HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Mandeville Farm RFP Scope Page 1 of 7 CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR MANDEVILLE PROPERTIES LAND USE PLANNING JANUARY 2012 The City of Bozeman (City) requests proposals for professional consulting services for the preparation of a development study and final report, in accordance with the requirements specified herein. Services shall include, but may not be limited to 1) Real Estate Market Analysis; 2) Conceptual infrastructure (with cost estimates) and site plan; 3) Financial Feasibility Study; and 4) Final Report with development strategies consistent with the approved plan and approach for economic development. It is the City’s intent to select a single firm to accomplish and/or supply all services outlined in this Request for Proposal (RFP). Date of Release: January 6, 2012 Deadline for Questions: 5 pm, January 18, 2012 Deadline for Proposals: 5 pm, February 10, 2012 One electronic pdf of the proposal must be e-mailed no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 10, 2012 to: E-mail address: agenda@bozeman.net Subject: Attention City Clerk – MANDEVILLE PROPERTIES PROPOSAL, City of Bozeman Hard copies of proposals can be mailed or hand delivered to: City of Bozeman City Clerk MANDEVILLE PROPERTIES PROPOSAL, City of Bozeman 121 North Rouse Ave. P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 Responses received after 5:00 p.m., on Friday, February 10, 2012 will not be considered. In order to ensure a fair and objective RFP process and evaluation, all questions and inquiries related to this RFP shall be addressed in writing to agenda@bozeman.net, Subject: Attention City Clerk – QUESTION ON MANDEVILLE PROPERTIES PROPOSAL, City of Bozeman. The deadline for written questions is 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 18, 2012. Offerors contacting any other employee without prior written consent risk elimination of their proposal from further consideration. Page 2 of 7 Overview: The City was recently awarded a Montana Department of Commerce (MDOC) Community Development Block Planning Grant specifically for the development of a formal agreement between the City and State of Montana’s Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) for the joint planning and development of the Mandeville properties. The award of any contract or agreement resulting from this RFP will be consistent with City and State policies governing the procurement of professional services. These policies include fair and open competition and compliance with Equal Employment Opportunity Policies. Study Area Boundaries: The Mandeville properties include an 85.35-acre tract owned by the City and a contiguous 190- acre tract owned by the State of Montana and managed by the DNRC. The Mandeville properties are within the Bozeman city limits, are currently zoned M-1(Manufacturing) and both parcels are located north of Interstate 90 between the 7th Street and 19th Street interchanges. Project Budget: The total budgeted amount for this project is $50,000 and includes Montana Department of Commerce, Community Development Block Grant funding awarded in the amount of $25,000 and City and DNRC matching funds in the amount of $25,000. Scope of Services: 1. Real Estate Market Analysis a. Develop a real estate market analysis which shall identify and quantify data used in determining viable redevelopment uses for the Mandeville properties. Land uses to be evaluated shall include: i. Industrial: light to mid-tech manufacturing, textiles, photonics, bio- sciences; ii. Commercial: Retail, Office, Flex; iii. Residential: Multi-family (rental and for-sale) and Single-family (for- sale); and iv. Institutional (government-owned facilities). b. For each use, the analysis shall: i. Define the market area (draw area for the demand side; geographic area of competing supply); ii. Forecast the supply (current projects in the works and additional opportunities for construction); iii. Forecast of segmented demand (by age and income; industry type; other appropriate category depending upon use); iv. Project and justify an absorption schedule (annually, for a minimum of ten years); and v. Estimate the square foot value (for-sale and lease rate). Page 3 of 7 c. The market analysis results shall be summarized, interpreting the findings of the research, identifying development opportunities, and evaluating the Mandeville properties’ strengths and weaknesses; d. Coordinate with local, regional and state economic development entities (City of Bozeman, DNRC, Governors Office of Economic Development, Montana Department of Commerce, Prospera, TechRanch, MMEC, Port of Montana, Montana State University, Gallatin College Programs, Montana State University Innovation Campus, et al) to identify and support economic development strategies for the Mandeville parcels with the highest potential for success (e.g., cluster development, HUB Zone designation and possibly the establishment of a Foreign Trade Zone); e. Coordinate with local, regional and state human and community service providers (e.g., HRDC, Bozeman Job Service, Montana State University, Gallatin College Programs, et al) to determine best approaches for enhancing the economic quality of life for area residents, especially low and moderate income families (e.g., determine potential for affordable housing development within the project area, multimodal transportation options, job skills training etc.); f. Identify existing commercial and industrial enterprises with the potential for benefiting from the development of the project area and coordinate with the private sector for determining infrastructure requirements, costs and development priorities; and g. The market analysis results shall be summarized, interpreting the findings of the research, identifying development opportunities, and evaluating the Mandeville properties’ strengths and weaknesses. 2. Conceptual Infrastructure (with cost estimates) and Site Plan a. The consultant will develop a conceptual infrastructure (with cost estimates) and site plan for the study area based upon research findings and results of the phase I environmental assessment. The conceptual infrastructure and site plan would be sufficient to provide a basis for initiating engineering, planning and/or zoning by and with the City for the study area. The site plan shall describe the ideal social, economic and environmental uses and development solutions for the Mandeville Properties, stated in the context of a ten year timeframe; b. Conceptual infrastructure and site plan shall provide a vision for the Mandeville properties, and a set of management and improvement strategies, as well as realistic and sustainable land use time-lines and scenarios which identifies development opportunities to enhance job creation, industry diversification and the development of housing for low-income residents; c. The plan for the study area will address the following components: i. Land use; ii. Economic development (job creation, industry diversification and tax revenue); iii. Transportation & integration into existing transportation network(s) (including a rail linkage through a rail spur); Page 4 of 7 iv. Infrastructure (including but not limited to roads, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, water, wastewater, stormwater drainage, telecom and broadband connectivity, natural gas, electricity, and a rail spur); and v. Image and/or branding. d. The conceptual infrastructure and site plan shall be represented graphically, with at least two (2) conceptual design alternatives included. Drawings shall include detail that conveys the location, type, scale, mass and style of the recommended concepts. Also included shall be engineering and elevation drawings showing sample infrastructure (including a rail spur) and architecture and features inserted into the surrounding neighborhood, representing the sense of scale and the potential visual impact (“wow” factor). 