. In the event of an audit, NCAT and the site where the member is serving (Host Site) agree to share financial information and supporting documentation with the CNCS auditor. It is the responsibility of the Host Site to retain agency specific documentation (i.e., partnership contract, member timesheets, in-kind tracking, and MOU). III. Partnership Goals NCAT and the host site will work in partnership to support and sustain comprehensive,community based strategies designed to educate, promote,and implement energy efficiency and renewable energy and thereby improve the quality of life for underserved citizens. Host site staff and NCAT agree to work together to achieve the program objectives outlined in the host site application. Creating sustainable energy solutions through community service I www.energycorps.com 3040 Continental Drive • P.O. Box 3835 • Butte, MT 59701• (406)494-4572o FAX(406)494-2905 Energy Corps MCAT It is the goal of NCAT and the hosts ite to provide each member with a quality service opportunity matching their interests,goals and transportation needs. Due to the nature of the Energy Corps program, NCAT program staff does not guarantee placement of a member at each host site.Assignments will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and host sites participating in the recruitment process will have a greater likelihood of receiving members. IV. Roles and Responsibilities NCAT will: • Provide recruitment assistance and training for Energy Corps members; • Provide technical assistance and support to strengthen host site partnership and goals; • Provide host site and site supervisor with necessary information to meet all program requirements; • Process AmeriCorps member living allowance for payment on the 7th and the 22"a of each month; • Process timesheets and monthly reports for each member and maintain member contract files; • Provide basic medical insurance coverage for the member, if eligible; • Provide on-going member support (at least one site visit per year, plus regular telephone and/or e-mail contact); • Communicate expectations and procedures pertaining to member performance and personnel issues; • Compile data for progress reporting, based on host site updates; • Initiate an end-of-year evaluation process to measure overall program success. Host site will: • Participate in site supervisor orientation; • Participate in member recruitment and selection; • Develop and monitor approved objectives forthe Energy Corps memberto accomplish; • Provide site orientation,training and support for Energy Corps member assigned to the site; • Designate an appropriate supervisorto supervise the corps member's day-to-day performance,as well as to evaluate the corps member and approve the corps member's time sheets (on a bi-weekly basis),service plans, and progress reports; • Complete a mid-term and end-of-term member evaluation that is shared with and signed by the member; • Ensure that members complete their required service hours during the term of service. Full-time members must complete a minimum of 1700 hours and half-time members a minimum of 900 hours; • Ensure that member's service time is allocated properly. An AmeriCorps member may spend no more than ten percent of his or her originally agreed-upon term of service performing fundraising activities and no more than twenty percent of service hours in training activities; • Energy Corps members that have recurring access to vulnerable populations throughout their service term must pass an FBI criminal history check. NCAT will initiate these checks prior to the member's start of service, however results may not come back before the member begins service at the host site. In this case, host sites must ensure that member is supervised while providing services to vulnerable populations; • Allow Energy Corps members to attend scheduled NCAT/AmeriCorps sponsored events,training sessions,and service projects; • Notify NCAT immediately if the Energy Corps member is injured,and take all reasonable and prudent steps to ensure the safety of the member while in service to your organization; + Provide the members with any resources and tools needed to perform effectively, including a workspace with computer and telephone access; • Read and understand the CNCS provisions, regulations and prohibited activities; • Not use an Energy Corps memberto displace any paid employee or current volunteer providing the same or similar service at the site, including any position for which a salary was paid within the last six-months; • Not offer Energy Corps members a salary or wage; A Creating sustainable energy solutions through community service ] www.energycorps.com ri 3040 Continental Drive • P.O. Box 3838 • Butte,MT 59701• (406)494-4572 • FAX(406)494-2905 Energy Corps NCAT • Certify that the host organization is a Drug-Free workplace and in compliance with the requirements for federal grant recipients under Section 5153 through 5158 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988; • Offer services without regard to age, religion,disability, political affiliation,veteran status,gender,sexual orientation, race, ethnicity,or national origin; • Notify NCAT in a timely manner of any problems with the members performance, including failure to report to the site, unprofessional behavior,drug violations,etc.; • Acknowledge that if it should be necessary to terminate a member or if a member resigns after completing more than 30% of his/her term,another member cannot be recruited in his/her place. Members who have completed less than 30%of their hours may be replaced, pending approval; • Identify members as AmeriCorps members at all times and utilize the AmeriCorps/ Energy Corps logos and names in any projects, correspondence, or events in which the member participates; • Obtain NCAT approval of any proposed changes to member assignments or duties before they are implemented. V. Prohibited Activities As an AmeriCorps program, Energy Corps members are restricted from certain activities while engaged in AmeriCorps service.These activities include, but are not limited to: religious instruction, political lobbying, fundraising and clerical functions outside of their own programming. NCAT will provide a complete list of prohibited activities, rules and regulations to the host site. Energy Corps members and host sites found to be in violation of the CNCS prohibited activities