HomeMy WebLinkAboutFINAL SID memo, res, and exhibits for 3-5-12 agenda - with NOTICE.pdf1 Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Chris Kukulski, City Manager Debbie Arkell, Director of Public Services Anna Rosenberry, Finance Director Greg Sullivan, City Attorney SUBJECT: Commission Resolution No. 4368 - Intention of the City Commission to Create Special Improvements District (SID) No. 713, for the purpose of financing a portion of the street improvements of South 8th Avenue. MEETING DATE: March 5, 2012 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Commission Resolution No. 4368, Resolution of Intent to Create Special Improvements District No. 713 for the purpose of financing the identified improvements associated with the reconstruction of South 8th Avenue. RECOMMENDED MOTION: I move to Adopt Commission Resolution No. 4368, a Resolution of Intent to Create Special Improvements District No. 713 for the purpose of financing the identified improvements associated with the reconstruction of South 8th Avenue. BACKGROUND: South 8th Avenue is classified as a collector street. The current condition of the street and associated infrastructure, including curb and gutter, sidewalks, and pedestrian ramps is poor. As a result of the condition of the roadway and related infrastructure, the Commission has been discussing improvements to South 8th Avenue for several years. Major street improvements were not undertaken prior to this year because of the need to replace the water main. The water main replacement was completed in the fall of 2011. With the water main replacement underway, the Commission voted on April 25, 2011 to adopt a funding option for the reconstruction of South 8th Avenue and directed staff to proceed with the reconstruction project. The chosen funding option included the use of an INTERCAP Loan to be paid by an increase in the annual Street Maintenance Assessment, a Special Improvement District (SID) paid by the immediately adjacent property owners for the “local” improvements (curbs, sidewalks, pedestrian ramps), and Street Impact Fees for the new capacity created by the addition of bike lanes. 2 On July 25, 2011, Commission Resolution No. 4329 was adopted to establish the Street Maintenance District Assessments for FY12. These assessments were increased 18 percent, with 8% of the total assessments collected dedicated for debt service for the South 8th Avenue reconstruction project. These funds will be used to make payments on the INTERCAP loan over a period of 10 years. When the funding option was established, the project cost was roughly estimated at $1.5 million, with $1,336,600 to be borrowed from INTERCAP; $29,400 from street impact fees for the bike lanes; and $143,600 from a Special Improvement District. Since last summer, additional work has been undertaken to refine the cost estimates and the allocation of costs among the various sources of financing. The purpose of this agenda item is to adopt a resolution of intent to create a special improvement district that will fund a portion of the total improvements. The special improvement district is proposed to fund improvements related to removal and installation of new curb and gutter, sidewalks, and pedestrian ramps. Currently, the approximate cost of these improvements is $255,488.00 which will be assessed to all properties in the proposed district based on each property’s linear frontage on South 8th Avenue. DESIGN AND CURRENT COST ESTIMATE: The street design and bid package for the reconstruction of South 8th Avenue including the improvements to be assessed to the proposed special improvement district has been completed by the City’s Engineering staff, saving the entire project over $200,000. The design is similar to the block of South 8th Avenue between Cleveland and Harrison Streets that MSU rebuilt in 2008. The current median will be reduced from 20-feet to 9-feet to provide room for bike lanes on both sides of the street and to widen each boulevard by approximately one-foot to reduce the amount of mature tree roots disturbed during construction. Parking will be retained on both sides of the street. During the design, it was discovered that two blocks of the stormwater pipe must be removed and replaced and all but two driveway accesses must be rebuilt. Colored, stamped concrete crosswalks and curb-bulbs were added at Alderson and Dickerson Streets (Irving School) at the request of the Mayor. These details, plus an estimate based on a detailed design and supply quantities, added cost to the project. A neighborhood meeting was held on February 23, 2012 with all property owners within the proposed special improvement district invited. Approximately 20 people attended the meeting. The February 23, 2012 estimated cost of $1,993,000 for the entire project was discussed, with a sample of the funding sources presented as $1.675 million funded by the INTERCAP loan and approximately $300,000 of the total project to be funded by the proposed special improvement district (SID). While we initially thought street impact fees could be used for the capacity expansion added by the bike lanes, further research confirmed the use of street impact fees is not allowed because the reconstruction is primarily a maintenance project and does not add motor vehicle capacity, e.g. lanes or signals. After hearing comments at the February 23rd neighborhood meeting, the City Manager requested we add a colored, stamped concrete crosswalk on the north side of Harrison Street, and colored, stamped concrete crosswalks and curb bulbs at Cooper Park on the north side of Story Street and the south side of Koch Street. 3 These changes resulted in a February 27, 2012 total estimate of the entire project of $2,050,739.00. As the proposed SID will be paying for the cost of the improvements related to curb and gutter, sidewalk, and pedestrian ramps, the approximate total assessment to the proposed SID will be $255,488.00. PROPOSED FINANCING FOR THE PROJECT Until the construction bids are opened, the cost of the project is an estimate based on the design engineer’s probable cost of the project. The proposed SID would finance approximately $255,488 of the project (12.5% of the estimated costs). We had anticipated borrowing the remaining amount from INTERCAP. However, with the project cost additions for storm water, bike lanes, driveway aprons and concrete crosswalks, we are very close to, and may exceed our borrowing capacity under §7-7-4104, MCA. The finance director has estimated the maximum amount that can be borrowed from INTERCAP is approximately $1,675,000. We are awaiting word from INTERCAP on the final amount they will loan the City for the portion of the project not funded by the proposed SID. Depending on final bid amounts and our limit with INTERCAP, it is possible that approximately $120,000 of the total project costs could need to come from another source, not the loan and not the SID. Staff has identified two possible funding options to make up this difference: Street Maintenance District cash (either operational savings in FY12, or the reserve for reconstruction projects), or Gas Tax. At the time of bid opening we will be able to determine if we need additional funds beyond the INTERCAP loan and SID, and where those funds should come from. CREATION OF SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT