HomeMy WebLinkAboutLocal Government Survey for the Bozeman Study Commission in 1975 of a local- GOvern-lent Survey LJ Conducted for 111-he .So zcr;,an Cit,,­ S t ad,-v Ci oiL.fnils si oyl oil LO c 0.1 Gov eryr.-.aent JUly 19'71-- 1 -, 2,�c':no-wled:7,-ement: This survey -uas con- - by -thirty--three !�Ion-tlayia State University students Iiho were enrolled .L-n the cour3e zoli,160ical Science 311 (Afjaj7FSiS of Political 3ehavi or) . The 3''-Tvey was candl.icted ft-r-inE ,Sp rind; U Quar ter of 1.075 under the su-pervision of 2rU,,k Dry,?n, :mead. of I_U-he Depart- mcnt of 1`01itical Science at Montana 1i� ,:)Oata University. The Bozeman City E') UL -- ?c!77- Com.�issio_n Eratefully acknowle cs this assistance. CD TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE Page 1 Sectional Map of the City of Bozeman Page la I. General Biographical & SES Information Page 2 II. Political Information page 5 III. Respondent 's Political Participation Page 6 IV. Assessment of Services page 7 V. Local Government Structure Page 10 VI. Political Efficacy Page 12 VII. Citizen Duty Scale Page 13 VIII. General Orientation to Government & Politics Page 14 P R E F A C E Results of the questionnaires were coded and run through the Montana State University computer. Results are listed in three columns. The first column of figures represents the number of people responding to a particular question. There were ¢11 people responding to the questionnaire. The second comumn represents the relative frequency or percent of people who responded to the question. The third column represents the adjusted frequency or percent. This percent is calculated by deleting the missing observations. Pissing observations are indicated by 'INA" (no answer) . The questions are stated as given to inter- viewees except for a few minor editorial changes. .Respondents for the most part lived in the City of Bozeman. Those few who did not lived within the 3.5 mile jurisdictional, area. _1_ CITY QF Revised= Feb,,1975 BOZEMAN MONTANR 4 � tv a yfi Drive 9p� v g1+aotc nrl;n Drive Hills d• Lane ___Bailor_ C Oak — 9r �o { it T nlprp Ck n� n _ • u Cott n ve d bvrsion m Road •b ch 4 Sho rf pp a I T M C C O y 0 !il d C F 9 { _ Y 9lbll 31 Do 5 t N = p • a � iu en enh ll u u 4 a I 9 c c F t K J u Jr 9f� c y yay0' 1 p m • t AI r Ellis D e 0 H Fri on an Ice, Gaff A Ca f! !d 3 H ee $ J J LinC I � f Hnl! p4{ r ° mid Pmecr Y n uv Haifa, PS a Cedar er y + e Sproc nrrY k4ay b t U I-City Hall, Police,a Fire Station uf" i.+ °' s Marro 1. Northwest 2-Bus Depot U y 3-Bozeman Public Library 4 paid 4-Post Office-Federal Building 4 2. Northeentral 5-Bozeman Deaconess Hospital a Hen Ksa T 6-Gallatin County Courthouse Z Graf 3. Northeast 7-8ozemon Senior High School Central busines B-Fire Station No.2 4. 9-Montona State University . 10'M.S.0 Fieldhouse �� 5 South central 11-Reno Sales Stadium 12-Museum of the Rockies 6. University 13-Sunsei Hills Cemetery "i 7. Southern 14-Amtrac Depot l 15,Gallatin County Fair Gounds 8. Southeast 16-Gallatin County Rest Home 17•Hillcrest Home 18-MSU Student Housing 2 I. General Biogra2hical and SKIS Information SECTION OF THE CITY # / ad Northwest 44 10.7 12.3 Northcentral 41 10.0 11. 