HomeMy WebLinkAboutMunicipal Courts Police Station RGQ CA Edits Final Final (2).pdf 1 City of Bozeman, Montana CALL FOR STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATION Design of a new Municipal Courts and Police Facility April 2012 Notice is hereby given that the City of Bozeman is soliciting Statements of Qualification from qualified architectural firms for the design of a new Municipal Courts and Police Facility (the “Facility”). The Facility will be constructed at the Law and Justice Center campus located at 615 South 16th Avenue, Bozeman, Montana. For submission requirements and questions, contact: Chuck Winn, Assistant City Manager P.O. Box 1230 121 North Rouse Avenue Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 (406) 582-2307 cwinn@bozeman.net Information is also available on the City Website at: www.bozeman.net by selecting the Bids and Projects icon on the homepage. Responses must be received by the Bozeman City Clerk, 121 North Rouse Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 on or before 4:00 p.m. on May 4th, 2012. The City of Bozeman and its agents reserve the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive any formality and technicality. The Facility will house the City’s municipal courts and the Bozeman Police Department and will also consider the needs and requirements for cooperative development with Gallatin County and the Gallatin County Sheriff’s Office. The successful architect will work with the City to select a Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) or General Contractor/Construction Manager (GCCM) to assist in the design of the building to ensure constructability and cost efficiency in the design. The scope of work will include facility design, development of a cooperative construction agreement with Gallatin County, coordination of necessary survey work and property appraisal, all necessary site evaluations, and construction cost estimating. Following facility design, and contingent upon the City securing necessary funding, the selected respondent along with the CMAR/GCCM may also be asked to develop construction bid documents, assist the County and City in bidding the project and provide oversight of the construction activities of the project. All work must be in compliance with all applicable requirements under Montana and federal laws and regulations. 2 Each entity submitting under this notice shall also include a provision requiring the submitting entity to affirm in writing it will not discriminate on the basis of color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability and recognizing the eventual contract will contain a provision prohibiting discrimination as described above and this prohibition on discrimination shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the architects employees and to all subcontracts. Failure to comply with the above shall be cause for the City to deem the submittal non- responsive. Dated this 9th day of April, 2012. City of Bozeman, Montana By: Stacy Ulmen, CMC Bozeman City Clerk Publish Dates: Sunday, April 15th, 2012 Sunday, April 22nd, 2012 3 REQUEST FOR STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATION Bozeman Municipal Courts and Police Facility April 2012 The City of Bozeman is soliciting Statements of Qualification from qualified architectural firms for the design of a new Municipal Courts and Police Facility (the “Facility”). The Facility will be constructed at the Law and Justice Center campus located at 615 South 16th Ave, Bozeman, Montana. The building will house the City’s municipal courts and the Bozeman Police Department and will also consider the needs and requirements for cooperative development with Gallatin County and the Gallatin County Sheriff’s Office. The successful architect will work with the City to select a Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) or General Contractor/Construction Manager (GCCM) to assist in the design of the building to ensure constructability and cost efficiency in the design. The scope of work will include facility design, development of a cooperative construction agreement with Gallatin County, coordination of necessary survey work and property appraisal, all necessary site evaluations, and construction cost estimating. Following facility design, and contingent upon the City securing necessary funding, the selected architect along with the CMAR/GCCM may also be asked to develop construction bid documents, assist the County and City in bidding the project and provide oversight of the construction activities of the project. This additional work, if desired by the City, will be facilitated by a separate contract. All work must be in compliance with all applicable requirements under Montana and federal laws and regulations. INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS/SUBMISSION PROCEDURES All questions concerning the proposal or scope of work should be directed to Chuck Winn, Assistant City Manager, at (406) 582-2307 cwinn@bozeman.net . Responses must be received by the Bozeman City Clerk, 121 North Rouse Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59771- 1230 on or before 4:00 p.m. on May 4th, 2012. The City of Bozeman and its agents reserve the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive any formality and technicality. Architects must submit