HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-28-11 Commission meeting affidavit of publication THE CITY cQL,,. ISS1ON MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA AGENDA AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MONTANA ) Monday,March 28,2011 )SS. A. call to Order - s p.m. TY OF BOZEMAN County of Gallatin ) Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse B- Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence X771 Changes to the Agenda C.Minutes-February 7,2011 D.Consent [ f 1. Authorize Payment of Ac- being duly sworn, deposes and says; that he/she counts Payable Claims (LaMeres is legal ad clerk of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, 2. Authorize the City Manager, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and on behalf of the City Commis- published in Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana; sion, to sign a letter from the and that the notice here unto annexed 'Gallatin Mental Health Local 03/28/11 CITY COMMISSION Advisory Council requesting the Streamline Bus Service en. MEETING tertain and consider a change has been correctly published in the regular and in the Streamline route(s)to in- entire issues of every number of said paper for clude the Mental Health Center 1 insertions. Campus on Farmhouse Lane (Wordal) 3. Award Banking Services Contract to US Bank(Clark) E. Public Comment F.Action Items 1. Presentation and Possible Adoption of the Community Cli- mate Action Plan (Meyer) 2. Peach Street Bike Lanes i Said notice was published on: (Kerr) 03/27/2011 3. Provisional adoption of Ordi- nance No. 1802, Residential Emphasis Mixed Use Zoning District and Associated Zone Text Amendments No. Z- 09241 to Title 18,Unified De- velopment Ordinance, Boze- man Municipal Code (Krueger) 4. Appointment to the Tourism Subscribed and sworn to before me this Business Improvement District 30th day of March 2011 Board of Trustees(Kissel) 5. Appointment to the Commu- nity Alcohol Coalition (Kissel) G.FYIIDiscussion H,Adjournment &arublic for the State o ntana The Following Ordinance was provisionally adopted on Mon- Residing at Bozeman, Montana day, March 21,2091 ORDINANCE NO. 1803 AN ORDINANCE OF THE GLENNDA BURTON CITY COMMISSION OF THE ��N9A8V� NOTARY PUBLIC for the �tTY OF BOZEMAN, % State of Montana MONTANA, AUTHORIZING * SEAL * Residing al Bozeman,MT THE CITY MANAGER TO EN- —„ rte My Co ,2 Expires O TER INTO A 1-YEAR .lonne e 2 288,2012 GROUND LEASE WITH BILL TATARKA FOR THE LEASE OF MANDEVILLE FARM PROPERTY, FOR THE PUR- POSE OF FARMING.