5 Northeast 24 5.8 6.7 Central Business 36 8.8 10.1 South Central 127 30,9 35.6 University 47 11.4 13.2 Southern 9 2.2 2.5 Southeast 29 7.1 8.1 NA 54 13.1 ----- Total 411 100.0 1 C� .O 1--First of all, we 'd like to know how many years you have lived in Bozeman. # / adj % Less than one year 23 5.6 5.7 1 - 3 years 73 17.8 17.9 4 - 9 years 84 20.4 20. 6 10 - 20 ,years 77 18.7 18.9 21 - 30 years 46 11.2 11.3 More than 30 years 46 11.2 11.3 All Life 58 14.1 14.3 NA 4 1.0 ---- Total = 1-0,Z570 100.0 2--;dhat other communities have you lived in besides Bozeman? # / ad j °o One other in Montana 59 14.4 14.8 Two or more in Montana 74 18.0 18. 5 One out of Montana 26 6.3 6. 5 Two or more outside Mont.69 16.8 17. 3 1 in Mont. l or more out 96 23.4 24.1 Only Bozeman 13 3.2 3. 3 2 in Mont. 1 or more out 54 13.1 13. 5 2 or more in mont. 1 out 8 1.9 2.0 NA 12 2.9 ---- Total =4 10. 107.0 3--Do you happen to know the approximate size of the community you lived in when you were growing up? # % ad j ,o 0 - 500 69 16.8 18.1 501 - 1000 23 5.6 6.0 1001 -- 2000 15 3.6 3.9 2001 - 5000 39 9.5 10. 2 5001 - 10,000 63 15.3 16. 5 10,000 - 50,000 115 28.0 30.2 50,000 - 100,000 20 4.9 5,2 100,000 - over 37 9.0 9.7 Na 30 7.3 ----- Total -711 107:0 100.0 3 4---'"There were you born? ad J ' Northeast 1¢ 3.4 3.4 South 5 1.2 1.2 Canada 4 1.0 1.0 Midwest West-Southwest 21 15.1 5.2 Pacific 33 8.0 8.1 adjacent states 253 61.5 62. 2 Other .porei-n 5 1.2 1.2 ITA t; 1.0 --- Total 711 10;0.0 165.7 5--Would you mind tellinc no ahich -roupin- includes the year y you were born? y y Age r. it )0 ad j ;/i Over 75 13 3.2 3.2 35 - 54 lg6 22.1 5 ,36.0 25 - 34- 88 21.4 21.7 18 - 24 67 16.3 16. 5 l.;A 6 1.5 -. Total 0'I 700.0 I=. 6--Are you married? adj ye' 306 74. 5 74.8 no 102 24.8 25.1 1T q Total 4.11 100 100.0 7--Do you have an-T children? j Yes 235 69.3 71.2 1!0 1101- 27.7 28.7 IA 12 2 .9 Total = 1-77.70 1COi0 8--Are they attending school? r. r� / „f ad�j ;q Yes 133 32.01- 42.9 ?1 176 42.3 57.1 I;A 102 24.8 ---- Total 411 100.0 100.0 4 9--VIould�you tell me in which educational group you would dace yourself? a.dj �' No schoalinm 2 5�V 1 - 6 rrrades .2 .2 7 - S grades 11 2.7 2.7 Some Ilir.h School 27 C.6 6.6 high School Graduate 102 2,11-.8 25 .1 Some college 153 J .6 35.9 College Graduate 77 18.7 18.9 Bost Graduate 4_9 11.9 12.0 IA 4 1.0 ---- 10 al 1I1 100.0 100.0 10--What is your occu-nation? IT adi M1. Student 51 12.4 12.6 Blue Collar 4lOrl er 55 12.9 15.1 Service ti,'orker 62 15.i 15.5 .Farmer - Rancher 1 .2 .2 unemployed 7 1.7 1.7 '�.hite Collar - Professrr 120 29,2 29.7 Retired 50 12.2 12.4 Homemaker 60 14.6 14.9 NIA 7 1.7 To-ual f;_ 170.0 lu,0 11--I)o you 0ITil or rent your p resent ;come? ad j Own home 259 63.0 u3.6 Pent 139 >1.8 34.2 Other 8 1 .9 2.2 I:A 5 1.2 ---- Total t � 100.7 1007 12--Tell rye the letter i-rhich corresponds to your families total income from all sources in 1974 before to--;c ? ;r" . P,d j - Tinder 0"2000 25 6.0 6.9 ;2000 - .:65000 35 8.5 9.6 ,.35000 - $7500 65 1J.: 17 .2 "7500 -- .;1,10000 48 11.7 13.1 $10000 - -",15000 88 21.4- 24.0 15000 -- ;. 