HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-24-11 Minutes, City Commission LINKED MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA October 24,, 2011 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in the Commission Room, City Hall at 121 North Rouse on Monday, October 24, 2011. Present were Mayor Jeff Krauss, Commissioner Cyndy Andrus, Commission Sean Becker, Commissioner Chris Mehl and Commissioner Carson Taylor, City Manager Chris Kukulski, Finance Director Anna Rosenberry, City Attorney Greg Sullivan and City Clerk Stacy Ulmen. **Please refer to the audio recording of this meeting for additional detail. 0,16:35 A. Call to Order—5 p.m.—Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Mayor Krauss called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m. 0:16:51 B. Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence 0:17:39 Welcome Mayor Krauss welcomed everyone to the meeting. 0:18:25 C. Changes to the Agenda Mayor Krauss asked City Manager Chris Kukulski if there were any changes to the agenda. Mr. Kukulski stated no. 0:18:32 D. Work Session -Joint Meeting with Associated Students of Montana State University (ASMSU) The Commission and ASMSU spoke regarding Streamline including late night service, ASMSU representation on the Streamline Board, bus shelters and signage. They also discussed parking including ticketing and a possible program for parking in the Parking Garage on the weekends. Discussion took place regarding recycling and the urge for more of a consolidated effort along with safety in regards to apartments. ASMSU and the Commission agreed to hold continued meetings. Page 1 of 7 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission,October z42011 1:31:53 Break Mayor Krauss declared a break. 1:48:40 Meeting called back toorder. Mayor Krauss called the meeting back toorder. 1:48:44 E. Minutes—August 29, 2011 1:48:49 Motion and Vote to approve the minutes from August 29th as submitted. It was moved by Cr. Andrus, seconded by Cr. Mehl to approve the minutes from August 29th as submitted. Those voting A Crs. Andrus, Mehl, Becker, Taylor and Mayor Krauss. ye beinL Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 1:49:03 F. Consent 1. Authorize Payment Vf Accounts Payable Claims (LaK4erex) 2. Authorize City Manager to Reject Bids for Downtown Bozeman Streetscape and Alley Improvements Project anddinactotafftn re-bid the project tn include only Rouse and Bozeman Avenue sidewalk and street light improvements and authorize the City Streets Division to complete the alley improvements with associated costs paid from the HUD Special Project Grant (Johnson) 3. Authorize City Manager to sign Encroachment Agreement for 715 East Cottonwood Street(Kerr) 4. Authorize City Manager to sign Public Access Easement for LJHaul property fronting North 7th Avenue for the Installation nf Public Sidewalk Uohnsnn\ 5. Approve Resolution No.4349, Ratifying City Manager's signature on Change Order No. 8 for the Bozeman Water Reclamation Facility, Phase 1 Improvements (Arke|V) 6. Approve Buttrey's Solvent Site Cost Recovery payment in the amount of$9,320,79 (Cooper) 7. Approve reclaiming review ofthe Billion Plaza |U Nissan Dealership Sign Variance Application per Section 18.64.010 C.1 of the Bozeman Municipal Code and further set a public hearing date of November 7. 2011 for Formal Consideration of the Application (Riley) D. Accept report detailing the Financial and Workload Position of the Building Inspection Division for the Month of September, Fiscal Year lQ1Z (Riyk) 9. Acknowledge Receipt of the Building Inspection 1st Quarter Fiscal Year 2012 report (Risk) 10. Finally Adopt Ordinance No. 1Q17, amending Chapter 14, Section 14.01.13Q(,ofthe Bozeman Municipal Code, pertaining to the Reassignment Of Interest Earnings From The Perpetual Care Trust Fund /Rosenberpy> Page 2nf7 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission,October 24,2011 1:49:09 Public Comment on Consent Agenda Mayor Krauss opened public comment on the Consent Agenda. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment on the Consent Agenda. 1:49:39 Motion and Vote to approve Consent Items F. 1-10 inclusive. It was moved ky Cr. Mehl, seconded by Cr. Becker to approve Consent Items F. 1-10 inclusive. Those voting Ale being Crs. Mehl, Taylor and Andrus. Those voting No being Mayor Krauss. The motion passed 4-1. 