HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoofing Contractors for Stiff professional bldg RFP affidavit of publication The Bozeman Public Library
experienced hall damage to
- —CtT,�OF BOZEMAN, the metal roof and skylights. A
MONTANA till set of project an belob-
Lion for the project
REE ME-ST—fQR-�pL chtectsr PC' 442 EOMenden 1
SEEKINGPROPSAL FRO all et.rtBozer�(40tiM58594°b°e STATE OF MONTANA )SS.
ROOFING CONTRA County of Gallatin }
WITH PROVEN EXPERIEt+ICE F �C ornntrazedoashsoonl as possi-
WITH LARGE SQUARE or with the construction
FOOT METAL ROOFS V schedule to begin on July 5,
NOTICE 1S IiER'By C�iVEN 4 2012. The work schedule will
of Bozeman Mon need to minimize disruption of
that the City sealed bids the Library operations. The t_i-
tana, is acceQting brary is a certified LEIrD build-
for: ing and appropriate construc-
tion practices will need to be being duly sworn, deposes and says_ that he/she
Separate sealed RFPs tram is legal ad clerk of the Bozeman D. No bid may be withdrawn after
contractors with followed. These details and
Noting other project requirements and
proven experience With large deadlines are included in the a newspaper of general circulation, the scheduled time for the pub-
square footage metal roots package available from the published in Bozeman, Gallatin Co lic opening of bids, which is
the City bid p 2:00 p.m. local time, January
will be received by architect. and that the notice here unto annex
Hail, 121 N. Rouse CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTAN z�,2012,
Clerk City, Boze-
Avenue, P.Q. Box 1230, For additional information
Montana 59771-1230 will please contact James RFP - ROOFING CONTRACTOR The right is reserved to reject
man, has been correctly published in the proposals
be received until 2:00 p.n+* GOehrung, Superintendent of any or all ro Dials received,
Tuesday, January 24, Facility services, City of entire issues of every number of sa:to waive informalities, to post-
ca!time, opened 582- pone the award of the contract
2012,and then publicly op Bozeman. Phone (406) 1 insertions.
and read aloud. 3232. E-mail for a period of not to exceed
I oehrun �bazeman.net Sixty (60) days, and to accept
the bid which is in the best in-
Piease write the name of the under terests of the Owner.
rp O1eCt: I Any submitlin g entity
this invitation to bid must sign
PROP05AL FROM ROOFING and return the required affirma- The City of Bozeman is re-
)RS stating that They will not quired to be an Equal Opportu
PROVEN EXP FiIENCE discriminate on the basis of
nity Employer
LARGE SpUARE FdOT race,color,religion,creed,sex, Said notice was published on;
METAL 01/08/2012 this 5th day of January,2012
age, marital status, national Cased at Bozeman, Montana,
on the front of the sealed Origin, or because of actual or
bides I perceived sexual orientation, Stacy Ulmen,CMC
gender identity or disability in
G l nd��rgss is: City Clerk, City of Bozeman
The h si_4. the exercise of contract should
City Clerk's =ail"ce Suite 102, it be awarded to that entity.
City Hail, 121 N, Rouse Av- Each entity submitting under
Bozeman,Montana. this notice shall also recognize Q f
in writing the eventual contract
ddr ss is: will contain a provision prohibit- Subscribed and sworn to before me this
The mailin gaits 102,
City Clerk's office, Su 1230, ing discrimination as described 24th day of January 2012
City, Hail, P.O. above and this prohibition on Y Y
Bozeman,Montana,59771• i
discrimination shall apply to the
hiring and treatment of the
RFPs must be received before Contractor's employees and to
2'?:Do p.m, Tuesday, January i all subcontracts. h�
24, 2012. Original cop es must
be submitted no faxed of elec.- Each bid or proposal must be No ublic for the Stat o ana
Ironic bids will be accepted. accompanied by a Certified Residing at Bozeman, Montana
RFPs will be opened and read Check,Cashier's Check, or Bid
following the close of RFPs- Bond payable to the City of
Bozeman, Montana, in an
amount not less than Ten per-
cent (10%) of the total amount
of the bid. Successful bidders GLENNDA BURTON
shall furnish an approved Per-P Nc)TARI QUALiC for the
formance Bond and a labor Slate of Montana
and materials Payment Bond, Residing at Bozeman,MT
each in the amount of One My Comm;ssion Expires
Hundred percent (100%) of the June 28,2012
contract amount. Insurance as
required shall be provided by
the successful bidder(s) and a
Certificate(s) of that insurance
shall be provided.