HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-21-11 Commission meeting affidavit of publication THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 28j AGENDA STATE OF MONTANA ) Monday, November 21,2011 )SS. ) LE A. Call to Order _ B p.m. - =MAN County of Gallatin Commission Roam, City Hall, p 121 North Rouse B B'. Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence lC.Changes to the Agenda f D. Public Service Announce- ment - City Offices Closed November 24th and 25th for being duly sworn, deposes and says; that he/she � the Thanksgiving Holiday (UI- is legal ad clerk of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, I men) a newspaper of general circulation, printed and E. Authorize Absence of Commissioner Mehl published in Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana; F. Minutes - September 26, and that the notice here unto annexed G.C onsent 11/21/11 CITY COMMISSION G.C 1, Authorize Payment of Ac- MEETING AGENDA counts Payable Claims has been correctly published in the regular and (LaMeres) entire issues of every number of said paper for 2. Authorize City Manager to 1 insertions. sign Amendment to Profes- The following Ordinance was slonal Services Agreement provisionally adopted on with Tetra Tech for continued post-closure ground water 11-14-11. monitoring at Story Mill Landfill (Johnson) ORDINANCE NO. 1818 ' 3. Approve the Building Divi- AN ORDINANCE OF THE Sion Monthly Report for Octo- CITY COMMISSION OF THE ber,2011 (Risk) CITY OF BISSION MOH_ Said notice was published on: 4• Approve Resolution No, TANA, PROHIBITING THE 11/20/2011 4366, providing procedures for USE OF HAND HELD ELEC- the purpose of Protecting and TRONIC COMMUNICATIONS informing Persons performing DEVICES WHILE OPERAT- Trench and/or Excavation ING A MOTOR VEHICLE. Work in the Vicinity of the Bozeman Solvent Site(Arkell) 5• Approve Resolution 4358, The following Resolutions Q Q creating and defining the pur- were passed an 11.14.11: pose and structure of Commu COMMISSION RESOLUTION Subscribed and sworn to before me this nfty Working With implementation Of thesCiit IVO.4354 28th day of November , 2411 mate Action Plan(Meyer) A RESOLUTION O H.Public Comment F THE CiTY COMMISSION OF THE I.Policy Discussion 1. Presentation of parts of the CITY OF BOZEMAN, MON- Capital Recommended TANA, AUTHORIZING THE lm_! COMMITMENT OF MATCH- Iblic for the State ontana al Years Plan (CIP) for en- . ! ING FUNDS FOR THE TREA- Residing at Bozeman, Montana cal Years 2013-2017 (Kasen-j i SURE STATE ENDOWMENT berry} Water Fund CiP PROGRAM PRELIMINARY Wastewater Fund CIP ENGINEERING GRANT AP- Solid Waste Fund CIP i PLICATION. 2. Discuss Process to identify l Alternatives far Mobile Food COMMISSION RESOLUTION Vendors(McHarg/Fontenot) NO.4355 J.Action Items GLENNDA BURTON 1. Appointment to the Beautifi- A RESOLUTION OF THE a�nAas�R NOTARY PUBLIC for the cation Advisory Board CITY COMMISSION OF THE ;` r (Kissel) CITY OF a State of M ntana 2 Appointment to the City BOZEMAN, MON- *SEAL * Rending at Bozeman, MT Planning Board(Kissel) TANA, APPROVING ALTER- K.FYU { /�< My Commission Expires Discussion ATION/MODIFICATION OF June 28,2012 L,Adjournment CONTRACT WITH WILLIAMS BROTHER CONSTRUCTION, LLC., BILLINGS, MONTANA.