25000 86 20.9 23.5 Over '';2000 21 5.1 5.7 KA A5 10.9 ---- Total 7 11 10 40.0 70 0.0 7 13--Sex Qo ad j Ya Male 204 49.4 49.5 Female 207 50.3 50.4 I4A 1 .1 __-_ Total 4111 T07 100.`0 II. Political Information Respondents were asked a few questions about public affairs and government in Montana, and some other very general questions. 1--Do you happen to know who the City Manager in Bozeman is? i 56 ad j o Correct 280 68.1 93.3 Incorrect 19 4.6 6. 9 NA 112 27.2 Total 411- 100,0 100.0 2--Before today, had you ever heard of the Local Government Study Commission? 9� ad j g6 Yes 264 64.2 65.0 No 138 333.6 34. 9 NA 9 2.1 ---- Total 411 100.0 100.0 3--Could you name any of the members of the Local Government Study Commission? ad j ao One 39 9. 5 54.2 Two 18 4.4. 25.0 Three 7 1.7 9.7 Four 1 .2 1.4 Five 7 1.7 9.7 11A 339 82.5 --- Total 417 100.0•" 1�.Z 4--Do you happen to know ho,.v many city commissioners Bozeman has? rr i'0 ad j ;a Correct 162 39.4 93.6 Incorrect 11 2.7 6.4 NA 238 57.9 ---- Total q=2'1 100:0 1.00:0 5--About how many years does a U.S . Senator serve? ii' /3 ad j Correct 211 51.3 53.4 Incorrect 134 44.8 46.6 ILIA 16 3.9 ---- Total 411 100.0 100.0 6 6--Who is the Governor of Montana now? 0 aaj ,J Correct 371 90.3 92.1 Incorrect 30 7.3 7.9 NA 10 2.4L ----- Total 100.0 10=7 III. Respondent 's Political Participation 1--One of the things governments are ::lost interested in is voting and participation -- yet these are busy times and in talking to people about last fall's election., for instance, we find that a lot of people weren't registered or they were sick or they just were too busy. How about you? Did you get a chance to go to the polls this time? ad j O/S Yes 300 73.0 76.3 No 93 22.6 23.7 NA is 4.4 ---- Total --71T 100.0 100. 2--Generally speaking, when you thinh bach over the last feet years how often are you able to make it to the polls? adj Always 183 45.7 46.7 Usually 162 59.4 40.2 slot very often 31 7.5 7.7 T ever 22 5.4 5. 5 NA 0 i.9 --- Total 07.7 1 ✓�.o 3--in the ;past few years have yon ever attended a city council meeting or a public hearing;? 71! iJ ad jJ Yes 131 31.9 32.0 No 278 57.6 68.0 KA 2 5 --- Total 7 1070 1070.0 4--Have you ever been so pleased or perhaps so upset with a partic- ular action of local government that you have contacted a city, official to cypress your opinion? W as ad j "J Yes 136 33 .1 33.4 No 271 65.9 65.6 1 A 4 1.0 ----- Total 77T 100.0 100.0 7 S--Do you have any ideas on how the city government might make it easier for you to participate in local government a fairs in Bozeman? Increase publicity - of hearings and city's activities Public to t^1 e interest ' ven representation S-oecific districts ,"or aldermer, Use a co,:_mission sys ter. Younger sand Wates -elect (stuf:c.nL) Form citizen advisory co�nirlittee More polls Commission listen and need '11he .public opinion pore Hold commission meetinC;s �rhen worl.-ing people can attend (evenings) Nake districts for elections Have full time corhmi.ssi.on bore meetings I.-Tore surveys Have the cor.:mission look ahead in -)lanning and zoning; Letters Commission e.