five (5) copies plus one (1) original of the written proposal. Proposals shall be limited to 25 single-sided pages, including graphics. A letter of introduction, section dividers, detailed resumes and sample work products are not included in this limit. Proposals shall be limited in size to 8 ½ X 11” with a minimum of 11 point font. All copies of the proposal shall be made complete. Proposals are to be delivered in one box or envelope. The outside of the box must be clearly labeled on the front with: “Bozeman Municipal Courts and Police Facility/Statement of Qualifications.” Any interpretation or correction of the SOQ will be made by written addendum duly issued and mailed or faxed to all recipients of this SOQ. Receipt of Addenda must be acknowledged in all Proposals. In the event that it becomes necessary to request additional clarifying information or to revise any part of this SOQ, the revisions, amendments, and/or supplements, will be provided to all of the initial recipients of this initial SOQ. All proposals submitted shall be legally binding upon the Respondent for 180 calendar days from the Proposal submission deadline. Negligence on the part of the Respondent in preparing the proposal confers no right of withdrawal after the time fixed for submission of Proposals. All costs of preparing the Proposal and any subsequent presentation are to be borne by the Respondent and may not be included in the Proposal price. 4 The City of Bozeman reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals. I. PURPOSE The City and County partnered in 2004 for a facility and space needs assessment for their criminal justice functions. The goal of this study was to prepare a capital projects plan for short, mid, and long range periods which included all municipal and county court and law enforcement space and facilities needs. This partnership resulted in a final study which was presented in November 2006. The City Commission's 2005 goals included the completion of a facility and staffing plan. To that end, in October 2006, the City retained the services of Carter Goble Lee to conduct a 20 year best practices space and facilities needs assessment specific to the Bozeman Police Department. In January 2007, the City amended the scope of services to include a Municipal Court Facility plan. A final report entitled Bozeman Police and Municipal Court Needs Assessment and Facilities Plan (the “Report”) was presented in June 2007. In May 2010, the City began participation in the County's effort to master plan the Law and Justice Center site. These planning efforts focused on the site locations of the City and County's criminal justice functions. Significant effort was also spent analyzing the potential co-location of functions to maximize operational efficiencies and construction cost savings while improving the public's ability to utilize criminal justice services. The master plan identified locations on the current Law and Justice Center campus for future construction of a joint courts facility and a separate joint law enforcement building. The City and County have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to allow the City to begin the design and construction of a City Facility in accordance with the master plan. Challenges with the Current Facility. Presently, the Bozeman Police Department consists of an authorized force of 65 sworn officers and 5.25 non-sworn clerical staff operating out of 4,300 square feet at the Law and Justice Center and 1,200 square feet at the downtown substation (30 North Rouse). Additionally, the department has a fleet maintenance technician working out of the City's vehicle maintenance facility and shares an evidence technician with the County. The Reports list critical space and site constraints that the City plans to address with the new Facility. II. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE 1. April 14, 2012. RFQ issued by the City. RFQ published and issued to interested individuals and firms. 2. May 4, 2012. Proposals due. If sufficient proposals are not received by this deadline, the City reserves the right to extend the proposal due date. 3. May 7-11, 2012. SOQ Review by Selection Committee. 4. Week of May 21, 2012. Interviews. It is the City’s desire to expeditiously negotiate a professional services agreement with the successful applicant and begin the work as soon as possible. III. QUALIFICATIONS 5 The City is seeking architects with demonstrated expertise in public facilities (specifically public safety and court facilities), including mixed-use and multiple structure site development and design. Applicants must demonstrate a minimum of 10 years experience with references for projects of similar scope and size, ability to work with interdisciplinary teams, and demonstrated success in project implementation. The architect should be thoroughly familiar with code requirements for public facilities including courtroom and law enforcement space construction and be able to work efficiently and effectively in partnership with the CMAR/GCCM. IV. SCOPE OF WORK – Design of Municipal Courts and Police Facility  Design of a Municipal Courts and Police Facility in cooperation with Gallatin County and in accordance with the provisions of the Law and Justice Center Master Plan. The respondent will incorporate the findings of the previous facility and staffing studies in the design of the new Facility.  