HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-06-11 Commission meeting affidavit of publication 9. Provisionally Adopt Ordi- nance No. 1810, authorizing City Manager to enter into a 3- year ground Lease with Donald Dodge for lease of the Lyman xx Water Treatment Plant proper- ty for the purpose of farming THE CITY COMMISSION (Arkell) MEETING OF SOZEMAN, 110. Finally Adopt Ordinance AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION MONTANA 5 f No. 1807, Amending the Com- STATE OF MONTANA ) rnission Rules of Procedure )SS AGENDA (Sullivan) Monday,June 6,2011 TY 1f 1.Public Comment County of Gallatin } ii J.Action Items A, Call to Order - 5 p.m. 1. Fellowship Baptist Church Commission Room, City Hall, Conditional Use Permit with 121 North Rouse t77 Variances, Application No. Z- 13. Pledge of Allegiance and 11069 (Opened, Heard and a Moment of Silence Continued on May 23, 2011) f" C.Changes to the Agenda (Skelton) 4uthori»_ Ohs^rlce of 2. Spring Creek Village Resort Comrr1a� goner Andrus being duly sworn, deposes and says; that he/she E. Special Presentation - City Lot 4 Zone Map Amendment is legal ad clerk of the Bozeman ORDINANCE NO. 1806 Manager's Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 Recommender! Budget No.Z-11002(Saunders) a newspaper of general circulatic AN ORDINANCE OF THE (Rosenberry) 3. South University District published in Bozeman, Gallatin f CITY COMMISSION OF THE F. Public Service Announce Zone Map Amendment Na. Z and that the notice here unto ann CITY OF BOZEMAN, MON. meat Flooding 09242 Est(Krueger) 06/06/11 CITY COMMISSION TANA, AMENDING THE CITY (Shrauger) 4. Establish intent to sell 0.05 OF BOZEMAN ZONE MAP TO G. Minutes - April 11 2011 acre tract of land from the city's MEETING AGENDA INCLUDE THE AREA OF LOT and May 9,2011 Lower Yards property to North- has been correctly published in t H.Consent Western Energy(Heaston) 2 AND LOT 3, BLOCK 1 OF entire issues of every number of LOYAL GARDEN SUBDIVI- 1. Authorize Payment of Ac- K.FYI/Discussion L.Adjournment 1 insertions. SION, PHASE 1A BEING A counts Payable Claims PORTION OF TRACT 1 OF (LaMeres) CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY 2. Authorize City Manager The following Resolution was g to NO. 24 AS "B-2" (COMMUNI- sign Amendment t4 Profes approved on May 23,2011: TY BUSINESS DISTRICT) for sional Services Agreement 3.1845 acres SITUATED IN with Tetra Tech for Landfill Gas RESOLUTION NO.4316 THE NE ;s OF SECTION 16, Extraction System Optimiza- T28, R5E, PMM, Gallatin tion and Environmental Moni- A RESOLUTION OF THE County, MONTANA. toring(Johnson) BOZEMAN CITY COMMIS- Said notice was published on: 3. Authorize City Manager to SION NOTIFYING THE GAL- sign Award of bid to Walker LATIN COUNTY ELECTION Construction Inc., for remodel ADMINISTRATOR OF THE and renovation of the City CITY'S DESIRE TO CON- Shop Complex at 814 North DUCT THE 2011 CITY PRIMA- Bozeman Avenue in the RY (IF HELD) AND THE 2011 amount of $254,950.00 GENERAL ELECTIONS BY (Goehrung) MAIL BALLOT IN ACCOR- 4. Authorize City Manager to DANCE WITH SECTION 13- sign a one-year contract exten- 19-202, MONTANA CODE AN- Subscribed and sworn to before me this sign for janitorial services for NOTATED, (AND NOTIFICA- $th day of Tune 2011 city owned buildings to Dust TION OF THE CITY'S COM- Y Bunnies Cleaning Services and MITMENT TO FUND THE RE- i I Montana Building Maintenance TURN POSTAGE COSTS) (Goehrung) 5. Approve Payment of The following Ordinances were $12,449.84 for the Buttrey's finally adopted on May 23, I Solvent Site Cost Recovery 2011: Notary Public for the State of Montana (Cooper) Residing at Bozeman, Montana 6. Approve Signing and Strip- ORDINANCE NO. 1805 ing plan for Bike Lane designa- tion on Peach Street from AN ORDINANCE OF THE A AMANI?AKUNZ CITY COMMISSION OF THE n" H North 7th Ave. to Rouse Ave. +� NOTARY PuquClottlI (Kerr) CITY OF BOZEMAN, MON- � 3t�teolMofltanq TANA, AMENDING THE CITY � ' rewinyatDegrade,Mptsltltllab 7. Approve South University �y Cornmira*nExorol District Annexation No, A- OF BOZEMAN ZONE MAP TO Oeptembgf28,2014 09002, with the fourteen rec- INCLUDE THE AREA OF LOT ornmended terms of annexa- 1, BLOCK 1 OF LOYAL GAR- tion on pages 2-4 of the staff DEN SUBDIVISION, PHASE report and direct staff to pry:- 1A BEING A PORTION OF pare an annexation agreement TRACT 1 OF CERTIFICATE (Krueger) OF SURVEY NO. 24 AS "B-2" 8: Approve Festival of the (COMMUNITY BUSINESS Fourth Proclamation and en- DISTRICT)for 1.5 acres SITU- courage Citizens to assist the ATED IN THE NE 1/4 OF SEC- City to compete for a $10,000 TION 16, T2S, R5E, PMM, Grant from Liberty Mutual to Gallatin County,MONTANA. help Fund the Festival(Kissel)