The SID is proposed to be created to pay the costs of the curb, sidewalk, and pedestrian ramp removal and replacement completed by the project. These costs will be determined upon opening of the bids, but are estimated to be approximately $255,488. The costs of these improvements to be paid by the proposed SID will be assessed using the lineal frontage method of assessment per Section 7-12-4163, MCA. There are 5,270.74 lineal feet within the District, and 66 property owners within the proposed SID. The approximate costs of the improvements, exclusive of interest, to be paid by the District shall not exceed $49.00 per lineal foot. The approximate assessment for each lot, tract or parcel of land for the improvements is shown on Exhibit B of Resolution No. 4368. The SID will be funded by a loan from the City’s special improvement district revolving loan fund with interest on the outstanding assessments estimated at 2% annually. The statutes that govern such a loan require the SID’s interest rate be fixed for the term of the loan (20 years) at the city’s pooled investment earning rate at the time of borrowing (§7-12-4224, MCA.) Our pooled investments had average monthly earnings of 1.12% in FY11, and we feel the 2% estimate is appropriate and Project Cost Financing:2,050,738.94$ 243,322.00$ SID: 5% SID Contingency 12,166.10$ Total SID:255,488.10$ 12.5% Total to Finance with Loan or Other:1,795,250.84$ 87.5% Borrowing capacity available under MCA 7-7-4104:1,675,000.00$ Amount that will need to come from another source: 120,250.84$ SID: Curb, Sidewalk, and Ramp Removal and Replacement 4 conservative at this point. We anticipate a transfer of the amount to be assessed to the SID from the revolving fund to the construction fund at the time we break ground on the project. At that point, the interest rate will be set for the life of the District. Property owners will be charged their first installment payment on their November 2012 special assessment bills. Those estimated annual assessments are contained on Exhibit B. This method of financing of the SID has a number of advantages for the SID: • Much lower interest rate for the life of the loan, compared to a public bond sale. • No costs of bond issuance for the district, saving an estimated at over $11,500. Customary costs of issuance include Bond Counsel (~$10,000), Advertising & Printing ($1,500), Underwriters Discount, etc. The City’s ability to finance this SID through the City’s own special improvement district revolving fund comes about because of the very healthy revolving fund balance. The fund is established by contributions from previous SIDs and has remained strong because our SID’s have not failed to make their annual bond payments, and we have not elected to transfer the balance to the city’s general fund (7-12-4222(1)(a) MCA). As of the date of our audited financial statements, the revolving fund had cash balance of $3.2 Million and secured outstanding bonds totaling $4.3 Million. By law, the revolving fund must have a balance equal to or higher than 5% of the outstanding bonds it secures. This means our revolving fund is required to have a minimum cash balance of $215,000. We believe it is prudent and allowable to make a loan of revolving fund money to the South 8th SID in this case, to be paid back to the revolving fund with interest over a 20- year period. Resolution of Intent: In order to create an SID, a Resolution of Intent to Create the SID must be adopted by the Commission. After adoption, the City Clerk will mail a copy of the Resolution of Intent to every property owner within the proposed SID. If the Resolution of Intent is adopted by the Commission on March 5, the notices will be mailed on Friday, March 9th. In addition, the Resolution must be published twice in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle. The notice will be published in the Chronicle on March 11 and 18. Written Protest: Property owners within the proposed SID have fifteen (15) days from the date of the first published notice to formally protest the creation of the SID. The protest must be in writing, identify the property in the district owned by the protestor, and be signed by all the owners of the property. The protest must be delivered to the city clerk not later than 5 pm on the last day within the protest period. The City Clerk must endorse on the protest document the date and hour of its receipt by the clerk. If the first publication is on March 11, as proposed, the formal protest period will end at 5 pm on Monday, March 26. Public Hearing to Review Protest Received: Per §7-12-4112, MCA, the City Commission must “hear and pass upon all protests made” at the next regular meeting of the Commission following the end of the protest period. This will occur on April 2. The Commission is barred from taking any action on the proposed SID for a period of six months if the protest thresholds in Sect. 7-12-4113, MCA are met: 7-12-4113. Sufficient protest to bar proceedings -- exceptions. (1) Except as provided in subsections (2) and (3), no further proceedings shall be taken for a period of 6 months from the date when said protest shall have been received by said clerk of the city or town council or commission when: 5 (a) the council or commission finds that such protest is made by the owners of property in the district to be assessed for more than 50% of the cost of the proposed work, in accordance with the method or methods of assessment described in the resolution of intention; or (b) the cost thereof is to be assessed upon the property within an extended district and the council or commission finds that such protest is made by the owners of more than 50% of the area of the property to be assessed for said improvements. (2) The council or commission shall have the right to overrule any and all objections and pave the proposed block with gravel and oil surface when the improvement proposed is the paving, with necessary incidentals, of not more than one cross block to connect with streets or avenues already paved for a continuous distance of three blocks or more running at a right angle (or substantially so) with the single cross block so proposed to be paved. (3) In case the improvement is the construction of a sanitary sewer, such protest may be overruled by an affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the council or commission unless such protest is made by the owners of property in the district to be assessed for more than 75% of the cost of the district, in accordance with the methods of assessment described in the resolution of intention, in which event the protest must be sustained as to the construction of such sanitary sewer. The hearing on the protests will occur on April 9, 2012. At the same time, the City Commission will be presented with a resolution to order the creation of the SID. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: A number of identified elements related to the larger South 8th Street Reconstruction project are still in flux: Total Bid Price, Maximum Allowable INTERCAP Loan, other contributing funds to complete the financing if necessary. However, we believe it is prudent and necessary to proceed with adoption of this Resolution of Intention to Create this district. It establishes a maximum contribution from the property owners in the proposed District, and identifies the revolving fund loan mechanism. Both of these elements are important initial steps in completing this complicated project. ALTERNATIVES: The Commission could choose to not create this SID and either find another source of funds to pay for the described improvements, or not proceed with the improvements at all (cancelling the entire S 8th Street Reconstruction.) If the Commission proceeds with creating this district, as we are recommending, there are two additive elements that the Commission could consider including. 1. Statute contemplates SIDs that are created and “secured” by the revolving fund make a contribution to the fund of between 5 and 10% of the project amount. (7-12-4222 (1)(b), MCA.) We have not added this amount to the cost of creating the district. We recommend this for a number of reasons: i. This district is not issuing bonds that are secured by the revolving fund. ii. The revolving fund has a large balance, very much in excess of statutory minimum requirements. iii. Through the loan made to the district, the revolving fund will receive annual interest earnings from this district, estimated at up to $55,000 over the life of the loan. The revolving fund will receive its loan principal back and will grow by this interest earnings contribution. The Commission could direct us to add a required contribution to the revolving fund from the district, if they so chose. 2. Commission Resolution No. 3379 “Special Improvement District Policy” Section 6.01 says: “Three Percent (3%) Administrative fee shall be assessed against all special improvement districts.” We have not added this amount to the cost of 6 creating the district because this policy has not been consistently applied over the years, and the policy does not indicate to what fund this money should be paid. The Commission could direct us to add an administrative fee to the costs of the district and determine where the fee should be paid (General Fund, etc.), if they so chose. FISCAL EFFECTS: As described herein. Attachments: • Resolution 4368 with Exhibits A and B • Proposed Notice of Passage of Resolution of Intent Report compiled on: February 29, 2012 Resolution of Intent to Create SID 713 South 8th Street Page 1 of 6 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 4368 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, RELATING TO SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 713; DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO CREATE THE DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF UNDERTAKING CERTAIN LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS IN AND ABOUT SOUTH 8TH AVENUE AND FINANCING THE COSTS THEREOF AND INCIDENTAL THERETO THROUGH A LOAN TO THE DISTRICT FROM THE CITY’S SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission (the “Commission”) of the City of Bozeman, Montana (the “City”), as follows: Section 1. Proposed Improvements; Intention To Create District. The City proposes to undertake certain local improvements (the “Improvements”) to benefit certain property located in the City. The Improvements consist of planning, designing, constructing and installing certain public infrastructure on and adjacent to South 8th Avenue including construction of sidewalk, curb and gutter, and pedestrian ramps and others incidental to the above as more particularly described in Section 5 of this Resolution. The Improvements are to be constructed in conjunction with the reconstruction of South 8th Avenue and installation of additional public infrastructure including reconstruction of South 8th Avenue, narrowing of the median, and the installation of bike lanes, stormwater facilities, and pavement markings, among others. It is the intention of the Commission to create and establish in the City under Montana Code Annotated, Title 7, Chapter 12, Parts 41 and 42, as amended, a special improvement district (the “District”) for the purpose of financing the Improvements and paying for costs incidental thereto, including costs associated with the borrowing of funds from the City’s special improvement district revolving fund for the creation and administration of the District, (collectively, the “Incidental Costs”). The total approximate cost of the Improvements is $255,488.00. The total approximate cost of all other public infrastructure to be constructed on South 8th Avenue is $1,795,250.94 for a total approximate cost of all infrastructure of $2,050,738.94. Resolution of Intent to Create SID 713 South 8th Street Page 2 of 6 To fund the approximate costs of the Improvements, the Commission intends to provide the District a loan of approximately $255,488.00 from the City’s special improvement district revolving loan fund the purpose of which is to pay construction warrants related to the Improvements and Incidental Expenses. In doing so, the Commission intends to assess the District in the manner described in Section 7, below, to reimburse the special improvement district revolving loan fund in an amount equal to the principal of the loan of $255,488.00 to the District plus interest at approximately 2% annually. Over the 20-year term of the loan from the revolving fund to the District, interest earnings of up to $55,000 are estimated to be paid from the District property owners and deposited to the special improvement district revolving fund. In addition to reimbursing the revolving fund on interest the revolving fund would otherwise earn, these interest earnings are intended to satisfy any revolving fund contribution from the District that may be required under 7-12-4222 (1)(b), MCA. Section 2. Number of District. The District, if the same shall be created and established, shall be known and designated as Special Improvement District No. 713 of the City of Bozeman, Montana. Section 3. Boundaries of District. The limits and boundaries of the District are depicted on a map attached as Exhibit A hereto (which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof) and includes all the properties within the exterior boundary of the District as shown on Exhibit A which boundaries are designated and confirmed as the boundaries of the District. A listing and legal description of each of the lots, parcels, and tracts to be included within the District are contained in Exhibit B hereto (which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof). Section 4. Benefited Property. The District and territory included within the limits and boundaries described in Section 3 and as shown on Exhibits A and B are hereby declared to be the special improvement district and the territory which will benefit and be benefited by the Improvements and will be assessed for the costs of the Improvements as described in Section 1. The Improvements, in the opinion of this Commission, are of more than local and ordinary benefit. The property included within said limits and boundaries is hereby declared to be the property benefited by the Improvements. Section 5. General Character of the Improvements. The general character of the Improvements which are to be made and assessed by the District consist of the following on South 8th Avenue, from a point south of Main Street south to Harrison Street: the removal, replacement and/or the repair of curb, gutter, and sidewalk and installation of pedestrian ramps. These improvements shall include the engineering design, construction, inspection and engineering certification of the Improvements and all necessary permits and appurtenances to complete the Improvements. Resolution of Intent to Create SID 713 South 8th Street Page 3 of 6 Section 6. Engineer and Estimated Costs. The City of Bozeman Engineering Department shall be the engineer for the District. The estimated cost of the Improvements is $255,488.00. Section 7. Assessment Methods. 