HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-27-12 Minutes, City Commission MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA February 27, 2012 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in the Commission Room, City Hall at 121 North Rouse on Monday, February 27, 2012. Present were Mayor Sean Becker, Commissioner Cyndy Andrus, Commissioner Jeff Krauss, Commissioner Chris Mehl, Commissioner Carson Taylor, City Manager Chris Kukulski, City Attorney Greg Sullivan and Deputy City Clerk Aimee Kissel. These minutes are not word for word and should be considered along with the audio recording. 0:00:10 A. Call to Order—6 p.m. -- Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse 0:00:10 B. PIedge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence 0:00:20 C. Changes to the Agenda Mayor Becker asked if there were any changes to the agenda. City Manager Chris Kukulski added the Swearing in of Deputy Mayor Krauss to the Montana Board of Regents to the agenda as Special Presentation item G. 1, 0:01:25 D. Minutes -January 9, 2012 and January 17,2012 0:01:26 Motion and Vote to approve the minutes of Januan 9 2012 and January 17 2012 as submitted. It was moved by Cr. Taylor, seconded by Cr. Krauss to approve the minutes of January 9 and January 17, 2012 as submitted. Those voting Ave being Crs. Taylor, Krauss, Mehl, Andrus and Mavor Becker. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 0:01:57 E. Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims (LaMeres) 2. Award bid for Sewer TV Van Retro-fit in the amount of$98,490 to Cues Inc. (Arkell) 1 of 1 I Minutes of the Bozeman. City Commission, February 27, 2012 3, Authorize City Manager to sign an Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Tetra Tech for installation of four additional groundwater monitoring wells in an amount not to exceed $27,782 (Johnson) 4. Finally Adopt Ordinance No. 1822, South University District Zone Map Amendment in conjunction with Annexation No. Z-09242 (Krueger) 5. Approve Final Plat for the 19th and College 2-Lot Minor Subdivision Application No. P-11007 to subdivide 1.1242 acres and authorize Director of Public Service to execute the same (Quasi Judicial Decision) (Riley) 6. Approve Commission Reclaiming Jurisdiction of the Kirwan Residence Accessory Dwelling Unit Certificate of Appropriateness with a Deviation, Application No. Z- 12011 (Bristor) 7. Approve Delegation of Save America's Treasures grant funding to the Pioneer Museum and the Willson and Company building (Kramer) 8. Accept the Building Division Monthly Report for January 2012 (Risk) Mayor Becker opened public comment on consent. Seeing none, Mayor Becker closed public comment. 0:02:08 Motion and Vote to approve consent items E. 1-8 as submitted. It was moved by Cr. Krauss, seconded by Cr. Mehl to approve consent items E. 1-8 as submitted. Those voting Ave being Crs. Krauss,Mehl, Andrus, Taylor and Mayor Becker. Those voting No being none. The motion-passed 5-0. 0:02:10 F. Public Comment 0:02:40 Derreck Growthere,Public Comment Mr. Growthere from Michaels Grove, represents Fluoride Free Bozeman, a grass roots campaign. They are coming before the commission to petition to remove fluoride from the water in Bozeman. Mr. Growthere feels fluoridation is a violation of a citizen's right to informed consent for medication. Fluoride is not an essential nutrient. The chemicals used are largely hazardous bi-products of the fertilizer industry. Mr. Growthere said there is mounting evidence that swallowing fluoride causes harm and has little to no benefits for teeth. He explained there are subgroups that are most affected by fluoride and how fluoride is taken into the body. He spoke regarding the expense of a reverse osmosis filtration system. Mr. Growthere explained further why he feels fluoride should not be placed in the water supply. He thanked the Commission for listening. 0:05:59 Lesley Growthere,Public Comment Lesley Growthere from Michaels Grove also spoke on behalf of Fluoride Free Bozeman and voiced her concern regarding fluoridation in Bozeman's public water. She gave an example of a warning that has been placed on water bills and an example of a warning placed on fluoride by a fluoride manufacturer. Ms. Growthere also spoke regarding fluoride damaging teeth while they are forming and listed some of the toxic ingredients that can come with fluoride and where 2 of11 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission, February 27, 2012 fluoride comes from. She also spoke regarding the lack of dosage control and the cost of placing fluoride in the water. She thanked the Commission. 