1:50:03 G. Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. 1:50:31 Joanna C Shern,Public Comment Ms. Shern of 715 North Montana spoke regarding the Carnegie parking lot stating that it is not the best spot for a hotel. Please do not take away convenient parking. 1.51:53 Public Comment closed Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 1:51:57 H. Special Presentations 1:52:01 1. Fiscal Year 2012 Gallatin City-County Health Department Budget(Matt Kelley, Health Officer) Mr. Kelly gave the presentation for the Fiscal Year 2012 Gallatin City-County Health Department Budget. 2:24:27 2. Insurance Service Office, Inc. Analysis Presentation (Shrauger/Kukulski) Mr. Kukulski gave the presentation regarding the Insurance Service Office, Inc. Analysis, The City's classification has improved. 2:35:33 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. Page 3 of 7 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission,October 24,2011 2,35:411. Action Items 2:35:42 1. Final approval of the Carnegie parcels Request for Proposals (RFP) and determination of a public release date for the RFP for the Construction of a Full-Service Hotel with Meeting Facilities in Downtown Bozeman, Montana on the Carnegie Parcels Located at 106 East Mendenhall Street (Fontenot) Mr, Fontenot gave the staff presentation regarding the Final approval of the Carnegie parcels Request for Proposals (RFP) and determination of a public release date for the RFP for the Construction of a Full-Service Hotel with Meeting Facilities in Downtown Bozeman, Montana on the Carnegie Parcels Located at 106 East Mendenhall Street. 2:36:07'Motion to postpone the release of the RFP 3 months to January 2012. (It would come back to the Commission at that time). It was moved by Cr. Becker, seconded b j Cr. Taylor to postpone the release of the RFP 3 months to January 2012. (It would come back to the Commission at that time). 2:37:13 Commission Discussion on the Motion The Commission discussed not having any other applications or proposals, possible private sector proposals in the area, the continuation of the process, deferring to a date certain and listening to the private sector. 2:53:28 Friendly Amendment to define a date certain of January 23rd. Cr. Becker and Cr. Taylor agreed to define a date certain of January 23rd in the motion. 2:53:39 Vote on the Motion to postpone the release of the RFP 3 months to January 23rd, 2012. (It would come back to the Commission at that time). Those voting Ave being Crs. Becker, Taylor, Andrus, Mehl and Mayor Krauss. Those voting N�o being none. The motion passed 5-0. 2,53:49 Break Mayor Krauss declared a break. 3:05:05 Meeting Called back to order Mayor Krauss called the meeting back to order. 3:05:10 2. Consideration of possible change of percentage collected of cost of service for Transportation Impact Fees (Saunders) Page 4 of 7 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission,October 24,2011 3:05:27 Chris Saunders, Assistant Planning Director Mr. Saunders gave the staff presentation regarding the consideration of possible changes of percentage collected of cost of service for Transportation Impact Fees. 3:06:26 Commission Questions for Staff The Commission and Staff discussed increases in property tax levy's, the Impact Fee Advisory Committee meeting times and tasks, maps, street impact fees, transportation related expenses, growth increases and the increase to the tax base of the City, Street Maintenance paid out of the General Fund, capacity expansion, raising of property fees, special assessments for arterials and the Billings example, the old part of town, gas tax, the State rules on transportation and requirements of street systems around developments. 3.55:56 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment, 3:56:06 David Graham,Public Comment Mr. Graham stated that he is the President of the South West Montana Building Industry Association(SWMBIA). Mr. Graham stated that growth should pay its fair share. He spoke regarding the request for the reduction in lowering impact fees. He stated that the impact fees have been too high for 4 years because they were based on a flawed study. He spoke regarding alternatives, urban sprawl, carbon emissions, and added that impact fees are an aggressive tax and economic development. 