3. Financial Feasibility Study Conduct cost/benefit analyses for at least two alternatives developed through the completion of Tasks 1 and 2 and additional information as appropriate; Include cost estimates for the proposed alternatives and a pro forma analysis for each, with a minimum ten-year projection. Assumptions made in each pro forma (absorption rates, lease rates, sale prices, construction and operating costs, income and sources, etc.) shall be documented, tying the assumptions with the findings from the earlier components of the development study. Straight-line projections, unsupported by the market analysis, are unacceptable. 4. Scheduling In the context of the overall project, provide advice and direction on the timing of additional work on the Mandeville Properties Land Use Planning Project not included in the scope of work (i.e., Existing Conditions Report, Phase 1 Environmental Assessment and a Draft Agreement between the City and DNRC) which will inform and support the conclusions forwarded in the Final Report and recommendations. 5. Final Report Prepare final report and recommendations for consideration by the City and DNRC in consultation with MDOC. Proposal Requirements: Proposals must provide a clear and concise demonstration of the respondent’s capability to satisfy the requirements and objectives of this RFP. Proposals should not be elaborate or costly, but should be prepared in a professional manner. Unique capabilities or advantages of the respondents should be clearly stated in the proposal. Proposals may include any background or other information the respondent feels is necessary, and must include at a minimum the response requirements listed in this RFP. Page 5 of 7 All proposals must contain the following information: 1. Project management plan, including a description of proposed methods for successfully fulfilling the Scope of Services; 2. General time schedule, including start and completion dates for each of the items enumerated in the above Scope of Services; 3. Designated project manager and primary point of contact (if other than the project manager) including brief Statement(s) of Qualifications (SOQ) and description(s) of their experience with the firm; 4. A brief SOQ (not to exceed three, single-spaced pages) specifically addressing the consultant’s qualifications for this specific project. Include a description of relevant project experience, with contact information for each project discussed; 5. At the discretion of the firm, a company brochure; 6. A minimum of three (3) references from projects of a similar nature completed within the past three years; 7. Signed affirmation (see page seven (7) of this document); and 8. Projected total fee for services, including hourly rates or contingent fees, if applicable. The total proposed cost must include all anticipated costs including all reimbursables, (e.g. travel, communications, lodging, per diem, copying, etc.) and not exceed the total project budget of $50,000 outlined above. Evaluation Criteria: Respondents to the RFP shall be evaluated on specific criteria, including total costs. The contract offer will be based on qualifications, responsiveness and capacity to complete the project within budget and on time. Factors include: 1. The qualifications of the professional personnel to be assigned to the project (20%); 2. The Consultant’s capability to meet time and project budget requirements (20%); 3. Location of consulting firm (10% scored as follows: firms with a home address or satellite office located within 50 miles of project site will receive the full 10%; firms located more than 50 miles but within 200 miles of the project site will receive 5%; all others will be scored at 0%); 4. Present and projected workloads (up to 10% of total score based on how much time the consultant will have to devote to the project); 5. Related experience on similar projects (20%); 6. Recent and current work completed for the City OR DNRC (10%); 7. Quality of the proposal (10%); and 8. Cost: Any or all proposals may be rejected upon a determination of excessive cost to the City or DNRC. Otherwise, cost will be used as a tie-breaker. Selection of Finalists: At the City’s discretion, a selection of finalists to be interviewed may be made by a selection committee representing the City and DNRC, otherwise, the selection will be based on an evaluation of submittals provided in response to the RFP. The selection committee reserves the Page 6 of 7 right to award all or part of the work to the selected team. The selection committee also reserves the right to waive any irregularities in submittals, and/or to reject any and all proposals. Other Information: 1. The City will only make payments on the contract issued under this RFP after the work being billed has been completed, and will pay reimbursable expenses (if any) only upon receipt of an invoice for the reimbursable expenses. No advance payments will be made. 2. All drawings, reports, specifications and other documents produced under contract to the City must be submitted to the City in both hard copy, and a digital format accessible using Microsoft Office or Adobe products. EEO/ADA. The City of Bozeman makes reasonable accommodations for any known disability that may interfere with a responder’s ability to compete in the recruitment and selection process or a responder’s ability to perform the essential duties of the job. For the City to consider any such accommodation, the applicant must make known any needed accommodation. The City of Bozeman does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability in employment or the provision of services. This policy does not preclude discrimination based upon bona fide occupational qualifications or other recognized exceptions under the law. Discrimination in the performance of any contract awarded under this Request for Qualifications and Proposals on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability is prohibited. This prohibition shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the awarded entity’s employees and to all subcontracts. Every entity submitting under this Request for Qualifications and Proposals must sign and return the required affirmation found on page five of this Request. AFFIRMATION _______________________________________ [name of entity submitting] hereby affirms it will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability in the performance of work performed for the city of Bozeman, Montana, if a contract is awarded to it, and also recognizes the eventual contract, if awarded, will contain a provision prohibiting discrimination as described above and that this prohibition shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the _____________________________________ [name of entity submitting] employees and to all subcontracts it enters into in performance of the agreement with the City of Bozeman, Montana. ___________________________________ Page 7 of 7 Signature ___________________________________ Printed name and title of the person authorized to sign on behalf of the respondent