=ercise more personal contact with public Open meeting Monthly sta.temert of city budget Pnr3wer questions directl;., with les:� c,,.in around Fire the city many er City manager is too much like a dictatorship ITT. A3sessment of Services 1- 14ould you plea-.e tell me which one or two services the city per- forms most efficiently and ahich one or two you are least satisfied with? Amblzlanee Fire Garbage Most effective 50 1.2.2 12.6 150 36. 5 37.8 121 29.4 30.5 Heather 323 78.6 81.:;. 242 58.9 61.0 229 55.7 57.7 Least effective 24 5.3 6.0 5 1.2 1.3 47 11.4 11.8 CIA 14 3.4 ---- 14 3.4 --- 7 --- Total 4� 100.0 1�0 1I l� 14 •,4 C) � 1C3� 06 0 Library harks & 'Recreation. Police ad eo ad ad j Nost effective ;=j L173.0 8.3 85 20.7 21.4- 105 25, 5 26.4 1Teither 367 74.7 77.3 275 66.9 69.3 234 56.9 58.9 Least effective 57 13.9 11:-.4 37 9.0 9.3 58 14.,1 14,6 NA 14 3.4 ---- 14 3.4 ---- Jw�rt -•--- 1�r _ Total 411 100.0 100.0 411 100.0 1OC L 0 4.11 100.0 100.0 8 Snow Removal Street Sev1a._e Most effective 36 8.8 9.0 9 2,2 2.3 47 11,4 11.9 ITeither 216 52.6 54.3 120 29.2 30.2 334 81.3 84.3 Least effective 146 35 . 5 56.7 268 6_5.2 67. 5 15 3.6 3.8 T'?A 1 3.2 --- 14 3.A --- 15 7.6 - - Total - 1070 1C�0�, 4 10 ).61�.a� 413 10;x.0 1,1a t e �_. adj Most e: sective 62 15.1 15.7 I:either 320 77.9 80.8 Least e.i 9 .3--Suppose for a moment that you were in charge of Bozeman's city government and you had the power to take funds from one service area and redirect them to another. From which area would you take them and into which area would you redirect them? Take From: # % adj Ambulance 1 .2 1.0 Fire Protection 3 .7 2.9 Garbage Collection 4 1.0 3.9 Library 6 1.5 5.9 Parks & Recreation 38 9.2 37.3 Police Protection 14 3.4 13.7 Snow Removal 11 2.7 10.8 Street Maintenance 6 1.5 5.9 Water g 1.9 7.8 Sewage li 2.5 9.8 NA 309 75.4 Total 4 1 0 113 Redirect to: # % adj Ambulance 6 1.5 3.3 Fire Protection 1 .2 .6 Garbage Collection 2 .5 1.1 Library 13 3.2 Parks & Recreation 20 .2 4.9 111.1 Police Protection 32 7.8 17.8 Snow Removal 8 1.9 4.4 Street Maintenance 85 20.7 47.:2 Water 2 .5 1*1 Sewage g 5.2 NA 231 56.8 --x- Total = Z". l --S 4--- One of the responsibilities of local government is to listen to the opinions of the citizens. How would you rate Bozeman's per- formance in this area.? # % adj % Good 88 21.4 22.3 Adequate 131 31.9 33.1 Needs Improvement 177 43.1 44.7 NA 15 3.6 Total 1' . 5---All in all, how would you rate Bozeman's city government in general? # % adj Good 142 34.5 34.9 Adequate 161 39.2 39.7 Needs Improvement 103 25.0 25.3 NA 5 1.2 Total 411 100.0 100.0 .L V V. Local Government Structure We realize that you may not feel totally capable of answering the following questions regarding different types of government, but why don't you give them a try anyway? 6---If you had your choice, which kind of government would you prefer in Bozeman? ## / ad j yo City manager 202 49.1 58.4 Mayor 74 18.0 21.4 Commission 70 17.0 20.2 NA 65 15.8 ----- Total = 100 1'�"." 