HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-18-11 Planning Board Minutes PLANNING BOARD MINUTES
Vice President McSpadden called the regular meeting of the Planning Board to order at 6:00 p.m.
in the Commission Meeting Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Avenue, Bozeman, Montana and
directed the secretary to take attendance.
Members Present: Staff Present:
Trever McSpadden, Vice President Tim McHarg, Planning Director
Jodi Leone Keri Thorpe, Assistant Planner
Eugene Graf Tara Hastie, Recording Secretary
Erik Garberg
Jeff Krauss
Members Absent: Guests Present:
Adam Fruh Erik Nelson
Ed Sypinski, President Jason Bacye
Bill Quinn
{Limited to any public matter within the jurisdiction of the Planning Board and not scheduled on
this agenda. Three-minute time limit per speaker.}
Seeing no general public comment forthcoming, Vice President McSpadden closed the public
comment portion of the meeting.
Vice President McSpadden stated the Board as a whole had intended to work on the items
scheduled for the evening's meeting. He suggested the Board should consider whether or not to
consider the items this evening with so many members of the Board absent.
Mr. Graf joined the Planning Board.
The Board decided to discuss the items.
MOTION: Mr. Krauss moved, Mr. Graf seconded, to approve the minutes of September 20,
2011 as presented. The motion carried 5-0. Those voting aye being Vice President
McSpadden, Ms. Leone, Mr. Garberg, Mr. Graf, and Mr. Krauss. Those voting nay being none.
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City of Bozeman Planning Board Minutes of October 18,2011.
1. North 7th Avenue Urban Renewal Plan Implementation (Thorpe)
Assistant Planner Keri Thorpe stated she was representing the North 7th Board (NSURB) with
regard to the items they would like to discuss with the Planning Board. She stated she assists the
North 7th Urban Renewal Board with their plan implementation. She stated the Planning Board
had offered their assistance with the plan implementation by supporting the streamlined review
process. She stated Staff and the NSURB were having to grapple with inconsistencies in Planning
documents. These items are included on the list submitted to the Board members in their packet
materials. She directed the Board to an aerial photo of the district and its boundary. She stated
she and NSURB member Susan Riggs prepared the list and could point out what the NSURB
thought needed additional discussion.
Vice President McSpadden stated there were some really great examples of situations contained
in the information but he thought the discussion might be better served by full membership of the
Planning Board.
Mr. Krauss stated the district had suggested removal of DRB and Certificate of Appropriateness
review if the proposal met the district plan criteria. He stated it might eliminate two steps going
through review. Planner Thorpe stated elimination of the COA process would lead to naming it
something else; she added she did not know how much the Urban Renewal Board wanted to
participate in the review process as it would add a review process. Vice President McSpadden
stated Planner Thorpe had kind of touched on the difficulties with bullet point #10 from the
memo. He suggested the idea of stripping review requirements from the process might facilitate
development within the district. Director McHarg responded he did not think it was necessarily
strip away part of the review process but rather pulling specific pieces of the requirements out and
codifying them as a separate zoning district. Vice President McSpadden stated he agreed with
Mr. McHarg and suggested removing hurdles during stages of review. Planner Thorpe responded
she thought it would be possible to remove the pertinent sections from the Design Objectives Plan
and including it in the District Plan; the presumption was that the Design Objectives Plan would
still be in place and would still be used. Director McHarg added that Staff would administer the
new requirements and if relief or additional density were sought another review process would
kick in; compliance could be procedurally incentivized. Mr. Garberg clarified that the intent of
the zoning district would be moved to the district plan and asked how one would be moved to the
other. Mr. McHarg responded the District Plan was really a subarea plan and would be easier to
codify as some of the requirements were specific to North 7th Avenue and there was a lot more
detail that the Growth Policy; the big picture plan would be to use this as an experiment that
could be replicated in other parts of town.
President McSpadden stated it sounded like where Staff would like to see the experiment go
would be to essentially create a checklist for the applicant that would be a hybrid COA application
and provided there were no variances from the checklist, Staff would verify the criteria had been
met and the proposal would be approved. Director McHarg responded that a good example was
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City of Bozeman Planning Board Minutes of October 18,2011.
the Aaron's store on North 7th Avenue which had gone through the Administrative Review
Process. Vice President McSpadden stated his worry that all the issues would not be caught.
Director McHarg responded Staff would go through the Goldilocks process; Staff would need to
earn the right to review more controversial projects that the community might want to participate
in. Vice President McSpadden responded some of the responsibility would fall to the review
entity. Director McHarg concurred with Vice President McSpadden and cited the Verizon cell
tower proposal that the City Commission had reclaimed review jurisdiction for when the proposal
was an Administrative Project Review.