Assist the City in solicitation and selection of a Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) or General Contractor-Construction Manager (GCCM) to assist in the design and development process, including Facility cost determination, to ensure constructability and cost efficiency in the design process.  Work with the City and Gallatin County to negotiate a construction agreement that will allow the City to begin the design and construction of the new Facility including surveying, appraisal and all necessary evaluations of the building site.  Work with the City to develop supporting information and building models/plans to assist City staff in a public education campaign for a bond election to fund the construction of the Facility.  Following successful passage of a bond funding election, coordinate with the CMAR/GCCM in the development of construction bid documents and bidding of the project. V. EVALUATION AND SELECTION All SOQ’s will initially be classified as either “responsive” or “nonresponsive.” A SOQ may be found nonresponsive any time during the evaluation process or contract negotiation if any of the required information is not provided. Costs will not be discussed until the top ranked respondent has been selected for contract negotiations. If a proposal is found to be nonresponsive, it may not be subject to further consideration. Evaluation of Submittals: Respondents SOQs will be evaluated and selected according to the following listed criteria: 1. 5% - Location of Firm 2. 30% - Quality of Firm and Personnel: a. Related experience on similar projects. b. Qualifications, experience and training of staff to be assigned to project. 3. 35% - Capability and Capacity of Firm: a. Ability to meet all technical requirements. b. Capability of firm to meet project time and budget requirements. 6 c. Capability to respond to project and City and County requirements. d. Compatibility of systems, equipment (i.e., public visualization capabilities). e. Present and projected workloads. 4. 30% - Record of Past Performance of Firm in Previous Projects including: a. If the respondent has previously worked with the City of Bozeman, a measure of previous record with the City will be based on the in-house documentation of quality of work, on schedule performance, cost performance, and cooperation with the City staff. The Respondent must also include with this SOQ submittal a demonstrated ability at effective cost estimating: Please provide three (3) project owner names and contact information AND the estimated cost, bid cost and actual total project construction cost of each, plus and any other information as appropriate or desired. The City reserves the right, if necessary, to consider other pertinent factors and weighting of each criteria. VIII. GUIDELINES FOR RESPONSES 1. Title Page The title page shall include the firm/individual name, address, contact, telephone number and email address to contact for information regarding the SOQ. The title page must bear the signature of authorized representative of the Respondent and designates, by name, not more than two individuals authorized to sign agreements with the City on behalf of the Respondent. 2. Executive Summary This section shall provide an overview of the SOQ and the Respondent’s understanding of the City’s needs. Emphasis should be placed on the Respondent’s expertise in the subject area. The summary should also include any points the Respondent wishes to highlight, as well as any relevant conditions or restrictions. 3. Firm/Individual Profile This section shall provide a profile of the Respondent/individuals including the number of employees and their locations. Brief resumes shall be provided for each key project individual. Any proposed subcontractors should be clearly identified and their profiles described. The percentage of total time key staff people (e.g. project manager, implementation staff) will devote to this project should be listed. A complete list of local government clients shall be provided including all Montana local governments. Key staff may not be replaced once a contracting firm has been selected without prior approval of the City. 4. Scope of Project This section shall describe how the Respondent will fulfill the Scope of Work. 5. Cost 7 The City utilizes a “qualifications based” selection process to negotiate a professional services agreement with the firm determined to be the most qualified at a price which is determined to be fair and reasonable. Costs will not be discussed until the top ranked Respondent has been selected for negotiations. 6. Proposed Schedule This section shall include the Respondent’s schedule for completion. Work will begin upon the approval of a professional services agreement between both parties and will continue according to the schedule established as part of the final Scope of Work. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all Proposals, or parts of Proposals; waive technicalities; and to make its decision on the basis of merit, appropriateness, and any other factor, other than costs. Unless all Proposals are rejected or the solicitation is canceled, a contract may be awarded to the Respondent whose Proposal best meets the requirements and criteria set forth in this request.