HomeMy WebLinkAbout11- Montana Trout Foundation Hydraulic Modeling of Bozeman Creek Project Grant Award M O N TA N A T R O U T U N D A T t Q N December 12, 2011 City of 13ozeman Att:ri: Ron Dingman Ld rector, Parks & Recreation Department PC) Box 1230 Bozeman, N11' 5ct 771 RE.:: GRANT APPLICATION — MONTANA TROUT FOUNDATION HYDRAULIC MODELING OF BOZEMAN CREEK PROJECT Dear. N1c . CiinyJnan: Thank you for submitting your recerft yxant applica-ion to the Montana Trout r'oundation �MTP) . :ach year the Voundat.i on receives many requests for funding and we are pieased to infor-rn you that the Board has concluded that your llydr.aulic Nlodel ir,q c,t Pc, eman Project has merit and wi 1 1 be offered a a_ r.ar t- r, t'EI: --amount of ti 10' 000. 00. Tit- 1 �)u idaLjon grat1L monies represent. only a pc;rt i on cl,, tl-I�, e 11 1 or your pro ec_t . !.hey are to he lased suit 1 'y icvr Lilr I."Jll: )�-,r•" a ie -L -Lied in your Cant Application ind 1-he f:tkv,:� h, iw'- n j'ci•, I S _,nrci f i ua) I condi ti oned upon, y�_ uU SE­cI.I ' 'Ig I ] 1 _:,JS (mat-ch 11,01 or Ot.herwlsE'i d-� cif--sc'r i Y-rci 1 n 'V') I :l l n to tnc Fr,_iroation. Should y01.1 rlcwt hr aric', t_o 1'(: - SSd'. y F JfidS f Jr your pro )crt, P i 1'-1- ` nt'D P4'4' t Ili r c� it .9.; Po`'S I n I.E'- so out ( _r Cis C:a1: r)e .. Sj Ci. r_'ro.-ject is not ert ! 11 Illlri t.h:. tlf :r tlaelve ( 12) -tJ-;, t,fljo Jar-iil1 N• ' Ion is ncA.l.f lt-.d in w, I.1 t";`t ;)i C'JI".'. ITISi-c,rIC;C_S whiCt:, in t.h^ discl L`i" I;Cldt ts)n, l^OU I :J Est 1 t V an exterlsi cn. 1Lease p row i ,ic wri '. Len con.f:i.rma on whet: your funding 114) -1 e atict you t ,, jec:ciy Lo proceed to: 1<�asi. 'rnr„ Kauttmar. & Mcrsen, P.C, A1-Ltn1irJn: MTF' GraJaL CommiLLee '116, Si,lJt li D 7lvenue, Sui tP 101 Bo,Zeinal,, MT 59 /18 Wtil tlien eiC:iVarc:c- 70°5 of the grant funds as set OY"Til }r! 111� PC) BOX 3165 • BOZEMAN. MONIANA • 5577? • VVWW.M(3NfANATRDUTNET i grant application. Within 30 days of compietion cf your project, submit, t,(D the same address, the following, and upon receipt we will pay the iemainirig 3[1`x. : - 1 ) A concluding report of expenditures and remaining fonds, if any; 2) A detailed evaluation of the project; and 3) A orie pazagraph abstract of the evaluation. The M'tF Board of Directors commends your efforts on this project and your- conunitrnent to preserving and protecting Lrout fisheri(-s in Montana for future generations. Very truly yours,/' Kent M. Kasting, Board Member Montana Trout Foundat ir.)n BMX/bas C- h1'I F Board Members