7.1. Property To Be Assessed. The properties to be assessed include all those properties described in Section 3, above, as shown on Exhibits A and B. All properties in the District will be assessed for their proportionate share of the costs of the Improvements which are to be assessed to the District and from which the properties derive a benefit as determined and set forth herein. Improvements shall be assessed against the properties in the District based on the frontage method, per Section 7-12-4163, MCA, as particularly applied and set forth in Section 7.2 hereof. 7.2. Assessable Area. The costs of the Improvements to be paid by the District shall be assessed using the frontage method of assessment per Section 7-12-4163, MCA. For the purposes of equitably apportioning the special benefit of the Improvements to each lot, tract or parcel in the District, the City Engineer determined the lineal feet of frontage on South 8th Avenue of each lot, tract or parcel based on current recorded plats and certificates of survey for each lot, tract or parcel of land, on file at the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder’s office. The total approximate cost of the Improvements to be paid from the District is $255,488.00 and shall be assessed against each lot, tract or parcel of land in the District bordering or abutting upon South 8th Avenue whereon or wherein the improvement has been made and in proportion to the lineal feet abutting or bordering the same. In determining the amount to be assessed to each property within the District, the total linear footage within the District to be assessed is 5,270.74 linear feet. The approximate costs of the Improvements per linear foot, exclusive of interest, to be paid by the District shall not exceed approximately $49.00. The approximate assessment for each lot, tract or parcel of land for the Improvements is shown on Exhibit B hereto. 7.3. Assessment Methodology Equitable and Consistent with Benefit. This Commission determines the method of assessment and the assessment of costs of the Improvements against the properties benefited thereby as prescribed in this Section 7 is equitable and in proportion to and not exceeding the special benefits derived from the Improvements by the lots, tracts and parcels to be assessed within the District. Resolution of Intent to Create SID 713 South 8th Street Page 4 of 6 Section 8. Payment of Assessments. The special assessments for the costs of the Improvements to be paid to by the District shall be payable over a term not exceeding twenty (20) years, each in equal semi-annual installments of principal, plus interest, or equal semi-annual payments of principal and interest, as this Commission shall prescribe in the resolution authorizing the loan from the City’s special improvement district revolving loan fund. Property owners have the right to prepay assessments as provided by law. Section 9. Method of Financing; Findings and Determinations. The total approximate cost of the Improvements will be financed by a loan to the District from the City’s special improvement district revolving loan fund in an amount of $255,488.00, the repayment of which shall become an obligation of the District. Principal of and interest on the loan from the City’s special improvement district revolving loan fund will be paid from special assessments levied against the property in the District. In determining to authorize such undertakings and agreements, this Commission has taken into consideration the following factors: (a) The District encompasses a portion of the south central neighborhood of the City between the Main Street commercial corridor and Montana State University, which has completely developed streets in the City with the majority of the homes in the District having an estimated market value in excess of $27,500,000.00 which is significantly greater than the District’s portion of the total approximate costs of the Improvements ($255,488.00). In the judgment of the City and based on the current market values of the properties for property tax purposes, the special assessments to be levied under Section 7 against each lot, parcel or tract in the District is estimated to be less than the increase in estimated market value of the lot, parcel or tract as a result of construction of the Improvements. (b) Diversity of Property Ownership. There are 147 separate parcels of land in the District, with 66 separate owners. A number of individuals or other entities own multiple lots. (c) Outstanding Tax and Special Assessments Delinquencies Against Property in District. As of the date of this Resolution there is approximately $2329.00 in delinquent real property taxes in the District and no delinquent special assessments. Resolution of Intent to Create SID 713 South 8th Street Page 5 of 6 (d) The Improvements described in Section 5 will have significant public benefit by providing for improved storm water collection and retention through curbs and gutters and improvements to sidewalk facilities including pedestrian ramps and as such will benefit the general health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the District. Section 10. Public Hearing; Protests. At any time within fifteen (15) days from and after the date of the first publication of the notice of the passage and approval of this Resolution, which date is March 11, 2012, any owner of real property within the District subject to assessment and taxation for the cost and expense of making the Improvements as described herein may make and file with the City Clerk until 5:00 p.m., M.S.T., on the expiration date of said 15-day period which date shall be March 26, 2012, written protest against the proposed Improvements, or against the extension or creation of the District, or both. Such protest must be in writing, identify the property in the District owned by the protestor and be signed by all owners of the property. The protest must be delivered to the City Clerk, who shall endorse thereon the date of its receipt. This Commission will at its next regular meeting after the expiration of the fifteen (15) days in which such protests in writing can be made and filed, proceed to hear all such protests so made and filed; which said regular meeting will be held on Monday the 2nd day of April, 2012, at 6:00 p.m., in the Commission Room of Bozeman City Hall, 121 North Rouse Avenue, in Bozeman, Montana. Section 11. Notice of Passage of Resolution of Intention. The Bozeman City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish or cause to be published a copy of a notice of the passage of this resolution in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation in Gallatin County on March 11, 2012 and March 18, 2012, in the form and manner prescribed by law, and to mail or cause to be mailed a copy of said notice to every person, firm, corporation, or the agent of such person, firm, or corporation