HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2542 Establishing uniform policy for issuance of IDR bond: 2-11-85 ~~ --....- ... .!!!J!>o' . ,. ' COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2542 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, ESTABLISHING A UNIFORM POLICY FOR THE REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS, DEVELOPMENT OF GUIDELINES AND PROVIDING FOR APPLICATION AND ISSUANCE FEES FOR ALL PROJECTS EXCEPT MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING FOR WHICH INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS MAY BE ISSUED. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, wishes to establish a mechanism for review of applications for Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (IDRB's); and WHEREAS, housing projects are distinct from the other projects authorized and may be subject to somewhat different review guidelines which are being developed and will be adopted separately; and WHEREAS, certain practices, procedures and guidelines for review have been developed over the time of previous reviews and as a result of experience in that process. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana: A. The general guidance as to review of all project applications except those for mUlti-family housing shall be adopted as follows: 1. It shall be the policy and intent of the City of Bozeman to promote clean industry; develop trade or other economic activity by inducing for-profit or not-for-profit corporations, partnerships or organizations to locate, expand or remain in the City of Bozeman or its environs; secure and maintain a balanced and stable economy; and to maintain and enhance the community's natural amenities. 2. All proposals shall meet and comply with all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations. ......."-</' . 3. All proposed projects shall be of a type which contribute in a significant manner to the long- range economic needs of the community; e.g., provide an increase in primary jobs, increase the tax base available to the City and generate a business that benefits the community. 4. All proposed projects shall meet the same financial criteria generally required by the financial community. 5. All proposed projects shall be supported by an opinion from a duly qualified investment banker and/or bond counsel that the project is marketable and falls within the intent and meaning of the provisions for Industrial Development Revenue Projects found in Section 90-50-101, et seq., M.C.A., as amended. 6. Prior to placing a request before the City Commission the applicant(s) must be current on all amounts due the City, including property taxes and assessments. B. Those guidelines shall be supplemented and enlarged by the following evaluation guidelines: 1. IDRB's are not to be authorized only to give the applicant access to lower interest rates. 2. The application must demonstrate significant benefit from the project. These benefits must be specifically identified in the application and will be evaluated by the City in light of the needs of the community. Significant public benefit including preservation of natural amenities must be demonstrated. -2- ";.....r- .'....~,.. .. . 3. Importing of capital investment from outside sources will be a consideration. 4. Preference will be given to types of businesses which will add new or expanded payrolls and add to tax base without undue requirements upon public facilities. The applicant shall show that the project will create permanent new jobs, not just new jobs during construction. 5. Industrial Development Revenue bonds will also be considered for expansion of existing local businesses. 6. Preference will be given to clean manufacturing, research and technical development projects which have a significant impact on the financial health of the community, and to agriculture-related projects or cooperatives which will assist in stabilizing and maintaining the agricultural base. All projects must provide a comprehensive statement regarding environmental impacts the City must be aware of. 7. Preference may be given to projects locating in a desired redevelopment area. 8. A specific site must be secured before an inducement resolution is acted upon. c. Fees. 1. An application fee of $500 for Industrial Revenue Development Bonds shall be submitted with each application and is nonrefundable. 2. The issuance fee will be based on the gross proceeds from the sale of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds as follows: -3- - ~, ----...:-:-_,.~,-~- ~,IJ 'It I...... II $0 through $500,000 1.00 percent Additional fee for $500,000.01 through $1,000,000 .75 percent $1,000,000.01 and greater .50 percent 3. The application fee shall be deposited to the General Fund. The issuance fee shall be deposited to the Capital Improvements Fund. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular and stated session of said City Commission, held on the 11th day of February 1985. ~~ .. ..... t.\~.1 __r - KE 'i::TH L.~VE~ MAYOR- ATTEST: f~J~ RO IN L. SULLIVAN CLERK OF THE CITY COMMISSION ,. 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