HomeMy WebLinkAbout12- Crowley Fleck Engagement Letter (Agreement) re: Employee Benefits CROWLEY FLECK ,, ATTORNEYS Mark A. Sletto P. O. Box 759 Kalispell, MT 59903-0759 406-752-6644 msletto @crowleyfleck.com February 23, 2012 SENT VIA E-Mail (CKukulski@bozeman.net) City of Bozeman Attn: Chris Kukulski, City Manager P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 Re: Revised Engagement Letter: Employee Benefits Dear Mr. Kukulski: As discussed with Kristy Buckley, this is a revised engagement letter to cover additional employee benefit legal services and adjust our rates. This letter will confirm the fee agreement between the City of Bozeman ("Client(s)/you/your/City"), and Crowley Fleck PLLP ("Attorneys/we/us") and the scope of the Attorneys' representation with respect to the above- entitled matter. Experience has shown that our relationship will be stronger if we start it with a mutual understanding about fees and their payment. By agreeing to the terms stated in this letter, Client has retained Attorneys to advise it regarding employee benefits, with specific advice related to design and operations for compliance with the Internal Revenue Code (IRC), including related Treasury Regulations, regulations by the Department of Labor, and other federal and state laws, as applicable, including: I. Consultation regarding a cafeteria plan; 2. Consultation regarding a housing stipend fringe benefit; 3. Consultation regarding health insurance premium treatment; 4. Consultation regarding a sick leave incentive program; 5. Consultation regarding any tax-qualified retirement plans (e.g. Section 403(b) Plan); and, 6. Consultation regarding any non-qualified retirement plans (e.g. Section 457 Plan). Since we are not your general counsel, our acceptance of this engagement does not involve an undertaking to represent you or your interests in any other matter. You may limit or expand the B I L L I N G 5 B I S M A R C K B O Z E M A N H E L E N A K A L 1 5 P E L L M 1 5 5 0 U L A W I L L I S T O N C R O W L E Y F L E C K C O M City of Bozeman Engagement Letter February 23, 2012 Page 2 of 4 scope of our representation from time to time, provided that we must agree to any substantial expansion in writing. After completion of the matter, changes may occur in the applicable laws and regulations that could have an impact upon your future rights and liabilities. Unless you engage us after completion of the matter to provide additional advice on issues arising from the matter, Attorneys have no continuing obligation to advise you with respect to future legal developments. Attorneys agree to use their best professional efforts to prepare and pursue the matter to ultimate conclusion. Our fees will be based primarily on the amount of time spent by lawyers and legal assistants. We may, however, adjust the charge downward or upward based on other factors such as the novelty or complexity of the issues and problems encountered, the results achieved, the efficiency of our work, the customary fees for similar legal services, and other factors which will enable us to arrive at a fair fee. For the attorneys who are primarily responsible for your matter, we have agreed to provide you with a 20% discount from our standard rates, but not lower than a rate of $185. The lawyers and other legal assistants who will be primarily responsible for this matter are listed below with their corresponding hourly rates: Standard Your Discounted Rates MWOMMIL- Mark A. Sletto MAS Attorney $315 $252 Sarah A. Loble SAL Attorney $280 $224 Kristy Buckley KLB Attorney $225 $185 Diane R. Lukin DRL Attorney $185 $185 If other Attorneys associated with the firm work on this matter, you will be billed at their hourly rates. Our hourly rates range from $385.00 for our most experienced partners to $100.00 for our least experienced legal assistants. The hourly rates mentioned above may increase periodically, generally at the beginning of a calendar year. Attorneys will make every effort to insure that time is not duplicated and that only necessary time is spent on the file. In addition to the time of the Attorneys listed above, Client will be charged for out of pocket expenses such as mileage, long distance telephone charges, fax charges, photocopying costs, delivery charges, computer research charges and similar charges. All such costs, expenses and disbursements, including filing fees, travel fees, fees of service, fees for expert consultants, and expenses of administrative proceedings, among others, shall be paid by Client. It is generally not the firm's policy to advance substantial cost items in excess of$250.00. Substantial cost items in excess of that amount may be forwarded directly to Client for prompt payment. We will provide you with monthly statements listing the fees and costs incurred during that billing cycle. Payment is due on receipt of the statement. Interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum will be charged on any account balance that remains unpaid after thirty (30) days following the date the statement is mailed to you. If any statement remains unpaid for more than