having real property within the District listed in the owner’s name upon the last completed assessment roll for state, county, and school district taxes, at the owner’s last-known address, on or before the same day such notice is first published. Resolution of Intent to Create SID 713 South 8th Street Page 6 of 6 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 5th day of March, 2012. _____________________________________ SEAN A. BECKER, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ STACY ULMEN, CMC City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________________ GREG SULLIVAN Bozeman City Attorney S 8TH AVE S 11TH AVE S 6TH AVE S 9TH AVE S 10TH AVE S 5TH AVE W MAIN ST W KOCH ST W STORY ST W OLIVE ST W CURTISS ST W COLLEGE ST S 7TH AVE W ALDERSON ST W BABCOCK ST W DICKERSON ST W HARRISON ST S 5TH AVE S 7TH AVE S 8TH AVE W BABCOCK ST "EXHIBIT A"S. 8TH SID ¯ Legend Parcels S.8th Ave SID Boundary Exhibit B to Resolution 4369Page 1 of 3Owner Address Lot Block Subdivion Frontage Estimated Total Assessment  Estimated Annual Assessment, 2% Interest Property Tax Parcel Number Montana Property System Appraisal Total Value Propert Tax DLQCity Specials DLQ1 SEBENA, WILLIAM J 824 W MAIN STW 6 FT. OF E 10 FT. OF N 131 FT. LOT 12F STORYS ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 131 6,350$            387$                RGG5431 2,818,673$          No. No.2 MCGEE PARTNERSHIP PO BOX 1800E 6 FT. OF N 130 FT. LOT 9F STORYS ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 130 6,301$            384$                RGG5140 771,804               No. No.3 BIG BROTHERS & SISTERS OF15 S 8TH AVEW 6 FT. OF E 10 FT. OF N 47 FT. OF S 131F STORYS ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 47 2,278$            139$                RGG5105 398,770               No. No.4 ANGEL, GEOFFREY C & CARRIE A803 W BABCOCK STW 6 FT. OF E 10 FT. OF S 84 FT. LOT 15F STORYS ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 84 4,072$            248$                RGG1339 343,500               No. No.5 FRYE, DONALD GPO BOX 1233 E 6 FT. OF S 130 FT. LOT 19F STORYS ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 130 6,301$            384$                RGG2795 468,249               No. No.6 ALBIN, BROCK 407 S 10TH AVEN 91 FT. LOT 14 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 91 4,411$            269$                RGG6147 405,100               1,505.74$      No.ALBIN, BROCK 407 S 10TH AVES 44 FT. LOT 1 4 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 44 2,133$            130$                RGG3417823.34$          No.7 FLANIGAN, KEITH 720 W BABOCK STLOT 11 3 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 128.7 6,238$            380$                RGG1918 423,082               No. No.8 MYERS, SCOTT & CARRIE 113 S 8TH AVELOT 22 4 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 30 1,454$            89$                  RGG3082 390,899               No. No.MYERS, SCOTT & CARRIE 113 S 8TH AVELOT 21 4 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 30 1,454$            89$                  (same)9 GRAUMLICH, LISA & Linda Simonsen 119 S 8TH AVELOT 19 4 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 30 1,454$            89$                  RGG1614 308,400               No. No.GRAUMLICH, LISA & Linda Simonsen 119 S 8TH AVELOT 20 4 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 30 1,454$            89$                  (same)10 BULLOCK, JANIS R 114 HITCHING POST RD E 65 FT. LOT 184 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 30 1,454$            89$                  RGG5685 223,600               No. No.BULLOCK, JANIS R 114 HITCHING POST RD E 65 FT. LOT 174 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 30 1,454$            89$                  (same)11 BENNETT, ROGER A & MARY JO116 S 8TH AVELOT 12 3 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 30 1,454$            89$                  RGG3273 339,000               No. No.BENNETT, ROGER A & MARY JO116 S 8TH AVELOT 13 3 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 30 1,454$            89$                  (same)12 SHARPE, WILLIAM J 11465 AXTELL GATEWAY RDLot 14 3 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 30 1,454$            89$                  RGG5471 75,454                 No. No.SHARPE, WILLIAM J 11465 AXTELL GATEWAY RDLot 15 3 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 30 1,454$            89$                  RGG5472 366,200               No. No.SHARPE, WILLIAM J 11465 AXTELL GATEWAY RDN 10 FT. of Lot 163 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 10 485$               30$                  (same)13 WESTFALL, MARY ELAINE126 S 8TH AVEW 66 FT. OF S 20 FT. LOT 163 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 20 969$               59$                  RGG1148 187,500               No. No.WESTFALL, MARY ELAINE126 S 8TH AVEW 66 FT. LOT 173 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 30 1,454$            89$                  (same)14 BOULDEN, JENNIFER2459 PANORAMA TER Los Angles CA 90039LOT 1 9 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG4052 360,200               No. No.BOULDEN, JENNIFER2459 PANORAMA TER Los Angles CA 90039Lot 2 9 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)15 STRATTON, LANCE M 205 S 8TH AVELot 3 9 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG3349 275,700               No. No.STRATTON, LANCE M 205 S 8TH AVElot 4 9 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)16 SIEVERT, RAYMOND IRLPO BOX 430 Verndale WA 99037Lot 5 9 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG5517 310,100               No. No.SIEVERT, RAYMOND IRLPO BOX 430 Verndale WA 99037Lot 6 9 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)SIEVERT, RAYMOND IRLPO BOX 430 Verndale WA 99037Lot 7 9 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)SIEVERT, RAYMOND IRLPO BOX 430 Verndale WA 99037N 7 FT. LOT 89 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 7 339$               21$                  (same)17 COTE,BETTYANN & AARON PHILLIPS217 S 8TH AVES 18 FT. LOT 89 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 18 873$               53$                  RGG5053 311,338               No. No.COTE,BETTYANN & AARON PHILLIPS217 S 8TH AVELOT 9 9 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)COTE,BETTYANN & AARON PHILLIPS217 S 8TH AVEN 10 FT. LOT 109 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 10 485$               30$                  (same)18 CANNON, CAROLYN & MICHEAL OSTLING 206 PIONEER DR APT 46E 77 FT. OF S 15 FT. LOT 109 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 15 727$               44$                  RGG6201 266,100               No. No.CANNON, CAROLYN & MICHEAL OSTLING 206 PIONEER DR APT 46E 77 FT. LOT 119 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)CANNON, CAROLYN & MICHEAL OSTLING 206 PIONEER DR APT 46E 77 FT. LOT 129 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)19 PALMER, RICHARD & MARY ANNE 36301 WASHOE RD BONNER MT 59823W2 LOT 2410 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG4813 242,000               No. No.PALMER, RICHARD & MARY ANNE 36301 WASHOE RD BONNER MT 59823W2 LOT 23 10 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)20 ROBBINS, JOHN E & PATRICIA M 618 S 8TH AVELOT 22 10 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG5214 380,400               