0:09:13 Trenton Hancock Public Comment Trenton Hancock on Broadway said he feels putting fluoride in our water is a violation of our constitutional rights because it is forcing a medication on people. He has a seven year old daughter that he does not want drinking the water. He also spoke regarding the need for a full body hazmat suite when placing the fluoride in the water. There is a campaign in Bozeman to educate the public about these dangers. Mr. Hancock thanked the Commission for listening to his concerns. 0:11:01 Tyler Waltston,Public Comment Tyler Waltston of Belgrade said he was born in Bozeman and found it a surprise that fluoride is being placed in the water. He says there is not much evidence that fluoride is healthy for teeth, but there is evidence it is a destructive element that needs to be removed from the water. He thanked those who were bringing forward these ideas and thanked the Council for listening. 0:12:24 Public Comment Closed Seeing no further public comment, Mayor Becker closed public comment. 0:13:52 G. Special Presentations 0:13:54 1. Swearing in of Jeffrey Krauss to the Montana Board of Regents City Clerk Stacy Ulmen swore in Deputy Mayor Krauss to the Montana Board of Regents. 0:14:32 2. Gallatin College Programs Update (Montana State University President, Waded Cruzado and Gallatin College Programs Dean Bob Hietala) 0:14:39 Waded Cruzado, President of Montana State University Ms. Cruzado expressed her appreciation to the Commission for the passage last year of Resolution 4308 which appropriated the equivalent of up to 1.5 mills from general fund cash reserves for Gallatin College Programs and for continuing with up to 1.5 mills in the future. She explained the passage of this Resolution has had a transformative affect. A year after this was approved, she felt it her duty to come back before the Council and signal a degree of accountability, explaining some of the things that thanks to city support, Gallatin College Programs have accomplished_ They have been able to offer new programs and have had substantial program growth. They will continue to expand their scope of services to meet local needs. They were also able to request that the Board of Regents include Gallatin College programs in the College Now grant from the Lumina Foundation which places Bozeman in the same level as the other COT'S in the state. Ms. Cruzado thanked The Commission for the support offered from each Commissioner, city manager Chris Kukulski, the Board of Regents and the support of all involved. 0:18:16 Steve Barrett, former chair ofthe Board of Regents Mr. Barrett provided background on creating this program saying when they were formulating creating the two year school there was real question regarding investment in Bozeman and how much resources could be used. The action of the City Commission voluntarily coming forth to 3of11 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission, February 27, 2012 match what other communities have historically spent, had a very significant impact on the thought process regarding devoting resources to Gallatin College Programs. It has grown robustly. Continuing those actions will continue to have a great impact as we move forward. Thank You. 0:20:56 Dean Bob Hietala Dean Hietala provided an update regarding Gallatin College Programs. They have had 891 students for fall semester 2011. Full time student enrollment has grown and is expected to continue growing. They will also be bringing on a number of additional courses including dual enrollment, transfer degree courses and workforce programs. All will be dependent on resource allocations. They are fortunate to be using space at Bozeman High School which has helped them get started on their growth model. He spoke regarding their current workforce programs which include interior design, design drafting, aviation, welding, and most recently bookkeeping, and medical