City of Bozeman Engagement Letter February 23, 2412 Page 4 of 4 interest disclosed herein and to consent to the firm's representation of the City in connection with employee benefits. Both the City and the Adverse Clients understand and acknowledge that the firm will represent the City to the best of its ability. The City and the Adverse Clients understand and acknowledge that the firm will maintain all confidences of its respective clients, and none of the parties have any expectation that the firm will share confidential information received from one client with the other client, no matter how pertinent that information may be. By signing in the places indicated below and returning the duplicate of this letter, the City, by and through its authorized representative, formally consents to this firm's representation of the Adverse Clients, and formally waives all rights to assert a conflict of interest or any claims arising from that conflict of interest in the firm's representation of the Adverse Clients with regard to other matters. Please call me if you have any questions about our arrangement. I look forward to working with you. If this agreement is satisfactory to you, please sign and return the original of this letter and retain a copy for your files. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at any time. Sincerely yours, CROW LEY FLECK PLLP .A"i /� Zrv�--D Mark A. Sletto K.LB/wma Enclosure I acknowledge and agree to the foregoing terms and scope of representation by Crowley Fleck PLLP described in this letter. i Dated this -{ day ofO.C'C�1 , 2012. Chris Kukulski City Manager City of Bozeman City of Bozeman Engagement Letter February 23,2012 Page 3 of 4 ninety (90) days, we may, consistent with our ethical obligations and judicial requirements, suspend performing services for you until arrangements satisfactory to us have been made for payment of outstanding statements and the payment of future fees and expenses. Client has the right to terminate its relationship with Attorneys at any time by notifying us in writing of your intention to do so. Attorneys may withdraw as your counsel for any just reason, including non-payment of fees or costs, by notifying you in writing. if Attorneys withdraw as counsel or if Client elects to terminate our services, Attorneys will take reasonable steps to protect your rights until you are able to seek other counsel. Termination of our services will not affect Client's responsibility for payment of outstanding statements and accrued fees and costs incurred before termination or incurred thereafter in connection with an orderly transition of the matter. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as a promise or guarantee about the outcome of the matter or the fees and costs that may be incurred. Attorneys make no such promises or guarantees, and any lawyer's comments about the outcome of this case are purely expressions of opinion. Special Consent to Existing and Future Conflicts Our firm represents a large number of diverse clients some of whom may from time to time have reason to be adverse to the City on matters unrelated to our representation of the City. Such matters may include, without limitation, commercial transactions, zoning disputes, property rights, regulatory compliance, or other litigation or transactional matters. As a condition of our agreement to represent the City in this matter, the City agrees that our representation of the City in this matter will not disqualify our firm from opposing the City in such other matters that are unrelated to the subject matter of this representation, and the City consents to and waives any conflict of interest with respect to those other representations in which our clients are or may become adverse to the City. We agree, however, not to use any proprietary or other confidential information of a nonpublic nature concerning the City that is acquired by us as a result of our representation of the City to the City's material disadvantage in connection with any litigation or other matter in which we are opposed to the City. Since our firm currently represents a number of clients who are adverse to the City with respect to certain unrelated matters ("Adverse Clients"), we are able to engage in this representation of the City only if both the City and our the Adverse Clients consent to our representation of the City and if all parties waive any conflict of interest that may be presented. Our firm has not and will not be representing other clients in connection with the City of Bozeman employee benefits. After considering all relevant factors, the firm reasonably believes that it can engage in the representation of the City with respect to the employee benefits without limiting its representation and without adversely effecting its ongoing representation of Adverse Clients in any existing matters. The firm further believes that its client relationships with the City and Adverse Clients will not be adversely affected by this engagement. The City and the Adverse Clients have agreed with these conclusions and have further agreed to waive the conflict of