7--If you had your choice, which kind of government would you prefer in Gallatin County? # % ad j County manager 97 23.6 31.0 County executive 26 6.3 8.3 Commission 190 46.2 60.7 NA 98 23.8 Total 4 i 1 .0 8--If you had your choice, would you rather see elected city officials such as commissioners chosen at large from the city as a whole or would you prefer them to be elected from specific districts? °o ad j At large 174 42.3 45.2 By District 211 51.3 54 .8 NA 26 6.3 Total 4�"I 100:. 10(7.Q 9--If you had your choice, would you like to have local candidates list their political party on the ballot or would you prefer to see party labels left off the ballot so the candidates could not be identified by political party? # ad j jo List Party Labels 107 26.0 28.8 No Party Labels 265 64.5 71.2 NA 39 9. 5 ---- Total 411 100:. 100,7 11 10---If you had your choice would you rather have most city officials other than the commissioners run for office and be elected or be appointed by the city government? ## % ad j % Elected 290 70.6 74.9 Appointed '97 23.6 25.1 NA 24- 5.8 ---- Total = 100.0 1 0:0 11---If you had your choice would you rather have elected officials run for reelection every two years or have a longer term in office between elections? ## % ad j % Every two years 256 62.3 65.8 Longer terms 133 32.3 34.2 NA 22 5.4 - Total 4T1 1=. 1=. 12--If you had your choice would you rather have most county officials other than the commissioners appointed or run for office and be elected? # % adj % Elected 300 73.0 76.9 Appointed 41 10.0 10.5 Mixed 49 11.9 12.6 NA 21 5.1 __-- Total 4�1"r 1� .b 1b=.b 13--If you had your choice would you want the chief executive of your city government (for instance a Mayor or a Chairman of a City Council) have the power to veto acts of the Commissioners or do you think that the chief executive should have no power to veto acts of the commissioners? # 9O ad j % Veto power 147 35.8 41.5 No Veto power 207 50.3 58.5 NA 57 13.9 - Total 4�1 1=0.0 10. 14--If you had your choice would you create a large group of city commissioners to govern Bozeman, say 12 to 15 members or do you.:_ .feel the size of the commission should be smaller, say 5 to 7 members? ## % ad j % 12 to 15 members 87 21.2 22.9 5 to 7 members 293 71.3 77.1 NA 31 7. 5 ---- Total 411 100.0 10� . 12 15---If you had your choice would you like to see the city given more authority to. deal with local problems or would you like to see the State Government do more on the local level? # / adj City government 330 80.3 86. 6 State government 51 12.4 13.4 NA 30 7.3 ----« Total 44 150.0 1 .00 16--How do you react to this statement: "Things would work a lot better for local government if the county and the city consolidated their governments and one single unit was created that would deal with all matters of local government. " Do you agree or disagree with this idea? # / adj Agree 135 32.8 33.1 Neutral 78 19.0 19.2 Disagree 194 47.2 47.6 NA 4 1.0 ---- Total =4 VI. Political Efficacy Respondents were asked to answer with one of the listed responses that best fit how they felt about the question. 1--All in all, I don't -thizik public officials care much about what people like'me think. # % adj °o Agree strongly 70 17.0 17.1 Agree 109 26.5 26. 6 Neutral 88 21.4 21. 5 Disagree 91 22.1 22.2 Disagree strongly 52 12.7 12.7 NA 1 .2 ---- Total 4- 1=.Z5 1=. 