assistant. Dual enrollment courses with local High Schools have also been expanded. These courses allow students in High School to receive college credits. Proposed programs for 2012 include residential building performance (weatherization certification), associate of science, associate of arts and certificate of general studies transfer degrees. Mr. Hietala then spoke about a recent workforce needs assessment that was an update of one done in 2006. This survey was very helpful. There were twenty-six specific areas in 1 and 2 year programs that were identified by local businesses as a need. 0:31:11 Hannah Lechtenberg,Medical Assistant Program Student Ms. Lechtenberg said she is one of the 17 students enrolled in the medical assistant program student. She spoke regarding her educational background while growing up. MSU's academic advisors referred her to Gallatin College. She was excited that for under $4000 she could get her entire education. She spoke regarding what BMA's do on the job. This program offers the ability to work while going to school. Every student is succeeding and range from many ages and different backgrounds. Class size is small enough to have a relationship with each other and with teachers. Every day class contains lectures and hands on training. This program is intense, but the reward for completion is immense. This program offers a second chance at a career or a first chance at the base of health care. Thank you for being a part in making this program available. She plans to go on and work her way up in the medical field. 0:36:26 The Commission asked questions of presenters. 0:39:50 H. Action Items 0:40:00 1. Spring Creek Village Resort Lot 4 Zone Map Amendment, Application No. Z-11002 (Saunders) 0:40:01 Chris Saunders, Planning Department Mr. Saunders provided the staff presentation on this item. 0:44:16 The Commission began questions for staff. 0:49:48 Mr.Delaney,Applicant Mr. Delaney began by thanking city staff Courtney Kramer for coming to him with a grant idea and submitting for that grant on behalf of Mr. Delaney. This item was passed on consent tonight: 4of11 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission, February 27, 2012 Approve Delegation of Save America's Treasures grant funding to the Pioneer Museum and the Willson and Company building (Kramer) Mr. Delaney then spoke regarding his zone map amendment request. Mr. Delaney thanked Chris Saunders for doing an excellent job reviewing this application. He spoke regarding the history of other large projects. He handed out a Bozeman historic traffic volumes graph. Mr. Delaney said in this fast paced world one must be creative and flexible and have zoning which is adaptable. Entry way corridor rules were adopted to ensure to the public that whatever is developed in the corridor that will be of the highest standard and quality. The facts surrounding Huffne Lane and future growth relate to traffic study. The traffic study shows the four major corridors that come into the city of Bozeman. This property, the growth went from 6,800 vehicles per day in 1975 to almost 20,000 today. They estimate based on that growth, every ten years there will be a 110 increase in growth. Mr. Delaney sees all of Huffine Lane as commercial in the future with no residential areas. The question for the Commissioners is, "Do you delay the development of this area or encourage the development?" Mr. Delaney asked that the Commission rezone the entire 20 acres, but if not would like 112 rezoned. Must be adaptable but doing a PUD on this property, cannot incorporate all the things we would like to do. The PUD process is very long and expensive and there is no guarantee that it will be approved. 0:58:52 The Commission asked questions of the applicant. 0:59:08 Mr. Delaney Mr. Delaney answered a question from Cr. Andrus regarding what could not happen with a BP zoning. Gas station or car dealership was not included in the PUD. Asking the Commission for the same zoning you provided across the street. 1:03:54 Public Comment Mayor Becker opened public comment on this item. Seeing none, he closed public comment. 