HomeMy WebLinkAbout80-Niche Columbarium Call for Bids Affidavit of Publication In addition, there will need to
be a concrete slab poured be-
tween the North bench and the
CITY OF BOZEMAN, new wall. This will be approxi-
MONTANA mately 5-feet by 10-feet,
Same finish as above.
We will need 116-feet of stan
NOTICE l5 HEREBY Bozelman, t5 dard side walk that is to code. f AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION
that the City This will include a landing that, STATE OF MONTANA )
Montana,is accepting separate is 94eet long by 5-feet wide, )SS.
sealed bids for: Y OF with standard depth. I County of Gallatin )
So-Niche columbarlum Wall Any submitting entity under
with Bench,Stabs and this invitation to bid must sign
Sidewalk 771 and return the required affirma.
tion stating that they will not 1.
Separate sealed bids for con- discriminate on the basis of
struct+tan of an all granite,p oi- age, marital status, national /
fished,mahogany colored 8o- origin, or because of actual or H,
i niche columbarfum wall with perceived sexual orientation, being duly sworn, deposes and says; that he/she
bench, stabs and sidewalk w411 gbnder identity or disability in
be received by
the City Clerk, the exercise of contract should is legal ad clerk of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle,
City }call, 121 N. Rouse AV- it be awarded to that entity. : a newspaper of general circulation, printed and
enue, P.O. Box 1230, Boze- Each entity submitting under; published in Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana;
man, Montana 55771-1230 un- this notice shall also recognize and that the notice here unto annexed
m.,local time,Tues- in writing the eventual contract
tit 2:30 Q. will contain a provision prohibit- CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA
day, February 7, 2012, and ing discrimination as described
then publicly opened and read above and this prohibition on CALL FOR BIDS - 80-NICHE
aloud.. discrimination shall apply to the has been correctly published in the regular and
hiring and treatment of the entire issues of every number of said paper for
Piease write the name of the Contractor's employees and to 2 insertions.
project,nn.tdinhe Columbar- all subcontracts.
lug on the'front of the Each bid or proposal must be
sealed bid. accompanied by a Certified
Tt,R nhysICal address Check,Cashier's Check, or Bid
Clark's Office, Suite 102, Bond payable to the City of
City Bozeman, Montana, in an
City Hall, 121 N. Rouse Av- amount not less than Ten per-
enue,Bozeman,Montana- cent (10%) of the total amount
of the bid. Successful bidders Said notice was published on:
The!�`•'r°°nddresa is, shall furnish an approved Per-
City Clerk's Office, suite 102, formance Bond and a labor 01/22/2012 01/29/2012
City Hail, P.O. Box 1230, i and materials Payment Bond,
Bozeman,Montana,59771• 1 each in the amount of One
Hundred percent(100%) of the
Bids must be received before contract amount. Insurance as
2:30 p.m. TuesdaY, ry required shall be provided by
7, 2012. original copies must I the successful bidder(s) and a
be submitted no faxed of slat- Certificate(s) of that insurance )
tronic bids will be accepted, i shall be provided. _
Bids will be opened and read Subscribed and sworn to before me this
following the close of bids. No bid may be withdrawn after
the scheduled time for the pub- 31st day of January , 2012
This wall will be the same as lic opening of bids, which is i
the existing wall that w® cur- 2:30 p.m. local time, Febru-
rently have at Sunset Hills ary 7,2012.
Cemetery. Freight, handling, i LI
installation and any in The right is reserved to reject
charges are the responsibility any or all proposals received, Notar ublic for the State o ontana
1 of the sailer and shall be.m" to waive informalities, to post- ` y
cluded in the overall quoted { pone the award of the contract Residing at Bozeman, Montana
price. The City of Bozeman for a period of not to exceed
will provide the excavation and Sixty (60) days, and to accept
base material; anything else the bid which is in the best in-
needed, wiN be in accordance terests of the Owner.
With specifications provided by
the seller The City of Bozeman is re-
quired to be an Equal Opportu-
This w rk ncl : I nity Employer. _
In addition to the wall, we will Dated at Bozeman, Montana, ti� r tiL�� NOTARY PUBLIC for the
require one.reflecting bench. this 17th day of January,2012 r' State of Montana
This bench will be the same as *SEAL
one of the existing benches in Stacy Ulmen,CMC \\\ Residing al Bozeman,MT
place. City Clerk, City of Bozeman �orr� My Commission Ex p
Concrete Slabs: June 28,2012
An 8-foot wide by 10 foot long published Bozeman, Montana
broom finished concrete slab January 22,2012
shall be installed on the oPPo. January 29,2012
site side of the columbariurn