No. No.ROBBINS, JOHN E & PATRICIA M 618 S 8TH AVELOT 21 10 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)21 HOFFMAN, THOMAS & ANGELA3176 ROSE ST 59718Lot 20 10 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG4345 282,500               No. No.HOFFMAN, THOMAS & ANGELA3176 ROSE ST 59718Lot 19 10 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)22 RAMOS, PETER G & SUSAN R214 S 8TH AVELot 18 10 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGH2175 257,300               No. No.RAMOS, PETER G & SUSAN R214 S 8TH AVELot 17 10 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)23 UHL, FRANKLIN S 220 S 8TH AVELot 16 10 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG6166 342,200               No. No.UHL, FRANKLIN S 220 S 8TH AVELot 15 10 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)24 BRAUER, MARY E 723 S 5TH AVELot 14 10 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG1309 328,400               No. No.BRAUER, MARY E 723 S 5TH AVELot 13 10 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)25 DELUCA, THOMAS & DENISE 806 W ALDERSON STLot 1 20 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG5665 334,700               No. No.DELUCA, THOMAS & DENISE 806 W ALDERSON STLot 2 20 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)DELUCA, THOMAS & DENISE 806 W ALDERSON STN 15 FT. LOT 3 20 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 15 727$               44$                  (same)26 WILSON, MARK D 4803 166TH AVE CT E Bonny Lake WA 98391S 10FT. LOT 3 20 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 10 485$               30$                  RGG2445 445,100               No. No.WILSON, MARK D 4803 166TH AVE CT E Bonny Lake WA 98391LOT 4 20 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)WILSON, MARK D 4803 166TH AVE CT E Bonny Lake WA 98391LOT 5 20 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)27 COURTENAYE, CATHERINE311 S 8TH AVELOT 6 20 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG5150 431,000               No. No.COURTENAYE, CATHERINE311 S 8TH AVELOT 7 20 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)28 JONES, CHARLES E & SUZANNE K317 S 8TH AVELOT 8 20 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG2380 320,700               No. No.JONES, CHARLES E & SUZANNE K317 S 8TH AVELOT 9 20 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)JONES, CHARLES E & SUZANNE K317 S 8TH AVELOT 10 20 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)29 PENCE, RICHARD C & BELINDA321 S 8TH AVELOT 11 20 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG5222 536,400               No. No.PENCE, RICHARD C & BELINDA321 S 8TH AVELOT 12 20 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)30 MURPHY, THOMAS 302 S 8TH AVEW2 LOT 23 19 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG4179 304,000               No. No.MURPHY, THOMAS 302 S 8TH AVEW2 LOT 22 19 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)31 ALBIN, MARIA CMR 427 BOX 4053 NY 09630LOT 21 19 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG2574 299,100               No. No.SID COSTS MARKET VALUE & DELIQUENCIES Exhibit B to Resolution 4369Page 2 of 3Owner Address Lot Block Subdivion Frontage Estimated Total Assessment  Estimated Annual Assessment, 2% Interest Property Tax Parcel Number Montana Property System Appraisal Total Value Propert Tax DLQCity Specials DLQSID COSTS MARKET VALUE & DELIQUENCIESALBIN, MARIA CMR 427 BOX 4053 NY 09630LOT 20 19 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)32 OVNIC, CHRISTINA 310 S 8TH AVELOT 19 19 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG5506 298,500               No. No.OVNIC, CHRISTINA 310 S 8TH AVELOT 18 19 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)33 LARGE, DAVID/MARGARET WHEELER995 DELORES ST SAN FRANCISCO CA 94110LOT 17 19 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 130 6,301$            384$                RGG6577 521,100               No. No.34 CITY OF BOZEMAN PO BOX 1231 59771PARK PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 300 14,542$         886$                RGG39241‐                       No. No.35 KLEINDL, WILLIAM & COURTNAY DUCHIN 401 S 8TH AVELOT 1 25 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG6395 495,500               No. No.KLEINDL, WILLIAM & COURTNAY DUCHIN 401 S 8TH AVELOT 2 25 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)KLEINDL, WILLIAM & COURTNAY DUCHIN 401 S 8TH AVEN2 LOT 3 25 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 12.5 606$               37$                  (same)36 BRUG, PHILLIP & SANDRA B GILBERT409 S 8TH AVES2 LOT 3 25 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 12.5 606$               37$                  RGG2570 353,900               No. No.BRUG, PHILLIP & SANDRA B GILBERT409 S 8TH AVELOT 4 25 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)BRUG, PHILLIP & SANDRA B GILBERT409 S 8TH AVELOT 5 25 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)BRUG, PHILLIP & SANDRA B GILBERT409 S 8TH AVEN2 LOT 625 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 12.5 606$               37$                  (same)37 TUCKER, CHRISTINE 415 S 8TH AVES2 LOT 6 25 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 12.5 606$               37$                  RGG4020 414,800               No. No.TUCKER, CHRISTINE 415 S 8TH AVELOT 7 25 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)TUCKER, CHRISTINE 415 S 8TH AVELOT 8 25 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)38 DRY FLY LLC 1627 W MAIN #365LOT 9 25 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG4021 385,000               No. No.DRY FLY LLC 1627 W MAIN #365LOT 10 25 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)39 SCHUNKE, ROBERT B & CAROLYN E423 S 8TH AVELOT 11 25 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG3895 301,200               No. No.SCHUNKE, ROBERT B & CAROLYN E423 S 8TH AVELOT 12 25 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)40 NELSON, ROBERT C & STEPHANIE503 S 8TH AVELOT 1 34 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG2402 313,300               No. No.NELSON, ROBERT C & STEPHANIE503 S 8TH AVELOT 2 34 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)NELSON, ROBERT C & STEPHANIE503 S 8TH AVEN 17 FT. LOT 3 34 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 17 824$               50$                  (same)41 TRAVIS, ROGER & ALISON 507 S 8TH AVES 8 FT. LOT 3 34 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 8 388$               24$                  RGG3680 683,291               No. No.TRAVIS, ROGER & ALISON 507 S 8TH AVELOT 4 34 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)TRAVIS, ROGER & ALISON 507 S 8TH AVELOT 5 34 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)TRAVIS, ROGER & ALISON 515 S 8TH AVELOT 6 34 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)42 AOKI, KENJI & KIYOMI 515 S 8TH AVELOT 7 34 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG4758 403,900               No. No.AOKI, KENJI & KIYOMI 515 S 8TH AVELOT 8 34 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)AOKI, KENJI & KIYOMI 515 S 8TH AVELOT 9 34 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)43 ADAMS, MARTHA 521 S 8TH AVELOT 10 34 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG1133 329,700               No. No.ADAMS, MARTHA 521 S 8TH AVELOT 11 34 