2--The way people vote is the main thing that decides how things are run in this country. # % adj yo Agree strongly 80 19.5 19.6 Agree 99 24.1 24.2 Neutral 55 13.4 13.4 Disagree 94 22.9 23.0 Disagree strongly 81 19.7 198 NA 2 .5 ---- Total 4TT 100.0 100.0 13 3--Generally speaking, people like me don't have a say about what the government does. tt °a ad j jo Agree strongly 87 21.2 21.2 Agree 98 23.8 23.9 Neutral 65 15.8 15.9 Disagree 108 26 .3 26.3 Disagree strongly 52 12 .7 12.7 NA 1 .2 ---- Total -4-17 100.0 1 .. } 4--Sometimes politics and government seems so complicated that a person like me can't really understand what ' s going on. ;o ad j Yo Agree strongly 131 31.9 32.0 Agree 110 26.8 26.9 Neutral 55 13 .4 13.4 Disagree 64 15.6 15.6 Disagree strongly 49 11.9 12.0 NA 2 . 5 ---- Total 411 100.0 170.7 VII. Citizen Duty Scale 1--It isn't so important to vote when you know your party doesn't have a chance to win. ad j g� Agree strongly 12 2.9 2.9 Agree 19 4.6 4.7 Neutral 27 6.6 6.6 Disagree 69 16.8 17.0 Disagree strongly 280 68.1 68.8 NA 4 1.9 - Total 4�f 1-00.0 1 .. 2p--A good many local elections aren't important enough to bother with. # / ad j 90 Agree strongly 17 4.1 4.2 Agree 29 7.1 7.1 Neutral 33 8.0 8.1 Disagree 75 18.2 18.4 Disagree strongly 254 61.8 62.3 NA 3 .7 ----- Total 7717 1777 lb. 14 3--If a person doesntt care how an election comes out, he shouldn't vote in it. ,o ad j Agree Strongly 89 21.7 21.8 Agree 55 13.4 13.5 Neutral 45 10.9 11.0 Disagree 56 13.6 13.7 Disagree strongly 163 39.7 40.0 NA 3 .7 ---- Total = VIII. General Orientation to Government and Politics 1--The Government is getting too powerful for the good of the country and the individual. # °o ad j 506 Agree strongly 167 40.6 41.0 Agree 92 22.4 22. 6 Neutral 68 16'.5 16.7 Disagree 54 13 .1 13.3 Disagree strongly 26 6.3 6.4 NA 4 1.0 ---- Total 4 Z 100.0 10. 2--Generally speaking, the government should probably do more in trying to deal with such problems as unemployment, education, housing, and so on. °Q. ad j Agree strongly 151 36.7 37.2 Agree 99 24.1 24.4 Neutral 62 15.1 15.3 Disagree 44 10.7 10.8 Disagree strongly 50 12.2 12.3 NA 5 1.2 ----- Total = l=.b la. 3---The problem with local representation in Bozeman is that officials always say they have the good of the city as a whole in mind and they never pay attenion to issues in specific locations in the city. # °S ad j Agree strongly 71 17.3 17.7 Agree 94 22.9 23.4 Neutral 124 30.2 30.9 Disagree 74 18.0 18.5 Disagree Strongly 38 9.2 9. 5 NA 10 2.4 - Total 4I�T 1=. 1( .�� 15 4--Party politics means very little at the local level and should not be considered as an important factor in deciding how to vote for local officials. # / adj Agree strongly 146 35.5 36.1 Agree 87 21.2 21. 5 Neutral 50 12.2 12.4 Disagree 61 14.8 15.1 Disagree strongly 60 14.6 14.9 NA 7 1.7 Total 4 l�-� 1 .� 5--Local government runs better when most of the officials are elected rather than appointed. # % adj Yo Agree strongly 180 43.8 44.2 Agree 101- 24.6 24.8 Neutral 71 17.3 17.4 Disagree 36 8.8 8.8 Disagree strongly 19 4.6 4.7 NA 4 1.0 Total 4� 100. 1' . 