HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-02-11 Commission meeting affidavit of publication Th..frliov ing Resolutions were THE CITY COMMISSION ,j,pcovod on MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 4313 AGENDA A RESOLUTION OF THE AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION CITY COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF MONTANA Monday,May 02,2011 CITY OF BOZEMAN, MON- )SS. TANA, APPROVING ALTER ) A. Call to Order - 6 p,m. - Y O ATIONlMODIFICATION OF Cotfl�ty of Gallatin Commission Room, City Hall, CONTRACT WITH BN 121 North Rouse BUILDERS, BOZEMAN, MON- B. Pledge of Allegiance and 771 TANA. a Moment of Silence C.Changes to the Agenda COMMISSION RESOLUTION D.Minutes-March 21,2011 NO.4314 E.Consent A RESOLUTION OF THE Jl [ 11 I. Authorize Payment of CITY COMMISSION OF THE being duly sworn, deposes and says; that he/she be Claims(LaMeres) CITY OF BOZEMAN, M©N- 2. Authorize City Manager to TANA, REVISING PERMIT is legal ad clerk of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, sign a professional services FEES FOR PARADES ANN a newspaper of general circulation, printed and agreement with Dowling Sand- PUBLIC ASSEMBLIES, holm Architects in the amount CLUDING PUBLIC SSG published in Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana; of $19,999.00 for Design and BLIES WITHIN and that the notice here unto annexed Contract Administration of the PARKS, AND THE SCHED 5102111 CITY COMMISSION remodel at the City Shops ULE OF SERVICE COSTS MEETING AGENDA Complex at 814 North Boze- FOR PARADES AND PUBLIC has been correctly published in the regular and man (Goehrung) ASSEMBLIES. entire issues of every number of said paper for 3. Authorize City Manager to Execute Right-of-Way Docu- The following Ordinances were 1 insertions. ments and Temporary Con- finally adopted on 4-25-11: struction Permits at a Total Cost of $160,428.20 for the ORDINANCE NO.1798 11th & College Roundabout AN ORDINANCE OF THE Construction Project(Heaston) CITY COMMISSION OF THE 4. Authorize City Manager to CITY OF BOZEMAN, MON- Sign Notice of Award for Con- TANA PROVIDING THAT THE struction of the 11th & Coilege BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL CODE Said notice Was published on: Roundabout to Knife River of BE AMENDED BY GENERAL Belgrade at a Cost of LY REVISING CHAPTER 05101/2011 $652,747.35(Heaston) 12.32 RELATED TO PUBLIC 5. Authorize City Manager to ASSEMBLY AND PARADE sign Interlocal Agreement be- PERMITTING AND ADDING tween Gallatin County, Boze- N PROVISIONS REQUIRING ;N- man School District No. 7, and SURANCE AND I EMNI ENFORCE- Bozeman City of Bozeman for the I CATION AND Bozeman Dcwntown Tax In- MENT AND PENALTIES FOR t�✓J .,-{```1] U_ crement Finance District VIOLATIONS' (Rosenberry) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6. Acknowledge receipt of the I ORDINANCE.NO.1801 9th day of May 12011 Planning Department 3rd Ouar- AN ORDINANCE OF THE ter Fiscal Year 2611 (January CITY COMMISSION OF THE 1,2011 -March 31,2011) Bud- CITY OF BOZEMAN, MON- AMENDING THE '1 get Update(McHarg) TANA - 7. Approve Payment of BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL CODE f / 2rfe %�/ •9�i` --- $5,950.82 for the Butfrey's Sol- SY GENERALLY REVISING C• -�-— — vent Site Cost Recovery CHAPTER 12.26 TO INCLUDE Notary,--7u- (Cooper) for the State ontana (Cooper) PROCESSES AND Residing at Bozeman, Montana F.Public Comment DARDS RELATED TO USE G.Action items OF PARKS AND RECRE- 1. Letter of intent from CATEL- ATIONAL FACILITIES AND Gf ENNDA BURTON LUS GROUP, LLC for pur- FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ,��19AgUg_ PRO ¢,, `"A%<,yr" NOTARY PUBLIC for the chase of the Carnegie Parking PARK PERMITS AND �;r o Lot located at iD6 East VIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT *i` SIrAL Stale of Montana Mendenhall Street(Fontenot) AND PENALTIES. ` Res'd'f'c7 at Bozeman, M7 2. McGuane Sketch Plan Cer- gF„ars�F MY Commission Expires 180 tificate of Appropriateness with ORDINANCE NO. THE dune 28,20i2 Demolition, Application No. Z- AN ORDINANCE OF 11050 Kramer CITY COMMISSION OF THE 3. Integrated Water Resources CITY OF BOZEMAN, THE Plan(IWRP)(Heaston) TANA, AUTHORIZING 4. Update on Selection of Wa- CITY MANAGER TO ENTER ter Flights Attorney(Cooper) INTO A 1-YEAR GROUND H.FYVDiscussion LEASE WITH BILL TATARKA I.Adjournment FOR THE LEASE OF MAN - I. FARM PROPERTY, FOR THE PURPOSE OF FARMING. �_