4:00:19 Richard Mayo,Public Comment Mr. Mayo stated that he is the President of Gallatin Association of Realtors, They support reduction of Impact Fees. He spoke regarding economic recovery. He spoke regarding the expense of Bozeman's impact fee rates and that they are 5 years old. 4:04:12 Steve Kirchoff,Public Comment Mr. Kirchoff stated that demand is down. Impact fees have been in place since 1996 and they have worked. Do not weaken it. He spoke regarding the recent economy, 4:07:26 Brian Popiel, Public Comment Mr. Popiel of 1411 South Rouse stated that he believes in Impact fees. He spoke regarding the background. Things are different today. Impact fees are a cost of doing business. He spoke regarding cost differences. Page 5 of 7 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission,October 24,2011 4:10:43 Ed Adamson,Public Comment Mr. Adamson with Bozeman Building Traditions stated that as a builder he would like to see costs go down. He is also a citizen of this City. There is a nexus. He spoke regarding the Impact on the construction industry and suggested that we keep what we got. In his opinion timing is the biggest problem. Don't make builders pay the fees up front. Look at the structure of how impact fees are approached. 4:13:53 Anders Lewendal,Public Comment Mr. Lewendal of 711 North Black stated that has built over 100 homes in Bozeman since 1997. He spoke regarding the cost of doing business and the nature of impact fees. He urged the Commission to look at appropriate fees. 4,17.04 Rob Evans, Public Comment Mr. Evans stated that he is the Vice Chair for SWMBIA and is on the Impact fee Advisory Board.Not putting enough effort on deferred maintenance. It is not a strong position to have all your eggs in one basket. 4:19:12 Public Comment Closed Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 4:19:20 Commission Discussion The Commission discussed the term handouts, how to equitability pay, some of the impact fee projects, the fact that all share in the cost of the roads,paying the way, costs of putting the costs on new people, the roundabout, the need to look an equitable way of doing this, the need for the whole City to bear the costs, the need for the new study to explore all of the options, census figures, current housing starts, property tax,the requirement to review Impact Fees, the breakdown of construction seasons, impact fees as a tool for making the community work, predictability, flexibility, addressing equities,paying for growth, the need for a more diverse economy, the absorption of existing supply, timing, increase in industry, subsidizing, the sense of community, the things that growth has paid for and that making a quick change in policy for a couple months is not appropriate action tonight. The Commission generally agreed to wait until the Study that is in process is brought before them. 5:16:07 Rules Suspended Mayor Krauss suspended the rules for 15 minutes. 5:21:04 3. Appointment to the Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board (Kissel) 5:21:10 Motion and Vote to appoint Allen Steckmest as the Montana State University representative on the Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board. Page 6 of 7 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission,October 24,2011 It was moved by Cr. Taylor, seconded bY Cr. Mehito appoint Allen Steckmest as the Montana State University,representative on the Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisoa Board. Those voting Ale being Crs. Taylor, Mehl, Becker,Andrus and Mayor Krauss. Those votine No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 5:21:49 J. FYI/Discussion 5:21:55 1. No meeting on October 31 st. 5:22:17 2. Northern Rocky Economic District Meeting Mr. Fontenot gave a brief update on the last Northern Rocky Economic District Meeting. 5:24:10 3. Series of trainings on United Development Code Mr. Mcl-larg stated that Planning is hosting a series of trainings on United Development Code. 5:25:43 4. Western Montana Mental Health Facility Opening 5:26:51 5. Blackhawk 5:27:35 6. Right Now Technology Sale 5:29:05 K. Adjournment Meeting adj oumed at 10:1'9 p.m. B Jeff sssi yor O# ATTEST: tact'-1 ull ell, CNIC, Yty Clerk 1883 PREPARED BY: C C-)- �act' U�Jl jll,tMC, City Clerk Approved on b�P, IQ Qo I Page 7 of 7