HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-19-11 Commission meeting affidavit of publication THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA AGENDA Monday,September 19,2011 A. Call to Order - 6 p.m. - AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse 08 STATE OF MONTANA } B. Pledge of Allegiance and Count of Gallatin )SS a Moment of Silence [TY OF BOZEMAN Y C.Changes to the Agenda D.Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Ac- counts Payable Claims 59771 (LaMeres) 2. Authorize City Manager to The following Ordinance vitas sign and submit Grant applica- finally adopted on 9-12-11: j/j tion for the Montana Communi- ty Development Block Grant, ORDINANCE NO.1815 being duly sworn, deposes and says; that he/she Economic Development Pro- j is legal ad clerk of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, gram 2011 Planning Grant, in Il AN ORDINANCE OF THE a newspaper of general circulation, printed and partnership with the State of CITY COMMISSION OF THE Montana's Department of Natu- CITY OF BOZEMAN, MON- published in Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana; ral Resources and Conserva- TANA, AUTHORIZING THE and that the notice here unto annexed tion(Fontenot) CITY MANAGER TO ENTER 9/19/11 CITY COMMISSION 3. Ratify Fire Chief's signature INTO A 1-YEAR GROUND MEETING AGENDA on 2011 Assistance to Fire- LEASE WITH STEVEN G. fighters Grant Application DAYHUFF FOR THE LEASE has been correctly published in the regular and (Shrauger) OF WATER TREATMENT k entire issues of every number of said paper for 4. Approve the monthly report PLANT PROPERTY NEAR I 1 insertions. for the Building Inspection Divi- THE MYSTIC HEIGHTS SUB- sion for August,2011 (Risk) DIVISION, FOR THE PUR- E.Public Comment POSE OF FARMING. F. Mayoral Proclamation - Gold Star Mother's and Fami- The following Resolutions lies'Day,September 24th were approved on 9-12-11: G.Action Items 1. Continued Consideration of COMMISSION RESOLUTION Site Plan and Certificate of Ap- NO.4342 Said notice was published on: propriateness for Digital Sky- 09/18/2011 lines Application No. Z-11139, A RESOLUTION OF THE 705 Bridger Drive(Saunders) CITY COMMISSION OF THE 2. Public Hearing and Consid- CITY OF BOZEMAN, MON- eration of Audrey's Pizza Out- TANA, AMENDING THE door Seating Conditional Use CEMETERY FEES CHARGED Permit and Certificate of Ap- FOR THE SUNSET HILLS GL," 1 propriateness with Deviation, CEMETERY. /,/ Application No.Z-11198(Riley) 3. Request to Amend Fiscal COMMISSION RESOLUTION Subscribed and sworn to before me this Year 2012 Transportation Im- NO.4336 pact Fee Capital Improvement 21st day of September, 2011 Program(Saunders) A RESOLUTION OF THE 4. Request to Amend Fiscal CITY COMMISSION OF THE Year 2012 Water Impact Fee CITY OF BOZEMAN, MON- ��) Capital Improvement Program TANA, APPROPRIATING f 1Y (Saunders) FUNDS FOR VARIOUS BUD- A 5. Continued Public Hearing GET UNITS, AND FURTHER �otar blic for the State�Ovlorltana and Consideration of Impact ESTIMATING REVENUE Residing at Bozeman, Montana Fee Appeal No. 1102 and Im- NECESSARY TO OPERATE pact Fee Credit Request No. AND MAINTAIN SERVICES 1101 from Norton and J&D OF MUNICIPAL GOVERN- Family Partnership(Saunders) MENT FOR THE FISCAL 6. Need Hearing to Determine YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, whether 700 square feet of 2012 city-owned property at 200 gAa GLENNDA BURTON South Wallace is no longer o NOTARY PUBLIC for the needed for public use U x State of Montana (Fontenot) ( SEAL * ,Residing at Bozeman, MT 7. Public Hearing and Consid- \� r My Commission Expires eration of Provisional Adoption �O`"°fr June 28,2012 of Ordinance Nor, 1816, Codify- ing the Bozeman Municipal Code(Sullivan) S. (Re)Appointments to the Building Board of Appeals (Kissel) H.FYI/Discussion 1.Adjournment