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)ADAMS, MARTHA 521 S 8TH AVELOT 12 34 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)44 1ST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST502 S 8TH AVEN 80 FT. LOT 1133 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 80 3,878$            236$                RGG33755‐                       No. No.45 BLANCHFORD, ANDREW & ELIZABETH508 S 8TH AVES 50 FT. LOT 1133 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 50 2,424$            148$                RGG5603 344,600               No. No.46 BOZEMAN PORTABLE STORAGE135 HIDEAWAY DR 59718LOT 12 33 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG6648 325,775               No. No.BOZEMAN PORTABLE STORAGE135 HIDEAWAY DR 59718LOT 13 33 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)BOZEMAN PORTABLE STORAGE135 HIDEAWAY DR 59718LOT 1433 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)47 STAIGMILLER, JUDY 520 S 8TH AVE APT ALOT 15 33 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG6221 422,900               No. No.STAIGMILLER, JUDY 520 S 8TH AVE APT ALOT 16 33 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)STAIGMILLER, JUDY 520 S 8TH AVE APT ALOT 17 33 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)48 BOZEMAN SCHOOL DISTRICT #7 PO BOX 520 59771LOT 1‐12 39 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 300 14,542$         886$                RGG33754‐                       No. No.49 GALLAGHER, JOHN B, II 602 S 8TH AVELOT 2440 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG3178 310,000               No. No.GALLAGHER, JOHN B, II 602 S 8TH AVELOT 23 40 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)50 SCHROEDER, JON & KERI PO BOX 670057 CHUGIAK AK 99567LOT 22 40 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG3177 310,100               No. No.SCHROEDER, JON & KERI PO BOX 670057 CHUGIAK AK 99567LOT 21 40 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)51 LISTER, GARY & CAROL382 PEACE PIPE DR LOT 20 40 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG6546 305,200               No. No.LISTER, GARY & CAROL382 PEACE PIPE DR LOT 19 40 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)52 ARMOLD, ADAM & RHONDA616 S 8TH AVELOT 18 40 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG5324 367,633               No. No.ARMOLD, ADAM & RHONDA616 S 8TH AVELOT 17 40 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)53 ROBBINS, JOHN E & PATRICIA M 618 S 8TH AVELOT 16 40 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG5213 559,900               No. No.ROBBINS, JOHN E & PATRICIA M 618 S 8TH AVELOT 15 40 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)54 HARBER, EDGAR G & NANCY F ETAL9 GARDNER PARK DR LOT 1440 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG5322 346,800               No. No.HARBER, EDGAR G & NANCY F ETAL9 GARDNER PARK DR LOT 13 40 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)55 DE LUCA, EMILY SWAN 806 W ALDERSON STLOT 1 50 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG5828 326,300               No. No.DE LUCA, EMILY SWAN 806 W ALDERSON STLOT 2 50 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)DE LUCA, EMILY SWAN 806 W ALDERSON STLOT 3 50 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)56 SALTER, JAMES O 128 HITCHINGPOST RD LOT 4 50 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG4079 346,600               No. No.SALTER, JAMES O 128 HITCHINGPOST RD LOT 5 50 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)SALTER, JAMES O 128 HITCHINGPOST RDLOT 6 50 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)57 LAPINSKI, DAVID & CAROL PATTERSON 715 S 8TH AVELOT 7 50 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG5135 321,800               No. No.LAPINSKI, DAVID & CAROL PATTERSON 715 S 8TH AVELOT 8 50 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)58 O'DONNELL, SANDRA1609 S BLACK AVELOT 9 50 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG3907 320,400               No. No.O'DONNELL, SANDRA1609 S BLACK AVELOT 10 50 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same) Exhibit B to Resolution 4369Page 3 of 3Owner Address Lot Block Subdivion Frontage Estimated Total Assessment  Estimated Annual Assessment, 2% Interest Property Tax Parcel Number Montana Property System Appraisal Total Value Propert Tax DLQCity Specials DLQSID COSTS MARKET VALUE & DELIQUENCIES59 SAPPINGTON, HAROLD H & JUDITH 20 W HIGH POINT RD STUART FL 34996LOT 11 50 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG4697 480,783               No. No.SAPPINGTON, HAROLD H & JUDITH 20 W HIGH POINT RD STUART FL 34996LOT  12 50 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)SAPPINGTON, HAROLD H & JUDITH 20 W HIGH POINT RD STUART FL 34996E 90 FT. LOT 1350 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)SAPPINGTON, HAROLD H & JUDITH 20 W HIGH POINT RD STUART FL 34996E 90 FT. LOT 1450 WEST PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)60 CAMPUS CHRISTIAN CENTER 714 S 8TH AVE LOT 15‐24 49 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 250 12,118$          738$                 RGG1897 & 1898                             ‐   No. No.61 MINI MART INC PO BOX 22845 OKLAHOMA CITY OK 73123COS 996 49 PARK ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 105.04 5,092$            310$                RGG1210 542,146               No. No.62 MSU MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITYALL 6 CAPITOL HILL ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 130 6,301$            384$                RGG51180 2,121,901           No. No.63 GOOD, LEE VPO BOX 19 CARDWELL MT 59721LOT 26 5 CAPITOL HILL ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 30 1,454$            89$                  RGG2950 341,510               No. No.GOOD, LEE VPO BOX 19 CARDWELL MT 59721LOT 25 5 CAPITOL HILL ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)GOOD, LEE VPO BOX 19 CARDWELL MT 59721LOT 245 CAPITOL HILL ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)64 COLLINS, MARILYN R 1509 BRIDGER DR LOT 23 5 CAPITOL HILL ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG1907 381,081               No. No.COLLINS, MARILYN R 1509 BRIDGER DR LOT 22 5 CAPITOL HILL ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)65 TAYLOR, DIANE 862 COUGAR DR LOT 21 5 CAPITOL HILL ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG6055 326,400               No. No.TAYLOR, DIANE 862 COUGAR DR LOT 20 5 CAPITOL HILL ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)TAYLOR, DIANE 862 COUGAR DR LOT 19 5 CAPITOL HILL ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)TAYLOR, DIANE 862 COUGAR DR LOT 18 5 CAPITOL HILL ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)TAYLOR, DIANE 862 COUGAR DR LOT 17 5 CAPITOL HILL ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  RGG6239 330,500               No. No.TAYLOR, DIANE 862 COUGAR DR N 20 FT. LOT 165 CAPITOL HILL ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 20 969$               59$                  (same)66 O'REILLY, KEITH & DEBORAH 147 MCGEE S 5 FT. LOT 165 CAPITOL HILL ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 5 242$               15$                  RGG5899 291,200               No. No.O'REILLY, KEITH & DEBORAH 147 MCGEE LOT 15 5 CAPITOL HILL ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)O'REILLY, KEITH & DEBORAH 147 MCGEE LOT 145 CAPITOL HILL ADDITION TO BOZEMAN 