1:34:05 Motion that having heard and considered Public-comment, materials and staff findings,I hereby adopt findings presented in the staff report and move to retain Business Park District zoning on Lot 4, Minor Subdivision 295, Spring Creek Village Resort. It was moved by Cr. Mehl, seconded by Cr. Andrus that having heard and considered public comment, materials and staff findings, I hereby adopt findings presented in the staff report and move to retain Business Park District zoning on Lot 4,Minor Subdivision 295, Spring Creek Village Resort. 1:34:25 Discussion on the motion. 1:51:39 Mayor Becker delayed this item until March 26th to allow staff and the applicant time to work out another alternative. 1:52:02 Break Mayor Becker called for a break. 2:04.39 Back from Break Mayor Becker called the meeting back to order from break. 5of11 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission, February 27, 2012 2:06:55 2. Change of Use and Certificate of Appropriateness with Deviation, Application No. Z11288 to allow a 1,832 square foot restaurant at 600 North Wallace Avenue (Quasi Judicial Decision) (Thorpe) 2:07:02 Keri Thorpe, Planning Department Ms. Thorpe provided the staff presentation on this item. 2:11:52 Commission began questions for staff. 2:15:59 Putter Brown,Applicant Mr. Putter, a partner in the building at 600 North Wallace provided a presentation. He explained on behalf of the restaurant owner Tamaso Damasco and his wife Mia that they need the slight deviation in space to extend his kitchen area. 2:19:35 Public Comment Mayor Becker opened public comment. 2:19:44 Edward Wood, Public Comment Mr. Woods of 506 E Cottonwood spoke in opposition of the deviation. He likes how the neighborhood quiets down and feels a restaurant would make the neighborhood noisier in the evening. He also mentioned that the building has had two prior deviations. 2:23:11 Cory Reistad,Puhlic Comment Mr. Reistad of 3919 Rain Roper Drive owns Studio AV. Mr. Reistad strongly supports the application. He said he has a vested interest in the neighborhood as he purchased the lot to the east. Mr. Reistad said that with vitalization like this he would like to build and live in a mixed use building in this area. 2:24:09 Sam Thompson,Public Comment Mr. Thompson of 700 North Wallace is in strong support of the application and feels this project would be a nice addition to the neighborhood. He has also offered additional parking to Putter Brown at his mill a block away. 2:25:09 Public Comment Closed Seeing no further public comment, Mayor Becker closed public comment. 2:25:16 Putter Brown,Applicant Mr. Brown said that after the NENA (neighborhood) meeting, Mr. Brown spoke with the property owner across the street on Wallace and has permission to lease eight spaces. 2:26:37 Motion to approve application Z-11288 as described in the staff report and subiect to the conditions therein, based on a finding of compliance with all applicable criteria. It was moved by Cr. Andrus, seconded by Cr. Taylor to approve application Z-11288 as described in the staff report and subiect to the conditions therein, based on a finding of compliance with all applicable criteria. 2:27.11 Discussion on the motion. 6ofII Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission, February 27, 2012 2:38:27 Vote on the motion to approve application Z-11288 as described in the staff report and subiect to the conditions therein, based on a finding of compliance with all applicable criteria/ Those voting Ave bcin2 Crs. Andrus, Taylor, Mehl, Krauss and Mavor Becker. Those votine No beine none. The motion passed 5-0. 2:39:013. Appointment of Mayor and Commissioners to Voting Board Positions and Assignment of Mayor and Commissioners to act as Liaisons to Citizen Advisory Boards (Kissel) 2:39:39 Mayor Becker Mayor Becker explained this item and as the Mayor set the order of choice for the Commission saying the order will be Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Commissioner Mehl, Commissioner Taylor and Commissioner Andrus. Then the next set of picks would go backwards from Commissioner Andrus. 2:40:53 Commission discussion on this item. 2:44.01 Mayor Becker chose the Transportation Coordinating Committee. 2:45:47 Deputy Mayor Krauss chose the Economic Development Council. 2:46:02 Cr. Mehl chose the Planning Board. 2:47:36 Cr. Taylor chose the Downtown Tax Increment Finance District (TIF) Board, 2:47:48 Cr. Andrus chose the Historic Preservation Advisory Board. 