6--It is more important to have officials who get things done than it is to have officials who worry about what the people think in order to get reelected. # / ad j 4 Agree strongly 236 57.4 57.7 Agree 70 17.0 17.2 Neutral 39 9.5 9.6 Disagree 39 9.5 9.6 Disagree strongly 23 5.6 5.7 NA 4 1.0 � Total ...._ OI 1=. 7---Generally speaking it is better to let the city manager or mayor make the tough decisions than the city council. # % adj Yo Agree strongly 24 5.8 5.9 Agree 31 7.5 7.6 Neutral 81 19.7 19.9 Disagree 112 27.3 27.5 Disagree strongly 159 38.6 39.0 NA 4 1.0 Total 4 10 0 100.0 16 8--The trouble with government today is that public officials spend too much time worrying about public opinion and too little time getting the job done. # % adj Agree strongly 154 37.5 37.9 Agree 115 28.0 28.3 Neutral 66 16.1 16.3 Disagree 45 10.9 11.1 Disagree strongly 26 6.3 6.4 NA 5 1.2 ---- Total 44 1=:0 1=. 9--City commissions should have a lot of members so that the decisions are not always made by a select few. # % ad j °/a Agree strongly 90 21.9 22.0 Agree 44 10.7 10.8 Neutral 64 15.6 15.6 Disagree 130 31.6 31.8 Disagree strongly 81 _ 19.7 19.8 NA 2 .5 --.-- Total M 1=. 1=. 10--Things would be a lot better for citizens of Bozeman if the State government would assume more responsibility in solving local problems. # °/a ad j % Agree strongly 29 7.1 7.1 Agree 37 9.0 9.1 Neutral 64 15.6 15.7 Disagree 115 28.0 28.3 Disagree strongly 162 39.4 39.8 NA 4 1.0 ---- Total 4I'L 1�'S( .0 1= 11--One problem with government in America is that too many local governments try to do too many different things. We need more planning from State governments in order to get things done more efficiently. # 90 ad j Agree strongly 40 9.7 9.9 Agree 61 14.8 15.0 Neutral 90 21.9 22.2 Disagree 101 24.6 24.9 Disagree strongly 114 27.7 28.1 NA 5 1.2 ---- Total 4=1 100.0 100. 17 12--1t makes more sense to have one local government for Bozeman and Gallatin County rather than the two governments we now have. # / ad j" Agree strongly 69 16.8 16.9 Agree 3• 3 .7 Neutral 83 20.2 20.3 Disagree 94 22.9 23.0 Disagree strongly 106 25.8 26.0 NA 3 .7 ---- Total 411 100.0 1=0. 13--If the local officials would listen to the people's opinion more often we would have a lot better government in Bozeman. # / ad j / Agree strongly 116 28.2 28.6 Agree 114 27.7 28.1 Neutral 112 27.3 27.6 Disagree 42 10.2 10.3 Disagree strongly 22 5.4 5.4 NA 5 1.2 - Total 4�i 1M:0 1 70:U 14--The trouble with the city manager system is that the manager has too much control. The commissioners never do anything the manager doesn't like. # / adj / Agree strongly 68 16.5 16.8 Agree 59 14.4 14.6 Neutral 115 28.0 28.4 Disagree 105 25.5 25.9 Disagree strongly 58 14.1 14.3 NA 6 1.5 w Total T17 1= 1 .0 15--If government is to get things done efficiently in todayts complicated world it is necessary that a lot of power be given to officials who don't have to worry about pleasing the people and can concentrate on getting the job done. # % ad j 90 Agree strongly 84 20.4 20.8 Agree 73 17.8 18.1 Neutral 79 19.2 19.6 Disagree 75 18.2 18.6 Disagree strongly 93 22.6 23.0 .NA 7 1.7 - - Total 4� lb-C75 1=.