25 1,212$            74$                  (same)5270.74255,488$       15,562$          TOTALS 27,471,189$        2,329$             ‐$                 NOTICE TO BE PUBLISHED NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO CREATE SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 713 CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on March 5, 2012, the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana (the “City”), adopted Resolution 4368, a Resolution of Intention to Create Special Improvement District No. 713 (the “District”) for the purpose of financing a portion of the costs of certain local improvements generally to benefit certain property located in the City. As described below, the Improvements consist of the removal and replacement of curb, gutter, and sidewalk and the installation of pedestrian ramps (the “Improvements”) to South 8th Avenue and paying costs incidental to the creation and administration of the District. The Improvements shall be constructed and installed pursuant to plans and specifications prepared by the City of Bozeman Engineering Department. A complete copy of the Resolution of Intention (the “Resolution”) (Resolution No. 4368) is on file with the Bozeman City Clerk which more specifically describes the nature of the Improvements, the boundaries and the area included in the District, the location of the Improvements, and other matters pertaining thereto. For a description of the boundaries of the District please refer to Exhibit A to Resolution 4368. For a listing of all properties included in the District and the estimated assessment for each property please refer to Exhibit B to Resolution 4368. The Resolution and accompanying exhibits may be also viewed on the City’s website at http://weblink.bozeman.net/WebLink8/0/fol/47349/Row1.aspx The general character of the Improvements which are to be made and assessed by the District consist of the following on South 8th Avenue, from a point south of Main Street south to Harrison Street: the removal, replacement and/or the repair of curb, gutter, and sidewalk and the installation of pedestrian ramps. These improvements shall include the engineering design, construction, inspection and engineering certification of the Improvements and all necessary permits and appurtenances to complete the Improvements. The total approximate cost of the Improvements, including incidental costs is $255,488.00. The costs of the Improvements to be assessed against the property in the District is approximately $255,488.00. The method of assessment is the frontage method of assessment described in Section 7-12-4163, MCA. The assessable frontage for all lots in the District will be the actual total linear frontage on South 8th Avenue of all properties. The total assessable frontage of the lots, tracts or parcels benefiting from the Improvements is 5,270.74 linear feet. The costs of the Improvements to be assessed to the properties within the District shall not exceed approximately $49.00 per linear foot of assessable area. Subject to the limitations of Montana Code Annotated, Section 7-12-4222, the general fund of the City may be used to provide loans to the special improvement district revolving fund or a general tax levy may be imposed on all taxable property in the City to meet the financial requirements of the City’s special improvement revolving fund. At any time within fifteen (15) days from and after the date of the first publication of the notice of the passage and approval of this Resolution, which date was March 11, 2012, any owner of real property within the District subject to assessment and taxation for the cost and expense of making the Improvements as described herein may make and file with the City Clerk until 5:00 p.m., M.T., on the expiration date of said 15-day period which date shall be March 26, 2012, written protest against the proposed Improvements, or against the extension or creation of the District, or both. Such protest must be in writing, identify the property in the District owned by the protestor and be signed by all owners of the property. The protest must be delivered to the City Clerk, who shall endorse thereon the date of its receipt. This Commission will at its next regular meeting after the expiration of the fifteen (15) days in which such protests in writing can be made and filed, proceed to hear all such protests so made and filed; which said regular meeting will be held on Monday the 2nd day of April, 2012, at 6:00 p.m., in the Commission Room of Bozeman City Hall, 121 North Rouse Avenue, in Bozeman, Montana. On Monday the 2nd day of April, 2012, at 6:00 p.m., in the Commission Room of Bozeman City Hall, 121 North Rouse Avenue, in Bozeman, Montana, the Bozeman City Commission will conduct a public hearing and pass upon all written protests against the creation of the District, or the making of Improvements, that may be filed in the period described above. Further information regarding the proposed District or other matters in respect thereof may be obtained from the City Clerk at City Hall, 121 North Rouse Avenue, in Bozeman, Montana, or by telephone at (406) 582-2320. Dated: March 9, 2012. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA ___________________________________ STACY ULMEN, CMC Bozeman City Clerk Legal Ad Publish: Sunday March 11, 2012 Sunday March 18, 2012 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 4368 Resolution of Intent to Create SID No. 713 - Improvements to South 8th Avenue This is to certify that I did personally mail, on the 9th day of March, 2012, postage prepaid, a copy of the attached Notice of Passage of a Resolution of Intent to Create Special Improvement District No. 713 to the property owners, as identified on Exhibit "B", attached hereto. ___________________________________ STACY ULLMEN, CMC Bozeman City Clerk CERTIFICATE AS TO RESOLUTION AND ADOPTING VOTE I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting recording officer of the City of Bozeman, Montana (the City), hereby certify that the attached resolution is a true copy of Resolution No. 4368, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, RELATING TO SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 713; DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO CREATE THE DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF UNDERTAKING CERTAIN LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS IN AND ABOUT SOUTH 8TH AVENUE AND FINANCING THE COSTS THEREOF AND INCIDENTAL THERETO THROUGH A LOAN TO THE DISTRICT FROM THE CITY’S SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND (the Resolution"). The Resolution was duly adopted by the City Commission of the City at a meeting on March 5, 2012, that the meeting was duly held by the City Commission and was attended throughout by a quorum, pursuant to call and notice of such meeting given as required by law; and that the Resolution has not as of the date hereof been amended or repealed. I further certify that, upon vote being taken on the Resolution at said meeting, the following Commission members voted in favor thereof: __________________________. The following Commission members voted against the same or were absent: ______________________. WITNESS my hand officially this ____ day of March, 2012. ___________________________________ STACY ULLMEN, CMC City Clerk