Mr. Krauss stated an item that would be easily identified would be parking on the street and in the
neighborhoods; he suggested establishing relaxations for such things as how many parking spots
could be counted on the street. He stated there were a lot of places like N. 7th that were far
worse; full of abandoned strip malls and car dealerships. He suggested elimination of curb cuts,
parking incentives, etc. should be included.
Planner Thorpe cited the Little Brown House as an example which was an instance of ADA
Accessibility and fagade improvements; there had been two deviations identified that were minor,
one of which was the ramp, which added a review step and could have been approved
administratively. Director McHarg stated the B-2 zoning district was very generic and was
intended for new development; the zoning district did not have either dimensional or procedural
standards that were realistic in an infill context. He stated the design intent of the district could be
finalized to recognize that there were unusual site constraints.
Mr. Garberg clarified that Staff was suggesting moving things like ADA requirements to an
administrative decision. Planner Thorpe responded that Mr. Garberg was correct and added
NSURB had already implemented a funding method for incentivizing development in the area.
Vice President McSpadden asked how much input from the NSURB would they be willing to
provide. Director McHarg responded Mrs. Riggs would be an asset as she has a planning
background and the other members had varying professions; he suggested a subcommittee from
the Urban Renewal Board could be formed to create a bridge to the Planning Board and then the
public would be notified of the process for their participation. Planner Thorpe responded the she
and Engineer Dustin Johnson handled the NSURB pretty well and noted she did not think they
would want to form a subcommittee, but would rather all be involved in the process. Vice
President McSpadden suggested educating the NSURB so they didn't get bogged down in some
of the details.
Mr. Krauss stated Planner Thorpe had a good idea with regard to Deviation requests and
suggested Staff could approve deviations caused by ADA requirements; he did not think they
would need a whole set of criteria for those requests and suggested a short set of rules for the
whole area to lessen the perceived risk. He stated that rarely would a site be perfect on an infill
development. He suggested explaining this to people on West Main Street might also incentivize
that area. Vice President McSpadden stated the success of these changes could be profound City
wide; he stated it was a great testing ground but his worry was that it would become too
complicated and would not succeed.
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City of Bozeman Planning Board Minutes of October 18,2011.
Mr. Garberg stated he liked suggestion 94 regarding stormwater. Director McHarg stated it
would be tough to pull off, but it was the best way to go. Mr. Garberg responded there were be a
lot more State and Federal agencies that would have to buy into the recommendation. Director
McHarg responded that perhaps a grant for a study might be available.
Vice President McSpadden stated that the proposed list was a good start and suggested future
discussions might clarify items.
Mr. Krauss clarified that some development might require review beyond administrative based on
site conditions. Director McHarg responded Mr. Krauss was correct. Vice President McSpadden
responded deviation requests were the problem. Director McHarg added that the allowable uses
for the new district should also be reviewed. Vice President McSpadden suggested the Board
move on to item#2.
2. Northeast Urban Renewal Plan Implementation(Nelson)
Erik Nelson addressed the Planning Board noting he was attending on behalf of the Northeast
Urban Renewal Board and district. He stated the elements as identified were almost identical to
those identified for the N. 7th District and were attempting to incentivize infill development. He
suggested using the existing NEHMU District ordinance language to modify the district and make
it more specific to conditions as they exist on the ground. He stated the idea was either the
removal or renovation of the COA application process and the modification of the HMU zoning
district to be more specific to the Northeast District. He stated the required setbacks were a large
issue and added to the cost of people doing development there; their dollars could be spent more
effectively in design.
Mr. Garberg asked where the 20 foot setback requirement came from. Mr. Nelson responded the
mixed use nature of the neighborhood had been identified and they had attempted to provide a
greater distance between industrial and residential uses. Director McHarg added the scale of the
use could be broken down as well; gradients of use could be identified and specified in the
language so that a deviation didn't need to be requested.
Mr. Nelson stated some of the Northeast District sat inside a true Historic District; the idea
preservation of historic districts would have a greater level of review and other locations the
expedited review. Director McHarg stated Staff was not certain where future historic districts
would be located so they had erred on the side of caution; the inventory had not been updated and
future historic districts had not yet been identified.
Mr. Krauss stated he had always thought the Northeast part of town was where one would find
many of the home based businesses and asked if people who lived there liked that or not. Mr.
Nelson responded those uses were occurring and the Urban Renewal Board liked it. They had
gone through the process of relocating a shipping company and people in the neighborhood had
not liked that business that much; there was a unique balance. He added that allowing the things
that were fiscally sound to remain would be a good idea and suggested a natural evolution would
be best for the District. He stated if some Urban Renewal Board members were asked what they
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City of Bozeman Planning Board Minutes of October 18,2011.
would like to see in their neighborhood, they would say nothing. Mr. Krauss stated if"nothing"
was applied to the Depot, it would be an egregious thing. Mr. Nelson agreed with Mr. Krauss
though he thought there was a sympathetic ear with how uses were balanced by both the City
Commission and the Planning Department.