2:48:03 Cr. Andrus chose the Streamline Advisory Board, 2:49:00 Cr. Taylor chose the Downtown Business Improvement District(BID) Board. 2:49:28 Cr. Mehl chose the Zoning Commission. 2:50:01 Deputy Mayor Krauss chose the North Seventh Urban Renewal Board. 2:51:11 Mayor Becker chose the Design Review Board and the Parking Commission. 2:52:55 Deputy Mayor Krauss chose the Library Board of Trustees. 2:53:19 Cr. Mehl chose Prospera. 2:53:44 Cr. Taylor chose the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board. 2:54:06 Cr. Andrus chose the Cemetery Board and the Gallatin Local Water Quality District Board. 7of11 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission, February 27, 2012 2:55:41 Cr. Taylor chose the City-County Board of Health. 2;55:59 Cr. Mehl chose the Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board. 2:56:14 Deputy Mayor Krauss chose the Inter-Neighborhood Council 2:56:48 Commissioner Taylor chose the Bicycle Advisory Board. 2:56:48 Mayor Becker chose the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council. 2:57:45 Mayor Becker chose the Tree Advisory Board. 2:58:46 Deputy Mayor Krauss chose the Tourism Business Improvement District Board. 2:59:30 Cr. Taylor chose the Bicycle Advisory Board. 3:00:35 Cr. Andrus chose the Fire Code Board of Appeals. 3:01:19 Cr. Andrus chose the Senior Citizens Advisory Board. 3:01:34 Cr. Taylor chose the Community Alcohol Coalition. 3:02:03 Cr. Mehl chose the Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Committee. 3:02:30 Deputy Mayor Krauss chose the Audit Committee. 3:02:51 Mayor Becker chose the Beautification Advisory Board. 3:03:01 Mayor Becker chose the Audit Committee. 3:04:11 Deputy Mayor Krauss chose the Board of Appeals. 3:04:47 Cr.Mehl chose the Board of Adjustment. 3:04:57 Cr. Taylor traded boards with Cr. Mehl. Cr. Taylor will be on the Planning Board and Zoning Commission and Cr. Mehl taking the Northeast Urban Renewal Board. 3:07:26 Commissioner Andrus traded boards with Mayor Becker. Cr. Andrus will be liaison to the Tree Advisory Board and Mayor Becker will be on the Streamline Advisory Board. 3:10:15 Aimee Kissel, Deputy City Clerk Ms. Kissel read off the list of Commission liaisons and voting positions as follows: Audit Committee - Krauss and Becker. Beautification Advisory Board -Becker. Bicycle Advisory Board - Taylor. Board of Adjustment- Mehl. Building Board of Appeals - Krauss. Cemetery Advisory Board -Andrus. City-County Board of Health - Taylor. Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board - Mehl. Community Alcohol Coalition- Taylor. Design Review Board - Becker. Downtown Business District(BID) and Tax Increment Finance District (TIF) - Taylor. Economic Development Council - Krauss. Fire Code Board of Appeals -Andrus. 8of11 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission, February 27, 2012 Criminal Justice Coordinating Council - Becker. Historic Preservation Board-Andrus. Impact Fee Committee - Mehl. Library Board of Trustees and North Seventh Urban Renewal Board - Krauss. Northeast Urban Renewal Board - Mehl. Parking Commission- Becker. Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Committee - Mehl. Planning Board- Taylor. Prospera- Mehl. (and reappointing city staff Brit Fontenot to Prospera) Parks and Recreation - Taylor. Senior Citizens -Andrus. Streamline - Becker. Tourism BID - Krauss. TCC - Becker. Tree Advisory - Andrus. Wetland - Mehl. Zoning - Taylor. Local Water Quality District Board -Andrus. Intcmeighborhood Council - Krauss. 3:13:05 Motion to approve the voting appointments as read. It was moved by Cr. Mehl, seconded by Cr. Andrus to approve the voting appointments as read. Those voting Ale being Crs. Mehl, Andrus, Taylor and Mayor Becker. Those voting No being Deputy Mayor Krauss. The motion passed 4-1 with Deputy Mayor Krauss opposed. 3:13:52 4. (Re)Appointments to the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board (Kissel) 3:13:59 Motion and Vote to reappoint Julie Zichovich and appoint Steve Roderick to the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board. It was moved by Cr. Taylor, seconded by Cr. Krauss to reappoint Julie Zichovich and appoint Steve Roderick to the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board. Those voting Aye being Crs. Taylor, Krauss, Mehl, Andrus and Mayor Becker. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 3:14:215. Continued Development and Adoption of the draft Commission Goals and Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2012-2013 (Kukulski) 3:14:36 Chris Kukulski, City Manager Mr. Kukulski presented the staff presentation on this item. 3:24:30 Motion to take#10 buy local to tier 1 and move to tier 2. It was moved by Cr. Mehl, seconded by Cr. Krauss take 910 buy local to tier 1 and move to tier 2. _ 3:24:33 Mayor Becker asked whether the motion included approving the lucky thirteen list. 3:25:31 Discussion on the motion. 3:45:31 Motion to amend the motion to say that we will make everything second tier. 9of11 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission, February 27, 2012 It was moved by Cr. Krauss to amend the motion to say that we will make everything second tier. The amendment to the main motion died for lack of a second. 3:46:06 Vote on the motion to take 910 buy local to tier 1 and move to tier 2. Those voting Aye being Crs. Mehl Krauss Andrus Taylor and Mayor Becker. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 3:46:23 Motion to approve the work plan as amended. It was moved by Cr. Mehl, seconded by Cr. Krauss to approve the work plan as amended. 3:46:41 Motion to amend the motion to move the adoption of the International Building Code to the first tier. It was moved by Cr. Taylor, seconded by Cr. Andrus to amend the motion to move the adoption of the International Building Code to the first tier. 3:46:51 Discussion on the amendment to the motion. 3:47:36 Vote on the amendment to the main motion to amend the motion to move the adoption of the International Building Code to the first tier. Those voting Ave being Crs. Taylor and Andrus. Those voting No being Crs. Krauss,Mehl and Mayor Becker. The motion failed 2-3 with Crs. Krauss, Mehl and Mayor Becker. 3:48:09 Discussion on the main motion including verifying that the Senior Center parking should be included in the work plan. 3:49:55 Vote on the motion to adopt Commission Goals and Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2012-2013 as amended including moving 910 (buy local) to tier 2 and adding the senior center parking issue to the list. Those voting Ave being Crs. Mehl, Krauss,Andrus, Taylor and Mayor Becker. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 3:49:55 I. FYI 3:50.39 1. Bozeman Creek and Bogert Park Project Update Ron Dingman, Parks and Recreation Director provided an update on this saying they advertised a request for proposals and are accepting proposals for the final design work of the plan which is alternative six. Six is a result of the pro bono work provided by Confluence. After vetting six alternatives with the public, they decided to go with alternative six. The idea is to hire a firm to design 30% of the design to provide enough information to estimate the overall cost of the 10 of 11 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission, February 27, 2012 project and where the project will physically affect adjacent property owners. They estimate this will cost about $20,000. The Bozeman Creek Enhancement Committee is planning on applying for a $10,000 park improvements grant money and matching another$10,000. The Enhancement Committee and the City will submit grants for the remaining design money. Mr. Dingman further explained funding source details. 3:53:32 Discussion on this item. 3:54:09 2. Meetings regarding shift in Commission liaison on advisory boards. Cr. Taylor said he feels meetings should take place to allow for a smooth transition between previous Commission advisory board liaisons and new liaisons with the staff liaison also present. 3:55:113. Letter from Council for downtown property and business owners regarding Carnegie Parking Lot City Attorney Greg Sullivan said he has been in touch with council and has a meeting set up to discuss this with outside council. 3:57:04 1 Adjournment Mayor Becker adjourned the meeting at 9:59 p.m. Sean A Becker, Mayor ATTEST: ` 7' PREPA"Y: s� Aimee Ki sel, Deputy City Clerk Approved on Apr; f 'I , Zola 11 of 11 s � ♦ 9 i 1.i,.R��A .;4-i1?f , ., ..' � }. s�k .�•