will be dismissed from the program immediately. While engaged in service at the host site, Energy Corps members are required to participate in direct service. Direct service is defined as hands-on service that addresses the environment, public safety,education and/or other unmet human needs. It is directly serving people, one-on-one,to make change,or doing work that is involved in making change. Vl. Liability Insurance and Indemnification The host site must provide general liability insurance for Energy Carps members assigned to the site,as they would other volunteers for their agency. This does not require the purchasing of additional insurance, but is to ensure that the host site does have adequate insurance in the event of an accident. The host site represents that it has secured, pays premiums for and shall keep in force adequate insurance until the expiration of the Energy Corps program, including bodily injury liability insurance and property damage liability insurance.All policies for liability protection, bodily injury or property damage shall cover Energy Corps members. The host site (City of Bozeman) shall indemnify,save, hold harmless and defend NCAT,AmeriCorps, and their employees and agents against any and all loss, damages, claims,expense or liability whatsoever, because of accident or injury to persons or property of others occurring in connection with the Energy Corps program on the premises of the host site or off premises if the site supervisor directs members to travel off-site. NCAT shall indemnify,save, hold harmless and defend the host site(City of Bozeman),AmeriCorps, and their employees and agents against any and all loss, damages, claims, expense or liability whatsoever, because of accident or injury to persons or property of others occurring in connection with the Energy Corps program on the premises of the host site or off premises if the site supervisor directs members to travel off-site. isCreating sustainable energy solutions through community service I www.energycorps.com 3040 Continental Drive • P,O. Box 3838 • Butte, MT 59701 • (406)494-4572 * FAX(406)494-2905 Energy Corps NCAT VII. Member Recruitment,Selection and Placement MCAT will work with host sites to develop member position descriptions. NCAT will use a variety of methods to recruit members and strives to recruit members locally. Host sites are encouraged to recruit their own members to ensure a good match.All candidate members will be evaluated and screened by NCAT. Current or former interns, program participants and family members/friends of staff can be good candidates.All potential members must complete an application (available online or in hard-copy format) and obtain two written references. When an application is submitted, candidates will be interviewed by NCAT's program staff. If the program staff determines that the applicant is qualified for the position, a second interview will be arranged between the applicant and the host site supervisor. Final placement occurs when both the applicant and host site agree to the match. NCAT will work with host applicants to fill all requests, however, acceptance of an application does not guarantee placement of a member. Openings will be filled as appropriate matches are made, until all slots are filled. VIII. Host Site Cost Share Each host site is required to provide a cash match for each AmeriCorps member placed at their agency/organization.The cost share must adhere to the following guidelines: • The cash match will be verifiable in the host sites accounting records. • The match will not be included as contributions for any other federally-assisted program. • If federal cash match is used for program operating costs,then the federal statute and/or implementing federal regulations for such federal cash must specifically indicate that such federal funds may be used to meet the cost sharing or matching requirements of another federal grant. If using federal funds as cash match, host site must receive approval from other federal agency. • Matching funds cannot be raised by the member. • The full cost share payment from host sites must be received within the first month of the member's start date. Host sites will be invoiced. Arrangements for an alternative payment schedule may be considered on a case by case basis. • Host site supervision and support are a crucial factor in member retention. Host sites are expected to do everything in their power to keep their member through their agreed upon term of service. In the event that a member is terminated or resigns from the program early,the host site cash match will be reimbursed on a pro- rated quarterly basis. If the member worked any part of the quarter, no reimbursement for that quarter will be given. Members who have completed less than 30%of their hours may be replaced, pending approval; however members completing more than 30%of their hours cannot be replaced. Cost Share Schedule Payment is due in full within the first month of the member's start date: Full-time member $12,000 Half-time member $7,000 Creating sustainable energy solutions through community service I www.energycorps.com 3040 Continental Drive • P.O. Box 3838• Butte, MT 59701• (406)494-4572 • FAX(406)494-2905 Energy Corps NCAT IX. Terms of Understanding The host site agrees to be in compliance with all applicable AmeriCorps rules, provisions and guidelines established at the federal,state and grantee levels as monitored by the Energy Corps program staff. Consequences for noncompliance may include repayment to the U.S. Government of funds that may have been improperly spent. NCAT staff reserves the right to terminate this agreement or remove the AmeriCorps member from the site at anytime. The AmeriCorps Host Site and the NCAT Energy Corps AmeriCorps program hereby acknowledge by their signatures that they have read, understood, and agreed to the terms of this document. ( x ) Full Time/1700 Hours ( ) Half Time/900 Hours $12,000 Number of members approved Total Amount Due to NCAT Ck,s A. KU,ko.L-s k► Host Site Director(printed) A - :� ?- r Z7 ~ 12- Host Site Director(signature) Date f-/— (4 4. f 4-Tc-<_ 3 Lcs 11 _ Energy Corps 6ogram Director(signature) Date VAg jl� CAT Executive Director I ature) Date A Creating sustainable energy solutions through community service I www.energycorps,com 3040 Continental Drive a P.O. Box 3838+ Butte, MT 5970 • (406)494-4572a FAX(406)494-2905