Mr. Nelson stated he thought it was okay to have parking on the street and noted it helped slow
traffic; he suggested allowing parking to be counted on street would help to incentivize
development in the district. He stated the Urban Renewal Board was currently reviewing street
standards to provide a launch point for street standards within the District. Mr. Krauss stated he
was not certain a natural evolution would provide for something like the Depot. Mr. Nelson
responded the Urban Renewal Board was currently discussing pre-leases but he did not see how
that would be affected by the ordinance. Mr. Krauss responded it would take someone's
investment and the City would have to take away some of the risks for them. Mr. Nelson stated
the Brewery Wall had been the elephant in the room for the Northeast Urban Renewal Board; it
was unrealistic to ask for relief from the public side. Mr. Krauss stated people probably got the
wrong idea about the Brewery and it had been sitting and rotting before the wall was left. Mr.
Nelson suggested the infill development standards would be applicable to the area and those
standards would not pull away from the ordinance language.
Mr. Nelson stated that when a single development came in, it would not impact the district, but a
larger development had a greater impact. Mr. Garberg suggested removing asphalt from the cost
of a developer would be a huge relief and suggested investigating those avenues.
Vice President McSpadden asked if it would be possible for Mr. Nelson, Engineer Johnson, and
the Urban Renewal Board could run through the HMU zoning district and make
recommendations that would identify particular standards within the zoning district that were
relevant to the district. Director McHarg suggested they would take a look at the language and
had the Urban Renewal Board review the language and provide their recommendations. Vice
President McSpadden responded that the existing standards could be used to identify standards
that might be better for the district and provide a unique zoning district. Mr. Nelson stated there
were items that could be easily amended, but street standards and code provisions might be more
difficult to sort out. Director McHarg suggested it would be a good idea to provide the City
Commission with these ideas to get an idea of where their priorities lie.
Vice President McSpadden asked if there would be an opportunity for the Planning Board to help
with those amendments. Director McHarg suggested the Planning Board should forward
recommendations of what they would like to see Planning Staff working on. Mr. Nelson asked if
the new district boundaries and other items should just be proposed. Planner Thorpe suggested
contacting the property owners first. Director McHarg stated he thought it was great for each
advisory board to have an annual goal setting process and he thought the City Commission would
be enthusiastic in their reception of those recommendations. Vice President McSpadden
responded the Commission would need to make the project a priority.
Mr. Garberg stated that the undertaking would have no value if the neighborhood did not want to
participate. Mr. Graf suggested it would be helpful if the Urban Renewal Board could create a
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City of Bozeman Planning Board Minutes of October 18,2011.
list of the changes to determine which would benefit the City more than it would hinder
development. Mr. Nelson responded it might be difficult to determine why development had not
occurred. Vice President McSpadden responded the current parking issue would be important.
Director McHarg responded that if the parking situation were not a problem, someone might still
not want the proposed use next to them. Mr. Graf stated he did not think the Urban Renewal
Board should identify whether or not the issues would be beneficial to the City and instead let the
elected officials make that decision. Director McHarg responded the northeast district had not
indicated that they wanted to pursue what Mr. Graf was suggesting and noted the northeast
district was different than the N. 7th district. Mr. Nelson responded they could pick a few things,
clean up the boundary, address setbacks, etc., and then identify the more difficult battles at a later
date. Mr. Garberg stated consensus was much more difficult to generate with the northeast
district than with other districts and asked what Mr. Nelson wanted from the Planning Board.
Mr. Nelson responded the charge of the Planning Board would be to consider the differences in
the older parts of town and provide recommendations for incentivizing development in those
areas; he thought the Urban Renewal Board could tackle some of the issues which might throw
the wheels off the bus immediately.
Mr. Nelson stated it was frustrating as the review processes were not clear. Mr. Krauss
responded the review procedures for the Urban Renewal Board was a state requirement.
Director McHarg stated the Board should have received an announcement that there are
significant changes to the ordinance due to codification; he mentioned there would be training
sessions November 8, 15, 22, and 29, 2011 during the noon hour and would be held in the City
Commission Meeting Room. He stated he thought the training sessions would be valuable.
Director McHarg stated a policy discussion had been held with the City Commission regarding a
series of process changes with regard to the Board of Adjustment; he stated the process
discussions with the Northeast and N. 7th District would be tied into the policy discussions
regarding Administrative approval of proposals.
Director McHarg stated there was an upcoming Commission policy discussion regarding the
Huffme Corridor Study which will be discussed at the November 7, 2011 meeting and suggested
those interested in participating were welcome to attend.
Seeing there was no further business before the Planning Board, Vice President McSpadden
adjourned the meeting at 7:39 p.m.
Trever McSpadden, Vice President Tim McHarg, Planning Director
Planning Board Planning & Community Development
City of Bozeman City of Bozeman
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City of Bozeman Planning Board Minutes of October 18,2011.