HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2993 Extend the Boundaries, survey 157 and 157A, 12.333 acresCOMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2993 /\ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OFTHE CITY OFBOZEK8AN. MONTANA, DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEK8A0' THE INHABITANTS THEREOF AND THE INHABITANTS QFA TRACT OF LAND CONTIGUOUS TO SAID CITY (JFBOZEMA0' AND HEREIN MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED, TO EXTEND THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY QFBOZEKxANSOASTQINCLUDE SAID CONTIGUOUS TRACT WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS THEREOF. WHEREAS, there has been presented to the City Commission of the City of Bozeman u written application from Montana Power Company and Mergenthaler Transfer on behalf of 8ay| Family Trust, in oan* of Keith Bey[, and Patricia Hash, owners of the tracts sought to be annexed herein, requesting the City Commission to extend the boundaries of the City of Bozeman so as to include vvbh|n the boundaries ofthe City of Bozeman, Montana o certain contiguous tracts of land more commonly located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Griffin Drive and Manley Road, and is immediately south of the East Gallatin Recreation Park and also is known on the former Bozeman Sand and Gravel site; and WHEREAS, the legal description of this contiguous tract, in an follows: Two tracts of land being a portion of Certificate of Survey Nn. 157, and Certificate of Survey No. 157A, located in the Southwest one-quarter of Section 31, Township 1 South, Range G East, KA.P.M., Gallatin County, Montana; and WHEREAS, these tracts contains approximately 12.833 acres ofland; and WHEREAS' the obuvo'd000r|bodtrac\m are the subject ofa plat(s) nrCortifioote(u) of Survey, filed in the nfMna of the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder's Office; and WHEREAS, an annexation staff report has been prepared and submitted to the Commission; and WHEREAS, the Commission has duly reviewed and considered said vvrKtom annexation staff report; and WHEREAS, prior to annexation, an agreement between the City and the owners of said tract addressing inxuou that are in the bnn1 interests of the City of Bozeman, such as, but not limited to, rights of way, easements, traffic signals, water rights or cash-in-lieu, waivers of right to protest creation of S|D'u' and water and navvnr hookup fees, to said contiguous tracts and other parcels directly affected or impacted by this annexation, shall be fully executed; and - C - rueJja eqj nu eq Uequ uo!oyyuu/n3 /%q3 ocAjolio|3 eq4Aq u8AI8 eq cqnoijom aql t, UOI138S le'mwazog jo Aj!3oL41 jomopepunnqpuesl!w!|ejejodi000qj u!qqxxpeoejqmneqnlPue|jo slowed *qlIw*/nwujodedyxxouoqj 1@|o!uojq3 6|!oO unmozn8 oq1 ui pe4o!|qnd oq cumu!jnu u eunm3 'q puoIpaxauueaqnlcneulnnnnU|luoop!mnu!Auodoidoqi jopo*p jc4zneiluoujnpunsiaseqoondpuomouxxo Ile 'junuojnomo!lnuxai qu!qxx olooeoppe nq) nmpmmvo/ppe 'Ou!q/xx u! Aj!lnu Alnum!pnmm| 'e :Ue4» u»|o»!mm»3 A4!3 »4l j» li«|3 eql ''V'J'KV 'Z LCt-Z'L un!j»»8 »l luenmn6 C s01100S p/ooq eq Uymkuodmid eqi4m uoijnxeuoe oqi cl pevoddo )o/oJoxeJ u1 a1u*mm00 qqqmzn oon|dpuonmpoqinepajouO�napAqmoqsi ' owes oqzpuooq''m'dO0lza`kG8L j*qm»ldeS 4n 6ep qi9 eql uo Aqo p!ny jo 8uip|!n8 |odio!mnyU oql ui u/uoU ucVnmpwmc):) *qz u! P|o4 aqc4'aoe1uoyV'uemnzo81nAq2eq1 jnuo|oo!uumooaqi jnun!nnoojn|nuouoqljo4l Z o0113nas m4jo sj!myajemdjoo puosoijepunoqmAu|ql!AA paqljmmpmolaqu!ajaq 13ail snon5ijuoo mil opn|nu| cu ea nu popuoixe oq unmozog 10 AID p!as jo uopnpunoq oqi npqp ioa4 snnnO|luoop!nojoe4unqqeum!mqiynpue/oauoqiolueqqnqu!o4lpueueuugzo8jn^aDoq|}o s4000eju!Iaeqnqiu(n!4leql'10n4o4l10 mIop|uqe040(41pueuomozug 10 AID nqpueemumq juamoeuDn |enlnm ejo jua(qna oqjoq U!x^ poq!/omop eoc4oqu!ojuq joo4omon0guoo oqi cl seo!x/ooeqlJoun!n!ooudoq1veq;mo!qpuooaqjoalouklna'pmun|oepAqejaqo|4Imql L U?)!j3qS :euezunyV'uomezo8 10 643 oqj 10 un|ao|mmuD 6l!Z/ n41 Aq 03&lOS3U 11 38 '91UO:158311HIl '88ON ajolaclutaiaLl puu|jo joeil snonOqum p!esolanjou|oi su osuemazog 1a ATM *�����n� nq1puouxeolpeqpouapouc4equ!mo4jop4vnon6!luoneq1 joolunilqaqu!nqpjopuajnounq; m«uen!qnqu|nqjpueueu/ozu8j«Al!3eqj j«slnauelu!Ieeqe4ju!oAU!^«q'8hBH]H8A that such resolution has been duly and legally passed' and that the Clerk of the City Commission will /ona|ve written expressions of approval or disapproval of the proposed extension of the boundaries of the City of Bozeman from freeholders of the territory proposed to be embraced therein, and that the written expressions, if any, must be filed with the Clerk ufthe City Commission not later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 30, 1834. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission uf the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 1st day of August 1994. F—A-1111110fts ROBIN LSUU]VAN Clerk of the Commission JOHN VINCENT Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: PAUL J. City Attor Oey -3-